Note: This is a catalog of the Wrenching News 2005 Spring Fever Auction with antique wrenches consigned by Russ Marshall of Allen, Nebraska; Scott Johnson of Augusta, Kansas; and other members of The Missouri Valley Wrench Club Auction that was held in York, Nebraska on April 15 - 16 2005.
Printed catalogs and Lists of Prices Realized are available from Don 'Bus' Haury - 7913 SW 24th, Halstead, KS, 67056 - 316-283-5876 or 316-284-7345 - Email
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Contact us if you want to dispose of your old wrenches (one or a collection). We have either managed or assisted with the sale of most of the major wrench collection that have been sold in the last several years. I am also available to advise and assist auctioneers who have old wrenches to auction.
April 15 & 16, 2005 - York, Nebraska
To view individual pictures click on the logo
To view all pictures on one page Click Here For abbreviations and book references used in this catalog: Click Here This auction listing page was created and is hosted by Don "Bus" Haury Any questions or comments please go to The Wrenching News website at Email
1. Sterling Mfg Co D127 / Sterling ILL 12 mal (R439 L)
2. Sterling Mfg Co / Hero S19 - 13.5 mal (R439 top R) (some light pitting)
3. P.P. Co 182 (Pattee Plow Co) 14 mal (R373 L dn 3)
4. P.P. Co. (Pattee Plow Co) 6.5 mal (some pitting) (R373 top L)
5. P.P. Co. (Pattee Plow Co) 8 mal (R373 top L in 2)
6. P.P. Co./100 with P logo (Pattee Plow Co) 8 mal (R373 top L in 2)
7. Seeder (Seeder Mfg. Co.) 8 mal (jaw missing) R420 bot)
Pictures 1 thru 7 ![]()
Oliver Wrenches Lots 8-27
8.Oliver/Oliver RP 206 6.5 mal (R361 L dn 3)
9. Oliver/RP208 Oliver 8.5 mal (R361 L dn 6 in 2)
10. RP 209 (Oliver & IHC) 12 mal (R361 top R dn 2)
11. Oliver/Oliver RP210 13.5 mal (R361L dn 7)
12. 183 (Oliver) 13 mal (R360 L dn2)
13. 83 (Oliver) 11.5 mal (R360 top L) (some pitting) Rare Oliver wrench
14. F704 (Oliver) 9 mal (not in Rathbone) (light pitting) Rare unlisted Oliver
15 J43 (Oliver) 6.5 mal (R361 top R in 2)
Pictures 8 thru 15 ![]()
16. G1 (Oliver) 12 mal (R361 top L)
17. Hart-Parr Co (Oliver) 10 Crescent type wrench (R223 L)
18. Oliver/CP245 9 mal (R360 T L in 2)
19. CP245 (Oliver, IHC & Chattanooga) 9 mal (R360 L dn 2 in 2)
20. Base Wrench/EP49 (Oliver & IHC) 7 mal (R360 bot mid)
21. Wm J Oliver Imp/Chilled Plow 8 mal (R490) (back side pitted, poor C in Chilled)
22. A331 (Oliver) 9 mal (R360 top r)
23. F153 (Oliver & IHC) 8.5 mal (R360 R up 2)
24. X (Oliver & Ohio Rake) 8 mal (R361 R dn 2 in 3)
25. F239-2/2 (Oliver & IHC (R360 R up 3)
26. H63 (Oliver) 7 mal (R361 L dn 2 in 2)
Pictures 16 thru 26 ![]()
27. F2-0005 (Oliver & Hart Carter) 8.5 mal tee wrench (not in Rathbone)
28. Tornado 6 mal (not in Rathbone)
29. C D Edwards Mfg Co 11.5 mal (R159)
30. Posts Capital City 8 mal (R384) (some pitting)
31. Greenville Plow Wks 10 mal (R208 L)
32. Robinson Spreader Co Vinton Iowa/A43 10.5 mal (R399 top)
33. Caledonia NY (Caledonia Bean Harvester) 8 mal (R75)
34. Browne/Sulky 10 mal (R67 top) (pitting)
35. Star Drill 100 7 mal (R437 top L) (pitting)
36. A L & CO 9 mal (not in Rathbone)
Pictures 27 thru 36 ![]()
Buggy Wrenches Lots 37-60
37. Columbus Buggy Co Columbus O/ Patented 7.5 mal buggy w (R110)
38. Racine/Patented 7.5 mal buggy wrench (R389 top R)
39. Zimmerman 7.5 mal buggy w (R502)
40. Moon Bros 7.5 mal buggy w (R337 top) 1 center opening variation
41. Moon Bros/C - 7.5 mal buggy w (R337 mid)
42. Tiger/D - 8 mal buggy w (R455)
43. Banner/2813B Patented - 7.5 mal buggy wrench (R42)
44. Freeport/B - 7.5 mal buggy wrench (like R184 L with different size opening)
45. Freeport/C - 7.5 mal buggy wrench (like R184 L with different size opening)
46. Freeport/D - 7.5 mal buggy wrench (like R184 L with different size opening)
47. Dayton/Patented with D in circle logo 8.5 mal buggy wrench (R127 up)
48. Dayton/2813C Patented with D in circle logo - 7.5 mal buggy wrench (R127 L)
Pictures 37 thru 48 ![]()
49. W S & A Co Gardiner ME 1 - 9 mal buggy wrench (R478)
50. Ives & Miller 1 - 9 mal buggy wrench (R262)
51. Gananogue Carriage Co/G74 - 9 mal buggy wrench (R198 R)
52. Staver - 9 mal buggy wrench (R438)
53. O R Co Dayton O E22 - 9 mal buggy wrench (R356 top)
54. Dexter Queen/56 Pocket wrench with E in circle logo - 5.5 mal buggy wrench (R144)
55. Meinecke Milwaukee 74 - 4 mal buggy wrench (R324)
56. H H Babcock Co 28 - 9.5 mal buggy wrench (R36 up 2)
57. Ideal Anchor Buggy Co/Pat Apr 28 1903 - 8.5 mal buggy wrench (R19 top) with 7/8 box end
58. Ideal Anchor Buggy Co/Pat Apr 28 1903 - 8.5 mal buggy wrench (R19 top) with 1 box end
59. Ideal 7321B E in circle/Pat Apr 28 1903 - 8.5 mal buggy w (R246 L dn 2)
60. Deere/Pat Apr 28 1903 C - 8.5 mal buggy wrench (R134 R up 2 in 4) with 1 opening
Pictures 49 thru 60 ![]()
Deere Wrenches Lots 60-74
61. Deere & Co (HZ5061) - 8 wh monkey wrench (Dill 302) (R133 bot L in 3) Var: knurled adj. Wheel
62. Deere & Mansur Co/157 - 10 mal (R139 top mid)
63. D M Co/4 (Deere & Mansur) 7.5 mal (Dill 267) (R 139 L dn 2) (pitted)
64. D & M (Deere & Mansur) 6.5 mal (R139 L dn 2 in 3)
65. Deere & Co/ M123A - 11 mal (R131 bot R)
66. Deere Mansur Co/A522 - 7.5 mal (Dill 145) This reverse lettered variant not in Rathbone
67. Deere Mansur Co/A522 - 7.5 mal (Dill 144) (R130 L up 3)
68. A522 (Deere) 7.5 mal (Dill 146) (R139 L up 2) number only variant
69. A523 (Deere) 6 mal (Dill 151) (R139 R in 2 up 2) number only variant (some pitting)
70. Deere Mansur Co/A523 - 6 mal (Dill 150) (R139 bot L in 2 up 3)
71. D & M Co (Deere & Mansur)/B470 - 13 mal (R139 top L) (some pitting on box end)
72. Deere A196-A (rare solid variant) 8 mal (R131 L dn 2 in 1)
Pictures 61 thru 72 ![]()
Cutout Wrenches Lots 73-88
73. Deere A196-A) 8 mal CUTOUT (R131R DN 2)
74. Deere A196 - 8 mal CUTOUT (R131 L dn 2)
75. Planet Jr/H4 - 8 mal CUTOUT (R380 bot)
76. Planet Jr/K48 - 5 mal CUTOUT (R380 R dn 2 in 2)
77. Planet Jr/2 - 6.5 mal CUTOUT (R380 L dn 4)
78. Planet Jr/3 - 6.5mal CUTOUT (R380 L dn 2)
79. OXO (Noxon) 8 mal CUTOUT(R356 L)
80. P & O 1338 (IHC) 6 mal CUTOUT (R370 R dn 2 in 2)
81. Blackhawk - 7.5 mal CUTOUT no stud variant (not in Rathbone)
82. Blackhawk - 7.5 mal CUTOUT with stud variant (not in Rathbone)
83. H O Buffalo Pitts Co NY - 10mal CUTOUT (R68 top r) Ex condition
84. Litchfield S437 mal CUTOUT (R299 L up 2)
85. Iron Age E39 8.5 mal CUTOUT (R260 bot)
86. Iron Age C9 - 6.5 mal CUTOUT (R260 top)
87. Universal E12 - 5 mal CUTOUT (R466 bot)
88. Universal - 5 mal CUTOUT (R466 top) no number variant
Pictures 73 thru 88 ![]()
IHC Related Wrenches Lots 89-104
89. P & O Canton ILL/4128 (IHC) 15 mal (R370 L up 4) (light pitting and small stress crack inside of jaw) Rare
90. P & O Canton ILL 3637 (IHC) 20.5 mal (R370 R dn 3 (Rare IHC wrench)
91. 8824 (P & O & IHC) 14 dbl soc w (R 370 L up 2) (slight bend)
92. P & O Canton ILL/4129 (IHC) 10.5 mal (R370 R up 4)
93. P & O Co/5283 (IHC) 10 mal (R370 L up 3)
94. P & O Co 940X/Canton ILL (IHC) (R370 top R in 2)
95. Wheelers/Self Rake (Cayuga Chief, Osborne, IHC) 11 malR486 bot
96. (Unmarked Wheelers Rake) 10.5 mal (like R486 top)
Pictures 89 thru 96 ![]()
97. Newell Sanders Plow Co A260 (IHC) 19 mal (R351 top R)
98. Newell Sanders Plow Co/A120 (IHC) 13.5 mal (R351 bot R) (pitting)
99. A120 (Sanders Plow & IHC?) 13.5 mal (not in Rathbone)
100. Newell Sanders Plow Co/A120 (IHC) 13 mal (R351 top L)
101. Chattanooga Plow Co F82 (IHC) 12.5 mal (R99 L dn 5)
102. Chattanooga Plow Co/D124 (IHC) 12 mal (R99 top R)
103. Chattanooga Plow Co 4 (IHC) 12 mal (R98 top mid)(pitting)
104. Chattanooga 3 (IHC) 9 mal (R98 R in 2 dn 2)
Pictures 97 thru 104 ![]()
Adustable Wrenches Lots 105-135
105. Comet No 3 Pat Jan 27 1903 H W & M Co Richford NY - 13.5 quick adj mw
106. Lever Wrench The Lever Co NY Pat Appld for - 8 dual adj monkey wrench
107. 8 wood handle adjustable angle ratchet wrench (S319)
108. Myers combination Wrench Milwaukee Wis - 8.5 quick adjust
109. Peterson Rapid Wrench Co S F Cal Patented Nov 3 1908 -10 wood handled quick adjust mw (S525) Rare
California adj. Wrench
110. A K Lovell Patent June 7 1892 - 8 spiral quick adjust monkey wrench (S401) (some pitting) Rare wrench that has been professionally restored by Herb Page)
111.Goodell-Pratt Co Greenfield Mass USA Patent Pending(Chauffeurs Universal Wrench) 6.5 quick adj. (S888)
112. Globe Wrench Co Ipswich Mass Pat Mar 15 10 - 8 turn handle to adjust wrench (S393)
113. (Unmarked F W Russell Machine Co.) 8 quick and screw adjust wood handled monkey wrench (unlisted not in Schulz). One of a few that turned up at an auction in Texas several years ago.
