Note: This is a catalog of the Wrenching News Auction of antique wrenches from the collection of Russ Marshall that was held in York, Nebraska on February 1, 2003. We did the catalog and web site and the late Tom Bailey and crew did the auctioneering.
Printed catalogs and Lists of Prices Realized are available from Don 'Bus' Haury - 7913 SW 24th, Halstead, KS, 67056 - 316-283-5876 or 316-284-7345 - Email
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Contact us if you want to dispose of your old wrenches (one or a collection). We have either managed or assisted with the sale of most of the major wrench collection that have been sold in the last several years. I am also available to advise and assist auctioneers who have old wrenches to auction.
For abbreviations used in this catalog Click Here
To search for a particular wrench or company (for example IHC, Deere, Coes, adj, etc,) use the find on this page in the edit menu. I have tried to list the company or companies associated with each wrench.
This auction listing page was created and is hosted by Don "Bus" Haury. Any questions or comments please go the The Wrenching News website at or email
Book Reference Key S & number is ALFRED SCHULZ'S - Antique & Unusual Wrenches
R & page No. is P.T. RATHBONE'S Book - The History of Old Time Farm Implement Companies & The Wrenches They Issued
For information on ordering P. T. Rathbone's wrench book: Click Here
1. Moline Drill / A763A - 8.5" mal (R332 L up 3 in 2) 2. Moline Drill / A1037 - 8.5" - mal (R332 L up 3) 3. K436 (Moline) - 9" DB end soc (R333 L dn 5) 4. Moline RD1975 - 18" mal (R333 R dn 8) 5. B319 (Moline) - 10" sliding handle tee (R332 R dn 5) 6. D203 (Moline) - 8" mal (R333 L dn 3)
Pictures 1 thru 6 ![]()
7. Sattley Mfg. Co. 1031 - 12 .5" mal (R413 R dn 3) 8. 1072 (Sattley) - 10.5" mal (R413 R dn 2) 9. J. M. Co. (Janesville Mach.) - 9.5"(R265 L dn 2) 10. C (Janesville Machine) - 7" mal (some pitting)R265 L dn 3) 11. Shares / N167 (Janesville Machine) -5.5" mal (some pitting) (R265 bot mid) 12. La Crosse Plow Co / K128 - 18" mal (R289 bot R) Pictures 7 thru 12 ![]()
13. La Crosse Plow Co K29 - 14" mal w/ruler & tear drop cutout (pitted) (not in Rathbone) 14. La Crosse Plow Co K29 - 14" mal w/ruler & square cutout (R289 R up 2) 15. K29 (La Crosse) - 14" mal w/ruler (R289 R up 3) 16. La Crosse / ND86 - 9" mal (R289 top L) 17. LAX Plow Co (La Crosse) - 9.5" mal (embossed) (R289 L dn 2) 18. LAX Plow Co (La Crosse) - 9.5" mal (indented) (R289 bot L) 19. 95 (La Crosse) - 9.5" mal (R289 top R) Pictures 13 thru 19 ![]()
20. American Harrow Co / Detroit Disc DD36 - 15" mal with spanner (R14 L in 2) 21. DD198 (Am. Harrow) - 14.5"(mal R14 R in 3) 22. American Harrow Co Det, Mich. / DD198 - 13.5" mal(R14 L) 23. G70 (Madison Plow) - 7" mal(R305 bot) 24. T (J D Tower) - 11" mal(R457 bot L) 25. Galloway - 8" DB open end (pitted)R197 dn 2) 26. Monarch 226 (Lisle Mfg Co) - cream separator w 4.5" mal tee(R297 bot) 27. Gendron Mfg Co - 4" mal(not in Rathbone) Pictures 20 thru 27 ![]()
28. Deere & Mansur Co / S51" - mal (light pitting) (R139) top R) 29. Z2 John Deere - 10.5" mal (repaired) (R133 L up 2) 30. Syracuse / Iron & Steel - 10" mal (R448 L dn 6) 31. Z2 Syracuse - 10.5" mal (one hammer) (R448 Lin 2 dn 5) 32. M14 (Deere) - 9.5" mal (R131 R up 2) 33. 375 (Marseilles Mfg Co / Deere) - 7 1.5" mal tee (pitted) (not in Rathbone) 34. W2 (Deere) - 9" mal(R130 L bot in 2) 35. D34 (Deere) - 9" mal (R131 L dn 4) 36. Deere C Pat Apr 28 1903 - 8.5" mal buggy w (R134 R up 2 in 4) Pictures 28 thru 36 ![]()
37. Ideal Anchor Buggy Co / B pat Apr 28 1903 - 81/2" mal buggy w (R19 top) 38. Ideal 7321A / pat Apr 28 1903 -8.5" mal buggy w (R246 top R) 39. L. Burg Mfg Co. Farmington IA. / 12 - 9.5" mal buggy w (R71) 40. Sechler Moline / 1 inch - 8" mal buggy R419 up 3\ 41. Baynes 263 - 8" mal buggy(repaired) (R43) 42. Gananoque Carriage Cp / G74 - 9" mal buggy (R198) 43. H. A. Muckle St Paul / S10 - 8" mal buggy (pitted) (R343) 44. O. R. Co Dayton O. E22 - 9.5" mal buggy (R356) 45. Staver - 9.5" mal buggy(R438) 46. Parry - 7" mal buggy w / whip holder (R372) Pictures 37 thru 46 ![]()
47. H. H. Babcock Co 28 - 9" mal (R36 up 2) 48. Miller's Vehicle Wrench / Patd Jan 27 91 1 - 9" mal buggy (R327 R in 4) 49. Miller's Vehicle Wrench / Patd Jan 27 91 - 9" mal buggy R327 R in 2 50. St Louis Wrench Co A / Patd Jan 27 - 91 - 7.5" mal buggy (R434 L) 51. Porter Pat Axle / 76 - 9" mal buggy (R383 top L) 52. Sheldon Axle Co / 154 - 9.5" mal buggy (not in Rathbone) 53. Sheldon Axle Co / 80 - 11" mal buggy (R423 bot in 5) 54. Sheldon axle Co / 79 - 10.75" mal buggy (R423) 55. Sheldon Axle Co / 66 - 10" mal buggy (R423 BL in 6) 56. Sheldon Axle Co / 76 - 9" mal buggy (R423 R in 2) Pictures 47 thru 56 ![]()
57. Remington / Pat May 21 1878 - 8.5" adj buggy (S226) 58. Patd May 22 1877 (Mitchell's pat) - 12" wh adj buggy w (crack in handle) (S211) 59. Goodell Co Antrim N. H. / Pat May 19 1861 - 9" wh qk adj buggy (S233) (R203) 60. Unmarked (American Wrench Co. Pat Sept 8, 1885) - 7" wh adj buggy (fluted wooden handle, rare size) (S231) 61. Unmarked (Miller Falls) - 8" adj buggy (S207) 62. Pat Nov 2 80 / A. Doten - 10" wh adj buggy (S204) 63. Kovar Patd 3-1-1910 - 9.5" adj wagon comb hammer, nail puller (hammer mushroomed) (S214) Pictures 57 thru 63 ![]()
64. Unmarked (Hartford Hardware Co, Tryon's pat) - 8.5" comb pipe, nut, buggy w (S1105) 65. Wizard Richards Mfg Co Aurora, ILL Pat May 21 07 - 8" adj ratchet w (S156 top) 66. 8 Inch Shark Pat Pendg Richards Mfg Co Aurora, ILL - 8" Qk Adj ali w (S23) 67. 12 Inch Shark Pat Pendg Richards Mfg Co Aurora, ILL - 12" qk adj ali w (tight crack adj lock lever) Note:This is
probably the exact wrench pictured in Schulz's book. It was purchased at Mr. Schutz's first auction, October
1994 at York, Nebraska) (S23)68. Pat Appl'd For - 10" self adj comb ali w, sc dr (S38) 69. Red Head Steel City Electric Co Patents Pending - 11.5" ali w (not in Schulz) 70. Belmont / 9 - 9.5" mal db end wing nut adj (one wing nut damaged) (S304) 71. Gearench Mfg Co Houston Texas Patented - 8" self adj pw (S671) Pictures 64 thru 71 ![]()
72. Unmarked (F W Russell Machine Co) - 8" qk adj wh mw (not listed) 73. Unmarked (Bornstein Patent) - db screw wh nw (S367) 74. Pat Sept 7 97 (Vandegrift pat) - 5.5" mal adj nw (S369) 75. Trimont Mfg Co / Trimo Size 6" Pat'd 12-19-1911 - 7" steel mw (S1101) 76. Pat Sept 1875 Reis'd June 1876 - 10.5" adj nw (pitted) (like S963) 77. Trimo Combination Wrench Pat Apld- 10" wh comb nw pw (rare Trimo with set screw) (cracked handle) (S579) 78. Shuster Speed Wrench 8" Pat'd Feb 2 1915 / Clip-Bar Mfg Co Philadelphia PA USA Drop Forged Steel USA - 8" ratchet action Crescent type (S530) 79. Lever Wrench The Lever Co NY Pat Appl'd for - 8" screw adj nw with adj lever (S509) 80. The Triplet Pat Applied For - 5.5" comb ali & nw (Stanley product) (S106 dn 2) Pictures 72 thru 80 ![]()
81. No 2 Bullard Wrench / Pat Oct 27 03 - 12.5" self adj pw (S661) 82. No 1 Bullard Wrench / Pat Oct 27 03 - 9.5" self adj pw (S661) 83. No 0 Bullard Wrench / Pat Oct 27 03 - 5.5" self adj pw (S661) 84. The Hammond Mfg Co Boston Mass USA / Patented April 3 1900 - 12" qk adj pw (end of adj lever broken) (S676) 85. Bell Wrench Co Tulsa Okla / Pat April 25 1905 Other Pat Pend - 9" qk adj pw (not in Schulz) 86. KwiKset / Pat Sept 7 1926 AG Pipe Wrench - 12.5" qk adj pw (pitted) (S686) 87. Unmarked (Goodell-Pratt Chauffeurs' Universal Wrench) - 7" qk lever adj pw (S888) 88. The Johnson Automatic Pat July 30 95 - 11" self adj pw (like S353) Pictures 81 thru 88 ![]()
