Note: This is a catalog of the Wrenching News Auction of antique wrenches from the collection of Don
Ervin and Robert Matz that was held in York, Nebraska on April 17-18, 2009.
Printed Catalogs ($15.00) and Lists of Prices Realized ($5.00) are available from Don 'Bus' Haury - 7913 SW 24th, Halstead, KS, 67056 - 316-283-5876 or 316-284-7345 - Email
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INTERNATIONAL MFG CO - 3 - PATENT DEC 12, 05 / 1408 WABASH AVE CHICAGO - - 20" screw and lever adjust wagon wrench with wooden spinner handle. Patent by Ernil Klemm of Chicago. Nice large example with tiny, tight crack on wooden spinner. (S222)
0002. INTERNATIONAL MFG CO - 4 - PATENT DEC 12, 05 / 1408 WABASH AVE CHICAGO - - 19" example of the International Wagon Wrench . Good ++. (S222)
0003. W.E. PRATT - 2 - PATENT DEC 12 05 - - 14" adjustable wagon wrench similar but much rarer than the International Wagon Wrenches. Excellent. (not listed, similar to S222)
SAFETY / PAT FEB 1, 98 - - 14.25". A rare Joy Wagon Wrench variant with the "Safety" marking. Patented by Aden Joy 0f New Market, NH. Good ++. (S221)
0005. PAT FEB 1, 98 - - 14" variant of the Joy Wagon Wrench marked only with the patent date. Good +. (S221)
0006. PAT FEB 1, 98 - - 10" variant of the Joy Wagon Wrench marked only with the patent date. Good ++. (S221)
A. P. JOY OF ROCKINGHAM, NH / PAT FEB 1 '98 - NO 1 - - 9.75". Smallest size of the Joy Wagon Wrench. Excellent. (S221)
Marked: JAN 29, 1901 - - 9.25" Tryon's combination pipe, nut, and buggy wench sold by the Hartford Hardware Co of Hartford, CT. and patented by Edward E. Tryon. Good Plus with better markings than usual. (S1105, Cope pg 160)
0009. 101 UNIVERSAL WRENCH CO BARTOW, FLORIDA - PAT 1921 - - 11" with hinged lower jaw and thumbscrew and a pry bar on the end. Some hammer dents on top of jaw otherwise Excellent. (S209)
0010. LAWRENCE-CLARK / PAT. 1920 - - 10.5" Adjustable wrench with a screwdriver tip on the end similar to the Universal Wrench above but several times rarer. Excellent. (not listed, no info found)
KOVAR PATD 3-1-1910 - - 10" adjustable wagon wrench combination tool with a hitch pin, hammer, and nail puller. Patented by Joseph Frank Pontius of Hot Springs, Arkansas, one half assigned to Peter J. Ponitus of Long Prairie, Minnesota. Some dings to hammer head otherwise Good + (S214)
0012. Unmarked combination malleable wagon wrench and hitch pin - - 11.75". Good ++ with what looks like original finish on wrench, pin may be repainted. (not listed, no info)
0013. Lot of five buggy type wrenches including a large Eberhard 2320G and a small orphan F103.
0014. STUDEBAKER / 1" - - 8.25" (South Bend, Indiana). Good Plus. (R1-444)
IDEAL - 7321B (with an "E" in circle logo) / PAT APR 28 1903 - "B" - - 8.5" (1" square nut size) buggy wrench with nut holder. The Ideal Buggy Wrenches were patented by Nathaniel Stone of Outlook, Washington and mfg. by Eberhard Mfg Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Square opening is slightly sprung, otherwise Good Plus, markings better than usual. (R1-246)
0016. Lot of six buggy wrenches with the Eberhard "E" in a circle logo including two with a four sided open end for hex nuts. (R2-86)
0017. Lot of six buggy wrenches made by Eberhard and Pratt. (R2-86, R1-385)
0018. Lot of six buggy wrenches made by Eberhard and Pratt. (R2-86, R1-385)
0019. Lot of six buggy wrenches, several different styles. Two have drilled hang holes.
0020. AMPCO W211 - 10" / MADE IN USA - - 10" pipe wrench. Good ++.
0021. AMPCO W-212 - 14 / USA - - 13.5" pipe wrench. Excellent, like new.
0022. AMPCO W212 - - 15" pipe wrench. Good Plus.
0023. AMPCO - - 15" pipe wrench. Good Plus.
0024. AMPCO W214 - - 22" pipe wrench. Excellent.
0025. AMPCO W141R - - 10" 1/2" drive ratchet. Excellent.
0026. Eight 1/4" drive sockets all marked BERYLCO and with the socket size. Scarce Beryllium sockets in excellent condition.
0027. KEARNEY / 7126 - - 5.25" all brass screw clamp? Excellent.
0028. Unmarked - -10.75" extra thin double open end wrench. Ex.
0029. Unmarked odd all brass What's It - - 9". First person to submit proven identification of this gadget wins a free one year subscription to the Wrenching News Auction Catalogs
0030. DE NEUI / PAT 1931576 - - 7" all brass spring loaded hog ring pliers. Patented Oct 24, 1933 by Dickie De Neui of Grundy County, Iowa. I can't remember ever seeing a brass hog ringer before. I guess Mr. De Neui was worried about exploding methane gas in the hog pen. Excellent.
0031. Unmarked - - 7.5" all brass hammer with four screwdrivers nested in the hollow handle. Excellent.
Lot of four brass tools, etc.
(1.) Unmarked - - 4.75" L-shaped double square socket wrench.
(2.) BERYLCO L-16 3/4 - - 8" x 3/4" Allen wrench.
(3.) AMPCO W1050S 7/16 - - 5.75" x 7/16" Allen wrench.
(4.) Unmarked - - 9" x 3/4" square key stock.
0033. Marked only 401 - - 7" brass doe with one end offset. Good Plus.
0034. P505 BERYLCO - - 6.5" small neat grooved slip joint pliers. Excellent.
0035. POLLOCKS "AUTOMATIC" PATENT PENDING - - 9" all metal lever operated rack nut wrench with pipe jaw attachment made by the Wisconsin Stamped Steel Co of Madison, Wisc or Galesburg, Illinois. Good ++ with a few minor nicks but much better condition than normally found and with the often missing detachable pipe jaws. (S707)
0036. KONE MFG CO ROCK ISLAND ILL / 8 in. DROP FORGED STEEL - PAT PEND - - 8" quick adjust nut wrench with an unique sliding wedge adjustment. Never had one to sell before. RARE and in Excellent condition. (S505)
PANAMA WRENCH CO LOS ANGELES CAL - PAT. AUG 19, 1919 - - 8" quick adjust plier type with coarse rack teeth. Scarce wrench incorrectly listed as Ranam Wrench Co. in both Schulz's and Cope's books. Pat. Aug 19, 1913 by Steven Tooth, of Corona, CA. Good ++ (S711, C256)
YEMCO - YORK PA / PATENTED - - 8" automotive type nut wrench with a push button to release the jaw for quick adjustment. Made by the York Electric & Machine Co., York, PA and patented Nov. 27, 1906 by the founder of the New Holland Machine Co., Milton Wenger of New Holland, PA. Crack on back of lower jaw, some minor nicks, former owners initials (not in Schulz, C345)
0039. Marked only PAT APPLD FOR - - 7" rack type quick adjust. Poor with severe pitting.
An unmarked example of the Chauffeurs Universal Wrench made by Goodell-Pratt of Greenfield, Mass, - 6.75" lever operated quick adjust wrench that was advertised for use on both square and hex nuts and round rods. Patented May 29, 1923 by George W. Cary of Greenfield, Mass. Good Plus. (S888)
M. SCHWENDNER - WARRANTED / READING PA. U.S.A - PAT APL'D - - 9.5" quick adjust pipe wrench with distinctive patterned hatchet type handle. Patented Sep. 03, 1907 by Max Schwendner of Reading, PA. RARE and EXCELLENT. (not listed)
SPEEDGRIP AUTOMATIC - MADE IN GERMANY - PATENTED / MFD FOR SCHLOTE BROS INC CHICAGO, ILL USA - - 9.5" quick adjust nut wrench adjusted with a sliding collar and helical slotted rod. One of eight patents by Royal H. Schlote of Milwaukee, WI could apply. Good, mechanism needs some adjusting as it doesn't close completely. (like S707)
MYERS COMBINATION WRENCH MILWAUKEE WIS - 8.5" quick adjust rack nut wrench with a lever for final tightening. Patented by William M. Myers of St. Joseph, Missouri, February 14, 1922. Good Plus with spots of minor pitting. (S560).
PARMENTER PIPE & NUT WRENCH PAT'D OCT 6, 15, OCT 17, 17" - 6.75" all metal rack adj with a spring loaded lower jaw. Pat. by George A. Parmenter of Boston, MA and advertised as a nut and pipe wrench. RARE and EXCELLENT. (not in Schulz, C243)
WRIGHT WRENCH & FORGING CO TRADEMARK - PAT 3 - 04 & 1 - 09 - STEEL FORGING / WRIGHT WRENCH CANTON, OHIO- - 6" rack teeth type qk adj nut wrench. Also found marked Tacoma, Wash. (see Lot 55). Some markings hard to read, tiny crack on lower jaw. Hard to find small size. (S543, C342)
WINNER TOOL CO. - PUYALLUP, WASH / 6" PLIER WRENCH PAT'D MAR 7, 1922 - - 6.5" quick adjust plier type wrench with rack teeth, raise the upper handle for quick adjustment and lower to tighten. Patented by William T. Long of Puyallup, WA. Good Plus. (S246, C339)
GORDON AUTOMATIC PATENT APPLIED FOR - - 6" curved handle Crescent type with an attachment to the adjusting gear that releases the moveable jaw for quick adjustment. Patented Jul. 22, 1924 by William Gordon of Union, New Jersey. Good ++. (S492)
0048. VICTOR TRADEMARK / PAT DEC 23,1902 - AUG 25, 1903 - - 10.5" quick adjust pipe wrench with spring loaded lower jaw and rack adjustment. See lot 49 below for patent info. Good, with a drilled hang hole.
PAT DEC 23,1902 - AUG 25, 1903 - VICTOR TRADEMARK / BONNER'S PAT. 1902 - 1903 - - 19.5" quick adjust pipe wrench with spring loaded lower jaw and rack adjustment. Made by the Bonner Mfg. Co. of Chrisman, IL. and patented by Clarence E. Bonner, Cherrypoint, IL. Good++ except for three drilled holes in end of handle. (S653)
THE WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS - NO. 1A - - 9" rack wrench that adjusts with a spring loaded top lever with serrated jaw inserts. Patented by John Wakefield of Worcester, MA. Good Plus. (S727)
0051. THE WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS - NO. 4 / PAT JUNE 30, 91 OTHER PATS PENDING - - 18.75" quick adjust pipe wrench like Lot 50. RARE large size in Excellent condition. (S727)
0052. WAKEFIELD WIZARD MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS. No. 120 PATENTS PENDING - - 8.75" double ended nut wrench with adj. sliding jaws. Pitted, especially bad on back side. (S1099)
0053. THE WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS - NO. 2 / PAT JUNE 30, 91 OTHER PATS PENDING - - 11" quick adjust pipe wrench like Lot 50. Good ++. (S727)
BAUMO (with arrow logo) PATENTED - 14 - SERIAL NO. 1-14 - PATENTED 4-23-35 / MFG BY JOHN W. BAUMNAN & SONS SASSAMANSVILLE, PA (etc.) - - 13" qk adjust rack type pipe wrench with lever that controls the upper jaw. (S651)
WRIGHT WRENCH CO TRADEMARK - WRIGHT WRENCH TACOMA, WASH. / PAT 3 - 04 STEEL FORGING - - 8" rack teeth type qk adj nut wrench. Good++, markings better than usual.(S543)
KWIKSET - A. G. PIPE WRENCH PAT SEP 7, 26 - - 12.25" quick adjust rack type pipe wrench with lever that controls the upper jaw. Mfg. by the Mechanics Wrench and Tool Company, Marshalltown, IA. Pat. by Carl, Emil, and Sigfred Bjornson from Bentley, Alberta, Canada. The A. and G. on the wrench stands for Adams and Grey (for Joe Adams and Archie Gray of Marshalltown). Good ++. (S686)
PAT SEPT 20, 1921 - MFD BY HANDE TOOL CO HUDSON, MASS. (with a H & E logo) - - 10.25" helical screw quick adjust nut wrench. First one seen marked Hudson Tool Co., usually marked "H & E Wrench Co. Patentees were Edwin J. Evans and George E. Hemphill both of Salt Lake City, Utah. Good Plus, adjusts smoothly. (S496)
0058. 177 (Avery) - - 21" threshing machine cylinder tooth straightener. Pitted. (R2-18)
0059. 2F5131 (with Billings logo) (Caterpillar?) - - 20.25" large, heavy wrench with a single 2-1/4" opening. Excellent, painted. (not in Rathbone)
0060. 2B7259 (Caterpillar) - - 20" heavy single 3-1/16" hex box end. Excellent, painted. (listed in Rathbone's Sup. but not picured)
0061. M350 USE FOR AXLE NUTS ONLY (Super Mogul) - 15.5". Excellent with original paint? (R436 top L)
0062. MILWAUKEE - - 15.25" large hub type wrench. (R1-328)
0063. H272 (IHC, Aultman Miller Corn King Spreader, Little Giant Fence Loom) - - 15" Good Plus, bettter markings than usual)
0064. BAYONNE NO 1 (with Cleveland Hardware C-H logo) - - 13.75" (R1-43)
0065. 01982AB (Case Threshing Machine Co.) - - 12.5" tractor hub wrench offset varianat. Good ++ (R1-78)
0066. WIARD (with picture of star) (Wiard Plow Co, Batavia, New York) - 13.75". Scarce unique shaped wrench. Pitted, chip on jaw of center open end, (R1-488)
Lot of two windmill tools.
(1.) O.K. - GREENFIELD MASS. / PUMP MAKERS - - 14.5" twin die holder with special 3/8" and 7/16" dies 1/32" oversized for threading pump rods.
(2.) LOVE MFG. CO. - ROCKFORD ILLS / PAT JULY 6, 1897 - - 12' pliers type wrench made especially for holding windmill pump rods.
0068. 2091 (Stover Mfg Co) - - 5" Stover Sampson windmill wrench (ID from parts list)
0069. SANDERS A416 - - 13" (IHC related company). Large braze weld repair. (R1-411)
0070. LIBERTY ENGINE SPARK PLUG WRENCH - - 11" WW I era aircraft engine mfg by several different companies including Packard, Lincoln, Ford, Cadillac. Buick, Nordyke, and Marmon, etc. Some light pitting.
0071. HR67 (Rock Island) - - 8.5" mal (R400)
0072. HERSCHEL (R. Herschel Mfg Co Peoria, IL - - 8" wood handled monkey wrench. Few nicks and grinds and a funky replacement handle.
0073. MAYTAG (No. 1) - 5" gas engine wrench.
0074. MAYTAG (No. 6) - 5.25" gas engine wrench.
BROWNE / SULKY - - 7.75". The Browne Sulky Plow was made by the Madison Plow Works of Ft. Madison, Iowa. Some pitting. (R1-340)
0076. GENERATOR DELCO-LIGHT / SPARK-PLUG 28248 - - 8.75". Excellent (not in Rathbone)
Lot of Delco wrenches:
(2.) 90258 CONN. ROD NUT / CYL. HEAD NUT - - 7"
0078. 78 (Hart Grain Weigher Co) - 5.5" doe-s. Light pitting, (ID from parts list, not in Rathbone)
0079. TRIUMPH-AUTOMAT - - 7.75" soe. (not listed, no info)
0080. Lot of four scythe snatch wrenches including one marked "15A.
0081. D189-D190 (Moline Plow Co) - - 7.5" corn check row pliers (R1-333)
0082. TAIT CHECK ROWER - - 8" corn check row pliers (R1-451)
0083. Unmarked - -13.75" combination hammer, nail puller and cavalry picket or tent stake. Good Plus with small drilled hole.
0084. ELITE GES GESCH / MADE IN GERMANY - - 6.25" combination center screw double jaw nut wrench with tool holder. Hollow handle should hold tool bits but they are missing. Good ++. (S768)
ALBERT LEA MFG. CO. ALBERT LEA, MINN / PAT APR 3, 06 - - 8.5" comb pivoting head tool with nipper and plier jaws. Pat. by Ole Medhus of Faribault, Minnesota. Plated, Excellent with lightly stamped previous owner's initials. (S280)
0086. MEDHUS-PIHL MFG CO - HASTING, MINN - PAT APR 3, 06 - - 8.5" comb pivoting head tool with nipper and plier jaws. Same tool and patent as above but different manufacturer. Plated, EX (like S280)
UTILITOOL MFG CO - JEFFERSON, WIS - PAT 12-2-13 - - 8.5" comb pivoting head tool with nipper and plier jaws with sc/dr and nail puller on end of handles. Same tool as lot No. 88 below but different manufacturer and patent date. Pat. by Henry G. Wernimont, of Washington, DC. Plated, Ex cond, markings weak. (C311)
0088. WERNIMONT COMBINATION - WERNIMONT MFG CO - CHICAGO USA - US PAT MAY 1, 1913 - - 8.5" comb pivoting head tool with nipper and plier jaws with sc/dr and nail puller on end of handles. Plated, Ex cond with nickel plating, markings strong. (not listed)
0089. Unmarked - - 7.75" plier type comb tool inc hammer, tack puller, opener, etc.
0090. 8" BAHCO 31 - SWEDEN / VOLVO - AB BAHCO STOCKHOLM (etc.) - - 8" Crescent type wrench with alligator wrench on end. Good Plus.
0091. BEIKOKU SHOJI SHOKN - JAPAN - - 6" small comb tool inc. hammer, hatchet, pliers, and sc/dr. These little novelty household combination tools can be found in several sizes, and manufacturers from different countries. Excellent.
0092. HERM, VOIGT - BERLIN / STAHL GESCHMIEDET - - 5" small comb tool inc. hammer, hatchet, pliers, nail puller, wire cutters, sc/dr. Good Plus.
Lot of three combination Crescent type wrench knife tools:
(1.) METAL MECHANIC - CHINA - - 6" with knife plus four other tools. Excellent.
(2.) TOMAHAWK BRAND / STAINLESS STEEL - CHINA - -5" comb. with knife plus six other tools. Excellent.
(3.) Unmarked - - 5.25" older than other two above with knife and four other tools. Good Plus.
0094. SEABOARD STEEL CO - MADE IN FRANCE - - 5.5" pocket knife and plier tool incl. a knife blade, a sc/dr, file, bottle opener, and a leather punch. (similar to S94). Good++
0095. Unmarked - - 12.5" combination pliers, hammer, nail puller and screwdriver. Good Plus with a couple nicks on top jaw edge. (not listed)
TRIANGLE ARMORED CABLE TOOL - PATENTS PENDING - - 11.5" complicated pliers type tool for cutting "BX" electrical wire inside flexible steel conduct. Patent issued May 15, 1928 to Florian Froschhauser of Rochelle Park, New Jersey. Excellent. (S921)
0097. Unmarked - - 10.5" malleable primitive looking plier type tool with twin jaws. Excellent (not listed, no info)
Unmarked - - 14.25" wooden handled claw hammer with a nail puller, staple puller and notches under the claw to be used as a alligator type nut wrench. Patented by John Hebblethwaite - Rock Falls, Illinois on Sep. 11, 1888. Advertised in the 1915 Sears & Roebuck catalog as the Fulton Utility Hammer. (S796)
0099. JIFFY TRAP SETTER - ANIMAL TRAP CO. OF AMERICA, LITITZ, PA - PATENTED IN U.S.A. & CANADA - - 8" stamped steel trap setting tool and wrench?. Excellent.
G. M. CO. - L. I. CITY, NY, (etc.) - 8.5" comb tool with a quick and screw adj nut wrench, hammer, pry bar with nail puller. Patented by George S. Iskyan of Jackson Heights, NY on Sep. 07, 1954. Excellent like new. (S791)
0101. SINGER & CO - PATENT / CHALLENGE - 6" open end and odd screw adjustable double ended wrench. (unlisted)
MILLEA'S EMERGENCY TOOL MFD. BY UNIVERSAL TOOL CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS. PAT FEB 10, 1903 - - 7" combination tool including nut, pipe, and buggy wrenches, pipe cutter, screwdriver, vise, and wire cutter. Excellent, weak markings. (S819, Cope pg 309)
Unmarked - - 5.75" Tryon's Jan 29, 1901 patent combination pipe, nut, and buggy wench sold by the Hartford Hardware Co of Hartford, CT. This is the smallest of the six sizes advertised. (S1105, Cope pg 160)
0104. THE GEM - - 11.75" all metal double jaw automotive type nut and pipe wrench with tire tool end. Poor with pitting and repaired handle.(S58)
E. RIPLEY PATENT APRIL 7, 1857 (same markings on both side) - - 12" comb. hammer sc/dr, and rack quick adj wrench. Very early version of Ripley's patent. Excellent. (S824)
WW II era leather pouch marked SIGNAL CORPS U.S. ARMY - CS-34 that holds an IMPERIAL KAMP-KING pocket knife with two blades and a can opener (patent #2391732)and a PROTO 7.25" diagonal pliers.