114. Parmenter Pipe & Nut Wrench Pats Oct 5 14 & Oct 16 17 - 6.5 wedge quick adjust
115. Utility Wrench Co New York Pat Aug 13 1878 & Sep 41883 (Atwaters) 12 Quick adj rack wrench. (S542) Wood handle restored by Herb Page. Rare wrench especially in this size
Pictures 105 thru 115 ![]()
116. Never-Stall Mathews Dayton Ohio Patented - 10 combination monkey wrench, etc. (S818)
117. G M Co L I City NY Unbreakable - 8.5 combination monkey wrench, hammer, etc. (S791)
118. Famous 8 in 4 Steger Sales Corp Sole Distbrs Tulsa Okla - 8 comb wrench hammer, etc (S1095) (chipped nail puller end)
119. Milleas Emergency Tool Mfd Universal Tool Co Springfield Mass Pat Feb 10 1903 - 7 odd screw adj combination wrench (S819)
120. Pat No 20013 (Tryons Pat) 9 combination screw adjust wrench (S1105)
121. 3-9-75 (Buttons Mar 9, 1875 patent) 7.5 odd wrench, hammer, etc. comb tool (S1053)
122. Pat Apl (Schwewinder) 9 quick adjust (S544 bottom)
123. Edstrom Pat 1-2-23 & 6-9-23 Other Pats Pend - 9 quick adjust (S489) (some pitting)
124. San Diego Specialty Work Pat 6-17-12 - 8.5 very rare unlisted, odd adjustable wrench
125. Buckeye - 9 double ended adjustable with wing nuts (S303)
Pictures 116 thru 125 ![]()
126. Walworth Mfg Co Boston - 12 wh quick adj pipe wrench (S728)
127, Atlas 10 Pat 1888 - 10.5 odd adj pipe wrench (S655)
128. McKercher 10 Patd Feb 13 1900 - 8.5 Qk adj pipe wrench (S692)
129. Gearench Mfg Co Houston Texas Patd 6-1-26 8 in Nut Gearench- 8 qk adj pipe w (S671)
130. Victor trademark Pat Dec 23 1902 & Aug 25 1903 - 8 qk adj pipe w (S653)
131. Mid-America Inc Eagle Grip Pat No 2691317 Omaha Nebr - 8 lever & screw adj pipe w (S598)
132. G W Newman Erie PA Patented - 9 lever operated rack adj pipe w (not in Schulz)
133. Winner tool Co Puyallup Wash - 10 Pipe Wrench Patd 1925 - 10 qk adj pipe w (not in Schulz)
134. The Robert Wrench Co NY Patented & Patents Pending - 8.5 self adj pipe wrench (S360)
135. Z 12 Pat Apld For - 12 mal qk adj pipe w (like S550)Pictures 126 thru 135 ![]()
Moline Wrenches Lots 136-154
136. Moline Plow Co/B169 - 14.5 mal (R332 bot)
137. D189/D190 (Moline) - 7.5 mal check row planter pliers (R333 L dn 4)
138. Moline Plow Co/HX34 - 11 mal (R333 R dn 2)
139. Moline Plow Co/WP241 - 10 mal (R333 R dn 9)
140. 01336 (Moline Plow) 9.5 mal (R333 L dn 6)
141. 768A (Moline/Adriance) 8 mal (R332 L up 4 & R5 bot L)
142. D203 with star logo (Moline) 8 mal (R333 L dn 2)
143. 916 (Moline) 7 mal (R332 R dn 4)
144. 915 (Moline) 8 mal (R332 top R)
145. Moline Plow Co/HX5+ - 10.5 mal (R333 top mid)
146. R55 (Moline) 7.5 mal (R333 R dn 4) (pitted)
147. 3050A For Pitman (Moline) 7 mal (R332 R up 3 in 2)
148. E.13 (Moline) 9 mal (not in Rathbone) Unlisted identified from parts list
Pictures 136 thru 148 ![]()
149. Moline Drill/A1037 - 8.5 mal (R332 L up 2 in 2
150. Monitor Drill/A763A - 8.5 mal (R334 bot)
151. Monitor Drill/A270 - 7 mal (R334 L up 2)
152. K436 (Moline) 9 mal (R333 L dn 5)
153. 1126A (Moline) 10 mal tee soc w (R332 R dn 2 in 2)
154. B319 (Moline) 10 mal (R332 R up 2)
155. S A Loose & Son/102 Hamburg PA - 10 mal (R300 top L) (Pitted)
156. Walker Bros Co/D44 Syracuse NY - 6.5 mal (R479 R)
157. Heilman Plow Co Evansville Ind - 8 mal (R228 bot)
158. Challenge (Challenge Co, Batavia, Illinois) 7 mal (R93)Pictures 149 thru 158 ![]()
J I Case Steam Engine Wrenches Lots 159-169
159. 1823C with Case Eagle (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench) 24 mal (R81 R dn 5)
160. 1822C with Case Eagle (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench)20.5 mal (R81 R dn 4)
161. 1821C with Case Eagle (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench)15.5 mal (R81 R dn 2)
162. 1820C with Case Eagle (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench)12.5 mal (R81dn 2)
163. 1819C with Case Eagle (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench) 9 mal (R81 L dn 2)
164. 1816C (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench) 5 mal (R81 L dn 2)Rare
Pictures 159 thru 164 ![]()
165. 880C (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench) 16.5 mal (R81 L dn 3)
166. 881C (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench) 12 mal tee soc wrench(R83 R dn 2) (slight twist)
167. 886C (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench) 7.5 mal (R81 R dn 6)
168. 887C (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench) 9 mal (R81 R dn 7)
169. 888C (J I Case Steam Engine Wrench) 5.5 mal (R81 R dn 8) Rare
170. C5544A Case Eagle - 9 mal odd crowfoot wrench (R82 R up 3 in 2)
171. K439 Made In United States of America/Case Eagle - 7 mal pitman wrench (R82 L up 7)
172. LG276 with Case Eagle - 8.5 mal tee soc w (R82 R up 5173
173. 3329A with Case Eagle (for Case Cross Motor Tractors)8.5 mal (R82 L up 3 in 2)
174. 3137A with Case Eagle - 9 mal (R82 L up 3)
175. 882M (Case Cross Motor Tractor Sparkplug Wrench) 8.5 mal (R79 R up 6) Rare
176. H123 (J I Case Threshing Machine Co) 5.5 (Rathbone Supplement not in book) Rare
Pictures 165 thru 176 ![]()
177. 1253T with Case Eagle - 6 mal Y shaped soc wrench (R81bot L)
178. 5015T (Case threshing Machine Co Key Wrench) (R81 bot mid)
179. 5548T with Case Eagle - 8 mal (R81 bot mid)
180. Case/76L (Case Threshing Machine Co) 7 mal (R77 R up
181. J I C logo in cutout lettering (Case Threshing Machine Co) 6 mal buggy whip holder (R82 R dn 2 in 2)
182. The J I Case Plow Co/Chilled Plow 89 - 10 mal (R77 mid dn 5) (pitted) Pre 1884 Case Plow Wrench
183. J I Case Plow Co/124 - 10 mal (R77 R dn 2) Pre 1884 Case Plow wrench. Note: The Case Plow Company
    became The Case Plow Works in 1884. These early Plow wrenches are seldom offered for sale.
184. Chase Tinsman Plow Co - 10 mal (R97 bot) (some pitting)
185. Chase Plow Co - 10 mal (R97 top) (some pitting)
186. Tiger (Stoddard ?) 7.5 mal with stud (R441 L dn 2)
187. Tiger 240 (Stoddard ?) 8 mal (R441 top in 2)
188. Tiger (Stoddard ?) 6.5 mal (unlisted not in Rathbone)(Pitted)
Pictures 177 thru 188 ![]()
189. Dreis & Krump Mfg Co Chicago ILL - 12.5 mal (R151 L)
190. J W Tufts Boston - 18 mal (R460)
191. Sattley Mfg Co 1031- 12.5 mal (R413 R dn 3)
192. Sampson Tractor Co/754372 - 14.5 mal (R410 top R)
193. Hester Plow Co 1 -14 mal (R232 top) unusual extra thick wrench from Florida
194. Singer & Co Coventry - 6 mal (unlisted not in Rathbone)
Pictures 189 thru 194 ![]()
195. Allis Chalmers Mfg Co. Lacrosse Works /300755 - 11.5al (R11 L up 6)
196. LX103 Ύ sq nut 5/8 hex nut (Allis Chalmers)
197. U348 (Allis Chalmers) -10.5 mal (R11 bot)
198. TC 369 (Allis Chalmers) 10 mal (R11 L up 3)
199. 32 (Chas. Allen & Co) 8 odd mal (R9 bot R)
200. Midland Mfg Co. Tarkio Mo USA 2/Tague & Kerlin Wrench - 9 mal (R326 bot)(pitted)
201. A Ellwood - 7 mal (R 161 bot L)
202. P20 (Ellwood) 14 mal (R161 L dn 2) (previous owner enlarged jaw opening)
Pictures 195 thru 202 ![]()
Deering Style Lots 203-217
203. Akron (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R7 bot) (pitted)
204. Harvester (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R225 R)
205. Wyeth/St Joseph (Deering style) 7" mal (R500) (some pitting)
206. R & W Co 6000/Model (Deering style) 7.5.5" mal (R388)
207. J S & Co/Utility (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R265 bot)
208. A J Harwi/Utility (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R226) (light pitting)
209. Simmons/Utility (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R426 dn 2)
210. Hayes/A116 (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R227 top L)
211. Arnholt (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R21)
212. National (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R346 top L)
213. K & H Co/Ottawa ILL (King and Hamilton) (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R276) (ex. pitted)
214. D324M (H V McKay) (Deering style) 7.5" mal (not in Rathbone)
215. Maxwell/Maxwell (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R315)
216. FC340 C. Puzenat/C. Puzenat - 7.5" mal similar to Deering style (foreign ?) (Unlisted not in Rathbone
Pictures 203 thru 216 ![]()
217. Dempster (Deering style) 7.5" mal (R143 top L)
218. D M M Co (Dempster Mill Mfg Co) 11.5" mal (R143 DN 2)
219. Har'King CO X/Har'King CO X - 5" mal (R225 mid)
220. W I M Co 1906 D70 - 10.5" mal (R476 top) (Pitted)
221. W I M Co 1906/V121- 11" mal (R476 bot) (repaired and slight bend)
222. C24 Chicopee - 10" mal (R101 top)
223. Childs/Wood Beam - 10" mal (R103 top)
224. Dayton Plow Co/137 - 10.5" mal (R128)
225. Kirlin/K115 - 9" mal (R285) Nice condition
Pictures 227 thru 237 ![]()
Unidentified Orphans Lots 226-237
226. M627 - 9" mal (unlisted orphan like Kirlin R285)
227. Unmarked - 6" x 9.5" odd L shaped (unlisted orphan not in Rathbone)