89. John P Manny - 12" mal (pitted) (R309 top R) 90. J. P. Manny - 12" mal (R309 top L) 91. Wiard (with star logo) - 14" mal (ex condition) (R488 top r) 92. Wiard. S - 11.5" mal (R488 bot) 93. Wiard Plow Co - 12" mal (R488 top mid) 94. W P C0 94 (Wiard Plow) 11" mal (R488 up 4) 95. W P Co 71 (Wiard Plow) - 9.5" mal (pitted) (R488 dn 4) 96. WP. Co (Wiard Plow Co) - 7" (pitted) (R488 up 3) Pictures 89 thru 96 ![]()
97. 70 to 83 (Wiard Plow Co) - 9.5" mal (R488 L dn 3) 98. Monmouth 141 - 9" mal (light pitting) (R335 bot) 99. Monmouth - 7" mal (R335 top) 100. Posts Capital City - 8" mal (usual pitting) (R384 top L) 101. Oliver RP207 - 8" mal (R361 L dn 5 in 2) 102. Oliver RP208 - 8.5" mal (R361 L dn 6 in 2) 103. Oliver RP209 - 12" mal (R361 L dn 6) 104. Oliver RP210 - 13.5" mal (R361 L dn 7) Pictures 97 thru 104 ![]()
105. RP209 (Oliver / IHC) - 12" mal R361 R dn 2 in 2) 106. Hart Parr Co - 10" Crescent type w (R223 L) 107. Oliver / CP245 - 9" mal (R360 top L in 2) 108. M94 (Oliver - 8" mal (R361 L dn 2) 109. J276 (Oliver) - 9.5" mal (repaired) (R361 top L in 2) 110. 83 (Oliver) - 11.5" mal (pitted) R360 top L) 111. Base Wrench / EP 40 (Oliver) - 7" mal (R360 bot mid) 112. ST21 (Oliver) - 11" mall tee w (R361 R dn 2) 113. H63 (Oliver) - 6.5" mal (crack) (R361 L dn 2 in 2) Pictures 105 thru 113 ![]()
114. DP109 (Oliver) - 11.5" mal (R360 bot R) 115. 112659 - USA (Oliver) -12.5" db oe (not in Rathbone) 116. F239 (Oliver) - 9.5" mal (R360 R up 3) 117. Dowagiac / F97 - 9" mal (pitted) (R149 top R) 118. Dowagiac / F97A - 5.5" mal (R149 top l) 119. Dowagiac - 5.5" mal (some pitting) (R149 L dn 3) 120. 278 (Dowagiac) - 7" mal with wing nut w (R149 L dn 4) 121. Samson 1892 For Wrist Pin Only For Front Cap Box Only - 7.5" mal (R410 bot) Pictures 114 thru 121 ![]()
122. 3854 (Wallis Tractor) - 12" mal tee w (R480 top R) 123. T1275 (Wallis) 8" mal (R480 top L) 124. Liberty Engine Spark Plug Wrench - 11.5" oe (not in Rathbone) 125. The Deister Concentrator Co / 58 - 13" mal sw (R140) 126. Wolfe Engine / Oil Well Supply Co Oil City PA - 9" mal (R497 top) 127. Appleton Mfg Co Batavia ILL USA / C620 - 10" mal (R21 top) 128. Appleton Mfg Co Batavia ILL USA / C619 - 8" mal (R21 dn 2) 129. Rhea-Thielens Imp Co Peoria USA - 7" mal (R395) Pictures 122 thru 129 ![]()
130. B. F. Avery & Sons Lou Ky / E1014 - 18" mal (org. finish) (R27 L dn 4) 131. Avery / G4 - 7.5" mal (R26 top R) 132. Avery / 93 - 7.5" mal (some pitting) (R26 top R) 133. B F Avery & Sons Co C63 / Louisville Ky USA - 10" mal (R27 R up 2) 134. B. F. Avery & Sons / Chilled Plow 66 - 9" mal (pitted) (R27 L up 3) 135. B. F. Avery & Sons / AA38 - 10.5" mal (light pitting, crack) (R27 R dn 3) 136. B F Avery & Sons G176A / Louisville Ky USA - 8" mal (R27 R up 3) 137. B F Avery & Sons G176 / Louisville Ky USA - 9" mal (R27 L dn 2) 138. B F Avery & Sons G177 / Louisville Ky USA - 10.5" mal (pitted, crack) (R27 bot L) Pictures 130 thru 138 ![]()
139. B F Avery & Sons / Chilled Plow K209 - 9" mal (R27 R dn 2) 140. B. F. Avery & Sons / J97 - 10" mal (light pitting) (R28 bot) 141. Papec / 72 - 7.5" mal (R368 top) 142. 591 (Papec) - 12" mal soc w (R368 dn 2) 143. Unadilla silo Co / Unadilla NY - 9" mal silo w (R462 R dn 2) 144. Phila. Silos / E. F. Schlichter Co - 11.5" mal silo w (R416) 145. Harder / X30 - 9.5" mal (R216) 146. Weyerhaeuser - 10.5" mal silo ratchet w (R485 top) 147. Economy Silo / 1 - 9" mal db box silo w (R158) Pictures 139 thru 147 ![]()
148. Vesper Wood Mfg Co 15 / Vesper Wis -10.5" mal db box silo w (R473 top mid) 149. Beaver Silo & Box Mfg Co - mal box silo w (pitted) (R44 top) 150. National Mall CSTG Co 5/8 - 12" mal box silo type wrench (not in Rathbone) 151. Crown Silo / Crown Lumber & Silo Co. Omaha - 12" mal box silo w (R119) 152. T.B. Wood's Sons. Chambersburg, PA. 5/8 - 10.5" mal box silo w (R493 L) 153. Farmers Handy Wagon Co / Saginaw Silo - 8.5" mal soc silo w (R175) 154. Nappanee Lumber & Mfg Co. 5/8 & 1/2 / Nappanee Silos 3/4 - 10" mal db soc silo w (R346 R) 155. Twin City Tank & Silo Co 5/8 / Minneapolis Minn 1/2 -10" mal db soc silo w (small letter vari) (R461 top L) 156. Montgomery Ward & Co 5/8 / 1/2 - 10" mal db soc silo w (small letter vari) (R336 top L) 157. Montgomery Ward & Co 5/8 / 1/2 - 10" mal db soc silo w (large letter vari not in Rathbone) Pictures 148 thru 157 ![]()
158. Champion Silo - Western Silo Co Des Moines Iowa - 12" mal silo w (single soc vari) (R484 top) 159. Champion Silo - Western Silo Co Des Moines Iowa - 12" mal silo w (db soc vari not in Rathbone) 160. Oneida / No 4 - 14" mal db soc w (not in Rathbone) 161. Oneida Steel Pulley Co / Oneida. N.Y. - 10.5" mal soc w (R362 L) 162. Globe Silo Co 30 - 10" mal silo w (R202) 163. Stadco No 21 / Mall Iron - 8" mal db soc w (R435) 164. Bond 2 - 8.5" mal soc w (R58 top R) 165. Fast's Coupling / 1 - 8.5" mal soc w (R176) 166. E. C. Tecktunius Mfg Co 5/8 - Racine Wis No 2 5/8 - 10.5" mal soc silo w (note spelling vari) (R453 top R) 167. E. C. Tecktonius Mfg Co 5/8 1/2 / Racine Wis 3/4 S12 - 10.5" mal db soc silo w (R453 mid) Pictures 158 thru 167 ![]()
168. Indiana Silo Co Anderson Ind (both sides) - 12" mal db oe sw (R249 dn 5) 169. Indiana Silo Co / Drop Forged - 10.5" oe w (R249 bot) 170. Indiana Silo Co. 5/8 -10.5" mal db oe sw (pitted) (R249 top) 171. Indiana Silo Co / 5/8 -11" mal db oe sw (pitted) (R249 dn 4) 172. Indiana Silo Co / 3/4 -12" mal db oe sw (R249 dn 2) 1 73. Knowlton / 7 - 8.5" mal (pitted) (R284 top L) 174. G A Kelly Plow Co 3 - 9.5" mal (pitted) (R277 L dn 2) 175. G. A. Kelly / 1 - 7" mal R277 top L) Pictures 168 thru 175 ![]()
176. IHC 770E - 10" mal cut out w (R251 mid up 5) (S940) 177. Osborne - 6" mal cut out w (pitted, repair) (R363 up 4) (S945) 178. Noxon / L234 - 8" mal cut out w (R355 R) 179. OXO L234 - 8" mal cut out w (crack) (R356 L) 180. Comet - 7" mal cutout w (R111) (S936) 181. Litchfield S437 - mal cut out w (R299 dn 3) (S944) 182. Granite State - 5" mal cut out w (R207 top) (S939) 183. Buffalo Pitts H O Co NY - 10" mal cut out w (R68 top R) (S947) 184. Black Hawk - 7.5" mal cut out w (w/o stud) (S932) 185. Black Hawk - 7.5" mal cut out w (with stud) (S933) 186. Verity / P61- 6" mal cut out w (R472 top) Pictures 176 thru 186 ![]()
187. Planet Jr / H4 - 8" mal cut out (R380 top R) (S948) 188. Planet Jr / H4 - 9" mal cut out w (reinforced L vari) (R380 top R) (S948) 189. Planet Jr / K48 - 5" mal cut out w (pitted) (R380 R in 2 up 2) (S949) 190. Planet Jr / 2 - 6" mal cut out w (R380 L up 4) (S951) 191. Planet Jr / 3 - 6" mal cut out w (R380 L dn 2) (S950) 192. Iron Age E39 - 9" mal cut out w (R260 bot) 193. Iron Age C9 - 6.5" mal cut out w (1/2" box end vari) (R260 top) (S941) 194. Iron Age C9 - 6.5" mal cut out w (3/8" box end vari) (R260 top) (S941) 195. P & O 1338 - 6" mal cut out w (number on back var) (R370 mid dn 4) (S946) 196. P & O 1338 - 6" mal cut out w (Number on front var) (pitted) (R370 mid dn 4) (S946) 197. Universal - 5" mal cut out w (R466 top) 198. Universal E12 - 5" mal cut out w (R466 bot) (S953) 199. Deere A196-A - 8" mal cutout w (R131 R dn 2) 200. A196 Deere - 8" mal cut out w (crack) (R131 L dn 2) Pictures 187thru 200 ![]()