LOWENTRAUT MANUR'R - NEWARK, NJ / PATENTED - - 11.5" monkey wrench and brace combination tool. Unlike the Johnson/Lowentraut wrench below the handle can't be adjusted to the on line position and there is no provision for a screwdriver in the handle. Probably the Dec. 25, 1877 patent of Sylvanus Edward Robinson of Newark, New Jersey applies. Good Plus uncleaned condition. (S51)
P. LOWENTRAUT NEWARK, NJ / TERRITORIES FOR SALE BY S. J. JOHNSTON, LEESBURG, VA - PAT. DEC 4, 1894. - - 13.25" combination adjustable monkey wrench, brace and screwdriver. Patented by Samuel J. Johnston of Leesburg, Virginia. Good with a few spots of light pitting. (S55)
20TH CENTURY P.- LOWENTRAUT MFG NEWARK, NJ - PAT MAY 21, 1901 / TERRITORIES FOR SALE BY S. J. JOHNSTON, LEESBURG, VA - - 11" combination adjustable nut and pipe monkey wrench with bit brace and a screwdriver. Patented by Samuel J. Johnston, Leesburg, Virginia. Good Plus uncleaned condition with just a few nicks on the nickel plating, Missing brace pad. (S53, Cope207)
0110. 4-6 IN. CRESTOLOY / CRESCENT TOOL CO. JAMESTOWN NY - - 6.25" Crestoloy Crescent wrench with 4" and 6" heads. Plated, excellent. (S470)
0111. 6-8 IN. CRESTOLOY / CRESCENT TOOL CO. JAMESTOWN NY - - 8" Crestoloy Crescent wrench with 6" and 8" heads. Plated, excellent. (S470)
0112. 10-12 IN. CRESTOLOY / CRESCENT TOOL CO. JAMESTOWN NY - - 12.25" Crestoloy Crescent wrench with 10" and 12" heads. Scarce large size. Plated, excellent. (S470)
0113. 4-6 IN. CRESCENT / 4-6 IN. CRESCENT TOOL CO. - - 6.25" older style Crescent wrench with 4" and 6" heads. Excellent. (S470)
0114. 6-8 IN. CRESCENT / 6-8 IN. CRESCENT TOOL CO. - - 8" older style Crescent wrench with 6" and 8" heads. Good Plus. (S470)
0115. 8-10 IN. CRESCENT / 8-10 IN. CRESCENT TOOL CO. - - 10" older style Crescent wrench with 8" and 10" heads. Good++. (S470)
0116. 10-12 IN. CRESCENT / 10-12 IN. CRESCENT TOOL CO. - - 12.5" older style Crescent wrench with 10" and 12" heads. Big end has replaced moveable jaw and grind marks on fixed jaw, few other nicks and dents. RARE size Crescent double-ender. (S470)
0117. 6-8 SCHOLLER / THE SCHOLLER MFG. BUFFALO, NY. - - 8" Crescent type with 6" and 8" heads. Heads have grind marks, light pitting on shaft. Scarce Crescent type double-ender. (not listed)
0118. 8-10 DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO.- DULUTH, MINN. / 8-10 DIAMOND TOOL STEEL, (etc.) - - 10" Crescent type with 8" and 10" heads. Heads have some grind marks on edges. (not listed)
0119. 10-12 DIAMOND CALK HORSE SHOE CO.- DULUTH, MINN. (horseshoe logo) / 10-12 DIAMOND TOOL STEEL, (horseshoe logo) - - 12" Crescent type with 10" and 12" heads. Scarce size. Good with some hammer dings on edge. (not listed)
Lot of two Crescent double ended wrenches:
(1.) 6" and 8" with replaced jaw on 6" end.
(2.) 8" and 10" with replaced jaws on both ends.
Lot of two Crescent double ended wrenches:
(1.) 6" and 8" with some pitting.
(2.) 8" and 10" with pitting and replaced jaws.
0122. Unmarked - - 6" wrench adjusted by a knurled nut and a threaded rod on the moveable jaw. Stamped steel construction. Excellent. (no patent found)
0123. KLEIN TOOLS 3239 - JAPAN - - 16" pointed end construction (or spud) alignment wrench with Crescent type head. Excellent.
WILLIAMS NO. BC-6 PAT. PEND. - - 1.5" adjustable crow foot wrench to be used with a ratchet. Has a 6" Crescent type head with a 3/8" female square socket at right angles to the wrench jaws. Patented by Charles Coates of Glendale, California. Excellent.
BESSEY PATENT (etc.) / No. 111-Gr.3 MADE IN GERMANY (etc.) - - 10" Crescent type with ratcheting action. Plated. Patented Oct. 09, 1956 by Eugene Mayer of Stuttgart, Germany. Excellent (S770)
0126. BESSEY PATENT (etc.) / No. 11-Gr.1 MADE IN GERMANY (etc.) - - 5.5" Crescent type with ratcheting action. Plated. Excellent (S770)
TRU-GRIP 10" - US PAT. 4375174, (etc.) / DROP FORGED ALLOY STEEL - TAIWAN - - 11" Crescent type with a long lever that tightens the jaws. Patented by Stephen E. Shanley, Jr. of Grosse Ile, Michigan. Excellent with chrome plating.
IMP. ANGLE WRENCH - PAT. 1915 / BLOOMINGTON, ILL - - 9" Crescent type with a locking adj. angle head and release button, Mfg. by the Imperial Tool Co. of Bloomington, Indiana and patented by Ransom Bovee of Chicago, Illinois. Usually found marked "PATENTED" or "PAT. PEND instead of PAT 1915. Release button missing. (S311)
10" STANLEY / 85-610 PAT 4472986 - CHINA - - 10" Crescent type with a lever that tightens and locks the jaws and another that releases the jaws. Patented by Robert G. Gottlieb of Overland Park, Kansas. Excellent with plating, unused.
0130. 12" - U.S. PAT. PENDING - 7-85-786 TAIWAN - - 12" Crescent type wrench with an ergonomically shaped cast aluminum handle (patent not found)
UNIVERSAL 8 IN. (etc.) / PATENTED JUNE 3, 19 - JULY 22, 19 - - 8" Crescent type with a lever to release the adjusting jaw to allow for a ratcheting action. Mfg. by the Universal Wrench Co., Detroit, Mich. and patented June 3, 1919 by Roland John Statham of Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. The July 22, 1919 patent has not been found. (S530T)
0132. ACE SLIP & LOCK - NUT WRENCH / CLOVERS CO. BEDFORD, O. - - 10.5" Crescent type adjustable spud wrench with a locking wing nut.
THE ANDERSON TURN-MORE WRENCH PAT OCT 30, 1906 - MFD BY SIMPLEX MFG CO., NY - 6.25" fabricated sheet metal body with forged steel Crescent type head with a sliding collar to adjust the angle of the head. There are two or three different mfg. of this wrench. Patented by John Anderson of Portland, CT. Good Plus with exceptionally strong markings (like S313)
0134. THE ANDERSON TURN-MORE WRENCH PAT OCT 30, 1906 - MFD BY SIMPLEX MFG CO., NY - 8.25" size of the pivoting head Crescent type wrench above. Markings weak as usual, lightly stamped previous owner's initials. (like S313)
6" CARLL WRENCH - P. T. CO. / PAT'D MAY 6, '13 (etc.) - - 6" Crescent type with reversible jaw for use as a nut or pipe wrench. The Carll wrenches were patented by A. B. Carll of Boothwyn, PA. Good Plus. (S568)
0136. 8" CARLL WRENCH - P. T. CO. / PAT'D MAY 6, '13 (etc.) - - 8" size of the combination nut and pipe Crescent type wrench like above. Good++) (S568)
0137. CARLL - PAT'D MAY 6 - 1913 / 6" DROP FORGED STEEL - - 6" marking variation of Carll wrench above. Probably mfg. by the M. W. Robinson Co. of Brooklyn, NY Good++ (S568)
0138. CARLL / PATD MAY 6, 13 - - 6". Another marking variation of the Carll wrenches above. Good Plus (S568)
0139. CARLL / PATD MAY 6, 13 - - 10" Carll wrench like above. Good Plus (S568)
0140. FORDSON - - 8" pliers. Good Plus. (R180)
0141. FORDSON / (VT Co in a shield logo)- - 8" pliers. Different style plier and lettering than usually found. Good Plus. (not listed)
0142. FORDSON / 2372 - - 11" wrench (R1-180)
Lot of two Fordson wrenches:
(1.) 2097 - - 10.5" Fordson tractor rear wheel pry bar (R180)
(2.) 2366 - - 10.5" Fordson tractor socket lug wrench with handle used as extension for pry tool above. (R180)
0144. FORDSON / 2197 - - 11" hubcap wrench. Painted green, part numbers marked very weakly. (R1-180)
0145. Unmarked - - 9.25" all metal screwdriver. Similar to those seen marked FORDSON.
0146. FORDSON - THE KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY USA - 10 INCH NO 80 - - 10.25" S handle Crescent type wrench (R1-180)
0147. Lot of three 5.75" doe wrenches marked FORDSON. One also marked with the part number 2095. (R1-180)
Lot of three Fordson wrenches :
(1.) Fordson Crescent type wrench, pitted.
(2.) Fordson hubcap wrench, pitted.
(3.) Fordson 2372 double ended socket wrench,
0149. Lot of three Fordson Crescent type wrenches with some pitting, nicks or grind marks.
0150. 9N17014 (with Ford Motor Co. logo) - - 10.5" doe with ruler markings, for Ford tractor plow. Excellent with original finish. (R2-101)
0151. 180108M1 <MHF> - 11/16 - 1-1/16 (Massey Harry Ferguson) - - 10.5" with ruler markings on back. Excellent. (R2-164)
0152. TO-17014 (Harry Ferguson Inc.) / 11/16 - 1-1/16 - - 10.5" with ruler markings for Ferguson tractor plow. Would have been used between the Ford-Ferguson breakup and the formation of the Massey Harris Ferguson Company. Good ++ (R1-178)
0153. Same wrench as above but with ruler markings only. Good++.
0154. DEERE (part no. 10432)- - 9.75" tin tool box with traces of green paint, light pitting,(D24)
0155. VAN BRUNT / D380 - - 7" with stud, no JD logo variation. Good++ with traces of original green finish. (D-281, R1-469)
0156. VAN BRUNT / D380 (JD logo) - - 7" with stud. Good++. (D-282, R1-469)
0157. DEERE / D - PAT APR 28 1903 - 8.5" buggy wrench with 1-1/4" square box. Good Plus. (like Dill's 621)
0158. Unmarked (Deere B596R) - - 12" Good++ (D257, R1-133)
0159. DEERE & CO (HZ5061) - 8" wood handled monkey wrench, knurled adjusting knob variation. Good++, replaced handle? (D302, R133)
0160. Unmarked (Waterloo Boy Tractor part #8534) - - 5" loop handle screwdriver, Good with a couple areas of corrosion. (D106)
0161. 14674 (Deere) 17" forged doe for John Deere Disk Plows. Number in center of wrench variation. Good++ (D130, R1-133)
0162. H512R - MADE IN USA (John Deere) - 14" Flywheel wrench for all Model H and some Model B Tractors, Box end curves up variation. Excellent. (R1-132, D-332)
0163. Lot of four Deere 196 wrenches, all different variations. Good Plus to poor. (R2-175)
0164. Unmarked (Deere GY2256) - 10" flat steel wrench, 5/16" thick variation. Good Plus with minor edge dings and most of the original green paint. (D-326, R1-133)
0165. 10466CX (IHC logo) 9"IHC Cream Separator Wrench. Good Plus. (R256)
0166. Z276 / Z786 (IHC logo) (IHC part M446) - - 8.5" malleable adjustable nut wrench (fluted nut variation). Good Plus. (R1-256)
0167. Z276 / Z786 - Z788 (IHC logo) (IHC part M446) - - 8.5" malleable adjustable nut wrench (hex nut variation). Good Plus with some hammer mushrooming. (R1-256)
DEERING / PAT SEP 7 97 (Vandegrift patent) - 8.5"all metal monkey wrench. Good with some hammer mushrooming. (R139)
0169. THE MILWAUKEE (Milwaukee Harvester Co. later IHC)- - 8.5" wood handled monkey wrench. Handle crack, some hammer mushrooming. (R1-328)
0170. DEERING (William Deering & Co, later IHC) - - 10"wood handled monkey wrench. Pitted with grind marks in jaw edges. (R139)
0171. B701 (with IHC logo) - - 8.25" binder canvas tightener. Rare IHC tool. Good++ (listed in Gil Irps IHC Tool List)
0172. P & O Co - Canton ILL / 2715 - - 9.5" with light pitting. (R370)
0173. 26494D (IHC logo) - 8" soe flat steel McCormick-Deering Farmall Tractor sparkplug wrench. Excellent. (R252)
0174. Gas pump pliers with Peck, Stow & Wilcox logo - - 8.5" looks like IHC 2887T shown in early IHC Titan and Mogul tractor parts lists. Excellent.
0175. K234 (D.M. Osborne & Co, Auburn, NY later IHC) - - 5"tee handled socket wrench. Very light markings. (R363)
0176. 1/2" by 5.75" octagon cold chisel marked with IHC logo (IHC G8894 or S290). End has grind marks otherwise excellent.
0177. 97L (with IHC logo) - - 5.5" doe wrench (R250
0178. A1210 / (IHC logo) (Champion Mower & Reaper Co later IHC) - 7.5" pitman wrench. Markings hard to read, some pitting. (R96)
Lot of two IHC flat steel spanner wrenches:
(1.) 11858DA (IHC logo) - 5.5"spanner (R252)
(2.) 15226-D (IHC logo) - - 6.25" spanner. Light markings.
0180. G3524 (with IHC logo) - - 4" doe wrench (R2-144)
Lot of IHC wrenches:
(1.) G3171 (with IHC logo) - f- 7,5" doe.
(2.) IHCO G3525 / F (with IHC logo) - - 7" doe.
0182. C (Keystone Co, Sterling, Illinois, later IHC) - - 7.5". Overall light pitting. (R1-280)
0183. A (Keystone Co, Sterling, Illinois, later IHC) - 7" with red paint. (R280)
Lot of two IHC wrenches:
(1.) 1595E - - 6" doe.
(2.) N738 - CANADA (with IHC logo) - - 5" L-shaped double square socket. (R1-254)
Lot of three IHC wrenches:
(1.) 1059B (with IHC logo and a "D") - - 8.5"
(2.) UA51 (with IHC logo) / CANADA - - 8.75"
(3.) CP245 (IHC & Oliver) - - 9.25", pitted.
Lot of three P&O/IHC wrenches:
(1.) P&O 4129 - - 10.25"
(2.) P&O 2715 - - 9.5"
(3.) P&O - - 11.5" flat steel, painted red.
0187. Lot of three IHC Deering type wrenches. Two HE911's and one H911 (all different)
0188. P1599 (IHC logo) (impressed lettering) - 12" Excellent with original red paint. (R255)
Lot of three IHC wrenches:
(1.) G3172
(2.) P890 (with IHC logo)
(3.) Unmarked (IHC 4725D) - - 9.5" double socket wrench.
Lot of three different IHC G3170 double open end wrenches:
(1.) Gil Irps' Type 2A - - 11.75".
(2.) Gil Irps' Type 19 - - 11".
(3.) Gil Irps' like type 28 except has IHC logos on both sides of wrench - - 11.75".
0191. Q5027 (IHC logo) - 8" IHC steel chain detacher.
0192. IHC cast screw jack marked MA3263 (base), M3261 (top) - - 11.5".
0193. IHC cast screw jack marked MA3263 (base), MA4545 (wheel), M3261 (top) (different than above) - - 16". (not listed)
0194. IHC cast screw jack marked M3263 (base), M3261 (top) - - 11.5". (not listed)
0195. MB2055 (IHC logo) - 6.25" IHC sickle guard riveting tool.
0196. REGULAR GEAR - 27 - (IHC logo) - - 11.5" pressed steel mower gear box cover.
0197. J. N. HINKLE - PAT. APL. FOR - NO. 1 / COLUMBUS, OHIO NO. 1 - - 13" self adjusting with pivoting upper jaw. Minor pitting. (not listed, no info.)
0198. ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA. USA / AUTO NO. 8 - - 8" self adjust wrench with pivoting upper jaw. Good Plus. (S337)
0199. ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA. USA / AUTO NO. 10 - - like above but 10" size. Good Plus with minor jaw teeth damage.
0200. ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA. USA / AUTO NO. 14 - - like above but 14" size. Good Plus with minor jaw teeth damage.
Lot of two Erie self adjusting wrenches:
(1.) REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA USA - - 8" self adjusting wrench with spring loaded pivoting upper jaw and lower serrated jaw inserts. Patented by Albert Katzki of Erie, Penn. by Aug. 10, 1897. Good Plus, (S334)
(2.) Unmarked - - 8" similar to above but with solid serrated lower jaw. Some light pitting.
0202. N0. 11 - REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA / PAT. AUG. 0, 97 (error for AUG 10, 97) - - 10.75" self adjusting wrench with spring loaded pivoting upper jaw and lower serrated jaw inserts. Good Plus, (S334)
0203. TIGER NO. 20 - REED MFG. CO. ERIE, PA. USA. / PAT. AUG. 10, 97 - - 21" similar to above but with solid serrated jaws and TIGER marking variation. Good Plus. (S334)
HAYWARD / PAT. NOV. 4 - 1913 - - 11.5" scarce self adjusting wrench with five different pivoting joints. Patent and mfg. by Hubert Hayward of Aldrich, Missouri and advertised as a bolt, nut, and pipe wrench. Few minor nicks, zealously cleaned. (S678, C162)
14" MAGNUM TOOL CO - PAT PEND / 14" MAGNUM PIPE WRENCH - - 14.25" self adj. wrench with a pivoting, spring loaded upper jaw that can be set to four different notches on the handle. Patented by Carlos V. St. Claire, San Bernardino, CA. Also found marked MUESCO - HOUSTON, TEXAS. Excellent. (S335)
RHINO 14 IN - PAT. No. 143898 / RHINO WRENCH CO. DENVER - - 13" self adj. pipe or nut wrench with a spring loaded pivoting upper jaw. Design pat. No. 143898 was issued to Archibald C. Brintnall of Denver, Colorado on Feb 19, 1946. Good++ (S340)
LITTLE'S AUTOMATIC WRENCH CO. - CRESSON. PA (w/ a L. W. Co, logo) / PATENTED JUNE 11, 1912 - - 10" triple pivoting, double articulating self adj. pipe wrench. Patented by William A. Little of Cresson, PA. Excellent with small drilled hang hole. (S339)
0208. LITTLE'S AUTOMATIC WRENCH CO. - CRESSON. PA (w/ a L. W. Co, logo) / PATENTED JUNE 11, 1912 - - 14" size like above. Good Plus, zealously cleaned. (S339)
0209. Unmarked - - 14.5" simple pivoting upper jaw self adjust wrench. Some light pitting. (not listed)
V & B WRENCH - PAT DEC 6, 1898 - VAUGHAN & BUSHNELL MFG. CO- - 15.25" self. adjust with pivoting upper jaw. Advertised as a nut and pipe wrench. Mfg. by Vaughan & Bushnell Mfg. Co of Chicago and patented by Alexander Vaughan of Chicago. Good++ with better markings than usual, couple chipped jaw teeth. (S332)
0210. V & B WRENCH - PAT DEC 6, 1898 - VAUGHAN & BUSHNELL MFG. CO- - 11" size self adjust wrench like above. Some markings not readable, minor pitting, chipped jaw. (S332)
0212. RIDGID RAPIDGRIP H.D.12" / RIDGE TOOL COMPANY ELYRIA, OH USA - - 12" modern reincarnation of the self adjusting wrench with a spring assisted pivoting upper jaws. Excellent, unused condition with original finish and lifetime warranty decal.
10" MAGNUM PIPE WRENCH - JET-SET / MAGNUM TOOL CO PAT. 186132 PATS. PEND. - - 10.25" wrench with a pivoting, spring loaded upper jaw that can be set to three different notches on the handle. Patented by Carlos V. St. Claire, San Bernardino, CA. Excellent with original finish. (not in Schulz)
THE MATTHEWS WRENCH - DENVER, COLO. - - 9.5" Self adj. nut wrench with pivoting upper jaw. Patented by Edward Matthews of Denver, Colorado. Good++. (slightly different than S355)
BALIN TOOL CO. - LA. CALIF.. USA / BALIN PAT. NO. 2210274 - - 9.75" spring assisted self adjust patented by Oscar Becklin of Los Angeles, CA. Described as a bolt, nut, and pipe wrench. RARE and Excellent. (not in Schulz)
0216. lot of three unmarked self adjusting wrenches - -6.5", 6.75" and 9.5". Excellent.
No. 0 - PAT OCT. 27, '03 - BULLARD WRENCH - - 5.5" self adjusting wrench with spring loaded pivoting upper and lower jaws. Mfg. by the Bullard Automatic Wrench Co. of Providence, Rhode Island under patents issued to Frank Bullard of Los Angeles, CA. on July 7,1903
and Oct. 27, 1903.