228. AR10 - 8" mal (unlisted orphan not in Rathbone)
229. GV - 7" mal (unlisted orphan not in Rathbone)
230. M - 9.5" mal (unlisted orphan not in Rathbone) (bent)
231. D - 9.5" odd mal (unlisted orphan not in Rathbone)
232. G18 - 12" mal (unlisted orphan not in Rathbone like IHC V265A R255 L up 3 in 2)
233. H S P - 9.5" mal (unidentified orphan R 212) (some pitting and over cleaned)
234. 45 - 9" mal (unlisted orphan not in Rathbone)
235. HX - 8"mal (unlisted orphan not in Rathbone)
236. 22-P - 9"mal (unlisted orphan not in Rathbone)
237. 81 - 8"mal (unlisted orphan not in Rathbone (small drilled hang hole)
Pictures 227 thru 237 ![]()
Buggy Wrenches Lots 238-262
238. Sheldon Axle Co/209 - 10.5" mal buggy wrench (unlisted not in Rathbone)
239. Sheldon Axle Co/87 - 11" mall buggy w (unlisted not in Rathbone) (pitting)
240. Sheldon Axle Co/151 - 9.5" mal buggy w (R423 bot L in 4)
241. Sheldon Axle Co/154 - 9.5" mal buggy w (unlisted not in Rathbone)
242. Sheldon Axle Co/82 - 9.5" mal buggy w (R423 R in 7)
243. Sheldon Axle Co/111 - 111" mal buggy w (unlisted not in Rathbone) (pitting)
244. Sheldon Axle Co/99 - 10" mal buggy w (R423 L in 6)
245. Sheldon Axle Co/78 - 10" mal buggy w (R423 R in 4)
246. Sheldon Axle Co/76 - 10" mal buggy w (R423 R in 2)
247. Sheldon Axle Co/75 - 8.5" mal buggy w (R423 R)
248. Porter Pat Axle/76 - 9" mal buggy w (R383 top L)
249. Parry - 7" mal buggy wrench and whip holder (R372)
Pictures 238 thru 249 ![]()
250. Dalzell & Co 24 - 11" mal buggy w (R123 L dn 4) (some pitting & hard to see crack repair)
251. Dalzell & Co 15 - 10" mal buggy w (R123 R dn 3)
252. Dalzell & Co 12 - 9" mal buggy w (R123 L dn 2)
253. H S Zooks Vehicle Wrench/Pat May 2 93 Blue Rock PA 1 - 8.5"m mal buggy w (R503 top L)
254. Susquehanna Fertilizer Co/Of Baltimore City MD Pat May 2 93 1- 8.5" mal buggy w (R447 R in 2)
255. Pat Apl For ZB/ - 8.5" mal buggy wrench with hex box end (unlisted like H S Zook R503)
256. Uncle Sam Pat Apld for/1-1/8 - 8.5" mal buggy wrench with spring nut holder (R463 bot) Ex condition with some original finish
257. H A Muckle St Paul/310 - 8" mal buggy w (R343)
258. Sechler Moline/1 inch - 8" mal buggy w (R419 up 3)
259. Studebaker/1" - 8" mal buggy w (R444 L up 2) (small tight jaw crack)
260. Studebaker/7/8 - 8" mal bug w (R444 L dn 2)
261. Studebaker/1-1/8 - 8.5" mal bug w (R444 bot L)
262. S over B Logo/1-1/8 (Studebaker ?) 8.5" mal buggy wrench (unlisted like Studebaker R444 bot L)Pictures 250 thru 262 ![]()
Automobile Wrenches Lots 263-279
263. Moon with dots in the O's - 10" mal hub cap w (R337 dn 3)
264. Dayton Wire Wheel - 13" mal wire wheel w
265. Minute Wheel/P5 - 16" mal wire wheel w
266. Hayes Wheel Co Jackson Mich WW5 - 16" mal wire wheel wrench
267. Budd Wheel Corporation/Philadelphia PA USA 2956 - 10.5" mal wire wheel wrench
    shown in 1921 Overland Parts List, also furnished with other automobiles
268. 4344 (shown in Cole Aero 8 Auto Parts List) 12" mal hubcap wrench
269. Winton/17 B 630 - 9.5" mal auto wrench (Rathbone lists as Vinton R474 bot)
Pictures 263 thru 269 ![]()
270. Winton/21A 2667 - 12" mal hub cap w
271. White (in script) 886GE - 13" mal truck hub cap wrench
272. The Studebaker Corporation of America AA4855 - 9.5" mal auto wrench
273. Marion (Marion Auto ?) 9.5" spark plug & cylinder head wrench similar to Ford
274. Cushman Co Champaign ILL/Made in USA Craftsman Tools-10.5" Ford Model T type spark plug & cylinder head bolt wrench
275. Pasco- 5.5" mal wire wheel spoke wrench
276. Houk-5.5" stamped steel wire wheel spoke w
277. Budd Wheel/3103-5.5" mal wire wheel spoke wrench
278. 8463-11" mal hub cap wrench
279. Kingston - 11" mal hex box end w (Kingston carburetor wrench ?)
280. Estate - 10" mal stove lifter with CUTOUT lettersPictures 270 thru 280 ![]()
International Harvester Wrenches Lots 281-317
281. SA1406/IHC logo - 12" mal (R255 R up 9 in 2)
282. V265A (IHC) 12" mal (R255 L up 3 in 2)
283. M238 with IHC logo - 14.5" mal (R254 R dn 4)
284. 9756T with IHC logo - 9.5" mal gas engine crank
285. M3599 with IHC logo - 10" mal dbl socket (R254 L up 4 in 2)
286. F239 11 HP with IHC logo (Oliver Plow wrench from the IHC Canadian Hamilton Plow Works) (R214)
287. 139-1/2E (1907-1912 International Motor Trucks) 6" mal tee soc wrench (R250 R dn 2)
288. 44337 (IHC) 2-3/8" mal soc w (not in Rathbone)
289. K92 (Plano/IHC) - 8" mal (not in Rathbone) (poor condition ugly weld repair, pitted, bent, over cleaned but rare)
290. 2052V with IHC logo - 6.5" mal hub puller
Pictures 281 thru 290 ![]()
291. CP 2126 (Chattanooga/IHC) 11" mal (R99 L up 3) (missing one jaw)
292. 5 hattanooga (Chattanooga/IHC) 9.5" variant with "C" left out (like R98 top R)
293. CP4003 with IHC logo - (Chattanooga/IHC) 8.5" mal (R98 R up 2) (small drilled hang hole)
294. AP 146 (Australian IHC) 9" mal (not in Rathbone)
295. P318/IHC logo - 4.5' mal (C B & Q Co/IHC) (R73 top R)
296. C264 Keystone/Tip Top (Keystone/IHC) 7" mal (R280 R 2 dn) (some pitting)
297. A (Keystone/IHC) 7" mal (R280 R dn 2 in 2)
298. C (Keystone/IHC) 7.5" mal (R280 top L)
299. D (Keystone/IHC) 8.5" mal tee soc w (R280 bot L) (pitted, bent)
300. D/IHC Logo (Keystone/IHC) 8.5" mal tee soc (R208 bot L)
301. Champion Mower & Reaper Wrench/Patd Nov 10 1863, Feb 23 1864, reissued June 1 1869 (Champion/IHC) 10" wh monkey wrench with split adj knurl (Taft's patents made by Coes) (Ex uncleaned condition)
302. E183 (Buffalo-Pitts) 7" mal (not in Rathbone)
Pictures 291 thru 302 ![]()
303. FA354 (IHC) 8" mal with stud (not in Rathbone) (pitted)
304. Kentucky Drills/ Brennan & Co Lou Ky KR299 - 8.5" mal (R62 top) (pitted)
305. J480 (Plano/IHC) 6.5" pitman w (R381 bot L)
306. K234 (Osborne/IHC) 5" mal tee socket w (R363 top L)
307. 733 (C B & Q/IHC ?) mal 7.5" mal (not in Rathbone)
308. McCormick (IHC) 10" wh monkey wrench (R320 R dn 5)
309. 950 (McCormick/IHC) 10" mal doe with center rib (not in Rathbone) Old McCormick pre IHC wrench
310. 383 in ledger plate logo 11/16 5/8 (IHC) 8.5" forged doe w (not in Rathbone)
311. International 5/8 11/16/999468R1 USA - 7" doe w (not in Rathbone)
312. T225 (McCormick/IHC) 5" doe w (not in Rathbone)
313. U51 (IHC) 9" mal Note: this is the rare two opening variant (not in Rathbone) (ex condition)
314. U50 and UA51 both with IHC logos - 9" mal wrenches (R255 R up 6 in 4)
315. International 999129R1 12 ft. Tape Measure Ex condition
316. 97LA with IHC logo - 4.5" forged doe w (R250 L dn 2 in 2)
317. Deering (in ledger plate logo) D736 - 5.5" mal (R252 bot L in 3)
Pictures 303 thru 317 ![]()
Adjustable Wrenches Lots 318-339
318. Craft 18 in Pat'd - 18" adj alligator w (Ex condition) (not in Schulz)
319. Genuine McKibbon Pat Nos 1872780, 1730671, 1709589 - 18" adj alligator w (S693)
320. Schick Quick-Grip Patent Pending - 15" alum. Alligator w (not in Schulz)
321. Pat Appl'd For - 10" self adj alligator w (S3*)
322. Kern Pat'd -10.5" adj alligator w (S646)
323. Richards Mfg Co Aurora ILL 8 in Shark Patent Pendg - 8" adj alligator w (like S23)
(Ex condition)
324. Richards Mfg Co Aurora ILL 12 in Shark Patent Pendg - 12" adj alligator w (S23)
325. Wizard The Richards Mfg Co Aurora Ill Patented May 21 07 Other Pats Pending - 8" adj ratchet w (S156 top) (Ex condition)
326. Nilson-Walters wrench Co Casselton N Dak Pat Dec 25 1900 - 7" adj alligator w (S32) 90% of the original plating remains on this North Dakota wrench patented on Christmas Day 1900
327. Unmarked Cronk style 7.5" adj alligator w (some pitting, restored by Herb Page)
Pictures 318 thru 327 ![]()
328. American Saw Co Patented April 8 1890 - 9.5" adj alligator w (S33 & 596)
329. The "Teddy" Screwdriver / Marshalltown IA Patent App'd for - 8" comb. hammer, screwdriver, alligator wrench (like S40)
330. The "Teddy" Screwdriver / Marshalltown IA Pat. A -9" comb. hammer, screwdriver, alligator wrench (S40)
331. The "Teddy" Screwdriver / Waterloo IA Pat Apl'd - 9" comb hammer, screwdriver, alligator wrench (like S40)
332. 8 inch Improved Economy Pat Aug 4 1918 / KC Drop Forge Co Independence Mo - 9" comb alligator monkey wrench (auto style var.) (similar to S40 bot)
333. Morris Wrench Patented - 15.5" comb wrench (S820) The classic combination tool in good plus condition
334. KeenKutter Logo Patented May 26 03 - 7" adj alligator w (like S37 top) (pitting)
335. Steel - 8.5" comb alligator w & hoof pick tool
336. Vise Grip Pat'd - 9" first model Vise Grip (S262 top)
337. Vise Grip Pat'd Apr 8 24 Dewitt Neb - 9" second model Vise Grip (S262 bot)
338. Griplock Plier Wrench Pat 1-22-24 Other Pat Pend Norfolk Nebraska -7" Vise Grip Type adj w (S261 bot) short jaw var
339. Griplock Plier Wrench Pat 1-22-24 Other Pat Pend Norfolk Nebraska -8.5" Vise Grip Type adj w (S261 top) long jaw var.