201. Deere A196A - 8" mal (SOLID var) (R131 dn 2 mid) 202. John Deere / 1340SC - 9" mal (R130 R bot) 203. D M Co (Deere Mansure) - 7.5" mal (R139 L dn 2) 204. G1014 (Deere) - 10" mal (R131 L dn 5) 205. A123 (Deere) - 11" mal (R131 L dn 6) 206. D & M (Deere Mansure) - 6.5" mal (R139 L dn 2 in 3) 207. Unmarked (Deere 159 var) - 8.5" mal 208. 159 (Deere) 8.5" mal (pitted) Pictures 201 thru 208 ![]()
209. 154 (Syracuse / Deere) 15" mal (light pitting) (R448 R dn 6) 210. 14674 (Deere) - 17" imp w (some pitting) (R133 L dn 5) 211. John Deere (B353R) 16" db box end (12 point x 6 point var) (R133 dn 4) 212. John Deere (B352R) - 12" db box end w (R133 L dn 3) 213. John Deere / Made in USA (B352R) - 12" db box end w (R133 L dn 3) 214. Unmarked (H68 Deere) - 6" mal (R136 R dn 3) 215. A124 (Deere) - 4" mal tw (R131 top L) 216. A124A (Deere) - 4" mal tw (R131 top R in 2) 217. SC9 (Syracuse / Deere) 6" mal (not in Rathbone) Pictures 209 thru 217 ![]()
218. (B219 John Deere) 15" mal swing out 3 piece w (pitted) (R131 R dn 4 in 2) 219. 148 (Deere) - 9.5" mal (R130 R dn 2 in 3) 220. 157 (Deere) - 10" mal (pitted) (R130 R dn 2 in 2) 221. John Deere J1480H - 9" mal chain breaker 222. 246 (Deere / Marseille) - 13" mal tw (pitted) (R310 L dn 2) 223. 136 (Deere) - 10" mal (round holes var) (R130 top R) Pictures 218 thru 223 ![]()
224. Chattanooga Plow Co F82 - 12.5" mal (R99 L up 4) 225. Chattanooga Plow Co 4 - 11.5" mal (some pitting) (R98 top mid) 226. Chattanooga Plow Co / D124 - 12" mal (lettering damaged) (R99 top R) 227. Chattanooga Plow Co D137 - 11" mal (extremely pitted) (R99 R dn 4) 228. Chattanooga 3 - 9" mal (R98 L dn 2 in 2) 229. Chattanooga CP4003 / IHC logo - 8.5" mal (R98 R dn 2) 230. CP 245 (Chattanooga) - 9" mal (R98 R up 2 in 2) Pictures 224 thru 230 ![]()
231. D138N (Chattanooga) -12.5" mal (some pitting) (R99 top L) 232. D138 (Chattanooga) - 13" mal (flaws) (R99 L dn 2) 233. 35BX - 9.5" mal (pitted) (not in Rathbone) 234. 1988 - 15.5" mal (not in Rathbone) 235. P73 - 9" mal (extremely pitted) (not in Rathbone) 236. S21 - 9" mal (jaw broken) (not in Rathbone) 237. D C - 9" mal (not in Rathbone) 238. 2H86 (Fuller & Johnson?) - 6" mal soc (not in Rathbone) Pictures 231 thru 238 ![]()
239. Unmarked - 10" mal (not in Rathbone) 240. C986 - 11" mal (not in Rathbone) 241. 17B712 - 10" mal hub type w (not in Rathbone) 242. 1214 - 8" mal (not in Rathbone) 243. G254 - 10.5" mal (pitted) (not in Rathbone) 244. 141 8" mal (not in Rathbone) 245. 904 - 12.5" mal (not in Rathbone) 246. D943 - 14.5" mal (not in Rathbone) Pictures 239 thru 246 ![]()
247. "1" - 10.5" mal (pitted) (not in Rathbone) 248. Dalzell & Co 25 - 11.5" mal buggy w (R123 R dn 4) 249. Dalzell & Co 13 - 9" mal buggy w (R123 R dn 2) 250. Dalzell & Co 12" - 9" mal buggy w (R123 L dn 2) 251. Moyer 224 - 8" mal buggy w (R342 dn 4) 252. Moyer / 225 - 7.5" mal buggy w (R342 dn 2) 253. Liggett S & A Co / No 17 - 11" mal buggy w (R297 dn 2) 254. Cook Patd Sept 1 85 / 1 1/8 - 9" mal nut holder buggy w with lever (R112 top L) 255. Meinecke Milwaukee - 4" mal buggy w (R324) Pictures 247 thru 255 ![]()
256. H W Getmans Patd 86 3 - 8" mal nut holder buggy w with lever (pitted) (S228) 257. Pat Apl For ZB / 1 (Zook / Byler) 8.5" mal buggy w (hex box var) 258. Pat May 2 1893 Z B / 7/8 - (Zook / Byler) 8.5" mal buggy w (sq box var) 259. Susquehanna Fertilizer Co. / Of Baltimore City MD. Pat May 2 93 Z 7/8 - 8.5" mal buggy w (R447) 260. Susquehanna Fertilizer Co. / Of Baltimore City MD. Pat May 2 93 Z 1 - 8.5" mal buggy w (R447) 261. H. S. Zooks Vehicle Wrench. / Pat May 2 1893 Blue Rock PA Z 1 - 8.5" mal buggy w (pitted) (R503) 262. Unmarked - 11" four way tire bolt crank w Pictures 256 thru 262 ![]()
263. Morris Wrench Patd Drop Forged Steel - 15.5"comb mw, pliers, etc tool (S820) 264. Marshalltown Iowa Forged tool Steel Patented Made in USA (Morris Pat) - comb mw & ali (pitted) (like S40 bn) 265. The Teddy Screwdriver Marshalltown OA Pat A - 9" comb sc dr & ali w (S40 top) 266. Craft 18 in Patd Drop Forged - 18" ali w (not in Schulz) 267. Craftsman - 14" pw (odd handle) (S597) Pictures 263 thru 267 ![]()
268. Schick - 13" Aluminum pw 269. Hande H&E Wrench Co. New Bedford Mass Pat Mar 27 1923 - 13" spiral adj pw (S675) 270. Hande H&E Wrench Co. New Bedford Mass Pat Sept 20 1921 - 10" spiral adj nw (S496) 271. Rhino Tool & Mfg Co Denver Pat No 143898 - 14" self adj pw (S340) 272. Walco Hex Wrench No. 0 Walworth Mfg Co Boston Pat Apl for - 8" mw with tire tool end 273. Morgan Albany Wis Pat Appl'd For - 7" qk adj pw (S695) 274. The Victor Pat May 26 08 Kraeuter & Co - 7" adj ali w (S37 top) 275. Lake Superior Wrench Co Sault Ste. Marie Mich Pat USA Oct 4 10 Canada July 12 11 - 6" self adj pw (S362) Pictures 268 thru 275 ![]()
276. Indian Motocycles - 6" stamped steel oe x ali 277. "Indian" - 6" stamped steel oe x ali 278. "Indian" - 5.75" stamped steel db oe 279. Indian Motocycles - 6" stamped steel db oe 280. Indian Motocycles - 6" stamped steel db box 281. Indian Motocycles - 6.5"stamped steel db box 282. Indian Motocycles / Hendee Mfg Co - 6" forged db box (S125 top) 283. Indian (in script) - 7" adj mw (S125 bot) 284. Indian Motocycles Hendee Mfg Co Springfield Mass / Wakefield No. 17 Worcester Mass - 7" adj mw (open handle) 285. Indian Motocycles Hendee Mfg Co Springfield Mass / Wakefield Wrench Worcester Mass No. 8 Pat Sept 4 1900 - 6" adj mw (enclosed handle) (S123) 286. "Flying Merkel" The Miami Cycle & Mfg Co Middleton Ohio / Wakefield Wrench Worcester Mass No. 8 Pat Sept 4 1900 - 6" adj mw (enclosed handle) RARE 287. Made for Pope Manufacturing Co. Pat'd March 26 1895 - 5.25" adj bike w 288. Victor Overman Wheel Co Chicopee Falls Mass. Pat Jan 6 1891 - 5" adj bike w (S101 bot) 289. Iver Johnson - 6" adj bike with tire tool end (S105 dn 3) 290. Ideal - 6" adj bike with tire tool end (like Iver Johnson S105 dn 3) Pictures 276 thru 290 ![]()
291. Athol Machine Co Athol Mass - 6" qk adj & sc w (S526) 292. L. Coes & C0 Patd Mar 23 1869 Worchester Mass - 4 5/8" BABY COES wh mw (pitted) (S852) 293. H & H Co Balto MD Pat Pend - 6" qk adj nw (fine condition) (S494) 294. Gem T&L (Tower & Lyon) - 3.25" tiny sc adj nw (plated) (S120) 295. Gem T&L (Tower & Lyon) - 4.5"sc adj nw (plated) (S120) 296. Westcott Keystone Co Buffalo NY No 74 - 4" S-handled Crescent type (S106 top) 297. Junior No. 1 Frank Mossberg Co Attleboro Mass - 3" bike or pocket w (S873) 298. S & T Co - 3.5" mal w w/hammer 299. Scholler 4 - 4" Crescent type w 300. Scholler Buffalo NY - 6" Crescent type w 301. J. P. Danielson Bet'R-Grip - 4" Crescent type 302. Wizard H2400 - 4" Crescent type 303. J. H. Williams Superjustable - 4" Crescent type w 304. Instant -Grip Western Germany - 5.5"self adj w (S325 mid) 305. Hoe Corp. Pokeepsie NY Pat Feb 21 1922 - 6" self adj wh pw (S361) 306. Shaw Propeller Co Boston Mass Pat April 26 1910 - 6" ali w (S36 top) 307. Diamond Duluth USA - 5.5"comb pliers & 4" Crescent type w (crack) (S243) 308. Diamalloy Handiman Duluth DH16 - 6.5"comb pliers & 4" Crescent type w (S243) 309. Maytag (No. 1) - 5" stamped steel (R317 bot L) 310. Maytag (No. 2) - 5.25" stamped steel (R317 bot L R2) 311. Maytag 14987 (No. 3) - 5.25" stamped steel (R317 bot L R3) 312. Maytag (No. 4) - 5.5"stamped steel (R317 bot L R4) 313. Maytag (No. 5) - 5.25" stamped steel (R317 bot L R5) 314. Maytag (No. 6) - 5.25" stamped steel (R317 bot L R6) Pictures 291 thru 314 ![]()