Scarce smallest size of the Bullard wrenches. Excellent. (like S659)
0218. NO. 2 BULLARD WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 27, 'O3 - - 12.75" size self adjusting wrench like above. Good Plus with some minor jaw teeth damage. (S659)
0219. NO. 3 BULLARD WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 27, 'O3 - - 17.5" size self adjusting wrench like above. Good Plus with some minor jaw teeth damage. (like S659)
0220. NO. 4 BULLARD WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 27, 'O3 - - 19" size self adjusting wrench like above. Pitting with some jaw teeth damage. (like S659)
STIX-ON WRENCH - TRADE MARK - NO. 1 - 3/16" - 11/16" DIA. / EFFICIENCY DEVICE CORP. MFGS. - LONG CITY, NY PAT. AUG. 20 '18 - OTHER PATENTS PENDING - - 6" pressed steel with pivoting upper jaws. Patents were issued to William Vivarttas of Weehawken, NJ. on Aug, 20, 1918 and Sept 18, 1923. Excellent. (S363)
6" AUTO-GRIP (in script) PAT. NO. 138173 (etc.) / CLEVELAND WRENCH CO. (etc.) - - 6" pivoting upper jaw self adjusting nut. Patented by Edward Matthews of Denver, CO. Good++. (like S331)
0223. 10" AUTO-GRIP (in script) PAT. NO. 138173 (etc.) / CLEVELAND WRENCH CO. (etc.) - - 10" size self adjusting nut wrench like above. Excellent with original plating. Same Edward Matthew's patent as a above. (like S331)
0224. "CLEVELAND" 10 IN PATENTED / CLEVELAND WRENCH CO. - - 10" pivoting upper jaw self adjusting nut wrench like above but with different markings. Same Edward Matthew's patent as a above. Excellent with original plating. (S331)
"SAMPSON" - DENVER, COLO. / PAT.# 1466136 OTHER PATS PEN'G. - - 9.75" pivoting upper jaw self adjusting nut wrench also patented by Edward Matthews of Denver, CO. Good++. (S331)
LAKE SUPERIOR WRENCH COMPANY - PAT. APPL'D FOR / SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN - - 13" self adjust wrench for nuts or pipe with a pivoting upper jaw connected to the lower jaw assembly with two parallel twin links. Advertised as an Automatic Auto Wrench in 1909. Patented 9-7-1909 by William Hilliard Munro of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada
and 10-4-1910 by John Boulieu, of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Good Plus with stamped former owner's name. (similar to S362)
0227. LAKE SUPERIOR WRENCH COMPANY - SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN - PAT. APPL'D FOR - - 17.5" size self adjust like above. Good++. (like S362)
Lot of two stamped steel self adjust wrenches:
(1.) Lake Superior Wrench Co - Sault Ste Marie, Mich. / Patented USA Oct 4, 10 - Canada July 12, 10 - - 6" small size like above. (S362)
(2.) Unmarked - - 10.75" same type self adjust wrench as above, Excellent.
THE ROBERT WRENCH CO. INC. NY / PATENTED & PATENTS PENDING - - 13" self adjust nut and pipe wrench like the Lake Superior wrenches above except jaws are spring loaded. Patented Feb. 21, 1922 by Frederic P. Robert of Lynnbrook, Long Island, NY. Good Plus. (S360)
0230. HOE CORP.- POUGHKEEPSIE, NY - Patented Feb 21 - 1922 - 6 - - 6.75" wood handled self adjust nut and pipe wrench with spring loaded jaws similar to the Roberts wrench above and manufactured under the same patent. Scarce wrench in excellent condition except for slight grind marks on tip of lower jaw. (S361)
0231. HOE CORP.- POUGHKEEPSIE, NY - PATENTED FEB 21 - 1922 - 10 - - 11" all metal version of the Hoe self adjust wrench like above. Good ++. (S360)
0232. HOE CORP.- POUGHKEEPSIE, NY - PATENTED FEB 21 - 1922 - 18 - - 19.5" size of the Hoe self adjust wrench like above. Good ++. (S360)
18" MASTERENCH / HELLER BROTHERS CO - NEWARK, NJ - PATENTED 4-14-1925 - 7-5-1927 (with horse logo)- - 20" self adjusting wrench with serrated top and bottom jaws and round hole in end of handle variation. Patented by Earnest E. Lynch of Hilmar, Calif. and Homer A. Mead of Turlock, Calif. Good Plus with two chipped jaw teeth. (S328)
0234. 14" MASTERENCH / HELLER - PATENTED (with horse logo) - - 15.5" self adjusting with both jaws serrated and square hole in end variation. Excellent.
0235. 14" MASTERENCH / HELLER BROTHERS CO - NEWARK, NJ - PATENTED 4-14-1925 - 7-5-1927 (with horse logo) - - 15.75" with smooth jaws and round hole. Some minor pitting.
0236. 10" MASTERENCH / HELLER - PATENTED (with horse logo) - - 10.5" with serrated jaws and square hole. Good++.
0237. 10" MASTERENCH / HELLER - PATENTED (with horse logo) - - 10.5" with smooth jaws and square hole. Good++.
0238. 8" MASTERENCH / HELLER - PATENTED (with horse logo) - - 8.5" with serrated jaws and square hole. Excellent.
0239. 8" MASTERENCH / HELLER - PATENTED (with horse logo) - - 8.5" with smooth jaws and square hole.
0240. 8"MASTERENCH / HELLER BROTHERS CO - NEWARK, NJ - PATENTED (with horse logo) - - 8" with smooth jaws and round hole. Good Plus.
Lot of two 6" Masterench self adjusting wrenches:
(1.) 6" MASTERENCH / HELLER - PATENTED (with horse logo) - -6" with serrated jaws and square hole. Minor grind mark.
(2.) 6" MASTERENCH / HELLER BROTHERS CO - NEWARK, NJ - PATENTED 4-14-1925 - 7-5-1927 (with horse logo) - - 6" with serrated jaws and square hole. Excellent.
0242. 6" MASTERENCH / HELLER - PATENTED (with horse logo) - - 6.25" with smooth jaws and square hole. Excellent.
CRAFT 6 IN / THE CRAFTSMAN TOOL CO. CONNEAUT, O. - PAT NOV 1907 - - 6" size quick adjust pipe/nut wrench with a rack and spring loaded roller jaw adjustment. Pat by George Heckling of Cleveland, Ohio. Open gear variation. Scarce 6 inch size in excellent condition. ((like S663 top)
0244. CRAFT 8 IN / THE CRAFTSMAN TOOL CO. CONNEAUT, O. - PAT NOV 1907 - - 8" size of the Craft roller jaw wrench. Excellent. (S663 top)
0245. CRAFT 10 IN / THE CRAFTSMAN TOOL CO. CONNEAUT, O. - PAT NOV 1907 - - 10" size of the Craft roller jaw wrench. Screw missing, hammer dings and slight crack back of lower jaw. (like S663 top)
0246. CRAFT 12 IN / THE CRAFTSMAN TOOL CO. CONNEAUT, O. - PAT NOV 1907 - - 12" size of the Craft roller jaw wrench. Few minor dings, tiny crack. (like S663 top)
0247. CRAFT 14 IN / THE CRAFTSMAN TOOL CO. CONNEAUT, O. - PAT NOV 1907 - - 14" size of the Craft roller jaw wrench. Good Plus with a few minor dings. (like S663 top)
0248. CRAFT 18 IN / THE CRAFTSMAN TOOL CO. CONNEAUT, O. - PAT NOV 1907 - - 18" size of the Craft roller jaw wrench. Good Plus with a few minor dings. (like S663 top)
0249. 8" OLIVER FORGED USA / PAT. PEND. MFD. BY L. HENGY - DETROIT, MICH - - 9" all metal pipe wrench with roller type lower jaw. Patent has not been found. Excellent, like new. (S341)
KANAVEL WRENCH CO LTD KILBUCK, OHIO / PAT FEB 1, 1916 - - 14" quick adj rack type pipe wrench with a roller bottom jaw that doubles as a fence stretcher. Patented by Lyman M. Kanavel of Killbuck, Ohio. Rare tool in Good Plus condition. (not listed)
STANDARD WRENCH & TOOL CO. PROVIDENCE, R. I. USA / FITZALL (in diamond logo) PATENTED JUNE 9, 1908 - APRIL 26, 1910 - - 15.75" wedge adjust wrench different than most Fitzall wrenches as it has a curved upper jaw with replaceable serrated insert. Scarce large size with pipe jaw. Patented by John R. Long of Akron, Ohio. Some dings (S717)
0252. STANDARD WRENCH & TOOL CO. PROVIDENCE, R. I. USA / FITZALL (in diamond logo) PATENTED JUNE 9, 1908 - APRIL 26, 1910 - - 9.25" wedge adjust like above. Excellent (S717)
Lot of two wedge adjust wrenches:
(1.) SELF ADJUSTING WRENCH - - 7" wedge adjust wrench. Minor jaw dings, original plating.
(2.) SUL - - 5.75" wedge adjust wrench. Good Plus, some dings.
Lot of two wedge adjust wrenches:
(1.) Unmarked - - 9.5". Some pitting.
(2.) Unmarked - - 11.75". Excellent.
Unmarked (Samson) - - 12" early self adj and the only one with a wood handle. Mfg by Lowentraut Mfg Co, Newark New Jersey and patented 4-13-1880 by J. W. Calef. Pitted metal and cracked handle. (S323)
Lot of two Speednut self adjust wrenches:
(1.) COCHRAN SPEEDNUT WRENCH, etc / PATENT PENDING - - 9". Design patented May 2, 1916 by Walter Taylor of Chicago. Excellent with most of the original finish. (S320, C96)
(2.) PAT MAY 2, '16 OTHERS PEN'D. "SPEEDNUT" TRADE MARK, (etc.) / 8" SPEEDNUT WRENCH CORP. - CHICAGO USA, (etc.) - - 8.75" Cochran type with the addition of a spring loaded jaw. Scarce variant marked with the Walter Taylor Cochran Wrench design patent date. Good Plus with weak spring. (not in Schulz, C283)
MFD BY CHICAGO MFG. & DIST'G - CHICAGO USA / 8" FORGED SPEEDNUT STEEL - PAT. 1602620 - 1830033 - 8.25" Speednut self adjusting wrench with a different manufacturer. Good Plus, weak spring. (not listed)
10 IN LARC-O-MATIC PAT 1830033 - 2351821 / CHICAGO-O.H. TOOLS HEDSTROM INDUSTRIES INC. - - 10" Excellent condition. (S320T)
0259. INSTANT-GRIP - WESTERN GERMANY - - 10.5" Good Plus. (S325)
0260. INSTANT-GRIP - WESTERN GERMANY - - 5.5" Spots of pitting. (S325)
0261. AMBROSE SHARDLOW & CO LTD - SHEFFIELD ENGLAND / UNIVERSAL NO. 2 - PAT. NO. 217097 - BRITISH MADE - - 6.78" self adjust. I don't think I've seen this one before. Excellent. (not listed)
INDIAN MOTOCYCLES HENDEE MFG CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS. USA - WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS / NO. 8 - PAT SEPT 4, 1900 - - 6.25" Indian Motorcycle wrench. Side adj. with hollow handle. Patented by John E. Wakefield of Worcester, Mass. Good++ with a few minor nicks on jaw edges. (S124)
0263. INDIAN (in script) / INDIAN (in script) - - 7" auto wrench style malleable adjustable Indian Motocycle wrench. Excellent. (S125)
0264. INDIAN (in script) / INDIAN (in script) (with a More Drop Forging Co. "M" in a circle logo) - - 7" Indian Motocycle wrench like above except thicker and heavier. Good++ with a small drilled hang hole. (similar to S125)
DUDLY TOOL CO. MENOMINEE, MICH. - PAT MAY 29, 94 - - 3.75" X 1.75" spoke or nipple wrench. This wide wrench was made to be used on motorcycle spokes. The Dudly nipple wrenches were patented by Albert Dudly of Menominee, MI. Excellent. (S110R)
0266. A. DUDLY MFG. CO. MENOMINEE, MICH. - PAT. MAY 29, 94 - - 3.75" X 1.375" bicycle spoke or nipple wrench. Excellent. (S110R)
0267. DUDLY TOOL CO. MENOMINEE, MICH. - PAT MAY 29, 94 - - 3" X 1.1875" bicycle spoke or nipple wrench. Good Plus. (S110R)
0268. A. DUDLY MFG. CO. MENOMINEE, MICH. - PAT. MAY 29, 94 - - 3" X 1.125" bicycle spoke or nipple wrench. Good Plus. (S110R)
0269. Marked only PAT MAY 29, 94 - - 3.75" X 1.375" bicycle spoke or nipple wrench. Some pitting, light markings. (S110R)
0270. STEVENS NY / PERFECT - - 2.75" X 1.0625 bicycle spoke or nipple wrench. Good Plus. (S110L)
0271. Lot of two identical unmarked - - 1.250 X 1.5" wing nut style bicycle spoke or nipple wrenches. Excellent. (not listed)
0272. -A- G & J PRODUCT (in a diamond logo) - - 3" miniature side adjust nut wrench with a screwdriver end. Excellent.
0273. Unmarked - - 3.75" center screw adjust with skeleton handle and brass adjusting nut. Adv. in 1897 by Peck, Stow & Wilcox as the "Star Bicycle Wrench". Good Plus. (S104D4)
0274. MADE IN GERMANY - - 3.5" double jawed, center screw adjust. Good Plus.
0275. GIRARD WRENCH MFG CO GIRARD, PA USA" - 5.5" screw adj bicycle wrench. Good Plus with most of the original plating. (unlisted)
0276. WAKEFIELD POCKET WRENCH - WORCESTER, MASS USA / PAT APL'D FOR - - 4.5" side adjust with hollow handle, Good Plus with some jaw edge dings. (not listed)
0277. WAKEFIELD CYCLE WRENCH - WORCESTER, MASS. USA - - 5.5" side adjust bike wrench. Good Plus. (S99D3).
0278. Unmarked - - 5" center screw adjust wrench with extra large knurled adjusting nut. Some jaw edge dings.
BAY STATE / PATENTED NOV, 13, 00, MAR. 11, 02 ((etc.) patents) - 5" side screw adj. bicycle wrench. Bay State was a house brand for the Simmons Hardware Co. of St Louis, Missouri, more famous for their KeenKutter brand. Good Plus. (like S105B)
- C - Mossberg WRENCH CO. Attleboro, Mass USA - PAT. NOV 19, DEC 31, '95 - - 5" center adjust with edge slot to guide lower jaw. Good Plus with some jaw edge dings. (S103B)
HERCULES (in a diamond logo) PAT FEB 27, 83 / CHICAGO - - 4.25" pre Whitman & Barnes Hercules loop handled nut wrench. Patented by F. H. Seymour of Detroit, Michigan Not all markings are readable. (S364B)
0282. BARNES TOOL COMPANY / DROP FORGED STEEL - - 5.5" side adjust nut wrench with indented handle panels. Good++. (S98D5)
0283. L. & S. CO. - CLEVELAND, 0 / STEEL BICYCLE - - 5.25" Wood handled center screw adjust bike wrench mfg. by Lamson & Sessions of Cleveland, OH. Jaws are slightly sprung and jaw edges have some mushrooming. (S104D4)
QUEEN / PATENTED NOV, 13, 00, MAR. 11, 02 (Mossberg patents) - 5"side screw adj bicycle wrench. Good++. (S117LD2)
0285. Marked only with a "S" in a "D" logo - - 5.5" side adjust bike type wrench. Good++. (not listed, no info)
0286. BARCALO-BUFFALO - - 5.5" side screw adjust bike wrench. Good Plus. (not listed)
0287. HERBRAND (in script) FREMONT, O USA - - 5.5" side adjust nut wrench. Good++ (not in Schulz, Cope 165)
0288. KD (with an arrow logo) / WAR FINISH - - 4.25" center screw adjust nut wrench. (not listed)
0289. A. B. & R. MFRS. - 5" center screw adj bicycle wrench with hollow handle. Good Plus. (S101T)
0290. A. & M. - BUFFALO, NY - - 5" center screw adjust with hollow handle. Good Plus with weak markings. (S114
SANDOW (in decorative lettering) THE LAVIGNE & SCOTT MFG CO PAT - FEB 5, 95 - NEW HAVEN, CT - - 5.5" center screw
adjust with skeleton handle. Patented by Joseph P. Lavigne of New Haven, Conn. Markings weak as usual on this wrench. (S109B)
0292. MADE IN GERMANY - - 5.5" odd side screw adjust wrench with an extra large knurled adjusting gear and a sliding device on the back of the moveable jaw of unknown purpose, may be a quick adjust that isn't working or I can't figure out how to work it. First one I've seen. Good Plus. (not listed no info)
14 IN EVER GRIP - MADE IN USA / PATENTS PENDING - - 14" turn handle to adjust wrench with serrated jaws. Pat. 9-7-1915 by William Estes of Ozark, Missouri. Chip off jaw edge. (S626)
0294. EVER-GRIP (on side of lower jaw) - 10 IN EVER GRIP - MADE IN USA / PAT NO. 1153050 - - 10" with smooth jaws. Same patent info as pipe wrench above. Note this is a nut wrench not the more commonly seen pipe wrench. Some dings, grind marks on jaw edges. (Similar to S626)
0295. 8 IN EVER GRIP - MADE IN USA / PAT NO 1153050 - - 8" with smooth jaws for nuts not pipe. Same patent info as pipe wrench above. Seldom seen in this smaller size. Jaw is slightly sprung, some jaw edge mushrooming.
BOOS TOOL CORP CHROME-MOLYBDENUM KC MO PATENTED - - 7.75" turn handle to adjust nut wrench with smooth jaws. Patented by Joseph B. and Lyal R. Boos of Kansas City, Missouri. Excellent. (S381)
0297. BOOS TOOL CO KC MO PATENTED - - 7.5" Boos like above but serrated upper jaw variation. Excellent.
0298. BOOS TOOL CO KC MO PAT PEND - - 6" Boos with serrated upper jaw variation. Some minor corrosion. (S381)
0299. DERBY T & L / CAST STEEL - - 8" turn handle to adjust nut wrench with fluted handle. Never seen this one before, may be English although T &" L may be Tower & Lyons. Jaws slightly sprung, some minor dings. (not listed, no info)
GLOBE WRENCH CO SUNAPEE, N. H. - PAT'D MAR. 15, 10 - - 8" all metal. A disadvantage of a wrench that adjusts by turning the handle is that when using the wrench the adjustment can change. The Globe Wrench has clicking indents that holds the jaws in position when adjusting. Patented by Benjamin Woodward of Ipswich, MA. Most Globe wrenches seen have been marked Ipswich, Mass. Excellent but locking indents are not working. (S393)
EIFEL-GEARED PLIERENCH - 7" - 50-5 - 8 TO 1 - $1.50 - PATS. 1181654, 1862817 - AMER PLIERENCH CORP'N CHICAGO, ILL - - 7.25". Rarer smaller size of the Eifel wrench with pouch and three extra jaws including the hard to find tubing cutter. Patented by Joseph Eifel of Chicago, Illinois.
0302. Lot of Three Eifel Pliers, all different.
EIFEL GEARED PIVOT 1000% - PLIERENCH A-8" (FORGED) - AMERICAN PLIERENCH CORP'N - CHICAGO 40 (MADE IN THE USA) / PAT PENDING - PRICE $4 - LOT 54-11 - - 7.75". This is a newer version of the Eifel Plierench with non replaceable jaws and a completely different adjusting mechanism. Patented by Joseph Eifel in 1955 it was apparently not successful as this is the first example I have seen, Excellent (not in Schulz).
GRIP N STIK 707 DOVER, O - PAT APR 13, 24 - - Similar to Eifel Flash Plierench but considerably rarer. Actual patent date is May 13, 1924 and was issued to Karl Potschner of Dover, Ohio. Ex condition, patent date is hard to read. (S263)
0305. HEYCO NO. 29 - - 7" specialty pliers similar to Eifel pliers with thin concave jaw ends. Excellent. (not listed)
0306. DAVID HARUM FEEDS LEXINGTON, NEB. - - 7.5" slip joint pliers with an unique locking device on the end of the handle advertising a Lexington, Nebraska feed dealer. Plated, Excellent.
NO 10 GRIPSO MULTI DUTY - BASFORD S.F. USA PAT. NO. 2600512 - - 7.75" different slip joint pliers. Patented by Homer A. Mead of Turlock, California. Excellent with nickel plating. (S234)
0308. PROTO 234 MFD. USA PAT. NO. 2600512 - - 7.75" same plier wrench and patent as above with different manufacturer. This wrench was produced by at least four different companies. Excellent with nickel plating. (not listed)
0309. Unmarked - - 8" specialty pliers, looks like a tool watchmakers or jewelers would use. Plated, Excellent.
STILES-HERMAN MFG. CO. ST. LOUIS MO USA - - 13.75" different plier type tool. The patent issued to Herman Johnson of St. Louis, Missouri on Oct. 21. 1930 describes this device as a metal working tool more particularity a tool for removing dents and the like from automobile fenders. First one seen. (not listed)
0311. THE A. E. RITTENHOUSE CO. - - 11.5". Another special purpose tool What's It.. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
LOCK LINE - ROSS MFG CO, S. F. - US PATENT 2,370,308- - 8" cam action pliers mfg. in San Francisco, CA. and pat. by Abraham Hanson, Monrovia, CA on Feb. 27, 1945. Good Plus with some light grind marks. (S267)
WADE WRENCH CO. - WHITE PIGEON, MICH. (with a "F" in a circle logo) / PAT'D - - 8.5" different kind of plier wrench with split handle. Pat. Nov. 8, 1927 by William White and July 24, 1928 by Benjamin Wade both of White Pigeon, MI. Excellent (S257)
0314. PATENT APPLIED FOR (same markings both sides) - - 7.75" similar but slightly different than the Wade split handle plier wrench above. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
0315. THE L. S. STARRETT CO. - ATHOL, MASS. USA - NO. 1 5-1/2IN. - - 5.5" high quality Starrett nippers with replaceable cutters. Excellent.
W. SCHOLLHORN NEW HAVEN, CONN - PAT. NO. 1,804,149 (same markings both sides) - - 6.5" specialty pliers for cutting and splicing round belts of the type that were used on treadle sewing machines, etc. Patented by Fred J. Clemens of East Haven, Conn. Good Plus.
0317. RED DEVIL 444-7-1/2 GIANT GRIP PAT APPLD FOR - - 7.75" different looking heavy duty slip joint pliers with extra wide jaws. The Smith & Hemenway Company produced the Red Devil line of tools and were purchased by the Crescent Tool Company in 1926. Excellent high quality pliers.