Pictures 328 thru 339 ![]()
Motorcycles Wrenches Lots 340-346
340. Indian Motocycles / Hendee Mfg Co - 6" forged dbl box end w (S 125 top)
341. Indian Motocycles - 6" stamped steel doe w
342. Indian Motocycle The Hendee Mfg Co Springfield Mass Charles E Hall Co Buffalo NY No 13 - 5.5 steel mw (not in Schulz) Rare Indian wrench mfg by Charles Hall more commonly found made by Wakefield (only fair condition)
343. Indian Motocycles Hendee Mfg Co Springfield Mass Wakefield Wrench No 17 Worcester Mass - 7" steel adj mw (different than more common Wakefield No 8 Indian wrench)
344. Indian (in script) - 7" steel auto style adj wrench (like S125 bot) Thick variant
345. Indian (in script) - 7" steel auto style adj wrench (S125 bot) Thin variant
346. "Flying Merkel" Mfg by the Miami Cycle & Mfg Co Middletown Ohio /No 8 Wakefield Wrench Worcester Mass Pat Sept 4 1900 6" steel adj wrench
Pictures 340 thru 364 ![]()
Maytag Lots 347-352
347. Maytag 38661 - 7" stamped steel doe w (not in Rathbone) Extremely Rare Ex condition
348. Maytag No 1 - 5" stamped steel (R317 bot L)
349. Maytag No 2 - 5.25" stamped steel (R317 bot L in 2)
350. Maytag No 3 - 5" stamped steel (R317 bot L in 3)
351. Maytag No 4 - 5.25" stamped steel (R317 bot L in 4)
352. Maytag No 6 - 5.25" stamped steel (R317 bot R in 4)
Pictures 340 thru 364 ![]()
Bicycle or Pocket Wrenches Lots 353-364
353. Unmarked Gem 4.5" all metal adj monkey w (like S102 dn 2)
354. Gem T & L (Tower & Lyons) 3.25" all metal adj monkey wrench
355. 4 inch No 74 Westcott Keystone Co Buffalo NY - 4" curved handle Crescent type. One of the harder to find 4 inchers.
356. The J R Long Wrench Co Akron Ohio Pat Apr 17 1906 - 3.25" wedge adj (like S549) (some pitting)
357. Lowe's Pat April 10 1894 Made By Billings & Spencer Co - 5" screw & lever adj bicycle w (S111 bot) (pitting on one side)
358. B & C 6 in. - 6" Bemis & Call double-ended curved handle Crescent type with nut & pipe jaws. (Pitted but hard to find in any condition)
359. The Triplet Wrench Pat Applied For - 5.5" double-ended adj alligator with nut & pipe jaws sold by Stanley Tools (smooth working nice wrench)
360. J H Ferguson Dayton O Pat Nov 15 1910 - 5" double-ended nut & pipe wrench (S108 mid)
361. KeenKutter / K94 - 4" adj bicycle wrench (like Kraeuter's Victor S37 top) (some very light pitting)
362. Jos H Seed New York / Design Patented - 4.5" comb wrench, hammer, etc
363. Athol Machine Co Athol Mass - 6" screw & quick adj (S526)
364. H F Jenks Pawtucket RI / Patd by J S Barden 1891 - 6" self adj alligator w (not in Schulz but same patent as Mossberg's Eagle Wrench S1088 center) (chip off top jaw, considerably rarer than the Mossberg variety)
Pictures 340 thru 364 ![]()
Deere Wrenches Lots 363-386
365. Dain Mfg Co / Ottumwa IA - 10" mal small letter Dain J81E (Dill 312) (R121 top R) Good Plus condition on this rare Dain wrench
366. Unmarked Dain style wrench - 10" mal like the super rare Carrollton Mo Dain J81E (Dill 314) (not in Rathbone) Ex condition
367. G51 (Dain Deere) 8" mal (Dain 280) (R121 L dn 2)
368. G51E (Dain/Deere) - 8" mal (Dill 281) (R121 R dn 2 in 2) (some pitting)
369. Dain / Z78 - 6.5" mal pitman w (Dill 491) (R121 R dn 3) Left hand variation
370. Dain (L136) 8" mal (Dill 363) (R121 R dn 2) Dain variation without part number (pitted)
371. Dain / L136E - 8" mal with part number half way on handle (Dill 365) (not in Rathbone)
372. Dain / L136E - 8" mal with part number near long slot (Dill 364) (R121 L dn 3)
373. 148 (Deere) 9.5" mal (Dill 21) (R130 R dn 2 in 3)
374. 157 (Deere ?) 10" mal (Dill 24) (R130 R dn 2 in 2)
375. 159 with dog bone logo (Deere ?) 8.5" mal (like Dill 29 except dog bone logo instead of U) (R130 R dn 3 in 2)
376. Unmarked 159 (Deere ?) 8.5" mal (Dill 30) (like R430 R up 2 in 2)
Pictures 365 thru 376 ![]()
377. 4428C (Marseilles/Deere corn sheller) 8.5" mal tee socket w (Dill 90) (not in Rathbone)
378. Unmarked H68 (Deere) 6.5" mal 6.5" (Dill 291) (R136 R dn 3) (pitted)
379. 246 (Marseilles/Deere ) 13" mal tee (Dill 47) (R 310 L dn 2)
380. 1459 (Marseilles/Deere Windmill) 8.5" mal tee (Dill 76) (R310 top R) Extra rare wrench in excellent condition. Only one person has this on Dill's list
381. A124 (Deere) 4" mal tee w numbered across head variant (Dill 127) (R131 top L)
382. A1214A (Deere) 4" mal tee w numbered down shaft with two holes variant (Dill 129) (R131 top r in 2)
383. 1C1981H with JD logo (Deere Combine) mal dbl socket w (Dill 100) (R134 R dn 4) another rare John Deere wrench, only one marked on Dill's list
384. 127706 (Holt/Deere Combine) 10" mal dbl socket wrench. Unlisted variant not marked Holt (like Dill 110) (R136 R dn 5) Ends of sockets ground to slight taper
385. 136 (Deere) mal 10" (Dill 16) (R130 top R)
386. John Deere / King Corn Silo 58 - 12.5" mal (Dill 10) (R133 L up 4) Good Plus condition
Pictures 377 thru 386 ![]()
Silo Type Wrenches Lots 387-405
387. Louisville Silo & Tank Co / Patented March 10 1914 - mal ratchet silo wrench (like R301)
388. Vesper Silo - 11" mal silo w (R473 top R) (pitting)
389. Unadilla Silo Co / Unadilla NY - 9" mal silo w (R462 R dn 2) (some pitting)
390. Economy Silo / 1 - 9" mal silo w (R158)
391. Nappanee Lumber & Mfg Co 5/8 & ½ / Nappanee Silos ¾ - 10" mal silo socket w (R346 R)
392. Nappanee Silos Monarch & Climax / Nappanee Lumber & Mfg Co Nappanee Ind - 12.5" mal silo w (R364 L
393. Craine Silo Co Inc - 9" mal socket silo w (R117 bot R) (pitted)
394. Woods Bros Silo & Mfg Co / The Hinge Door Silo - 8.5" mal silo wrench flat back variant (R496 top)
395. Woods Bros Silo & Mfg Co / The Hinge Door Silo - 8.5" mal silo wrench tapered back variant (R496 bot)
396. Western Silo Co Des Moines Iowa / Champion Silo - 12" mal double box end silo wrench (not in Rathbone)
Pictures 387 thru 396 ![]()
397. Indiana Silo Co Anderson Ind / Indiana Silo Co Anderson Ind - 12" mal silo wrench (R249 dn 5)
weak lettering one side
398. Indiana Silo Co 5/8" / Drop Forged - 10.5" forged silo wrench (R249 bot)
399. Twin city Tank & Silo Co ½ / Minneapolis Minn 5/8 - 10" mal silo wrench large letter variant (R461 R)
400. Twin City Tank & Silo Co 5/8" / Minneapolis Minn ½ - 10" mal silo wrench small letter variant (R 461 top L)
401. Oneida Steel Pulley Co / Oneida NY - 10.5" mal silo type wrench (R362 L)
402. E C Tecktunius Mfg Co 5/8 / Racine Wis No 2 5/8 - 10.5" mal silo type wrench (R453 R)
403. Farmers Handy Wagon Co / Saginaw Silo - 8.5" mal silo wrench (R175)
404. Simplex Inc 58 / Mansfield Wis - 8.5" mal silo type wrench (R426)
405. Chain Belt Co 9/16 / Milwaukee Wis - 10" mal silo type wrench (like R92 top)
406. Sterling No 295 -8" mal dbl box end w
407. T. B. Wood's Sons ¼ / Chambersburg PA - 6' mal soc w (like R493)
408. Durbin - 7.5" mal dbl soc w (not in Rathbone)
409. G A Kelly / 1 - 7" mal (R277 top L) (pitted)
Pictures 397 thru 409 ![]()
410. Fuller & Johnson C0 / 2H33 - 11.5" mal imp w (R191 bot L)
411. Fuller & Johnson / 2P30 - 9" mal two box openings variant (R191 top mid) (pitting)
412. Fuller & Johnson / 2P30 - 9" mal one box opening variant (R191 top R) (pitting)
413. 2P30 (Fuller & Johnson) - 9" mal number only variation (R191 bot R)
414. Owatonna Mfg Co Owatonna Minn - 8" mal (R365 top)
415. Black Hawk M95 / Sechler Moline ILL (Sechler/Oliver) 10.5" mal (R419 up 4) good condition wrench with tons of eye appeal
416. Black Hawk / M167 (Sechler/Oliver) 10.5" mal (R419 bot)
417. D M Sechler Implt & Cge Co / Moline ILL J276 - 9.5" mal (R419 up 2)
418. Black Hawk / M168 (Sechler/Oliver) 6.5" mal (R419 up 3 R)
419. 96 Vulcan Plow Co / Evansville Ind - 10" mal (R475 top R)
420. Vulcan Plow Co / Evansville Ind - 7.5" mal (R475 L up 2) (pitted)
Pictures 410 thru 420 ![]()
421. Wiard with star logo - 13.5" mal (R488) interesting wrench design
422. Wiard Plow Co - 12" mal (R488 top mid)
423. Wiard. S - 11.5" mal (R488 bot L)
424. W P Co 94 (Wiard Plow Co) 11" mal (R488 up 4)
425. W P Co (Wiard Plow Co) 9.5" mal (R488 L dn 2)
426. Sampson 1892 For Wrist Pin Only / For Front Cap Box Only - 7" mal (R410 bot)
427. PO11 (McKenzie Manufacturing Company, La Crosse, Wisc for No. 5 Planter parts list, also on IHC wrench list) 7.5" mal (not in Rathbone)
428. Blount / 430 - 10" mal (R58 top R) (pitted)
429. OK Champion / 59 - 8" mal 8" (R94 top R)
430. OK Champion Hammond Ind / S97 - 10" mal (R94 top L)