315. Maytag - 1.75" x 1.5"aluminum measuring cup 316. J I Case Plow Co / 124 - 10" mal (R77 R dn 2) 317. 4441A with eagle logo (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 13" mal (R82 L up2) 318. 3329A with eagle logo (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 8.5" mal (R82 L up 3 in 2) 319. 4312A with eagle logo (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 9.5" mal (R82 R dn 3) 320. K439 Made in the United States of America with eagle logo (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 7" mal pitman w (R82 L up 7) 321. 5015T (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 7" mal soc w (R81 L in 2) 322. 1253T with eagle logo (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 6" 3 way soc w (pitted) (R81 bot L) 323. 1233T (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 8" mal tee soc w (pitted) (not in Rathbone) 324. L593 (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 4.25" mall tee w (not in Rathbone) 325. L616 (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 8.5" mal tee w (not in Rathbone) 326. 3330A with eagle logo (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 7.25" mal db soc w (R82 L up 3 in 3) Pictures 315 thru 326 ![]()
327. 1816C (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 5" mal (R81 L dn 4) 328. 1818C (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 7" mal (R81 L dn 2) 329. 1820C with eagle logo (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 12.5" mal (R81 dn 2) 330. 1822C (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 20" mal (R81 R dn 3) 331. 1823C (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 24" mal (R81 R dn 5) Pictures 327 thru 331 ![]()
332. M19 (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 7" mal pitman w (not in Rathbone) 333. OK 1294 with eagle logo (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 8.5" mal 4 way soc & pitman w (R82 L up 6) 334. 881C (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 12" mal tee w (slight twist) (R83 R dn 2) 335. 883C (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 16" mal sw (R81 L up 6) 336. 884C (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 9" mal sw (R81 R dn 6) 337. 886C (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 7.5" mal (R81 R dn 7) 338. 888C (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 5.5" mal (R81 R dn 9) 339. 890C (Case Threshing Mach Co Steam Engine Wrench) - 8.5" (pitted) (R81 L up 5) 340. Case 2051with eagle logo (Case Threshing Mach Co) - 19" mal cyl tooth straightner (pitted) (R82 L up 4) 341. KFM Co York PA - 7" mal (pitted) (R274 L) 342. F (Farquhar) - 7" mal (R176 top R) 343. Remington - 6" mal (R393) Pictures 332 thru 343 ![]()
344. Paris - 9.5" mal (R368 L) 345. Nicholsons / 6707 - 11" mal (R353 top) 346. Nicholsons / 8127 - 8.5" mal (R353 dn 3) 347. B. Co. / 842 (Bisssell Co) - 9" (R29 bot R) 348. A Belanger Montmag NY 45 - 10" (R45 bot) 349. Cockshutt Plow Co Limited Y - 11" mal (R107 R dn 3 in 2) 350. B. T. Bros Limited Fergus London / 149 - 11" mal (R35) 351. W F Vilas Cowansville Que / 90 - 10.5" mal (R474) Pictures 344 thru 351 ![]()
352. Wilkison Plow Co Toronto No. 90 - 10.5" mal (note spelling var) (R489 top L) 353. Wilkinson Plow Co Toronto 90 - 10.5" mal (R489 L up 2) 354. Wilkinson Plow Co D138 - 12.5" mal (not in Rathbone) 355. Wilkinson Plow Co Toronto K806 - - 12" (not in Rathbone) 356. Fleury - Sulky Aurora - 10.5" (R178 top R) 357. Fleury - Gang Aurora - 10.5" (some pitting) (R178 top L) 358. JFS (J. Fleury's Sons) - 11" mal (R264 dn 2) 359. M523 / <M-H> - 7.5" mal (R312 top R) Pictures 352 thru 359 ![]()
360. J672 <M-H> - 19" mal (weld on back) (not in Rathbone) 361. JB192 <M-H> -15" mal (R312 L dn 2) 362. J727 <M-H> - 15" mal (R312 top mid) 363. P337 <M-H> - 10.5" mal (R312 L up 3) 364. P61 / <M-H> - 6.5" mal (crack) (not in Rathbone) 365. 123C (Massey - Harris) - 8" Vandegrift monkey w (R312 dn 5 in 5) 366. <M-H> - 8" Vandegrift monkey w (R312 R up 6) Pictures 360 thru 366 ![]()
367. PE 485 <M-H> Canada - 27" mal box w (painted red) (R312 R dn 3) 368. P11326 <M-H> - 14.5" mal (not in Rathbone) 369. P11326 (Massey Harris?) - 14.5" mal (not in Rathbone) 370. 180108M1 11/16 1 1/16 - 10.5" db oe wrench & ruler (not in Rathbone) 371. M-H 17017 (Massey Harris) - 9.5" db box (R312 L up 2) 372. 185931M1 (Massey-Harris?) - 12" oe w (not in Rathbone) Pictures 367 thru 372 ![]()
373. Y3028 with IHC logo - 17" mal oe w (R255 R up 3 in 2) 374. M238 with IHC logo mal oe w (R254 R dn4) 375. 6850H Oil Pan Cap Radiator Cap Water Pump / Valve Cap with IHC logo - 12" mal (R252 top R in2 dn2) 376. 9259T (IHC) - 9" db soc w (R252 L dn4 in2) 377. SA1234 (IHC) - 10" mal tee w (R255 R dn2) 378. AP595 IH logo) (Australian) - 7.5" mal w (not in Rathbone) 379. E333½ (IHC) - 12" mal db spanner & soc w (unlisted no IHC logo var) (R252 R up3) Pictures 373 thru 379 ![]()
380. TO1 (IHC) - 6" mal soc w with sliding handle (not in Rathbone) 381. 632LA with IHC logo - 4.5" mal soc w (R251 L dn3 in3) 382. 21080-V (IHC) - 12.5" mal db box end hub w R252 R dn5 in2) 383. "A" (IHC / Keystone) - 7" mal (R280 R dn2 in2) 384. "C" (IHC / Keystone) - 7.5" mal tee w (R280 top L) 385. "D" (IHC / Keystone) - 8.5" mal tee soc w (R280 bot L) 386. 139½"E (IHC) - 6.5" mal tee soc w (R250 R dn2) 387. S110 with IHC logo - 6.25" mal tee soc w (R255 L dn5 in3) 388. 204L with IHC logo - 6" db soc w (indented lettering var) (R250 L dn2 in2) 389. 123B (Racine / IHC) - 8" mal (pitted) (R250 bot in2) Pictures 380 thru 389 ![]()
390. Newell Sanders Plow Co / A120 -13.5" mal (rare 3 box end var) (R351 bot R) 391. Newell Sanders Plow Co / A120 -13" mal) (R351 top L) 392. Sanders / A416 - 13" mal (R411 top) 393. Newell Sanders Plow Co A260 - 19" mal (R351 top R) 394. 24 (Sanders) - 11" mal (R411 up2) 395. Wheelers / Self Rake - 11" mal (R486 bot) 396. Unmarked (Wheelers?) - 11" mal (not in Rathbone) Pictures 390 thru 396 ![]()
397. Star Drill 100 - 7" mal (pitted) (R437 L) 398. Tedder - 8" mal (R453) 399. Buford - 11" mal (extremely pitted, name faint) (not in Rathbone) 400. Buford / C1 - 8" mal (R70) 401. Owatonna Double Disc - 7" mal (R365 bot) 402. Owatonna Mfg Co Owatonna Minn - 8" mal (R365 top) 403. Challenge - 7" mal (pitted) (R93) 404. Iron King / L153 213 - 6" mal (R261 dn3) 405. Seeder - 7.5" mal (repaired) (R420) bot) 406. Toledo Plow Co - 10" mal (R456 top) 407. Erie Governor / 1 & 1 1/4 - 4.25" mal sw (crack) (not in Rathbone) Pictures 397 thru 407 ![]()
408. Wood - 10" mal (solid) (pitted) (R494 top R) 409. Wood - 10" mal (with holes) (R494 bot L in2) 410. Wood - 11" mal (R494 L dn3) 411. R300 (Walter A Wood) - 6" mal soc w (R494 bot R) 412. 1728 (Walter A wood) 6" mal (R494 R dn3) 413. 2152 (Walter A Wood) 7.5" mal db pitman & soc w (R494 bot L) 414. 418L (Liberty Spreader) - 7.5" mal (not in Rathbone) 415. O. P. Co - 7.5" mal (extremely pitted) (R355) 416. Rival - 6" mal (not in Rathbone) 417. King Drill Mfg Co - 12" mal (R282) Pictures 397 thru 417 ![]()