0318. BROWER MFG CO - CHATTANOOGA, TENN. - PATENT PENDING - - 6" stamped steel pliers type wrench with three adjusting slots. Good Plus. (S245R)
ALBERT LEA MFG. CO. ALBERT LEA, MINN / PAT APR 3, 06 - - 8.5" comb pivoting head tool with nipper and plier jaws. Good Plus except original pivot joint bolt has been replaced. (S280)
"KANT-SLIP" / A.D. WRENCH. & TOOL CO (Allan-Diffenbaugh Wrench & Tool Co.) - BARABOO, WIS - PATENT PENDING - - 8" adjustable plier wrench with a screwdriver on end of the handle. Good Plus with a replaced pivot bolt. Pat. Aug. 02, 1921 by Allen C. Allan - Chicago, IL. (similar to S356)
KANT-SLIP - PAT ARP 27, 20 - AUG 2, 21 - OTHER PATS. PENDING - / A.D. WRENCH. & TOOL CO (Allan-Diffenbaugh Wrench & Tool Co.) - BARABOO, WIS - - 9.5" Different operating mechanism (than Kant-Slip wrench above) on this plier wrench with a hammer poll. Patented by Allen C. Allan of Baraboo, Wisc. Excellent with original black finish. (S356)
0322. H. F. OSBORNE / PATENTED - - 8.25" plier wrench with jaws that look like they were made to fit square nuts. Osborne made mostly saddle, harness and leather working tools. Excellent. (not listed, patent not found)
0323. BILLINGS (with a "B" in triangle logo) / H4 - - 7" plier tool with a small grove inside each jaw. Good++. (no info)
0324. LEPP & OSTERLOH INC. - GOTHEBBURG - NORTH PLATTE - - 7.5" slip joint pliers with an unique locking device on the end of the handle advertising a Nebraska Case Tractor and Implement dealer. Plated, Excellent.
EAGLE CLAW WRENCH - M. T. CO. - ROCKFORD, ILL. - PAT FEB 6, 12 - - 13.25" adjustable plier wrench, head at 90 degrees (parrot head). Pat. by Joseph A. Schlehr of Chicago, IL. Good Plus. (S1061M)
0326. EAGLE CLAW WRENCH - M. T. CO. - ROCKFORD, ILL. - PAT FEB 6, 12 - - 11" adjustable plier wrench, head at 45 degrees. Good++. (S1061T)
0327. BERGMAN FORGED STEEL / BLUE BIRD USA - - 10" What's It plier wrench. Good Plus with jaws chip. (not listed, no info)
BLEDSOE TRADEMARK (with logo) MINNEAPOLIS / PAT. PENDING - - 10.5" plier wrench with coarse notched jaws. Pat. May 22, 1917 by Yancy Bledsoe of Bonham, Texas. Excellent. (S257)
0329. LAWSON MFG. CO.- CLEVELAND, O. - LOK-JAW PLIERS - PATENT PENDING - - 8.25" plier wrench with set screw adjustment. Excellent with original black finish. (S253)
This is undoubtedly the best selection of cutout wrenches ever offered for sale at a public auction. Headed by the John Deere TR590 this section has forty-four wrenches with cutout letters. Ten of them would probably be the featured wrench at most wrench auctions.
0330. DEERE A196A - - 8" CUTOUT with part number running up along side of square box. Good Plus with some very light pitting. (R1-131, D162)
0331. DEERE A196A - - 8" CUTOUT with part number running down along side of square box. Some spots of pitting, jaw chip and small casting flaw. (not in Rathbone, D161)
JOHN DEERE (in CUTOUT letters) TR590 - - 18". If there is a "Holy Grail" of antique wrenches the TR590 is it. I would like to thank Don Ervin for giving me the once in a lift time opportunity to list it on this auction. As far as I can determine this is the first time one has been sold on a well advertised live auction.
The TR590 wrench came with the experimental John Deere Dain All-Wheel Drive four cylinder, three wheel tractor that John Deere (under the supervision of Joseph Dain Jr.) made in 1919. According to researchers only 100 were made and sold mostly in the Dakota's. The project was abandoned when Deere & Company acquired the Waterloo Boy tractor and produced the Model D Tractors instead. Purportedly most of Dain's tractor were recalled and destroyed.
Sold with the wrench will be the case custom built for it along with a reprint of the Instruction Book and Repair list for the tractor, a picture of the one known complete tractor, a miniature key chain replica of the wrench and several other pieces of literature.
Condition is Good++ with some light pitting mostly on one end on the reverse side, good strong cast on the part numbers, space between the crossbars on the second "E" was not cast cleanly. Giving it a 10 for rarity, 10 for desirability and a 8 for condition equals 28 out of a possible 30. If you don't plan on actually bidding on this wrench I would recommend attending the auction so you can tell your grandkids you once saw one sell back in ought nine at York, Nebraska. Last known private sale - $20,000. (R135, D536)
Front Side
Back Side
In Case
0333. DEERE A196 - - 8" RARE two hammer head variant with part number right side, top of open end. This hard to find Deere CUTOUT wrench has some pitting, cutout letters are crisp and clear. (D159, R2-75)
0334. Deere / A196 - 8" with part number on the right above the open end. Painted green, tiny crack on corner of open end jaw. (R131, D157)
0335. C & J (unknown origin) - - 7.25" CUTOUT. One of the rarest of all the cutouts. Only a couple others known to exist and they are slightly different (they are marked with the part No. "5", this one isn't, see Rathbone-2 page 48). Condition is outstanding with clean, sharp letters and most of the original black Japanned finish still intact. Don bought this one at the Wrenching News Friedman auction at York, Nebraska, April 2006. Hammer price was $3000.00.
0336. BRADLEY'S WONDER D99 (David Bradley Mfg, Bradley, ILL ) - - 14.5" with CUTOUT letters, two square box variant. Large, rare cutout with striking graphics. Always at the top of cutout wrench collector's wanted lists. Last one known to sell brought $2200 at the Earl Varney auction Sept. 2008 at Jewel, Kansas. Good++ with just a hint of surface pitting. (R1-126)
0337. JOHN BULL - - 11.25" with CUTOUT letters and a small hammer poll. This is the only known cutout wrench from the United Kingdom and seldom comes up for sale either here or in England. First one we have had the opportunity to sell. Wrench would grade Excellent except that it has been over cleaned (at least for my taste). (R269, no info as to use or source)
0338. W PLOW CO 2 (Wilkinson Plow Co. Toronto, Ontario, Canada) - - 6.25" Planet Jr. type with CUTOUT letters. Here's another one we have never listed before. I remember driving to Lexington, Illinois in the summer of 1998 to watch one of these sell for $2350 which at the time was a record for a farm wrench sold at auction. Rare little wrench in Excellent condition.
0339. GALE G8 (Gale Mfg. Co. Albion, Michigan) - - 5.75". Rare little CUTOUT wrench that hardly ever shows up. We have never owned or sold one before. Excellent condition. (R1-193)
0340. VERITY / P61 (Verity Plow Co / Massey-Harris) - - 6.5" CUTOUT. Some light pitting. (R1-472)
0341. VERITY 3 (all in CUTOUT letters) Verity Plow Co / Massey-Harris) - - 6.25" Rarest of the known Verity cutout wrenches. Pitted, grind marks on the inside edges of the open end jaws and a small casting flaw. (R1-471)
0342. SECHLER MOLINE / 1 INCH - - 8.25". The only buggy wrench with CUTOUT letters. Rare wrench with some minor pitting. (S952)
0343. CASADAY (South Bend Chilled Plow C0.) - - 11.5" CUTOUT. One of the most desirable, largest, and most impressive looking of all the cutout wrenches. At Al Schulz's first auction in October of 1996 several of the long time wrench collectors came close to cardiac arrest when his cutout Casaday became the first $1000 wrench. The new owner then left to drive back to Pennsylvania, arriving in time for the birth of his son. Has some pitting and has been lacquered which enhances the pitting.(R1-429)
0344. Buffalo Pitts H O CO NY. - 10"CUTOUT. some pitting. (R68TR)
0345. GRANITE STATE (Hinsdale, New Hampshire) - - 5". Smallest of the CUTOUT wrenches. Good Plus. (R1-207)
0346. Noxon L234 (Noxon Brothers of Ingersol, Ontario, Canada) - 8.25" CUTOUT. Some pitting, lacquered.. (R355L)
0347. Noxon / H90 (Noxon Brothers of Ingersol, Ontario, Canada) - 8.5"CUTOUT. Some pitting, lacquered.
0348. OXO L234 (Noxon Brothers of Ingersol, Ontario, Canada) - - 8.5" CUTOUT. Same wrench as the Noxon L234 without the two N's. Wrench mounted on the tool box that has the N's. Severely pitted. (not in Rathbone)
0349. OXO H90 (Noxon Brothers of Ingersol, Ontario, Canada) - - 8.5" CUTOUT. Same wrench as the Noxon H90 without the two N's. Wrench mounted on the tool box that has the N's. Pitted. (R356)
0350. COMET 121C (Peter Hamilton Mfg. Co., Ontario, Canada) - 7" CUTOUT. Severely pitted, marked with part numbers but not all numbers are readable. (R111)
0351. PLANET JR. 312 - - 12" with CUTOUT letters. Longest of the Planet Jr. wrenches and one of the rarest with only a few know in collections. A 312 made front page news when it was hammered down for $1800 at the Jin Henry auction, York, Neb, April of 1999. Wrench has been painted but doesn't show any pitting or serious flaws under the paint. (R1-380)
0352. PLANET JR. / H4 U.S.A - - 8" with double hammer polls (solid letter variant not a cutout.). Some edge dings. (R380)
0353. PLANET JR. - - 8" with double hammer polls and CUTOUT letters but with grind marks. Probably a H4 solid version with the letters ground out.
0354. PLANET JR. / 3 - - 6.5" CUTOUT. Excellent. (R1-380)
0355. PLANET JR. / 2 - - 6.5" CUTOUT. Excellent. (R1-380)
0356. PLANET JR. / K48 U.S.A. - - 5 " CUTOUT. Smallest of the Planet Jr cutout wrenches. Good++. (R1-380)
0357. PLANET JR. / K48 - - 5 " CUTOUT like lot above without the U.S.A. marking. Good Plus. (R1-380)
0358. PLANET JR. H11 - - 8.5" with CUTOUT letters. Very scarce Planet Jr. wrench. Severely pitted.(R380)
0359. Planet Jr. / K152 - 6.5" with CUTOUT letters. Hard to find Planet Jr. wrench in Excellent condition. (R2-235)
0360. IHC / 770E - - 10" with CUTOUT IHC logo. A hubcap wrench for International Harvester's early high wheel autos and trucks. Good solid wrench with no breaks or cracks with light overall pitting and the small box end has been twisted a few degrees but should be an easy fix. Guaranteed original not one of the phony recasts. (R1-256)
0361. OSBORNE (D. M. Osborne / IHC) - - 6" CUTOUT wrench with screwdriver. Opening down variant. Has areas of pitting mostly on screwdriver end. (R1-363)
0362. P & O 1338 (Parlin & Orendorff /IHC) - - 6" CUTOUT. Numbers on front variant. Pitted. (R1-370
0363. P & O 1338 (Parlin & Orendorff /IHC) - - 6" CUTOUT. Numbers on back variant. Good Plus. (R1-370
0364. LITCHFIELD S437 (Litchfield Mfg. Co., Waterloo, Iowa) - - 7" CUTOUT. Good Plus. (R1-299)
0365. ABF York PA (A. B. Farquhar, York, Penn.) 6.75" CUTOUT. Condition is poor because of severe pitting. (R1-176)
0366. BLACKHAWK (Sechler / Oliver) - - 7.5" CUTOUT. With stud variant. Good Plus. (R2-36)
0367. BLACKHAWK (Sechler / Oliver) - - 7.5" CUTOUT. No stud variant. Good++. (R2-36)
0368. Universal E12 (Ames Plow Co)- 5" CUTOUT. Some pitting. (R466)
0369. Universal (Ames Plow Co)- 5" CUTOUT no number variant. Good++ (R466)
0370. Iron Age E39 (A. B. Farquhar, York, PA and Bateman Mfg. Grenlock, NJ) - 8.5" CUTOUT with hammer poll in excellent condition. (R1-260)
0371. IRON AGE C9 (A. B. Farquhar, York, PA and Bateman Mfg. Grenlock, NJ) - - 6.5" CUTOUT. Small sq box end variant. Good Plus. (like R1-260)
0372. IRON AGE C9 (A. B. Farquhar, York, PA and Bateman Mfg. Grenlock, NJ) - - 6.5" CUTOUT. Large sq box end variant. Good Plus. (R1-260)
0373. IRON AGE C9 (A. B. Farquhar, York, PA and Bateman Mfg. Grenlock, NJ) - - 6.5" CUTOUT. Large sq box end variant. Pitted. (R1-260)
0374. ESTATE / 38 - - 10" malleable stove lifter with CUTOUT letters.
0375. SECHLER MOLINE / 1 INCH - - 8.25". The only buggy wrench with CUTOUT letters. Poor condition because of severe pitting. (S952)
GENUINE MCKIBB0N (etc.) / PAT. NOS 1872780 - 1730671 - 1709589 - - 18.25" extra heavy duty adjustable alligator wrench with an unique sliding jaw and adjusting nut action. Made by the McKibbon Universal Wrench Co Nashville, Tennessee. Joseph McKibbon of Columbia and Culleoka, Tennessee and later Los Angeles, CA. received three patents for his pipe and nut wrench in 1929 and 1932. Excellent. (S693)
SHAW - SHAW PROPELLER CO. BOSTON, MASS / PAT'D APRIL 26, 1910 & PATS PENDING (etc.) - 3.75". Smallest wrench in the Shaw alligator wrench line. Patented by George Bryar of Boston. Excellent. (S36)
0378. SHAW - SHAW PROPELLER CO. BOSTON, MASS / PAT'D APRIL 26, 1910 & PATS PENDING (etc.) - 6" Shaw alligator wrench. Excellent (S36)
0379. SHAW WRENCH (with B in triangle logo) PAT APR. 26, 1910 - - 9.5" larger version of the Shaw wrench like above but mfg. by Billings & Spencer Excellent. (S36)
0380. Unmarked - - 7.25" neat looking alligator wrench with screwdriver end. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
0381. Unmarked - - 7" single ended alligator wrench with an unusual wooden handle. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
M. H. KERN - BELLEVUE, O. / PAT'D AUG. 29-1899 - - 14.75" RARE screw adjust alligator wrench. Patent date on wrench is incorrect. Correct patent date is Aug 29, 1893 which was issued to Samuel. E. Kern of Bellevue, Ohio. Good Plus, zealously cleaned. (S646)
EDMONDS & METZEL CHICAGO - PERPETUAL GRIP - ALL PARTS RENEWABLE - PAT'D JULY 10 - AUG 14, 1906 - - 9" comb. double alligator wrench with replaceable teeth, screwdriver, three dies, and two sq box wrenches, laminated construction. Plated, Excellent condition. (S9)
"BESTYET" WETMORE MFG CO GALESBURG ILL - PATENT APP'D FOR - - 8" double ended alligator wrench with three thread dies with a set screw to adjust the die size. Patented 3-10-1908 by Gustavus A. Smith of Marshalltown, Iowa. Good Plus. (S9)
12 INCH SHARK PATENT PEND'G. / RICHARDS MFG CO AURORA, ILL - - 12" adj alligator wrench. The tip of the bar that locks the upper jaw is broken off. (S23)
0386. "Red Head" / "Steel City Electric Co, Patents Pending" - - 11.5". Excellent (unlisted)
THE VICTOR - PAT MAY 26 08 - KRAEUTER & CO. INC./ FORGED HIGH CARBON STEEL - - 7" adj ali mfg by Kraeuter & Co. Newark, New Jersey and pat 5-26-1903 by Charles Bonney of Portsmouth, Ohio. Good Plus. (S37)
THE ELGIN PAT JUNE 9, 97 - ELGIN GENUINE IMPROVED (in a star logo) and three patent dates - - 7" adjustable alligator (die holder type). Patents were issued to Henry Smith of Elgin, IL and William Frenk of Dundee, IL. Good Plus, with previous owners initials. IS35)
0389. THE ELGIN PAT JUNE 9, 97 - EXTRA JAW 25¢ - - 7" adjustable alligator (die holder type). Plated, good++ (S35)
0390. THE ELGIN PAT JUNE 9, 97 - ELGIN GENUINE IMPROVED (in a star logo) and three patent dates - - 7" adjustable alligator wrench, scarce variant with die holder and three dies. Excellent with original plating. (S35)
0391. THE ELGIN PAT JUNE 9, 97 - EXTRA JAW 25¢ / R. HERSCHEL MFG. CO. - PEORIA, ILL. USA - - 7". Scarce Elgin alligator with advertising from a farm equipment manufacturer. Good Plus (like S35)
0392. Lot of what looks like a shop built handle made for an Elgin die holder, two NOS extra Elgin jaws, and four Elgin bolts.
WOLVERINE PAT JUNE 1, 09 - - 6.75" alligator wrench with a sliding tee handle and a head that rotates 360 degrees. Pat. by John Drake of Decatur, Illinois as a nut wrench. Excellent. (S88, C120)
0394. INDESTRO MFG. CORP. CHICAGO, ILL USA 177 - 5.75" stamped steel alligator wr with four box wrenches. Good ++. not listed)
Marked only: "11" (David Bradley) - - 8" all malleable sliding wedge adj. alligator wrench. This one is the smooth jawed nut wrench version. Pat 1-6-1891 by Theodore Vandegrift of Shelbyville, Indiana and mfg. by the Vandegrift Mfg Co of Shelbyville, Indiana. Listed in David Bradley Farm Equip. Parts Lists. Excellent. (S546)
0396. DOUBLE FALCON NO. 1 - THE YOST ELECTRIC MFG CO. TOLEDO, OHIO - PATENT APPLIED FOR - - 12" double ended offset alligator wrench. Scarce wrench in Excellent condition with strong, clear markings. (not in Schulz, see Cope pg 345)
INVOLUTE WRENCH -TOWER & LYONS CO - PAT'D OCT 30, 1900 - - 5.5" single ended alligator wrench with a screwdriver on the end. First wrench in "The Book". Pat. by Maschil D. Converse of New York, NY. Pitted. (S1)
0398. TIGER GRIP MP'LS (MINNEAPOLIS) MINN / DROP FORGED PAT APL'D - - 6" hinged end self adj alligator wrench. Excellent (S719)
0399. SNAIL BRAND / MADE IN ENGLAND - - 11.25" auto type adjustable wrench. Excellent
0400. GIRDER MINOR NO 93 - JOSEPH LUCAS LTD. - BIRMINGHAM / Lucas (spoked wheel and torch logo) - 7" center screw adjust, both sides exposed. Good Plus.
0401. ABINGDON - RD NO. 765509 - - 6.5" center screw adjust nut wrench, exposed shaft on one side. Excellent.
0402. KING DICK - - 6" center screw adjust nut wrench. Excellent.
BAUER'S PATENT 20974 (with a crown logo) - - 5.5" thin metal split handle (with a screwdriver on one end) plier type with a pin that fits into one of four holes to change adj range. Patented Mar 10, 1885 by John C. Bauer of London, England. Good Plus. (S333)
0404. BURSTON BRITISH PATENT 384468 - 26-1-32 / CHAS. RICHARDS & SONS LTD - DARLASTON, ENGLAND - - 8" all metal nut wrench with a novel eccentric cam and spring loaded lower jaw adjustment. Excellent. (S749)
0405. 10 IN - GERMANY - - 10" Crescent type wrench with cutouts on handle. (S771)
0406. TRANS ATLANTIC C & W Co. / D.R.G.M. - - 6.5" combination center screw double jaw nut wrench with tool holder. Two tool bits in hollow handle. Good++. (similar to S768)
0407. ELITE GES GESCH / MADE IN GERMANY - - 6.25" combination center screw double jaw nut wrench with tool holder. Two tool bits in hollow handle. Good++. (S768)
0408. FOOTPRINT (with footprint logo) 942 (with arrow logo) / MADE IN ENGLAND - - 7.25" different all metal screw adjust nut wrench. Good Plus (not listed)
0409. FOOTPRINT (with footprint logo) MADE IN ENGLAND - - 10.5" all metal screw adjust nut wrench like above. Good Plus (not listed)
0410. W. GERMANY - - 11.5" screw adjust wrench with locking and release levers. Plated, Excellent, like new. (like S777)
0411. Witte D.B.G.M. W. Germany - - 11.5" screw adjust wrench with locking and release levers, identical to wrench above except for markings. Plated, Excellent, like new. (S777)
0412. STEINADLER NO. 20 - 225 (and star logos) - - 9" quick adjust combination nut and pipe wrench with rack teeth and lever. Excellent. (S767)
0413. NIC TOOL ESKILSTUMA SWEDEN - - 8" unusual double box end wrench adjusted with a large knurled gear that engages rack teeth on the edge of the shaft. Good Plus. (S786)
0414. D. R. PANG - AUSIP. ANG - - 12" lever and lock adjust nut wrench. Good Plus. (unlisted, no info)
0415. J. A. HENCKELS SOLINGEN (with a logo of two men) - - 9.75" quick adjust nut wrench with rack teeth and a locking adjusting lever. Excellent. (no info, like S500)
VISE-GRIP - PAT'D - S. P. W. CO. - DEWITT, NEB. - - 9". William Petersen's first model Vise Grip, pat Oct. 24, 1921. Made without a release lever. Good++. Most of these early Vise Grips are pretty well used up. This one isn't. (S262)
0417. VISE-GRIP - PAT'D - - 9". William Petersen's first model Vise Grip, pat Oct. 24, 1921. Made without a release lever like above but different markings. Good Plus.(S262)
VISE-GRIP - PAT'D APR. 8, '24 - - 9" second model Vise-Grip. First model to have a release lever. Good with weak markings. (S262)
0419. VISE-GRIP - PAT'D APR. 8, '24 - - 9" second model Vise-Grip like above. Good Plus, lever spring is missing. (S262)
0420. VISE-GRIP - PAT'D APR. 8, '24 - - 9" second model Vise-Grip like above. Poor with weak markings and pitting. (S262)
0421. S-K TOOLS / NO. 7608 - - 8" Vise-Grip type locking pliers.
PADEN MFG. CO. - OMAHA, NEBR. / U.S. PAT. 2,905,038 - OTHER PAT. PEND. - - 7.5" locking pliers with a quick adjust sliding lower jaw. Patented by Dale D. Paden, Omaha, Nebraska on Sept. 22, 1959. Good Plus. (S270)
THE L. S. STARRETT CO. ATHOL, MASS. USA - PAT. JAN. 3, 1911 - NO. 240 - - 7.25" plier/wrench with a Crescent type threaded nut and rack type adjustment advertised as "The Starrett Extension Plier". Patented by Laroy S. Starrett of Athol, Mass. Good++. (S271, C289)
BMC MFG. CORP. - BINGHAMTON, NY - PATENT APPLIED FOR - - 7" adjusting lock pliers. Excellent, like new with original finish. Pat. Feb. 19, 1946 by Francis A. Snell - Chenango Forks, NY. (S278)
NO. 1607 - SEYMOUR SMITH "SNAP-LOCK" - PATENTS PENDING / SEYMOUR SMITH & SON OAKVILLE, CONN. USA - - 7" Vise Grip type with lower pivoting jaw, release lever and jaw opening measurement markings. Pat. by Justin Smith of Watertown, CT and Leif Eriksen of Oslo, Norway, May 27, 1952. Good Plus.
