Note: This is a catalog of the Wrenching News Auction of antique wrenches from the collection of Don Ervin that was held in York, Nebraska on Friday, April 18 And Saturday April 19, 2008 .
Printed catalogs and Lists of Prices Realized are available from Don 'Bus' Haury - 7913 SW 24th, Halstead, KS, 67056 - 316-283-5876 or 316-284-7345 - Email
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Contact us if you want to dispose of your old wrenches (one or a collection). We have either managed or assisted with the sale of most of the major wrench collection that have been sold in the last several years. I am also available to advise and assist auctioneers who have old wrenches to auction.
Don Ervin of Surrey, Maine has been collecting wrenches for almost twenty years and attended most of the major wrench meets and auctions during that time and amassed a large collection of rare and unique wrenches, both adjustable and farm implement types.
Among the nearly 2000 wrenches in this auction are rare and interesting wrenches from all the different categories of antique wrenches with examples for the most advanced collectors to those just starting to collect.
Included in this first of two sales are rare cutout wrenches including: Zenith, Bradley's Wonder, Ames, and a very rare Deere variant with two hammer polls. There are a large number of other John Deere wrenches including: a King Corn Silo and both large and small letter Dains plus examples from almost all the other farm implements manufactures, plus over Seventy buggy and wagon wrenches including a No. 1 Oliver and a Kinsman and Merrill patented combination adjustable wagon wrench with an oiler. Especially well represented are examples of quick adjusting type wrenches and combination type wrench/tools and by far the largest collection of "enhanced" Crescent type wrenches that we have had the opportunity to catalog. Other categories include; a large number of H. D. Smith Perfect Handle wrenches and tools, many "double-enders" including Baxters, Crescents, etc., a large selection of automotive wrenches, many ratchet wrenches including a "one off" Bemis and Call monkey wrench and ratchet prototype, A nice selection of adjustable alligator wrenches including a very scarce Whitman and Barnes, and several impressive looking foreign made wrenches.
GOODELL CO ANTRIM NH / PAT NOV 19 1889 - - 8.5" quick adjust buggy wrench with a spring loaded lever and wooden handle. Pat. by Harry Burleigh (Franklin, NH). Good Plus, patent date hard to read. (S233, C144)
OLIVER NO 1 - PAT APLD FOR - OLIVER MFG CO CHICAGO USA - - 10.5" wagon wrench (wheel and rack gears adj var.) pat 9-10-1907 by Wm Oliver. Rare small size. Good Plus with a tiny jaw crack. (S205)
0003. 101 UNIVERSAL WRENCH CO BARTOW, FLORIDA - PAT 1921 - - 10.75" with hinged lower jaw and thumbscrew. Some hammer dents on back of top jaw otherwise EX (S209)
0004. Unmarked (Miller Falls Co of Miller Falls, Mass.) - - 8.25" screw adj with metal spinner handle (square head variation). Good Plus with a few light hammer dents. (S207)
0005. Wooden handle crank type wrench with a thumbscrew adjustment - - 11". I would guess that this wrench was designed to be used on wooden wheel tire bolts. The only markings are not readable and could be an owner's mark. No information on either the patentee or manufacturer of this very rare unique looking wrench. Excellent. (not listed)
0006. G. A. HOSMER & CO BUFFALO NY - 7.5" comb plier type buggy wrench with four open end wrenches. Faint markings (S198)
0007. Unmarked - - 10.5" double screw adjust wrench with right hand threads adjusting the lower jaw and left hand for the upper jaw and a football shaped wooden handle. A rare odd ball (only one other seen before). Good Plus+. (Patentee not known, unlisted).
REMINGTON / PAT MAY 21, 1878 - - 8.5" mall. screw adj carriage wrench mfg by Reed & Co. of Higganum, Conn. patent by George Remington of Exeter, Rhode Island. Jaw spring is a replacement. (S226, C258)
1 thru 8
AMERICAN WRENCH - PAT. SEPT. 8, 85 - AUGUSTA, MAINE - - 7" with fluted wooden handle. Neat small size. Good Plus (S231, C40)
0010. Unmarked carriage wrench made by the American Wrench Co. Augusta, Maine like above - - 7" fluted wood handle screw adj. Pat Sep. 8, 1885. Some light dings, shaft is not connected to lower jaw. (S231)
0011. Unmarked carriage wrench made by the American Wrench Co. Augusta, Maine like above but 10" with a replaced wooden handle. Shaft is not connected to lower jaw. (S231)
Joy Wagon Wrench like below but marked: SAFETY / PAT FEB 1, 98 - - 14.25". A rare Joy Wrench variant in a nice large size. End of handle slightly bent. (S221)
0013. PAT FEB 1 '98 - - 10" pat. by Aden Joy of New Market, NH. Lever and screw adj with wooden spinner handle. Good Plus (S221)
PAT'D MAR. 28, 82 - - 12.5" Wooden handle screw adjust carriage/wagon wrench with an oil can.
Patented by Prescott Kinsman and Josiah Merrill of Great Falls, New Hampshire and mfg. by the Eureka Wrench Co., Somersworth, NH. Good Plus with replacement oil can (none known with original can) RARE (C130)
DIAMOND WRENCH MFG. CO. - STEEL FORGED - PORTLAND, MAINE / PATD NOV 2, '80 OCT 16, '83 - - 1O.5". Patented by H. A. Thompson of Farmington, Maine. Some hammer dings on sides of jaws and wooden handle. (S208)
Unmarked Diamond Wrench - - 5.5"" wood handled screw adjust buggy or wagon wrench like above. Smallest size Diamond wrench. Tight 3/8" crack on lower jaw, wooden handle chipped. (S208)
9 thru 16
0017. OLIVER RP210 - - 13.5" with original red finish? (R1-361)
0018. OLIVER RP2077.5" - - 13.5" (R1-361)
0019. Unmarked F153 (Oliver) - - 6.5"
0020. LE ROY / 37 (Le Roy, New York)- - 11.5". Some pitting, hammer ding. (R1-291)
0021. 70 TO 83 (Wiard Plow Co) - - 9.5" Good Plus. (R1-488)
0022. KIRLIN / K115 (Kansas City, Missouri & Beattie, Kansas)- - 9" some pitting. (R1-285)
0023. T (J. D. Tower and Sons, Mendota, Illinois) - - 10.5" (R1-457)
Lot of two:
(1.) WOOD - - 11.5". Excellent. (R1-494)
(2.) 95 (Vulcan Plow Co, Evansville, Indiana) - - 7.5" (R1-475)
0025. BROWNE / SULKY - - 10". the Browne Sulky Plow was made by the Madison Plow Works of Ft. Madison, Iowa. Few light edge dings. (R1-340)
0026. N28 (American Harrow Co.) - - 8". Pitting. (R2-11)
COCKSHUTT PLOW CO LIMITED Y (Brantford, Ontario, Canada)- - 11" some pitting, weak markings. (R1-107)
19 thru 27
0028. HERO - 319 / STERLING MFG CO (Sterling, Illinois) - - 13.5" (R1-439)
0029. JAMESWAY FT. ATKINSON WIS. ELMIRA NY / MINNEAPOLIS MINN. - 1008 - - 8" Good Plus. (R1-267)
0030. VULCAN PLOW CO - 96 / EVANSVILLE IND - - 10" Good Plus. (R1-475)
0031. DUNHAM SYSTEMS OF HEATING - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - TRAP COVER - 1/2 UNION NUT / 179B - - 13.25" Excellent with original green finish.
0032. K190 ( Bateman Brothers, Philadelphia, PA) - - 7.75" single offset open end with open handle. RARE and in Excellent condition. (R2-27)
0033. A504 (Gehl Bros. Mfg. Co. or West Bend, Wisconsin) - - 10" (R2-112)
0034. TIGER (Stoddard? - Dayton, Ohio) - 7.5" with stud var. (R1-441)
0035. CROWN CORK AND SEAL CO - - 8.5" The founder of Crown Cork and Seal started this company in Baltimore in the 1890's to produce his patented Crown bottle caps. These wrenches may be for their bottle capping equipment they also manufactured. some light pitting. (More Info) (R1-119)
0036. UX5 (Gehl and Western Land Rollers) - - 15". This wrench is listed in both Gehl Brothers of West Bend, Wisc. and Western Land Roller Co. of Hastings, Nebraska parts books. Good Plus. (R2-112 and R2-292)
0037. B.F. AVERY AND SONS G178 / LOUISVILLE KY USA (with a S in a circle logo) - - 12.5" with a small casting flaw. Scarce B. F. Avery wrench, first one we have offered for sale. (R1-27)
0038. B. F. AVERY & SONS / CHILLED PLOW K209 (Louisville KY) - 9.5". Good Plus. (R1-27)
0039. B.F. AVERY AND SONS J97 (with a dog bone logo) - - 10". (R1-27)
0040. FULLER & JOHNSON / 2P30 - - 9" (R1-191)
0041. 2P30 (Madison Plow Co and later Fuller & Johnson of Madison, Wisc.) - - 9" (R1-191)
0042. G70 / ("A" logo) - (Madison Plow Co. and later Fuller & Johnson) - - 7.5". Pitting. (R1-305)
Unmarked (Fuller & Johnson A144?) - - 6.75" malleable wrench with distinctive shape that looks like Fuller & Johnson wrench A144 pictured in parts books. (Rathbone Supplement)
28 thru 43
0044. MILWAUKEE / 15696 - - 15". Excellent. (R1-328)
0045. CHALLENGE (Batavia, Illinois) - - 7" Good Plus. (R1-93)
0046. ATHENS PLOW CO ATHENS TENNESSEE T100 - - 18". Good Plus. (R1-23)
0047. 1D3363 (Caterpillar) - - 14". Excellent. (R1-86)
0048. 5B787 (Caterpillar) - BILLINGS / 1-1/4 - 1-5/16 - - 13" double open end forged wrench. (not in Rathbone, ID from Cat Parts Book)
0049. DREDNAUT / ST JOSEPH, MICH. - - 6" double hex box end. Good Plus. (R1-151)
0050. HODGMAN MFG. CO. / TAUNTON, MASS. USA - - 13.75" impressive looking wrench with large bold lettering. First one we have offered. Excellent. (R1-234)
0051. HUDSON G69 (with a "M" logo) - - 5.75" From the Hudson Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota. (R1-244)
0052. E BEMENT AND SONS LANSING MICH / J181-1/2 - - 12". (R1-49)
0053. RODERICK LEAN D44 (Mansfield, Ohio) - - 15" large tee socket wrench. (R1-294)
0054. MANN BONE CUTTER - - 5" (R1-308)
J.P. MANNY - - 12". The Manny Co. of Rockford, Illinois, founded in 1857 was the predecessor of Emerson Mfg. Co. Some pitting (R1-309)
44 thru 55
0056. Unmarked (South Bend Chilled Plow Co) - - 16.5" Pitting. (R1-429)
0057. LA CROSSE PLOW CO K29 / (ruler markings) - - 14.5". Jaw crack (R1-289)
0058. K29 (La Crosse Plow Co) (La Crosse, Wisconsin) / (ruler markings) - - 14.5" Some Pitting. (R1-289)
0059. THE OHIO CULTIVATOR CO (Bellevue, Ohio) / DA32 - - 15.75". Some pitting. (R1-357)
0060. FAMOUS OHIO J276 (Ohio Cultivator Co) - - 9.5". Excellent with original paint. (R1-357)
0061. 138 / ("U" logo) - (Eagle Mfg. Co. Kansas City, Missouri and Dallas, Texas) - - 8" Pitting. (R2-84)
0062. K439 / (E-B logo) (Emerson-Brantingham, Rockford, IL) - - 7" pitman wrench. Quite a history for this wrench: Osborne then IHC then E-B and finally J. I. Case. Scarce with the E-B logo. Good Plus. (R1-162)
0063. 418L (Rude Bros. Spreader Co. later Liberty Spreader Co. both of Liberty, Indiana) - - 7.75" (R2-252)
0064. LAX PLOW CO (La Crosse Plow Co., La Crosse, Wisconsin. - - 9.5". Raised markings variant. Pitting. (R1-289)
Lot of two Roderick Lean Mfg. Co. wrenches (Mansfield, Ohio):
(1.) ROD'K LEAN / C111 - - 8" with pitting.(R1-294)
(2.) C111 (Roderick Lean) - - 8". Excellent. (R1-294)
RODERICK LEAN / DH41 - - 12" with some pitting. (R1-294)
56 thru 66
0067. MOLINE DRILL / A1037 - - 8.5" (R1-332)
0068. MONITOR DRILL / A270 - - 7" R1-334)
Lot of two Moline wrenches:
(1.) MOLINE PLOW CO / H.X.5+ (with a star logo) - - 10.5" square opening variant. (R1-333)
(2.) MOLINE PLOW CO / H.X.5+ - - 10.5" round opening variant. (R1-333)
0070. MOLINE / H.X.5+ - - 10.5" round opening variant. Looks like "PLOW CO." was removed from the mold pattern. Possibly dates from after Moline Plow Co. was merged into the Minneapolis Moline Power Equipment Co. Rare. (R1-333)
Lot of three Moline wrenches:
(1.) 106 (Moline Plow Co) - - 8" (R1-332)
(2.) MPCO (HX1691) (Moline Plow Co) 11" stamped steel square opening variant. Edge badly hammered. (R1-332)
(3.) MOLINE PLOW CO / H.X.5+ - - 10.5" square opening variant. Some markings missing? (R1-333)
Lot of two:
(1.) APPLETON MFG CO BATAVIA ILL USA / C620 - - 10" Hang hole drilled in center, otherwise excellent. (R1-21)
(2.) APPLETON MFG CO BATAVIA ILL USA / C619 - - 8". Good Plus. (R1-21)
0073. 103 HAWORTH'S / 103 CHECK ROWER - - 7.5" fork or claw on end variant. Some pitting. (R1-227)
0074. H4 (with a star logo) (Gale Mfg. Co. - Albion, Michigan) - - 7.5" Good Plus (R1-193)
0075. GALE DG848 - - 9" stamped steel (R1-193)
0076. GALE 26 - - 9.75" some pitting (R1-193)
Gale / DG92 - 11.5" (R193)
67 thru 77
0078. Lot of ten scythe snath wrenches (a snath is the part of a scythe that fastens the blade to the handle). All different, some have part numbers. Excellent.
0079. Another lot of ten scythe snath wrenches. All different, includes some not seen before. Excellent.
0080. Lot of six small unmarked malleable wrenches, all different.
Lot of eight small malleable wrenches for lawn mowers, governors, etc. All have part numbers:
(1.) 113 - - DOE with peg.
(2.) 43 - - 3.25" small DOE.
(3.) 1893 - - 4" lawn mower wrench.
(4.) 7 - - 4.75" double hex box,
(5.) 110 - - 4" single square box, loop handle.
(6.) 21? - - 3.25" SOE, markings not clear.
(7.) P52 - - 4.25" DOE open shaft.
(8.) P - - 4" SOE loop handle, peg on end.
78 thru 81
Lot of four Planet Jr. (S. L. Allen & Co., Philadelphia, PA.) wrenches with small hammer heads. All in Excellent condition (R1-380):
(1.) PLANET JR. / 3 - - 6.5". RARE variant. Looks similar to the Planet Jr. No. 3 cutout wrench. Only seen one other. (not in Rathbone)
(2.) PLANET JR. / 3 - PLANET JR. MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - - 6.5" with original red finish.
(3.) PLANET JR. / 3 - USA - - 6.5". Painted green.
(4.) PLANET JR. / 3 - PLANET JR. - - 6.5" with original red finish.
Lot of four garden cultivator type wrenches:
(1.) STANDARD (Standard Garden Tool Co., Montrose, Iowa) - - 6.5" (R1-435)
(2.) B14 - - 6" (not listed, no info)
(3.) M58 - - 5.75" (not listed, no info)
(4.) 1AA (Brown-Manly Plow Co) - - 6.5" (R1-66)
0084. Lot of eight small unmarked malleable wrenches. Includes some odd balls and a square socket wrench for a brace.
Lot of two:
(1.) A404 (Hayes Pump & Planter Co., Galva, Illinois)) / ("U" logo) - - 6.5" mal. DOE-S style. Good Plus(R1-227)
(2.) HAYES - - 6.5" forged DOE-S style. (not listed, no info)
0086. F (Farquhar) - - 6.5". Excellent. (R1-176)
Lot of two Moline wrenches:
(1.) D203 (Moline Plow Co) - - 8.5" (R1-333)
(2.) MPCO (HX1691) (Moline Plow Co) 11" stamped steel square opening variant. (R1-332)
0088. INDEPENDENT SP117 - - 9". Pitting. (R1-247)
0089. INDEPENDENT SP116 - - 11" (R1-247)
0090. MONMOUTH / 141 - 9" Pitted. (R1-335)
0091. E507 (The Ohio Cultivator Co., Bellevue, Ohio) - - 6" garden cultivator type. (R2-223)
Lot of two Empire Plow Co. of Cleveland, Ohio wrenches:
(1.) 7370 (Empire Plow Co) - - 6.5". Pitting. (R1-166)
(2.) 10 (Empire Plow Co) - - 6.5". Excellent. (R1-166)
Lot of two Pattee Plow Co. (Monmouth, Illinois) variants:
(1.) P.P.CO / 100 (Pattee Plow Co) - - 8" (R1-373)
(2.) P.P.CO (Pattee Plow Co) - - 8". Pitted.(R1-373)
82 thru 93
GORDON AUTOMATIC PAT'D USA - - 7.25" qk adj nut wrench with rack teeth and spring loaded lower jaw. Pat. by William Gordon of Union, New Jersey on June 07, 1921 Good Plus. (S493)
0095. EVER-READY WRENCH CO - FORT WORTH, TEXAS / DROP FORGED - PATENT APPLIED FOR - - 8" quick adjust rack nut wrench with a lever release. Pat. Jan 11, 1921 by Otey Kirkpatrick of Fort Worth. This wrench and the next two listed were all patented and mfg. in Texas. Area of pitting on back of lower jaw. (S491, C131)
8 IN NUT GEARENCH (SIC) TRADEMARK - FORGED STEEL PAT'D 6-1-26 / GEARENCH MFG CO. - HOUSTON TEXAS - - 8.25" Although this wrench has serrated teeth and it is listed in Schulz under Quick Adjust Pipe Wrenches, it is marked "nut wrench" and it definitely won't work on pipe, but it does work on a hex or square nuts. Patented by Joseph Peterson of College Station, TX. Excellent. (S671)
Unmarked - - 9.5" wood handled quick adjust nut wrench that combines both rack (with an unique double "wing" release levers) and double screw adjustments. Patented by Ira Cunningham and Haywood Flowers of Grand Saline, Texas on April 7, 1914. A rare wrench with a distinctive mechanism, seldom offered. Good Plus with a tight handle crack and a ding or manufacturing flaw on the back if the lower jaw. (S538, C112)
0098. SEAHOLM & SANDELL MFG CO DETROIT USA / PATENTS PENDING - - 10" qk adj nut wrench with rack teeth that are released by applying pressure to the lower jaw assembly. Good Plus. (like S26 but a nut wrench instead of pipe wrench)
BOSTON WRENCH CO BOSTON, MASS. PAT'D OCT 2, 1906 OTHERS PAT. PENDING - - 6.25" all metal qk adj rack wrench with a flat bar that locks the lower jaw in position. Pat by Alphage Gagnon of Springfield, Mass. on Oct. 02, 1906. (S480)
0100. Marked only PAT PEND - - 8.5" qk adj nut wrench with a disk that slides in angled slots in the handle and lower jaw assembly. Uncommon wrench with an unusual adj mechanism in Good Plus condition. (S531)
PALMETER TOOL CO JAMESTOWN NY - - 8" Quick adjust nut wrench with a sliding jaw and lever release. Area of light pitting, otherwise excellent. Pat. by John Palmeter of Jamestown, New York on Oct. 23, 1923. Seldom found. (S517)
0102. BREVET CAN CD 00 - - 8". An odd quick adjust nut wrench with a simple but effective adjustment. The sliding lower jaw binds up and locks on the shaft when pressure is applied to a nut. First one seen. A couple light hammer dings away from grading Excellent. (not listed)
LEVER WRENCH CO DULUTH, MINN / HEIMBACH PATENT - - 10" qk adj nut wrench with an locking adjusting lever and rack teeth. Patented June 8, 1915 by Alton Heimbach of Duluth. Good Plus, some markings hard to read a usual.(S308)
Lot of two Billings & Spencer rack type quick adjust spanner wrenches.
(1.) THE BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. (with logo) / NO. 2 - - EXCELLENT.
(2.) BILLINGS - HARTFORD, CONN. (with logo) / NO. 3 - - 10.5". Excellent.
0105. THE VLCHEK TOOL CO - PAT APP'D FOR / NO 3. / 11.75" rack type quick adjust spanner wrenches.
0106. J. A. HENCKELS SOLINGEN (with a logo of two men) - - 9.75" quick adjust nut wrench with rack teeth and a locking adjusting lever. Some light pitting and dings, previous owner's initials. (no info, like S500)
WINNER TOOL CO. - PUYALLUP, WASH / 6" PLIER WRENCH PAT'D MAR 7, 1922. - - 6.5" quick adjust wrench with rack teeth and a locking adjusting lever. Pat. by William T. Long of Puyallup, WA. Light over all pitting. (like S507, C339)
0108. HENRY BOKER - - 5.5" rack type quick adjust like above. Neat small size in Good Plus condition. (S776)
0109. Marked only GERMANY (Henry Boker?) - - 9.5". Quick adjust nut wrench with a sliding jaw and rack teeth. Good Plus. (S776)
CRAFT PAT'D (in a diamond logo) - - 10.25" quick adjust nut wrench with a Acme style twist handle. A spring loaded plate locks the lower jaw when pressure is applied to the nut. Some pitting, weak spring. (S488)
94 thru 110
F. W. MACKE & CO QUICKSET WRENCHES - PAT. APRIL 22 - 1919 - - 8.25" All metal side screw adjust nut wrench with a lever that raises the knurled nut off the rack teeth for quick adjustment. Pat. April 22, 1919 by Joseph Nielander, Kokomo, Indiana. Some light pitting and some of the markings are hard to read. (S511)
PARMENTER PIPE & NUT WRENCH PAT'D OCT 6, 15, OCT 17, 17" - 6.75" all metal rack adj with a spring loaded lower jaw.
Pat. by George A. Parmenter of Boston, MA. RARE and EXCELLENT. (not in Schulz, C243)
0113. BENTON - - 7" rack and gear type quick adjust nut wrench. Turn handle counter clockwise to release lower jaw and clockwise to make the final adjustment. Good Plus. (S477)
0114. BENTON / MADE IN USA PAT PENDING - - 7" turn handle to adjust nut wrench like above but without the quick adjust feature. Excellent. (S477)
0115. KENTO (in a double arrow logo) / $2.50 MADE IN THE USA - - 7.5" like the quick adjust Benton wrench above. Good Plus with some minor jaw edge dings. (not listed)
0116. Markings not all readable but looks like: HY SPEED WRENCH CO. - CHICAGO USA - PAT. PENDING - NO. 10 - - 9.75" quick adjust similar to the Benton and Kenton above but with an adjusting collar above the handle. Pitting on one side. (not listed, identical to the American Wrench & Specialty Co. wrench S473)
0117. Unmarked - - 14.75" all metal quick adjust plier type wrench with threaded lower handle with a knurled nut that limits jaw opening. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
WRIGHT WRENCH & FORGING CO TRADEMARK / PAT 3-'04 & 1-'09 (etc.) / WRIGHT WRENCH CANTON, OHIO - - 6" rack teeth type qk adj nut wrench. Good Plus in a rare small size. (S543, C342)
0119. MAUSER (logo) - - 8.25" comb. screw and quick adjust nut wrench. Rack teeth on front of shaft. Good Plus with previous owner's mark.(S515)
0120. MAUSER (logo) - - 7" comb. screw and quick adjust nut wrench. Adjusting knurl and rack gears on back with lever release (different than above). EXCELLENT. (S514)
0121. PATENT - VELOX NO. 2 / MADE IN GERMANY - - 10". Crescent type looking wrench but with a wedge that releases or locks the sliding jaw, offset handle. Good Plus. (like S759)
0122. PATENT VELOX - MADE IN GERMANY - - 8" Crescent type looking wrench with a wedge quick adjustment and offset handle like above. Good Plus. (like S759)
EDSTROM (in script) MILWAUKEE, WIS. / PAT 1-2-23 & 6-9-23 OTHER PATS PEND - - 9" qk adj nut wrench with rack teeth on sliding upper jaw and a spring loaded release lever. Patented by Otto Edstrom of Cary, Illinois (later patent lists Chicago as his residence). Good Plus (S489, C127)
0124. H & H Co. Balto. MD / Pat. Pend." - 6" malleable rack type with a wedge to lock the lower jaw. Excellent. (S494)
0125. PAT. APL. FOR - OMNIUM - MADE IN BELGIUM - - 8.5" combination screw (by turning the handle) and rack quick adjust nut wrench. A superbly made wrench in like new condition, first one seen. (not listed, no info)
STANDARD WRENCH CO. ATHOL, MASS USA / PATENTED JUNE 8, 1889 - - 6" all metal comb. screw and qk adj nut wrench with a spring loaded bar that releases the lower jaw from the screw threads. Pat. by Stephen Bellows of Athol, MA. Advertised as the "Rapid Transit Wrench" Over all pitting, not all markings readable. (S526, C46)
0127. Marked only: PAT APL'D FOR - - 5.75" odd little nut wrench that adjusts the open end type jaws by siding a collar on the two part handle, simple but effective. First one seen, Good Plus (S545, no info)
VICTOR TRADEMARK / PAT'D AUG 25, 1903 - - 10.25" combination screw and rack quick adjust nut wrench. Pat. by Clarence Bonner of Cherrypoint, Illinois. Patent is usually seen on the much more common Bonner's Victor pipe wrench. Very scarce, condition is only fair due to pitting and over cleaning. (not in Schulz or Cope)
Marked only PAT AP'PLD FOR - - 14.25" wood handle rack type quick adjust wrench with serrated jaws. Neat, rare wrench, first one seen. Good Plus with tight handle crack. (not listed, no info)
111 thru 129
0130. SPTCO/SSWRY (Southern Pacific Transportation Company/St Louis Southwestern Railway) DIAMOND C718 FORGED USA (with horse shoe logo) - - 17.75" auto type adjusting wrench. EXCELLENT, like new with black finish.
0131. U.P.R.R (Union Pacific Railroad) DIAMOND - FORGED STEEL - HEAT TREATED (with diamond and horse shoe logo) / DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. - 18" - - 17.75" auto type adjusting wrench. EXCELLENT, like new with plated finish.
0132. DIAMOND - USA - FORGED - CC712 (with horse shoe and diamond logo) - - 12"" auto type adjusting wrench, hammer head variant. like above but with plain finish. EXCELLENT, like new.
0133. DIAMOND - USA - FORGED - CC712 (with horse shoe and diamond logo) - - 12"" auto type adjusting wrench, hammer head variant. EXCELLENT, like new with black finish.
0134. DIAMOND (in diamond logo) HANDIMAN DULUTH DH16 / FORGED IN USA - - 6.5" pliers with a 4" Crescent type wrench on the end of the handle. Older version with the wider jaws ends. Excellent, like new. (S243)
0135. DIAMOND (in diamond logo) DULUTH USA / U.S. - - 5.75" older version of the Handiman pliers and Crescent type wrench like above. Smallest size seen. Good Plus. (similar to S343)
0136. TRIMO - TRIMONT MFG. CO. U.S.A. / SIZE 6" PAT'D 12-19-1911 - - 7" all metal nut wrench. Dings on side of the jaw, otherwise excellent. (1084B)
0137. TRIMO TRADEMARK PATENTED JULY 19, 04 / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS.- 15 - - 8" all metal screw adjust nut wrench with split threaded shaft. Jaw slightly sprung, otherwise Good Plus. (S435)
0138. TRIMO - TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS U.S.A. / SIZE 10" PAT'D 12-19-1911 - - 9.75" all metal nut wrench. Good Plus. (1084B)
0139. TRIMO 8" - PATENTED / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS - - 8.25" wood knife handled nut wrench. Nice crisp example.(1084T)
0140. TRIMO TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS / SPUD - PAT'D 12-19-11(etc.) - - 11" straight jawed adj. nut wrench, thinner than normal Trimo nut wrenches. Good Plus+.
0141. TRIMO TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS / SPUD - PAT'D 12-19-11(etc.) - - 11" Trimo spud wrench like above but also marked OTTO BERNZ CO. INC. - ALWAYS RELIABLE
TRIMO SIZE 12" - PATENTED / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS - - 11.25" wood knife handled nut wrench. Jaws sprung.(1084T)
130 thru 142
0143. STANDARD (in script) - - 5.75" wedge adjust wrench. (looks like S547)
0144. STANDARD (in script) - - 9.5" wedge adjust wrench. (like S548)
0145. STANDARD (in script) - - 12" wedge adjust wrench. Good Plus. (like S548)
0146. ROGERS PRINTZ & CO WARREN, PA / PATENTED JUNE 9, 1908 - - 8" wedge adjust nut wrench. Some pitting. (S549T)
0147. ANDRIX - ADRIAN, MICH. USA - - 9" new old stock in like new unused condition in original box with picture of wrench on top. First one seen. (not listed)
Lot of three wedge adjust nut wrenches:
(1.) SUL - - 5.75". Good Plus.
(2.) SUL - - 7".
(3.) MADE IN GERMANY - - 9.5"
H & E WRENCH CO OF NEW BEDFORD, MASS / PAT MAR 27, 1923, (with logo) (etc.) - - 10.25" Nut wrench version of the Handee Wrench. Patented by Edwin Evans and George Hemphill of Salt Lake City, Utah. Good Plus. (S496)
EVANS PAT'D ZIP GRIP - L.A. CALIF. - - 6.75" quick adjust pipe wrench with helical shaft and sliding collar. Patented by Edwin Evans of Venice, California. Some pitting. (S537)
HELIX 8 IN. PETERSEN TOOL CO. EL DORADO, KANSAS PAT. NO. 3555939 / STAINLESS STEEL - OTHER FOREIGN PATENTS (etc.) - - 8.5" helix adjust nut wrench. Pat. by Kenneth Halls of Broomfield, Colorado on Jan. 19, 1971 and assigned to Eugene Petersen, Omaha, Nebraska who started the Petersen Tool Co. in El Dorado. Good Plus with black finish, hard to adjust. (S497)
0152. WESTERN TOOL CO - DENVER, COLO. USA / FORGED ALLOY - PAT. PEND. - - 8.5" Petersen type helix adjust wrench. May predate the Petersen Tool Co., El Dorado, Kansas version. Never seen this marking before. Excellent condition.
Lot of two Petersen type helix adjust nut wrenches:
(1.) QUALI-KRAFT / USA PAT. PEND. JAPAN (etc.) - - 8" with 15/16' box end wrench on end of handle, chrome plated finish. Excellent working condition.
(2.) Same QUALI-KRAFT wrench as above but with black finish instead of chrome. Excellent working condition.
143 thru 153
PAT'D OCT. 24, 82 (markings hard to read) - - 11.5" Wood handled combination reversible ratchet drill brace and wrench with both nut and pipe jaws. The jaws are adjusted by a screw with both right and left handed threads for a "double screw" action. Patented Oct. 24, 1882 by William Owen of Nashville, Tennessee. . Unique extremely rare wrench. Wrench adjusts, ratchets and reverses flawlessly, metal does have light overall pitting, wooden handle is in excellent condition.