418. S B Chilled Plow Co - 9.5" mal (pitted) (R429 L dn2) 419. N. C. / L (New Casaday - South Bend Chilled Plow) - 12.5" mal (R429 bot R) 420. Unmarked (South Bend Plow Co.) - 16.5" mal (R429 R up2) 421. Unmarked (South Bend Chilled Plow Co?) - 16" mal (not in Rathbone) 422. Parker - 4" mal (R369 bot) 423. Parker Plow Co - 9.5" mal (R369 top) 424. Hoosier Belle - 9.5" mal (R238) Pictures 418 thru 424 ![]()
425. J S H & Co / Utility (Janney - Semple - Hill & Co of Minneapolis, Minn) 7" Deering Pattern (hard to see
repair) (R266 top)426. H V McKay / D324 - 7" Deering Pattern (pitted) (R323 top R in2) 428. Harvester -7" Deering Pattern (R225 top R) 429. Simmons Utility (Simmons Hardware Co/KeenKutter) - 7" Deering Pattern (pitted) R426 dn 2) 430. A J Harwi / Utility - (Atchinson & Wichita, Kansas) 7" Deering Pattern (pitted) (R226 top) 431. B M & S H Co / Mohawk Blish, Mize, & Sillman, Atchinson, Kansas -7" Deering Pattern (pitted) (R35 top) 432. Wittes / Utility - 7" Deering Pattern (pitted) (R491 top) 433. R & W Co 6000 / Model (Rector & Wilhelmy, Omaha, Nebraska predecessor of Wright & Wilhelmy - 7"
Deering Pattern (R388 bot)434. Wyeth / St Joseph - 7" Deering Pattern (some pitting) (R500) 435. Utility - 7" Deering Pattern (some pitting) (not in Rathbone) 436. K18 7" Deering Pattern (some pitting) 437. National - 7.5" Deering Pattern (R346 top L) 438. Arnholt - 7" Deering Pattern (R21 bot) 439. 7364L (Pratt) - 7" Deering Pattern (R384 top L in2) Pictures 425 thru 439 ![]()
440. Hayes / A116 -7.5" Deering Pattern (crack) (R227 top L) 441. A404 (Hayes) - 7" mal (pitted) (R227 R) 442. Dempster - 7" Deering Pattern (R143 top L) 443. Dempster / 1 - 7.5" mal (R143 top R) 444. DD595 (Dempster) - 7" mal (R142 bot R) 445. C11 (Dempster) - 10" mal (R143 R up2) 446. 4S (Sandwich Mfg Co) - 7.5" mal (some pitting) (R412 mid) 447. Bailor Plow Co / Atchison Kan C49 -10" mal (R38 dn2) 448. Sullivan Mchy Co / 1033 AB - 9" forged w (R445 top) 449. L. C. A. Mfg. Co. - 8.5" mal (R289 top R) 450. Eclipse / 1503B - 5" mal (R185 bot R) 451. Pearl 5 - 6.5" mal (R374) 452. OK Champion / 59 - 8" mal R94 top R) Pictures 440 thru 452 ![]()
453. Gale 011A - 9.5" mal (R193 L up 6) 454. Gale / Swivel Plow - 9" mal (pitted) (R193 L dn4) 455. Gale / DG92 - 11.5" mal (R193 mid up3) 456. 011B (Gale) - 9" mal (some pitting) (R193 R dn6) 457. 17A (Gale) - 9" mal (R193 R dn7) 458. Gale 21 - 8.5" mal (R193 mid dn3) 459. Gale 26 - 10" mal (R193 R dn 4) 460. E16 (Gale) - 7.5" mal (R193 bot R in2) 461. 12 (Gale) - 9.5" mal (pitted) (not in Rathbone) 462. Unmarked (Gale?) - 9" mal (not in Rathbone) 463. ST21 (Gale) - 11" mal tee w -(ID in MVWC Newsletter) Pictures 453 thru 463 ![]()
464. Moline Plow Co / HX34 - mal (R333 R dn2) 465. Moline Plow Co / WP241 - 10" mal (R333 R dn9) 466. Moline Plow Co / B169 - 14.5" mal (R333 R up2) 467. E13 (Moline) - 9" mal (not in Rathbone) 468. 1126A (Moline) - 10.5" mal tee w (R332 R dn2 in2) 469. A164 (Moline) - 8" mal (R332 L up4 in2) 470. Cutter - 9.5" mal (jaws lightly filed) (not in Rathbone) Pictures 464 thru 470 ![]()
471. 767 (Monitor /Moline) 8.5" mal (R334 L up3) 472. Monitor Drill / A763A - 8.5" mal (R334 bot) 473. Monitor Drill / A270 - 7" mal (R334 L up2) 474. Monitor - 6.5" mal (extremely pitted) (not in Rathbone) 475. Adriance (Moline) - 10" wh mw (some hammer damage) (R5 top L) 476. 1252 (Adriance / Moline) - 5.5" mal (R5 R up2 in2) 477. 3050A For Pitman (Adriance / Moline) - 7" mal (R5 bot R) 478. 768 (Adriance / Moline) - 8" mal (R5 top R) 479. Western Mfg Co. - 9.5" mal (pitted) (R484) 480. The Insurance / KK 1753 (Simmons / KeenKutter?) - 7" mal (R453) 481. Harriman - 6" mal (R219) 482. MF 126 STD - 7" mal (R303 mid) 483. GM18 - 4" mal (R192 top) Pictures 471 thru 483 ![]()
484. Unmarked comb buggy wrench & nail puller - 9" mal (not in Rathbone) 485. Unmarked comb buggy wrench, nail puller & hammer - 9" (pitted) (not in Rathbone) 486. Unmarked miniature buggy wrench? - 4.5" (not in Rathbone) 487. Columbus Buggy Co Columbus O / 2812 - 8" mal buggy w (crack) (R110) 488. Zimmerman - 8" mal buggy wrench (very pitted & weak marking) (R502) 489. Freeport / D - 8" mal buggy wrench (R184 L) 490. Moon Bros / C - 8" mal buggy wrench (R337 dn 2) 491. Pratt / 2813C - 8" mal buggy wrench (R384 R up2) 492. Banner / 2813B Patented - 7.5" mal buggy wrench (R42) 493. Dayton / 2813C Patented - 7.5" mal buggy wrench (R127 L) 494. 7397C (Eberhard Mfg Co.) - 8" mal buggy wrench (R168 R dn2 in2) 495. G. A. Hosmer & Co. Buffalo NY - 7.5" mal pliers type buggy wrench (R239 R) Pictures 484 thru 495 ![]()
496. Studebaker / 1 1/4 - 9.5" mal buggy wrench (R444 R) 497. Studebaker / 11/8 - 8.5" mal buggy wrench (R444 bot L) 498. Studebaker / 7/8 - 8." mal buggy wrench (R444 L dn2) 499. Harper / Pat Apd For -8.5" mal buggy wrench with nut holding spring (R218 top) 500. Pat Apr 14 96 No 2 - 11" spring loaded buggy wrench (damage to wood knob) (S210) 501. Diamond Wrench - 9" wh wing nut adj buggy w (pitted & handle replaced) (S231 top) 502. Diamond Wrench Mfg Co Portland ME - 8.5" wh wing nut adj buggy w (pitted & handle cracked, & replaced
 handle nut) (S231 top)503. Diamond Wrench Mfg Co Portland Me Pat'd Nov 2 80 & Oct 16 83 - 10.5" wh wing nut adj buggy w (S231 top) 504. Diamond Wrench Mfg Co Portland ME - 12" wh wing nut adj buggy w (pitted & handle cracked) (S231 top) Pictures 496 thru 504 ![]()
505. Joy's Wagon Wrench No 3 Pat Feb 1 98 - 20" adj wagon wrench (like S220) 506. Pat Feb 1 98 (Joy's No 2) - 14" Adj wagon wrench (S220) 507. Pat Feb 1 98 (Joy's No 1) - 9.5" Adj wagon wrench (S220) 508. E Ripley's Patent April 7 1857 - 12.5" comb qk adj nut w & hammer etc tool (S824) 509. I. C. I. Pat Pend Handy 101 No 3 - 9.5" mal comb tool (S813) 510. Albert Lea Mch Co - 8" Reversing comb pliers & nippers ( S280) Pictures 505 thru 510 ![]()
511. Super Grip Tool Co Iowa Pat 1-18-89 - 8" gear pliers (S245 in3) 512. Griplock Plier wrench Pat 1-22-24 Norfolk Nebraska - 8.5" vise grip type wrench (S261 top) 513. Griplock Plier Wrench Pat 1-22-24 Norfolk Nebraska - 7" vise grip type wrench (S261 bot) 514. Vise Grip SPW Co Dewitt Nebraska - 9" first model vise grip (S262 top) 515. Click Plier Click Mfg Co Fairbury Nebraska - 9" pin adj pliers wrench (S260) 516. Cygnet Wrench Buffalo NY - 8" ratcheting Crescent type wrench (S468) 517. "11" (Vandegrift's Patent) - 8" mal wedge qk adj ali wrench (S546) 518. Edstrom pat 1-2-23 & 6-9-23 - 9" spring loaded qk adj nut w (S489) 519. Wakefield Wizard No. 120 Worcester Mass - 8" db end qk adj nut w (S1099) 520. Seaholm & Sandell Mfg Co. Detroit - 10" qk adj w (S26) 521. Herkules (or Hercules Patent (marked Herkules on wrench but spelled Hercules in ad printed in Dec 2002
MVWC Newsletter) - 10" multi-function comb tool - several wrenches, hatchet, hammer, saw, rulers, threading
dies, nail puller, wire cutter, saw set, wood chisel, etc. "King of the Combination Tools" Russ M. (some pitting)
not in Schulz)Pictures 511 thru 521 ![]()
522. Champion (IHC) Pat 2-23-83 - 9.5" W&B Acme twist handle type mw 523. The Milwaukee (IHC) - 8" wh mw (handle worn) (R328 R dn2) 524. Deering (IHC) - 10" wh mw (handle damaged) (R193 bot L) 525. McCormick (IHC) - 10" wh mw (pitted & adjuster stripped) 526. Osborne (IHC) - 8.5" Vandegrift's pat mw (pitted) (R363 bot) 527. Deering (IHC) - 8.5" Pat 9-7-97 - 8.5" Vandegrift's pat mw (pitted) (R139 bot L in3) 528. International Harvester Co Pat 9-7-97 - 8.5" Vandegrift's pat mw (R256 top mid) 529. 344S with IHC logo - 12" crank wrench 530. 2715 / with IHC logo - 9.5" mal (R251 bot R in2 up6) Pictures 522 thru 530 ![]()