Pictures 421 thru 430 ![]()
Massey Harris Wrenches Lots 431-474
431. JB192 <M-H> (Massey Harris) 15" mal (R312 L dn 2) (drilled hang hole)
432. J727 <M-H) (Massey Harris) 15" mal (R312 top mid)
433. P337 <M H> (Massey Harris) 10.5" mal (R312 L dn 5)
434. 185931M1 (Massey Harris) 12" forged (not in Rathbone)
435. M71 (Massey Harris) 10" mal (R312 L dn 3)
436. A23 <M-H> (Massey Harris) 5.5" mal (R312 R up 6 in 2)
437. Z189 / <M-H> (Massey Harris) 6.5" mal (R312 R dn 4 in 3)
438. J7 (M-H> (Massey Harris) 6.5" mal (R312 L dn 2 in 2)
439. M555 / <M-H> Made in USA - 5.5" mal pitman w (R312 R up 3)
440. M555 / <M-H> (Massey Harris) 5.5" mal pitman w (R312 R dn 2)
441. 421W / <M-H> (Massey Harris) 7.5" mal (not in Rathbone) (pitting)
442. 421W (Massey Harris) 7.5" mal (not in Rathbone)
Pictures 431 thru 442 ![]()
443. P4881 (Verity/Massey Harris) 15" mal doe-s (not in Rathbone)
444. P3641 (Verity/Massey Harris) 12.5" mal (not in Rathbone) (jaw crack)
445. P337 (Verity/Massey Harris) 10.5" mal (like R312 L up 3)
446. P315 (Verity/Massey Harris) 11" mal (not in Rathbone)
447. L573 (Sawyer/Massey Harris) 11.5" mal socket w (not in Rathbone)
448. TO62 (Sawyer/Massey Harris) 11" mal socket w (not in Rathbone)
449. Verity P61 (Verity/Massey Harris) 6.5" mal CUTOUT (R472 top) (pitting)
450. Comet 121C - 6.5" mal CUTOUT (R111)
451. Granite State 5" mal CUTOUT (R207 top R)
452. M555 <M-H> / Canada (Massey Harris) 5.5" mal pitman w (not in Rathbone)
453. A23 / <M-H> (Massey Harris) 5.5" mal (R312 R up 6)
454. C280 / <M-H> (Massey Harris) 5" mal socket w (R313 R dn 6 in 2)
Pictures 443 thru 454 ![]()
455. 883 (Case Plow Works/Massey Harris) 14.5" mal doe (R312 L up 6)
456. 1222 (Case Plow Works/Massey Harris) 10.5" mal (R312 L dn 7)
457. 2234 / C (Case Plow Works/Massey Harris) (R311 R dn 2 in 2)
458. 4105 (Case Plow Works/Massey Harris) 10" mal (R77 R up 4)
459. 4106 / C (Case Plow Works/Massey Harris) 8" mal (R311 R up 3)
460. 1185 (Massey Harris) 7.5" mal (R311 top L)
461. 122A (Massey Harris) 6.5" mal (R311 R up 3 in 2)
462. M71 (Massey Harris) 10" mal (not in Rathbone)
463. 274A (Massey Harris) 8.5" mal (R311 bot R)
464. E30 (Massey Harris ?) 9" mal (not in Rathbone) (pitted)
465. P4973 (Massey Harris) 8.5" mal (not in Rathbone) (some pitting)
466. 180108M1 <MHF) 11/16 1-1/16 / ruler on back side (Massey Harris Ferguson) 10.5"
variation not in Rathbone)
Pictures 455 thru 466 ![]()
467. 3735 (Wallis Tractor/Massey Harris) 12" mal
like Wallis 3854 except with two sockets instead of three (not in Rathbone)
468. 3854 (Wallis Tractor/Massey Harris) 12" mal with three sockets (R480 top R)
469. <M-H> 11" auto style monkey w (R312 R dn 5 in 4)
470. <H-H> Spark Plug Wrench 202783M / Made in Canada (Massey Harris) 10.5" box end w (R312 L dn 3)
471. 123C (Massey Harris) 8.5" mal Vandegrift patent monkey w (R312 R dn 5 in 5)
472. S250 (Massey Harris) 8" mal doe (not in Rathbone)
473. Johnson Harvester Co (Johnson/Massey Harris) 8.5" wh monkey w (R272 L dn 3)
474. J H Co / 218 (Johnson Harvester/Massey Harris) 9.5" mal (R272 R up 2)
475. Shares / N167 5.5" mal (R421) ex condition with some original finish
476. Super Mogul Super Special / M350 Use For Axle Nuts Only - 15.5" mal (R436 top L)
Pictures 467 thru 476 ![]()
477. A316 (Huber Steam Engine) 19.5" mal soe (not in Rathbone) (jaw crack) Big neat steam engine wrench
478. Rumely LaPorte Ind 376 3/4 & 7/8 - 21" forged doe-s steam engine w (R405 L dn 2)
479. Reeves / 1578 - 6.5" mal doe steam engine wrench (R393 top L)
480. 3762 Reeves - 15" mal doe steam engine w (R393 up 2) (jaw crack)
481. Reeves / 3378 - 11.5" mal doe steam engine wrench (R393 bot)
482. Frick & Co / 1064A - 8" mal (R185 top) (pitted)
483. Frick & Co 1008B / 1/4 & 5/16 - 5" mal Steam engine wrench (R185 L up 2)
484. 3575 (Gaar-Scott) 10" mal steam engine wrench (pitted)
Pictures 477 thru 484 ![]()
485. 105N (Advance/Rumely) 13" mal steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone)
486. 170J (Advance/Rumely) 10" mal doe steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone)
487. 171J (Advance/Rumely) 11.5" mal steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone)
488. 169J (Advance/Rumely) 8" mal doe steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone)
489. 117A (Advance/Rumely) 8" mal doe steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone
490. 140M (Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co) 8.5" mal steam engine and gas tractor wrench (not in Rathbone)
491. 142M (Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co) 10" mal steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone)
492. 1280M (Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co) 11" mal steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone) (some pitting)
493. 149M (Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co) 9.5" mal steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone) (pitted)
Pictures 485 thru 493 ![]()
494. 1340 (Nichols & Sheppard) 13.5" mal doe steam engine wrench (not in Rathbone)
495. 4851 (Nichols & Sheppard) 10" mal doe steam engine wrench (R352 bot) (jaw crack)
496. 4726 (Nichols & Sheppard) 10.5" mal soe wrench (not in Rathbone)
497. 6774 (Peerless/Geiser) 10" mal (not in Rathbone)
498. Peerless / G M Co 7/8 & 3/4 (Peerless/Geiser) 12.5" mal doe steam engine wrench (R200 top R)
499. Wrench For Governor 2463 (Stickney Gas Engine ?) 17.5" mal (not in Rathbone)
500. Blocki / G69 - 6" mal (R57 top)
501. Hudson / G69 - 6" mal (R244 top L)
502. F (Farquhar) 6.5" mal (R176 top R)
Pictures 494 thru 502 ![]()
503. D5D733 (Advance/Rumely) 16" mal soe (not in Rathbone)
504. R43 (Rumely) 6.5" mal tee soc (R405 L dn 2)
505. B F Avery & Sons Co C631 / Louisville KY - 10" mal (R27 R up 2)
506. B F Avery & Sons Lou KY / E1014 - 18" mal (R27 L dn 4)
507. Avery / 251(Avery Co Peoria) 7.5" mal (R26 L dn 2 in 2)
508. Avery / G4 (B F Avery) 7.5" mal (R26 top R) (crack and pitted)
509. B F Avery & Sons / AA38 - 10.5" mal (R27 R dn 3)
510. A252 (Avery Co Peoria) 4.5" mal dbl socket (not in Rathbone)
511. 4771 (Avery Co Peoria) 16.5" mal dbl soc (not in Rathbone)
Pictures 503 thru 511 ![]()
512. 94 (Avery Co Peoria) 13.5" mall tee soc (not in Rathbone)
513. 76 (Avery Co Peoria) 8" mal soe (not in Rathbone)
514. Morrison 261 - 12" mal doe with hammer (R340 top L in 2)
515. Morrison Mfg Co - 10" mal (R340 up 2) (some pitting)
516. Morrison / Fort Madison - 8" mal (R340 up 3) (pitted)
517. Ft Madison Plow Co 260 - 10" mal (R189 bot L)
518. H & D - 5" mal (R228 bot)
519. H & D York PA (Hench & Dromgold) 7.5" mal (R228 top L)
520. H & D York PA (Hench & Dromgold) 7.5" mal (R228 top R)
521. H43 (Keystone Farm Machinery) 7" mal (Not in Rathbone but listed in Supplement)
522. 4S (Sandwich Mfg Co) 7" mal (R412 mid)
Pictures 512 thru 522 ![]()
523. B22 (David Bradley) 14.5" mal (R126 L up 3 in 2)
524. 0566 (David Bradley) 13" mal (R125 bot R)
525. 832A (David Bradley) 13" mal (R126 L dn 3)
526. U12 Bradley Cultivator (David Bradley) 10" mal (R126 R in 2 dn 6) (some pitting)
527. David Bradley Mfg Wks / Bradley ILL 105A - 10" mal (R126 L in 2 dn 2)
528. K35 Bradley Lister (David Bradley) 6" mal (R126 L dn 6) (Pitted)
529. P66 (David Bradley) 6.5" mal (R126 L dn 5 in 2) (tight jaw crack, pitted)
530. 123 (David Bradley) 7.5" mal (R125 top R)
531. Z83 (David Bradley) 7.5" mal (R126 L dn 5 in 2)
532. 6304A (David Bradley) 9" mal (R126 L dn 3 in 3)
533. G99 (David Bradley) 8.5" mal (R126 L dn 2)
Pictures 523 thru 533 ![]()
534. King Plow Co / Atlanta GA H50 - 10" mal (not in Rathbone)
535. King Plow Co / Atlanta GA K55 - 9" mal (R283 bot L)
536. C C Plow Co / Elmira NY - 8.5" mal (R73)
537 Clipper / Defiance 8909 - 9" mal (R105)
538. May Bros - 9" mal (R316) (pitted)
539. W E Grace Mfg Co B1 / Dallas Texas - 11" mal (not in Rathbone)
540. Leroy - 11.5" mal (R291)
541. Empire - 10.5" mal (R164)
542. Eagle Mfg Co / 620 - 10.5" mal (R154)
543. Planet Jr / H4 - 8" mal (R380 R dn 2)
Pictures 534 thru 543 ![]()
544. J I Case Plow Works Racine Wis / 5033 - 15" mal (R77 bot L)
Rare Case Plow Works wrench with all the right bends
545. J I Case Plow Works 4106 - 8" mal (R77 L up 3)
546. J I Case Plow Works 883 / C - 15" mal (R77 L dn 3)
547. J I Case Plow Works 1222 - 10" mal (R77 R dn 4)
548. J I Case Plow Works 4105 - 10" mal (R77 up 4 in 2)