WIZARD THE RICHARDS MFG CO AURORA, ILL - PATENTED MAY 21, 07 OTHER PATS PENDING - - 8" adj wrench that combines a double screw Crescent type adj on a ratcheting head. Patented by Joseph N. Noyer of Gould City, Washington. Good Plus. (S156T)
SPEEDEE-RATCH PAT APPLIED FOR / BEALL TOOL DIV. HUBBARD & CO. EAST ALTON, ILL - - 12" . Pull a knob (connected to a chain) on the end of the tool to ratchet. Patented July 21, and Aug. 11, 1942 by Henry H. Merriman and Clifford D. Burbank of Jackson, Michigan. A real gizmo. (S146)
THE BAY STATE / PAT JAN 15 1901 - - 11.25" large malleable double ended female square ratchet. The Bay State ratcheting wrenches were first mfg. by the Bay State Tool Co. of Boston, Mass. and later (after 1906) by the Tudor Mfg. Co. of Boston. Patented by Peter Lord of Worcester, Mss. Hard to find large size. Excellent. (S164)
0158. THE BAY STATE / PAT APLD FOR - - 6" double ended ratchet. Good Plus. (S164) (S165)
0159. AUTO KIT WRENCH NO. 35 / B. ST. PUMP CO. BOSTON / 7.5" female square ratchet. Excellent. (not listed)
ONLI-1 - PAT. & PAT. PEN. - KING TOOL CO. - ASBURY PARK N.J. - - 8.5" double 90° offset wrench for 7/16" hex sockets that operates by turning a tee handle. Pat 1-19-1921 and 6-27-1922 by August Klopper of Asbury Park, NJ. Unique designed, scarce wrench in excellent condition. (not listed)
0161. BILLMONT MASTER WRENCH - E. G. GUTHARD (etc.) - - 14" socket wrench that adjusts by turning the end of the handle. Has five sockets stored in the hollow handle. (S186T)
0162. AUTO-CLE - PATENTED FEB 2, 04 - AUG 15, 05 - - 10.75" ratchet wrench. Good Plus, rod handle is missing. (S70)
0163. CHICAGO MFG. & DISTRIBUTING CO. - CHICAGO / PATENTED MARCH 10, 1914 (with "CH" logo). - - 10.75" ratchet wrench. Patented by Gordon K. Wright of Hinsdale, Illinois. (S1092)
0164. Frank Mossberg Co Attleboro, Mass USA - NO. 350 - PAT. NOV 11, 1913 - - 10" ratchet.
0165. THE BECKLEY RALSTON CO. - CHICAGO, ILL. - PATENTED - - 7.75" ratchet. Different, Good Plus.
0166. OTC - OWATONNA TOOL CO - OWATONNA, MINN. - PAT. PENDING - - 7" ratchet wrench (1/4" female square) with a head that swivels 360 degrees. Good Plus.
0167. UNIQUE . WILL B. LANE - CHICAGO, ILL USA - PAT. JAN. 14, 08 - - 7.5" hex drive ratchet. Good Plus.
0168. THE KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - BUFFALO, N.Y. / RATCHET WRENCH - M1555 - - 7.25" with 1/2" female square drive. Excellent.
0169. Lot of two: ANDERSON & FORRESTER - DENVER - - 5.75" ratcheting box end wrenches, two different sizes. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
Set of four ratcheting box end wrenches: K-D MFG. CO. LANCASTER, PA / PAT. APPL'D FOR - - 3" to 4.5". sizes 3/8". 7/16", 1/2. and 9/16". Good Plus.
154 thru 170
0171. FAVORITE REVERSIBLE RATCHET WRENCH - NO. A / PATENTED GREENE, TWEED & CO. MNFRS. - - 15" malleable double headed ratchet wrench. Good Plus. (S148)
0172. OTC - OWATONNA TOOL CO - OWATONNA, MINN. - P-61 - - 11.5" heavy reversible ratchet wrench with 1-1/2" female hex. Excellent.
0173. THE L. S. STARRETT CO. - ATHOL, MASS. USA - PATENT APPLIED FOR - NO. 443 - - 11" reversible ratchet. Excellent. (like ratchet. in set S184)
0174. Unmarked - - 11" reversible 5/16" male drive ratchet with five sockets. Good Plus.
0175. LOWELL NO. 50 / LOWELL CORPORATION WORCESTER, MASS. - - 11" reversible ratchet.
0176. Unmarked - - 18" heavy duty ratchet wrench.
LOWELL WRENCH CO. NO. 1 - WORCESTER, MASS. - PT'D DEC 6, 64 - - 9.75" reversible ratchet. Patented BY D. M. Moore of Windsor, Vermont. Different style Lowell ratchet than usually seen with a Civil War era patent. Excellent.
0178. KO KNOCK OUT -PATENTED - R60X - - 12" ratchet with 1/2" female square drive. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
0179. PACKER RATCHET - SAMUEL HARRIS & CO. - CHICAGO - - 14" ratchet wrench and drill combination tool. (not listed, no info)
D. R. P. ANG - - 11.25" ratchet with a head that can be adjusted to several different angles. (not listed, no info) Good Plus.
171 thru 180
0181. Unmarked - - 19" primitive looking malleable reversing ratchet wrench with two square sockets. Spring looks like a newer replacement.
0182. ARMSTRONG CHICAGO USA (with arm and hammer logo) - - 13.5" Heavy duty ratchet wrench and drill combination tool.
0183. "ACME" MADE IN USA - - 9" twist handle nut wrench with the adjusting nut on the top shaft rather than the bottom as usually found. Manufacture not known. Light grind marks on jaw edge. (not listed, no info)
Lot of two Acme twist handle wrenches patented by F. H. Seymour's of Detroit, Michigan on Feb 27, 1883. (S365)
(1.) Marked only with an "A" - - 7.75". Mushroomed edge, other dings and dents.
(2.) Unmarked - - 8" Acme twist handle wrench. Some hammer mushrooming otherwise Good Plus.
Lot of three Acme type twist handle wrenches and one screwdriver:
(1.) Unmarked - - 5" (S364)
(2.) Markings weak - - 5" (S364)
(3.) Unmarked - - 6" lighter variant with the adjusting nut held in place with a pin. Good Plus. (S364D2)
(4.) Unmarked - - 8" twist handle screwdriver.
Unmarked - - 9.5" loop handled Hercules nut wrench with the "bow tie" bracket. Edge dings, mushrooming.
181 thru 186
0187. Unmarked (Reed Mfg. Co., Erie, PA) - - 5.5" with bulbous handle, solid frame variation. Good Plus, previous owner's initial. (MVNL /1/pg6)
0188. TITE GRIP WRENCH CO. / PAT APLD. - MIL. WIS - - 6.5" stoutly made with a distinctive paneled malleable adjusting handle. Rare wrench in Good Plus condition with plating. (not in Schulz, no info)
0189. HERCULES - - 6.25" all metal turn handle to adjust nut wrench with a brass handle that adjusts the lower jaw assembly guided by the edges of the slotted shaft. A rare wrench with a different distinctive appearance in Good Plus condition. First one I have seen. (not listed, no info)
0190. GLOBE WRENCH CO SUNAPEE, N. H. - PAT'D MAR. 15, 10 - - 8" all metal. A disadvantage of a wrench that adjusts by turning the handle is that when using the wrench the adjustment can change. The Globe Wrench has clicking indents that holds the jaws in position when adjusting. Patented by Benjamin Woodward of Ipswich, MA. Most wrenches seen have been marked Ipswich, Mass. Few minor dings, locking feature is not working. (S393)
EVER-GRIP (on side of lower jaw) - 12 IN EVER GRIP - MADE IN USA / PAT NO. 1153050 - - 12" nut wrench pat. 9-7-1915 by William Estes of Ozark, Missouri. Note this is a nut wrench not the more commonly seen pipe wrench. Jaw edge dings. (Similar to S626)
0192. 12 in. EVER GRIP - MADE IN USA / PAT NO. 1153050 (on shaft) - - 12" nut wrench with marking variation. Good Plus. (Similar to S626)
0193. 14 IN EVER GRIP / PAT NO. 1153050 - - 14" pipe wrench version of the 9-7-1915 patent by William Estes of Ozark, Missouri. Large size in Good Plus condition. (S626)
0194. Marked with a hatchet logo and a name too faint to read. - - 13.25" exquisite hand forged "coach" wrench with decorative collar above an octagon tapered adjusting handle, and a patterned ornamental final. Probably the oldest wrench offered in this auction. Some areas of pitting but still in outstanding condition for it's age. (not listed, no info)
0195. 151 BLACKHAWK MADE IN USA - - 9" four headed universal automotive drain wrench that fits six different plugs. Excellent.
XCEL SOCKET WRENCH PARK METALWARE CO. ORCHARD PARK, NY PAT 1,639,831 - - 8.75" double headed nut wrench. Patented by John Zilliox of Orchard Park, NY Spot of pitting, some markings weak. (S69)
0197. XCEL SOCKET WRENCH - - 8.25" double headed nut wrench like above, different markings. Good Plus.
Lot of three 6" Boos Tool Corp. turn handle to adjust type wrenches:
(1.) BOOS TOOL CORP. - KC MO - PAT PEND - - 6" with serrated upper jaw variation. (S381)
(2.) BOOS TOOL CORP. - KC MO - PATENTED - - 6" like above with marking variation. (S381)
(3.) BOOS TOOL CORP. CHROME-MOLYBDENUM KC MO PATENTED (same marking both sides) - - 6" like above with marking variation.
Lot of two Boos Tool Co. turn handle to adjust type wrenches :
(1.) BOOS TOOL CORP. - KC MO - PAT PEND - - 7.75" with serrated upper jaw variation. (S381)
(2.) BOOS TOOL CORP. CHROME-MOLYBDENUM- KC MO - PATENTED - - 9" scarce size. (S381)
0200. BOOS TOOL CORP. CHROME-MOLYBDENUM - KC MO - PATENTED - - 10.25". I've seen scores of Boos wrenches in several sizes, different type jaws, and marking variations but never seen one this large. (like S381)
SUPER SERVICE MFG CO KC MO PAT PEND - - 8.25" similar but considerably rarer than the Kansas City Boos wrenches. Some pitting, mostly on back side. (S382)
187 thru 201
0202. ST. LOUIS TYPE FOUNDRY - - 10.25". Good Plus, painted blue. RARE (R1-434)
0203. FRAZER & JONES CO. (same markings both sides) - - 5.25" A neat little wrench. First one we have had to list. RARE & Excellent. (R1-182, no info)
0204. PARKER PLOW CO (Richmond, Indiana) - - 9.75" pitted. (R1-369)
0205. BRYAN PLOW - - 9.5" (Bryan Plow Co. of Bryan, Ohio) pitted, markings weak. (R1-67)
0206. Caledonia N.Y. - 8". Thick, heavy wrench in Excellent condition. (R1-75)
0207. SAMSON 1892 FOR WRIST PIN ONLY FOR FRONT CAP BOX ONLY (Stover Mfg Co) - - 7.5" Stover Samson Windmill wrench (ID from parts list) (R1-410)
0208. FROST & WOOD - MADE IN CANADA - - 9" all metal automotive style adjustable wrench. (R1-188)
0209. MYERS / 3723 - - 9" single offset square box, possibly from the F. E. Myers Bros. Co. of Ashland, Ohio. (not in Rathbone)
0210. DD198 (American Harrow Co. Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario) - - 13.5" hammered opening (R1-14)
0211. POST'S CAPITAL CITY (from the Egbert Benson Co., Raritan, New Jersey) - - 7.25" pitted, not all markings readable. (R1-384)
0212. MORRISON MFG CO (Ft. Dodge, Iowa) - - 10" Excellent. (R1-340)
0213. HOOPER / DG847 - - 11" pressed steel. Same wrench as Gale DG847. RARE, first one we have had to sell. Bold, large markings, minor edge dings. (R1-238)
0214. L. C. A. Mfg Co - 8.5" some pitting. (R289, no info.)
0215. RS CO / CD82 (Sattley Mfg Co, Racine, Wisconsin) - - 5.5" Excellent. (R2-257)
0216. ROBINSON SPREADER CO VINTON IOWA / A43 (with a "C") - - 10.75" (R399)
C.D. EDWARDS MFG CO (Albert Lea, Minnesota)- - 12" light pitting, weak markings as usual. (R1-159)
202 thru 217
0218. NE258 (Stoddard Mfg. Co., Dayton, Ohio) - - 8". Pitting.
0219. CUTTER - - 9.5" double open end s-style with sq box opening. Good Plus with a couple edge dings or casting flaws. (R2-70, no info)
0220. OHIO CHILLED PLOW (B & G Plow Co. - Canton, Ohio) / NEW IMPERIAL - - 10". (R1-31)
0221. KING DRILL MFG CO (Nebraska City, NE) / ("P" in a square logo) - - 12" Good Plus. (R1-282)
0222. 1562 (George W. Brown? - Galesburg, Illinois) - - 11.5" with a few spots of pitting. (not pictured in Rathbone but listed in Supplement)
0223. CHASE PLOW CO B35 - - 10". Excellent. (R1-97)
0224. KOVAR - LINE / OWATONNA - MINN - 8.5" (R287)
0225. DOWAGIAC / F97A - - 5.5" painted black. (R1-149)
0226. DOWAGIAC / F97 - - 9" Good Plus. (R1-149)
0227. NEW HOLLAND / FEED MILL - - 6" poor casting on "Feed Mill" markings. (R1-348)
0228. MONARCH 226 - - 4.5". Casting flaw on open end jaw, otherwise Excellent. (R1-297)
0229. H & F CYL. WRENCH / USE H & F AMMONIA - - 7.5" single open end with large strong markings. (not in Rathbone, no info)
0230. H & D YORK PA - - 7". Four openings variant with a neat rain drop shape cutout. Good Plus. (R1-228)
0231. Unmarked -- 8.5" unique style wrench with a rod twister or holder? on one end. This is the same wrench has the one marked "32" listed under the Charles G. Allen & Co. of Barre, Mass. (R1-9). It has also been seen in a parts list for the Yankee Horse Rake mfg. by Belcher & Taylor of Chicopee Falls, Mass. Excellent, like new with original finish.
KNOWLTON (Sycamore, Illinois) / 97 - - 8.5". Pitting (R1-286)
218 thru 232
0233. GDP CO. / G111 (Grand Detour Plow Co., Dixon, Illinois) - - 10". Excellent. (R1-205)
0234. 13 (Grand Detour Plow Co., Dixon, Illinois) - - 7.5". Loop handle with hammer head, no open end on end of handle variant. Recently found in a Detour Plow Co. Parts List. Pitted (not in Rathbone)
0235. T147 (Grand Detour Plow Co., Dixon, Illinois) - 7.75". Good Plus, green paint. (R1-205)
0236. R20 (Burch Plow Co variant?)- - 8" tee wrench. (Rathbone pictures dif. wrench R2-71, R2-46)
0237. PEORIA D1003 - - 7.5" (R1-376)
0238. B & G PLOW CO CANTON O - - 9.5". Excellent. (R1-31)
0239. 379 / S.B.C.P. CO. (in logo)(South Bend Chilled Plow Co, South Bend, Indiana) - - 9" (R1-429)
Lot of two:
(1.) DAVID BRADLEY MFG WKS / BRADLEY ILL 105A - - 9.75" Good Plus. (R1-126)
(2.) DAVID BRADLEY MFG CO / BRADLEY ILL B238 - - 10" Pitted. (R1-126)
0241. U12 BRADLEY CULTIVATOR (David Bradley) - - 10". Pitting. (R1-126)
0242. 832A (David Bradley) - - 13". Excellent. (R1-126)
0243. B. D. M. I. CO. - - 9.25" doe S-style. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
0244. 90 (Tudhope Anderson of Orilla, Ontario and Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) - - 10.75" neat malleable wrench with a hammer head. Same wrench is found marked Wilkinson Plow Co. (see R1-489). Good Plus. (R2-279)
ACME A881 - - 8.5" (R1-4)
233 thru 245
Lot of two:
(1.) DISK (Janesville Machine Co., Janesville, Wisc., later Samson Tractor Co.) - - 14.5". Pitting. (R1-265)
(2.) A (Janesville Machine Co., Janesville, Wisc., later Samson Tractor Co.) - - 12.5". Some pitting. (R1-265)
Lot of two:
(1.) Shares / 167 (Janesville Machine Co., Janesville, Wisc., later Samson Tractor Co.) - - 5.5". Good Plus. (R1-421)
(2.) J. M. Co. (Janesville Machine Co.) - - 9.25" (R1-265)
Lot of two:
(1.) C (Janesville Machine Co., Janesville, Wisc., later Samson Tractor Co.) - - 7". Good Plus. (R1-265, R2-265)
(2.) B (Janesville Machine Co., Janesville, Wisc., later Samson Tractor Co.) - - 9". (R1-265, R2-265)
0249. J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 883 - - 15". Some pitting. (R1-77)
0250. J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 1222 - - 10.5". Good Plus. (R1-77)
0251. 1222 (Massey Harris) - - 10.5". Same wrench as Case Plow Works wrench above. Probably issued after Massey Harris purchased the Case Plow Works. (R312)
0252. J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 4105 - - 10". Good Plus. (R1-77)
0253. 4105 (Massey-Harris) - - 10". Same wrench as Case Plow Works wrench above. Good Plus with original red finish? (R77)
J.I.C.P. WKS. 359 - - 8.5" Excellent. (R1-77)
246 thru 254
Lot of four Massey-Harris wrenches:
(1.) 274A - - 8.5" DOE mal. (R1-311)
(2.) M-H - 9.25"DOE stamped steel. (R1-311)
(3.) M-H - 6.75" DOE stamped steel. (R1-311)
(4.) M-H A23 - 5.5" Some pitting. (R1-311)
Lot of four J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.(Racine, Wisconsin) wrenches:
(1.) CASE W7658S MADE IN USA - - 7.75" stamped steel (R1-78)
(2.) CASE W7659S MADE IN USA - - 9.25" stamped steel (R1-78)
(3.) CASE W7660S MADE IN USA - - 10.5" stamped steel pitted (R1-78)
(4.) CASE O31W - - 11.5" stamped steel (R1-78)
Lot of two:
(1.) OK1294 (Case Eagle logo) - - 9" (R1-82)
(2.) 46CL (Case eagle logo) - - 8" Painted green. (R1-82)
0258. CASE / 76L - - 7". Excellent. (R1-77)
0259. 3137A (Case Eagle logo) - - 8.5" Excellent. (R1-82)
Lot of two:
(1.) CTK MFG CO - 303B - T - -7.25" doe-s malleable wench. (R1-74)
(2.) 1072 (Sattley Mfg Co) - - 10.5" (R2-257)
255 thru 260
0261. R. I. Plow Co LO49 (Rock Island) / Hay Loader - - 7.5". Pitted. (R1-400)
0262. AJAX & / SUPERIOR (Rock Island) - - 9". Pitting. (R1-401)
Lot of two Rock Island wrenches:
(1.) D239 (Rock Island) - - 10". Excellent. (R1-400)
(2.) KW8 (Rock Island Plow Co) - - 8". Painted. (R1-400)
Lot of two Rock Island C188 wrenches:
(1.) C188 (with "U" logo) (Rock Island) - - 10.25". Marked on big end variation. Good Plus. (R1-400)
(2.) C188 (Rock Island) - - 10.5". Marked on small end variation. Pitted. (variant not listed)
0265. SULKIES AND GANGS S234 / ROCK ISLAND PLOW CO - - 9.5". Excellent. (R1-401)
Lot of two Rock Island stamped steel wrenches:
(1.) ROCK ISLAND (V4179) - - 7" stamped steel pitted (R1-400)
(2.) ROCK ISLAND (V4180) - - 9.25"" stamped steel (R1-400)
Lot of three Rock Island wrenches:
(1.) ROCK ISLAND R1122 (with a "S" and "I" logo.) - - 5.75" (R1-400)
(2.) ROCK ISLAND R1123 - - 7.75" (R1-400)
(3.) ROCK ISLAND R1124 - - 10.5" (R1-400)
Lot of two:
(1.) BAKER ICE MACHINE CO - - 6" open end by square box end. Excellent.
(2.) CLARK - - 8" (R1-104). Zealously cleaned.
0269. JAMESWAY FT. ATKINSON WIS. ELMIRA NY / MINNEAPOLIS MINN. - 1008 - - 8" some pitting. (R1-267)
MIDLAND MFG CO TARKIO MO USA "2" / TAGUE & KERLIN WRENCH - - 9" spots of light pitting. (R1-326)
261 thru 270
0271. ZENITH (Unknown origin) - - 10" cutout. Same shape wrench as Blount (R1-58TR). RARE. Pitted, traces of old green paint. (R1-502)
0272. DEERE A196 - - 8" cutout with part number right side, top of open end. RARE two hammer head variant. This hard to find Deere wrench has some pitting (mostly on the edges) and the bars on the first two "E's" are short, they appear to be cast that way rather than broken off later. (D153, R1-75)
0273. BLACKHAWK (Sechler / Oliver) - - 7.5" cutout. With stud variant. Excellent. (R2-36)
0274. PLANET JR. / "3" - - 6.5" cutout. Excellent. (R1-380)
0275. BRADLEY'S WONDER D99 (David Bradley Mfg, Bradley, ILL ) - - 14.5" cutout, one square box variant. This wrench has been painted black and the lettering highlighted in white. It looks like there may be some spots of light pitting underneath the paint but should grade Good Plus. Large, rare cutout with striking graphics. Seldom offered for sale. (R1-126)
0276. AMES (Ames Plow Co. - Boston, Mass. and Norfolk NY) - - 9" CUTOUT. Rare cutout wrench in Good Plus condition. (R1-18)
0277. IRON AGE E39 (A. B. Farquhar, York, PA and Bateman Mfg, Grenlock, New Jersey) - - 8.5" cutout. Excellent. (R1-176 and R1-260)
0278. IRON AGE C9 (A. B. Farquhar, York, PA and Bateman Mfg. Grenlock, New Jersey) - - 6.5" cutout, large (9/16") square box end variant. Some light pitting. (R1-176 and R1-260)
IRON AGE C9 (A. B. Farquhar, York, PA and Bateman Mfg. Grenlock, NJ) - - 6.5" cutout, small (7/16") square box end variant. Some pitting. (R1-260)
271 thru 279
COLUMBIAN WRENCH - PAT. SEP, 13, 1892 - COLUMBIAN MFG. CO. - BROCKTON, MASS. - - 7.5" RARE odd wood handled pipe wrench with the adjusting screw above the top jaw. Patented by Daniel Porter of Chelsea, MA. Fairly large top jaw chip, otherwise Good Plus. (S591, C107)
THE HOLTYTE WRENCH / B. M. CO (logo) ELIZABETH, N. J. - - 6.5". Unusual Crescent type looking wrench but with a threaded screw on the side that adjusts the jaws. Mfg. by the Braunsdorf Mueller Co. and patented by Charles Mueller May 3, 1921. This is the first one we have had to offer for sale and only the second one I have seen. RARE and in EXCELLENT condition. (not listed, see C76 for company history)
0282. W & C WYNN - WROUGHT - MILTUM IN PARVO (Latin for "much in little") - PATENT 11624 - AUGUST 26, 1884 - - 6" unusual screw adjust nut wrench with knurled adj. nut on top of jaw. Excellent. (not listed)
0283. GOODELL PRATT COMPANY - TOOL SMITHS - GREENFIELD, MASS - - 9.5" aluminum handled nut wrench with dual threaded shafts. Few minor dings. (S394)
Unmarked (Bornstein's Imp Wrench Pat. Aug 26, 1890) - - 10" wood handled nut wrench with patented double screw action for fast adjustment with a locking collar. Advertised as Bornstein's Improved Patent Vise Wrench by American Improved Wrench Co. of Boston, Mass. and patented by Henry Bornstein of Boston. Some nicks and dents, pitting, handle crack. (S367)
SARGENT BROSNIHAN - PATENT SEPT. 4, 1900 - UNION MADE - - 12.25" Coes type wood handled pipe wrench with a distinctive serrated jaw inserts. Made by the Brosnihan Wrench Co. of Worcester, MA or Sargent & Co. of New Haven, CT. Patented by Thomas Brosnihan of Livermore Falls, Maine. Lower jaw broken, few dings. (S590)
BEMIS & CALL - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. / PAT DEC. 2, 1873 - - 11.25" wood handled ratcheting adjustable nut wrench. A proficiently made modification of a B & C nut and pipe wrench and a reversible wooden handled ratchet. It is not known if this is a Bemis & Call prototype or an innovative independent inventor's design. What is known is that is an amazing "one of a kind" wrench in Excellent condition. Purchased at a 2004 Martin Donnelly Auction for a record price for an American adjustable wrench at auction. (not in Schulz)
Lot 286
0287. WALCO HEX WRENCH NO. 0 / WALWORTH MFG. CO. - BOSTON USA - - 7.75" Stillson type nut wrench with V-grooved jaws for hex nuts and bolts and a tire tool end. Some pitting. (S103)
0288. BEMIS & CALL H & T CO /SPRINGFIELD, MASS. U.S.A - - 8.5" wood handled center screw adjust nut wrench. Wrench is excellent, markings are weak. (S843D2)
0289. W & B (with a diamond logo) - PAT. APR. 19, 98 - - 8" wood handled center adjust pipe wrench with reversible jaws insert. Minor handle crack. (S864)
0290. W & B (with a diamond logo) - PAT. APR. 19, 98 - - 9.5" wood handled center adjust pipe wrench like above. Good Plus (S864)
PAT JUNE 30, 96 / "6" (Wright Wrench) - - 6" all metal screw adj. pw with two piece lower jaw with serrated jaws not inserts. Patented and mfg. by Edward Wright and later by Peck, Stow & Wilcox. Scarce 6" size. Good Plus, previous owner's mark (A. P. Prairie). (S642)
0292. PAT JUNE 30, 96 / "8" (Wright Wrench) - - 8.25" all metal screw adj. pipe wrench like above but top jaw has a serrated insert. Jaw chipped otherwise good Plus. (S642)
Unmarked - - 13" Wright Wrench like above but with top and bottom serrated jaw inserts. Some light pitting, dings.(S642)
280 thru 293
E. WRIGHT PAT OCT. 3, 93 - - 9" all metal screw adjust nut and pipe wrench with a lever for final tightening or releasing. Made by the Wright Wrench Co. of Worcester, Mass and patented by Edward Wright of Worcester. Few small dings, owners initials. (similar to S643, C342)
0295. 14 - MID AMERICA INC. - EAGLE GRIP - PATENT NO. 2691317 - OMAHA, NEBR. - - 12.25" Stillson type pw with a novel jaw release lever. Like new condition. (S598)
0296. N0. 4 - REISHAUER - - 18". A heavy duty impressive looking nut wrench adjusted by a large knurled nut that engages coarse rack teeth on back edge of shaft. RARE large wrench in Excellent Plus condition. (not listed, no info)
14 (USHCO logo) LAWSON U.S.H.CO. Mfg Co. (U. S. Hame Co, Cleveland, Ohio) - - 12.75" pipe wrench. Patented Dec 14, 1920 and Nov. 5, 1929 by Gottfrid C. Lawson of Cleveland. (S609).
MADE BY THE LOWNES MFG. CO. - HUNTSVILLE, ALA. / PATENTED APRIL 23, 1889 - FEB 10, 1891 - - 11.5" all metal Stillson type pw with a rotating center section that allows the upper jaw to be inserted vertically or horizontally. Pats. by Sidney Cook and Phineas Lownes both from Orlando, Florida . Some pitting, not all markings are readable. (S612)
TRIMO COMBINATION WRENCH PAT APPLIED FOR (with Trimo 1888 trademark logo) - - 10" wood handled monkey wrench with pipe and nut jaws. Has a threaded shaft and knurled adjusting sleeve and a set screw to adjust pipe jaw movement. Mfg. by Trimont Mfg. Co. of Roxbury, Mass. and patented 3-13-1894 by Edward Ely of Boston. One of the rarer Trimont wrenches. Some light pitting, handle crack. (S579)
294 thru 299
JARECKI MFG. CO ERIE PA - PAT April 22, 1873 - - 13.5" adjustable pipe wrench tongs with lower jaw adjusted with a knurled gear and rack teeth. Some markings not readable. The Jarecki wrenches were made in six different sizes (No. 0 thru No. 6) under several patents issued to Albert H. Jarecki 0f Erie,
0301. JARECKI MFG. CO ERIE PA - PAT 1873 - - 15.25" adjustable pipe wrench tongs like above. Some markings not readable. (S740)
0302. JARECKI MFG. CO ERIE PA - PAT 1873 / 3- - 29" adjustable pipe wrench tongs like above but larger No. 3 size. (S740)
JARECKI MFG. CO ERIE PA - PAT 1873 / 4- - 34" adjustable pipe wrench tongs like above. Monster No. 4 size with some pitting. (S740)
300 thru 303
0304. E-ZEE TOOL MFG. CORP. MODEL NO. 1 U.S.A. / CERTUL (in script) TRADEMARK - - 16" chain wrench with 11" of chain. Has an interesting screw adjustment. Excellent.
GRIP-IT - U.S.A. (etc.) / PAT. NO. 3,288001 - 4,138910 - - 8" chain wrench (10" chain) with a ratchet-like action. Excellent.
0306. Unmarked chain wrench - - 11.5" with 19.5" of chain. Unusual type. Excellent.
RIESENBERG'S UNIVERSAL WRENCH / PAT. DEC, 16 -13 - - 6.5" chain wrench with 9" of chain. Good Plus. (S140)
0308. RIDGID / THE RIDGE TOOL CO. - ELYRIA, OHIO U.S.A - - 13" chain wrench with 17" of chain. Excellent.
THE BELDEN MACH. CO. - NEW HAVEN, CONN. - J. T. HAYDEN'S PAT. AUG. 18, 1885 - - 9" girdle type wooden handle pipe wrench with three different bands . Excellent. (S134)
0310. J-23 - FISCHER & HAYES - CHICAGO - PATENTED - - 12" strap wrench. Excellent. No strap. (not listed)
WARNOCK / PAT JUNE 5 1900 - WORCESTER MASS - - 11.5" malleable strap wrench. Wrench is Excellent with large bold markings, strap is worn. Pat. by Amos W. Warnock of Boston, Mass. (S139)
WALWORTH-PARMELEE NO. 1 - PAT. 11-19-1907 / WALWORTH MFG. CO. BOSTON U.S.A. - - 12" girdle type pipe wench with four different bands. Excellent. (S133)
304 thru 312
0313. WILLIAMS - CW-420 - U.S.A. - - 20" chain type pipe wrench with 15" of chain. Excellent.
STANSBERRY PAT. - APRIL 23, 190 (sic) - - 27.5" chain type wrench with 18" of chain and an interesting rack type adjustment. Excellent (not listed)
THE GEALY NO. 01 / GROVE CITY, PA - NO. 0R - - 31" chain type pipe wrench with 20" of chain. Pitted (not listed)
TRADEMARK THE VICTOR - MADE BY THE C. E. BONNER MFG. CO. - CHRISMAN. ILL - PAT APPL'D FOR - - 39" chain wrench with 36" of chain.
313 thru 316
12 IN ELLIS / PAT NOV 3, 1903 - - 12.5" Crescent type with a locking, pivoting head. The Nov. 3, 1903 patent has not been found, a panted granted to David R. Ellis of Chicago, Illinois on May 17, 1904 is probably the correct patent. Scarce large size. Good Plus. (S308)
0318. 12 IN ELLIS / PAT NOV 3, 1903 - - 12.5" Crescent type with a locking, pivoting head like above but with pipe jaws. RARE large size with pipe jaws. Good Plus, different release knob may be a replacement. (S308)
0319. 8 IN ELLIS / PAT NOV 3, 1903 - - 9" Crescent type like above but without the locking, pivoting head feature. Some edge dings, etc. (S308)
0320. UNIVERSAL 8 IN. (etc.) / PATENTED JUNE 3, '19 - JULY 22, '19 - - Crescent type with a release lever that provides a ratcheting action. Mfg. by the Universal Wrench Co., Detroit, Mich. Good Plus. (S530)
0321. FINN TOOL CO. - SPRINGFIELD, ILL -ALLOY STEEL (same marking both sides) - - 8" Crescent type with a lever that can be used to turn the adjusting nut (for more leverage in tightening the jaws?). Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
0322. TRU-GRIP 10" - US PAT. 4375174, (etc.) / DROP FORGED ALLOY STEEL - TAIWAN - - 11" Crescent type with a long lever that tightens the jaws. Excellent with chrome plating. (not listed)
0323. BESSEY US PAT 2765690 (etc.) / NO. 111-3 - MADE IN W. GERMANY (etc.) - - 9.75" Crescent type with ratcheting action. Plated. Good Plus (S770)
0324. BESSEY US PAT 2765690 (etc.) / NO. 111-4 - MADE IN W. GERMANY (etc.) - - 12.25" Crescent type with ratcheting action like above. Plated. Excellent (S770)
0325. GORDON AUTOMATIC PATENT APPLIED FOR (same marking both sides) - - 10.25" Curved handle Crescent type with an attachment to the knurled adjusting nut that releases or locks the moveable jaw. Excellent. (S492)
0326. RACHEX - PAT. / 10" - - 10" Crescent type with a lever that releases the jaw allowing it to ratchet on the nut or bolt. EXCELLENT with all the original plating. (not listed, no info)
0327. 8" CYGNET WRENCH / CYGNET MFG. CO. PATENTED BUFFALO, NEW YORK - - 8" Crescent type with a pivoting head that allows the jaws to ratchet. (S468)
0328. AIGO (in an oval logo) AUTO WRENCH PAT (etc.) / 8" JAPAN (etc.). - - 8" more modern ratcheting Crescent type wrench similar to the Cygnet above. Plated, Excellent. (S780)
0329. BRAUNSDORF MUELLER CO. - PAT APPLEID FOR / DUPLEX - ELIZABETH, NJ - - 9" Crescent type wrench with a pivoting head with wing nut that sets the head at different angles. Wing nut is missing, light pitting. (S317)
BRAUNSDORF MUELLER CO. / PAT APPLEID FOR - DUPLEX - ELIZABETH, NJ - - 7" Crescent type wrench with a pivoting head with wing nut like above. Good Plus. (S317)
317 thru 330
0331. ANY ANGLE WRENCH - PATENT 1916 - LIMA., O. USA / DROP FORGED STEEL - - 8.5" Cres. type with a locking adj. angle head and release button. Mfg. by Atco Wrench Co. and pat. by Ramson Bovee 11-21-1916. Good Plus. (S311)
0332. IMP. ANGLE WRENCH - PAT. PEND. / BLOOMINGTON, ILL - - 9" earlier version of above wrench mfg. by the Imperial Tool Co. of Bloomington, Ind. Few spots of light pitting. (S311)
0333. IMP. ANGLE WRENCH - PATENTED. / BLOOMINGTON, ILL - - 9". Same wrench as above but marked "PATENTED" vs. "PAT. PEND." Release button stuck, some nicks and dings. (S311)
CARLL - PAT'D MAY 6 - 1913 / 6" (etc.) - - 6" Crescent type nut wrench with reversible jaw to make it a pipe wrench. Pat by A. B. Carll of Boothwyn, PA. The M. J. Robinson Co. of New York was one of the manufactures of this wrench (see C266). Scarce small size in Excellent condition. (like S568, C90)
0335. CARLL / PAT'D MAY 6 - 13 / - - 6" Crescent type nut wrench with reversible jaw like above but with different markings. Excellent.