531. CP2126 (Chattanooga / IHC) - 11" mal (R99 L up3) 532. V265A (IHC) - 12" mal (R255 R up4 in2) 533. 5283 with IHC logo - 10" mal (rare sq opening var, outstanding condition) (R251 bot R in2 up3) 534. 131Lwith IHC logo - 14" mal tee w (R250 bot R) 535. McCormick E629J (IHC) - 14" mal spanner wrench (R319 bot R) 536. G3866 with IHC logo - 14.5" sw (R253 R up4) Pictures 531 thru 536 ![]()
537. SA2126 (IHC) - 7" stamped steel w (R255 R dn 7) 538. SA2127 (IHC) - 9" stamped steel w (good repair) R255 R dn8) 539. M141 with IHC logo - 9" mal (R254 L dn5) 540. A1210 / with IHC logo - 8" mal pitman w (pitted) 541. M231 (IHC) - 7" mal pitman w (half soc var) (R254 top L in3 dn7) 542. J480 (Plano / IHC) - 6.5" mal pitman w (R381 bot L) 543. J122 (IHC) - 6.5" mal pitman w (R254 L dn4 in2) 544. F8121 with IHC logo - 7" db soc w (R252 bot R in3 up2) 545. Deering (IHC) - 7.5" mal (pitted) (R140 dn2) 546. 1300C with IHC logo - 9.5" separator w (R256 top R in2) 547. N13 with IHC logo - 8" mal 548. 11G (IHC) - 7" mal (R250 top L in3) 549. P318 / with IHC logo - 4.25" mal 550. Jones / D114 with Plano logo? weak mark) (IHC) - 6.5" mal (R381 top L) 551. IHC Logo Chisel - 5.5" Pictures 537 thru 551 ![]()
552. HE 911 with IHC logo / Canada - 7" mal Deering Pattern w (R254 top L in3 dn4) 553. R319R with IHC logo - 8" mal (R255 R dn5 in2) 554. Z811 (IHC) - 7.5" mal sw (R255 bot R in2) 555. P28½ with IHC Logo - 6.5" mal sw (embossed var) (R254 L up4 in2) 556. PG58 (IHC) - 5" mal (R254 R dn5) 557. 2155 with Avery Cross Logo (Champion / IHC / Avery) - 9.5" mal (like R251 L up3) 558. R197 (IHC) - 8.5" mal (R255 L up5 in4) 559. GA3171 with IHC Logo - 8" forged db oe w 560. 295 (P&O) / IHC) - 8" mal (R371 top L) 561. PO11 (IHC) - 8" mal (R254 R up6) 562. P & O Canton ILL / 3613 -12" mal (R370 R up5) 563. P & O Co Canton ILL F / 4129 - 10" mal (R370 R up4) Pictures 552 thru 563 ![]()
564. P & O Co 4135 / Canton ILL - 10.5" mal (R370 R up3 in2) 565. P & O Canton ILL / 2715 - 9.5" mal (R370 R dn2 in2) 566. Benica Hancock Plow D138A - 12.5" mal (pitted) (R50 bot) 567. Fuller & Johnson Co / 2H33 - 11.5" mal tee w (R191 bot L) 568. Fuller & Johnson / 2P30- - 9" mal (2 sq box openings var) (R191 top mid) 569. Fuller & Johnson / 2P30 - 9" mal (1 sq box opening var) (R191 top R) 570. 2P30 (Fuller & Johnson) - 9" mal (R191 bot R) 571. W & F - 9" mal (R476) Pictures 564 thru 571 ![]()
572. Pirate / Wrench (Peru Plow Co) - 12" mal (R379 dn2) 573. Tiger 240 (Stoddard) - 7.5" mal (some pitting) (R441 top mid) 574. Tiger S. D. (Stoddard) - 8.5" mal (R441 L dn 2 in2) 575. H260 (Stoddard ID by Bus) - 7" mal (light pitting) (not in Rathbone) 576. NE252 (Stoddard) - 5" mal (R441 R dn3) 577. M55 (Stoddard) - 8.5" mal (R441 R dn2) 578. Clipper / Defiance 8809 - 9" mal (R105 579. Swift - 5" db oe w (not in Rathbone) 580. Economy Chief - 6" db oe separator w (R157 top) 581. Athens Plow Co - 12" mal (R23 top R) 582. Athens Plow Co Athens Tennessee T100 - 19" mal (R23 top L) Pictures 572 thru 582 ![]()
583. 1207E (Port Huron) - 11.5" mal (like R382 R dn2) 584. 2083E (Port Huron) - 19" mal sw (R382 top mid) 585. 39M (Port Huron) - 12.5" mal (R382 top L) 586. 1421E (Port Huron) - 9.5" mal (like R382 R dn3) 587. Crown - 7.5" mal (usual weak markings) (R119) 588. Princess - 9.5" mal (pitted) (R386 top L) 589. Robinson Spreader Co Vinton Iowa / A48 - 9.5" mal (R399 top) Pictures 583 thru 589 ![]()
590. Standard Hiway Patrol No 2 No3 / D455 Use For Axle Nuts Only - 14.5" mal db box w (R436 top) 591. Sterling Mfg Co / Hero S19 - 13.5" mal (R439 top R) 592. Sterling Mfg Co D127 / Sterling ILL - 12" mal (R439 L) 593. Browne / Sulky (Morrison) - 10" mal (R340 top L dn4) 594. F37 (Sterling Mfg Co) - 7" mal (R439 mid) 595. BIW (Beatrice Iron Works, Beatrice, Nebraska) - 8.5" mal (pitted) R34 top) 596. Chase Tinsman Plow Co (Lincoln, Nebraska) - 10" mal (R97 bot) (S969) 597. Chase Plow Co (Lincoln, Nebraska) mal (R97 top) (S969) Pictures 590 thru 597 ![]()
598. Morrison / Fort Madison - 8 mal (R340 bot L up2) 599. Morrison Mfg Co - 10 mal (R340 bot L up2) 600. Morrison 260 - 10 mal (R340 top L) 601. Donaldson 21 - 8.5 mal (pitted) (R148) 602. D. M. Sechler. Implt. & Cge. Co. / Moline - ILL. J276 - 9.5 mal (some pitting) (R419 up2) 603. Black Hawk M95 / Sechler Moline ILL - 10 mal (R419 up4) 604. Black Hawk / SM167 (Sechler) - 10.5 mal (R419 bot) 605. Alex Milburn Co Balto. MD. / 1304 - 11 mal multi-size w (not listed) Pictures 598 thru 605 ![]()
606. Allis Chalmers Mfg Co La Crosse Works / 300755 - 11.5 mal (R11 up6) 607. LX 103 3/4 sq nut 5/8 hex nut (Allis Chalmers?) - 15 mal 608. TC369 (Allis Chalmers) - 10 mal (R11 up3) 609. Muller - 11 mal db box end w (R343) 610. J I Case Plow Works 883 - 15 mal (R77 L dn3) 611. J I Case Plow Works 4105 - 10 mal (R77 L up3 in2) 612. J.I.C.P. Wks. 359 (J I Case Plow Works) - 8 mal (R77 top L in2 dn3) 613. J I Case Plow Works 4106 - 8 mal (R77 L up3) 614. J I Case Plow Works 1222 - 10.5 mal (R77 L dn4) 615. J I Case Plow Works / 2234 - 7.5 mal (R77 R up5) Pictures 606 thru 615 ![]()
616. The Studebaker Corporation AA4855 - 9.5 db soc w (rare auto wrench) 617. Dayton Wire Wheel Dayton O. / for No. 30 Wheel Part No. 30932 - 16 mal hub w 618. The Dayton Wire Wheel Co 6326 - 11.5 mal hub w 619. Hayes Wheel Co Jackson Mich - 14 hub w 620. Wire Wheel Corp of America Buffalo NY / B4-1005 - 12.5 mal hub w 621. Stutz - 12.5 mal auto hub w 622. Winton / 17B630 - 9.5 mal auto hub w (R474 as Vinton) Pictures 616 thru 622 ![]()
623. Geiser Mfg Co / Waynesboro PA - 597 - 15.5 mal engine wench (not in Rathbone) 624. Peerless / G.M. Co. 1/2 7/16 - 9 mal engine wrench (R200 bot L) 625. Peerless / G.M. Co. 7/8 3/4 - 12.5 mal engine wrench (R200 top R) 626. Peerless / G.M. Co. 5/8 9/16 - 10.5 mal engine wrench (R200 bot R) 627. 3762 Reeves - 15 mal engine wrench (R393 up2) 628. 1578 Reeves - 6.5 mal engine wrench (crack) (R393 top L) 629. 3379 Reeves - 7.5 mal engine wrench (R393 top mid) 630. Reeves / 3378 - 11.5 mal engine wrench (R393 bot) Pictures 623 thru 630 ![]()
631. C D Edwards Mfg Co 108 - 11.5 mal (R159) 632. Independent / SP115 - 7 mal (rare size) (some pitting) (R247 R dn2) 633. Independent / SP116 - 9 mal (R247 L dn2) 634. Independent / SP117 - 11 mal (R247 top) 635. E M Co - 10 mal (pitted) (R153) 636. GDP Co / G111 (Grand Detour) - 10 mal (R205 top L) 637. No 10G (Grand Detour) - 10.5 mal (some pitting) (R205 bot L) 638. No 10G Disk (Grand Detour) - 10.5 mal (R205) 639. No 10G (Grand Detour) - 10.5 mal (some pitting) (R205 bot R) 640. T147 (Grand Detour) - 8 mal (R205 top R) Pictures 631 thru 640 ![]()
641. Coes Key Model Pat 10-20-1903 - 32 Coes Key Wrench - (S854.5) 642. Coes Letter Opener - 7.5 celluloid letter opener adv. Coes Wrench Co. with picture of Coes monkey wrench 643. Little Giant GTD Greenfield Mass Pat 2-4-13 - 24 4 way pw (rare large size) (S600 bot) 644. Hoe Corp Poughkeepsie NY - 24 self adj pw (rare size) Pictures 641, 643, 644 ![]()
Picture 642 (Coes Letter Opener) ![]()