549. J I C P Wks 359 (J I Case Plow Works) 8" mal (R77 top mid dn 3)
550. J I Case Plow Works 2234 - 7.5" mal (R77 L up 4) (some pitting)
551. M Hardsogg Ottumwa IA / 24 - 7.5" mal (R217) (some pitting)
552. Pirate / Wrench (St Paul Plow Co) 12" mal (R434 top)
Pictures 544 thru 552 ![]()
Deere Wrenches Lots 553-592
553. Syracuse/ Wood Beam (Deere) 9.5" mal (Dill 524) (R448 R dn 2)
554. Syracuse / Iron & Steel (Deere) 10.5" mal (Dill 522) (R448 R dn 3)
555. R C P (Robinson Chilled Plow Co) (Syracuse/Deere) 10.5" mal (R386 L) Rare Deere related wrench. Robinson Chilled Plow Co was the forerunner of the Syracuse Chilled Plow Co (see Rathbone page 448)
556. Z2 Syracuse (Deere) 10.5" mal (Dill 482) (R448 R dn 4 in 2)
557. Syracuse LH22 (Deere) 9" mal (Dill 369) (R448 L dn 4)
558. 154 (Syracuse/Deere) 15" mal (Dill 23) (R448 R dn 6)
559. SC9 (Syracuse/Deere) 6" mal (Dill 461) (not in Rathbone)
560. 25 / SC (Syracuse/Deere) 6.5" mal (Dill 462) (R448 R dn 7)
561. Deere HZ 836 - 7" mal (Dill 300) (R131 R dn 3)
562. 196 (Deere) 7" mal (Dill 35) (Variant not in Rathbone)
563.196 (Deere) 7" mal (Dill 33) (R130 R dn 3)
564. 159 (Deere) 7" mal (Dill 31) (R130 L in 2 dn 3)
Pictures 553 thru 564 ![]()
565. Deere - 9" auto type mw (Dill 308) (R133 bot R) (pitted)
566. John Deere 969-H - 8" mal mower guard socket wrench (Dill 67) (not in Rathbone) Hard to find wrench in excellent condition
567. John Deere / 1340SC - 9" mal (Dill 74) (R130 bot R)
568. GF1014 (Deere) 10" mal (Dill 286) (R131 L dn 5)
569. K806 (Deere) 12.5" mal (Dill 340) (R131 L up 2)
570. A123 (Deere) 11" mal (Dill 126) (R131 L up 4)
571. A (Deere/Kemp & Burpee Success Manure Spreader) 10" mal (Dill 126) (R278 bot)
572. Letz E782 (Letz/Deere) 7" mal (Dill 272) (R296 top R)
573. 31 (Deere) 6" mal tee socket w (Dill7) (variant not in Rathbone) This is the scare 6" variation with the part number on left side (pitted)
574. John Deere TY3121 3/8" drive ratchet
575. John Deere TY3219 10" Crescent
Pictures 565 thru 575 ![]()
576. John Deere 22509 - 16" forged doe (Dill 115) (R133 R dn 9)
577. John Deere (B353R) 15.5 " db 12 pt box end (Dill 217) (R133 R dn 7)
578. John Deere (B353R) 15.5 " db box end 6 pt and 12 pt (Dill 216) (R133 L dn 4)
579. John Deere (B352R for G Tractor) 12" db box end wrench (Dill 214) (R133 L dn 3)
580. 14674 (Deere Plow) 17" mal doe (Dill 110) (R133 L dn 5)
581. Unmarked (Deere P21231) 18" cylinder wrench (Dill 434) (R132 bot) Extra nice
582. B596R Made in USA (John Deere B Tractor) 12" forged (Dill 224) (R133 R dn 2)
583. Unmarked (John Deere D1083R wrench/pry bar with C1591R socket) 12.5" mal (Dill 257 & 240) (R132 R up 2)
Pictures 576 thru 583 ![]()
584. S26 08D motor Wheel 05164 3/4 hex (Deere A5278DU) 16" lug wrench for 952 wagon (Dill 166) (R132 R dn 7)
585. H512R Made in USA (John Deere) 14" flywheel wrench (curved end variation) (Dill 295) (R132 bot L)
586. H512R Made in USA (John Deere) 14" flywheel wrench (flat variation) (Dill 293) (R132 bot L in 2)
587. Made in USA (Deere D2064R) 12" flywheel wrench, 3.5" offset variation (Dill 262) (R132 R up 2 in 2)
588. Y1575B with JD logo (Deere) 6" mal crank (Dill 478)
589. Y1575 (Deere check wire planter crank) 6" mal (Dill 477)
590. B247H with JD logo (Deere binder crank & wrench) 8.5" mal (Dill 210) (R133 bot L in 2)
591. HZ160 with U logo (Deere binder crank & wrench) 8" mal (Dill 298) (R133 bot L)
592. John Deere J1480H 8.5" mal chain breaker (Dill 316)Pictures 584 thru 592 ![]()
Adjustable Wrenches Lots 593-623
593. 4 & 6 inch double ended Crescent adj wrench
594. 6 & 8 inch double ended Crescent adj wrench
595. 8 & 10 inch double ended Crescent wrench
596. 6 & 8 inch Scholler double ended Crescent type adj wrench
597. Diamond Handy Boy DH18 - 7.5" comb pliers & adj Crescent type wrench (S243)
598. Braunsdorf Muller Co Duplex Elizabeth NJ - 7" swivel head adj crescent type w (S317)
599. Braunsdorf Muller Co Duplex Elizabeth NJ - 8.5" swivel head adj crescent type w (S317)
600. Schlote Automatic Pat 2447094 G F Schlote & Co Milwaukee Wis - 8.5" helix adj (like S529)
601. Trimo Pat 12-19-1911 Size 6 - 7" all steel adj monkey wrench
602. Trimo Pat July 17 1904 - 8" all steel adj monkey wrench (older patent) (like S435)
603. Trimo Patented - 11" all steel adj monkey wrench (older patent) (like S435)
604. Unmarked Baxter 11.5" double ended center screw adj variant. Nice condition extra big Baxter wrench.
605. Lever Wrench Duluth Minn Heimback Pat 1915 - 8" lever quick adj w (S508) Easy to read lettering which is seldom found on this wrench
Pictures 593 thru 605 ![]()
606. Bonney Motor-Cycle Stillson Pattern Bonney Vise & Tool Works Allentown PA - 6" adj pipe w (like S615 bot)
607. Walworth Automobile Genuine Stillson Boston - 7: adj pipe wrench
608. Bonney Motor Truck Wrench Allenton PA - 10.5" adj pipe wrench
609. Hayward Pat No 4 1913 - 7" self adj pipe wrench (S678) (chip off upper jaw & weld repair) Hard to find size
610. Hoe Patented Feb 21, 1922 Pokeepsie NY - 6.5" wood handled self adj pipe w (S361)
611. No 0 Bullard Wrench Pat 10-27-03 - 5" adj pipe w (likeS659) Hard to find smallest size
612. No 1Bullard Wrench Pat 10-27-03 - 9.5" adj pipe w (likeS659)
613. Towle's Log cabin Maple Syrup - 5" mal advertising alligator wrench
614. 6" Cochran Speednut Wrench Patent Pending - 6" self adj w (like S320 mid) Excellent condition and hard to find smallest size
615. 10" Maximus Toggle Wrench Maximus Tool Co New York NY - 10" self adj nut w (not in Schulz) Rare self adj
616. L G Automatic Wrench Red Chief Mfg Co Louisville KY Pat 11-16-1915 - 8" self adj nut wrench (S320 bot)
617. Cochran Speednut Wrench Patent Pending - 8" self adj nut w (S320 mid)
618. Gordon Automatic Patd - 7.5" Quick adj nut w (S493)
619. Evans Wrench Co Fall River Mass var Pat No 17281282 - 6.5" quick adj nut w (S537) (hang hole drilled in top jaw)
620. Evans Pat'd Zip Grip L A Calif var - 6.5" quick adj nut w (like S537)
621. Pat Sept 7, 1897 (Vandegrift) - 5.5" mal adj nut wrench (S369)
622. Coes Pat'd Dec 24 1901 - 5" all steel adj bicycle nut wrench (S852 R)
623. Dudly Mfg Co Menominee Mich Pat May 29, 1894 - 3.5" bicycle spoke w (S110 far R)Pictures 606 thru 623 ![]()
Unidentified Orphans and Odd Ball Wrenches Lots 624-653
624. 79F - 12" odd mal soc x 2 oe (unidentified orphan)
625. Unmarked - 13" odd mal 2 oe x 4 oe & sq box (unidentified orphan)
626. H90 - 7.5" mal (unidentified orphan)
627. 7 - 9" mal odd 3 oe & sq box x hex box & sq box (unidentified orphan)
628. Unmarked - 9" odd mal 3 oe x 2 oe & nail puller? (unidentified orphan)
629. Unmarked - 9" odd mal 3 oe x oe, hammer & nail puller? (unidentified orphan)
630. Unmarked - 11.5" odd mal 3 oe & hex box x 2 oe at 90 ° (unidentified orphan like R504 L up 4)
631. Unmarked - 13.5" odd mal oe x lg sq box (unidentified orphan)
632. S484 - 14" mal odd & heavy dbl soc wrench (unidentified orphan)
633. H624 - 6.5" mal doe-s (unidentified orphan)
Pictures 624 thru 633 ![]()
634. Unmarked - 15" oe x 2 oe & sq box odd & heavy (unidentified orphan)
625. P - 12" odd mal 3 oe x round opening with two slots (unidentified orphan)
636. Unmarked - 11" odd mal 2 oe & hammer x nail puller (unidentified orphan)
637. Unmarked - 9.5" odd mal 3 oe & irr box x lg hex box (unidentified orphan)
638. 57 - 7.5" odd mal oe x oe & sm sq box with three oval slots between ends (unidentified orphan)
639. 22 - 8" odd mal oe x 3 oe & sq box & shield shaped cutout (unidentified orphan)
640. 96 - 8.5" odd mal 2oe x 2 oe & round hole (unidentified orphan)
641. Unmarked - 9" odd mal hex box x oe with small oe in the middle (unidentified orphan)
642. Unmarked - 9" odd mal oe - oe -sq box - sq box - oe (unidentified orphan)
643. Rake - 9" mal clevis pin & wrench (unidentified orphan)
Pictures 634 thru 643 ![]()
644. D11 - 12.5" mal disc plow style wrench
645. MS73 - 10.5" mal 3 oe x 2 oe ) (unidentified orphan)
646. Unmarked - 11.5" odd mal buggy wrench with 1.25" sq opening (R504 L dn 3) (unidentified orphan)
647. 904 - 12. 5" odd mal oe x 3 oe & sq box (unidentified orphan)
648. L C A Mfg Co 64 / F C - 11.5" mal (R289 top L)
649. D66 - 7.5" odd mal oe x oe at 90 ° x oe (unidentified orphan)
650. K G M C - 9.5" mal (R275) Like Deere 148 wrench
651. P45 - 10.5" odd mal oe x oe with center hex box (unidentified orphan)
652. D C P - 8.5 odd mal (R120) (pitted)