0336. 8" CARLL WRENCH - P. T. CO. / PAT'D MAY 6, '13 (etc.) - - 8" same wrench as above with marking variation. Few minor nicks. (S568, C90)
0337. 92-10 UTICA TOOLS - USA PAT. APL'S FOR / ALLOY-UTICA-STEEL - -10" Crescent type with a lever that lock the jaws in place. Some minor dings, plated, (not listed, no info)
8 IN. SHUSTER SPEEDWRENCH - PATD FEB 2, 1915 / CLIP BAR MFG CO. - PHILADELPHIA, PA. USA (etc.) - - 8" Crescent type with a lever that when released enables a ratcheting action. patented by Myer Shuster, Philadelphia, PA. Good Plus. (S530)
THE L. S. STARRETT CO. ATHOL, MASS. USA - PAT. JAN. 3, 1911 - NO. 240 - - 7.25" plier/wrench with a Crescent type threaded nut and rack type adjustment and a locking bolt and nut, advertised as "The Starrett Extension Plier". Patented by Laroy S. Starrett of Athol, Mass. The locking bolt is not shown in the patent or advertisements and has not been seen on other known examples of this pliers. RARE variant in Good ++ condition with original plating. (similar to S271, C289)
0340. TONG CHI - CHINA / 10" U.S. PAT. N0. 5209144 - - 10" modern reinvention of the Carll wrench with a combination pipe and nut jaw with the addition of a spring to the adjusting knurl that slides down to allows the jaw to be slid out and reversed. Excellent, plated. (not listed)
0341. 10A-BULL-DOG-GRIPS-NEVER-SLIPS / BULL DOG WRENCH CO. - PAT. PEND. - BENTON HARBOR, MICH. - - 10.25" Crescent type with serrated jaws. First one seen. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
0342. "MEPHISTO" (with a "W" in a diamond logo) / PATD 6.23.14 - - 9" Cres. type with a locking adj. angle head. Possibly mfg. by the Mephisto Tool Co. Hudson, NY. RARE. Good with some light dings, weak or broken spring. (S311, C41))
0343. THE ANDERSON / PATD 6.23.14 - - 9" Cres. type with a locking adj. angle head. Possibly mfg. by the Anderson-Bailey-Cummings Co. of Okmulgee, OK. Good Plus. (S311, C41))
0344. MFD BY CRESCENT TOOL CO. - JAMESTOWN, NY / 10 IN CRESTOLOY STEEL (etc.) - - 10" Crescent with a sliding button that locks the adjusting knurled nut in place. Some spots of pitting. (not listed)
PAT. APL'D FOR - - 8" Crescent type with a sliding button lock similar to the Crescent above but probably older. Light pitting or surface roughness, markings hard to read. (not listed, no info)
331 thru 345
0346. 8 IN B & S (Billings & Spencer) - - 8" Crescent type. (older style)
0347. 10 IN B & S (Billings & Spencer) / No. 75 - - 9.5" Crescent type. (older style)
0348. WORCESTER - A10 / WALDEN - - 10" Crescent type. large, bold markings. Plated, Good Plus.
0349. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CO. - LIMA, OHIO (etc.) - - 8" Crescent type.
0350. 6" SCHOLLER / THE SCHOLLER MFG. BUFFALO, NY. - - 6" Crescent type.
Lot of two Scholler Crescent type wrenches:
(1.) 8" SCHOLLER / THE SCHOLLER MFG. BUFFALO, NY. - - 8" Crescent type. .
(2.) 10" SCHOLLER / THE SCHOLLER MFG. BUFFALO, NY. - - 10" Crescent type. Jaw crack.
0352. C.M.A.D. C0. CHICAGO / C8 - - 7.75" Crescent type.
0354. 7 IN. KEYSTONE NO. 77 / KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - BUFFALO, NY USA - - 7" Crescent type.
0356. 9 IN. KEYSTONE NO. 79 / KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - BUFFALO, NY USA (star logo) - - 9" Crescent type.
0357. 10 INCH "KEYSTONE" STEEL FORGING / KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - BUFFALO, NY USA - - 10" Crescent type. Excellent, like new.
11 IN. KEYSTONE NO. 81 / KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - BUFFALO, NY USA - - 10.75" Crescent type.
346 thru 358
0359. J. H. FERGUSON DAYTON, O. PAT NOV 15, 1910 - - 5" adjustable double ended bike or pocket wrench with nut and pipe heads. Good Plus. (S108M)
0360. Unmarked - - 5" An unmarked variant of the J. H. Ferguson patented double ended bike or pocket wrench. Excellent. (like S108M)
0361. AJAX PAT. APPLIED FOR - - 5" adjustable double ended bicycle/pocket nut wrench similar to The Adjustable Twin Wrench (S108T). First one seen. Small dent on one edge, otherwise Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
0362. Marked only: PAT. APLD. FOR - - 5.5" adjustable double ended bicycle/pocket wrench with nut and pipe heads with an unusual slide adjustment and locking nut. Good Plus. First one we have offered for dale. (S108B)
THE MARSHALLTOWN / C & E (Marshalltown, Iowa) - PAT 8-26-1913 - - 8.5" detachable, adjustable angle open end on one end and alligator wrench on the opposite end. Patented by Charles Hansen and Conrad Heberer of Mingo, Iowa. Stamped with previous owner's initials "C G K" otherwise excellent. (S312)
0364. WAKEFIELD WIZARD - - 8.75" double ended nut wrench with adj. sliding jaws. (S1099)
0365. ROOSEVELT ADJUSTABLE WRENCH PAT. PEND'G ROOSEVELT MFG CO CHICAGO USA - - 8" A center screw adjusts the sizes of the two box end wrenches. Pitted. (S464)
0366. A232 - 4-6 DIAMOND CALK HORSE SHOE CO. DULUTH, MINN. USA (with horseshoe logo) / (diamond logo), (etc.) - - 6.5" double ended Crescent type. Hard to find size. Excellent condition.
0367. 6-8 IN CRESCENT (etc.) / PATENTED CRESCENT TOOL CO JAMESTOWN, NY - - 8" double ended Crescent (early style marked "patented") with 6" and 8" heads. Good Plus with previous owner's initials. (like S470)
0368. MFD. BY CRESCENT TOOL CO JAMESTOWN, NY / 8-10 (etc.) - - 10" double ended old style Crescent with 8" and 10" heads. Spot of light pitting, owner's initials. (like S470)
0369. 8-10 FULTON (same markings both sides) - - 10" double ended Crescent type with 8" and 10" heads. Fulton was a house brand used by both United Hardware & Tool Corp. of New York and Sears & Roebuck. RARE double ender
BAXTERS PATENTED 1856 FEB'Y 12TH - - 10" double ended Diagonal Wrench with a round knurled sided adjusting bolt head marked with William Baxter's (of Newark, New Jersey) first patent. A nice example of a pre Civil War wrench in a scarce large size. Good Plus, faint markings as usual on this wrench. (S462, C57)
BAXTER - - 4" "S" model double ended wrench first patented Dec 1, 1868. Smallest of several sizes listed in old catalogs. Light pitting. (S305)
0372. E. C. STEARNS & CO SYRACUSE, NY USA - - 5.5" Baxter's "S" Model Wrench like above. Pitted, some markings hard to read. (like S305, C290)
0373. BAXTER PAT. DEC. 1, 1868 / W. HAWKINS - - 6" Baxter's "S" Model like above. Hawkins Hardware Mfg. Co. of Derby, CT. was one of several manufactures of the Baxter patented wrenches. Some pitting. (like S305, C161)
0374. W. BAXTER PATENT / HAWKINS - DERBY, CT - - 8" "S" Model Baxter's like above. Weak markings, tiny crack. (like S305, C161)
Lot of two unmarked 6" Baxter "S" Model wrenches like above:
(1.) With cross knurled adjusting nut. (like S305)
(2.) With straight knurled adjusting nut. Pitting. (like S305)
E. C. STEARNS & CO SYRACUSE, NY USA - - 11.5". Large Baxter's "S" Model Wrench like above. Some pitting, some markings hard to read. (like S305, C290)
359 thru 376
THE IMPROVED BOSS - PAT. OCT 29-01 / MFD BY J.P. JOHNSON STORDEN MINN. - 18.5" cylinder tooth wrench with hex sockets. Light pitting (S43, R1-59)
THE HANDY WRENCH PAT. / PORT HURON CO, LN. NEB. - 22" chain drive cylinder wrench. Mfg. by Port Huron Machinery & Supply Co. of Lincoln, Nebraska and Pat. Mar. 30, 1926 BY Reuben D. Litwiller of Seward, NE.(S46)
TIGER PAT. MAR. 8 04 - 17" cylinder tooth ratchet wrench. Patent Mar. 08, 1904 by William R. Johnson of Freeport, Illinois. (S45, R1-455)
377 thru 379
Also see lot 272 for a rare cutout A196 Deere wrench with double hammers.
0380. JOHN DEERE (B352R) - - 12" double hex box ends. Good Plus (R1-133, D-237)
0381. JOHN DEERE (B353R) - - 15.5" double 12 pt box ends. Good Plus. (R1-133, D-240)
0382. Unmarked hex socket with pry bar end (John Deere D1083R) - 13". Excellent with traces of green paint. (D-283, R1-132)
Lot of four: Complete set of John Deere stamped steel wrenches. All with small end on left, angled up variants.
(1.) JD-50 - - 6.25" Good Plus. (D346, R1-132)
(2.) JD-51 - - 8.5" Few dings. (D350, R1-132)
(3.) JD-52 - - 8.5" Good Plus. (D355, R-132)
(4.) JD-53 - - 10.5" Good Plus. (D355, R1-132)
Lot of two: John Deere stamped steel wrenches with large end on left, angled up variants.
(1.) JD-50 - - 6.25" Good Plus. (D347, R1-132)
(3.) JD-52 - - 8.5" Good Plus. (like D353 with 1/2" letters, R-132)
Lot of three Deere heavy forged double open end wrenches. All with small end on left, angled up variants:
(1.) DEERE / (reverse not marked) (Deere 10006) - - 6.75". Jaw damaged. (D105, R1-132)
(2.) DEERE / DEERE (Deere 10007) - - 9" (D107, R1-132)
(3.) DEERE / DEERE (Deere 10008) - - 11.5". Pitted. (D109, R1-132)
Lot of two Deere heavy forged double open end wrenches. Both with large end on left, angled up variants:
(1.) DEERE / (reverse not marked) (Deere 10006) - - 6.75" (D-110, R1-132)
(2.) DEERE / DEERE (Deere 10008) - - 9" (D-109, R1-132)
0387. JOHN DEERE / KING CORN SILO 58 - 12.5" Pitted. (D12, R133)
0388. D & M Co. / B470 - - 13" with edge dings. (D243, R1-139)
Lot of two John Deere/Van Brunt Wrenches:
(1.) VAN BRUNT / D380M - - 7" with stud. Excellent with original green finish. (D-271, R1-469)
(2.) VAN BRUNT / (reverse not marked) - - 7" no stud 3/4" hex variant. Good Plus. (D-270)
0390. VAN BRUNT / (reverse not marked) - - 7" with stud, space between Van and Brunt variation. Excellent. (D273)
31 (Deere/Hart-Carter) - 8.5" tee wrench with number on right side variant. (D6, R1-130, R1-222)
380 thru 391
0392. John Deere / 1340 SC - - 9". Excellent. (D78, R130)
0393. DAIN MFG CO / OTTUMWA IA - - 10" Small letters variant. Good Plus. (D337, R1-121)
0394. DAIN MFG CO / OTTUMWA IA - - 10" large letters variant. welded jaw repair. (D338, R1-121)
0395. DAIN / L136E - 7.75" Good Plus. (D397, R1-121)
Lot of two Dain wrenches:
(1.) DAIN / (an "A" in circle logo) - - 7.75". (D396, R1-121)
(2.) Dain / (no logo) - - 7.75" (D396, R1-121)
0397. DAIN / Z-78 - - 6" pitman wrench. (D-545, R1-121)
0398. 154 (Syracuse/Deere) - 15". (D25, R1-448)
0399. SYRACUSE LH22 - 9" with weld repair. (D405, R1-448)
0400. 148 (Syracuse/Deere) - 9.5" (D23, R1-448)
0401. 157 (Syracuse/Deere?) - 9.57" like "148" with hex box instead of open end. (D26, R130)
0402. LETZ E782 (Deere) - - 7" Deering pattern. Excellent. (D297, R1-296)
0403. LETZ E782 / ("P" in a square logo)(Deere) - - 7" Deering pattern variant. Excellent. (like D297, R1-296)
HZ160 / ("U" logo) (Deere) - 10" binder wrench/crank. Excellent. (D327, R1-133)
392 thru 404
0405. D34 (Deere) (with an "U" logo) - - 8.75". (D26, R1-131)
0406. Unmarked (H68 John Deere Plow Works) - 6.5" (D316, R1-136)
Lot of two:
(1.) 136 / ("N" logo)(Deere Plow Works) - - 10" round holes. Jaw crack. (D18, R1-130)
(2.) Unmarked (136 Deere Plow Works) - - 10" unmarked round hole variant. Pitted. (not listed)
0408. DEERE MANSUR CO / A523 - - 6" (D169, R1-139)
0409. A522 / DEERE MANSUR CO - - 7.5" reverse markings variant. (D164, R1-139)
0410. K806 (Deere) - - 12.5" (D372, R1-131)
0411. 196 (Deere) - 7.5" two square holes variant. Excellent. (D41,R2-75)
0412. 196 (Deere) - - 7" with cutout slots and two round holes variant. Casting flaw crack. (D35, R1-130)
0413. Unmarked (196 Deere) - - 6.75" triangular hole variant. Some pitting. (D44, R2-75)
0414. THE SHARPLES SEPARATOR CO / TUBULAR - - 6" soe. Excellent. (R1-442)
0415. ECONOMY CHIEF - - 6.25" hook spanner wrench. Excellent. (R1-157)
0416. MONTGOMERY WARD - - 8" double open ends, spanner, and screwdriver. Excellent. (R1-336)
Lot of two cream separator wrenches:
(1.) DELAVAL - 4132 - - 8" oe, spanner, and screwdriver. Excellent.
(2.) DELAVAL - 4126 - - 6.25" oe, spanner, and screwdriver. Excellent.
405 thru 417
0418. NEWELL SANDERS PLOW CO / A120 - - 13" Good Plus (R1-351)
0419. CHATTANOOGA CP4003 / IHC logo - - 8.5" Excellent. (R1-98)
0420. KENTUCKY DRILLS / KR299 - - 9" Good Plus. (R1-62)
0421. JONES D114 (with Plano logo) - - 6.5" Logo weakly marked, some light pitting. (R1-381)
0422. DEERING / HAY RAKE (William Deering & Co. and IHC) - - 6.5". Excellent with a casting flaw on large end.(R1-139)
0423. D736 / (IHC logo) - - 5.5" pitman wrench (R1-252)
0424. DEERING (in ledger plate logo) D736 (William Deering & Co. and IHC) - - 5.5" pitman wrench. (R1-139)
0425. OIL PAN CAP - RADIATOR CAP - WATER PUMP VALVE CAP - 6850H / VALVE CAP - S (with an IHC logo) - - 11.75". Early 1920's International Truck wrench. Pitting.(R1-252)
0426. H272 (IHC, Aultman Miller Corn King Spreader, and Little Giant Fence Loom) - round hole with key and square box with four square box openings on shaft. variant- 15", pitting, weak markings. (variant not in Rathbone)
0427. 4359 (P & O and IHC) - - 12.5" Pitted. (R1-370)
0428. P & O CO. / 5283 - - 10" Edge hammered. (R1-370)
0429. P & O Co - Canton ILL / 2715 - - 9.5" (R370)
0430. 2715 / with IHC logo - 9.5" Excellent. (R251)
0431. 2715 (P & O and IHC)- - 9.75". Raised markings. (R251)
P & O CO 4135 / CANTON ILL. - - 10.5" Good Plus with original red finish. (R1-370)
418 thru 432
INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO / PAT SEP 7 97 - - 8.5" all metal monkey wrench. Patented by Theodore F. Vandegrift of Shelbyville, Indiana. (R1-256)
Lot of two:
(1.) 1059B (with large IHC logo) / D -- - 8.5". Excellent with original red paint. (R1-251)
(2.) 1059B (with small IHC logo) / D -- - 8.5". Painted gray. (R1-251)
Lot of two IHC ZA810 pitman wrenches (R1-255):
(1.) ZA810 - - 9.25" marked vertically.
(2.) ZA810 - - 9.25" marked horizontally.
0436. (IHC logo) P1599 (embossed) / P1599 (debossed) - - 12.5". markings embossed one side and debossed on the other. (R1-255)
0437. Z276 / Z786 - Z788 (IHC logo) (IHC part M446) - - 8.5" malleable adjustable nut wrench (fluted nut variation). (R1-256)
IHC two piece wrench (R1-255):
(1.) U50 / IHC - CANADA - - 8".
(2.) (IHC logo) UA51 / CANADA - - 8.75"
IHC two piece wrench. Painted. (R1-255):
(1.) U50 / (IHC logo) - - 8".
(2.) (IHC logo) U51 - - 8.75"
0440. FOR KW (IHC 188) - - 2.75" single open end flat steel ignition wrench. (Gil Irps' IHC Tool List)
Unmarked (IHC 17612D) - - 2.5" flat steel single open end ignition wrench with sc/dr and feeler gauge. (Gil Irps' IHC List)
440 thru 441
Lot of two early McCormick-IHC wrenches:
(1.) M231 (McCormick-IHC) - - 6.75" pitman wrench.(R1-254)
(2.) R197 (McCormick-IHC)- - 8.25" (R1-255)
Lot of two early IHC wrenches:
(1.) P28 (IHC logo) (Plano-Jones-IHC) - - 8". (R1-255)
(2.) P11 (Milwaukee-IHC) - - 9.5" with stud variant. (R1-328)
Lot of two early Osborne-IHC wrenches:
(1.) P890 (Osborne-IHC) / (IHC logo) - - 7." (R1-254)
(2.) Unmarked - - 7.75". Similar to Osborne-IHC 590 wrench (slightly larger square opening).
433 thru 444
Lot of three all metal loop handle IHC screwdrivers (R1-253):
(1.) Unmarked (IHC HD721) - - 7.5" screw driver.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC HD721) - - 8" screw driver.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC HD721) - - 8.5" screw driver.
0446. SE661 (McCormick-Deering/IHC) - - 26.5" extra heavy duty double offset wrench with a 3-5/8" hex box end. Part number is boldly cast in the side of the jaw with large clear lettering. This is a wrench used in the IHC Tractor Service Shops. Used for flywheel nuts on F-20, 10-20, Mod-20, T-20, W-30, I-30, F-30 and the rear axle nuts on 10-20 McCormick-Deering tractors. Massive and in excellent condition. (not in Rathbone's book, it is in Irps' IHC Tool List.)
0447. 5E - 7E / (IHC logo) (IHC part 8E or 13067D) - - 12" malleable screw adjust monkey wrench with solid handle. Excellent, looks like it was never used.
0448. 1E / 2E (IHC logo) (IHC part 4E)- - 9" all cast metal monkey wrench (solid handle variation). (R1-256)
1E / 2E (IHC logo) (IHC part 4E)- - 9" all cast metal monkey wrench (loop handle variation).
445 thru 449
COOK PATD SEPT 1, 85 / 1-1/8 - - 9.25" oe by sq box buggy wrench with a spring loaded nut holder and lever. Pat. by Roswell Cook of Ilion, NY. EX (S240BR2)
GETMAN PATD 86 ILION "3" - - 8" oe (two sizes) and sq box by sq 1-1-1/8" box buggy wrench with a spring loaded nut holder and lever. Advertised as "The Universal Carriage Wrench" by the Phillips-Getman Co of Ilion, NY. Patented by Henry Getman of Ilion Sept. 21, 1886. EX (S228, R1-201)
0452. PARRY - - 7" whip holder and buggy wrench. Pitting. (R1-372)
0453. H. W. GETMAN PATD 86 "3" - - 8" oe and sq box by 1-1/8" sq box buggy wrench with a spring loaded nut holder and lever. light overall pitting. (S228, R1-201)
0454. PORTER PAT AXLE / 76 - - 8.25" (Mfg. by the Buchanan Co. of Dowagiac, Michigan) (R1-383)
0455. GANANOGUE CARRIAGE CO. / G74 - - 9" mal buggy wrench (R1-198 R)
0456. H. A. MUCKLE ST. PAUL / 310 - - 8" mal buggy wrench. Pitted (R1-343)
0457. H.H. BABCOCK CO. 28 - - 9.25" with 7/8" box (H. H. Babcock, Watertown, New York). Excellent. (R1-36)
0458. THE FABER SULKY CO / ROCHESTER N.Y. USA - - 5.25" oe by hex box. RARE (R1-174)
0459. DAYTON / 2813B PATENTED (with a "D" in a circle logo) - - 7.5" buggy wrench (Dayton Malleable Iron Co.) Excellent (R1-128)
0460. DAYTON / 2812 PATENTED (with a "D" in a circle logo) - - 7.5" buggy wrench (Dayton Malleable Iron Co.) Excellent (R1-128)
0461. RACINE / PATENTED (with a "D" in a circle logo)- - 7.5" buggy wrench (Racine Wagon & Carriage Co, Wisconsin) One jaw ear missing. (R1-389)
0462. PRATT / 2818C - - 7.5" buggy wrench (Wm. E. Pratt Mfg. Co., Chicago, Illinois) (R1-384)
0463. BANNER / 2813B PATENTED (with a "D" in a circle logo) - - 7.5" buggy wrench (Banner Buggy Co., St. Louis, Missouri) (R1-42)
0464. DAYTON / 1 - - 6" sq box by oe with 2 sizes. (R1-128)
0465. ANCHOR BUGGY CO. IDEAL / PAT APR 28 1903 - - 8.5" (1" square nut size) Buggy wrench with nut holder. (Anchor Buggy Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio) Good Plus (R1-19)
0466. IDEAL / PAT APR 28 1903 - - 8.5" (1-1/8" square nut size) Buggy wrench with nut holder. (R1-246)
0467. IDEAL / PAT APR 28 1903 - - 8.5" (7/8" square nut size) Buggy wrench with nut holder. The Ideal buggy wrenches were patented by Nathaniel Stone of Outlook, Washington and mfg. by Eberhard Mfg Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Pitting (R1-246)
0468. STUDEBAKER 1" "M" - - 8" (South Bend, Indiana). (R1-444)
0469. ST. LOUIS WRENCH CO - A / PATD JAN 27 91 - - 7.5" (R1-434)
0470. SHELDON AXLE CO / 151X - - 9" (Sheldon Axle Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania)(R1-423)
0471. MOYER 224 - - 8" Mfg. by H. A. Moyer of Syracuse, New York. (R1-342)
H. MFG. CO / 98 - - 6.25" sq box by oe with 2 sizes (no info) (R2-120)
450 thru 472
Lot of two traditional style buggy wrenches
(1.) D (in a diamond logo) / 2819C & 1. - - 9.5" (not listed, no info)
(2.) 140 (in a diamond logo) / 1-1/8. - - 9.75". some pitting. (not listed, no info)
Lot of two buggy type wrenches:
(1.) F103 - - 6"(not listed, no info)
(2.) F104 - - 8"(not listed, no info)
Lot of three hex ended buggy type wrenches:
(1.) 686 ? (markings not clear, pitting) - - 6" oe by 7/8" hex box.
(2.) Unmarked - - 6" oe by 15/16" hex box.
(3.) 526 - - 8.5" three oe by 1-1/8" hex box buggy wrench. (not listed, no info)
Lot of three buggy type wrenches:
(1.) J-E ? (markings not clear) - -8.5" three oe by 1-1/4" sq box.
(2.) "1" - - 8.5" three oe by 15/16" sq box.
(3.) "1" - - 8" three oe by 1" sq box.
Lot of two wagon wrenches:
(1.) Unmarked wagon / hitch pin combination - - 9.25" with 2.25" opening.
(2.) Unmarked oddball square offset box end wagon wrench? - - 15". Pitted.
Lot of two square box by hex box with three open ends buggy wrenches:
(2.)7324C - 1-1/8 - - 9.5" with 1-1/8" square opening (Eberhard Mfg Co., Cleveland, Ohio) (not in Rathbone)
(1.)Unmarked - - 9" with 1" square opening. (probably Eberhard Mfg or Illinois Malleable Iron)
Lot of four buggy wrenches made by the Eberhard Mfg Co., Cleveland, Ohio and patented by John Pope of Cleveland Nov. 14, 1882.
(1.) 2320B (with an "E" in a circle logo) / PATD - - 8.5" three oe by 15/16" sq box, deep pattern. (R1-155)
(2.) 7320C (with an "E" in a circle logo) / PATD - - 8.75" three oe by 1-15/16" sq box, deep pattern. (R1-155)
(3.) 2320D (with an "E" in a circle logo) / PATD - - 9.25" three oe by 1-3/8" sq box, deep pattern. (R1-155)
(4.) 7315D (with an "E" in a circle logo) / PATD - - 9.5" three oe by 1-1/4" sq box, low pattern. (R1-155)
Lot of four buggy wrenches made by the Eberhard Mfg Co., Cleveland, Ohio and patented by John Pope of Cleveland Nov. 14, 1882.
(1.) 7306C (with an "E" in a circle logo) - - 6" soe by 1-1/8" oe. These smaller buggy type wrenches were listed in an 1896 Eberhard catalog as "low pattern for carts". (not in Rathbone)
(2.)C2306 - - 6" soe by 1-1/8" oe. Some time between 1896 and 1922 Eberhard switched from the 2000's numbering system to 7000 's.
(3.) 2310C / PATD ((with an "E" in a circle logo) - - 9.25" soe by 1-3/8" sq box. (R1-155)
(4.) 7325F -- 9" 1-3/16" hex box.
473 thru 480
Lot of two traditional style buggy wrenches
(1.) marked 110. - - 9.5". some pitting. (not listed, no info)
(2.) marked WA64 - - 10". (not listed, no info)
Lot of two traditional style buggy wrenches
(1.) marked 554 - - 8.5"
(2.) marked 603 - - 8.75"
Lot of two buggy wrenches:
(1.) DAYTON / 2813B PATENTED (with a "D" in a circle logo) - - 7.5" buggy wrench(Dayton Malleable Iron Co.) Pitted (R1-128)
(2.) 7307B (with an E in a circle logo) - - 7.5" (Eberhard Mfg Co., Cleveland, Ohio) (not in Rathbone)
0484. FORDSON THE KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY USA 10 INCH NO 80 - - 10.25" S handle Crescent type wrench (R1-180)
0485. Fordson / F-2197 - - 10.75" tractor front hub cap wrench - beveled handle variation. Some pitting. (R1-180)
0486. Fordson / F-2197 - - 10.5" tractor front hub cap wrench - round handle variation. Some pitting. (R1-180)
Lot of two Fordson wrenches:
(1.) FORDSON / 21005 - - 6" dbl open end wrench. Good Plus. (R1-180)
(2.) FORDSON - - 6" similar to above with raised lettering. Tight jaw crack. (R1-180)
0488. FORDSON / 2372 - - 11" double hex socket wrench. Good Plus. (R1-180)
0489. 9N17014 (with Ford Motor Co. logo) and ruler markings - - 10.5" for Ford tractor plow. Note: see lot 1091 for more Ford Tractor wrenches.
Lot of two Ford Tractor/Plow wrenches:
(1.) 9N17014 FORD (script) USA and ruler markings - - 10.5" for Ford tractor plow.
(2.) Like above but with ruler markings only. - - 10.5".
481 thru 490
(with ruler scale on shaft) - - 5" turn handle to adjust bicycle wrench. Actual patent date
is Mar 16, 1869 (antedated Feb 27, 1869) issued to Henry Wheaton Hewet of New York. A very RARE bicycle wrench in Good Plus condition with most of the original plating remaining. (S107B)
0492. L. & S. CO. - CLEVELAND, 0 / STEEL BICYCLE - - 5.75" wood handled center screw adjustable bike wrench mfg. Lamson & Sessions of Cleveland, OH. Some pitting, some markings hard to read. (S104D4)
L. COES & CO PAT'D MAR 23 1869 / WORCESTER MASS - - 4-5/8" "Baby Coes" monkey wrench. Patented by George C. Taft of Worcester, Mass. Markings excellent, handle crack, some hammer dings on lower jaw. (HP35, like S852)
0494. L. COES & CO PAT'D MAR 23 1869 / WORCESTER MASS - - 4-5/8" "Baby Coes" monkey wrench. like above. Excellent except for previous owners stamped on upper jaw and two notches filed on upper jaw edge. Handle Excellent. Markings Excellent. (HP35, like S852)
COES / PAT'D DEC 24, 1901 - MADE IN USA - - 5" all metal bicycle wrench with oval handle. Patented by Frederick Searle of Worcester, Mass. Pitting. (HP57, S852)
SANDOW - THE EUREKA MFG. CO. - NEW HAVEN, CT - PAT FEB 5, 95 - - 5.25" center screw adjust with exposed shaft. Patented by Joseph P. Lavigne of New Haven, Conn. Some minor dings and scratches but the markings are exceptionally clear, unlike most examples seen. (S109B)
0497. MADE IN ENGLAND - PAT NO 389317 - RP NO 777629 - 5.5" side screw adj with angled jaws. unusual design. Good Plus. (not listed)
Unmarked - - 4" William Baxter's "S" model double ended wrench first patented Dec 1, 1868. Smallest of the Baxter double ended wrenches. Some light pitting. (S305)
0499. E. C. STEARNS & CO. - - 4" William Baxter's "S" model double ended wrench first patented Dec 1, 1868. Smallest of the Baxter double ended wrenches. Some light pitting, light markings. (S305)
0500. Unmarked - - 4" malleable quick adjust rack wrench with open frame. Lever on the back engages and disengages rack teeth on front edge. A rare wrench in any size, ultra rare in this small size. Excellent except for tight crack on lower jaw. (like S513, patent not found)
0501. J. H. AIKEN / (running rabbit logo) - - 4" with a knurled brass center adjusting sleeve. Mfg. by J. H. Aiken of Franklin, NH. Good Plus with jaw slightly sprung. (S761C)
(J, L. & T logo) U.S.A. PAT. MAR 11, 84 - FEB 16, 86 - 4.25" center screw adjust with hollow handle. Mfg. by Jeralds & Lawton of Cheshire, CT. and patented by Silas Jeralds and Edwin Lawton of Cheshire. Patents were for hollow handled cutlery but would also apply to wrench handles. Probably also made the identical wrench with the same patent dates marked "Little Giant". Minor jaw edge dings, otherwise Excellent with original plating. (not in Schulz, see C180)
0503. RICHARDS BROS & SONS LTD. - SHEFFIELD / TENT SHEFFIELD (w/ a tent logo) - - 4.25" center screw adj. bike wrench. Some jaw edge dings otherwise excellent. (not listed)
Unmarked - - 5" Bornstein all metal double screw turn handle adjustable wrench with locking collar and bulbous handle Patented July 26, 1892 by Henry Bornstein of Boston, Mass. Mfg. by Jaws sprung, some light pitting. Possibly mfg. by the Seabury Machine Co. of Malden, Mass. or the U.S. Vise & Machine Co. (S1066, C37,C95, C276)
0505. THOMAS GREEN - - 5.25" brass quick adjust wrench with coarse rack teeth on shaft. "One of a kind" prototype? Don acquired this wrench in the Omaha, Nebraska area years ago. First one seen. In Excellent condition. (not listed, no info)
0506. Robert Bosch (Bosch logo) - 5.5" center screw adj with one side exposed. some light dings. (not listed)
0507. A & M BUFFALO, N.Y. - - 5" center screw adj bicycle wrench with a hollow handle. (S114)
A B. & R. MFRS." - 5" center screw adj bicycle wrench. Good Plus. (S101T)
491 thru 508
0509. WAKEFIELD WRENCH - WORCESTER, MASS. U.S.A. - - 6" side screw adjust with tire tool handle end. Good Plus. (not in Schulz)
0510. WAKEFIELD NO. 1 - MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS. U.S.A. - - 5" side screw adjust bicycle wrench. Good Plus. (not listed)
0511. WAKEFIELD B-1 - MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS. U.S.A. - - 5" side screw adjust bicycle wrench. Good Plus. (not listed)
0512. SPALDING (in script) - WAKEFIELD CYCLE WRENCH - WORCESTER, MASS. PAT. APL'D FOR - - 5.5" side adjust bike wrench. (S99D3).