645. The Brecklin - Brecklin Wrench Co Seattle Washington Pat 3-16-20 - 14 rack qk adj pw (crack side of rivet) (S652) 646. Harveys Wright Wrench Detroit Mich Pat 2-1910 & 11-1911 - 14 qk adj pw (S731) 647. Como Wrench Co Chicago ILL Pat 10-14-13 - 12.5 sc adj pw (S589) 648. Hayward Pat 11-4-13 - 11 self adj pw -(S678) 649. G. W. Newman Eire PA Pat - 8.5 qk adj pw (not in Schulz) 650. The Handee Mansfield Ohio - 7 dog bone multi-socket w (S289) 651. 646.The Robert Wrench Co Pat - 8.5" self adj pw (no spring, repl bolt & nut) (S360) 652. Webb & Hildreth Co Pat 2-6-06 & 12-17-07 - 11.5 self adj pw (rare pipe wrench var) (crack, missing teeth on jaw, & screw, over cleaned) (like S329) Pictures 645 thru 652 ![]()
653. Gordon Automatic Pat - 7 qk adj nw (S493) 654. Clipper 10 Pat Pending -13 self adj pw (S329) 655. Gripso-Matic Basford Mfg Co San Francisco Pat Pending - 12 qk adj pw (S673) 656. Victor Bonners Pat 12-23-02, 8-25-03 - 15 qk adj pw (S653) 657. Victor Pat 12-23-02 , 8-25-03 - 11" qk adj pw (S653) 658. Baumo Serial No1-14 Mfg by John W. Bauman & Sons Sassamanville PA Pat 4-23-35 - 14 pw (1.25 long cut out on side to expose adj mechanism) (S651) 659. Cochran Speednut Wrench - 9 self adj nw (S320 dn2) 660. Larc-o-matic O.H. Tools Hedstrom Industries Chicago Pat - 10 self adj nw (S320 top) 661. Erie Tool Works Erie PA / Auto No. 14 - 14.5 self adj pw (S337) Pictures 653 thru 661 ![]()
662. Boyntons Pat 5-14-87 - 15 adj ali w (S28) 663. Mathews Never-Stall Pat - 10.5 comb w (S818) 664. Z 12 in Pat Apld For - 12 mal qk adj pw (pitted) (S732) 665. LaGripper Wrench Co Ltd Battle Creek Mich Pat 5-28-98 - qk adj pw (S688) 666. Lever Wrench Co Duluth Mich Heimback Pat - 10 qk adj nw (S508) 667. Boston Wrench Co Boston Mass - Pat 10-2-06 - 8.5 qk adj nw (S479) 668. CC Pat 3-1-21 Omaha, Nebraska - 8.5 scr adj nw (replaced rivets) (S463) 669. Stephens Wrench Pat 12-21-09 - 7.5 adj angle head nw (jaw marked 1/2) (S311 dn3) Pictures 662 thru 669 ![]()
670. Fitzall - Standard Wrench & Tool Co Providence RI Pat 5-9-08, 4-26-10 - 15.5 wedge qk adj pw (rare in this size) (S548) 671. Unmarked - 9.5 qk wedge adj nw) (like S548) 672. The Matthews Wrench Denver Colo - 9.5 self adj nw (similar to S355) 673. Trojan Wrenches LA, Calif. Pat - 11.5 qk adj pw (no spring) (S721) 674. Universal Wrench Co Detroit & Windsor Pat 6-3-19, 7-23-19 - 8 ratcheting Crescent type nw (weak spring) (S530 top) 675. L.P. Wrench Usona Mfg Co Seattle Pat 5-2-16, 7-2-18, 3-7-22 - 8.5 plier adj wrench (S507) 676. Collisons Wrench Bruning Nebraska Pat 5-29-46 - 8.5 vise grip type wrench (S309) 677. Guaranteed Forged Steel Patent Pending - 11.5 Combination hatchet, hammer, pliers, screwdriver, wrench,
 fencing tool (similar to S801)678. Any Angle Wrench Lima, Ohio Pat 11-1916 - 8.5 adj head crescent type nw (S311 bot) Pictures 670 thru 678 ![]()
679. (Baxters Patent) - 11.5 db end adj nw (S305) 680. John Deere - 10 wood handled monkey wrench (R133 bot R in5) 681. Deere & Co - 10 - wh mw (hammered, handle crack) (R133 bot R in4) 682. Deere & Co - 8 wh mw (pitted, handle crack) (R133 bot R in3) 683. John Deere TY19945 - 6 Crescent type wrench (exc. condition) 684. John Deere TY3220 - 12 Crescent type wrench 685. John Deere TY3580 13/16 (with running Deere logo) - 11 chrome comb oe & box end wrench 686. Letz (John Deere) M1143 - 12 sw (pitted) (R296 bot) 687. Letz E782 (Deere) -7 mal Deering pattern wrench (R296 top) 688. Van Brunt / 1911 1986 (with J D logo) - 7 bronze commemorative wrench (R469 top R) Pictures 679 thru 688 ![]()
689. Van Brunt (Deere) - 7 mal w (no stud, 3/4 hex var) (R469 top L) 690. Van Brunt (Deere) - 7 mal w (no stud, 7/8 hex var) (R469 top mid) 691. A523 (Deere Mansur) - 6 mal (pitted) (R139 L up2 in2) 692. A522 (Deere) - 7 mal w (R139 L dn4) 693. Deere Mansur Co A523 - 6 mal (R139 L dn3 in2) 694. Deere Mansur Co A522 - 7.5 mal w (R139 L dn3) 695. 196 (Deere) - 7 Mal w (solid on double end var) (var not in Rathbone) 696. 196 (Deere) - 7 Mal w (long cut out slots in handle var) (R130 R up2) 697. 196 (Deere) - 7 Mal w (sq cut out each end var) (var not in Rathbone) 698. Unmarked Deere 159 - 7 mal w (R130 L in2 dn3) 699. Dain - 8 mal (no L136E number var) (R121 R dn2) 700. Dain / L136E - 8 mal (pitted) (R121 L dn3) 701. G51E (Dain / Deere) - 8 mal (R121 mid d2) 702. G51 (Dain / Deere) - 8 mal (R121 L dn2) 703. Dain / D78 - 6 mal pitman w (R121 R dn3) 704. Y1575B (Deere) - 6.5 mal crank for check row planter wire wheel Pictures 689 thru 704 ![]()
705. H512R (John Deere) - 14 flywheel & cyl. nut wrench for B & H tractors (lays flat var) (R132 bot L in2) 706. K806 (Deere) - 12.5 mal (R131 L up2) 707. Deere & Co / M123 - 11 mal (R131 bot L) 708. A Kemp & Burpee / Deere) - 10 mal (R278 dn4) 709. B247H (Deere) - 9 mal binder crank (R133 bot L in2) 710. HZ160 (Deere) - 8 mal binder crank (R133 bot L) 711. B596R (Deere) Made in USA - 12 db soc w for B tractors (R133 R dn4) 712. Unmarked (D2064R Deere) - 11.5 flywheel wrench for A, D, GP tractors (2.5 offset var) (R132 R up2 in3) 713. Unmarked (Deere C1591R socket & D1083R wrench) - 13 soc & w for John Deere tractors (R132 R up2) Pictures 705 thru 712 ![]()
714. Firman & Carswell Mfg Co - 13 mal (R76) 715. Hester Plow Co 1 - 14 mal (hammer marks) (R232 top) 716. T500 (Lauson tractor hub wrench) (ID from parts book by Russ M.) - 7 mal soc wrench (not in Rathbone) 717. Wrench for Governor 2463 (Stickney engine?) - 17.5 mal (not listed) 718. Fordson - 8 pliers (R180 L dn3 in2) 719. Fordson - 8.5 all steel screwdriver (R180 L dn3) 720. New Holland / Feed Mill - 6 mal (R348 bot) 721. B & H / 1372 - 6 mal (R32 mid) Pictures 714 thru 721 ![]()
722. H & D - 5 mal (R228 bot) 723. H & D York PA - 7.5 mal (R228 top L) 724. H & D York PA - 7.5 mal (R228 top R) 725. Midland Mfg Co / Tarkio Mo - 8.5 mal (pitted) (R326 top) 726. Midland Mfg Co Tarkio Mo 2 / Tague & Kerlin Wrench - 9 mal (R326 dn2) 727. Blount / 430 - 10 mal (R58 top R) 728. Roderick Lean D44 - 15 mal tee w (R294 top R) 729. Rodk Lean / C111 - 8 mal (R294 L dn2) 730. E6 (Roderick Lean) - 8 mal (R294 bot mid) 731. Western / N100 - 6 mal Pictures 722 thru 731 ![]()
732. W.I.M. Co. 1906 D70 - 11.5 mal (R476 up2) 733. W.I.M. Co 1906 / V121 - 11.5 mal (R476 bot) 734. Kirlin / K115 - 9 mal (R285) 735. A D Co / A-68 (American Drill) - 8 mal (pitted) (R13) 736. Unmarked (Belcher & Taylor #65) - 15 mal tee w (R46 bot L up2) 737. King Plow Co / Atlanta -Ga K55 - 9 mal (R283 bot L) 738. Kentucky Drills / Brennan & Co Lou. KY (on IHC list) - 9 mal (pitted) (R62 top) 739. S.A. Loose & Sons / 102 Hamburg PA - 10 mal - (R300 top L) 740. Leader - 10 mal (R293) Pictures 732 thru 740 ![]()
741. Unmarked - 15 mal 742. SB167 - 11.5 mal (steam engine stuffing box wrench?) (not listed) 743. P1760 - 11 mal wrench with hammer 744. B144 - 16 mal (unlisted) 745. T1064 - 11 mal (unlisted) 746. 270 - 6.5 mal (unlisted) 747. 12-18 - 9 mal (unlisted) 748. 1904 - 8.5 mal (unlisted) 749. RH - 5 mal (unlisted) Pictures 741 thru 749 ![]()
750. The Ohio Cultivator Co / Da32 - 16 mal (R357 L dn2) 751. CM 331 (Ohio Cultivator Co / Thomas Mfg Co) - 13 mal (2 openings var) (R357 top R) 752. CM 331 (Ohio Cultivator Co / Thomas Mfg Co) - 11.5 mal (1 opening var) (pitted) (not in Rathbone) 753. D582 (Ohio Cultivator) - 10 mal (pitted) (R357 R in2 dn2) 754. Famous Ohio / M625 - 6 mal (R357 L up3 in2) 755. Famous Ohio J276 - 9.5 mal (R357 L dn3) 756. Ohio Rake Co Dayton O / X - 8 mal (R359 top R in3) 757. D888 (Ohio Rake) - 9 mal (R359 R dn2) Pictures 750 thru 757 ![]()