MODEL #6 LEVERWRENCH (etc.) / LEVERAGE TOOL INC. - GLENVIL, NEB - PAT 3600986, OTHERS PEND. (etc.) - - 6.75" locking pliers. Later sold by Stanley Tool Corp. as the Stanley Auto-Grip Pliers. Excellent (S273)
6 LEVERWRENCH (etc.) / LEVERAGE TOOL INC. - GLENVIL, NEB - PAT 3600986, OTHERS PEND. (etc.) - - 6.75". Excellent. (S273)
0428. STANLEY 35-761-CR-V - - 9" locking pliers. Excellent, like new.
910C GRIP LOCK / CHANNELLOCK INC. MEADVILLE, PA. USA - US PATS. 2531285 - 2576288 - 2997903 - - 9.5" complicated locking pliers with a sliding adjusting collar. Patents by Fritz and Reiner Rommel, Allendorf, Kreis Marburg, Germany; Edward Manspeaker, Turtle Creek, PA; and Murray Eisenberg, New York, NY. Good++ . (S274)
0431. GLOBEMASTER NO. 5593-14 - SPAIN - - 12" locking pliers from the company notorious for their cheap imported tools. Good++.
0432. VISE-GRIP 5WR - - 5.5" locking pliers with original Vise-Grip marked sheath. Excellent, like new.
VISE-GRIP 6lC TOOLBOX - U.S. PAT. 5351585 - - 7" multi-tool with knife blades, screwdriver bits, wire cutter and stripper and locking pliers complete with original Vise-Grip marked sheath with instruction manual. Patentees are Terry G. Leseberg of Marysville, Kansas and Gene L. Tyser of Wilbur, Nebr. Excellent. like new.
0434. C.D. EDWARDS MFG CO (Albert Lea , MN)- - 12" light pitting, markings hard to read as usual.(R1-159)
0435. G. M. CO. 9/16 and 5/8" / PEERLESS (Geiser Mfg Co - Waynesboro, PA) / 10.5" Steam engine wrench. Pitted. (R200)
0436. G. M. CO. PEERLESS 7/8 - 3/4 (Geiser Mfg Co. Steam Engine) - - 12.5". pitted. (R1-200)
0437. BLOCKI / G69 - 6" (R57)
0438. < M-H> MADE IN CANADA (Massey-Harris) - - 10.75" auto type wrench. Good Plus. (R1-312)
0439. Deering (in a shield logo) - 10" wood handled monkey wrench. Lip chip.(R139)
0440. DOWAGIAC / F97A - 5.5" Good Plus. (R149)
0441. JH CO. 2815 / 817 (Johnston Harvester Co) - - 6.5" all metal Vandegrift patented monkey wrench. RARE (not in Rathbone). Good Plus.
0442. J.H. CO. (in a shield logo)(Johnston Harvester Co) - - 8.5" all metal monkey wench. RARE (not in Rathbone). Good Plus.
0443. INDEPENDENT / SP117 - 11" (R247) Good Plus with spot of minor edge mushrooming. (R247)
0444. INDEPENDENT / SP116 - 9.25" Good Plus. (R247)
0445. DELAVAL / 4126 - - 8" cream separator wrench and screwdriver.
0446. 10953CX (IHC) - - 8.5" cream separator spanner wrench. Excellent.
0447. IOWA CREAM SEPARATOR / BIG A LINE- 7" double open end. (Excellent. R1-259)
0448. U.S. SEPARATOR - - 5" bicycle style wrench for the United States Cream Separator made by the Vermont Farm Machine Co. of Bellows Falls, Vermont. Good++. (R465)
0450. 256 (Hoosier Drill / IHC) - - 8". Excellent. (R1-238, R1-259)
0451. Unmarked - - 7" oddball orphan. Excellent.
0452. 389T 3/4 (orphan)- - 10.5" malleable socket wrench. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
0453. Lot of two No. 6 Maytag wrenches.
0454. QUARTZOID - G / DURASPEED - G - - 9" single open ended malleable wrench. Excellent.
Lot of two Delco Light Plant wrenches:
(1.) 90257 SPARKPLUG - GEN. NUT / CONNECTING ROD - BATTERY NUT - - 8.75" oe by hex box.
(2.) 95095 CYLINDER NUT / CONNECTING ROD SCREW - - 8.25" oe x hex socket.
Lot of two wrenches:
(1.) THE E. HORTON & SON CO. / WINDSOR LOCKS CONN. U.S.A. - - 6.5" forged single square box end. (not listed, no info)
(2.) "EASY" NO. 2. - - 6.5" malleable double box end wrench. Excellent.
0457. 1821C and Case Eagle logo - - 16" doe steam engine wrench. Good++ (R81)
0458. 1822C and Case Eagle logo - - 20" doe steam engine wrench. Excellent. (R81)
0459. 1823C / (Case Eagle logo) - - 24" doe steam engine wrench. Poor with pitting and hang hole drilled thru part number. (R81)
0460. 3137A and Case Eagle logo - - 9". Good++. (R82)
0461. 3329A and Case Eagle logo - - 8.5". Good Plus. (R82)
0462. Metal Case Eagle "Old Abe" plaque - - 4.25". Excellent.
0463. CASE / 76L - - 7". Over cleaned. (R77)
0464. Unmarked 0267T (Case T. M. Co.) - - 24" threshing machine cylinder wrench. (R1-81)
0465. L616 (Case T. M. Co. / Emerson) - - 8.5" tee open end wrench. Good Plus. (R83 TR)
0466. 3330A X and Case Eagle logo - - 7.5" tapered double socket. (R82)
0467. OK1294 (Case Eagle logo) - - 9" H-shaped with pitman flange. Good Plus. (R1-82)
0468. THE OHIO CULTIVATOR CO (Bellevue, Ohio) / DA32 - - 15.75". Some pitting. Good++ with original old paint. (R1-357)
0469. CM-331 (Ohio Cultivator Co) - - 14" 3 openings variant. Couple part numbers not clear otherwise Excellent. (R1-357)
0470. K29 (La Crosse Plow Co) (La Crosse, Wisconsin) / (ruler markings) - - 14.5" Good++, lacquered over old paint. (R1-289)
0471. STERLING M'F'G. CO. D127 / STERLING ILL. - - 12" with large graphic lettering. Drilled hang hole otherwise Good Plus. (R1-439)
0472. F2-0005 (Oliver / Nichols & Sheppard) - - 8" tee socket wrench. Overall light surface roughness. (R2-217)
MCCORMICK / Pat SEP 7 97 - 8.5" Vandegrift's patent all metal monkey wrench. Pitting, mushrooming and adjustment is frozen. (R320)
0474. OSBORNE / PAT SEP 7 97 - - 8.5" all metal Vandegrift monkey wrench. Jaws sprung, mushrooming. (R1-363)
0475. Unmarked (South Bend Chilled Plow Co. South Bend, Indiana) - - 16.5" big graphic wrench with several cutout sections. Used on South Bend Chilled Plow Company's New Casaday Sulky Plows. Nicknamed "the three pound wrench" by wrench collectors. Excellent. (R1-429)
0476. APPLETON MFG CO BATAVIA ILL USA / C620 - - 10". Good++. (R1-21)
0477. C621 (Appleton) - 10". Excellent. (R1-13)
0478. B. F. AVERY & SONS G176A / Louisville KY USA) - 8.5". Jaw crack. (R27)
0479. LA CROSSE / ND86 - - 9" Good++. (R1-289)
0480. PEORIA D1003 (Peoria Drill & Seeder C0.)- - 7.5" (R1-376)
0481. MUELLER / 51092 - - 11" dbl. hex box. Good++. (R1-343)
0482. W. P. CO. 71 (Wiard Plow Co. Batavia, NY) - - 10". Four openings variation. Pitting. (R488)
0483. 3854 (Wallis / M-H) - - 12" tee socket wrench. Poor markings. (R1-480)
0484. R300 (Walter A. Wood, Hoosick Falls, NY) - - 6" (R1-494)
0485. R. S. Co / CD82 (Racine-Sattley, Racine, WI) - - 5.5". (R2-259)
0486. 5089 (Avery Co, Peoria, ILL) - - 10". 3 socket variant. Good Plus. (R1-26)
0487. TC369 (Allis Chalmers) - - 10". Pitting. (R1-11)
0488. 1562 (George W. Brown? - Galesburg, Illinois) - - 11.5". Good Plus. (not pictured in Rathbone but listed in Supplement)
0489. 1224 (Huber Mfg. Co. Marion, Ohio) - - 6.25" by 7" tee socket wrench. Good Plus. (R2-134)
0490. Lot of eight scythe snath wrenches - - 3" to 4.25" (a snath is the part of a scythe that fastens the blade to the handle
0491. Lot of eight scythe snath wrenches - - 3" to 4".
0492. Lot of eight scythe snath wrenches - - 3" to 4".
0493. Hankie Catalog No. 41 - Jan. 1941 (Hanke Manufacturing Co - Kensington, Kansas) REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR FARM MACHINERY - Distributed by Stowe Hardware & Supply Co. Kansas City, Missouri - - 8" by 10.75" with 62 pages. Covers replacement parts for all the major and some obscure brands of farm implement. Tattered page edges but all the information and illustrations are intact.
0494. MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIR CATALOG NO. 1-H for mowers. tedders rakes, cream separators, etc. - - 6" by 9" with 402 pages. An illustrated parts list (including wrenches) for several types of Massey-Harris equipment from 1891 thru 1921. First few page corners folded.
0495. R288-1/2 - - 14" cast iron tool box.
0496. HAPGOOD (cutout letters)- - 13" cast iron tool box.
PAT'D - - 6" cast buggy whip holder. Patent issued to Charles S. Beebee of Racine, Wisc.
0498. Unmarked - - 11" tin tool box.
0499. 1962C-L and 1962C-R (and Eberhard Mfg. "E" in a circle logo) - - 13" with geometric designs on steps. Excellent, painted.
0500. JOHN DEERE (and a JD logo) . PK361-H - - 8" by 9" Heavy cast mower guard riveting block anvil. One corner of base broken off. (D501)
0501. PATTEE (cutout letters) - - 11" cast iron tool box.
BILLMONT MASTER WRENCH PATENTED AND PATENTS PENDING MFG. BY EDGAR C. GUTHARD CO. (Chicago, IL) - - 14" Ratchet operates by turning handle. Complete set in a wooden box with partial decal, six sockets and handle bar stored in wrench handle, plus instruction sheet inside on how to remove both Ford fourth connecting rods nuts in less than two minutes. Patented July 22, 1919 by George Rice Fullenwider of Fairfield, Montana. Excellent, probably the nicest one I have seen. (S186)
WIZARD THE RICHARDS MFG CO AURORA, ILL - PATENTED MAY 21, 07 OTHER PATS PENDING - - 8" adj wrench that combines a double screw Crescent type adj on a ratcheting head. Patented by Joseph N. Noyer of Gould City, Washington. Good++. (S156T)
Demuth Steel Products Co. CHICAGO - - 10.5" ratchet with eight sockets. Excellent. Patent was issued to Gordon K. Wright of Hinsdale, Illinois on Mar. 10, 1914. (not listed)
0505. STAR TOOL CO INDPLS - PAT PEND - - 9.5" odd wrench with a crank handle to turn the bolt or nut with a sliding flange to hole the bolt in the socket. Never seen this one before. RARE and in excellent condition. (S171, patent not found)
0506. NIKE ESKILSTUMA SWEDEN / 8B 6172 - - 11" malleable reversible ratchet wrench with tire tool end? Excellent Plus with original green finish.
0507. CRESCENT - - 8" modern ratchet with adjustable jaws. Plated, excellent.
0508. Unmarked - - 7.5" modern ratchet with adjustable jaws. Plated, excellent.
GUIMARIN GEM WRENCH - US PATENTS NOS. D238140, 4,016,782, 4,112,792 - - 7.25" adjustable jaw ratchet wrench. Patented by Henry L. Guimarin of Grapevine, Texas. Plated finish, excellent.
0510. POPULAR MECHANICS - TAIWAN - - 11.75" modern 3/8" drive ratchet that is operated by turning the tee handle. Plated finish, excellent.
REECHET (sic) R3-375 - PAT. 2594669 - - 10" - 3/8" drive turn the handle to ratchet wrench. Patented by Calvert D. Marshall of Georgetown, KY on April 29, 1952. Plated finish, Good Plus.
Lot of: Two 1/2" drive breaker bar ratchet adapters.
(1.) CRAFTSMAN - - 2.75"
(2.) WILLIAMS S-55 PATD - - 2.75".
0513. HUDGINS - PATENT PENDING - - 7.5" - 3.8: drive turn the handle to ratchet wrench. Good++.
0514. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO BUFFALO, NY B50 - - 6.5" - 3/8" ratchet with a male plug adapter slid to other side to reverse ratchet action. Excellent.
This section includes the best set of Lawson pipe wrenches ever assembled. From the tiny six inch to the massive eighteen pound 36 incher. Eleven wrenches in seven different sizes by three different manufacturers (one not seen before). The Dec, 14, 1920 patent was issued to Gottfirid C. Lawson of Cleveland, Ohio. The patent pending patent is probably Lawson's Nov. 05, 1929 patent. Mr. Matz told me that one of these wrenches was the first wrench he can remember buying, in 1938!
The patent pending patent is probably Lawson's Nov. 05, 1929 patent.
0515. 6" (USHCO logo) LAWSON - U.S.H.CO. Mfg Co. (U. S. Hame Co.) / PAT. DEC. 14-20 - - 6" angled head pipe wrench. Patented Dec 14, 1920 by Gottfrid C. Lawson of Cleveland. Hard to find size in this set of Lawson wrenches. Excellent. (S609).
0516. 8" MADE BY THE LAWSON MFG. CO. - CLEVELAND, OHIO / PAT DEC 4-20 - OTHER PAT PEND. - - 8" size Lawson pipe wrench. Good Plus, some pitting on reverse side.
0517. 10" MADE BY THE LAWSON MFG. CO. - CLEVELAND, OHIO / PAT DEC 4-20 - OTHER PAT PEND. - - 10" size Lawson pipe wrench. Excellent, like new.
0518. 14" (USHCO logo) LAWSON - U.S.H.CO. Mfg Co. (U. S. Hame Co.) / PAT. DEC. 14-20 - OTHER PAT PEND. - - 14" size Lawson pipe wrench. Good Plus, some minor dings.
0519. 18" MADE BY THE LAWSON MFG. CO. - CLEVELAND, OHIO / PAT DEC 4-20 - OTHER PAT PEND. - - 18" size Lawson pipe wrench. Good Plus.
0520. 24" (USHCO logo) LAWSON - USHCO MFG. CO, INC - BUFFALO, N. Y. (U. S. Hame Co.) / PAT. DEC. 14-20 - OTHER PAT PEND. - - 24" size Lawson pipe wrench. Good Plus, some minor dings.
0521. 36" (USHCO logo) Lawson - USHCO MFG. CO, INC - BUFFALO, N. Y. (U. S. Hame Co.) / PAT. DEC. 14-20 - OTHER PAT PEND. - - 36" size Lawson pipe wrench. Good Plus, some minor dings. Rare large size in Excellent condition.
0522. 8" FORGED LAWSON STEEL / FAIRMONT TOOL & FORGING CO. - CLEVELAND, OHIO - - 8" size by an unlisted manufacturer. Excellent (not in Schulz)
0523. 10" (USHCO logo) LAWSON - U.S.H.CO. Mfg Co. (U. S. Hame Co.) / PAT. DEC. 14-20 - OTHER PAT PEND. - - 10" size Lawson pipe wrench. Good++.
0524. 14" FORGED LAWSON STEEL / FAIRMONT TOOL & FORGING CO. - CLEVELAND, OHIO - - 14" size by an unlisted manufacturer. Excellent (not in Schulz)
0525. 18" (USHCO logo) LAWSON - USHCO MFG. CO, INC - BUFFALO, N. Y. (U. S. Hame Co.) / PAT. DEC. 14-20 - OTHER PAT PEND. - - 18" size Lawson pipe wrench. Good++.
NEWTON MACH. CO. - NEWTON, MASS - GUTHRIE'S PAT. JAN 13, 1885 / B2178 - - 8.25" wood handled pipe wrench. Scarce wrench in Good Plus condition except for a chipped jaw. Patent was issued to James F. Guthrie of Somerville, Mass.(S585)
10 IN - COCHRAN PAT'D 1908 / MODEL 1910 - - 9.5" modified Stillson type with a patented "rocking collar". The patent was issued to James M. Cochran of Paducah on April 21, 1908. Excellent. (S588)
0528. 14 IN - COCHRAN PAT'D 1908 / MODEL 1910 - - 13" in excellent condition with original finish. (S588)
0529. 24 IN - COCHRAN PAT'D 1908 / MODEL 1910 - - 21.75". God Plus. (S588)
0530. MFD. BY THE OSWEGO TOOL CO / OSWEGO, N.Y. -14 - - 13" Stillson type pipe wrench. Good Plus. (not in Schulz)
0531. NO 514-10 - PATENT PENDING BERNARD - W. SCHOLLHORN CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. - - 9.5" all metal pipe wrench similar to a Stillson but a defend type adjusting nut and jaw assembly. Excellent. (not in Schulz)
0532. SIZE 14 - ROXBY WRENCH CO - BOSTON, MASS. / ROXBY PAT APL'D FOR - - 12.5" wood handled Stillson type pipe wrench. Good Plus with handle crack. (not in Schulz)
0533. LARCO WRENCH & MFG. CO. - CHICAGO - PAT-9-21 - -13" Stillson type pipe wrench. Good Plus. (S608)
8" LITTLE GIANT - PAT 2-4-13 / GREENFIELD, MASS. (with a GTD logo) - - 8" size Little Giant pipe wrench with reversible upper jaw. The Little Giant wrenches were patented by Addison B. Carll of Boothwyn, Penn. (he also had the patent for the Carll reversible jaw Crescent type wrenches). Good Plus. (S600)
0535. 8" LITTLE GIANT - PAT Feb. 4, 1913 / GREENFIELD, MASS. (with a GTD logo) - - 8" size Little Giant pipe wrench with reversible upper jaw. Different style than above. Good Plus. (S600)
0536. 8" LITTLE GIANT - PAT Feb. 4, 1913 / GREENFIELD, MASS. (with a GTD logo) - - 8" size Little Giant pipe wrench with reversible upper jaw. Good Plus. (S600)
0537. 14" LITTLE GIANT - PAT Feb. 4, 1913 / GREENFIELD, MASS. (with a GTD logo) - - 14" size Little Giant pipe wrench with reversible upper jaw. Good Plus. (S600)
0538. 14" LITTLE GIANT - PAT 1,052,313 / GREENFIELD, MASS. (with a GTD logo) - - 14" size Little Giant pipe wrench with reversible upper jaw. Good Plus with former owner's identification notches in handles.(S600)
0539. 24" LITTLE GIANT - PAT Feb. 4, 1913 / GREENFIELD, MASS. (with a GTD logo) - - 24" size Little Giant pipe wrench with reversible upper jaw. Handle slightly bent and marked with former owners initials. (S600)
COLUMBIAN WRENCH - PAT. SEPT 13, 1892 - C0LUMBIAN MFG. CO, BROCKTON, MASS - - 8" wood handled pipe wrench with an unusual screw adjustment. Patented by Daniel R. Porter of Chelsea, Mass. Good Plus, some markings are weak. (S591)
0541. THE DUFFEY WRENCH - PATENTED 10" / THE BETHLEHEM WRENCH CO. - BETHLEHEM, PA - - 10" screw adjust pipe wrench with an unique pivoting jaw assembly. Patent was issued William H. Duffey of South Bethlehem, on Aug. 15, 1911. Good plus with a few minor nicks, (S625)
Unmarked (Gates Bull or Bolt Wrench) - - 10.25" all metal nut wrench with an unique adjusting screw on top of upper jaw. Pat. Feb 15, 87 by Alfonso D. Gates of Cleveland, OH and mfg. by the Lorain Wrench Co. of Lorain, Ohio Good with a small tight jaws crack, minor nicks, small drilled hang hole. (S391)
MERRICK'S PATENT - SPRINGFIELD, MASS - - 10.25" wood handle center screw adjust nut wrench. This is the first American screw wrench, patented August 17, 1935 by Solyman Merrick of Springfield, Mass. and manufactured by Stephen Bemis in Springfield. Wrench works perfectly, jaws are not sprung, Markings are weak, some very minor pitting and the handle with the recessed end nut is a Herb Page replacement. A good looking very early patented wrench. (S832)
MORRIS-BLODGETT D. F. T. CO. INDEP, MO / PAT JAN 18, 1911 FORGED TOOL STEEL - - 11.25" Pipe wrench. John Morris had left Kansas and lived in Marshalltown, Iowa when he patented this pipe wrench on Jan, 18, 1910 (not 1911 as marked on the wench) and evidently very few were made as they are seldom found. Some spots of light pitting, chip off end of handle.