0513. L. & S (Lamson & Sessions) - BUCKEYE - - 5.5" side adjust wrench. Good Plus.
0514. BARNES TOOL COMPANY / DROP FORGED STEEL - -5.5" side adjust with indented handle panels. Good Plus. (S98D5)
0515. King Dick (bull dog head logo) Trade Mark / ABINGDON - - 3" center screw adj with one exposed side. Smallest example seen of a King Dick wrench. Some light pitting.
0516. KING DICK - - 3" center screw adj with one exposed side. Couple light dings on upper jaw edge, otherwise excellent.
0517. Unmarked - - 3.5" center screw adjust bike wrench with one exposed side similar to King Dick wrenches. Excellent.
0518. GERMANY - - 3.75" center screw adj with one exposed side with unusual notched jaws. Excellent, like new.
0519. Unmarked - - 3.75" center screw adjust with skeleton handle and brass adjusting nut with checkered knurled nut. Adv. in 1897 by Peck, Stow & Wilcox as the "Star Bicycle Wrench". Good Plus. (S104D4)
0520. Unmarked - - 3.75" center screw adjust with skeleton handle and brass nut like above but with vertically knurled adjusting nut. Good Plus. (S104D4)
0521. WALD MFG CO - SHEBOYGAN, WIS. - MADE IN USA - - 5" side adjust bike wrench with enclosed adjusting nut. Rare marking variant, usually found marked "MAYSVILLE, KY". Good Plus. (not listed)
PAT JUN 7, 1892 (with a "G" in a diamond logo) - - 4.75" turn handle to adjust bike wrench with a spoke wrench. Pat. by Peter Gendron - Toledo, Ohio. Adv. as The Diamond Cycle Wrench by the Gendron Iron Wheel Co. of Toledo. Few light dings. (S109)
PAT. OCT 18, 98 - - 5.5" side screw adjust bike wrench with square stud extension. Design patented by Charles H. Metz of Waltham, Mass. Neat well made wrench. Good Plus+. (not listed)
VICTOR - OVERMAN WHEEL CO - CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS - PATENTED JAN 6, 1891 - - 4.75" center screw adjust with ruler markings on the shaft (hollow handle, open on one side variant. Pat. by John Stanley of Coventry, England. Overman mfg. "Victor " bicycles.
0525. THE BECKLEY-RALSTON CO - CHICAGO - - 5.25 side adjust. (not listed)
C. S. SHATTUCK - HATFIELD, MASS. - - 5.5" side adjust bike wrench with an unusual cutout design on back of lower jaw. Also has a square box wrench on end of handle probably for Presto gas tanks. RARE, first one seen. Jaw ends are chipped, small casting flaw hole.
509 thru 526
0527. HERCULES (in a diamond logo) PAT FEB 27, 83 - - 4.25". Smallest size advertised of the pre W & B Hercules loop handle wrenches. Same patent as the Acme wrenches. Edge dings, jaws slightly sprung. (S364B)
ACME (in a diamond logo) PAT FEB 27, 83 - - 5" pre Whitman & Barnes Acme twist handle based on F. H. Seymour's of Detroit, Michigan patent of Feb 27, 1883 Outstanding condition with 99.9 per cent of the original nickel plating remaining. (S364)
0529. ACME PAT FEB 27, 83 MADE IN USA (W & B diamond logo) - - 5" Acme twist handle made by Whitman & Barnes of Chicago. Some pitting. (S364)
0530. ACME (in a diamond logo) PAT FEB 27, 83 - - 5" pre Whitman & Barnes Acme twist handle like above with a very faint imprint on the reverse side that looks like W. W. K. S. CHICAGO. Some edge dings, jaws sprung. (S364)
0531. Unmarked - - 6" lighter and simpler version of the Acme wrenches above. Resembles Seymour's 1883 patent drawing more closely than the Acme and Hercules wrenches do. Good Plus. (S364D2)
Lot of two bicycle type wrenches:
(1.) Unmarked - - 5.5" center screw adjust with one side exposed and an odd extension on the back 0f the lower jaw. Few dings ands scratches. (not listed)
(2.) PREFER / MODELE DEPOSE - - 4.25" Center screw adjust. Jaws slightly sprung. (not listed)
Lot of two:
(1.) P. LOWENTRAUT NEWARK, N.J. - - 5.5"
(2.) U.S. (in diamond logo) / MADE IN U.S.A. - - 5.5" bicycle like above from the Peter Lowentraut Mfg. Co. of Newark, New Jersey. Excellent. (unlisted)
Lot of two bicycle type wrenches:
(1.) PAT AUG 2, 1921 - MADE IN USA - - 5.75" center adj hollow handle wrench made by the Park Metalware Co. of Orchard Park, NY. Good Plus. (S99D4)
(2.) PAT AUG 2, 1921 - MADE IN USA / SEARS & ROBUCK - - 5.75". Same wrench as above with rare Sears & Robuck imprint. Good Plus. (not listed)
PAT MAY 11, 1897 - FEB 20, 1900 - - 5.25" side screw adjust with spanner. Pat. by Frederick Schrader of Bridgeport, CT. Excellent with most of the plating remaining.(S121B)
PAT MAY 11, 1897 - OCT 18, 1898 - FEB 20, 1900 - - 6" adj. wrench with spanner like above but larger. Good +. (S1098T)
STERLING NO 2 (with two M in a diamond logos) FRANK MOSSBERG CO. - PAT. NOV. 13, 00 - - 8".
527 thru 537
0538. Lot of two slightly different PAT AUG 2, 1921 - MADE IN USA - - 5.75" center adj hollow handle wrenches made by the Park Metalware Co. of Orchard Park, NY.
Lot of two non-adjustable bicycle wrenches:
(1.) MUSSELMAN UNIVERSAL BICYCLE WRENCH - - 6" flat steel with six different wrenches including a spanner. Some light pitting. (S1064)
(2.) W. H. FAUBER MFR. - FAUBER CRANK AXLE TRADEMARK (with bicycle pedal crank shaft logo) - CHICAGO, U.S.A. -CRANK PAT. MAR. 7, 93 - PATENTS PENDING / FAUBER - ORIGINATOR, PIONEER, LARGEST MANUFACTURER - ONE PIECE CRANKS (etc.) - - 6.5" flat wrench with three spanners.
0540. Lot of five unmarked bicycle type wrenches from 3" to 5.25" long.
0541. BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. - HARTFORD, CONN, - - 5.5" side adjust bicycle wrench with the adjusting screw completely below the lower jaw assembly instead of enclosed like most of these type wrenches. Advertised by Billings & Spencer as the Model C in a 1894 ad. Excellent with nickel plating. Hardly ever found. (not in Schulz, see Cope 67)
0542. BILLINGS & SPENCER (etc.) 5-1/4 G - 5.25" Odd size, smallest of the B & S Model "G" automotive type wrenches. Good Plus. (like S861)
0543. BILLINGS & SPENCER - A (with logo) - (rulers markings on shaft) (etc.) - - 4.25" B & S's Model "A " center screw adjust bicycle or pocket wrench. Good Plus. (S858R)
0544. BILLINGS & SPENCER - A (with logo) - (rulers markings on shaft) (etc.) / C. E. BILLINGS PAT. FEB. 18, 1879 - - 4.25" B & S's Model "A" like above with marking variation. Good Plus. (S858R)
0545. BILLINGS & SPENCER (etc.) - 97 - / PATENTED SEP 29, 1896 - - 4.25" side screw adjust with hollow handle. Good Plus. (S119L, C69B)
0546. BILLINGS & SPENCER - B (ruler markings on shaft) (etc.) / C. E. BILLINGS PAT. FEB. 18, 1879 - - 5" B & S's Model "B" center screw adjust bicycle or pocket wrench. Good Plus. (C67T)
0547. BILLINGS ("B" in a triangle logo) MADE U.S.A. - - 6.6" all metal monkey wrench. Good Plus.
0548. BILLINGS (with logo) / B & C TRADEMARK - - 6.75" all metal Coes type monkey wrench made after Billings acquired Bemis & Call. Excellent like new, unused.
0549. THE BILLINGS & SPENCER CO> (etc.) - E - ( ruler markings on shaft) - - 7" B & S's Model "E" center screw adjust. Good Plus. (S858L)
0550. BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. (etc.) - E - ( ruler markings on shaft) / C. E. BILLINGS PAT. FEB. 18, 1879 - - 7" B & S's Model "E" like above with marking variation. (S858L)
BILLINGS & SPENCER (etc.) - D - (ruler markings on shaft) - - 6" B & S's Model "D" center screw adjust. (S858L2)
538 thru 551
0552. - C - MOSSBERG WRENCH CO. - PAT. NOV 19, DEC 31, '95 - - 5" center adjust with edge slots to guide lower jaw. Excellent with most of the original plating. (S103B)
Lot of three Mossberg bicycle wrenches:
(1.) No. 210 (with two Mossberg logos) - - 3.25" pressed steel doe. Spot of pitting.
(2.) DIAMOND (in a diamond logo) NO. 10 - FRANK MOSSBERG CO (etc.) - - 5" side adj. bike wrench. (S103D4)
(3.) QUEEN / PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 - - 5". Some light pitting. (S117LD2)
0554. STERLING NO 2 (with two M in a diamond logos) FRANK MOSSBERG CO. - PAT. NOV. 13, 00 - - 8" Good Plus.
0555. STERLING NO. 30 / FRANK MOSSBERG CO (etc.) PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 - PAT. APPLIED FOR - - 8" like Sterling No. 3 but with round handle. Good Plus. (like S874)
0556. STERLING NO. 50 / FRANK MOSSBERG CO (etc.) PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 - PAT. APPLIED FOR - - 9.75" like Sterling No. 5 but with round handle. Scarce. A few dings away from grading excellent. (like S874)
Lot of two Mossberg ratchets:
(1.) FRANK MOSSBERG CO ATTLEBORO, Mass USA - NO. 355 - PAT. PEND. - - 8.5" ratchet.
(2.) FRANK MOSSBERG CO ATTLEBORO, Mass USA - NO. 350 - PAT. NOV 11, 1913 - - 10" ratchet. Good Plus.
Lot of three Mossberg side adjust bicycle wrenches:
(1.) A-1 (with Mossberg logos) - PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 - - 5". Good Plus.
(2.) A-1 (with Mossberg logos) - 5". like above but without the patent dates marking variation.
(3.) F-1 (with Mossberg logos) - PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 - - 5". Good Plus.
0559. SECOND QUALITY - A-1 (with Mossberg logos) - PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 / ("C" in a double diamond logo) - - 5". Never seen this logo before. Excellent.
Lot of two Mossberg Sterling side adjust bicycle wrenches:
(1.) "STERLING" - FRANK MOSSBERG CO (etc.) PAT. NOV 13, '00 - - 5"
(2.) "STERLING" NO. 1 - FRANK MOSSBERG CO (etc.) PAT. NOV 13, '00 - - 5"
FRANK MOSSBERG CO (etc.) K-8 (with Mossberg Logos) - - 7.75" automotive type wrench. Good Plus, (like S872C)
552 thru 561
THE GROVER WRENCH - - 3" neat little combination wrench with a four wrench rotating head with a screwdriver in the end of the handle. Patented Nov. 11, 1919 by Albert Grover of New York. Used to adjust Grover Tuners on banjos and other stringed entrustments. Excellent.
0563. PEERLESS COLO. CO. - DENVER, COLO. / THE PLUMBER'S FRIEND. - - 3" miniature side adjust wrench with screwdriver end.
0564. TROCADERO - 251-2ND AV. S. MPLS. - - 3" miniature wrench like above.
0565. A G. & J PRODUCT - - Miniature advertising wrench like above. Gormully & Jeffery Mfg. Co. of Chicago, was an early manufacturer of Rambler bicycles, etc.
0566. 1607 - JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION - 1907 -THE J. R. LONG WRENCH CO. - AKRON, OHIO - PAT. APR. 17, 1906 - - 3.5" sliding wedge adjust. Good Plus.
0567. RADIO -LETRIC - - TRADEMARK ("H' and "M" in a "B" logo for - - 3.75" flat steel alligator by open end wrench with a leather pouch marked RADIO -LETRIC WRENCHES. Excellent.
Lot of four:
(1.) INDESTRO MFG. CO, - CHICAGO, USA - - 3.75" flat steel alligator by open end wrench.
(2.) Unmarked - - 3" flat steel miniature alligator wrench.
(3.) Unmarked - - 3" miniature side adjust wrench.
(4.) COLUMBUS LAUNDRY - PHONE 36 / HAVE US WASH YOUR CURTAINS - - 2.25". 1/2 of a wire puzzle?
562 thru 568
0569. Westcott KEYSTONE CO. / BUFFALO NY - 4 IN. No. 74 - - 4" curved "S" handle Crescent Type. This was a popular four incher before collecting four inchers was popular. Spot of severe pitting above adjusting nut. (S106T)
0570. 4" MCKAIG-HATCH - 204. - - 4" Crescent type. Scarce and Excellent.
0571. 4" MFD. BY MCKAIG-HATCH - BUFFALO, N.Y. - - 4" Crescent type different markings than McKaig-Hatch above. Good Plus.
0572. BESSEY PATENT (etc.) / MADE IN W. GERMANY (etc.) - - 4" Crescent type with ratcheting action. RARE Four Incher. Plated. Excellent like new. (S770) Note: See Enhanced Crescent Group below for 10" and 12" Bessey Crescents.
0573. 4" JAGUAR / GARRINGTON B2 - - 4" Crescent type. RARE. Good Plus.
0574. PECK STOW & WILCOX CO. / 4" ANGLE ADJUSTABLE - - 4" Crescent type. Scarce and Excellent.
0575. HARLEY DAVIDSON (with logo) (same marking both sides) - - 4" Crescent type. Very Rare, first we have offered for sale. Excellent.
0576. 4" CRAFTSMAN / VANADIUM - - 4" Crescent type.
0577. 4 - 704-SL PROTO / CLIK-STOP - PAT. - - 4" Cres. type with a patented worm gear locking feature. Scarce. Good Plus.
0578. 4 in - PROTO LOS ANGELES/ 4" - 704 - - 4" Crescent type. Good Plus, owner's ID scratched side of jaw.
0579. BOKER - USA - - 4" Crescent type. RARE. Good Plus.
0580. 4 IN. LECTROLITE - DEFIANCE, OHIO - - 4" Crescent type. Lectrolite became part of S & K 1961. Excellent, like new.
0581. 91-4 UTICA TOOLS USA - - 4" Crescent type. Good Plus.
0582. 4204-S -FLEET (in script) FORGED ALLOY STEEL / MFG. USA - - 4" Crescent type. Excellent, like new.
0583. PENNCRAFT - 4813 / MADE IN USA - - 4" Crescent type. Good Plus.
0584. 4" WIZARD H2400 - - 4" Crescent type. Wizard was a Western Auto brand. Excellent.
0585. 4 IN. P & C (in a shield logo) / 1704-S - - 4" Crescent type. P & C (Peterson and Carlborg Hand Forged Tool Company, Milwaukie, Oregon) was acquired by Plomb Tools in 1941. Excellent with black finish.
0586. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. / 4 IN. "SUPERJUSTABLE" - USA - - 4" Crescent type. Excellent.
0587. 506-4 - KLEIN TOOLS INC / 4in - 100mm - USA - - 4" Crescent type. Excellent, like new, plated.
0588. 4 IN. BET'R-GRIP FORGED STEEL / 4 IN. J.P. DANIELSON CO. JAMESTOWN N.Y. USA - - 4" Crescent type with a 5'16" box end at bottom of handle. Danielson was acquired by Plomb in 1947. Excellent.
0589. 804 - 4" CR - VA CHANNEL LOCK (in frame logo)- SPAIN (lower jaw is marked 0 to 1/2" inches) - - 4" Crescent type. Excellent, like new.
Lot of two 4" Crescent types:
(1.) 1/4X4" - GERMANY - - Excellent.
(2.) 4" HEAVY DUTY / 100mm CHROME VANADIUM (marked "Pro-Grade 15004 and 0 to 1/2" inches.
Lot of two Diamond 4" Crescent types with different markings:
(1.) 4" DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. DULUTH, MINN (w/ horseshoe logo) / DIAMALLOY, (etc.) - - Plated, Excellent.
(2.) 4" DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. DULUTH, MINN (w/ horseshoe logo) / DIAMOND (etc.) - - Plain finish, some light pitting
Lot of two Diamond 4" Crescent types with different markings:
(1.) 4" DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. DULUTH, MINN (w/ horseshoe logo) / DIAMALLOY, (etc.) - - Plated, Excellent.
(2.) 4" DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. DULUTH, MINN (no horseshoe logo) / DIAMALLOY (etc.) - - Plain finish, Excellent.
569 thru 592
Lot of three clevis pin wrenches:
(1.) 1117 - - 9" pin/three open ends.
(2.) 3569C? - - 6.25" pin/open end wrench.
(3.) Unmarked - - 8" pin/three open ends. Odd heavy wrench end, one jaw chipped.
0594. Clevis marked 6 (or 9) (and an "E" in circle logo) with an unmarked threaded pin/open end wrench. - - 6" made by the Eberhard Mfg. Co.
0595. Clevis marked 2835 (and a "M" logo) with an unmarked threaded pin/oe wrench. - - 6". Excellent. (R1-49)
0596. Clevis marked 101? with a threaded pin/oe wrench marked 6 (or 9) - - 6".
Lot of four unmarked clevis pins wrenches:
(1.) Threaded pin/open end wrench - - 6.5"
(2.) Threaded pin/OE wrench - - 6.25", pitted.
(3.) Small plain pin/OE wrench, hole in end of pin.- - 5.5"
(4.) Threaded pin with loop handle.
0598. Clevis marked 2901 (with a "M" in diamond logo with threaded pin/oe wrench marked 2026. - - 8"
0599. Clevis and swivel marked C124 with unmarked thread pin/oe wrench (E. Bement & Sons, Lansing, Michigan). - - 9".
0600. Unmarked clevis with unmarked threaded pin/open end wrench. - - 7.5"
Lot of three clevis pin wrenches:
(1.) 32 (George W. Brown Co., Galesburg, Illinois) - - 9" pin with three open ends. Pitted, bent shaft.(R1-66)
(2.) Unmarked - - 8.75" pin with there open ends similar to above.
(3.) ND - - 7" odd pin with single open end. Markings faint but readable.
593 thru 601
0602. GLOBE SILO CO. 30 - - 10" with a jaw crack. (R1-202)
0603. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 5/8" / 1/2 - 10" Excellent (R1-336)
0604. HARDER / X60 - - 9". Severe pitting (R1-216)
0605. WOODS BROS SILO & MFG CO / THE HINGE DOOR SILO - - 8.5". Good Plus. (R1-496)
0606. INDIANA SILO CO (Anderson, Indiana) / 5/8 - - 11". (R1-249)
0607. IND. SILO CO. (Anderson, Indiana) - - 12" doe S-wrench. Excellent. (R1-249)
0608. UNADILLA SILO CO 30 - - 10.25". (R1-462)
0609. UNADILLA SILO CO - - 10.5" open end by open end with 2 sizes. RARE and in Excellent condition with large bold markings. (not in Rathbone)
0610. ONEIDA STEEL PULLEY CO / ONEIDA, NY - 10.5" double box end. (R1-362)
0611. TWIN CITY TANK & SILO CO / 5/8 MINNEAPOLIS MINN 1/2 - - 10" small lettering. (R1-461)
602 thru 613
Lot of three silo type wrenches:
(1.) E. C. TECKTUNIUS MFG CO - 5/8 / RACINE WIS No.2 - 5/8 - - 10.25" Note: Tecktonius misspelled "Tecktunius" (R1-453)
(2.) KS - 5/8 - - 9.75" single hex box. (not listed, no info)
(3.) 5/8 (with a "X" logo) - - 8.75" single hex box. (not listed, no info)
Lot of three Deering wrenches:
(1.) DEERING - - 7" large lettering one side, pitting, jaw crack. (R1-139)
(2.) DEERING - - 7" large lettering both sides, pitting
(3.) DEERING - - 7" large lettering one side, small lettering other side, slight jaw crack. (R1-139)
Lot of three IHC Deering style wrenches:
(1.) H911 -"2" (with an IHC logo) - - 7.25" Deering style, painted with tiny jaw crack. (R1-254)
(2.) HD11 (with an IHC logo) - - 7.25" Deering style, Good Plus. (R1-254)
(3.) HE11 (with an IHC logo) - - 7.25" Deering style, painted. (R1-254)
0617. HAYES A116 (Galva, Illinois) - - 7.5" Deering Style (R1-227)
0618. DEMPSTER - - 7.5" Deering pattern (R1-143)
Lot of two:
(1.) ARNHOLT - - 7" Deering style, pitted. (R1-21)
(2.) SIMMONS / UTILITY(Simmons Hardware Co St. Louis) - - 7" Deering Style, pitted (R1-426)
0620. THE LUNKENHEIMER CO. CIN. O. - - 15.75" malleable self adjusting wrench with a pivoting hooked upper jaw. The Lunkenheimer Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio made valves, grease cups, oilers, injectors, etc. for steam and gas engines. First one I have seen. Excellent with large, bold markings.
NATHAN M'F'G CO. N.Y. (same markings both sides) - - 15.75". Exact same wrench as the Lunkenheimer above. The Nathan Co. made train whistles, etc. Good Plus with a hang hole. (not listed, no info)
614 thru 621
0622. MAYTAG (No. 1) - - 5" Excellent. (R1-317L)
0623. MAYTAG (No. 2) - - 5" Good Plus (R1-317L2)
0624. MAYTAG 14987 (No. 3) - - 5.25" Excellent. (R1-317L3)
0625. MAYTAG (No. 5) - - 5.25" Excellent (R1-317L4)
0626. G. M. Co. Peerless 9/16 5/8 (Geiser Mfg Co of Waynesboro, PA.) - - 10.5" Steam Engine wrench. Repaired jaw. (R1-200)
Lot of two:
(1.) ALLIS CHALMERS MFG. CO. LA CROSSE WORKS / 300755 - - 11.5", pitted (R1-11)
(2.) TC369 (Allis Chalmers) - - 10", Excellent. (R1-11)
0628. REEVES / 3378 (Reeves & Co., Columbus, Indiana)- - 11.25" Steam Engine wrench, extensive pitting. (R1-393)
0629. GEISER MFG' CO. / WAYNESBORO PA. 597 - - 15.5" Steam Engine wrench, pitting (R2-113)
0630. 5089 (Avery Co, Peoria, ILL) - - 10". 3 socket variant. Painted. (R1-26)
Lot of two Delco Light Plant wrenches?
(1.) 90258 CONN. ROD NUT / CYL. HEAD NUT - - 7" malleable hex socket by hex socket.
(2.) 90257 SPARKPLUG - GEN. NUT / CONNECTING ROD - BATTERY NUT - - 8.75" malleable oe by hex box. Pitted.
Lot of two IHC 1326E wrenches issued with their McCormick-Deering tractors and engines:
(1.) 1326E - (IHC logo) - (3/8 and 7/16 marked on ends) - -7"
(2.) (IHC logo) - 1326-E - - 8.25". No size marking on ends.
0633. 886C (Case steam engine wrench) - - 7.5". Pitted (R1-81)
Lot of two IHC wrenches issued with their tractors and gas engines stating with early Mogul and Titans:
(1.) (IHC logo) G3170 - - 10.75" Irps' Type 19.
(2.) IHC logo) G3526 - - 11.5". Some pitting.
GALLOWAY (Waterloo, Iowa) - - 8" doe-s wrench. (R1-196)
622 thru 635
Lot of three IHC wrenches issued with their McCormick-Deering tractors and engines:
(1.) (IHC logo) 1325EA - - 5" doe.
(2.) 12737D (IHC logo) - - 5.25" doe.
(2.) 21264-D (IHC logo) - - 7.5" hex box by open end.
Lot of two IHC 12335-D wrenches issued with their McCormick-Deering tractors and engines:
(1.) (IHC logo) 12335-D - - 8" flat side variant.
(2.) I.H. CO. - 12335-D - - 8.25" with paneled sides.
Lot of two IHC G3172 doe wrench that came with their Titan and other tractors and gas engines:
(1.) Flat side variant.
(2.) Paneled side variant.
0639. 5E - 7-1/2E / (IHC logo) (IHC part 8E or 13071D) - -11.75" malleable screw adjust monkey wrench with loop handle. This is the correct wrench for the tool boxes of several early IHC tractors and gas engines. Good Plus.
0640. BUCKEYE - - 9.5" malleable nut wrench with two sizes of Crescent looking wrenches but adjusted by loosening a wing nut and sliding jaw into position. (S303)
0641. BELMONT - - 9.5" malleable double headed nut wrench like above. EXCELLENT with original black finish. (S304)
0642. "B" - - 9.5" malleable double headed nut wrench like Belmont above but only marked with the "B". Severe pitting. (like S304)
PAT. SEPT. 7, '97 - 23 - - 89.25" Theodore Vandegrift (Shelbyville, IN) patented malleable nut wrench with loop handle. Good Plus (S965)
0644. PAT. SEPT. 7, '97 - - 5.5" Vandegrift wrench like above but small size and with cutout slots in body. Mfg. by the Monte Wrench Co. (Shelbyville, IN). Good Plus. (C233)
PAT'D AUG. 6, '78 - -9.25". Henry Hill's (Moline, IL) patent screw adjust malleable nut wrench with hammer head, pitting. (S958)
Marked only: "11" (David Bradley) - - 8" all malleable sliding wedge adj. alligator type nut wrench. Pat 1-6-1891 by Theodore Vandegrift of Shelbyville, Indiana and mfg. by the Vandegrift Mfg Co of Shelbyville, Indiana. Listed in David Bradley Farm Equip. Parts Lists. Good Plus (S546)
Marked only "14" - - 9.75" larger version of Vandegrift wedge adj. ali. nut wrench above. Good Plus. (S546)
636 thru 647
8 INCH SHARK PATENT PEND'G. / "RICHARDS MFG CO AURORA, ILL - - 8" adj alligator wrench in the small 8 inch size. Good Plus (S23)
12 INCH SHARK PATENT PEND'G. / "RICHARDS MFG CO AURORA, ILL - - 12" adj alligator wrench like above. Good Plus (S23)
0650. 12 IN CRAFT PAT'D - - 12" screw adj. alligator wrench. Excellent except for hang hole drilled thru end of handle. (not listed)
AMERICAN SAW CO - PATENTED APRIL 8, 1890 - - 12" sc adj ali wrench adv as the "Curtis Pipe Wrench". Pat. by Andrew Curtis of Monroe, Maine and mfg. in Trenton, New Jersey. Light over all pitting. (S596)
BOYNTON'S PATENT / PAT'D JUN 14 - 1887 - - 13.25" Heavy-duty screw adj. alligator wrench made by the Campbell Printing Press & Mfg Co. of New York. Ex condition. (S28)
M. M. BUCK MFG. CO. (St. Louis, Missouri) - NO 3 1/8 TO 1-1/2 - COCHRAN'S PAT. OCT. 16, 94 - - 14" Pat. by James M. Cochran of Jackson, Tennessee. An odd alligator type wrench in a hard to find size. Spring broken, some pitting, owner's mark. (S665, C80)
GENUINE MCKIBBIN (etc.) / PAT. NOS 1872780 - 1730671 - 1709589 - - 18.25" extra heavy duty adjustable alligator wrench with an unique sliding jaws action made by the McKibbon Universal Wrench Co Nashville, Tennessee. Joseph McKibbon of Columbia and Culleoka, Tennessee and later Los Angles, CA. received three patents for his pipe and nut wrench in 1929 and 1932. Some areas of light pitting otherwise Good Plus (S693)
BULL TERRIER - PAT MAR 26, 1901 (with a W & B logo) - MADE IN USA - - 7". A center knurled nut adjusts the alligator jaws. Pat. by Henry Martin of Chicago, Illinois. Seldom found Whitman & Barnes product, some chipped jaws. (not in Schulz, C330)
ALLEN WRENCH - PAT APL'S FOR - - 9" pivoting head self adjusting alligator wrench patented by John Bystrom of Chicago, Illinois on Oct. 13, 1903 and mfg. by the Norwall Mfg. Co., also of Chicago. RARE, first one I've seen. Some pitting and dings on one side of the jaw, makes markings hard to read, otherwise Good Plus.(C235)
HENRY F. JENKS - PAWTUCKET, R.I. / PAT'D BY J. S. BARDEN 1891 - -6" hinged end self adj alligator wrench. Pat. Sept. 1, 1891
by John Barden of East Providence, Rhode Island, Similar wrench and same patent as the more often seen Mossberg Eagle and Falcon wrenches (S1088) Good Plus (not in Schulz, C180)
HURLEY WRENCH PATENT / GUARANTEED - - 8" adj. alligator wrench with an eccentric geared disk locks the spring loaded lower jaw in position. Pat. Jan 05, 1915 by John Hurley of Portland, Oregon. RARE with some hammer dings, hang hole has been enlarged. (not in Schulz or Cope)
THE NILSON WRENCH NO 9 - - 9" malleable alligator wrench with adjusting sliding upper jaw. Patented on Christmas day 1900 by Nils Nilson of Absaraka, North Dakota and mfg. in Casselton , ND. Rare, first one we have had to sell. Hang hole drilled thru "9" on handle, spring broke or weak. (S31, C234)
EFFICIENT WRENCH - CLEVE. OHIO - PAT. FEB 11, 1919 (with "S" in a diamond logo) - - 7" quick adjusting rack type ali. wrench patented by William S. DuCharme of Cleveland, Ohio. Excellent, seldom seen. (S668, C127)
Marked only PAT APPL'D FOR - - 10" self adjusting spring loaded alligator wrench with screwdriver extension on end of handle. Similar to the Gregory Wrench S672. Excellent. Excellent. (S38, S258)
648 thru 661
Lot of two Kraeuter adjustable alligator wrenches:
(1.) THE VICTOR - KRAEUTER & CO. INC. - PAT MAY 26 08 / FORGED HIGH CARBON STEEL - - 7" adj ali with brass adj screw mfg by Kraeuter & Co. Newark, New Jersey and pat 5-26-1903 by Charles Bonney of Portsmouth, Ohio. Good Plus. (S37)
(2.) THE VICTOR - - 7". Variation of wrench above with different markings and no hole in handle. Pitted, chipped jaw tip, weak markings. (not in Schulz)
0663. CUTSURE - PAT MAY 26 08 / FORGED HIGH CARBON STEEL - - 7" Kraeuter "Victor" alligator like above but marked "CutSure" which was a private store brand for the Kruse & Baulmann Hardware Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. I have seen these wrenches with the "Keen Kutter" and "Diamond Edge" labels but never CutSure. Good Plus (not listed) (like S37)
Lot of two different Elgin adj ali wrenches mfg by Elgin Tool & Socket Co. of Elgin IL or Star Mfg Co. of Carpentersville, Illinois.