758. 105N (Advance) - 13 mal steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone) 759. 96P (Advance) - 8 mal steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone) 760. R-43 (Rumely) - 6.5 Mal tee soc w (R405 L dn2) 761. D3J31 (Rumely) - 8.5 mal tee soc w (R405 top R in2) 762. C5P5777 (Rumely) - 3.5 mal soc w (R405 bot R in2) 763. 139M (Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co) - 7 mal steam engine set screw wrench (not in Rathbone) 764. 140M (Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co) - 8.5 mal steam engine cyl. head wrench (not in Rathbone) 765. 1280M (Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co) - 11 mal steam engine stuffing box wrench (not in Rathbone) 766. SP - 10 - mal (pitted) (unlisted) 767. 2841 (Joliet Mfg Co.) - 8 mal (R273 R) Pictures 758 thru 767 ![]()
768. David Bradley Mfg Wks / Bradley ILL 105A - 10 mal (R126 top L in2) 769. U12 Bradley Cultivator 10 mal (R126 L dn6 in3) 770. 5715A (David Bradley) - 6 mal soc w (R126 L dn3 in2) 771. P66 (David Bradley) - 6.5 mal (R126 L dn5 in2) 772. B22 (David Bradley) - 14 mal (R126 L up3 in2) 773. 123 (David Bradley) 7.5 mal (R125 top R) 774. Z83 (David Bradley) - 7 mal (R126 L dn6 in2) 775. Hall J1 - 10 mal (R213) 776. Kingman Plow Co / N81 - mal (R284 top R in2) 777. Kingman Plow Co / N80 - mal (R284 top L) 778. K232 (Kingman) - 9 mal (R284 bot R) Pictures 768 thru 778 ![]()
779. D242 (Kingman) - 12 mal (R284 L up4) 780. M F & Co - (Mast, Foos & Co?) - 11 mal (extremely pitted, repaired - ugly but rare wrench) (R303 L dn3) 781. New Imperial / Ohio Chilled (B & G Plow Co) - 10 mal (pitted) (R31 top L in3) 782. B & G Plow Co / Canton O - 10 mal (R31 top L) 783. DH 18 (B & G Plow Co) - 15 mal tee - R31 bot L in2) 784. Y247 (Hart / Langdon Self Feeder) - 13.5 mal db spanner wrench for threshing machine feeder (not in Rathbone) 785. Worcester M371 - 10 mal (R498) Pictures 779 thru 785 ![]()
786. G532 (Cockshutt) - 13.5 mal wrench with hammer (R107 top L) 787. ML15 (Cockshutt) - 12 mal (R107 L dn3) 788. LG 322 (Cockshutt) - 10 mal (casting flaw crack) (R107 R dn2) 789. A (Cockshutt) - 11.5 mal (R106 R dn2) 790. Cockshutt - 10 stamped steel w (R106 top R) 791. N S (Cockshutt) - 10 mal (pitted) (R106 bot R) 792. Frost & Wood Made in Canada - 9 adj auto type wrench (R188 top L) 793. N28 (Frost & Wood) - 8 mal (not in Rathbone) Pictures 786 thru 793 ![]()
794. DH (Frost & Wood) - 11.5 mal (R188 L dn2 in2) 795. <M-H> Made in Canada MP1 - 11 adj auto type wrench (R312 bot R) 796. <M-H> - 11 adj auto type wrench (R312 R up4) 797. Spark Plug Wrench 202783M1 / Made in Canada - 10 single box end wrench (R312 R up5) 798. 883 (Massey Harris / Case Plow) - 14.5 mal (R312 L dn6) 799. Z189 <M-H> - 6.5 mal (R312 L dn4 in2) 800. A23 <M-H> - 5.5 mal (R312 R up6) 801. C280 <M-H> - 5 mal soc w (R313 R dn6 in2) 802. 4106 (Massey Harris / Case Plow) - 8 mal (R311 R up3) 803. 4105 (Massey Harris /Case Plow) - 10.5 mal 804. M555 <M-H> - 5.5 mal pitman w (Like R312 R dn2) Pictures 794 thru 804 ![]()
805. S299 <M-H> - 14 binder crank (crack) 806. Avery / 251 - 7.5 mal (R26 L dn2 in2) 807. A215 (Avery?) - 12 mal db soc w (not listed) 808. 1224 (Avery) - 14 mal db soc w (not in Rathbone) 809. A202 (Avery?) - 19 mal db soc w (unlisted) 810. 5089 (Avery) - 10 mal soc tee w (R26 bot R) 811. 4271 (Avery) - 11 mal Avery tractor carburetor wrench (not in Rathbone) 812. A252 (Avery) - 4.5 mal db soc spark plug wrench for Avery tractors (not in Rathbone) Pictures 805 thru 812 ![]()
813. Moon - 10 mal hubcap wrench for Moon autos) (R337 bot) 814. Starbuck - 13 mal (R437) 815. 479 - 12 mal tee wrench (unlisted) 816. Unmarked - 12 mal tee wrench (pitted) (R504 L dn2) 817. K-L72 (E. W. Ross) - 11 mal (R402 top) 818. Eureka - 4: mal (R169 up2) 819. D304 (Eureka) - 9 mal (R169 up3) 820. Superior Grain Drills / The American Seeding Machine Co. Springfield, Ohio - 8 stamped steel s-wrench (R16 top L) 821. B573 (American Seeding Machine) - 8.5 mal (R16 bot mid) Pictures 813 thru 821 ![]()
822. Bement - 8.5 mal (pitted) (R49 L dn3) 823. E Bement & sons Lansing Mich / J181 1/2 - 12.5 mal tee w (R49 bot L) 824. E Bement & Sons / HC46 - 10.5 mal (crack) (R49 bot R) 825. JWB - 10 mal (pitted) (R266 R) 826. JWB - 11.5 mal (R266 L) 827. Emerson / B175A - 9.5 mal (R162 L dn4) 828. Emerson - 10 mal (R162 top R) 829. OP890 (E-B logo) - 7.5 mal (R162 L up2 in2) 830. G114 (Emerson?) - 6.5 mal (unlisted) Pictures 822 thru 830 ![]()
831. W1074 / E-B logo (Emerson) - 16 mal (R163 L up2) 832. Emerson / W1074 - 16 mal (R163 bot) 833. W402 (Emerson) - 17 mal (R163 L up3) 834. P942 (Emerson) - 8 mal (R162 bot R) 835. P84 (Emerson) - 7 mal (R162 bot L) 836. R438 (Emerson) - 8.5 (R163 top L) 837. E T (Emerson - Talcott) - 10 mal (R164) 838. Emerson M518 - 6.5 mal (R162 L up2) 839. K439 / with E-B logo (Emerson) - 7 mal pitman w (R162 R dn4) Pictures 831 thru 839 ![]()
840. M183 (Litchfield) - 10.5 mal (R299 bot R) 841. M183 (Litchfield) - 9 mal (open end at 90 degree var) (not in Rathbone) 842. M182 (Litchfield) - 9.5 mal (R299 top L) 843. S583 (Litchfield?) - 10.5 mal (pitted, crack) (not in Rathbone) 844. Johnson Harvester Co (Massey Harris) - 8.5 wh mw (R272 bot L) 845. 91 (Johnson Harvester / Massey Harris) - 12" mal (R272 R up3) 846. J H Co (Johnson Harvester / Massey Harris) - 14.5" mal (R272 R dn3) 847. J H Co / 218 (Johnson Harvester / Massey Harris) - 9.5" mal (R272 R up2) 845. 91 (Johnson Harvester / Massey Harris) - 12" mal (R272 R up3) 846. J H Co (Johnson Harvester / Massey Harris) - 14.5" mal (R272 R dn3) 847. J H Co / 218 (Johnson Harvester / Massey Harris) - 9.5" mal (R272 R up2) Pictures 840 thru 847 ![]()
848. Unmarked (7926T IHC) - 9.5" diameter cast iron funnel 849. B196 - 9" cast iron check row planter marker 850. IHC 271C - 12" mal cream separator bucket holder (cut out IHC logo) Pictures 848 thru 850 ![]()
"That's All Folks"
Note: This is a catalog of the Wrenching News Auction of antique wrenches from the collection of Russ Marshall that was held in York, Nebraska on February 1, 2003. We did the catalog and web site and the late Tom Bailey and crew did the auctioneering.
Printed catalogs and Lists of Prices Realized are available from Don 'Bus' Haury - 7913 SW 24th, Halstead, KS, 67056 - 316-283-5876 or 316-284-7345 - Email
Visit the The Wrenching News Homepage for a list of other wrench auction catalogs and information on future wrench auctions and other events, information on collecting antique wrenches, and a discussion board.
Visit the The Wrenching News Store for a large selection of wrenches and related items for sale. Both starting collectors and advanced will find something they need there.
Visit The Wrenching News Book Store For books on collecting wrenches and other tools.
Contact us if you want to dispose of your old wrenches (one or a collection). We have either managed or assisted with the sale of most of the major wrench collection that have been sold in the last several years. I am also available to advise and assist auctioneers who have old wrenches to auction.
Copyright 2001, Don 'Bus' Haury
Webmaster: Don 'Bus' Haury
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