0545. MORRIS-BLODGETT D. F. T. CO. INDEP, MO / PAT JAN 18, 1911 FORGED TOOL STEEL - - 15.25". Largest size of the Morris patent pipe wrenches (see above for patent information). Replaced adjusting knurled gear bolt, tiny crack on the corner of the adjusting gear holder which seems to be a weak point on these wrenches as almost all seen have a crack there or been repaired.
0546. Marked only Pat. App'd - - 4.5" odd little screw adjust nut wrench with "left hand" adjustment. Excellent (not listed, no info)
CC PAT MAR 1, 1921 OMAHA - - 8.5" nut or pipe wrench that can be adjusted with a knurled knob or a tee handle on the end of the wrench. Patented by Gene D. Chenette of Ames, Iowa. Good with some pitting, dings and weak but readable markings. (S463)
Marked only "8" - - 8.75" odd screw adjust pipe wrench listed in Schulz's book as "Leader Pipe Wrench. Pat. Sept. 1. 1903. Made by Ripley Pipe Wrench Co., Ripley, NY." Patent was issued to George Walker Johnson of Erie, PA. Good++. (S610)
0549. Unmarked - 8.75" crude, heavy shop made center screw adjust nut wrench. Jaws are sprung otherwise Good++.
0550. Unmarked - - 6.75" center screw adjust nut wrench, shop made?. Excellent with owners or makers initials? "A. E.".
0551. GOODELL PRATT COMPANY - TOOL SMITHS - GREENFIELD, MASS USA - - 6" aluminum handled nut wrench with dual threaded shafts. Good Plus with a few very minor jaws edge dings. (S394)
0552. GOODELL PRATT COMPANY - TOOL SMITHS - GREENFIELD, MASS - - 6.25" aluminum handled nut wrench with dual threaded shafts. Slightly different markings and 1.25" longer than same wrench above. Good Plus with minor jaw edge chip. (S394)
0553. GOODELL PRATT COMPANY - TOOL SMITHS - GREENFIELD, MASS - - 10" aluminum handled nut wrench with dual threaded shafts. Good Plus with very weak markings, some not readable. (S394)
PAT. SEPT. 7, '97 - - 5.5" all malleable cast Vandegrift wrench. Small size with cutout slots in body. Mfg. by the Monte Wrench Co. (Shelbyville, IN). Good Plus. (C233)
SHAFFER WRENCH NO 2 / PATENT PENDING - - 12.5" double jaw nut and pipe wrench with adj nut at bottom end of handle, Patented 10-26-1909 by Daniel Shaffer of Chattanooga, Oklahoma. Scarce large size. Some nicks and bruises, hard to adjust. (S578)
0556. BILLINGS & SPENCER CO HARTFORD, CONN. USA (with the "B" in triangle logo) - - 7.75" auto type wrench with the seldom seen angled jaws. Plated finish in Excellent condition. (S862)
0557. 10 IN THE ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA. (with an arrow logo) - - 10" Crescent type wrench. Scarce name on this high quality near mint Crescent type wrench.
0558. NIC TOOL ESKILSTUMA SWEDEN - - 8" unusual double box end wrench adjusted with a large knurled gear that engages rack teeth on the edge of the shaft. Excellent. (S786)
0559. 11 INCH AUTO / MFD BY CRESCENT TOOL CO - JAMESTOWN, NY - - 11" high quality auto type wrench. The Crescent brand auto type wrenches are several times better than most of the more common auto type wrenches found. Excellent and rarer than you think.
0560. W & B (in a diamond logo) AUTO - - 10.25" thin Coes type all metal nut wrench. Good with a few dings and spots of minor pitting.
- C - Mossberg WRENCH CO. Attleboro, Mass USA - PAT. NOV 19, DEC 31, '95 - - 5" center adjust pocket wrench with edge slot to guide lower jaw. Good Plus with some jaw edge dings. (S103B)
0562. Marked only with the Pennsylvania Railroad PRR in a keystone logo - - 15.5" all metal monkey wrench. Crudely made with a reinforcing bar on back of the lower jaw, similar to but more primitive than the Perfect Handle wrenches. These were made in the Altoona shops of the Pennsylvania R.R. (unlisted?)
THE LAMSON & SESSIONS CO. - PAT'D - CLEVELAND, O. / STANDARD - - 15" Coes type wood handled monkey wrench with distinctive ferrule and adjusting nut holder with rivet, made to Matthew E. Campfield's (of Cleveland, OH) May 9, 1882 patent. Good++ with red painted handle. (not listed)
TOWER & LYON - NEW YORK - PATENTED SEPT 25TH, 1877, MAR 1ST, 1881, DEC 12TH, 1882, Nov. 12, 1889 - - 15.5" wood handled double jawed nut and pipe wrench. Short hex adjusting nut variant with replaceable pivoting lower pipe jaw. Pat. by Bernard Donahue of Yonkers, NY. Good with a few dings and handle crack. Some markings hard to read. For some reason the Donahue patented wrenches are difficult to find in good or better condition. (like S566)
THE ARMSTRONG NO. 4 - PAT'D MAY 6, 84 / BRIDGEPORT, CONN. - - 19" . Rare center screw adjust pipe wrench. Patented by Nathaniel W. Vandegrift of Bridgeport, Conn. Replaceable jaw inserts are chipped, otherwise Good++. S584)
STARBUCK - - 8" all metal with heavy cast handle pat Jan. 6, 1953 to Alfred L. Joy of West Hartford, Conn. and assigned to R. M. Starbucks & Sons of Hartford. Odd looking turn handle to adjust wrench that was designed that when the jaws are adjusted outwardly they engage internal surfaces. Excellent. (S534)
0567. L. W. ? - - 8.25" early 1800's turn handle to adjust English Coach Wrench with hammer poll. Good Plus. (like S753 and page 3)
0568. J. S. & S_ _ (can't read rest, may be & SONS) - - 11.5" all metal nut wrench and hammer, turn handle to adjust. Early 1800's English Coach Wrench in excellent condition. (like S753 and page 3)
HOLLANDS MFG CO. ERIE, PA. - 10 / PATENTED (w/ a keystone logo) - - 10" heavy duty pw with only three parts. Pat. 5-13-1902 by Henry Renner of Erie, PA. and adv. as "The Keystone Pipe Wrench". An impressive looking sturdy wrench. Good++. (S604)
COMO WRENCH CO. - CHICAGO - PAT. OCT. 14, '13 - - 13" unique (consisting of only three pieces) screw adjust pipe wrench with a slotted threaded upper jaw that fits over the wrench handle. Patented by Joseph Anthony Schlehr of Chicago. Good Plus with a few edge dings and weak marked patent date. (S589)
Lot of: MADE BY THE LOWNES MFG. CO. - HUNTSVILLE, ALA. / PATENTED APRIL 23, 1889 - FEB 10, 1891 - - 8.5" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench with a rotating center section that allows the upper jaw to be inserted vertically or horizontally. Pats. by Sidney Cook and Phineas Lownes. (S612)
(1.) 7" with light pitting, numbers hard to read.
(2.) 12.5" with a few nicks and light markings.
0572. 14 CRAFTSMAN / made in USA - - 13" all metal pipe wrench with distinctive handle design from Sears & Roebuck. Excellent. (S597)
0573. MARTOR TOOL - PAT. - 18 - GERMANY - - 16" Stillson type pipe wrench with a lever that tilts the upper jaw. Similar to the Eagle Grip pipe wrench. Excellent. (S772)
PAT SEP 7, 97 / 31 - - 7.5" wood handle version of the Vandegrift patent monkey wrench. Good Plus. (R139)
0575. Unmarked (Miller Falls Co of Miller Falls, Mass.) - - 8.25" screw adj with metal spinner handle (square head variation). Good Plus with most of the plating intact. (S207)
Lot of: two small adjustable wrenches.
(1.) 4" Crescent
Unmarked - - 6". William Baxter's "S" model double ended wrench, first patented Dec 1, 1868. Good Plus with some light pitting. (S305)
Unmarked - - 11.5" Large size of William Baxter's "S" model double ender. Nice large example with dark patina and a few minor nicks. (S305)
Lot of: two Screw adjust box end wrenches patented by Ted Neff of San Bernardino, California. Marked ADJUST-A-BOX - PAT NO. 2,912,891 - U.S.A.
(1.) 8"
(2.) 10"
0580. 8" NO. 78 - BUFFALO NY USA / WESTCOTT - THE KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - - 8" curved handled Crescent type wrench in absolutely mint hardware store new condition.
0581. TRIMO BASIN WRENCH - PAT. APD FOR - - 10" with tee handle. Excellent (S92, patent not found)
Marked only PAT APP'D FOR - - 12.5" unique adjustable. carriage wrench made to George Dunham's (Hebron, Maine) patent of 2-5-1895. Condition is poor because both the notches that engage the helical adjusting ramps or broken off. Shaft is slightly sprung, some pitting. If you need a wooden knob, this one is good++. (S223)
ROBINSON'S CRANK WRENCHES - FOND DU LAC WIS. - - 9.5" odd nut wrench and bit brace with a wooden handle and adjusting crank handle with v-notches in the jaws to hold a drill bit. Sylvanus Edward Robinson's patent of Jan. 26, 1875 probably applies. Rare tool in excellent condition except for a large weld repair on both side of the top jaw. (not in Schulz's or Cope's books)
0584. AM STEEL & WIRE CO. - PAT APPLD FOR - S1 /A S W CO - - 29" wire stretcher. Weld repair.
Lot of: two wire stretchers.
(1.) PAT'D JAN 2, 1900 - MAY 14 - - 16". Handle ends have grind marks.
(2.) Unmarked - - 16.75". Same tool as above
0586. Unmarked - - 9.5" combination tool. Patented May 8, 1888. Mfd by the Faust Tool Co., San Antonio, Texas. Pat. May 8, 1888. Good Plus with some dings on pivot rivet.
0587. Kitselman Wire Tool marked only 14 / 61 - - 9.75" comb hammer, staple puller, plier type tool. Excellent.
0588. THOMAS M'FG. CO. - DAYTON, OHIO / GUARANTEED FORGED STEEL - - 11.5" comb fencing tool including hatchet, hammer, alligator wrench, pliers, sc/dr, etc. Some pitting, minor hatchet blade chip. (S801)
RANCHMAN / FORGED TOOL STEEL (John Morris Pat of July 19, 1898 probably applies) - 12.25" hatchet comb. tool with hammer, pincers, nail claw, sc/dr and leather punch. Good Plus, punch missing (S802)
0590. PAT PEND (and SC logo) - - 6.5" wire gripping tool. Excellent.
0591. THE BUFFALO - OSMUNDSON MFG CO - PAT APD FOR - PERRY IOWA - - 10.25" plier type fencing tool. Good Plus.
0592. MFD BY REIN LEITZKE - HUSTISFORD, WIS - - 26" wire stretcher.
0593. PAT'D JAN 2, 1900 - MAY 14, 1901 - - 17.5" wire stretcher.
MADE BY STRIBEY & FOOTE CO. - NEWARK, NJ - PAT. SEPT. 19, 1904 / THE COULTER TOOL CO. SAN ANTONIA, TEXAS - - 15" comb. plier type tool with leather punch, sc/dr, nail claw. wire cutter, etc. Pat. by Newton J. Tate of Weatherford, Texas. Good Plus.
0595. MADE BY STRIBEY & FOOTE CO. - NEWARK, NJ - PAT. SEPT. 19, 1904 / FORGED TOOL STEEL - - 15" combination wire tool like above with different markings. Good Plus with grind marks on S-hold swivel.
Lot of: Cronk type wire pliers.
(1.) Red Devil - S. H. Co. (Smith & Hemenway Co.) - - 8.25". Excellent.
(2.) Unmarked - - 11". Excellent.
0597. Unmarked - - 15" wire grab or tug.
"THE DENVER WRENCH" / PATENTED APRIL 6, 1909 - - 13.75" rack type quick adjust wrench. Rare rack wrench mfg. by Blake Wrench Mfg. Co. of Denver, Colorado and patented by Walter A. Moffat, of Denver, Colorado.
Onesimus Blake's patent of May 11. 1909 also applies.
Rare wrench, first one we have had the opportunity to list. Good++. (S24, C71)
0599. Unmarked - - 10.5" hex shaft quick adjust nut wrench with a sliding lower jaw assembly with a knurled locking collar. Have seen identical wrench marked "Staff" Pat. Appl'd 4-8-19. Excellent.
PERFECTION WRENCH - PORT CHESTER, N.Y. / PATENT JUNE 25, 1907 - OTHER PATS PENDING - - 12" lever operated quick adjust wrench advertised as a bolt and pipe wrench (the jaws can be reversed for smooth or serrated) and as a vise, clamp, jack, and tool holder. This has to be the most complicated wrench ever produced, besides the large lever there are three other small lever and a tension thumbscrew. If you get the levers all aligned with the stars you can either lock, quick adjust or ratchet adjust the jaws. Pat. by George Alexander McIntire of Port Chester, NY. A real wrench gizmo in Excellent condition. (not in Schulz, see Cope page 248 for operating instructions)
0601. Unmarked - - 8.25" Stillson style pipe wrench combined with a rack type quick adjustment. Neat wrench that may be shop made? Excellent and only one seen. (not listed, no info)
SAN DIEGO SPECIALTY WORKS / PAT. 6-17-12 - - 9" odd self adjust patented by William Bessolo the notorious wrench inventor and alleged con man. Although the wrench shows a June 17, 1912 patent date (which has not been found), patent No. 1,004,792 of Oct. 3. 1911 issued to Bessolo (while he lived in Denver, Colorado) looks actually like this wrench. Rare wrench in excellent condition.
THE KEITH WRENCH / KEITH MFG. CO. AURORA, ILL - - 14" all metal version pipe wrench with both self adjusting and quick adjust features. Good Plus with some edge dings. Patent of Mar. 10, 1891 was issued to Truman D. Keith, South Pasadena, CA. (S684)
0604. WALWORTH MFG. CO. BOSTON, MASS - - 12" wooden handle qk adjust with complex rack type adjustment. Good Plus, spot of light pitting. (S728)
HAYWARD - PAT. NOV. 4, 1913 / HAYWARD WRENCH CO. - ST. LOUIS, MO. - - 14" self adjusting wrench with six different pivoting joints. Patented by Hubert Hayward of Aldrich, Missouri and advertised as a bolt, nut, and pipe wrench. Good Plus. (S678, C162)
A. HARVEY'S SONS MFG CO LTD DETROIT, MICH / HARVEY WRIGHT'S WRENCH PAT FEB 1910 - NOV 1911 (and A H S in a diamond logo) - - 8.5" quick adjust pipe wrench with rack teeth on side of shaft and sliding lower jaws assembly. Pat. by James F. Wright of Canton, Ohio. Good Plus. (S731)
0607. THURLEY GRIP ALL NO. 2 / PATENT NO. 21553 - WYNN TIMMINS (and an arrow logo) - - 13.5" heavy quick adjust wrench. Excellent (not listed, no info)
LAGRIPPER WRENCH CO. BATTLE CREEK, MICH / PAT JUNE 28, 1898 - - 11.25". Quick adjust rack wrench with a handle length release lever. Patent by George Van Schoick of Coldwater, Michigan. Good Plus. (S688)
GRIPSO-MATIC PIPE WRENCH BASFORD MFG CO SAN FRANCISCO - PATENT PENDING - NO. 44-14 - - 12.5" quick adjust rack type pipe wrench with a release button. Patented by George Mead of Crows Landing, Calif. Good++. (S673)
WRIGHT WRENCH TACOMA, WASH. / PAT 3 - 04 STEEL FORGING CO - - 12" rack type quick adjust nut wrench. Good Plus. (S543)
GORDON AUTOMATIC PAT'D USA - - 7.25" qk adj nut wrench with rack teeth and spring loaded lower jaw. Pat. by William Gordon of Union, New Jersey on June 07, 1921. Good Plus. (S493)
0612. WALWORTH MFG. CO. BOSTON, MASS - - 12" wooden handle qk adjust with complex rack type adjustment. Good Plus except for spot of light pitting, handle crack. (S728)
BAUMO (with arrow logo) - SERIAL NO. 1-14 - PATENTED 4-23-35 / MFG BY JOHN W. BAUMNAN & SONS SASSAMANSVILLE, PA (etc.) - - 13" qk adjust rack type pipe wrench with lever that controls the upper jaw. Patent was issued to John, Stanley and Irwin Bauman of Sassamansville, PA and Bluffton, OH. Excellent with original finish. (S651)
8 IN NUT GEARENCH (sic) TRADEMARK - FORGED STEEL PAT'D 6-1-26 / GEARENCH MFG CO. - HOUSTON TEXAS - - 8.25" Although this wrench has serrated teeth and it is listed in Schulz under Quick Adjust Pipe Wrenches, it is marked "nut wrench" and it definitely won't work on pipe, but it does work on a hex or square nuts. Patented by Joseph Peterson of College Station, TX. Excellent. (S671)
F. W. MACKE & CO QUICKSET WRENCH - PAT. APRIL 22 - 1919 - - 8.25" All metal side screw adjust nut wrench with a lever that raises the knurled nut off the rack teeth for quick adjustment. Pat. April 22, 1919 by Joseph Nielander, Kokomo, Indiana. Poor because of pitting and missing spring. Some markings not readable. (S511)
G. M. CO. - L. I. CITY, NY, (etc.) - 8.5" comb tool with a quick and screw adj nut wrench, hammer, pry bar with nail puller.
Patented by George S. Iskyan of Jackson Heights, NY on Sep. 07, 1954. Good++. (S791)
LEVER WRENCH CO DULUTH, MINN / HEIMBACK PATENT 1915 - - 8" qk adj nut wrench with lever and rack teeth. Patented 6-8-1915 by Alton Heimbach of Duluth. Usually found with poor or unreadable markings, these are strong and clear. Excellent. (S308)
0618. LEVER WRENCH CO DULUTH, MINN / HEIMBACK PATENT 1915 - - 10" size Lever Wrench like above. Excellent, unused condition. (S308)
0619. "VICTOR" TRADEMARK / PAT DEC 23,1902 - AUG 25, 1903 - - 10.5" qk adj pw with spring loaded lower jaw and rack adjustment. Made by the Bonner Mfg. Co. of Chrisman, IL.. and pat. by William S. Bonner of Cherrypoint, IL. Good Plus. (S653)
Z 12 IN / PAT APL'D FOR - - 12" malleable iron quick adjust with pipe jaws variant. Pat. Oct. 31, 1905 by Frederick Zwicker of Indianapolis, IN. Good Plus. (S732)
15" TRIG-O-MATIC - PAT 2645145 / TRIG-O-MATIC TOOL CORP. - CHICAGO USA - - 17" self adj. pipe wrench with a pivoting upper jaw with a coiled spring. Patented by John Larson of Chicago. Excellent, like new with original finish. (S720)
Jackson's Patent 14 Inch / W. W. WHITEHEAD CO - DAVENPORT, IOWA - - 15.75" lever operated quick adj pw. Pat. by Ambrose F. Jackson of Rock Island, IL. on Feb. 26, 1901. Good Plus, with minor chips on a couple jaws teeth. (S682)
IRLAND PIPE WRENCH CO. BOSTON, MASS U.S.A. PAT JULY 7 - SEPT 23, 1923 OCT 3. 1905" - - 15.5". Advertised as "The Irland Automatic Pipe Wrench". Uses a spring-loaded lever underneath the handle to open the upper jaw, which closes automatically. Pat by David H. Irland of Chicago, IL. on Sep. 22, 1903. Upper jaw chip, markings light and not all readable. (S681
0624. Unmarked - - 8" plier type wrench with a swinging lower jaw that can be set in different slots in the handle. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
A. HARVEY'S SONS MFG CO LTD DETROIT, MICH / HARVEY WRIGHT'S WRENCH PAT FEB 1910 - NOV 1911 (and A H S in a diamond logo) - - 12.75" quick adjust pipe wrench with rack teeth on side of shaft and sliding lower jaws assembly. Patents were issued to James F. Wright of Canton, Ohio. Good++. (S731)
THE BECKLIN WRENCH CO. SEATTLE, WASH / PAT MAR 16, 1920 (etc.) - - 14" quick adjust rack wrench with unique pivoting release lever. Patentees were John H. Lagreid and Oscar Becklin both of Seattle. Excellent with original finish. (S713)
UTILITY WRENCH CO LD. NEW YORK NO. 7.C - AUG 13, 1878, SEPT 4, 1883 - - 12.5" all metal lever controlled rack wrench with ultra fine rack teeth. These wrenches are among the top in the old wrench field in both quality of materials and workmanship. The all metal Utility Wrenches are quite a bit scarcer than those with wood handles. Pat. by Henry W. Atwater of Newton, Mass. Good Plus with a few minor edge dings. (all metal not in Schulz. see S541 for wooden handled version.)