(1.) THE ELGIN PAT JUNE 9, 97 - EXTRA JAW 25¢ - - 7"
(2) Like No. 1 above but also marked ELGIN GENUINE IMPROVED (in a star logo) and three patent dates (Jun 8, 1897, Jan 9, 1906, May 20, 1913) - - 7". Patents were issued to Henry Smith of Elgin, IL and William Frenk of Dundee, IL.
scarce variant. Jaw spring broken or missing. (S35)
THE ELGIN, etc, - - 7" like No. 1 above but complete with the die holder (marked "PAT'D JAN.9-06") and die. Excellent with nickel plating. (S35)
0666. Unmarked earlier version of the Kraeuter "Bonney" alligator wrench - - 8.25" Excellent (S35, C194)
0667. TIGER GRIP MP'LS (MINNEAPOLIS) MINN / DROP FORGED PAT APL'D - - 8.25" hinged end self adj alligator wrench. Excellent (S719)
SHAW - SHAW PROPELLER CO. BOSTON, MASS / PAT'D APRIL 26, 1910 & PATS PENDING etc. - 3.75". Smallest wrench in the Shaw alligator wrench line. Patented by George Bryar of Boston. Good Plus. (S36)
0669. SHAW WRENCH (with B in triangle logo) PAT APR. 26, 1910 - - 9.5" larger version of the Shaw wrench like above but mfg. by Billings & Spencer Excellent. (S36)
W-W MFG. CO. - Worcester, MASS. - PAT 3-9-20 - - 8.25" rod handle alligator wrench advertised as the "WAL-PAT" wrench by the Walden-Worcester Mfg. Co. of Worcester, MA. Pat. by Frederick Walden also of Worcester.
HARBISON WRENCH PAT'D JUNE 5, 1900 . KNOXVILLE, TENN - - 9" dbl ended ali wrench. Patented by Sam Harbison of Knoxville, Tennessee. Rarer small size. Some light pitting, edge ding. (S17)
0672. HARBISON WRENCH PAT'D JUNE 5, 1900 . KNOXVILLE, TENN - - 12.25" dbl ended alligator wrench like above. Pitting (S13)
Lot of four alligator type wrenches:
(1.) BULL TERRIER / W & B logo (Whitman & Barnes) - - 5.75" stamped steel double ended alligator wrench. (S14)
(2.) Marked only with a 4 and scythe logo. - - 5.25" stamped steel double ended alligator wrench with sc/dr. Pitting.
(3.) W & B in a diamond logo / "1" - -5.25" stamped steel single alligator. Pitting.
(4.) Unmarked - - 6.75" forged double ended alligator. Pitting. (like S12)
Lot of four doubled ended alligator wrenches, all with three bolt dies:
(1.) CROCODILE - HAWKEYE WRENCH MARSHALLTOWN, IA - - 8.5" with sc/dr end.(S7T)
(2.) SAXON - THE K & G CO. NEW HAVEN, CT. - - 8.25" (S8B)
(3.) BONNEY VIXEN - ALLENTOWN, PA - - 8.25" Excellent. (S8T)
662 thru 674
0675. Unmarked combination bootjack with three open end wrenches. - - 9.5" Super rare and neat malleable boot jack with an ornamental rope design around edges. Just the thing if you ever happen to need a wrench while removing your boots. Excellent (not listed)
PAT. MARCH 31 1908 - - 7" comb pliers and adj alligator wrench. Pat 7-2-1907, 3-31-1908, and 7-19-1910 by Norman McAslan of Yorkshire, Iowa. Plier bolt is a replacement. (S255, C215)
0677. G. A. GLOOR PATENTED CHICAGO - - 7" comb pliers with wire cutters and alligator wrench. Patent not found. Good Plus. Rare (not listed)
EFFICIENCY TOOL CO. - MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - EFFICIENCY - PAT. APPL'D FOR - - 8" comb. pliers with two open end wrenches on the ends. Pat. by Anton Myer on Jan. 16, 1923, advertised as a "Five-in-One-Tool. Excellent, seldom seen. (C127)
K K K TOOL CURRIER-KOETH MFG CO CLOUDSPORT PA PAT JULY 2, 1900 - - 9" Koeth's Combination Kit, plier tool with four interchangeable jaws plus parts of two others. Pat. June 6, 1905 by Edward Koeth. Plier handle is pitted, spring broken. (S816, C112)
PAT MAY 30, 1865 AND JULY 10, 1866 - - 6" combination tool with a hammer, nail claw, sc/dr, square socket and tool bit holder (in end of handle), and a nut and pipe wrench. 1865 pat. by A. W. Park of Norwich, Connecticut. 1866 patent (and mfg. by) Bryan Boardman, Norwich, CT, later mfg. by Tower & Lyon. Weak markings, some very light pitting. (S788, C72)
0681. Cross Auto Tool Patented Berlin - 9.5" comb. tool with a Crescent type wrench, awl, gimlet, spring loaded shears, sc/dr, hammer with nail claw, ruler, gas type pliers, and two files. Handle spring is broken, otherwise in excellent condition with 90 per cent of the nickel plate remaining. Neat combination tool, only second one seen. (not listed)
0682. THE GEM - - 11.25" all metal double jaw automotive type nut and pipe wrench with tire tool end. (S58)
0683. MIEHLE P. P. & MFG. CO / 14TH & ROBEY STS CHICAGO - - 4" comb. single blade pocket knife with two open end wrenches. The Miehle Co of Chicago made printing presses and related supplies. Excellent. (S97)
0684. ABC - - 4.75" malleable combination screwdriver with four sizes of hex wrenches. Includes a tin carrying case. Excellent. (not in Schulz)
PAT MAR 13, 1877 - - 5" combination screwdriver with five different wrench sizes. Patented by Willis Gold of Philadelphia, PA. and probably mfg. by H. Disston and Sons (as the Excelsior Wrench and Screw Driver). Excellent with most of the original Japanned finish. (Not in Schulz, C118)
0686. Unmarked - - 4.5" malleable DOE wrench with a 4.25" combination saw blade and screwdriver. Excellent. (S830)
Lot of two combination tent stake tools:
(1.) IDEAL / PAT. 1724680 - - 12.75" tent stake with double hammer heads. Pat. Aug. 13, 1929 by Cecil Wickstrum if Omaha, Nebraska.
(2.) Unmarked - - 13.75" tent stake with hammer and nail claw. Never seen this one before. Excellent. (no info)
0688. ED. WUSTHOP SOLINGEN / STAHL GESCHMIEDET - - 6.5" small comb tool inc. hammer, hatchet, pliers, nail puller, wire cutters, sc/dr. Some pitting. (not in Schulz)
WILKINSON TOOLS LTD. / MADE IN ENGLAND - - 7" unusual plier/wrench tool with gas pipe type jaws, wire cutter, screwdriver, punch or reamer, etc. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
675 thru 689
LOUDERBACK & CO PHILADELPHIA, PA PATD MAY 1, 1883 / WARRANTED CAST STEEL - - 8.75" comb. tool with at least 10 functions inc. several plier type tools, punch, hammer, cutter, vise, sc/dr, etc. Patented by Robert Erdman & William Phillips of Philadelphia, PA. 80 percent nickel plating remains, minor dings, removable screwdriver blade is missing. (S817, C204)
0691. Unmarked - - 8" combination pliers, wire cutter and alligator wrench. a pliers with two wire cutters and a collar on one handle that allows the handle to fold down and lock the jaws, making it an alligator wrench. Identified from a 1907 ad from the Wright & Wilhelmy Hardware Co. of Omaha, Nebraska as " MASON'S COMBINATION PLIER & WRENCH". RARE only second one that has surfaced. Light pitting and minor edge dings. (not listed, see MVNL Dec 1998 pg5)
0692. VULCAN AUTO TOOL / PATENT PENDG / J H WILLIAMS CO BROOKLYN, NY USA / - - 7.5" comb. tool with at least twelve functions inc. a hammer, alligator wrench, sc/dr, bottle opener, etc. Over all light pitting. (S66, C337)
Unmarked - - 9.5" Millea's Emergency Tool Mfd. by Universal Tool Co Springfield, Mass. Pat Feb 10, 1903. Combination tool inc nut, pipe, and buggy wrenches, pipe cutter, screwdriver, vise, and wire cutter. Bottom thumbscrew and shaft is missing. (S819, Cope pg 309)
G. M. CO. - L. I. CITY, NY, (etc.) - 8.5" comb tool inc. a quick and screw adj nut wrench, hammer, pry bar with nail puller. Excellent. (S791)
0695. FAMOUS 8 IN 1 / STEIGER SALES CORP SOLE DIST'B'RS TULSA OKLA - - 8" comp plier tool with hammer, nail claw, sc/dr, open end wrenches, etc. (S1095)
0696. 641535 - PAT NO 579210 - PLG DES 841889 - BRITISH MADE - - 9.25" Utilex comb. Crescent type wrench with hammer, screwdriver, nail puller, ruler, file. Some pitting. (S752)
Unmarked - - 14.25" wooden handled claw hammer with a nail puller, staple puller and notches under the claw to be used as a alligator type nut wrench. Patented by John Hebblethwaite - Rock Falls, Illinois on Sep. 11, 1888. Advertised in the 1915 Sears & Roebuck catalog as the Fulton Utility Hammer. (S796)
Lot of two:
(1.) Marked only "U.S." - - 5.75" slip joint pliers with a Crescent type wrench on one handle end. (similar to the Diamond Tool Co. Handiman pliers/wrench S243)
(2.) Unmarked flat nose pliers with open end wrench on side of one jaw and sc/dr on end of handle. - - 8.25", some pitting. (not listed)
NEVER-STALL - PATENTED / DROP FORGED STEEL - - 10.5" comb. tool with adj wrench, pliers, sc/dr, nail claw, etc. Pat. by Frank Stolle of Ft. Thomas, Kentucky on Sept. 4. 1909 and made at various times by Mathews, Forshee Mfg, and Thomas Mfg. Co. all of Dayton, Ohio. Their advertising pitch was that if you took this tool up the tower when working on a windmill you never had to come back down to get another tool. Excellent. (S818, C213)
Lot of two combination tools:
(1.) Unmarked plier type tool with an open end wrench on one handle and screwdriver on the other. - - 9.25"
(2.) Unmarked spanner wrench with four hex box and two square box wrenches with a sc/dr blade. - - 7.5"
E. RIPLEY PATENT APRIL 7, 1857 (same markings on both side) - - 12" comb. hammer sc/dr, and rack quick adj wrench. Very early version of Ripley's patent. Excellent. (S824)
DROP FORGED JAWS 8" / 8" HEAVY DUTY - - 9" Crescent type wrench on one end with an adjustable pipe wrench on the other. Never seen this configuration before. Excellent. (not listed, no info.)
690 thru 702
MFD. BY R. L. ORR & CO. LTD. - PITTSBURGH PA / PATENTED - - 9". A thick heavy duty malleable cast fencing tool with pliers, cutting jaws, hammer head, and wire clamp or tug. It was patented on Nov 13, 1883 by Charles Barr of Pittsburgh, PA as a Combination Tool especially for use in erecting fencing. It is not listed in any of the fencing tools books and none of the fence tool specialists I have talked to have ever seen or heard of it. A unique "top shelf" piece for fence or combination tool collectors. One of the replaceable wire cutter jaw insert is chipped, otherwise Good Plus condition. (not listed)
PAT NOV. 20, 94 - 9.5" malleable comb. hammer, staple puller, nail puller, fence wire splicer, and wrench. Patented by John Hebblethwaite - Rock Falls, Illinois. (C163, S793 shows a similar wrench marked "Everlasto - Sterling, Illinois")
0705. Marked only "1" - - 6.5" cast malleable wire fencing tool. Described as a "cast wire wrapper" in Smith's Fencing Tools book (see tool No. 740). Good Plus.
0706. UTICA 1932 - 10-1/4 - UTICA NY USA - - 12.5" comb. plier type fencing tool with hammer, staple puller, wire cutters, and several different plier jaws. Excellent, like new.
0707. BOWEN CABLE STAY FENCE CO / NORWALK, O. USA - - 12.5" double square box ended fence tool. First one seen. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
DROP FORGED - PATENTED SEPT. 28, 1909 / MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. - - 13.5" all metal comb. tool with hammer, nail puller claws, pry bar with nail puller, ruler markings, and a notched alligator type wrench. Pat. by William Carr of Minneapolis. Impressive looking rare tool in excellent condition. (S1044TR, C90)
0709. Bonsa / D.R.G.M 146827 - REGISTERED - - Knife type tool holder handle with nine interchangeable tools including a knife blade, hammer, saw, file, sc/dr, cork screw, gimlet, chisel, awl, etc. plus a small needle nose pliers in a leather type case with snaps.
WM. HJORTH JAMESTOWN N.Y. - PAT DEC 15, 1896 - - 6" Earliest model of the combination wrench and pliers (with wire cutter, screwdriver, and tack puller) advertised as "The Lightning Wrench". Patented by John F. Tiner , Sutherland Springs, Texas. Bright nickel-plate on this hard to find smallest size. (not in Schulz, see Cope pg 168)
0711. WM. HJORTH JAMESTOWN N.Y. - - 7.25" slightly larger model of The Lightning Wrench like above. Markings hard to read. (not in Schulz, see Cope pg 168)
WM. HJORTH JAMESTOWN N.Y. - PAT SEP. 8, 1903 - - - - 9.25" improved version of the lightning Wrench with replaceable lower jaw inserts. Patented by Arthur W. Hjorth of Jamestown. Minor dings, some markings hard to read) (not in Schulz, see Cope pg 168)
Unmarked plier combination tool with hammer, nail puller, sc/dr, and serrated jaws - - 12.5" bolt head is chipped (similar to Eagle Claw Pliers S1061)
703 thru 713
20TH CENTURY P.- LOWENTRAUT MFG NEWARK, NJ - PAT MAY 21, 1901 / TERRITORIES FOR SALE BY S. J. JOHNSTON, LEESBURG, VA - - 15.5" combination adjustable nut and pipe monkey wrench with bit brace and a screwdriver. Patented by Samuel J. Johnston, Leesburg, Virginia. Some light pitting on pad handle, otherwise Excellent with almost all of the original nickel plating. (S53, Cope207)
THE PRINCE - PAT'D MAY 11, 1909 - - 15" combination adjustable nut and pipe monkey wrench and bit brace with screwdriver. Patented by P. E. (Prince Edward) Shortt of Floyd, Virginia. In uncleaned, as found condition with overall dirt and light corrosion, knob on the wrench adjusting screw is missing. (S48)
Unmarked - -12" Combination adjustable nut and pipe monkey wrench with an adjustable handle from in line or 90 degrees. Patent issued to Charles E. Thompson of Leesburg, Virginia on Feb. 23, 1897. Although it looks like there is a place for a brace pad on the end of the handle, the patent doesn't show one and I have never seen one with the original pad. Good Plus, no brace pad as usual. (not in Schulz)
P. LOWENTRAUT NEWARK, NJ / TERRITORIES FOR SALE BY S. J. JOHNSTON, LEESBURG, VA - PAT. DEC 4, 1894. - - 15" combination adjustable monkey wrench, brace and screwdriver. Patented by Samuel J. Johnston -of Leesburg, Virginal. Some hammer dings on one side, otherwise Excellent. (S55)
LOWENTRAUT MANUR'R - NEWARK, NJ / PATENTED - - 12" monkey wrench and brace combination tool. Unlike the Johnson/Lowentraut wrenches above the handle can't be adjusted to the on line position and there is no provision for a screwdriver in the handle. Probably the Dec. 25, 1877 patent of Sylvanus Edward Robinson of Newark, New Jersey applies. Some hammer dings on side, otherwise Good Plus. (S51)
Lot of one Johnson/Lowentraut wrench-brace combination tool missing the wooden handle and three brace pads for wrench-brace combination tools.
714 thru 719
0720. F. & CO. C. B. - - 14.75". Large single hex box end with set screw. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
0721. C - - (Stoddard Mfg. Co.) 3.5" soe. Good Plus. (R2-270)
Lot of two unidentified orphans, same wrench type, different part numbers:
(1.) VA94 - - 6"
(2.) RB125 - - 6"
0723. STARBUCK - - 13" mal. odd wrench with spanner and open end. Excellent with outstanding markings. (R437)
0724. WARREN WEBSTER & CO. - CAMDEN N.J. - - 12" (R1-482)
Lot of two:
(1.) CLAGETT MFG. MFG. - L.A CAL. - - 7" odd malleable spanner and wrench?. Excellent with outstanding, bold markings. (not listed, no info)
(2.)WM. SOPKO & SON CO. / 35135B - EUCLID, 23 OHIO - PAT. PEND. - - 6.25" different double spanner with a hex socket on the end. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
0726. 2420A - - 9.5" (not listed, no info)
0727. ZAB-228A (with a "S" in a "D" logo) - - 13.75". Large, heavy single open end. (not listed, no info)
0728. LD300 (and a "T" and "C" logo - - 8.25" (not listed, no info)
0729. N52 - - 7.5" (not listed, no info.)
0730. Marked only "W" - - 6.5" odd double ended socket with a handle. (not listed, no info)
0731. R121 - - 8.75" Excellent. (not listed, no info)
0732. 916 (Moline, Monitor Drill) - - 7" (R1-332, R1-334)
0733. 81 - - 10" cross style oddball. Some light pitting. (R1-504 L dn 2, no info)
CLEVELAND FAUCET CO. (same markings each side) - - 5.5" doe malleable wrench with two 90 degree prongs on one end. The Cleveland Faucet Co. made beer faucets, etc. Good Plus.
720 thru 734
Lot of two:
(1.) 37 (raised lettering) - - 6.25" double open end S-style with hole in center and flat back side. (not listed, no info)
(2.) 8X or X8 - - 6.5". Same style wrench as above but marked on flat side with indented markings. (not listed, no info)
0736. 541 - - 7.5" with three open ends and extended square box. (not in Rathbone, no info)
Lot of two:
(1.) BURTON LIGHT CO. - - 5.5" malleable doe. Don't think I have seen this one before.
(2.) WESTERN (in script) / N100 - - 6"
0738. NEW COMB - D - - 6.5". Company not known. Zealously cleaned. (R1-348)
0739. D1 - - 12". Same type wrench as Peru Plow Co. P135 (R1-378) (not listed, no info)
0740. 68 - - 6.75" oddball . Rathbone lists a number "68" wrench for the McSherry Mfg. Co. of Middletown, Ohio but doesn't have a picture. A similar wrench is pictured on the "Oddball Wrenches page (R1-504 dd3 R3).
Lot of two unmarked Tee wrenches:
(1.) 7.75" by 10.75" socket Tee wrench one side offset. Excellent.(not listed, no info)
(2.) 5.5" by 9.25" three open ends by double socket. Good Plus. (not listed no info)
0742. D G198 - E S B CO. - - 8" OE with odd offset slotted open end. (not listed, no info)
0743. THE CHANDLER & PRICE CO., CLEVELAND, O. USA / 761 - - 7" double open end wrench. For Chandler & Price printing presses?
Lot of two malleable sprinkler wrenches:
(1.) QUARTZOID - G /DURASPEED - G - - 9" single open end.
(2.) QUARTZOID - G /DURASPEED - G - - 10.25" double open end.
Lot of three Y-style three way socket wrenches:
(1.) I. SACK - BOSTON - - 4.25". Excellent with strong raised markings.
(2.) I. SACK - BOSTON - - 4.25". Same as above but with different socket sizes and impressed markings. Excellent.
(3.) Unmarked - - 4.25" like above.
0746. R298 - - 10.5". Good Plus, neat looking wrench. (not in Rathbone, no info)
Unmarked - - 12" SOE with five oval cutouts. Pictured on Rathbone's oddball page (R1-504 D3 R4). Similar to Stover wrench (R1-443).
735 thru 747
Lot of two flat "s" type wrenches with six open ends:
(1.) 114 (raised markings) - - 8.5". Excellent.
(2.) 458 - - 12.5". Good Plus.
Lot of two:
(1.) "EASY" NO 2 - - 6.75" malleable double box end wrench for changing bolt cutter jaws. Excellent, like new with original Japanning.
(2.) AMERICAN SEATING CO. UNIVERSAL DESK / 13986 - - 6" soe wrench for the old school house desks with Folding seats.
Lot of two:
(1.) BUCKEYE / SPFLD, OHIO - - 10.25" malleable tool with two hooks, one on a pivoting arm. Some kind of a carrier or tightener? Excellent with most of the original black finish.
(2.) BUCKEYE - - 13" malleable tool of unknown use. May be a jack handle?.
0751. Not marked - - 19.5" a massive offset single hex box end wrench with a reinforcing rib. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
Lot of four marked stamped steel wrenches:
(1.) STOVES & LANTERNS - - 5" with four wrench sizes.
(2.) T.D.C. - MADE IN ENGLAND - - 5.25" with seven wrench sizes.
(3.) MALL (in script) - - 7" DOE.
(4.) DOMSPECO - - 6.5" with six wrench openings. (some pitting)
Lot of two:
(1.) MF / 04 - - 13" heavy cast lever or tool?
(2.) BOOSTER SCREW NO 1 - B & R JACK CO. CHICAGO - - 9.75" malleable ratcheting jack handle?
Lot of three:
(1.) SOUTH BEND LATHE INC. / NO. 253. - - 4" oe by square box.
(2.) INTERTYPE / (Billing & Spencer logo) - - 5" open end by spring loaded adjustable spanner.
(3.) PRATT & WHITNEY CO. - - 7.75" heavy, forged doe.
748 thru 754
This collection has a good selection of this type of wrench that operates by moving the handle from side to side to close and open a sliding jaw including several that have never been listed in any other of our auctions.
0755. 10" KINDS AUTOMAT - DRGM - PATENT / HIGH CLASS DROP FORGED STEEL - - 9" self adj. nut wrench with tire tool end and a large attached screw driver blade that pivots on the end of the handle. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
0756. PAWOOD MADE IN USA - ARMCO PRODUCTS (in oval logo) - NEW YORK / AUTOMATIC BALL BEARING, (etc.) - - 9". Just a couple tiny edge dings from being Excellent. RARE (unlisted, no info)
RAPID GRIP, ETC / ANDERSON TOOL CO. - GLEN MILLS, PA. USA - PATENT 3101018 - - 10". Another modern recreation with spring loaded jaws and plastic covered handle. Pat. by Alfred F. Andersen of Glen Mills on Aug. 20, 1963. Seldom found. Excellent with most of the original plating. (not listed)
HASTEE 8" DAVENPORT TOOL CO US PATENT 3016240 - - 8". Paul E. Lenker's of Davenport Iowa 1970's reincarnation of the Cochran type self adjusting nut wrench with spring loaded jaws. Actual patent is No. 3,803,954 issued to Paul E. Lenker of Davenport on Apr. 16, 1974. Plated. Excellent. (S321)
10 IN LARC-O-MATIC PAT, 1830033 - 2351821 / CHICAGO O-H TOOLS HEDSTROM INDUSTRIES INC. - - 10". Patented by John Larson of Chicago on Nov. 03, 1931. Excellent condition. (S320T)
Louis E. Gaisser, Louisville, KY. Painted, some spots of pitting. (S320B)
WEBB & HILDRETH CO / PAT. FEB. 6, 06 - DEC. 17, O7 - - 11". Mfg in Gloversville, New York with serrated jaw inserts for pipe or nuts. Pat. by William Webb and Warnie Hildreth of Gloversville. Good Plus. (S1069)
0762. 8 in. - KIRKS SURE GRIP - PAT. ALL'D. / THE LAKEWOOD TOOL CO. - CLEVELAND USA, (etc.) - - 8". First one I've seen. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
0763. NO. 2 FASTFIT PAT. / REGD. 674283 - - 10.75" self adjust nut wrench with pry bar or tire tool end. (unlisted, no info)
COCHRAN SPEEDNUT WRENCH, etc / PAT MAY 2, 1916 - MADE IN CHICAGO, ILL USA - - 9". Design patented by Walter Taylor of Chicago. Scarce variant with patent date. Good Plus. (S320m, C96)
PATS. PEND. "SPEEDNUT" TRADE MARK, (etc.) / 6" SPEEDNUT WRENCH CORP. - CHICAGO USA, (etc.) - - 6" Cochran type with the addition of a spring loaded jaw. Pat. Oct. 12, 1926 by John Larson and August Kuring of Chicago. Excellent small size. (not in Schulz, C283)
Lot of two 9" Cochran Speednut wrenches with slightly different markings. (S320M, c96)
(2.) PATENT PENDING / 8" COCHRAN SPEEDNUT WRENCH - - Same wrench and markings as above but markings are on opposite sides.
0767. SELF ADJUSTING WRENCH / RAP'D .2 - - 8.25" self adjusting nut wrench. Some light pitting. (S325B)
0768. 104 SELF ADJUSTING WRENCH - - 6.75" small size. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
0769. RAPID - A. PATENT (in script) - - 11" self adjusting nut wrench. Rare and in Good Plus condition. (not listed, no info)
0770. 8" SAFETY "AJAX" AUTOMATIC / AJAX WRENCH CORP. NEW YORK, (etc.) - - 8" Cochran type with spring loaded jaws. Very similar to the Speednut wrench above. Scarce wrench in Excellent condition. (not listed, no info)
10" MAXIMUS TOGGLE WRENCH / MAXIMUS TOOL CO - NEW YORK, NY - - 10" Neat self adj nut wrench. (not in Schulz) Rare and Excellent condition. (not listed, no info)
755 thru 771
0772. Lot of seven blacksmith or shop made wrenches including several made from files and an unusual small double ended pick type tool.
0773. CORNWEL? (owner or makers mark?) - - 17" shop made self adjusting wrench with a pivoting upper jaw/handle. Jaw can be adjusted in one of seven different holes in the extended lower jaw/handle. Neat shop made wrench.
0774. Unmarked - - 22" shop made ratchet wrench with wooden knob. Nice primitive looking tool in excellent working condition.
Lot of six blacksmith or shop made wrenches including an unusual pliers.
772 thru 775
0776. HOLDFAST TOOL CO. LOS ANGLES, CALIF. / PAT. NO. 2,397,095 - - 8.75" plier type wrench with a side screw that adjusts the moveable jaw. Usually found in poor condition, this one is like new. (S895)
KANT SLIP - A.D. WRENCH. & TOOL CO (Allan-Diffenbaugh Wrench & Tool Co.) - BARABOO, WIS - PATENT PENDING - - 8" different plier wrench. Pat. Apr. 27, 1920 and Apr. 22, 1924 by Allen C. Allan. Some light pitting. (S356)
STALLING'S TRIPLE GRIP - PAT JUNE 17, 24 - - 8.5" pliers and wire cutter with unique middle jaw that slides up and down as the handles are moved. Pat. by Francis Stallings of Effingham, IL on 12-18-1917 and 6-17-1924. Odd, scarce and in Good Plus condition with a lot of the original plating remaining. (like S266)
0779. Unmarked - - 8.75" with middle jaw like above but slightly different design with two wire cutters, sc/dr and tack or nail puller on the handle ends. (similar to S266)
0780. SARGENT & CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. (same marking both sides) - - 6.5" cutter and splicer for round belts of the type that were used on treadle sewing machines, etc. Excellent with all of the original plating.
0781. SINGER - SIMANCO (Sewing Machine Co.) - - 6.25" specialty pliers for cutting and splicing round belts. Excellent.
WADE WRENCH CO. - WHITE PIGEON, MICH. (with a "F" in a circle logo) / PAT'D - - 8.25" different pliers with split handle. Pat. Nov. 8, 1927 by William White and July 24, 1928 by Benjamin Wade both from White Pigeon, MI. Excellent (S257)
CLICK PLIERS - CLICK MFG CO FAIRBURY, NEBRASKA / PATS 2358858, 2,325,245., (etc.) - - 9" with a spring loaded u-shaped pin to set the lower jaw to different positions. Pat. Jul. 27, 1943 and Sep. 26, 1944 by Joel Hahn of Beatrice, Nebraska. U-shaped pin is missing, hammer dings. (S260)
0784. TRUTH (Cowden Truth Tool Company, Mankato, Minn.) - - 8" pliers with a geared cam mechanism. Usually found marked "Super Grip Tool Co Iowa - Pat 1-16-89" First one seen marked "TRUTH". Good Plus. (like S245L3)
0785. GRIP SNIP - SARGENT & CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. - - 8.5" plier wrench with cutter. NOS like new in original box. Perfect plated finish.
LOCK LINE - ROSS MFG CO, S. F. - US PATENT 2,370,308 (etc.) - - 8" can action pliers mfg in San Francisco, CA. and pat. by Abraham Hanson, Monrovia, CA on Feb. 27, 1945. Excellent. (S267)
0787. NACO PAT. 1919 - - 7.25" plier wrench. Jaw opening is adjusted with a nut on the threaded extension of the upper jaw. Plated, Good Plus. (S248)
0788. THE VICTOR / KRAEUTER & CO. - NEWARK, N.J. USA - NO. 305-7 - - 7" stylish slip joint pliers with wire cutter and screwdriver end. Excellent like new nickel plating.
0789. PAT. APL'D FOR - - 8" - - button hole cutter.
A. W. HAM'S PAT. NOV. 14, 82 - - 9" complicated pliers for attaching shoe and clothing buttons. Patented by Albert W. Ham of Troy, New York.
0791. L. HUCONIOT-TISSOT (with a crown logo) - - 5" interesting little double ended pliers with a sliding locking collar. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
0792. DIXON - - 6" double ended plier tool with wide flat jaws. The Joseph Dixon Tool Co of England has been making leather and saddlers tools for over 150 year. Excellent (not listed)
0793. LIGHTNING WRENCH MADE BY HAMPTON MACHINE & TOOL CO. HAMPTON, IOWA - - 9.5" adjustable pliers with screwdriver end. Good Plus. (S690)
BAUER'S PAT. MAR 10, 85 - - 16.25" Simple design with only two parts, a lower and upper jaw with extended handles that pivot at the end and can be adjusted by placing the pin in the lower jaw handle into one of five holes in the upper jaw handle. Patented Mar 10, 1885 by John C. Bauer of London, England. Good Plus. (S333)
776 thru 794
0795. Unmarked - - 7.75" heavy duty seal pressing pliers. Impresses "F.T.M.E. CO."
0796. Unmarked - - 9.5" shoe maker's lasting pliers or pincers with two hammer heads, tack puller and punch. Listed as Laufenberger's patent in old trade catalogs. Good Plus.
0797. TIMMINS & SONS - 1 - WARRANTED STEEL HAMMLR - ENGLAND - - 6.75" shoe maker's lasting pliers or pincers. Scarce small size in Excellent condition.
Lot of three leather lasting pliers or pincers:
(1.) W & C - 1 - WARRANTED - - 7". Scarce small size.
(2.) W & C - 3 - WARRANTED - - 8.25". Light markings.
(3.) Markings not readable - - 9.25" with stretcher claw on end. Hammer head is missing, some pitting.
Lot of two plier wrenches:
(1.) VAUGHAN & BUSHNELL MFG CO - CHICAGO USA (with V & B logo) - - 7" square nut pliers with wire cutters. Good Plus.
(2.) CHANNEL LOCK - REG, U.S. PAT. OFF. - NO 407 / CHAMPION DEARMENT - MEADVILLE, PA - - 7.25". Early Channel Lock groove slip joint pliers in Excellent condition.
Lot of two Eagle Claw parrot head type slip joint pliers (S1061M):
(1.) EAGLE CLAW WRENCH - M. T. CO. - ROCKFORD, ILL. - PAT FEB 6, 12 / DASCO - - 7,25".
(2.) EAGLE CLAW WRENCH - M. T. CO. - ROCKFORD, ILL. - PAT FEB 6, 12 - NO. 302 - - 10".
0801. EAGLE CLAW WRENCH - M. T. CO. - ROCKFORD, ILL. - PAT FEB 6, 12 - - 10.5" slip joint pliers like above but with the jaws at 45 degrees rather than the usual 90 degrees. Good Plus.
Lot of three:
(1.) Unmarked - - 7.75". Primitive looking pliers with replaceable serrated jaws inserts. Patented as a nut wrench June 10, 1902 by Charles C. Smith of Bellevue, Idaho. Some pitting, lower jaw insert is missing, jaw chipped. (not listed)
(2.) V & B MFG. CO. - - 8.25" gas pipe type pliers. Some marking not readable.
(3.) W. L. DAVY PUMP CORP. M-90-B (etc.) - - 12.5" windmill pump rod plier wrench more commonly seen marked "Love Pump".