653. Unmarked - 7" odd mal oe & hammer x 2 oe & hex box (unidentified orphan)
654. The Insurance KK 1753 - 7" mal (R426 top) Some think this wench is associated with the Simmons Hardware Co (KeenKutter brand) No proof as been seen
Pictures 644 thru 654 ![]()
655. A C & F Co 1/2 & 5/8 (American Car & Foundry Co of St Louis MO - 13.5" mal (R2 top R)
656. Athens Plow Co / B16 - 12" mal (R23 top R)
657. King Drill Mfg Co (Nebraska City, NE - 12" mal (R282)
658. American Plow Co / Madison Wis B127 - 9.5" mal (R15 bot) (some pitting)
659. B127 (American Plow Co) 9.5" mal (Not in Rathbone)
660. Martel - Wrench / Martel - Wrench - 5.5" mal (not in Rathbone)
661. Rhea-Thielens Imp co Peoria USA - 7" mal (R395 top)
662. Monmouth - 7" mal (R355 top)
663. McKenzie MD65 (Oliver ?) (R323)
664. Toledo Plow Co - 10" mal (R456)
665. Parker Plow Co - 9.5" mal (R369 top) (light pitting)
666. Parker - 4" mal (R369 bot)
Pictures 655 thru 666 ![]()
667. Donaldson 21 - 8.5" mal (R148) (overall pitting)
668. Hoosier Belle - 9.5" mal (R238) (light pitting)
669. S D & Co - 8.5" mal (R408) (pitted)
670. Knowlton / 97 - 8.5" mal (R268 L) (light pitting)
671. Papec / 72 - 7.5" mal (R368 top)
672. Eureka - 4" mal (R169 mid)
673. ES349 (Eureka) 8" mal (not in Rathbone)
674. D304 (Eureka) 9" mal (R169 top)
675. PPY (Eureka) 7.5" mal (R169 bot)
676. Fairbanks-Morse (Gas Engine) 8" all steel auto style adj nut wrench (not in Rathbone)
677. Fair-Morse & Co 34 - W&B Made in USA (Gas Engine) - 9.5" forged (not in Rathbone
678. Tedder - 8" mal (R453)
679. W W Co - 9"mal (R478 top)
Pictures 667 thru 679 ![]()
680. Wilkinson Plow Co D138 - 12.5" mal (like Chattanooga/IHC D138) (not in Rathbone)
681. Wilkinson Plow Co Toronto 80 - 11" mal (R489 bot mid)
682. Wilkison Plow Co Toronto No 90 (note Wilkinson misspelled) - 10.5" mal wrench and hammer (R489 top L)
683. 90 (Wilkinson Plow Co) - 10.5" mal wrench and hammer (R489 top mid)
684. A Belanger Montmagny 45 - 10" mal (R45 up 2)
685. Paris - 9.5" mal (R368 bot L)
686. Fleury Good Luck Aurora - 10" mal (R178 R up 2) (end of one jaw mushroomed)
687. W F Vilas Cowansville Que - 10.5" mal (R474)
688. B T Bros Limited Fergus London / 149 - 11" mal (R35)
689. Coop Bros Co L'd B26 / Hamilton - 10.5 mal (R113)
Pictures 680 thru 689 ![]()
690. Cockshutt Plow Co Limited Y - 11" mal (R107 R dn 3 in 2)
691. ML15 (Cockshutt) 12" mal (R107 L dn 3)
692. AA (Cockshutt) 11" mal (R107 L dn 4)
693. LG322 (Cockshutt) 10" mal (R107 R dn 2)
694. DP 46 (Cockshutt) 15" mal (R106 R up 2)
695. FP 323 (Cockshutt) 10" mal (not in Rathbone)
696. LG321(Cockshutt) 7" mal (R107 top R)
697. N S (Cockshutt) 10" mal (R106 bot R)
698. No 5S (Cockshutt?) mal 10" (like R106 bot R)
699. P1760 (Cockshutt?) 11" mal wrench & hammer (not in Rathbone)
Pictures 690 thru 699 ![]()
700. P4185 (Cockshutt) 10.5" mal (R107 L dn 2 in 2)
701. A30 (Cockshutt) 6" mal tee hdl doc w (not in Rathbone)
702. 47W (Johnson Harvester/Massey Harris) (R272 R up 4) (some pitting)
703. Bamfords' / S T No 5 - 9.5" mal (R39 bot L)
704. Veldkoning / OS 43 - 9.5" mal (R471 bot)
705. J8 (Frost & Wood) 6" mal (R188 L dn 3
706. DH (Frost & Wood) 11.5" mal (R188 L dn 2 in 2)
707 N28 (Frost & Wood) 8" mal (R188 L in 2 dn 3)
708. LM41 (Frost & Wood) 5.5" mal (not in Rathbone) Ex condition with org paint)
709. 378 (Frost & Wood) 7" mal (R188 L up 2 in 2)
710. Emerson / B175A - 9.5" mal (R162 L dn 4)
711. G114 (Emerson) 7" mal (not in Rathbone)
Pictures 700 thru 711 ![]()
712. Emerson W1074 - 16" mal (R163 bot L)
713. E-B / W1795 (Emerson) 10" mal (R162 L dn 2 in 2)
714. E-B / W1074 (Emerson) 16" mal (R163 L up 2)
715. W402 (Emerson) 17" mal (R163 L dn 3)
716. Firman L Carswell Mfg Co - 13" mal (R76)
717. J P Manny - 12" mal (R309 top L)
718. Harriman - 6" mal (like R219 bot)Pictures 712 thru 718 ![]()
Adjustable Buggy Wrenches Lots 719-737
719. Pat'd Nov 2 1880 (H A Thompson patent) 14" wh adj buggy wench (S204)
720. Pat App'd For (Dunham patent) 12" wh adj buggy wrench (S223)
721. Remington Pat May 21 1878 - 8" adj buggy wench (S226)
722. Unmarked (American Wrench Co) 10" wh adj buggy wrench (like S231 bot)
723. Pat'd Nov 2 1880 (H A Thompson patent) 11" wh adj buggy wench (S204)
724. Diamond Wrench Co Patd Nov 2 1880 Oct 16 1883 - 7" wh adj buggy wrench (S208) (replaced handle nut)
725. Goodell Co Antrim NH Pat May 19 1861 - 8.5" wh adj buggy wrench (S233)
726. International Mfg Co No 1 Patent Pending Chicago Ill - 10" wh lever adj buggy wrench (like S222) (replaced handle)
727. A P Joy No 1 Rockingham NH Pat Feb 1 1898 - 9.5" wh lever adj buggy wench (S221)
728. Unmarked (Miller Falls) 8" adj buggy wrench (similar to S207) hole in top variation
729. Unmarked (Miller Falls) 8" adj buggy wrench (S207) Flat solid head variation
Pictures 719 thru 729 ![]()
730. Pat Sept 21 1886 5 (Getman) 9" buggy w with nut holder (similar to R201 top R)
731. Pat Sept 21 1886 3 (Getman) 7.5" buggy w with nut holder (similar to R201 top R)
732. Pat Sept 21 1886 2 (Getman) 7.5" buggy w with nut holder (similar to R201 top R)
733. H W Getmans Patd 86 3 - 7.5" buggy w with nut holder (similar to R201 bot R)
734. R F Cook Pat Sept 1 1885 7/8 - 8.5" mal buggy w with nut holder (R112 bot L)
735. R F Cook Pat Sept 1 1885 1 - 9" mal buggy w with nut holder (R112 bot L)
736. Cook Pat Sept 1 1885 7/8 - 8.5" mal buggy w with nut holder (R112 top R)
737. Cook Pat Sept 1 1885 1-1/8 - 9" mal buggy w with nut holder (R112 top R)Pictures 730 thru 748 ![]()
Buggy Wrenches Lots 738-751
738. Moyer 224 - 8" mal buggy w (R342 up 2) (tight jaw crack)
739. Moyer 225 - 7.5" mal buggy w (R342 up 3)
740. Bayne 263 - 8" mal buggy w (R43) (pitted)
741. St Louis Wrench Co A / Pat Jan 27 91 - 7.5" mal buggy w (R434 L)
742. St Louis Wrench Co O / Pat Jan 27 91 - 6.5" mal buggy w (not in Rathbone)
743. T G Mandt Vehicle Co / Stoughton Wis - 6" mal buggy w (not in Rathbone) Small, neat and rare wrench
744. Harper / Pat Ap'd F - 8.5" mal buggy w with nut holder (1-1/8' size) (R218)
745. Millers Vehicle Wrench / Pat'd Jan 27 91 - 8.5" mal buggy w (R327 R in 5) (with four holes between open ends)
746. Millers Vehicle Wrench / Pat'd Jan 27 91 1 - 8.5" mal buggy w (R327 R in 4) (no holes between open ends)
747. Dayton - 6" mal buggy w (R128 top R)
748. Frazier / 33 - 8.5" mal buggy wrench (not in Rathbone)
Pictures 730 thru 748 ![]()
749. McCue-Hartford - 9" mal hub wrench (R320) (pitted)
750. Unmarked - 10" mal odd buggy wrench with claw (not in Rathbone) (pitted)
751. 140 / 1-1/8 - 10" mal buggy wrench
752. Famous Ohio J276 - 9.5" mal (R357 L up 2) (crack)
753. Ohio Rake Co Dayton O X - 8" mal (R359 top R in 3)
754. D888 (Ohio Rake Co) 9" mal (R359 R dn 2)
755. The Ohio Cultivator Co / DA32 - 16" mal (R357 L dn 2)
756. D582 (Ohio Cultivator Co) 10" mal (R357 L dn in 2)
757. H112 (Ohio Cultivator Co/Sechler) 9.5" mal (R419 L dn 4)
758. EB123 (Easterly) 8" mal (not in Rathbone)
759. No 4 Saw - 7.5" mal (not in Rathbone) (tiny drill hole)
Pictures 749 thru 759 ![]()
760. H358 Rock Island Plow Co - 12.5" mal (R400 bot L)
761. S234 Sulkies & Gangs / Rock Island Plow Co - 9" mal (R401 R dn 2 in 3) three open ends variant)
762. S234 Sulkies & Gangs / Rock Island Plow Co - 9.5 mal (R401 R dn 3 in 2) five open ends variant)
763. D239 (Rock Island) 10" mal (R400 L dn 3)
764. HR67 (Rock Island) 8.5" mal (R400 L dn 4)
765. Y103 (Rock Island) 7.5" mal (R401 R dn 3)
766. R I P Co LO49/ Hay Loader (Rock Island) 7.5" mal (R400 L up 2)
767. Ajax & / Superior (Rock Island) 9" mal (R401 top R in 2)
768. 124 (Collins Plow Co?) 7.5" mal wrench & hammer (like R108 bot R)
769. R20 (W. Eddy Plow Co) 9.5" mal (not in Rathbone)
770. A-68 (American Drill Co) - 9" mal (not in Rathbone)
771. Dowagiac - 9" mal (R149 top R)
772. Dowagiac F97A - 5.5" mal (R149 top L)
Pictures 760 thru 772 ![]()
773. Gale 22 - 11.5" mal (R193 R dn 2) (pitted)
774. Gale - 12" mal (R193 R dn 2)
775. Gale / DG92 - 11.5" mal (R193 L up 3 in 2)
776. Gale 26 - 10" mal (R193 R dn 3)
777. 12 (Gale) 10" mal (not in Rathbone)
778. 17A (Gale) 9" mal (R193 R up 5) (jaw crack)
779. Gale / Swivel Plow - 9" mal (R193 L dn 4) (pitted)
780. Gale 21 - 8.5" mal (R193 L dn 3 in 2)
781. 011B (Gale) 9" mal (R193 R up 6) (repaired)
782. 642 (Gale) 6.5" mal (R193 L up 4 in 2)
783. E16 (Gale) 7" mal (R193 bot R in 2) (some pitting)
784. Unmarked (Gale?) 9" mal (Similar to known Gale wrenches)