0628. ROMRIK / J. B. CURTIS (former owner?) - - 12" quick. adjust all metal wrench with rack teeth and lever similar to the Wakefield Wrench S727. Excellent.
HAR_ _ _ WRENCH CO _ _ _ _ _ USA (rest of the lettering has been ground off. Should be HARRIS WRENCH - MT. AIRY, N.C. USA - PATS PENDING) - - 12" interesting pipe wrench with a head that rotates to adjust the jaws. Good Plus. Patent was issued to Jason Harris of Mount Airy, North Carolina on Mar. 01, 1932. (not listed)
Lot of: Two modern self adjust pipe wrenches similar to above with heads that rotate 360 degrees to adjust the jaws.
(1.) J1014 JAWS / TOYANG - - 11.5" Excellent, like new. (not listed, no info)
(2.) VL-10 / TOYANG F- - 11.5" Excellent, like new. (not listed, no info)
0631. QUALI-KRAFT / USA PAT. PEND. JAPAN (etc.) - - 8" Peterson Helix type quick adjust wrench with 15/16" box end wrench on end of handle, plated finish. Excellent working condition, plated finish.
Lot of: Two BIONIC WRENCH - LOGGER HEAD TOOLS / MADE IN USA - PAT. NO. 6,889,579 -- Modern pliers type wrench with a round opening and six metal jaws that extend to contact the bolt head when the handles are closed. Pat. by Daniel P. Brown of Palos Park, IL
(1.) 6".
(2.) 8".
STEPHENS WRENCH / PAT'D DEC 21, 09 - - 9.5" pivoting head open end wrench. Pat. Dec. 21, 1909 by Harry E. Stephens of Elgin, IL. Good++.
0634. SCHOLLER - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0635. CARRINGTON'S / JACKDAW - MADE IN ENGLAND - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0636. PITTSBURGH / CHINA - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0637. BONNY USA - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0638. WRIGHT USA / 9ACOR- - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0639. MC-KAIG HATCH - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0640. TIGER / TIGER - USA- - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0641. PECK STOW & WILCOX / 4IN ANGLE ADJUSTABLE - PEXTO - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0642. SPARTA / A-304 - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0643. PENEN'S CORP. 4204 - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0644. LAKESIDE (Montgomery Ward brand) - - 4" Crescent type wrench. Part of the handle edge has been ground.
0645. AIGO - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0646. S-K TOOLS- - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0647. P & C 1704-S - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0648. PENNCRAFT - 9913 - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0649. BLUE-POINT USA / DA24 - NO HAMMERING - NO EXTENSIONS - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0650. K-D 63604 USA- - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0651. RIDGID 704 / RIDGE TOOL CO - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0652. BLACKHAWK USA / AW-10041-1- - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0653. WARDS MASTER QUALITY - - 4" Crescent type wrench with embossed lettering.
0654. WARDS MASTER QUALITY - - 4" Crescent type wrench with debossed lettering.
0655. NAPA AW-4 USA - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0656. INDESTRO SUPPER 3585 - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0657. S-K TOOLS / USA - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
FORGED - BARCALO / 4 INCH BUFFALO USA - - 4" Crescent type wrench with the distinctive tear drop shaped hang hole. The unique handle design was patented by Lewis A. Safford of Buffalo, NY on Feb. 22, 1921.
FORGED - BARCALO / STEEL - BUFFALO USA - - 4" Crescent type wrench with the distinctive tear drop hang hole.
0660. BARCALO-BUFFALO USA / 4IN DROP FORGED STEEL - - 4" Crescent type wrench with round hang hole.
0661. UTICA (3 diamonds logo) 91-4 USA- - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0662. UTICA TOOLS (no logo) 91-4 USA / UTICA ALLOY STEEL -- - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0663. P & C 1704-l USA / CLIK-STOP - PAT. PEND. - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0664. PROTO 704L / CLIK STOP USA - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0665. MAC TOOLS USA / MAC-AJB-4C-4IN - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0666. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. USA / 4" "SUPERJUSTABLE" - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0667. GERMANY - 1/4" - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0668. KAL 704 HEAVY DUTY/ JAPAN - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0669. HEAVY TOP DUTY / CR-B JAPAN - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0670. Lot of five Craftsman four inch Crescents. All different.
0671. Lot of five Proto four inch Crescents. All different.
0672. Lot of five Diamond Tool & Horseshoe Co. and Diamond Calk Horseshoe Co. four inch Crescents. All different.
0673. Lot of four Diamond Tool & Horseshoe Co. and Diamond Calk Horseshoe Co. four inch Crescents. All different and different from those in first group of Diamonds in lot 672.
0674. Lot of five Crescent brand four inchers. All different.
0675. Lot of five Crescent brand four inchers. All different and different from those in first group of Crescents in lot 674.
0676. Lot of five "no name" four inch Crescent type wrenches, a pouch for a Mechanics brand 4" Crescent and a 5" Crescent with oversized jaws for it's length and extra-large plastic handle covering.
0677. Five key chain wrenches including 3 Crescents, a pliers and a pipe wrench plus a working Crescent type wrench cigarette lighter and a hammer cigarette lighter.
Although better know as a manufacturer of pipe wrenches Trimont Mfg. Co. produced a line of heavy duty adjustable nut wrenches in several different styles. The July 19, 1904 patented all metal wrenches have a distinctive slotted shaft on the adjustable jaws and were patented by Alfred G. Ely of New York, NY.
The Dec. 19, 1911 patent was issued to John H. Vinton of Jamaica Plain, MA. and refers to the washer adjusting nut guard that keeps the adjustment from changing accidentally.
0678. TRIMO TRADEMARK / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - PATENTED (etc.) - - 6" size of the 1904 patent wrench with the slotted jaw shaft. Scarce small size. Area of pitting on handle. (S435)
0679. TRIMO TRADEMARK PATENTED JULY 19, 04 / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS. - - 8" size with slotted jaw shaft. Some very light pitting.
0680. TRIMO TRADEMARK PATENTED JULY 19, 04 / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS. - - 10" size with slotted jaw shaft. Some very light pitting.
0681. TRIMO TRADEMARK / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - PATENTED - - 10" size with slotted jaw shaft with different markings than Lot 680. Good Plus.
0682. TRIMO TRADEMARK PATENTED JULY 19, 04 / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS. - - 12" size with slotted jaw shaft. Good++.
0683. TRIMO TRADEMARK PATENTED JULY 19, 04 / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS. - - 18" size with slotted jaw shaft. Good Plus.
0684. TRIMO TRADEMARK PATENTED JULY 19, 04 / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS. - - 18" size with slotted jaw shaft. Jaw edge chipped.
0685. TRIMO - TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS U.S.A. / SIZE 12" PAT'D 12-19-1911 - - 12" size all metal nut wrench with the washer nut guard feature. Good Plus with some dings on handle. (1084B)
6" size H. D. Smith Perfect Handle wood handled monkey wrench. With patent dates Oct. 30, 1900; Jan 15, 1901; and Feb 26, 1901. These patents were issued to Amos Shepard and William Ward of Plantsville, CT. Good Plus. (S405)
0687. 10" size H. D. Smith Perfect Handle wood handled monkey wrench. Good Plus.
0688. 12" size H. D. Smith Perfect Handle wood handled monkey wrench. Some edges have grind marks.
0689. 15" size H. D. Smith Perfect Handle wood handled monkey wrench. Marked ORIGINAL PERFECT HANDLE (etc.) Good Plus.
0690. 18" size H. D. Smith Perfect Handle wood handled monkey wrench. Good++.
0691. 21" size H. D. Smith Perfect Handle wood handled monkey wrench. Hard to find larges size. Some markings are weak, jaws edge nicks, wood handle shows some wear.
10" size H. D. Smith Perfect Handle wood handled pipe wrench. Two patents were issued to William S. Thomson of Plantsville, Conn. in 1914. Good++.
14" size H. D. Smith Perfect Handle wood handled pipe wrench. Pitted.
7" H. D. Smith & Co. all metal offset pliers. Listed as No. 646 "Gittatit" Offset Slip Joint Pliers in H. D Smith Catalogs. Marked with patent dates of June 9, 1914 and Feb 20, 1917. Good Plus, some markings weak.
Lot of: Four wood handled Perfect Handle type screwdrivers.
(1.) GERMANY - - 11" with round shaft.
(2.) GERMANY - - 6" with round shaft.
(3.) GERMANY - - 5" with round shaft.
(4.) Unmarked - - 9.5" with square shaft.
Lot of two lineman wrenches:
(1.) M. KLEIN & SONS / CAT. 3146 BELL SYSTEM - - 13". Excellent.
(2.) BELL SYSTEM - A10397 - - 13". Excellent.
0697. AMPCO AL BR W583 USA - - 15" Beryllium bung wrench. Excellent, like new.
Lot of: four plumber's wrenches.
(1.) Unmarked internal pipe or nipple wrench.
(2.) ANDREE WRENCH 8 IN PAT-1377178 - - basin wrench. Pat. May 10, 1921 by Arthur G. H. Andree of Oak Park, IL. (S60)
(3.) NO 1017 - RIDGID BASIN WRENCH - RIDGE TOOL CO - - 9.75" basin wrench with telescoping shaft. (S91)
0699. Unmarked - - 13.5" malleable What's It.
Lot of: Two flat steel wrenches.
(1.) NATIONAL 7810 - - 7" with seven wrench openings.
0702. NEW HAVEN CONN. - OEM - - 9" by 9" star shaped bung wrench. Excellent.
0703. Unmarked - - 8" by 8" six ended bung wrench? Looks like a giant pick-em up jack, Excellent
GELLMAN WRENCH CORPORATION - ROCK ISLAND, ILL - POLLY / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 6 IN. NO. 61 (etc.) - - 6" quick adjust nut wrenches (external spring variant) pat. by Israel Gellman of Chicago, IL. Good Plus. (S522)
0705. GELLMAN WRENCH CORP. - CHICAGO ILL / PATENTS PENDING - 6 IN. NO. 61 - - 6" internal spring and Chicago marking variation. Good++. (similar TO S522)
0706. GELLMAN MANUFACTURING. COMPANY - ROCK ISLAND, ILL - POLLY / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 9 IN. NO. 91 (etc.) - - 9" with external spring. Good Plus. (S522)
0707. GELLMAN MANUFACTURING. COMPANY - ROCK ISLAND, ILL - POLLY / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 12 IN. NO. 121 (etc.) - - 12" with external spring. Good Plus. (S522)
GELLMAN MANUFACTURING. COMPANY - ROCK ISLAND, ILL - POLLY / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 12 IN. NO. 121 (etc.) - - 12" with external spring. Good Plus with frilled hang hole. (S522)
0709. 14" NYE TOOL CO. CHICAGO - - 12.75" pipe wrench. Excellent with original paint.
0710. 9.75" NYE TOOL CO. CHICAGO - - 12.75" pipe wrench with angled jaws. Excellent with original paint.
0711. WALCO HEX WRENCH NO. 0 / PAT. APPLIED FOR - WALWORTH MFG. CO. - BOSTON USA - - 7.75" Stillson type wrench with jaws for hex nuts and bolts and a tire tool end.. Excellent. (S103)
0712. NO. 11 RIDGID - HEX NUT (etc.) / THE RIDGE TOOL CO. - ELYRIA, OHIO - - 10" with jaws for hex nuts and bolts. Excellent.
0713. WALCO HEX WRENCH NO. 1 / PAT. APPLIED FOR - WALWORTH MFG. CO. - BOSTON USA - - 13" Stillson type wrench with jaws for hex nuts and bolts. Good Plus. (S900)
0714. RIDGID E-110 - - 10.5" with unusual in line jaws for hex nuts. Excellent with original paint.
DUDLY TOOL CO - MEMOMINEE, MICH - PAT AUG, DEC, 1901 - - 7.75" all metal double jaw automotive type nut and pipe wrench. Some light pitting, hammer dents. Design patents were issued to Albert Dudly of Menominee, Michigan.(S57)
0716. DUDLY TOOL CO - MEMOMINEE, MICH - PAT AUG, DEC, 1901 - - 7.75" size. Hammer dents. (S57)
0717. DUDLY TOOL CO - MEMOMINEE, MICH - PAT AUG, DEC, 1901 - - 12" size. Knurled adjusting gear is striped. (S57)
MADE BY STRIBEY & FOOTE CO. - NEWARK, NJ - PAT. SEPT. 13, 1904 / THE COULTER TOOL CO. SAN ANTONIA, TEXAS - - 15" comb. plier type tool with leather punch, sc/dr, nail claw. wire cutter, etc. Pat. by Newton J. Tate of Weatherford, Texas. Good Plus.
RHINO 14 IN - PAT. No. 143898 / RHINO WRENCH CO. DENVER - - 13" self adj. pipe or nut wrench with a spring loaded pivoting upper jaw. Patented by Archibald C. Brintnall of Denver, Colorado on Feb. 19, 1946. Some pitting. (S340)
10 In - Cochran PAT'D 1908 / MODEL 1910 - - 9.5" modified Stillson type with a patented "rocking collar". Patent was issued to James M. Cochran of Paducah, Kentucky. Jaw edge chipped. (S588)
CRAFT 12 IN / THE CRAFTSMAN TOOL CO. CONNEAUT, O. - PAT NOV 1907 - - 12" size of the Craft roller jaw wrench. Patent was issued to George Heckling of Cleveland, Ohio. Good Plus. (like S663 top)
0722. ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA. USA / AUTO NO. 10 - - 11" self adjust wrench with pivoting upper jaw. Good Plus, jaw edge chipped. (S337)
0723. Lot of three 8", 10", and 14" Lawson angled head pipe wrenches. 10" has a bent handle, otherwise all are at least Good Plus. (S609)
COMO WRENCH CO. - CHICAGO - PAT. OCT. 14, '13 - - 13" screw adjust pipe wrench. Patented by Joseph Anthony Schlehr of Chicago, Illinois. Good++.
NO. 3 BULLARD WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 27, 'O3 - - 17.5" adjusting wrench. Chipped jaw teeth. Patented by Frank D. Bullard of Los Angeles, Calif. (like S659)
THE ROBERT WRENCH CO. INC. NY / PATENTED & PATENTS PENDING - - 13" self adjust nut and pipe wrench. Patents were issued in 1922 (Frederic P. Robert - Lynnbrook, L. I., NY), 1924 (Frederick Ruesch - Poughkeepsie, NY), and 1928 (Robert Hoe, Poughkeepsie, NY). Excellent with drilled hang hole. (S360)
WIZARD THE RICHARDS MFG CO AURORA, ILL - PATENTED MAY 21, 07 OTHER PATS PENDING - - 8" adj wrench that combines a double screw Crescent type adj on a ratcheting head. Patented by Joseph N. Noyer of Gould City, Washington. Good++. (S156T)
0728. Lakeside (Montgomery Ward house brand) - - 18" wood knife handled monkey wrench. Good Plus except for grind marks on back edge of shaft.
0729. PAGOMA SHIELD OF QUALITY (in a shield logo) - - 15" wood knife handled monkey wrench. Pagoma was a trademark for hardware wholesaler Paxton and Gallagher of Omaha, Neb. Good++.
S. H, CO. (Simmons Hardware Co. St Louis, Missouri) BLACK-JACK - PAT. JAN. 14, 96 - - 10" wood knife handled monkey wrench. Simmon's had at least three brands of monkey wrenches: Keen Kutter, Black-Jack, and Never Slip. Patent was issued to Robert Cosmos Ellrich of Southington, Conn. and assigned to Peck, Stow and Wilcox Co. of Southington, Conn. Good++.
0731. DIAMOND EDGE - SHAPLEIGH HARDWARE CO (diamond and arrow logo) - - 8" wood knife handled monkey wrench. Good.
0732. S. H. CO (Simmons Hardware Co. St Louis, Missouri) NEVER SLIP - - 8" wood handle monkey wrench. Some grind marks on jaw edge.
0733. Stiletto (double headed arrow logo) - - 9" wood handled pipe wrench from hardware jobbers Baker & Hamilton of San Francisco, Calif.. Good Plus with a few edge dings.
0734. "NEVERSLIP" - - 5.5" double ended alligator wrench. Never Slip was a Simmons Hardware Co. house brand. Good++.
0735. Lakeside (Montgomery Ward house brand) - - 8" all metal pipe wrench. Good++.
0736. Set of 15 Plomb open/box end combination wrenches 1200 series from 5/16" to 1-1/4". All have the pebble finish except the 3/8". Plomb (later Proto Tools) made quality tools that have now became very collectible. It would probably take years to duplicate this set in the desirable pebble finish. If you don't collect them they are excellent users.
0737. PLOMB 3640 LOS ANGELES - 1-1/4 - - 7.25" odd open end specialty wrench?
0738. Plomb 228 - - 8" chain nose pliers.
Lot of four Plomb and early Proto flare nut wrenches, all with pebble finish (only three are picured)
(1.) Proto 3714 7/16".
(2.) Proto 3716 1/2".
(3.) Proto 3718 9/16".
(4.) Plomb 3724 3/4".
0740. PLOMB 5249 WAR FINISH - - 7", 3/8" drive ratchet.
0741. PLOMB 5249 - - 7", 3/8" drive ratchet with pebble finish.
0742. Lot of 9 Plomb open/box end combination wrenches 1200 series from 5/16" to 1-1/4"
0743. Lot of 9 Plomb double open end wrenches 3000 series, all pebble finish. Sizes from 1/4" to 1-1/16".
0744. Lot of 6 Plomb 3200 and 3300 series double open end wrenches with 15 and 80 degree angled ends. called "Midget Open End Electrical and Tappet Wrenches" in Plomb catalogs.
0745. PLOMB 1725 1/2 - 7/16 - - 5.75" curved double box end wrench. Titled "Obstruction Wrench" in Plomb catalogs. Excellent, like new.
0746. Lot of 6 Plomb double box end wrenches, 1100 series. Sizes from 3/8" to 7/8".
0747. PLOMB 5686 LOS ANGELES - - 18.5" heavy duty 3/4" breaker bar.
0748. PLOMB LOS ANGELES 6502 - - 15", 1/2" by 7/16" extra long doodle box end.
PLOMB 5466 - PATENT NO. 1380643 - - 9", 1/2" drive breaker bar. Patented by Samuel Eagle of Gilbert Plains, Manitoba Canada, Jun. 07, 1921.
PLOMB 5467 and 5461 - - 16", 1/2" drive breaker bar (pebble finish) and a 5" extension.
0751. PLOMB 5467 - PATENT NO. 1380443 and 5461 - - 15", 1/2" drive breaker bar and a 5" extension.
Lot of: Three wrenches marked both PLOMB and PROTO.
(1.) 1130 - 9/16" by 5/8" - - 6" double box end.
(2.) 1224-L - 3/4" - - 13.5" open by box end. Extra long series.
(3.) 1232 - 1" - - 13.25" open by box end.
0753. Lot of 6 PLOMB double ended offset box ends, 8100 series with sizes from 7.16" to 1". Excellent.
Lot of three Plomb ratchets and an extension.
(1.) 5449 - - 10.5", 1/2" drive ratchet. Pebble finish, area of pitting.
(2.) 5249 - - 7.25", 3/8" drive ratchet, pebble finish.
(3.) 5260 - - 3.75'. 3/8" drive socket extension.
Lot of three PLOMB double box end wrenches all marked "WF" for Wright Field.
(1.) PLOMB WF-79 - 5/16" by 3/8".
(2.) PLOMB WF-80 - 3/8" by 7/16".
(3.) PLOMB WF-82 - 5/8" by 11/16".
0756. Lot of five PLOMB double open wrenches. All pebble finish with sizes from 1/2" to 7/8".
0757. Lot of 10 smaller PLOMB wrenches. Several different types with sizes from 9/32" to 1/2".
0758. Lot of 9 PLOMB wrenches including one with pebble finish. A couple have been modified.
0759. DIAMOND (in diamond logo) HANDIMAN DULUTH DH16 / FORGED IN USA - - 6.5" combination Crescent type wrench and slip joint pliers. Plated. Excellent, like new. (S243)
Lot of three Diamond pliers.
(1.) KC-18 - - 7.5" hose clamp pliers with sliding locking collar. Excellent
(2.) HB-28 - - 8" battery bolt pliers. Excellent.
(3.) H110P - PAT. 3739664 - - 9.5" grove joint water pump type pliers. Patented by John E. Swanstrom, Jr. of Duluth, Minn, on Jun. 19, 1973. Excellent.
0761. Lot of two Diamond slip joint pliers: 9.5" and 6.5".
0762. 4" DIAMOND (in a diamond logo) (horseshoe logo) / DIAMOND (in a diamond logo) - 4" Crescent type wrench. Plated, Excellent.
0763. 4" DIAMOND (in a diamond logo) (horseshoe logo) / 4" DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO. DULUTH, MINN. (horseshoe logo) - - 4" Crescent type wrench.
0764. DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. DULUTH, MINN (horseshoe logo) / 4" DIAMALLOY, (etc.) - - 4" Crescent type wrench. Plated, Excellent.
0765. Lot of two: 4" DIAMALLOY (in a diamond logo) / 4" DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO - DULUTH, MINN. (horseshoe logo) - - 4" Crescent type wrenches. One plated, one black finish.