995 thru 802
SHEFFY MFG CO. - PAT. JAN 21, 1896 - CHICAGO / CHICAGO - - 15.25" self adj. nut and pipe wrench with pivoting upper and lower jaws,. Patented by Jay Sheffy of Chicago. Overall light pitting. (S338)
0804. Unmarked (Similar to Sheffy wrench above)- - 7.5" self adj. wrench with pivoting upper and lower jaws. Good Plus (no info) (like S338)
SPROULL WRENCH CO. - BEDFORD, IND / PAT'D JAN. 6, 91 & PENDING (etc.) - - 11.75" self adj. wrench with pivoting upper jaw. Patented by John Sproull of Bedford, IN. First one we have had to sell. Excellent. (S345)
THE JOHNSTON AUTOMATIC - PAT JULY 30, 1895 & PAT. APD. FOR - WILLIAM B. VOLGER - NEW YORK USA - J. C. EDERLEY (owner's mark) - - 15" self adj. with pivoting upper jaw. Mfg. by W. T. Johnson & Co. New York. Patented by Walter Johnston of Macon, Georgia. Excellent with exceptional bold readable markings.
LIND UNIVERSAL WRENCH NO. 1 / PROVIDENCE R.I. - - 10.25" self adj. with a complicated spring loaded upper jaw. Jaws can be positioned in one of three holes in shaft. Patented as a combination pipe wrench and pipe tongs by John Lind of Boston, Mass. on Sept. 8, 1891 and July 24, 1901 First one seen. Excellent condition.
V & B WRENCH - PAT DEC 6, 1898 - - 26" self. adj. with pivoting upper jaw. Advertised as a nut and pipe wrench. Mfg. by Vaughan & Bushnell Mfg. Co of Chicago and patented by Alexander Vaughan of Chicago. (S332)
15" TRIG-O-MATIC - PAT 2645145 / TRIG-O-MATIC TOOL CORP. - CHICAGO USA - - 17" self adj. pipe wrench with a pivoting upper jaw with a coiled spring. Patented by John Larson of Chicago. Excellent. (S720)
0810. JOHNSTON AUTOMATIC WRENCH PAT. PEND. / R.E.J. MFG. CO. SANTA MONICA, CALIF. USA - - 8" self adjusting nut wrench with a pivoting upper jaw and a hollow stamped steel shaft. First one seen, Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
LA DOW WRENCH - PATENT APPLIED FOR / M. D. F. MARSHALLTOWN. IOWA (etc.) - - 19.5" self adjust wrench with pivoting upper and lower jaws mfd. by the Marshalltown Drop Forge Co. who were also one of the mfgs. of The Morris Wrench. Patented by James La Dow of Kellogg, Iowa. Pitting. (S1080, C212)
ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA. USA / AUTO NO. 8 - - 8" self adjust wrench with pivoting upper jaw. Drilled hang hole. (S337)
803 thru 812
0813. NORSK CROMNA - MADE IN NORWAY- PATENT NR. 76,296 / CROMNA (etc.) - - 12" self adj. wrench with a spring loaded upper jaw. See Schulz 785 for same Cromna wrench made in Sweden.
0814. 8" OLIVER FORGED USA / PAT. PEND. MFD. BY L. HENGY - DETROIT, MICH - - 9" all metal pipe wrench with roller lower jaw. Excellent. (S341)
0815. RHINO 14 IN - PAT. NO. 143898 / RHINO TOOL & MFG. CO. DENVER - - 14" self adj. wrench with a spring loaded upper jaw. Rare variation, more commonly found marked "Rhino Wrench Co.". Upper jaw has been repaired. (S340)
0816. J. N. HINKLE - NO. 2 / COLUMBUS, OHIO PAT. APL. NO. 1 / COLUMBUS OHIO NO. 1 (in large bold lettering)- - 13" self adj. wrench with pivoting upper jaw. RARE, Good Plus with drilled hang hole. (not listed, no info.)
0817. Unmarked - - 11.75" self adjust wrench very similar to the Bullard wrenches but without the jaw spring and forged rather than cast handle. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
NO. 2 BULLARD WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 27, 'O3 - - 12.75" self adjusting wrench with spring loaded pivoting upper and lower jaws. Mfg. by the Bullard Automatic Wrench Co. of Providence, Rhode Island under patents issued to Frank Bullard of Los Angles, Ca on July 7,1903
and Oct. 27, 1903.
Pitted. (like S659)
"CLEVELAND" 10 IN PATENTED (etc.) / CLEVELAND WRENCH CO. (etc.) - - 10" pivoting upper jaw self adjusting nut wrench. Patented by Edward Matthews - Denver, CO on Jun. 27, 1944. Good Plus, plated. (S331)
10" AUTO-GRIP (in script) PAT. NO. 138173 (etc.) / CLEVELAND WRENCH CO. (etc.) - - 10" pivoting upper jaw self adjusting nut wrench like above but with different markings. Good Plus, plated. (like S331)
Lot of two self adjust wrenches:
(1.) N.D.L. (with an anchor logo) - - 10.75" self adjust wrench with pivoting upper jaw that can be adj. in one of three different holes. Knurled handle has a tapered end. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
(2.) Unmarked - - 10.5 simple self adjust nut wrench. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
Lot of two Erie self adjusting wrenches patented by Albert Katzki of Erie, PA:
(1.) REED MFG. CO. ERIE, PA. USA. / PAT. AUG. 10, 1897 - - 8" self adjusting wrench with spring loaded pivoting upper jaw and lower serrated jaw inserts. Large section of jaw insert missing. (S334)
(2.) TIGER NO. - REED MFG. CO. ERIE, PA. USA. / PAT. AUG. 10, 97 - - 11" similar to above but with solid serrated jaws and TIGER marking variation. Good Plus . (S334)
0823. CHROMAVAN - MADE IN GERMANY / STICKLE BACK - ONEHANDER 8" - - 8.25" self adj. nut wrench (smooth jaws) with a spring loaded upper jaw. Excellent. (S328)
STICKLE BACK CHROMAVAN / CHROMAVAN 12" - - 12" self adj. nut wrench (smooth jaws) with a spring loaded upper jaw. Excellent. (S328)
813 thru 824
6 in - MASTERWRENCH / HELLER (pic of horse) MADE IN USA - PATENTED - - 6.25" self adjust wrench with spring loaded
upper jaw (both jaws serrated) and square box wrench on end. Excellent. The Heller wrenches were covered by several patents issued to Earnest Lynch of Hilmar, CA and Homer Mead of Turlock, CA. (similar to S328, C164)
Lot of two Masterench self adjust wrenches (similar to S328, C164):
(1.) 8 in - MASTERWRENCH (etc.) / (pic of horse) HELLER BROTHERS - NEWARK, N.J. USA - PAT. 4-14-25, 7-5-27, 11-12-29 - - 8.5" with both jaws serrated, 12 point box wrench on end of handle.
(2.) 8 in - MASTERWRENCH (etc.) / (pic of horse) HELLER BROTHERS - NEWARK, N.J. USA - PATENTED - - 8.25" with smooth jaws and no wrench on end.
Lot of two Masterench self adjust wrenches (similar to S328, C164):
(1.) 14 in - MASTERWRENCH (etc.) / HELLER (pic of horse) MADE IN USA - PATENTED - - 15.5" with smooth jaws and sq box wrench on end. Excellent.
(2.) 15.5" same wrench with same marking as above except serrated jaws vs. smooth. Excellent.
Lot of two Masterench type self adjust wrenches (similar to S328, C164):
(1.) 14 in - MASTERWRENCH (etc.) / HELLER (pic of horse) MADE IN USA - PATENTED - - 15.5" with smooth jaws and sq box wrench on end. Excellent.
(2.) 15" STICKLE BACK / GERMANY - - 16" wrench almost identical to the Heller Masterenches. Smooth nut wrench jaws. Excellent (not listed, no info).
18 in - MASTERWRENCH / HELLER (pic of horse) MADE IN USA - PATENTED - - " 20" Scarce largest size Heller Masterench with serrated jaws and a square box wrench on end. Excellent. (similar to S328, C164)
825 thru 829
Lot of two self adjust wrenches:
(1.) Unmarked - - 12.25" self adjust with pivoting upper jaw and simple bar handle design. (not listed, no info)
(2.) Unmarked - - 9.5" self adjust with two sets of jaw teeth on lower jaw. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
HOE CORPORATION - POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK / PATENTED FEB 21, 1922 - - 11" all metal self adjust pipe wrench with spring loaded upper jaw. Patented by Frederic Robert of Lynnbrook, Long Island, NY.
This wrench has the improved jaw design patented by Frederick Ruesch of Poughkeepsie, NY.
Good Plus. (similar to S361, C169)
0832. THE ROBERTS WRENCH CO. NY / PATENTED & PATENTS PENDING - - 8.5" self adj. with spring loaded jaws. Good Plus with two filed grooves on shaft edge. Same Feb 21, 1922 Frederick Robert patent as Hoe wrench above. (S360)
0833. THE ROBERTS WRENCH CO. NY / U.S. PATENT APP'D FOR - - 12" like above with different markings. Spot of light pitting otherwise Good Plus. Same Feb 21, 1922 Frederick Robert patent as Hoe wrench above. (S360)
0834. THE ROBERTS WRENCH CO. NY / PATENTED & PATENTS PENDING - - 13" self adj. with spring loaded jaws. Excellent. Same Feb 21, 1922 Frederick Robert patent as Hoe wrench above. (S360)
J. CASPERS PAT APPL' FOR / LANCASTER, WIS. - - 13.5" plier type horseshoe caulk wrench. Patented May 06, 1913 by Joseph Caspers of Lancaster. (S885)
0836. NEVERSLIP MANUFACTURING CO. - NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - PATENTED / THE JONSON WRENCH - - 12.75" plier type horseshoe caulk wrench. similar to above except has replaceable serrated lower jaw inserts. Chipped jaw end. (S884)
0837. THE NEVERSLIP WORKS --NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - THE JONSON WRENCH - 1922 - - 12.75" plier type horseshoe caulk wrench. Excellent. (S884)
PAT. AUG1, 05 - - 11" adjustable horseshoe caulk wrench patented by Ernst Enderes of Littleport, Iowa. A novel solution to the problem of removing and replacing your horseshoe caulks. Adjusts with a hex nut on the threaded end of the moveable jaw. Scarce wrench in excellent condition, (not in Schulz)
Lot of two farm livestock tools:
(1.) H. & D. CO. - Chicago - - 13" plier type dental tool for extracting horse teeth? Has threaded handle ends for extensions. Couple areas of light pitting.
(2.) Unmarked - - 7 hog ring pliers. Excellent with original black Japanning.
Lot of two horseshoe caulk wrenches:
(1.) GIANT GRIP 7/16 - - 7" single ended caulk wrench. Some hammer damage, dings.(similar to S886)
(2.) NEVERSLIP - - 9" single ended caulk wrench patented Aug. 17, 1897 by James Johnson of New Brunswick, New Jersey. (S887)
830 thru 840
WINNER TOOL CO. - PUYALLUP, WASH / 10" PLIER WRENCH PAT'D 1925 - - 9.75" quick adjust pipe wrench with rack teeth. Pat. June, 1925 by William T. Long of Puyallup, WA. Spots of light pitting. (not in Schulz, C339)
TROJAN - TROJAN WRENCHES L. A. CAL. / US PAT NO 1968783 - - 11.5" qk adj pipe wrench with a lever that releases the rack teeth from the upper jaw assembly. Patented by John R. Long, of Los Angeles, CA. Good Plus (S721)
Guss Mfg Co Delphos, O / PAT AUG 1, 05 - - 13" qk adj rack type pipe wrench controlled by a spring-loaded lever, patented Aug. 1, 1905 by Orange Guss. Excellent. (S674)
EMPIRE - WM HJORTH & CO. JAMESTOWN, N.Y. / PAT DEC 29, 1896 - - 10.25" qk adj pw pat in 1896 by James Pierce and on August 4, 1903 by Karl Peterson (founder of the Crescent Tool Co.). Spots of light pitting and dings. (S669)
BELL WRENCH CO TULSA OKLA / PAT APRIL 25, 1905 OTHER PAT PENDG - - 9.5" qk adj pw with rack gears and a spring loaded release lever on lower jaw. Pat by Franklin Woodward of Sarcoxie, Mo (patent evidently sold to W. Bell) but mfg to a 7-6-1920 pat by William Bell of Tulsa, OK. One of a few wrenches from the Sooner state. RARE wrench in excellent condition. (not in Schulz, C60)
THE WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS - NO. 2 / PAT JUNE 30, 91 OTHER PATS PENDING - - 11.25" rack wrench that adjusts with a spring loaded top lever with serrated jaw inserts. Patented by John Wakefield of Worcester, MA. Light pitting, chipped jaw inserts. (S727)
0847. NO. 2A PAT JUNE 30, 91 OTHER PATS PENDING - WAKEFIELD WRENCH MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS - WAKEFIELD Q. A. WRENCH - NEVINS TRADING CO. 31 NEVINS ST. BROOKLYN N.Y. - - 11.75" rack wrench that adjusts with a spring loaded top lever with serrated jaw inserts, slightly different construction than above. First one seen with the NEVINS Trading Co. markings. Good Plus with a few dings. (similar to S727)
0849. Unmarked - 7.25" plier wrench with a rack type quick adjusting lower jaw and spring loaded handle with a screwdriver on one end. Very similar to one found marked "L & H Mfg. Co. Patented - New Haven, CT ". RARE and in Excellent condition. (not listed, pat. not found)
0850. REINHARD MCCABE CO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. - PAT. PEND. - - 10" Good Plus. (S713)
J1014 JAWS / TOYANG - - 13" A modern but interesting pipe wrench with a head that rotates 360 degrees to adjust the jaws. Excellent, like new. (not listed, no info)
841 thru 851
BAUMO (with arrow logo) - SERIAL NO. 1-14 - PATENTED 4-23-35 / MFG BY JOHN W. BAUMAN & SONS SASSAMANSVILLE, PA (etc.) - - 13" qk adjust rack type pipe wrench with lever that controls the upper jaw. Patented by John Stanley and Irwin Bauman of Sassamansville, PA and Bluffton, Ohio. Good Plus. (S651)
"REX" - AUBURN N.Y. - PAT JUNE 5, 1894 (also marked "WCRR" for Wisconsin Central Railroad) - - 13.75. Patented by Charles Van De Water of Auburn, New York as a pipe or nut wrench. Scarce lever operated rack wrench in excellent condition.(S716, C313)
KWIKSET - A. G. PIPE WRENCH PAT SEP 7, 26 - - 12.25" quick adjust rack type pipe wrench with lever that controls the upper jaw. Mfg. by the Mechanics Wrench and Tool Company, Marshalltown, IA. Patented by Carl, Emil, and Sigfred Bjornson from Bentley, Alberta, Canada. Severe pitting. (S686)
0855. MORGAN - ALBANY, WIS / PAT APPL'D FOR - - 7" sliding lower jaw rack type quick adjust, Patent not found. Good Plus with tiny jaw chip.(S695)
0856. LOCKJAW II / MADE IN USA - - 11.5" modern rack type quick adjust pipe wrench. Excellent, like new. (not listed, no info)
Lot of two Power Grip Wrenches:
(1.) POWERGRIP TOOL CO. - MOUNTAIN AIR, NEW MEXICO - PAT. PENDING. - - 9.75" lever qk. adjust with rack teeth. Only New Mexico made collectible wrench? Similar wrench also made in Shawnee, OK. Two pins replaced with a cotter key and bolt. Patented by Charles D. Daniels of Mountainair, NM. (S709)
(2.) Unmarked Powergrip Tool Co. - - 9.75" like above. Weld repair. (S709)
0858. POWERGRIP TOOL CO. - MOUNTAIN AIR, NEW MEXICO - PAT'D - - 5.25" RARE small version of the Powergrip wrench like above. First one seen in this size. EXCELLENT. (S709)
THE J. L. TAYLOR PIPE & WRENCH PAT'D - C. H. REDMAN & CO. SOLE M'F'GR - DEC 1, 1891 NEWARK, NJ - - 11" heavy duty lever release qk adjust with rack teeth on shaft patented by James Taylor of Memphis, Tennessee. Some light pitting, owners initials. (S558)
F. ARMSTRONG BRIDGEPORT, CONN. / THE ARMSTRONG RAPID 2. PAT. DEC. 9, 79, MAR. 27, 83 - - 11.75" rack type qk adj with a lever for applying additional tightening pressure. 1879 patent was issued to Dan Foster of Waltham, MA, the 1883 to Frank Armstrong, Bridgeport, CT. Some dings, jaw chip, owner's initials. (S474, C42)
THE WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS - NO. 1A / PAT JUNE 30, 91 OTHER PATS PENDING - - 9" smaller version of the Wakefield rack wrench like Lot 847. Pitting. (similar to S727)
852 thru 861
PADEN MFG. CO. - OMAHA, NEBR. / U.S. PAT. 2,905,038 - OTHER PAT. PEND. - - 7.5" locking pliers with a quick adjust sliding lower jaw. Patented by Dale D. Paden, Omaha, Nebraska on Sept. 22, 1959. Excellent. (S270)
0863. VICTOR TRADEMARK / PAT DEC 23,1902 - AUG 25, 1903 - - 8.25" qk adj pw with spring loaded lower jaw and rack adjustment. Made by the Bonner Mfg. Co. of Chrisman, IL. (S653)
0864. Lot of two 10.5" Victor quick adjust wrenches like above one has light pitting the other is Good Plus with a different spring. (similar to S653)
0865. VICTOR TRADEMARK / BONNER'S PAT. 1902-1903 - 11" quick adjust like above with marking variation. Good Plus. (S653)
0866. VICTOR TRADEMARK - PAT. DEC 23, 1902, AUG 25, 1903 / BONNER'S PAT. 1902-1903 - 15.25" quick adjust like above with marking variation. (S653)
0867. GELLMAN MANUFACTURING. COMPANY - ROCK ISLAND, ILL - POLLY / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 9 IN. NO. 91 (etc.) - - 9" quick adjust nut wrenches pat. by Israel Gellman of Chicago, IL. Good Plus. (S522)
0868. GELLMAN MANUFACTURING. COMPANY - ROCK ISLAND, ILL - POLLY / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 12 IN. NO. 121 (etc.) - - 11.75" like above. Good Plus. (S522)
0869. GELLMAN WRENCH. CORPORATION - ROCK ISLAND, ILL - POLLY / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 6 IN. NO. 61 (etc.) - - 6" like above. with marking variation. Good Plus. (S522)
0870. GELLMAN WRENCH. CORPORATION - ROCK ISLAND, ILL - POLLY / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 12 IN. NO. 121 (etc.) - - 12" like above. with marking variation. Good Plus. (S522)
0871. THE GELLMAN WRENCH. CORPORATION - CHICAGO, ILL - / PATENTS PENDING (etc.) - - 6" Gellman made in Chicago vs. Rock Island and with an internal jaw spring rather than the external spring found in the models above. Good Plus.(similar to S522)
THE GELLMAN WRENCH. CORPORATION - CHICAGO, ILL - / PATENTS PENDING (etc.) - - 9" Gellman Chicago variant like above. Good Plus. (similar to S522)
862 thru 872
0873. THE ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA USA / ("E" in a circle in a diamond logo) - - 11" wood handled double jawed nut and pipe wrench with long adjusting sleeve. Good Plus. (not listed)
TRIMO COMBINATION WRENCH PAT APPLIED FOR (with Trimo 1888 trademark logo) - - 10" wood handled monkey wrench with pipe and nut jaws with a set screw to adjust pipe jaw movement. Mfg. by Trimont Mfg. Co. of Roxbury, Mass. and patented 3-13-1894 by Edward Ely of Boston. Scarce Trimont wrench. Handle crack, hammer dings on both sides, some markings unreadable. (S579)
0875. W & B CO MADE IN USA (with a diamond logo) (Whitman & Barnes) - - 12" double jaw comb. nut and pipe wrench with knife type wood handle. Excellent example. (S866)
Lot of two:
(1.) W & B CO MADE IN USA (with a diamond logo) (Whitman & Barnes) - - 12" double jaw comb. nut and pipe wrench like above but with a slightly different adjusting nut. Very weak markings. (similar to S866)
(2.) W & B CO MADE IN USA (with a diamond logo) (Whitman & Barnes) - - 15" double jaw comb. nut and pipe wrench like above but with a replaceable, rocking lower pipe jaw insert. Poor condition, with chipped jaw, cracked lower jaw, replaced handle rivet. (S865)
0877. BEMIS & CALL H & - SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA PAT. AUG 1866 - PAT'D DEC 2, 1873 - - 11.5" wh comb. nut and pipe wrench with short hex adj nut and a replaceable lower pipe jaw insert (fastened with a machine screw). Good Plus. (S837)
0878. BEMIS & CALL H & T CO /SPRINGFIELD, MASS. U.S.A / (B &: C trademark logo) - - 13" wh comb. nut and pipe wrench like above but with the replaceable pipe jaw fastened with a pin instead of screw like wrench above. Some dings, handle cracks. (S837)
BEMIS & CALL - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. - MADE IN U.S.A / (B &: C trademark logo) - - 19" wh comb. nut and pipe wrench like above but with the long adjusting sleeve vs. short hex. Some dings, minor handle cracks. (S837)
873 thru 879
A diverse selection of tools from the Plantsville, CT firm that manufactured wrenches and other tools with the patented knife or slab handle and a reinforcing bar on the back of the lower jaw of their monkey wrenches. Amos Shepard of Plantsville, CT had several patents for these tools.
6" Perfect Handle Crescent with straight Handle. Marked: THE H. D. SMITH & CO.- 8 IN / PERFECT HANDLE PATENTED. Has some gear teeth stripped. Patents by William S. Thomson of Plantsville, CT on May 13, 1913 and Jan. 15, 1915 apply. (S406)
0881. 8" Perfect Handle Crescent like above except with "S" curved handle. Good Plus. (S306)
H. D. Smith Perfect Handle single open end with a knife type wood handle. Marked: THE H. D. SMITH & CO.- 1/2 (actual opening is 13/16") / PERFECT HANDLE PATENTED. - - 7.5". Patented by William S. Thomson of Plantsville, CT on July 28, 1914. (S904)
0883. H. D. Smith Perfect Handle single open end like above except 5/8" (actual opening is 1-1/16") - - 9.25" Good Plus. (S904)
0884. H. D. Smith Perfect Handle ball peen hammer with knife type wood handles. Pat May 28, 07 - - 10" Good Plus.
Perfect Handle tire tool marked: THE H. D. SMITH & CO. - MADE IN PLANTSVILLE, CONN. USA / PERFECT HANDLE PATENTED - - 13.25" with knife type wood handle. Advertised for use as a tire tool or pry bar.
Design patent issued to by Lucius Walkley of Plantsville, CT. on July 8, 1913. Good Plus.
Perfect Handle valve lifter tool marked: THE H. D. SMITH & CO. - MADE IN PLANTSVILLE, CONN. USA / PERFECT HANDLE PATENTED - - 12.75" with knife type wood handle. William S. Thomson of Plantsville patent of October 16, 1917 applies. Good Plus, no chain and hook as usual.
Lot of two:
(1.) Heavy duty square shank Perfect Handle Screw Driver marked: THE H.D.S. & CO. "PERFECT HANDLE" - PAT AUG. 25, 03 - - 9" Advertised as a "Machinists Screw Driver" and patented by William Ward of Plantsville, CT. Tip reground, dings, marking not all readable.
(2.)Malleable soe wrench marked: FOR USE ONLY WITH / THE PERFECT VALVE SPRING LIFTER - - 3.5" with pitting. Note: Not a H. D. Smith product.
Lot of three Perfect Handle type screwdrivers (all Good Plus or better):
(1.) GERMANY - - 4.75"
(2.) GERMANY - - 7"
(3.) GERMANY - - 6.75"
H. D. SMITH - PLANTSVILLE, CONN. - PAT JUNE 9, 1914 - FEB 20, 1917 - - 7" all metal offset pliers. Listed in catalogs as No. 646 "Gittatit" Offset Slip Joint Pliers. some markings hard to read. Design patented by W. S. Thomson of Plantsville, CT. on June 9, 1914. (S1062)
6" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle monkey wrench with knife type wood handles marked with pat. dates of: Oct. 30, 1900, Jan 15, 1901, Feb 26, 1901. Good Plus. These patents were issued to Amos Shepard and William Ward of Plantsville, CT. (S405)
0891. 6" Perfect Handle type monkey wrench like above but marked RUSSWIN vs. H. D. Smith. Some minor dings. Note: also see lot 1110 for a 8" Russwin Perfect Handle monkey wrench.
0892. 6" Perfect Handle type monkey wrench like above but all metal, marked on shaft: THE H. D. SMITH & CO. - ORIGINAL PERFECT HANDLE (etc.). Good Plus. (S415)
0893. 6" ALL METAL Perfect Handle type monkey wrench like above but marked on handle: S.I.S WRENCH - 6 (Semper Idem Steel, Latin for always the same) / TRADEMARK (with "S" in circle logo). Nice small size Good Plus condition. (S415)
Lot of two wooden knife handled H.D. Smith Perfect Handle Monkey wrenches:
(1.) 10" marked: H.D. SMITH & CO. PERFECT HANDLE With pat. dates of Oct. 30, 1900, Jan 15, 1901, Feb 26, 1901.
(2.) 10" like above but marked: THE H. D. SMITH & CO. - ORIGINAL PERFECT HANDLE (etc.). Good Plus.
uncleaned with dings. (S415)
880 thru 894
10" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle pipe wrench with knife type wood handles marked: THE H.D. SMITH & - 10 IN / "PERFECT HANDLE" PATENTED. Patented by William S. Thomson of Plantsville, CT. on Nov. 24, 1914 and Dec. 29, 1914. Good Plus. (621)
0896. 8" Perfect Handle monkey wrench with knife type wood handles marked: H.D. SMITH & CO. PERFECT HANDLE With pat. dates of Oct. 30, 1900, Jan 15, 1901, Feb 26, 1901.
0897. 12" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle monkey wrench with knife type wood handles marked: THE H. D. SMITH & CO. - ORIGINAL PERFECT HANDLE (etc.). Good Plus. uncleaned with dings. (S415)
0898. 15" all metal monkey wrench marked: TRIMONT MFG. CO. ROXBURY MASS. USA / "PERFECT HANDLE" 15" - - Trimont made the Perfect Handle wrenches after H. D. Smith closed in 1930. Couple of minor dings otherwise Excellent. (S407)
0899. 15" Perfect Handle monkey wrench with knife type wood handles marked: H.D. SMITH & CO. PERFECT HANDLE With pat. dates of Oct. 30, 1900, Jan 15, 1901, Feb 26, 1901. some dings.
0900. H. D. Smith Drop Forged Tools Catalog No. 25". 6" by 8" with 36 pages. Reprint. Excellent reference for the H. D. Smith collector.
Lot of three dog bone type wrenches::
(1.) STADCO NO. 21 / MADE IN USA - - 8". Good Plus.
(2.) DFV - - 4" brass, Good Plus. (similar to S290)
(3.) LINDISPENSABLE / DEPOSE - - 4.5" Good Plus. (similar to S290)
0902. FITS ALL 1/4" to 1" / PAT. PEND. - - 6" flatter type dogbone with 8 sizes. (S889T)
0903. BR. CO. CHI. - PAT. PEND. / MULTI SOCKET (Beckley-Ralston Co., Chicago, IL) - - 7.75" dog bone. Good Plus. (C58)
0904. THE HANDEE / MANSFIELD, OHIO - - 7" dog bone like above, Excellent, painted black. (S289)
THE HANDEE - PAT APPLD / MANSFIELD, OHIO - - 8" dog bone with rotating heads. Excellent with 90 per cent plating. (S289)
895 thru 905
0906. UP RR (Union Pacific) - - 18" all metal Billings monkey wrench.
0907. C & NW RY CO. (Chicago & North Western) - - 18" all metal monkey wrench. Light pitting, markings hard to read.
0908. NYCS (New York Central System) - - 15.5" all metal J. H. Williams "Railroad Special" monkey wrench. Some dings and scratches.
0909. CONRAIL - - 16" all metal pipe wrench. Painted, excellent, like new with cast not stamped markings.
0910. UNION PACIFIC - - 6.75" Whitman & Barnes all metal "Railroad Special" monkey wrench. Excellent.
0911. NP RR (Northern Pacific) - - 12.5" all metal H.D. Smith Perfect Handle Semper Idem monkey wrench. Dings and dents.
0912. CRI & PRR (Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific RR) - - 8.25" Whitman & Barnes all metal "Railroad Special" monkey wrench. Good Plus, weak markings.
UNION PACIFIC - - 12.25" all metal Lamson & Sessions monkey wrench. Good Plus.
906 thru 913
0914. MO PAC RY (Missouri Pacific Railway) - - 12.25" all metal center screw adjust nut wrench. Excellent, like new.
0915. CM & STP (Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul) - - 8.25" all metal Bemis & Call monkey wrench. Excellent, like new.
0916. C & NW RY CO. (Chicago & North Western) - - 12" all metal J. H. Williams/ Whitman & Barnes "Railroad Special" monkey wrench. Some dings.
0917. SO RY (Southern Railway) - - 10.5" all metal center screw adjust nut wrench. Excellent.
Lot of three shop made railroad wrenches:
(1.) NP RR (Northern Pacific) - - 10.5" double open end S wrench.
(2.) UP RY (Union Pacific) - - 13" double open end wrench.
(3.) UP RR (Union Pacific) - - 13" interesting shop made open end wrench with one jaw extended over the jaw opening, other end is a pry bar.
0919. SANTA FE ROUTE - - 8.25" wood knife handle monkey wrench. Santa Fe Route is the one of the oldest Santa Fe RR markings. Some hammer mushrooming.
C & NW RY CO. (Chicago & North Western) - 525 - - 22" double open S-type wrench.
914 thru 920
0921. ROBINSON - - 6" curved handled Crescent type. Good Plus.
0922. ROBINSON - - 8" curved handled Crescent type. Some light pitting.
0923. ROBINSON - - 10" curved handled Crescent type. Some light pitting.
0924. GRAY 8 INCH / ADJUSTABLES - MADE IN CANADA - - 8" curved handled Crescent type. Rough casting.
0925. GEDORGE (etc.) / 6 INCH NO. 68 - GENUINE - - 6" curved handled Crescent type. Rare brand, RARE size. Light pitting.
0926. BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. - HARTFORD, CONN. (etc.) - - 6" curved handle Crescent type with solid handle. Light pitting. Good Plus.
0927. BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. - HARTFORD, CONN. (etc.) - - 8" curved handle Crescent type with solid handle.
0928. ERIE TOOL WORKS, ERIE, PA USA - - 8" curved (solid) handle Crescent type.
0929. ERIE TOOL WORKS, ERIE, PA USA - - 10" curved (open) handle Crescent type.
0930. ERIE TOOL WORKS, ERIE, PA USA - - 10" curved (solid) handle Crescent type.
0931. ERIE TOOL WORKS, ERIE, PA USA - - 12" curved (closed) handle Crescent type.
0932. BULLOCK / 10 IN - - 10" curved (open) handle Crescent type.
0933. BULLOCK / 8 IN - - 8" curved (open) handle Crescent type.
0934. Unmarked - - 6" Crescent type with offset, curved handle. Excellent with the distinctive cyanide heat treatment finish. (like S758)
LACHEZE (with lion logo) - - 12" Crescent type with offset, curved handle. Some edge dings. (like S758)
921 thru 935
0936. BERGMAN TOOL MFG CO - BUFFALO NEW YORK USA / 6 IN QUEEN CITY - PAT PENDING - - 6" curved handle Crescent type. Some light pitting. (S299)
0937. BERGMAN TOOL MFG CO - BUFFALO NEW YORK USA / 8 IN QUEEN CITY - PAT PENDING - - 8" curved handle Crescent type. Excellent. (S299)
0938. BERGMAN TOOL MFG CO - BUFFALO NEW YORK USA / 10 IN QUEEN CITY - PAT PENDING - - 10" curved handle Crescent type. Pitted. (S299)
0939. BONNEY / 6 IN ADJ. / ALLENTOWN, PA. U.S.A. - - 6" curved (closed) handle Crescent type. Scarce wrench. Some light pitting.
0940. BONNEY / 10 IN - - 10" curved (open) handle Crescent type.
0941. BONNEY / 12 IN - - 12" curved (open) handle Crescent type. Handle has been straightened a little?
0942. U S & M CO MADE IN USA - NEWARK N.J. 10 IN - - 10" curved handle Cres type from the United Shoe and Machine Co. Some dings, loose jaw. (not listed)
0943. BARCALO - 6 / BUFFALO - - 6." curved (open) handle Crescent type. Good Plus.
0944. BARCALO - BUFFALO / 6 IN - - 6" curved (open) handle Crescent type. Different style than above. Good Plus.
0945. 8 IN / ("T" in a circle logo) - - 8" curved (open) handle Crescent type with the quick remove adjusting knurl feature. Some dings.