Pictures 773 thru 784 ![]()
785. Kingman Plow Co / NO - 9" mal (R284 top L in 2)
786. D255 (Kingman Plow) 10" mal (R284 L up 5 in 2)
787. C207 Kingman Plow Co - 11" mal (R284 L dn 3 in 2) (pitted)
788. K232 (Kingman Plow) 9" mal (R284 bot R) (jaw mushroomed)
789. D242 (Kingman) 12" mal (R284 L up 4)
790. A2 (Kingman Plow) 6" mal (R284 L dn 3)
791. B & H / 1371 (Bickford & Huffman) 7" mal (R32 L)
792. 767 (Monitor/Moline) 9" mal odd ball (R332 L dn 4) Looks like a scissors
793. 2841 (Joliet Mfg Co) 8" mal tee soc (R273 R)
794. Bement & Sons / J183 - '10" mal (R49 L dn 3 in 2)
795. Bement - 9" mal (R49 L dn 3)
796. 02 (Ellis Champion Thresher) 9.5" mal (not in Rathbone)
797. Crown - 7.5" mal (R119 bot)
Pictures 785 thru 797 ![]()
798. Lacrosse Plow Co K29 / (ruler on back side) 14" mal (R289 R dn 3)
799. K29 (Lacrosse Plow Co) / (ruler on back side) 14" mal (R289 R dn 2) (slightly bent)
800. Lacrosse / ND86 -9" mal (R289 top L)
801. 1999 (Silver Mfg Co) 13.5" mal (R425 top)
802. 802 SBCP Co / 379 (South Bend Chilled Plow Co) (R429 top L)
803. Unmarked (South Bend Chilled Plow Co) 16" mal (R429 R dn 2)
804. Hayes EB315 - 6.5" mal (R227 R in 2)
805. A375 (Hayes) 6" mal (R227 bot L)
806. The Springfield / Metallic Casket Co - 4.5" mal soc tee
Pictures 798 thru 806 ![]()
807. Princess / rincess (Princess Plow Co Canton, Ohio) 9.5" mal error wrench (R386 top R) (note missing "P" back side)
808. Princes / Princes (Princess Plow Co Canton, Ohio) 9.5" mal (R386 top L)
809. H46 (Stoddard/Thomas Mfg) 6.5" mal (R441 top L in 2)
810. P17 (Stoddard) 8" mal (not in Rathbone) (pitted)
811. M55 (Stoddard) 8.5" mal (R441 R dn 2)
812. H260 (Stoddard) 7" mal (not in Rathbone)
813. Wood / Wood - 10" mal (R494 top R)
814. Wood / Wood - 10" Mal (R494 bot R)
815. 1728 (Walter Wood) 6" mal (R494 R up 2)
816. 213 (Walter Wood) 7" mal soc w (not in Rathbone but listed in supplement)
817. F F Mf'g Co (Farmer's Friend, Dayton Ohio) 8.5" mal (R170 bot) (missing one jaw)
818. FF Wrench (Farmer's Friend, Dayton Ohio) 8.5" mal (not in Rathbone) (missing ear, pitted)
819. Z147 Pitman Wrench - 6" mal (unidentified orphan not in Rathbone)
820. C M & S Co NY / Eagle 8: mal spark plug type wrench. (unidentified orphan)
821. C T K Mfg Co / SP 1 (Chicago Tool Kit Mfg Co) 8" mal sparkplug wrench
Pictures 807 thru 821 ![]()
822. Liberty Engine Spark Plug Wrench - 10,5" mal
823. Buckeye Pat Apld for A3 / C B & F Co Spgd O (Springfield, Ohio) 8.5" mal spark plug wrench
824. Backus Mfg Co / Williamsport Penn - 6" mal (R37)
825. Victor - 10.5" mal (R473)
826. Nicholsons / 8127 H&J - 8.5" mal (R353 dn 3)
827. Greenlee - 8" mal (R208 top R)
828. 103 Haworth's / 103 Check Rower -7.5" mal (R227 dn 3) (variation with claw)
829. Tait Check Rower - 7.5" mal check row pliers (R451)
830. Appleton Mfg Co Batavia ILL USA / C619 - 7.5" mal (R21 dn 2)
831. Remington - 6" mal (R393)
832. G D P Co (Grand Detour Plow Co) 10" mal (R205 top L)
833. Worcester M371 - 10" mal (R498)
834. R S Co / CD82 - (Racine-Sattley) 5.5" mal (R399 dn 3)
835. Monarch 226 (Lisle Mfg Co) 4.5" cream separator wrench? (R297)
836. B Co / 842 (Bissell) 8.5" mal (R29)Pictures 822 thru 836 ![]()
IHC Wrenches Lots 837-859
837. D138 (Chattanooga/IHC & David Bradley) 12.5" mal disc plow style
838. (R252 bot R in 3) 270N / IHC logo - 10.5" mal dbl spanner wrench (R250 R dn 2 in 2)
839. 6850H Oil Pan - Radiator Cap - Water Pump / Valve Cap (IHC) - 11.5" mal (R252 top R in 2 dn 2)
840. 164EA Conn Rod - Clutch / Spark Plug (IHC) - 10.5" mal (not in Rathbone like R251 top L)
841. 6849H Spark Plug (IHC) 8.5" mal (R252 top R in 2)
842. H523 (IHC) 9" mal (variant: straight with four openings)
843. 21080V (IHC) 12.5" mal (R252 R dn 5 in 2)
844. WP 1 (IHC wrench list and Tudhope Anderson of Canada parts list) 9.5" mal (not in Rathbone)
845. HE911 with IHC logo) / Canada) 7" mal (R254 L dn 3 in 3)
846. J480 (Plano/IHC) 6.5" mal pitman wrench (R381 bot L)
847. 1300C (with IHC logo) 9.5" mal cream sep wrench (R256 top R in 2)
Pictures 837 thru 847 ![]()
848. I H Co 14327L Williams 207 (IHC) 17" forged spud wrench (R252 L dn 5)
849. SA 2128 (IHC) 11" stamped steel (R255 R up 7)
850. 10953CAX (IHC) 8.5" cream sep wench (R256 bot mid)
851. A158 (Milwaukee/IHC) 7" mal pitman wench (R328 R dn 2 in 2)
852. P349 (with IHC logo) 7.5" mal (R254 L up 2)
853. P890 (with IHC logo) 7" mal indented lettering variant (like R254 R up 3 in 2)
854. 22394VA (with IHC logo (8.5" mal hubcap wrench (R252 L dn 7 in 2)
855. Z788 (with IHC logo) 8.5" mal adj nut wrench (R256 L in 2 dn 3)
856. S110 (with IHC logo) 6" mal tee socket wrench
857. P1599 (with IHC logo) 12" mal (R255 top L)
858. 204L (with IHC logo) 6" mal dbl soc w embossed lettering var. (R250 L up 2 in 2)
859. R319 / (IHC logo) 8" mal embossed lettering var. (Not in Rathbone)
Pictures 848 thru 859 ![]()
860. Winchester 1849 - 10.5" forged doe-s wrench
861. Winchester 1837 9" forged doe-s wrench (light pitting)
862. Winchester 1528 - 9" doe-s forged wrench (some pitting)
863. Winchester 1823 - 6" forged soe-s wrench (pitting)
864. Varifix Int. Pat - 11" very odd double headed self adj nut wrench with heads that flex. Quite a contraption in mint condition (not listed anywhere)
865. Shaw Propeller Co Boston / Patd April 26, 1910 other patents pending - 6" self adj alligator wrench (S36)
866. Ripley's Patent April 7 1857 - 12.5" combination wrench and hammer. An early pre Civil war patented combination tool
867. Pat Sep 7 97 (Vandergrift patent) 7.5" wood handled nut wrench
868. Sarvie Tool Co Alexandria Minn Pat Re23761 - 8" odd locking pliers (like S287)
869. Tiger Grip (Minneapolis, Minn) 6" self adj alligator wrench (like S719)
870. Iver Johnson - 6" bicycle wrench with tire tool end (S105 dn 3)
871. Heller Masterench Patented - 20" self adj pipe w (hard to find in this largest size made)
Pictures 860 thru 871 ![]()
872. Unmarked 14.5 self adj pipe wrench (S350)
873. Red Head Steel City Electric Co Patent Pending - 11.5" alligator type pipe wrench
874. Quick Set F W Macke & Co Kokomo Ind Pat's 4-22-1919 - 12" quick all steel quick & screw adj pipe wrench (S616) (adjusting lever spring missing)
875. Hande Trademark H & E Wrench Co New Bedford, Mass Pat Mar 27, 1923 - 13" helix quick adj pipe wrench (S675)
876. Sam'l Hall's Son New York Pat Mar 13 & May 9 1894 - 12.5" screw adj with pivoting jaw nut and pipe wrench (S1081) (damaged adj screw threads, some pitting)
877. Baumo John W Bauman & Sons Sassamansville PA - 12" quick adj pipe wrench
878. OK Tool Corp Wood River Nebraska Pat 3505914 - 14" chain pipe wrench (S137)
879. Safety Twist 1 - 12" odd pliers
880. Unmarked 9" twist handle nut wrench (like S364 dn 2)
Pictures 872 thru 880 ![]()
881. Click Plier Click Mfg Co Fairbury Nebraska - 8.5" pliers type adj wrench (S260)
882. Usona Mfg Co Seattle Patd May 2, 1916, July 2 1918. Mar 7 1922 - 8.5" pliers type adj nut wrench (S507)
883. Superior Wrench Co Marshalltown Iowa - 10" self adj pipe wrench
884. Bonney Allentown PA - 8" S handled Crescent type wrench
885. Bonney Allentown PA - 6" S handled Crescent type wrench
886. Jarco - 14" mal fire hydrant wrench has 8 different size openings
887. Lake Superior Wrench Co Sault Ste Marie, Michigan - 17.5" self adj pipe wench
888. Farmers Every Ready Tool Kit - 11.5" combination tool with hatchet, hammer, alligator wench, and more (S803) (pitting)
889. 8" Cygnet Wrench Cygnet Mfg Co Buffalo NY Patented - 8" adj Crescent type wrench (S468)
890. Weber - 9.5"cast aluminum extreme odd ball wrench with 6 openings. (R484 top)
Pictures 881 thru 890 ![]()
891. J I Case Company of Racine, Wisconsin No 298A Case Repair Parts Book for Tillage Tool Line, Rockford Works - 795 pages listing all parts including wenches of the Case and Emerson-Brantingham line of tillage machinery.Picture 891 ![]()
Note: This is a catalog of the Wrenching News 2005 Spring Fever Auction with antique wrenches consigned by Russ Marshall of Allen, Nebraska; Scott Johnson of Augusta, Kansas; and other members of The Missouri Valley Wrench Club Auction that was held in York, Nebraska on April 15 - 16 2005.
Printed catalogs and Lists of Prices Realized are available from Don 'Bus' Haury - 7913 SW 24th, Halstead, KS, 67056 - 316-283-5876 or 316-284-7345 - Email
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