0946. 10 IN / ("T" in a circle logo) - - 10" curved (open) handle Crescent type with the quick remove adjusting knurl feature. Previous owner's initials "D. H." (Not Don Haury).
0947. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO - - 8 IN (with a Swastika logo) - - 8" curved (solid) handled Crescent type wrench. Some pitting.
B & C / BEMIS & CALL H&T CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA - 10 IN - - 10" curved (open) handle Crescent type with pipe jaw. Jaw chip, gear chipped, light markings.
936 thru 948
0949. WESTCOTT - THE KEYSTONE MFG CO BUFFALO NY / 6" - - 6" curved (open) handle Crescent type.
0950. WESTCOTT - KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY - 6 INCH NO. 76 - - 6" curved (closed) handle Crescent type Pipe wrench type with serrations on adjustable jaw. RARE in this size with pipe jaws.
0951. 406 WESTCOTT - THE KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY (etc.) - - 6" curved (closed) handle Crescent type. Scarce design variant.
0952. WESTCOTT - KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY - 6 INCH NO. 78 - - 8" curved (closed) handle Crescent type.
0953. WESTCOTT - KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY - 6 INCH NO. 78 - - 8" curved (closed) handle Crescent type. Pipe wrench type with serrations on adjustable jaw
0954. WESTCOTT - THE KEYSTONE MFG CO BUFFALO NY / 8 PIPE - - 8" curved (open) handle Crescent type . Pipe wrench type with serrated insert on stationary jaw.
0955. NS - WESTCOTT - THE KEYSTONE MFG CO BUFFALO NY / 12 PIPE - - 12" curved (closed) handle Crescent type . Pipe wrench type with serrated insert on stationary jaw. Good Plus.
These pliers were first patented in May 2, 1916 and later on June 14, 1932 by Joseph Eiffel of Chicago, Illinois and have been made in one form or another ever since. Uses included pliers, wrench, wire cutter, screwdriver and a host of other functions when the accessory jaws were used. With all the different name and style changes plus the fact that more than one size was made and the year of manufacture and current price was marked on most models it would be a formidable task to get a collection of "one of each" pliers and kits made. Acquiring he ones listed below would be a good start.
0956. Eifel Flash PLIERENCH - PAT. 5-2-16 - FLASH S'L'S CHICAGO - - 8.75" older style with three different jaws and the with hard to find screwdriver marked "E-F Angle Screwdriver USE AN E-F Plierench Kit - Pat Appld for - Pr. 15¢ (etc.) in a pouch marked "Eifel-Flash PlierRench Kit $5.00" (etc.). Wrench is excellent, pouch is Good Plus.
0957. Eifel Flash PLIERENCH - PAT. 5-2-16 - FLASH S'L'S CHICAGO - - 8.75" like above with pouch and two different jaws. Tools excellent, pouch is poor.
0958. Eifel Flash PLIERENCH - PAT. 5-2-16 - FLASH S'L'S CHICAGO - - 8.75" like above with one extra jaw.
0959. EIFEL -GEARED PLIERENCH - PATS. 1181654, 1862817 - MOD 8-1/2" - 36 - AMER PLIERENCH CORP'N CHICAGO, ILL - $5.00 - PAT (etc.) - - 8.75" 1936 model of the Eifel wrench with pouch and two extra jaws. Wrench is Good Plus, pouch is poor.
0960. EIFEL -GEARED PLIERENCH - PATS. 1181654, 1862817 - MOD 8-1/2" - 40 - AMER PLIERENCH CORP'N CHICAGO, ILL - $5.00 - PAT (etc.) - - 8.75" Eifel Pliers like above except made in 1940. Some pitting on one jaw.
EIFEL -GEARED PLIERENCH - MOD 7"-33 - AMER PLIERENCH CORP'N CHICAGO, ILL - $4.00 - PAT (etc.) - - 7.25" Eifel Pliers like above except in the scarce smaller 7" size, made in 1933. Good Plus.
949 thru 961
VISE-GRIP - PAT'D - - 9". William Petersen's (DeWitt, Nebraska) first model Vise Grip, pat Oct. 24, 1921. Made without a plier handle. Excellent, one of the nicest I have seen. (S262T)
VISE-GRIP - PAT'D APR. 8, '24 - - 9" second model Vise-Grip. First model to have a plier handle. Good Plus with a few dings. (S262B)
910 GRIP LOCK / CHANNELLOCK INC. MEADVILLE, PA. USA - US PATS. 2531285 - 2576288 - 2997903 - - 9.5" complicated locking pliers with a sliding adjusting collar. Patents by Fritz and Reiner Rommel, Allendorf, Kreis Marburg, Germany; Edward Manspeaker, Turtle Creek, PA; and Murray Eisenberg, New York, NY. Excellent. (S274)
0965. 910C GRIP LOCK / CHANNELLOCK INC. MEADVILLE, PA. USA - US PATS. 2531285 - 2576288 - 2997903 - - 9.5". Same as above except with curved jaws rather than straight. Excellent. (S274)
GRIPSO VISE PLIERS / H. R. BASFORD CO. - SAN FRANCISCO USA - - 8" adj. locking pliers with a release lever. Absolutely mint, like new. (S276T)
0967. GRIP ALL - USA - - 9.5" Vise Grip type with extra long release lever. Excellent.
Lot of two adjustable locking pliers (slightly different designs) made by the Botnick Motor Corporation. Patented Nov. 06, 1945 by Francis A. Snell of Chenango Forks, New York. (S278):
0969. VW-10 - KNU-VISE INC. DETROIT - - 9" Vise Grip type. Good Plus.
GRIPLOCK PLIER WRENCH - PAT'D 1-22-24 - OTHER PAT. PEND.- NORFOLK, NEBRASKA USA - - 7.25" short nose version of another Nebraska adjustable locking plier wrench. Patented by William Tull and Roy Bristol both of Stanton, Nebraska, date on wrench is not the correct date. Good Plus. (S261B)
0971. GRIPLOCK PLIER WRENCH - PAT'D 1-22-24 - OTHER PAT. PEND.- NORFOLK, NEBRASKA USA - - 8.25" long nose version of the Griplock plier/wrench. Couple spots of pitting. (S261T)
COLLISON "S" WRENCH - COLLISON MFG. CO., BRUNING, NEBR - PAT. MAY 29, 1946. - - 8.5" locking pliers with release lever on top. Patented by John S. Collison of Campbell, Nebraska on Dec. 12, 1950 (the May 29, 1946 date on the wrench is the application date) Good ++ (S309)
0973. GREAT GRIP - EASY ACTION / PAT. NO. 2705899 - - 9" Vise Grip type. Good Plus.
PADEN MFG. CO. - OMAHA, NEBR. / U.S. PAT. 2,905,038 - OTHER PAT. PEND. - - 7.5" locking pliers with a quick adjust sliding lower jaw. Patented by Dale D. Paden, Omaha, Nebraska on Sept. 22, 1959. Excellent. (S270)
Lot of two locking pliers made by Leverage Tools of Glenvil, Nebraska, later purchased by Stanley Tool Co. Patented by John L. Hostetter of Murray, Nebraska on Jun. 26, 1956:
(1.) MODEL 10 LEVERWRENCH (etc.) / LEVERAGE TOOL INC. - GLENVIL, NEB - PAT 3600986, OTHERS PENDING (etc.) - - 9.75". Excellent (S273B)
(2.) LEVER WRENCH - U.S. PAT. 2,751,801, 3,116,656, OTHERS PENDING / LEVERAGE TOOL INC. - GLENVIL, NEB. (etc.) - - 9.5" Excellent (S273B)
962 thru 975
NO. 2610 - SEYMOUR SMITH SNAP-LOCK - PATENTS PENDING / SEYMOUR SMITH & SON OAKVILLE, CONN. USA - - 9" Vise Grip type with lower pivoting jaw, release lever and jaw opening measurement markings. Pat. by Justin Smith of Watertown, CT and Leif Eriksen of Oslo, Norway, May 27, 1952. Excellent.
0977. NO. 2607 - SEYMOUR SMITH SNAP-LOCK - PAT. NO. 2514130 / SEYMOUR SMITH & SON OAKVILLE, CONN. USA - - 7.75" Vise Grip type like above but smaller size. Good Plus.
0978. NO. 1610 - SEYMOUR SMITH SNAP-LOCK - PATENTS PENDING / SEYMOUR SMITH & SON OAKVILLE, CONN. USA - - 9" Vise Grip type without the lever release or measurement markings. Excellent.
Lot of three Vise Grip pliers:
(1.) VISE-GRIP - DEWITT, NEB - U.S. PAT. NO. 2,280,005 - APR. 14, 1942 - OTHER PAT. PEND. - - 7" early stamped steel version.
(2.) NO, 7 - PETERSEN MFG. CO. - DEWITT, NEBR. USA (in logo) / U.S. PAT. NO. 2,280,005 APR. 14, 1944 - OTHER PAT. PEND. - - 7".
(3.) 20R VISE GRIP (in logo) - U.S. PAT. NO. 3,192.804 - - 8.75" (with 19.5" chain) chain type pipe clamp. (S286)
0980. LEVER JAW - PAT. NO. 2592807 - USA - 401 METCOID - - 9" locking Vise Grip type pliers. Pat. Apr. 15, 1952 by Harold Jones of Vallejo, CA. Good Plus.
0981. DURA CRAFT - PAT'S PENDING - MADE IN USA - - 9" Vise Grip type with coarse serrated jaws inserts.
SHUR GRIP CO. - PAT-PEND. - ROCKFORD, ILL. - - 8. 5" locking Vise Grip type pliers. Pat. Feb. 07, 1950 by Walter E. Pugh and Roy Champayne of Rockford. Good Plus. (S279T)
0983. TRU-CUT (in script) - USA - - 9.5" Same Vise Grip type pliers as the GRIP ALL (lot 967 above) with different markings. A few dings.
PLI-RENCH - PAT. PEND. - WHALE TOOL CORP. - NEW YORK, NY - - 9" Vise Grip type that resembles a pelican. Patent was issued to Ernest St. Laurence of Minneapolis, MN on Nov. 22, 1949. Good Plus. (S275T)
SAMPSON LEVER JAW WRENCH - PAT. APPLD. FOR - MADE IN USA - - 9.5" locking Vise Grip type pliers. Few dings and dents. (no photo)
976 thru 985
0986. HERMAN MFG. CO. / GLENDALE, CAL. - - 5.25" double hex box end. Neat little brass wrench. (not listed, no info)
0987. MILBURN - - 9" brass wrench with seven wrench openings.
0988. P103 = BERYLCO (in a shield logo) - BE CU (etc.) - - 8" brass pliers. Excellent, like new.
0989. RITTER 1 2 3 4 (same markings both sides) - - 7" brass wrench with three openings and a hammer head numbered 1 thru 4. Good Plus.
0990. NATIONAL TU?? WKS CO - - 5" single open end brass wrench. Some marking faint, otherwise Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
0991. Unmarked - - 5.75" brass Ridgid type pipe wrench. Excellent.
0992. Unmarked - - 8" brass Ridgid type pipe wrench. Excellent.
0993. AMPCO (in a diamond logo) MADE IN USA - W-81 - - 10.5" brass DOE wrench.
0994. BERYLCO - BE CU - 11/16 / W-65 - - 8.5" hex by open end wrench. Excellent, like new.
0995. T11715XX - - 9.75" stoutly made all brass what's it. (no info)
0996. W-72 - AMPCO (in a diamond logo) / 10 IN - ALBP (with "FM" in a diamond logo) - - 10.25" all brass Crescent type wrench. Excellent, like new. (not listed)
0997. AMPCO (in a diamond logo) W-71 / MADE IN U.S.A. - - 8" brass Crescent type wrench. Good Plus, with a few edge dings. (not listed)
0998. MORSE MFG. CO E. SYRACUSE, NY USA / DRUM PLUG WRENCH NO. 59 - SR (SPARK RESISTANT) - - 16" with six different barrel plug configurations. Good Plus. (not listed)
0999. AMPCO (in a diamond logo) MADE IN USA / BERYILLUM - - 12.75" all brass monkey wrench. Excellent, with previous owner's initials. (not listed)
1000. BERYLCO - SIZE 12 (same markings both sides) - - 11.75" Trimo style all brass nut wrench. Some dings and scratches. (not listed)
C B & Q (Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad) - - 23.25" heavy duty hex box by square box end brass railroad wrench. Good Plus. First one seen. (not listed)
986 thru 1001
1002. GERMANY - - 3.75" center screw adjust bicycle wrench with V-notched jaws. Excellent tiny wrench.
1003. KING DICK - - 4.25" center screw adjust bicycle wrench with exposed shaft on one side. excellent.
1004. Unmarked - - 9" extra large center screw adjust wrench like King Dicks above. Good Plus, old owner's mark has been punched over.
1005. BRITISH MADE - - 6.25" center screw adjust wrench like King Dicks above. Good Plus.
1006. K. D. (with an arrow logo) (King Dick) / WAR FINISH - - 4.25" bike wrench similar top above.
1007. SHELLEY - - 6." center screw adjust wrench like King Dicks above. Good Plus.
1008. KING-DICK / MADE IN ENGLAND - - 7" auto type wrench.
1009. SNAIL BRAND (snail logo) / MADE IN ENGLAND - - 7" auto type wrench.
1010. LACHEZE (with lion logo) - - 12" Crescent type with offset, curved handle. Some edge dings. (like S758)
1011. BAHCO 91 - A/B B. A. HJORTH - STOCKHOLM / BAHCO 91 - MADE IN SWEDEN - - 11.5" all metal quick adjust plier type wrench with threaded lower handle with a knurled nut that limits jaw opening. Excellent.
1012. BAHCO 142 - MADE IN SWEDEN / AB BAHCO - STOCKHOLM - - 14.75" older version of the quick adjust plier type wrench like above with an added wooden handle. Good Plus.
1013. "LORVIS" - PAT. NO. 32-48 - MADE BY B.S.A. (Birmingham Small Arms) - 7/16" TO 11/16" - - 10.25" self adjusting nut wrench with a pivoting spring loaded upper jaw. B.S.A. was British manufacturer of military equipment and vehicles and BSA motorcycles.). Excellent and first one I've encountered.
Lot of three pipe wrenches:
(1.) GERMANY - - 6" with wooden handle.
(3.) ELORA (logo) 10: GERMANY (etc.) / ELORA NO. 75 (etc.) - f- Good Plus.
Lot of two wood handled monkey wrenches.
(1.) DARAIKE - FRANCE (Damon Raike Co.) (and a "G" in a circle logo) - - 6.25" with an extra large adjusting knurled knob. Some dings.
(2.) GERMANY - - 8.25". Adjusts with the opposite rotation than American monkey wrenches. Good Plus.
Lot of two "Foot Print type adjustable plier wrenches:
(1.) WEYERSBERG (with a bugle logo) - -7" Excellent.
(2.) Unmarked - - 7.25"
ROLLEIBLITZ 7" SIMADURIUM - - 7" adjustable plier wrench similar to above but with a center screw adjustment. Good Plus.
1002 thru 1017
1018. PEXTO (Peck, Stow, & Wilcox)- - 6.5" wood knife handle monkey wrench. Excellent, like new.
1019. BONNEY HERCULE ALLENTOWN, PA. USA (with Bonney Shield logo) - - 6.5" wood knife handle monkey wrench. Good Plus.
1020. MEADVILLE WRENCH - MEADVILLE, PA. - - 6.25" all metal center screw adjust monkey wrench with the short hex adjusting nut. A couple minor edge dings otherwise excellent.
1021. COES WRENCH CO WORCESTER MASS / L. COES PATD MAY 15, 1900 - - 6.5" wood knife handle monkey wrench. (HP52)
ROBINSON'S PATENT JUNE 16, 1885 - - 6.5" Coes type whmw with distinctive hex handle and adjusting screw bracket. Pat. by Squire Robinson of Southington, CT. Some dings, previous owner's marks. (S413)
1023. ROBINSON'S PATENT JUNE 16, 1885 - - 8" Coes type whmw with distinctive hex handle and adjusting screw bracket. Some dings and bruises.(S413)
1024. COES WRENCH CO. - WORCESTER MASS. / L. COES PAT'D DEC 15 - APR. 30, 1895 - - 8.25" wood knife handle monkey wrench with extended tangs on the metal handle collar. Some hammer mushrooming. (HP50)
1025. Unmarked - - 8" crudely made monkey wrench with "left-handed" adjustment and leather washer handle.
1026. MOORE DROP FORGING CO. - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. USA (with a "M" in a circle logo). Some edge dings.
1027. MANVEL & LINDSAY, NEW YORK / LINDSAY'S PATENT DEC 12, 1865 - - 12" whmw with a rib on back side of shaft that fits into a slot on the lower jaw. Some pitting, poor markings, handle crack. (S402)
1028. A. G. COES WORCESTER MASS / (steam engine governor logo with 5-2-1871 and 12-26-1871 patent dates) - - 12" jog bar whmw. Several dings, handle crack. some markings weak. (HP22)
1029. BEMIS & CALL H. & T. CO. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. U.S.A - -15.5" all metal center screw adjust nut wrench with a short knurled adjusting nut. Some dings, Excellent markings. (S833B)
Unmarked - - 15" monkey wrench with an unusual knife handle with metal slabs instead of wood. (not listed, no info)
1018 thru 1030
1031. XCEL MULTI-HEAD WRENCH - PAT. APR 29, 1925 / MFG. BY PARK METALWARE CO. INC. - ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (marking on wrench handle)- - Wrench handle with five interchangeable open end wrench heads in a 3" by 6.5" tin box. Tools in excellent condition, box has partial label.
1032. XCEL MULTI-HEAD WRENCH - - set like above but with three wrench handles and nine open end wrench heads in a 3.25" by 8.75".
1033. Other XCEL MULTI-HEAD WRENCH - - set like above but with two wrench handles and seven larger open end wrench heads in a 3.5" by 9.75".
1034. Large Xcel set with four handles marked PATD. APR 29, 1924 - OTHER PAT'S PNDG. and seventeen open end wrench heads in a 3.75" by 10". Most all of the Xcel label remains on the inside of the lid, partial label on outside of lid.
Wrench set in 4" by 12.25" wooden box with ratchet marked: W & CO. and eleven sockets (marked with a Mossberg logo). Paper label inside lid reads: "Ford Special Wrench Manufactured by Syracuse Wrench Co. - Syracuse N.Y. U.S.A."
1031 thru 1035
1036. Unmarked (except for bolt sizes) set of 1/2" drive crowfoot open end wrench heads ranging in size form 1" to 1-7/8". Heavy well made set in excellent, like new condition.
1037. Tool kit containing: Crescent type wrench combination tool with knife, saw, file two sc/drs, and three hex wrenches; all metal pocket knife; pliers comb. tool with several knife blades, sc/drs, bottle opener, saw, file, and ruler; a small key chain pliers with two knife blades, two sc/drs, and a file; flashlight; and a compass all in a 5.75" by 8" compartmented wooden box. Only markings are "Stainless - China" on knife blades. Perfect for that next trip to a deserted island. Like new condition.
1038. LESOTA - MADE IN U.S.A - -9.25". 1/2" drive socket with flex head and five sockets in the hollow handle (assorted brands). (not listed, no info) Good Plus.
Lot of two:
(1.) INDESTRO MFG, CO. - CHICAG0 U.S.A. - - 7". 1/2 hex drive ratchet with four sockets and three extensions.
(2.) Unmarked - - 7". 7/16" hex drive ratchet with three extensions.
Lot of three wrench sets:
(1.) Six sockets on a 'L" hex handle - - 6.5".Excellent.
(2.) Set of seven hex drive sockets in a Tin box - -7,75"
(3.) Set of five stamped steel open end wrenches marked only "Made in U.S.A." held together with a bolt and wing nut. - - 3" to 6.5".
1036 thru 1040
1041. KEEN KUTTER (with Keen Kutter logo) K-8 / SHAPLEIGH'S ST LOUIS USA - - 8" Crescent type nut wrench dating from after Shapleigh acquired Simmons Hardware and their Keen Kutter trademark. Good Plus, plated.
1042. KEEN KUTTER (with logo) / DROP FORGED - - 7" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. scarce size.(S607)
1043. KEEN KUTTER (with logo) / DROP FORGED - - 13" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. Good Plus. (S607)
1044. WINCHESTER -TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1813 / 5/16 - 3/8 - - 5.5" doe S-type wrench. Good Plus.
1045. WINCHESTER -TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - PAT 3-14-22 - (etc) - - 10" Stillson type all metal pipe wrench patented by Guy Claypool of Hamden, Connecticut and assigned to Winchester Repeating Arms Co. of New Haven, Connecticut. Good Plus. (S640)
1046. EVERKEEN (etc.) - - 10" Crescent type. Everkeen was a house brand of the John Pritzlaff Hardware Co. of Milwaukee, Wisc. Excellent except for one small jaw chip.
1047. RICH-CON (in a diamond logo) RICHARDS & CONOVER HDW. CO. - KANSAS CITY - - 8.25" all metal Coes type monkey wrench. Good Plus. (not listed)
1048. PAGOMA SHIELD OF QUALITY (in a shield logo) - - 8.5" wood knife hdl. monkey wrench. Pagoma was a trademark for hardware wholesaler Paxton and Gallagher of Omaha, Neb. Some dings, strong markings. Scarce wrench. (not listed)
1049. BAY STATE - A-1 FRANK MOSSBERG CO. - Attleboro, MASS. (etc.) - - 5" screw adjust bicycle wrench. Bay State was an E. C. Simmons Hardware Co. brand. Good Plus. (S869)
1050. 6 - TOOL STEEL - FULTON / 6 - DROP FORGED - FULTON - - - 6" Crescent type. Fulton was a house brand used by both United Hardware & Tool Corp. of New York and Sears & Roebuck.
1051. FULTON - - 10.25" knife wood handle monkey wrench. Edge dings, small handle crack.
1052. FULTON "AD" - - 6.75" knife wood handle monkey wrench. Couple minor jaw edge dings otherwise excellent with outstanding bold markings.
1053. HIBBARD (Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Chicago) - - 8.5" wood knife type handle monkey wrench. Good with dings and tight handle crack. Hibbard & Spencer Hardware Co. and their brand name "True Value" was later bought by Cotter Hardware which was renamed True Value Hardware. (not listed)
1054. H. S. & CO (Hibbard, Spencer & Co.). - W. SCHOLLHORN CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. - BERNARD (and a running dog logo) / PAT APR. 2.1907 - JUNE 17, 1913 - - 7.75" compound pliers sold by the Hibbard Spencer Hardware Co. of Chicago. Excellent.
1055. (Worth logo) - - 10" all metal Coes type monkey wrench from the Bigelow & Douse Co. of Boston, MA. Good Plus (not listed)
Lot of two Bridge Tool Co. wrenches from the Shapleigh Hardware Co. of St. Louis, MO:
(1.) BRIDGE TOOL CO - ST. LOUIS USA - - 10"" wood handled monkey wrench. Some dings.
(2.) BRIDGE TOOL CO - ST. LOUIS USA - - 11.75" wood handled monkey wrench. Good Plus.
1041 thru 1056
Lot of two:
(1.) INDIAN MOTOCYCLES HENDEE MFG CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS. USA - WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS / NO. 8 PAT SEPT 4, 1900 - - 6.25" Indian Motorcycle wrench. Side adj. with hollow handle. Some areas of light pitting. (S124)
(2.) WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS / NO. 8 PAT SEPT 4, 1900 - - 6.25". Same wrench as above without the "Indian Motocycle markings. Few nicks and dents, some pitting.
INDIAN MOTOCYCLES HENDEE MFG CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS. USA - WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS NO. 17 MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS USA - - 7" side screw adjust with solid handle. Pat. by Joseph Oliver and Joseph Fleming both from Worcester. Much rarer wrench than the Indian No. 8 above. A few minor edge dings. (not in Schulz)
1059. 8" BAHCO - 11 - MADE IN SWEDEN / AB BAHCO STOCKHOLM - - 8" crescent type wrench with tire tool end instead of the more commonly found alligator wrench. Excellent, like new.
1060. Overland (script) - - 11" similar to Ford sparkplug/cylinder head wrench.
1061. OVERLAND - - 9.5" tire iron tool. Good Plus.
Lot of two auto wrenches:
(1.) MAXWELL-3 - - 8" flat stamped steel doe.
(2.) NASH - - 8" forged doe.
1063. E.M.F. CO. DETROIT - A-1312 (Everett-Metzger-Flanders, Studebaker after 1910) - - 5" doe. Excellent.
1064. Set of five stamped steel doe wrenches (including a small alligator wrench) marked: PACE WRENCH - TEMPERED STEEL. Various individual wrench ends are marked: COIL, INSIDE GEAR BOX, TERMINAL NUTS, SPARKPLUGS, OUTSIDE GEAR BOX, and FRONT GEARING BOX - - 3.25" to 7". For Ford Model "T"?
1065. H523 1/2 (IHC) - - 6.5" double open end S-wrench issued with International Harvester Auto wagons, early gas engines, and threshing machines.
1066. L5893 (and a "Z" in an oval logo) (Lincoln Motor Co.?) - - 10.5" hubcap and wheel bearing wrench. Excellent.
1067. 4344 (Cole Motor Car Co. of Indianapolis, Indiana). - - 12" hubcap, etc. wrench. Excellent. (ID from part list)
1068. OTC - T71P-77370-H - 10 FT.-LB. - - TRANS. BAND ADJ. ONLY - - 8.5" reversible ratchet torque wrench with 1/4" male drive. Excellent.
1069. Set of six oe by hex box forged wrenches marked: AUTO-KIT NO. 100 / PAT. PEND. (etc.) - - 4" to 7".
SUNNEN PRODUCTS CO. - ST. LOUIS, MO - PAT. PEND. - - 13" valve spring compressor patented July 16, 1929 by Joseph Sunnen of St. Louis. Excellent.
1057 thru 1070
TIMESAVER TOOL CO. X-7 / DALLAS TEX. PAT. NO. 2568294 - - 11". Looks like a chain wrench for pipes but the patent describes is as an automotive exhaust pipe gripping and disassembling tool. Pat. by John E. Nichols of Jackson, Michigan on Sep. 18, 1951. Some hammer damage on the sides. (like S136)
1072. TIMESAVER TOOL CO. X-7 / DALLAS TEX. PAT. PEND. - - 11". same muffler tool as above with a making variation. Hammer damage on sides. (S136)
1073. CRANK PIN RETURNING TOOL - PATENTED 4-4-22 - MFD. BY AUTOMOTIVE MAINTAINED MACHINERY CO. - CHICAGO - AMMCO - (HaLee trademark logo) - - 14.5" brass and steel screw adjust cutting or reaming tool with three extra blades. Excellent.
1074. HINCKLEY-MYERS J602 - - 21" odd ball with offset double box ends. Hinckley-Myers of Jackson, Michigan made service tools for early Oakland, Pontiac and other General Motor Automobiles as well as other specialty tools. Later became a division of Kent-Moore.
P288-1/2 - - 18.25" combination malleable hubcap wrench with an attached forged jack handle?
1071 thru 1075
1076. Lot of 16 ignition type wrenches including a set of three double open ended marked: Splitdorf - N-East-Con - Auto-Lite; Eisemann - Remy-Wagner; Delco - Bosch-Simms - R B-Sev.
1077. Lot of 12 ignition type wrenches including examples marked: American Bosch, Eisemann, AT-Kent, Eisemann, Remy-Wagner, etc.
1078. Lot of 15 ignition type wrenches including examples marked: Delco, Splitdorf, Bosch, Remy, H-M, N-East-Con, Auto-Lite, etc.
1079. Lot of 16 ignition type wrenches including examples marked: Bosch, Splitdorf, Delco, Bosch, Simms, R B-Sev, Cross Country Sparkplugs, Affinity Sparkplug Co., Omaha, Neb, etc.
1080. Lot of 12 ignition type wrenches (some unusual), feeler gauges, etc. including examples marked: Kstar, GB, Remy, All State, Auto-Lite, T & B Tri-Flex, Atwater Kent, and one that has a wrench for Presto gas tanks.
Set of 12 ignition wrenches in a canvas pouch including examples marked: Delco, Eisemann, Connecticut, Bosch, Northeast, Splitdorf, Simms, Berling, etc.
1076 thru 1081
1082. Ford (script) 5-Z-195 - - 7.5" soe for Model "T" 9/16" nuts.
1083. FORD (block letters) 3-Z-699 - - 10.75" soe for Model "T" spindle cone adjustment.
1084. FORD (script) 5-Z-307 C.R.S. - TS. (with a "S" in a diamond logo) - - 10" ratchet with 9/16" male hex. Can't find this one on any list of Ford service tools. Believed to be a specialty tool used on the Ford Model "T" assembly line and possibly made in the Ford Trade School Machine Shop. Excellent.
1085. FORD (script) 5-Z-1900 - - 20.5" single offset box end wrench for Model "A" crankshaft ratchet nut. Excellent.
1086. WILSON - BUFFALO NY - 4610-N (etc.) / PINION BEARING TORQUE TESTER - PAT APLD FOR - - 10.25" odd spring loaded tool with a scale marked from 10 to 50. Wilson was a major supplier of Ford shop tools. (not listed, patent not found)
1087. No. 624 - - FRANK MOSSBERG CO. ATTLEBORO, MASS USA - - 10.5" offset handle reversible ratchet with socket. Listed in Mossberg catalogs as being for Ford Model "T" connecting rods.
1088. Unmarked - - 21" speed wrench type with a gear driven socket. Doubtless another one of the numerous special wrenches made for the Ford Model "T" connecting rods.
1089. W. E. ROSEL - COL. O. / 5 I 1 TOOL - PATD JULY 22, 1919 - -7.5" mal. comb. tool adv,. as a "tool Ford owners cannot be without". Good Plus.
Lot of three Ford wrenches:
(1.) SIMMONS (with a double headed arrow logo) (Ford 3-Z-647 and 5-Z-209) - - 10.5" offset 9/16" soe for Model "T" connecting rod clamp screws.
(2.) FORD BRAKES - 267 / 7/16 SQ - CHICAGO U.S.A. - 1/2 SQ - - 11.25" with double eight point box ends. Excellent.
(3.) Unmarked (after market Ford) - - 10" malleable with four openings for Ford Model "T" hubcaps, sparkplugs, cylinder head bolts, etc. Excellent.
1082 thru 1090
Lot of four Ford 8N - 9N Tractor wrenches:
(1.) FORD (script) U.S.A. - - 4.25" doe.
(2.) FORD (script) USA. - - 5.5" doe.
(3.) FORD (script) USA 01A-17017B 61 - - 9" double hex box end.
(4.) FORD (script) USA - - 8" automotive type adjustable
Lot of two FORD double open end wrenches. These are the extra wide (7/8") issued with the earlier Fords.
(1.) FORD (script) - - 5.5" extra wide with large markings.
(2.) FORD (script) - - 5.5" extra wide with large markings.
Lot of five Ford Model "A" and V-8 tool kit wrenches.
(1.) FORD (script) MOORE DROP FORGED - SPFLD, MASS. - - 9.5" Model "A" adj. auto wrench with extension for drain plug.
(2.) FORD (script) M -52-17017 - - V-8 sparkplug wrench.
(3.) FORD (script) M-01A-17017 - - V-8 sparkplug wrench.
(4.) FORD (script) U.S.A. - - 4.25" Model "A" doe wrench.
(5.) FORD (script) U.S.A - - 5.25" doe, thinner wrench correct for V-8s.
1094. UNIVERSAL (etc.) / KEN-TOOL - AKRON, OHIO - FORD AND MANY OTHERS - G-15 - - 10.25" universal drain plug wrench with six different sizes. Excellent.
Lot of five Ford Model "T" tool kit wrenches:
(1.) FORD (script) MOORE DROP FORGED - SPFLD, MASS. - - 9" adj. auto wrench.
(2.) FORD (script) T1349 - -8.75" hubcap, etc. wrench.
(3.) FORD (script) / T1917 - - 5.25" double open wrench.
(4.) FORD (script) / T5893 - - 11" sparkplug-cylinder head wrench (older socket style).
(5.) FORD (script)- - 11" cylinder-cylinder head wrench (later box end style).
Lot of seven marked FORD (script) double open end wrenches for Models "T", "A" V-8S, and Ford N series tractors:
1091 thru 1096
Lot of two gun tools:
(1.) US MODEL 1876 - - 2.75" combination tool for the US Army Springfield Rifles. Excellent like new.
(2.) Unmarked - - 2.75" like above but without the tumbler punch. Pitted.
Lot of two gun tools:
(1.) S.E. CO. B147064 / S.E. CO. B147065 - - 2.75" combination for US Army Springfield Rifles. Excellent like new.
(2.) Unmarked (US Model 1863)- - 3.5" combination tool for US Army 1863 standard Rifle Musket. Good Plus.
1099. 7" MORTAR - - 8" by 5" tee handled square 1-1/8" socket wrench. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
1100. B8696-4 - - 6" combination tool for US Army M2 .30 cal. Browning and Colt M40 Machine Guns. Good Plus.
1101. A & A 1941 - - 5.5" (7.75" with tools extended). Odd gun? tool with a wrench like open end, brass hammer head, and four fold out tools in the handle, including two screwdrivers and two nipple wrenches. Brass hammer head is mushroomed and one tang on one of the nipple wrenches is broken, otherwise excellent. (not listed, no info)
1102. Unmarked - - 6.75" malleable bed wrench with five openings and a screwdriver.
1103. DIXON 3 - - 12" malleable fire hose wrench. Excellent.
1104. Unmarked - - 10.5" wood handled piano tuner's wrench with eight point socket. Good Plus.
BUR-NOR (inside a shield logo) (Burgess-Norton Company of Geneva, Illinois) - - 13" hatchet with hammer head and metal handle. Patented Aug. 21, 1900 by Joseph Payson of Chicago, IL.
1107. L & R MFG. CO. N.Y. - PAT APPLIED FOR - - 6" handle with a removable open end wrench on each end. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
1108. L & R MFG. CO. N.Y. - PAT APPLIED FOR - - same tool as above but with four detachable open end wrench heads. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
1109. THE SPRINGFIELD / METALLIC CASKET CO - - 4.5" tee handled square socket. Nickel plated. (unlisted)
1110. RUSSWIN - REGISTERED - PAT'D Oct. 30, 1900, Jan 15, 1901, Feb 26, 1901 - - 8" Perfect Handle type monkey wrench.
Lot of three:
(1.) STEPHENS WRENCH / PAT'D DEC 21, 09 - 3/4 (actual across flat is 1-1/4" - - 9.5" adjustable angle pivoting head open end wrench. Mfg. by Burgess-Norton Mfg. Co. of Geneva, IL and pat. by Harry E. Stephens of Elgin, IL (S311)
(2.) CRANDALL EXPERT (etc.) / PATENT APPLED FOR - - 7.5" adjustable angle pivoting head open end wrench. Severe pitting. (S315)
(3.)USE (over an oval logo) THE MARSHALLTOWN / PAT 8-26-1913 - - 7.5". An interchangeable adjustable angle, open end wrench with an alligator wrench on the opposite end. No open end attatchmets, some light pitting.(S312)
1097 thru 1111
BRIEGEL METHOD TOOL CO. - GALVA, ILL. - PAT. NO. 2035686 - - 17" pliers type crimping tool with differnt than normally seen serrated jaw inserts. The Mar 31, 1936 patent issued to Theodore Briegel of Moline, Illinois is titled "Tool for Forming Joints in Tubing"
1113. Unmarked - - 15.75" sturdy malleable wrench with an unusual pivoting head. probably made to turn wheel type valves.
FLOAT-LOCK STANDARD(AMF in a circle logo) / Pat. 2552580. - - 18" described in the patent as a vise or tool holding device for a drill press, boring tool or the like. Patented May 15, 1951 by Henry Persson of Miami, Florida. Excellent, like new.
1115. ARMSTRONG BROS. TOOL CO. / CHICAGO U.S.A. NO. 200 - - 13.5" malleable handle with a u-clamp for holding large drill bits. Excellent.
Unmarked (OWATONNA TOOL CO?) - - 15.75" open end wrench that extends up to 11" from the hollow handle. Held in position with a spring loaded latch. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
1112 thru 1116
Choice Box #1: (Emerson-Brantingham, (Rockford, IL) wrenches)
(1.) EMERSON / W1074 - - 16" . Pitted. (R1-163)
(2.) EMERSON - - 10". Painted red, (R1-162)
(3.) EMERSON / ("L" in circle logo). - - 10". (R1-162)
(4.) W1795 / (E-B logo) - - 10" (R1-162)
(5.) M518 (E-B) - - 6.5" pitman wrench. (R1-162)
Choice Box #2:
(1.) 591 (Papec) - - 12" (R1-368)
(2.) H (Badger Cultivator?) - - 10.5" two jaw sizes variant. (R1-37)
(3.) HH (orphan, may be Badger Cultivator?) - - 9.5". Excellent. (not listed)
(4.) 172 (J. D, Adams, Indianapolis, Indiana) - - 10.5". One size on the open end variant. Good Plus. (R2-2)
(5.) STERLING M'F'G. CO. D127 / STERLING ILL. - - 12". Jaw crack, painted red. (R1-439)
CL-1 thru 2
Choice Box #3:
(1.) B573 (Superior Drill Co & American Seeding Machine) - - 8.5" (R1-446, R1-16)
(2.) B & G PLOW CO CANTON O - - 9.5". Pitted. (R1-31)
(3.) Unmarked Tee handled square socket with center hole. - - 8.75" (no info)
(4.) Unmarked offset DOE - - 9.75" sometimes found lightly marked "Buckeye Wrench" Pitted. (See Buckeye Mower & Reaper Co, Akron, O. - R2-44)
(5.) 123 - - 7.5" loop handle, (123 is a David Bradley wrench number but this not the wrench pictured in known parts books.
(6.) Unmarked - - 9" OE by two OE. Neat wrench, hair line jaw crack, otherwise Excellent. (no info)
Choice Box #4:
(1.) Unmarked K92 (Plano's Jones Binder later IHC) - - 8". Extreme pitting.
(2.) 208 (Acme) - - 8". Weak markings. (R1-4)
(3.) Unmarked Tee handled square socket with center hole. - - 8.75" (no info)
(4.) Unmarked (260 - Hoosier Drill Co. and IHC) - - Severe case of acne (pitting). (R1-239, R1-2540)
(5.) B - - 8" DOEs with center slot. Poor markings. (not in Rathbone, no info)
(6.) 384 - - 7.5". Badly pitted. (not in Rathbone, no info)
(7.) 3 (possibly Kingman Plow Co., Peoria, Illinois) - - 8". Pitted (R1-284)
CL-3 thru 4
Choice Box #5: (Unidentified orphans)
(1.) 62 - - 6.5" OE by spanner (not listed, no info)
(2.) 533 - - 6.5" (not listed, no info)
(3.) K209 - - 6" double socket. Last digit in part number not clear. (not listed, no info)
(4.) L - - 8" single hex socket. (not listed, no info)
(5.) C - - 7" with seven openings, looks like Van Brunt/Deere D380M wrench. Some pitting. (not listed, no info)
Choice Box #6: (implement wrenches)
(1.) M182 (Litchfield Mfg. Co., Waterloo, Iowa) - - 9". Good Plus. (R1-299)
(2.) M183 (Litchfield Mfg. Co., Waterloo, IA) - - 10.5". Good Plus. (R1-299)
(3.) 4S (Sandwich Mfg Co., Sandwich, Illinois) - - 7.5". Excellent. (R1-412)
(4.) 4S (with "CH" logo.) (Sandwich Mfg Co., Sandwich, IL) - - 7.5. Excellent. (R1-412)
Choice Box #7: (Garden cultivator type wrenches)
(1.) Unmarked - - 5.5" DOE-S wrench with three oval cutouts. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
(2.) Unmarked - - 5.5" odd forged wrench with four openings. Excellent (not listed, no info)
(3.) 1AA (Brown-Manly Plow Co) - - 6.5" (R1-66)
(4.) STANDARD (Standard Garden Tool Co., Montrose, Iowa) - - 6.5" (R1-435)
(5.) B14 - - 6". Pitted. (not listed, no info)
CL-5 thru 7
Choice Box #8: (Plumbing Wrenches)
(1.) Unmarked Buzzell Basin Wrench - - 9.5". (S89)
(2.) TRIMO BASIN WRENCH - - 10" (S92)
(3.) ANDREE WRENCH PAT 1377178 - - 8" basin wrench (S60)
(4.) Unmarked Buzzell Basin Wrench - - 9.5". Locking bolt is a replacement. (S89)
(5.) ACE SLIP & LOCK - NUT WRENCH / CLOVERS CO. BEDFORD, O. - - 10.5" Crescent type adjustable spud wrench with a locking wing nut.
Choice Box #9: (Turn the handle to adjust wrenches)
(1.) XCEL ADJUSTABLE SOCKET WRENCH (etc.) - - 8" Double headed nut wrench. Markings weak. (like S69)
(2.) XCEL ADJUSTABLE SOCKET WRENCH - FOR BENNET PUMP CORP. MUSKEGON, MICH. (etc.) - - 8" like above with weak markings (S69)
(3.) BLACKHAWK MADE IN U.S.A. 151 - - 9.25" Four headed universal automotive drain plug wrench that fits six different plugs.
(4.) Unmarked - - 10.25" four headed universal drain plug wrench similar to above.
CL-8 thru 9
Choice Box #10: (J. I. Case Plow Works wrenches)
(1.) J.I.C.P. WKS. 359 - - 8.5" Some pitting. (R1-77)
(2.) J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 2234 - - 7.5". Pitted. (R1-77)
(3.) J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 4106 - - 8". Pitted. (R1-77)
(4.) J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 4105 - - 10". (R1-77)
(5.) J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 4105 - - 10". Pitted. (R1-77)
Choice Box #11: (Boos Tool Co. turn the handle to adjust wrenches)
(1.) BOOS TOOL CORP. - KC MO - PAT PEND - - 6" (S381)
(2.) BOOS TOOL CORP. - KC MO - PATENTED - - 6" (S381)
(3.) BOOS TOOL CORP. - KC MO - PATENTED - - 6" (S381)
(4.) BOOS TOOL CORP. - KC MO - PATENTED - - 7.75". Plain jaws. (S381)
(5.) BOOS TOOL CORP. - KC MO - PATENTED - - 7.75". Top jaw serrated. (S381)
Choice Box #12: (Rock Island Wrenches)
(1.) D239 (Rock Island) - - 10". Excellent. (R400)
(2.) 34 (Rock Island) - - 8". Large opening variation. Severe pitting. (R400)
(3.) KW8 (Rock Island Plow Co) - - 8". Pitted. (R1-400)
(4.) ROCK ISLAND (V4179) - - 7" stamped steel pitted (R1-400)
(5.) ROCK ISLAND (V4180) - - 9.25"" stamped steel (R1-400)
Choice Box #13: (Bottle or Tank Wrenches)
(1.) SKELGAS - - 5.5" oe by square box end. Drilled hang hole.
(2.) PREST-O-LITE - - 8" doe.
(3.) SMITHS / N230 MADE IN USA (with a "N" and "R" in a circle logo) - - 7.75" with five open ends.
(4.) PREST-O-LITE - - 4.25" tee handled square socket.
(5.) MARQUETTE / GW3203 (with a "N" and "R" in a circle logo) - - 7.75"
(6.) VICTOR / R-W-C-18 - - 9" with four openings. Pitted.
(7.) N.W.E. CO. - NATIONAL - 927 - - 7" with three open ends. Like new.
(8.) M215EE - - 7" with seven sizes.
(9.) PYROFAX - - 4" tee handled square socket.
(10.) PUROX / S-402 - - 5.5" with three open ends.
CL-11 thru 13
Choice Box #14 (pointed end construction (or spud) alignment wrench)
(1.) WILLIAMS "SUPERWRENCH} - 1208 / 1-1/4 - - 19".
(2.) WILLIAMS 206b / 1" - - 14.5"
(3.) TOOLS (with a arrow) / 3/4 (measures 1-5/16") - - 16" with offset open end.
Choice Box #15 (Lineman's lag bolt wrenches)
(1.) M. KLEIN & SONS / CAT. 3146 - - 13". Excellent.
(2.) KLEIN TOOLS - EST. 1857 (with a man climbing a utility pole logo) - - 13"
(3.) M. KLEIN & SONS - CHICAGO U.S.A. - KLEIN TOOLS (with a man climbing a utility pole logo) - - 13.75"
(4.) M. KLEIN & SONS - CHICAGO U.S.A. - KLEIN TOOLS (with a man climbing a utility pole logo) - - 13.75"
CL-14 thru 15
Choice Box #16 (Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) 6" Barcalo
(2.) 6" Peerless
(3.) 8" Facom - - Plated, like new.
(4.) 8" ATCO - Lima, Ohio - - Pitted.
(5.) 8" H. J. Harrold Tool Co.
(6.) 8" Crescent - - Old style, pitted.
(7.) 8" Barcalo
Choice Box #17 (Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) 10" J. P. Danielson - BET'R-GRIP - - Excellent.
(2.) 10" Barcalo
(3.) 10" Harrold's
(4.) 10" (no name) - - Pitted.
(5.) 10" (Z logo?) made in Ukraine. Excellent, like new.
(6.) 10" (no name) - - Barcalo like tulip shaped opening in end of handle.
Choice Box #18 (H. D. Smith Perfect Handle Wrenches)
(1.) 6" wood handled monkey wrench.
(2.) 6" wood handle monkey wrench.
(3.) 8" wood handle monkey wrench.
(4.) 8" wood handle monkey wrench.
(5.) 10" unmarked wood handle monkey wrench like Perfect Handles but different style reinforcing bar.
(6.) 10" wood handle monkey wrench.
(7.) 10" wood handle pipe wrench.
Choice Box #19 (Battery Pliers-Wrenches)
(1.) NO. 307 CHAMPION DEARMENT - DE. PAT.94156 - - Battery pliers.
(2.) CHROME-VANADIUM-STEEL - - Battery pliers.
(3.) DURO CHROME 2115 - - Battery pliers.
(4.) BLUE BIRD - - Battery Pliers.
(5.) PAZZANO WRENCH / PAT. 19027 - - Battery pliers.
(6.) PAZZANO - - Slightly different markings than above.
(7.) MARQUETTE - -12" battery terminal puller pat. 6-1-26. St. Paul, Minn.
Choice Box #20 (automotive wrenches, etc.)
(1.) 5 IN. AUTO -- Uncommon small auto type wrench.
(2.) TUNGSTEN SPARK PLUGS / ALWAYS ON THE JOB - - Double box end wrench. Pitted.
(3.) SP1 - - Double box end sparkplug wrench.
(4.) K-D MFG. CO. - - Set of three ratcheting box end wrenches.
(5.) Mc CULLOCH - - Box end wrench with screwdriver end.
(6.) (star logo) - - Valve lifter tool.
(7.) PAT. PEND. - - Hex box end wrench attachment?
(8.) MOTOR WHEEL CORP. 60534 / WALDEN-WORCESTER - PAT. APR. 14, 1925 - - Wheel lug wrench.
(9.) BLACKHAWK 2020x - - Offset double box end cylinder wrench for Buick Standard Six.
(10.) BLACKHAWK 4422 - - Hex box by ratcheting hex box wrench for Ford Model "T" fly wheel cap screws. (no photo)
CL-19 thru 20
Choice Box #21 (adjustable spanner wrenches)
(1.) J. H. WILLIAMS - 471 - - adjustable spanner.
(2.) KAL-7502 - - 5.5" adjustable spanner.
(3.) BILLINGS & SPENCER NO. 2 - - 9.25" SPANNER.
(4.) E46634 - - 5.5" spring loaded spanner.
(5.) ARMSTRONG 34-363 - - 9.75" adjustable spanner.
(6.) J. H. WILLIAMS - 474A - - 10.25" adjustable spanner.
(7.) J. H. WILLIAMS - 474 - - 10" adjustable spanner.
(8.) J. H. WILLIAMS - 474 - - 10" adjustable spanner.
Choice Box #22 (mostly double open end "brand" name wrenches)
(1.) SAMSON - - 5"
(2.) J. H. W. & CO. (J. H. Williams) - - 3.5"
(3.) RONSON SPECIALTY CO. - NEWARK, N.J. PAT. 942993 - - 6"
(4.) NONE-BETTER - - 3.25"
(6.) CRAFTSMAN (older mark with stylized "C") - -5.5x" open end by box end.
(7.) WAKEFIELD NO. 55 - -6"
(8.) PENENS CORP. - CHICAGO - - 4.5"
(9.) AETNA - - 7"
(10.) J. H. W. & CO. (J. H. Williams) - - 3"
(11.) WEDGEWAY (script) / HERBRAND 679 - - 8.5" doe s-wrench.
(12.) KRAEUTER - -8.25" doe S-wrench.
(13.) BILLINGS & SPENCER - 1581 - - 11".
(14.) BLACK & DECKER (script) 33901 - - 6" double box end pressed steel. (no photo)
(15.) ATLAS MFG. CO. N.Y. - 301 - - 7" doe S-wrench. (no photo)
(16.) INDESTRO - - 5". (no photo)
CL-21 thru 22
Choice Box #23 (wood handled monkey wrenches)
(1.) W & B (Whitman & Barnes) - - 15"
(2.) COES WRENCH CO - - 12"
(3.) BEMIS & CALL - - 11" comb. pipe and nut wrench. Jaw insert missing, poor handle.
(4.) BEMIS & CALL - - 13" comb. pipe and nut wrench.
(5.) COES WRENCH CO - - 12"
(6.) W. J. LADD - NO. 77 - NEW YORK - - 12"
(7.) Lamson & Sessions - CLEVELAND - - 12"
(8.) COES WRENCH CO - - 12". Handle chipped.
(9.) W & B (Whitman & Barnes) MFG. CO. - - 15" with indented paneled handle.
Choice Box #24 (six inch wood handled monkey wrenches)
(2.) THE L. & S. CO (Lamson & Sessions) - CLEVELAND, 0
(3.) W & B logo (Whitman & Barnes)
Choice Box #25 (six inch wood handled monkey wrenches)
(1.) STERLING WRENCH CO. - STERLING, O - - Weak markings
(2.) Unmarked with different style handle.
(3.) W & B (Whitman & Barnes)
(5.) W. J. LADD - NO 77 NEW YORK
Choice Box #26 (six inch wood handled monkey wrenches)
(1.) L. COES - PATD. MAY 15, 1900
(2.) L. COES - PATD JULY 6, 1880 - JULY 8, 1884 (HP45)
(3.) THE L. & S. CO (Lamson & Sessions) - CLEVELAND, 0
(4.) J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. (with logo)
(7.) PEXTO (Peck, Stow & Wilcox)
CL-24 thru 26
Choice Box #27 (6" curved handle Crescent type wrenches)
(6.) BILLINGS & SPENCER (poor markings)
Choice Box #28 (curved handle Crescent type wrenches)
(1.) ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA. - - 10"
(5.) 8 IN / ("T" in a circle logo) - - With easy adjusting nut removal feature.
(6.) BULLOCK / 8 IN.
(7.) ERIE - - 8" with weak markings.
CL-27 thru 28
Choice Box #29 (Ford tool kit wrenches)
(1.) Ford (script) T-1349 - - hubcap, etc. wrench.
(2.) FORD (script) M-01A-17017 D - - V-8 and Ford "N" series tractor sparkplug wrench.
(3.) FORD (script) USA - - Model "A" adjustable auto type nut wrench.
(4.) FORD (script) USA - - Model "A" adjustable auto type nut wrench.
(5.) FORD (script) / MOORE DROP FORGING CO. - SPFLD, MASS. - - Model "A" adjustable auto type nut wrench.
(6.) FORD (script) USA - - Model "A" adjustable auto type nut wrench.
Choice Box #30 (valve wrenches)
(2.) WHEATON / NO. 7
(3.) POWELL / IT 1-1/2 R
(4.) Unmarked - - Tank valve wrench.
(5.) WHEATON / NO. 1-S
(6.) Unmarked - - Tank valve wrench.
Choice Box #31 (ratchet wrenches)
(1.) IMPERIAL BRASS - CHICAGO / 123C - - 6" female square ratchet by box end double ended wrench.
(2.) UNIQUE . WILL B. LANE - CHICAGO, ILL USA - PAT. JAN. 14, 08 - - 7.5" hex drive ratchet.
(3.) Marked only "R" - - 9.5" square female ratchet with male square insert.
(4.) Unmarked - - 11" female hex ratchet with male hex insert.
(5.) Unmarked - -9" ratchet with odd slotted drive?
(6.) UNIQUE . WILL B. LANE - CHICAGO, ILL USA - PAT. JAN. 14, 08 - - 7.5" hex drive ratchet.
(7.) PATD - -6.25" double box end (hex by square) ratchet.
(8.) IMPERIAL BRASS - CHICAGO / 123C - - 6" female square ratchet by box end double ended wrench.
CL-29 thru 31
Choice Box #32 (universal drain plug wrenches)
(1.) Unmarked - - 7 sizes.
(2.) KEN TOOL - G14 - - 10 sizes.
(3.) LOOCK - - 17 SIZES.
(4.) 261 - - 10 sizes.
(5.) UNIVERSAL (etc.) / KEN-TOOL - AKRON, OHIO - FORD AND MANY OTHERS - G-15 - - 6 sizes. Drilled hang oil.
Choice Box #33 (universal drain plug wrenches)
(1.) Unmarked - - 9 sizes.
(2.) HERBRAND / NO. 194 - - 7 sizes.
(3.) KEN TOOL - G17 - - 8 sizes.
(4.) KEN TOOL - G14 - - 10 sizes.
(5.) ATCO MOSSBERG CO. - 748 - - 8 SIZES.
CL-32 thru 33
Choice Box #34 (automotive type adjustable nut wrenches)
(1.) 5 IN - - 5.25"
(2.) 9 AUTO / (VLCHECK logo) - - 9".
(3.) FAIRMONT, CLEVE. - - 9"
(4.) B.H.M. CORP. (Bridgeport Hdwe. Mfg.) - BRIDGEPORT U.S.A. - - 9" pitted.
(5.) WIZARD NO. 9 - - 9".
(6.) F.T.F. CLEVE - - 9"
(7.) WAKEFIELD WRENCH NO. 19 - - 9".
(8.) HERBRAND - FREMONT, O. - - 9".
(9.) FAIRMONT CLEVE 11" - - 11".
(10.) 5-IN-AUTO - - 5.25"
Choice Box #35 (automotive type adjustable nut wrenches)
(1.) 11 IN AUTO - - 11".
(2.) BARCALO-BUFFALO - - 7" nice plated example.
(3.) Unmarked - - 5.5" Excellent.
(4.) DUNLAP APPROVED TOOLS (Sears & Roebuck) - - 8".
(5.) 9 IN AUTO / (VLCHECK logo) - - 9".
(6.) MOORE DROP FORGED - SPFLD, MASS. - - 9.25" with extension for Ford Model "A" drain plug. Drilled hang hole.
(7.) MCKAIG-HATCH - BUFFALO, N.Y. - - 9".
(8.) FORD (script) MOORE DROP FORGED - SPFLD, MASS. / T1397- - 9" FORD Model "T" toolkit wrench.
(9.) CRESCENT TOOL CO. 9' AUTO - - 9.25".
(10.) Unmarked - - 9".
CL-34 thru 35
Choice Box #36 (automotive type adjustable nut wrenches)
(1.) WAKEFIELD WRENCH NO. 19 - WORCESTER, MASS. PAT'D NOV. 14, 1922 - - 7".
(2.) WAKEFIELD WRENCH NO. 19 - PAT'D NOV. 14, 1922 - - 9".
(3.) HERBRAND - FREMONT, O. - - 9".
(4.) WIZARD NO. 9 - - 9".
(5.) Unmarked - - 9.25".
(6.) B.H.M. CORP. (Bridgeport Hdwe. Mfg.) - BRIDGEPORT U.S.A. - NO. 33-10 ("H" and "M" in a "B" logo)- - 10".
(7.) FAIRMONT, CLEVE. - - 10.75" with tire tool end.
Choice Box #37
(1.) MAYTAG (No. 6)
(2.) MAYTAG (No. 2)
(3.) MAYTAG 14987 (No. 3)
(4.) MAYTAG (No. 6)
(5.) THE ELGIN PAT JUNE 9, 97 - EXTRA JAW 25¢ - - 7"
(6.) UNIVERSAL 8 IN. (etc.) / PATENTED JUNE 3, 19 - JULY 22, 19 - - 8".
(7.) G. A. HOSMER & CO BUFFALO NY - 7.5" comb plier type buggy wrench with four open end wrenches. Pitted can't read markings.
(8.) PAT APPL'D FOR - - 10" self adjusting spring loaded alligator wrench with screwdriver extension on end of handle. Repaired jaw, drilled hang hole.
CL-36 thru 37
Choice Box #38 (14 farm wrenches including Osborne, IHC, New Idea, Rock Island, Case Plow, Moline, P & O, Roderick Lean, Haworth, Samson Tractor, and one IHC screwdriver)
Choice Box #39 (pipe tong type wrenches)
(1.) Unmarked - -12.5" tongs. Excellent.
(2.) Marked only "1/2" - - 14.5" pipe tongs. good Plus.
(3.) Marked only "1" (other markings not readable) - - 14" screw adjustable pipe tongs.
(4.) (anvil logo) - - 21" screw adjustable pipe tongs. Good Plus.
(5.) Unmarked - - 22" odd screw adjustable pipe tongs?
(6.) Marked only "1/4" - - 10.25". Excellent.
(7.) ASHCROFT MFG. CO. (arm & hammer logo) - - 14.5" adjustable pipe tongs.
Choice Box #40 (five unmarked orphans and oddball farm type wrenches)
Choice Box #41 (nine orphans and oddball wrenches, some with part numbers)
CL-40 thru 41
Choice Box #42 (six garden cultivator type wrenches including, Planet Jr., Brown-Manly, Standard, etc.)
Choice Box #43 (five orphans and oddball wrenches, some with part numbers)
Choice Box #44 (seven orphans and oddball wrenches, some with part numbers)
Choice Box #45 (seven orphans and oddball wrenches, some with part numbers)
CL-42 thru 45
Choice Box #46 (monkey wrenches)
(1.) Whitman & Barnes knife handled monkey wrench - - 10.75"
(2.) Unmarked wood handled monkey wrench - - 10". Light pitting.
(3.) Girard all metal monkey wrench - - 9.75".
(4.) Peck, Stow & Wilcox wood handled monkey wrench - - 9.75".
(5.) Peck, Stow & Wilcox wood handled monkey wrench - - 9.75".
(6.) Coes Wrench Co. knife handled monkey wrench - - 10.25".
(7.) Coes Wrench Co. knife handled monkey wrench - - 10.25"
(8.) Whitman & Barnes wood handled monkey wrench. - - 10".
(9.) All metal Trimont Spud Wrench - - 11.5".
Choice Box #47 (monkey wrenches)
(1.) Girard Wrench Co. wood handled monkey wrench - - 8.5".
(2.) Whitman & Barnes wood handled mw - - 8.25".
(3.) Coes Wrench Co. knife handled mw - - 8.5".
(4.) Whitman & Barnes Railroad Special all metal mw - -8.25". Some pitting.
(5.) Lamson & Sessions all metal mw - - 6.25".
(6.) Girard Special all metal mw - - 7.75".
(7.) Whitman & Barnes wood handled mw - - 8.25".
(8.) Whitaker wood handled mw - - 8.25" with replaced handle.
(9.) Coes Wrench Co. knife handled monkey mw - - 8.5".
Choice Box #48
(1.) Rachex - - 10" ratcheting Crescent type wrench. Pitting.
(2.) Trimo knife handled mw - - 8".
(3.) Reinhard McCabe Co. plier wrench.
(4.) Hampton Machine & Tool Co. Lightning Wrench.
(5.) Eifel Flash Plierench
Choice Box #49
(1.) Hollow handle with a locking pivoting head. - - 11.75"
(2.) Unmarked Boardman - - 6" combination tool. Pipe/spoke wrench jaws missing.
(3.) Efficiency Tool Co. - - 8" comb. pliers with two open end wrenches on the ends. Pitted.
(4.) Trimo knife handled mw - - 8".
(5.) BMC Mfg. Co. (Botnick Motor Corporation) - - 7" locking pliers.
CL-48 and 49
Choice Box #50
(1.) Billings & Spencer Pat. Feb 18, 1878 - - 7" screw adjust nut wrench.
(2.) Shuster Speedwrench - Patd Feb 2, 1915 / Clip Bar Mfg Co. - - 8" ratcheting Crescent type nut wrench.
(3.) Cochran Speednut self adjust nut wrench - - 8".
(4.) Empire - Pat Dec 29, 1896, Aug 4, 1903 - - 10" quick adjust pipe wrench with pitting.
(5.) E. C. Stearns & Co Syracuse, NY - - 11.5". Large "S" Model Baxter's Wrench with pitting.
Choice Box #51
(1.) Kovar - Line / Owatonna - Minn - - 8.5"
(2.) Pratt / 2813C - - 8" buggy wrench.
(3.) Acme / A881 - - 8.75" doe S-wrench.
(4.) Woods Bros Silo & Mfg Co / The Hinge Door Silo - - 8.5". Pitted.
(5.) The Sharples Separator Co / Tubular - - 6" soe.
(6.) Indiana Silo Co. - - 11" doe S-wrench.
CL-50 and 51
Choice Box #52
(1.) F103 - - 6.5" small buggy wrench. Jaw crack.
(2.) Case W7659S - - 9.25" stamped steel doe.
(3.) Case W7660S - - 10.5" stamped steel doe.
(4.) Rock-Island - - 7" stamped steel doe.
(5.) H4 (with a star logo) (Gale Mfg. Co.)- - 7.5". Pitted.
(6.) D239 (Rock Island) - - 10".
Choice Box #53
(1.) B573 (Superior Drill Co & American Seeding Machine) - - 8.5" with pitting.
(2.) GDP CO. / G111 (Grand Detour Plow Co.) - - 10".
(3.) T147 (Grand Detour Plow Co.) - 7.75".
(4.) 1562 (George W. Brown?) - - 11.5"
(5.) C (Janesville Machine Co. later Samson Tractor Co.) - - 7".
CL-52 and 53
Choice Box #54
(1.) 68 - - 6.75" oddball orphan with pitting.
(2.) P.P.CO (Pattee Plow Co) - - 8". Pitted.
(3.) Standard - - 6.5" garden cultivator wrench.
(4.) 196 (Deere) - 7.5" two square holes variant.
(5.) 196 (Deere) - - 7" with cutout slots and two round holes variant. Pitted.
(6.) K806 (Deere) - - 12.5"
Choice Box #55
(1.) Indiana Silo Co. / 5/8 - - 11" doe S-wrench.
(2.) Gale 26 - - 9.75". Pitted.
(3.) E. C. Tecktunius Mfg Co - 5/8 / Racine Wis No.2 - 5/8 - - 10.25". Pitted.
(4.) D1 - - 12" orphan.
(5.) The Sharples Separator Co / Tubular - - 6" soe.
(6.) Maxwell - 3 - - 8" stamped steel Maxwell Auto wrench.
CL-54 and 55
Choice Box #56
(1.) HH (orphan, may be Badger Cultivator?) - - 9.5"
(2.) Standard - - 6.5" garden cultivator wrench.
(3.) Gale / DG848 - - 9" stamped steel doe.
(4.) The Elgin Pat June 9, 97 - Extra Jaw 25¢ - - 7" adjustable alligator wrench.
(5.) Z788 (IHC logo) (IHC part M446) - - 8.5" malleable adjustable nut wrench (fluted nut variation)
Choice Box #57
(1.) Pat Sept. 7, '97 - - 5.5" Vandegrift wrench (Monte Wrench Co.) with cutout slots in body.
(2.) F103 - - 6.5" small buggy wrench.
(3.) P.P.CO / 100 (Pattee Plow Co) - - 8". Painted.
(4.) E Bement And Sons / J181-1/2 - - 12".
(5.) Standard - - 6.5" garden cultivator wrench.
CL-56 and 57
There will also be a few unlisted box lots sold.
Thanks for your support
Note: This is a catalog of the Wrenching News Auction of antique wrenches from the collection of Vernon Nail that was held in York, Nebraska on April 13-15, 2007.
Printed catalogs and Lists of Prices Realized are available from Don 'Bus' Haury - 7913 SW 24th, Halstead, KS, 67056 - 316-283-5876 or 316-284-7345 - Email
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Contact us if you want to dispose of your old wrenches (one or a collection). We have either managed or assisted with the sale of most of the major wrench collection that have been sold in the last several years. I am also available to advise and assist auctioneers who have old wrenches to auction.