0766. Lot of three 6" Diamond Crescent type wrenches. Each with different markings,
0767. Lot of three DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO. Crescent type wrenches, two 8" and one 6".
0768. Lot of three DIAMOND TOOL & HORSESHOE CO. Crescent type wrenches. Two 10" and one 6".
0769. DIAMOND FORGED CC712 (w/ horseshoe logo) - - 12" auto type adjustable wrench with hammer type top jaws. Good Plus.
0770. DIAMOND FORGED C79 (w/ horseshoe logo) - - 9" auto type adjustable wrench. Excellent, like new.
0771. DIAMOND CALK CO 11 IN / DIAMOND DULUTH, MINN MADE IN USA - - 11" auto type adjustable wrench. Good++.
0772. DIAMOND FORGED STEEL HEAT TREATED - 15 IN (w/ horseshoe logo) - - 15" auto type adjustable wrench. Good Plus.
0773. DIAMOND CALK CO 15 IN / DIAMOND DULUTH, MINN MADE IN USA - - 15" auto type adjustable wrench. Some pitting.
0774. DIAMOND FORGED C715 (w/ horseshoe logo)/ NO HAMMERINGS - NO EXTENSIONS - - 15" auto type adjustable wrench. Good Plus.
0775. DIAMOND FORGED C718 (w/ horseshoe logo) - - 18" auto type adjustable wrench. Good Plus.
0776. DIAMOND FORGED C718 (w/ horseshoe logo) - - 18" auto type adjustable wrench. Good Plus.
0777. DIAMOND FORGED C718 (w/ horseshoe logo) - - 18" auto type adjustable wrench. Painted.
0778. DIAMOND FORGED C718 (w/ horseshoe logo) - - 18" auto type adjustable wrench. Good Plus.
0779. DIAMOND FORGED CC712 (w/ horseshoe logo) - - 12" auto type adjustable wrench with hammer type top jaws. Excellent.
0780. Six tee handled socket and four L-socket wrenches. Most marked "Williams".
0781. Lot of 7 extra long soe wrenches and a MAC S15 3/16" by 1/4" doe 9.5" long.
Lot of 8 Bonney wrenches.
(1.) 6 right angled double open ended wrenches (Pat. Applied For). Sizes 3/16" to 7/8".
(2.) 1725B1/2" by 9/16" doe.
(3.) 1118F 9/16" oe by flex head socket.
Lot of miscellaneous alloy forged wrenches.
(1.) Barcalo doe 1-1/16" by 1-1/8".
(2.) Armstrong No, 2 soe.
(3.) Duro-chrome 1825 angled double open ended.
(4.) Duro-chrome 88 angled double open ended.
(5.) TIGER 7/16" by 3/8" double box end.
(6.) Tru-test 11324 - 3/4", 3/8" drive socket.
(7.) Indestro-Super 32024 / Pat. 1,902,878. Patented by Edward Henry Peterson and Norris F. McNaught of Chicago, Illinois. on Mar. 28, 1933 and assigned to Duro Metal Products Co. of Chicago.
(8.) CHROM-VANADIUM 36 - HUN?EBECK (dollar sign logo) - - 11" odd single box end with an added tab on top.
0784. 6" / CHARLES E. HALL CO. - BUFFALO, NY - - 6" curved handled Crescent type. This is the first Crescent type wrench I have seen from the Charles E. Hall Co. which was purchased by Barcalo Mfg. Co. in 1914. some jaw edge dings. (see Cope pg 153)
0785. Marked only with a "T" in a circle logo (maybe Tower & Lyon) - - 14" curved handle Crescent type with a quick removable adjusting gear feature. 14 inchers in any brand are hard to find, I have only seen one other like this. Good with some pitting and dings.
0786. 14" BARCALO-BUFFALO - - Curved handled Crescent type with a diamond patterned handle. Hard to find size in this brand. Some edge dings, some knurled gear damage.
0787. 8 BARCALO-BUFFALO - - 8" curved handled Crescent type. Good Plus.
0788. 12 BARCALO-BUFFALO - - 12" curved handled Crescent type. Good Plus.
0789. 10 BARCALO-BUFFALO - - 10" curved handled Crescent type. Some edge dings, tiny crack, jaw sprung.
0790. WESTCOTT - KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY - 6 INCH NO. 76 - - Curved handle Crescent type. Good Plus.
Lot of three Bemis & Call curved handled Crescent type wrenches.
(1.) 6" / B & C - -6" open handled variation.
(2.) 8" / B & C - -8" open handled variation.
(3.) 12" 48 BEMIS & CALL CO. / B & C SPRINGFIELD, MASS. - - 10" Closed handled variation.
0792. ROBINSON - - 6" curved handled Crescent type. GOOD++.
0793. Lot of two: QUEEN CITY / BERGMAN TOOL MFG. CO. - BUFFALO, NY - - 6" and 8" curved handled Crescent types.
0794. Lot of two: THE BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. - HARTFORD, CONN. - - 6" and 8" curved handled Crescent types.
0795. 12" BULLOCK MFG. - CO. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. - - Curved handled Crescent type. Good++ with some original finish.
0796. 10" BONNEY - - Curved handled Crescent type. Some edge dings.
0797. Lot of two 6" and 8" PECK STOW & WILCOX CO. - ANGLE ADJUSTABLE - - Crescent type wrenches.
0798. 14" B & C - - Extra heavy Crescent type wrench.
0799. Lot of two: 6" and 10" B & C NO 80 Crescent type wrenches.
0800. Lot of two: 6" and 10" B & C NO 75 Crescent type wrenches.
Lot of two 6" Crescent type wrenches.
(1.) LAKESIDE (a Montgomery Ward brand)
(2.) CRAFTSMAN - - Older style.
Lot of two 6" Crescent type wrenches.
0803. 7" KEYSTONE NO 77 / THE KEYSTONE MFG CO - BUFFALO, NY - - 7" Crescent type wrench. Good++ with original black finish.
0804. 10" 75A BEMIS & CALL CO / B & C SPRINGFIELD, MASS. - - Good+++ with original black finish.
Lot of two Crescent type wrenches.
(2.) 6" QUEEN CITY / BERGMAN TOOL MFG. CO. - BUFFALO, NY - - 6" Some light pitting.
0806. Lot of two: 8" and 10" Dunlap (a Sears & Roebuck brand) Crescent type wrenches.
0807. Lot of two: 6" and 8" Scholler Crescent type wrenches.
0808. Lot of three (only two are pictured): 6", 8", and 10" Crescent type wrenches.
0809. Lot of two" 6" Bet'r-Grip Crescent type wrenches. One also marked J. P. DANIELSON - JAMESTOWN, NY.
0810. WORCESTER A10 / MADE IN WALDEN USA - - 10" Crescent type with extra distinctive wide, pebble patterned handle. Large lettering. Plated finish, Good++.
0811. Lot of three: 8", 10" and 12" BARCALO-BUFFALO Crescent type wrenches.
Lot of two Mossberg tools.
(1.) 654 FRANK (etc.) CO. - ATTLEBORO, MASS. - PAT JUL 28, 14 - - 7.25" valve lifter. Listed as "Parallel" Valve Lifter for Fords in Mossberg catalogs. Patented by Stanley C. North of Elmira, NY. Plated finish. Excellent.
(2.) 645 FRANK MOSSBERG CO. - ATTLEBORO, MASS. - PAT DEC 28, 1915 - FOR FORD REVERSE & BRAKE PEDAL BANDS - - 6" hex box end ratchet. Patented by Frank Mossberg of Attleboro, Mass. Excellent.
- C - MOSSBERG WRENCH CO. ATTLEBORO, MASS USA - PAT. NOV 19, DEC 31, '95 - - 5" center adjust with edge slot to guide lower jaw. Good Plus with some minor jaw edge dings. (S103B)
0814. Lot of three Mossberg "A" series bicycle wrenches including A-1's and an A-2.
0815. A-6 - PAT. NOV 13,00 - MAR. 11, 02 (with Mossberg logos) - - 6.5" One of the scarcer sizes in the Mossberg "A" series. Good Plus.
0816. Lot of four Mossberg Sterling Bicycle wrenches including a No. 2.
0817. Lot of two Billings &: Spencer's Model "E" 6.75" center screw adjust wrenches, each with different markings. Good++.
0818. BILLINGS & SPENCER - D (with "B" in a triangle logo) - (rulers markings on shaft) / C. E. BILLINGS PAT. FEB. 18, 1879 - - 6" B & S's Model "D" center screw adjust wrench. Good Plus.
0819. BILLINGS - A - - 4.5" center screw adjust bike wrench. Excellent with original black finish.
0820. Lot of three Billing & Spencer wrenches including two different "A" models and an open end wrench fitted with a wooden handle.
0821. MOTOR-CYCLE - STILLSON PATTERN WRENCH - BONNEY VISE & TOOL WKS. INC. ALLENTOWN, PA. - - 6" all metal pipe wrench made thinner and lighter than regular Stillson wrenches. Some jaw edge dings, spot of light pitting. (S615B)
Lot of three motorcycle wrenches.
(1.) TRIUMPH - - 5" double open box end. Excellent.
(2.) KAWASAKI - 22 - - 6.75" single open end.
(3.) YAMAHA 19 - 22 - - 5.5" double box end.
0823. PREMIER - 7 - POPE MFG. CO. - - 4" side screw adjust bike wrench with sleeve type handle. Good++. (not listed, no info)
PAT AUG 2, 1921 - MADE IN USA - - 5.75" center screw adjust bike wrench made by the Park Metalware Co. of Orchard Park, NY and pat. by John Zilliox of Orchard Park. Good Plus. (S99)
0825. Lot of 5 bicycle wrenches including 5" Auto, US Separator, Barnes, Mossberg Diamond 11.
0826. Lot of 5 bicycle wrenches including B & S, Sterling No. 2, Barnes, and Wakefield.
0827. Lot of 5 bicycle wrenches including Springfield, Wakefield No. 1, Barnes, and Sterling.
0828. Lot of 5 bicycle wrenches including F. H. Seymour's patent of Feb 27, 1883, Barnes, Buckeye, Victor Overman Wheel Co. etc.
0829. Lot of 5 bicycle wrenches including ones marked: Germany, Barnes, B & S, etc.
0830. Lot of 8 Mossberg bicycle wrenches.
0831. Lot of 8 bicycle and auto wrenches including B & S, and Barnes.
0832. Lot of 9 "no name" bicycle wrenches. Some have pitting or other injuries.
0833. HUB CAP - 1N-&-EX-VALVES - - 15" hub cap and valve port cap wrench, mfg. not known. Good++
0834. CADILLAC (in script) / 3496 - - 10" hex box end. Excellent.
0835. CADILLAC (in script) - - 5.75" double open end with curved shaft. Good Plus.
0836. CADILLAC (in script) - - 7" single angled open end. Good Plus.
0837. Lot of two AUSTIN (script) double open end wrenches, different sizes (one is bent).
0838. CADILLAC (in script) - - 5" double open end. Some light pitting.
0839. MAXWELL - 730 - - 7.75" double open end. Minor edge dings.
0840. Lot of 3 Maxwell wrenches: Numbers 1, 3, and 4. Good++
0841. CONTINENTAL 25254-F - - 10.5" single open end. For Continental engines used in??. Excellent.
0842. Overland (script) / 300699 - - 11.25" similar to Ford sparkplug/cylinder head wrench. Good++.
0843. OVERLAND - - 9.25" tire tool.
0844. Lot of two ROLLS-ROYCE LTD. / F-2893 - - 5" double open end wrenches.
0845. PIERCE ARROW (arrow logo) - - 5.25" single open end at 90 degrees. Excellent.
0846. PIERCE ARROW (arrow logo) / WILLIAMS 27 SPECIAL - - 6.25" double open end. Excellent.
0847. PIERCE ARROW (arrow logo) - - 5" BILLINGS Model "B" center screw adj. wrench. Former owner's initials etched on reverse side.
0848. PIERCE ARROW (arrow logo) - - 5" B & S Model "B" center screw adjustable wrench. Former owner's initials punched on side.
0849. PIERCE ARROW (arrow logo) - - 7" BILLINGS Model "E" center screw adjustable wrench. Good Plus.
0850. FORD (in script) 5-Z-829 - - 8.5" hex ratchet by hex box end. Ford service tool.
0851. 624 (with Mossberg logo) - - 12.25" socket ratchet wrench with offset handle. Ford model "T" connecting rod wrench.
Lot of three hex ratchet wrenches. Ford service tools.
(1.) FORD (in script) 3Z-2034 (with Mossberg logos)
(2.) FORD (in script) 3-Z-324 (with Mossberg logos). With drilled hang hole.
(3.) Unmarked - - same wrench as above.
0853. FORD (in script) 5-Z-806 (with Mossberg logo) - - 4.75" double open end S-wrench for Ford Mold "T" generator brushes. Excellent.
0854. FORD SIZE VALVE LIFTER - PAT PEND / ABEL - - 6.5" Ford valve lifter. Excellent. (not listed, pat. not found).
0855. Lot of 2 Ford slip joint pliers. One has the end modified.
0856. FORD (in script) - - 5.5" double open end. Older wider style with large letters. Some light pitting.
0857. Lot of 3 Nash double open end wrenches including numbers 1, 2, and 3.
0858. RAMBLER / NO. 5. - - 11.75" double open end with spanner for hub caps. Some edge dings.
B. F. GOODRICH CO. / WALDEN WALDEN-WORCHESTER PAT JULY 20 1909 - 5" loop handled ratchet wrench. Patented by Frederick E. Walden of Worcester, Mass. (S150)
0860. SCHRADER BALLOON TIRE PRESSURE GAUGE (patent dates from 1916 to 1923) - - 3" tire pressure gauge.
0861. KENT-MOORE J972 - DIFF. ADJUST NUT - - 10" adjustable pin spanner, specialty service tool. Excellent.
0862. 516 - OTC OWATONNA TOOL CO - OWATONNA, MINN. - - 7.25" double crow foot open end wrench.
0863. Kent-Moore J-933 - Clutch Gear Ret. Nut - Chev. 1937 - - 8.75" offset single open end specialty service tool.
0864. F1618 OWATONNA TOOL CO - OWATONNA, MINN. - - 1/2" by 9/16" double flex socket wrench.
0865. Unmarked - - 6.25" unusual long, thin auto type wrench with tire tool end.
0866. OSCAR CARLSON MFG. - - 8.5" odd combination adjustable auto wrench and clamp tool??. Pitted. (not listed, no info)
0867. 8" BAHCO 11 - SAAB / AB BAHCO - SWEDEN - - 8" Crescent type wrench with tire tool end. Usually seen marked Volvo, first one seen marked SAAB. Excellent.
0868. 8" BAHCO 31 - SWEDEN / VOLVO - AB BAHCO STOCKHOLM (etc.) - - 8" Crescent type wrench with alligator wrench on end. Excellent, like new.
0869. 8" BAHCO 31 - ACERO ESP, SUECO / INDUSTRLIA - BAHCO - ARGENTIA - - 8" Crescent type wrench with alligator wrench on end identical wrench like the Volvo above. Excellent, like new.
0870. Lot of three pliers like ones pictured in Chevy and other automobile parts lists. Two marked with the McKaig-Hatch logos.
PAZZANO / PAT. NO. 19027 - - 8.25" battery pliers. Excellent. Patented by Frederick F. Pazzano of Waltham, Mass. on Feb. 21, 1933 and reissued on Dec. 19, 1933.
MARQUETTE BT-1 - BT-2 BT-3 - PATENTED 6-1-26 - ST. PAUL, MINN - - 12" battery terminal puller. Patented by Gustaf Skoglund and Andrew Olson both of Minneapolis, Minn. Good++.
0873. Lot of 4 automotive tools including a modified Ford wrench, tire vulcanizer, FORD BRAKE double 8 point box end, and a Ford connecting rod offset ratchet.
0874. Lot of 7 automotive tools including a TUNGSTEN SPARK PLUG wrench, two NASH doe, WALDEN-WORCESTER 4564-2 for Ford brake and reverse bands, etc.
0875. Lot of 6 automotive wrenches including a MAXWELL 3 and 4; Nash 3; MOSSBERG 645 for Ford reverse and brake pedals; etc.
0876. Kent-Moore J-8614-1 - - 26" odd automotive specialty tool. Identified by a reader as a pulley holder (new number J-08614-A) used for holding crankshaft pulleys for loosening and tightening. Also used for holding differential pinion flanges for proper tightening. More Info Here. Excellent, like new.
0877. Lot of five automotive wrenches including FORD (script) 5-Z324 hex box end ratchet, B. F. Goodrich ratchet, CORNWELL special pliers for Steel-Draulic brakes, and a TAPPET ADJUSTING WRENCH, etc.
0878. Lot of 5 Ford Model "T" and "A" tool kit wrenches.
0879. Lot of three marked tappet wrenches including a NEW BRITAIN NO. M220 - PAT. PEND. and three valve spring lifters including a different ratcheting type.
0880. Lot of eight Ford tool kit wrenches for Model "T", "A" and V-8's.
0881. Marked only 2379 - - 21" brace type speed wrench with two sockets, one to turn the nut and the other to hold the bolt. Used for flanged differential covers, oil pans, etc. Excellent.
Lot of two revolving head lug 4-way lug wrenches.
(1.) COPPER HEAD SERVICE WRENCH - PAT. PEND. - NO. 4100 - - 16". Also seen marked THE FULTON CO. - PAT OCT. 3, 1922. Patent was issued to Frank R. Lueck of Milwaukee, Wisc. Area of pitting.
(2.) BLACKHAWK - PAT. DEC. 4, 1923 - FEB 2, 1926 - 4-IN-ONE RIM-WRENCH 5104 - - 18". Patents were issued to John B. Drahonovsky, Frank E. Dion and Herbert E. Tautz all of Milwaukee, Wisc. Spot of pitting.
Lot of four brace type speed wrenches.
(1.) UTILITY - HILL PUMP VALVE CO. - CHICAGO USA PAT. OCT. 23, 1917 - - 11.75" with an adjustable sliding socket. Pat. by Charles A. Olson and Claude H. Toombs of Geneva, ILL.
(2.) Unmarked - - 13" with an adjustable sliding socket that pivots. Large chip on under side of the wooden pad.
(3.) FRANK MOSSBERG ATTLEBORO, MASS. - PAT. PEND. - - 14.5". Patented by Walter I. Tuttle of Providence, RI.
(4.) IDEAL WRENCH CO. DENVER, COLO. - PAT. AUG 13, 18 - - 9" speed or brace wrench with a crank operated worm gear that turns the socket in tight spaces. Pat by G. M. Overtree (Fort , CO) and V. V. MCMillen (Lafayette, CO) and adv. as particularly useful for Model "T" Ford fourth connecting rods. (S188)
0884. FORD (script) 5-Z-817 (with Mossberg logo) - - 9" Ford service socket wrench.
Lot of five brace type speed wrenches.
(1.) 6018 WALDEN-WORCESTER - PAT. OCT. 22, 1918 - WALDEN-WORCESTER SPEED WRENCHES PATENTS PENDING - 19". Patented by Warren S. Bellows of Worcester, Mass.
(2.) 6020 WALDEN-WORCESTER - PAT. OCT. 22, 1918 - - 19".
(4.) Unmarked - - 12.5".
(5.) Unmarked - - 19" with wooden spinner handle.
Lot of seven automotive socket wrenches.
(1.) 444 WALDEN-WORCESTER - - 9" with three sockets.
(2.) 2418 WALDEN-WORCESTER PAT. PEND. - - 9" double socket.
(3.) 1220 BLACKHAWK - - 7" by 9.75" L-shaped double socket.
(4.) BOG MFG. CO. - CHICAGO - - 9" with three sockets.
(5.) 521 MADE IN USA - - 11" loop type tee handled socket.
(6.) 621 MADE IN USA - - 11" double socket.
(7.) 622 MADE IN USA - - 13" double socket.
0887. PLOMB TOOL CO 5293 MADE IN USA - - 8.5" by 19.5" metal tool box with nineteen piece mismatched 3/8" drive ratchet and socket set, some have the pebbled finish. Includes seven hard to find swivel sockets.
0888. PLOMB TOOL CO 5293 MADE IN USA - - 8.5" by 19.5" metal tool box with twenty-three piece mismatched 3/8" drive ratchet and socket set, some have the pebbled finish. Includes five hard to find swivel sockets.
0889. PLOMB TOOL CO LOS ANGELES - - 8.5" by 19.5" metal tool box with twenty-three piece mismatched 1/2" drive ratchet and socket set, some have the pebbled finish. Latch on box is broken.
0890. Unmarked metal box - - 19" thirty-nine piece socket including a speed wrench. One latch is broken.
0891. Unmarked - - 8" metal case with 1/4" and 3/8" socket sets, ratchet, and breaker bar. Excellent.
0892. DURO METAL PRODUCTS CO - CHICAG0, ILLINOIS - - 19" metal box with thirty-nine piece 1/2" drive socket and ratchet set including a DURO 660 tee handle and a DURO 651 speed wrench.
0893. Metal box with NEW BRITAIN - NONE BETTER decal - - 13" with ratchet, speed wrench, two extensions, and twenty-four sockets,
0894. Unmarked metal box - - 13" with a ratchet marked THE KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - BUFFALO, NY / SK555 and over fifty sockets, extension, swivel adapter, etc.
Unmarked metal box - - 11" with ratchet marked S. H. Ayer Mfg. Co. - CHICAGO HEIGHTS, ILL. - PAT. SEPT 9, 1913, SEPT 26, 1916 and over thirty sockets and extensions. Patents were issued to Frederick H. Ayer of Chicago Heights, Illinois.
Owner built wooden box with two ratchets marked CHICAGO MFG. & DISTRIBUTING CO. - CHICAGO / PATENTED MARCH 10, 1914 (with "CH" logo).(S1092) and nineteen matching sockets, universal, extension, and rare screwdriver bit. Ratchet was patented by Gordon K. Wright of Hinsdale, Illinois.
0897. Unmarked - - 8", 7.25 pound anvil.
0898. GRIZZLY / GRIZZLY - - 5.25", two pound anvil. Excellent.
0899. Unmarked - - 4.5", one pound miniature anvil.
"YANKEE" NO. 991 - NORTH BROS. MFG. CO. - PHILA. PA. USA - PAT MAR 16, 1915 - JUNE 29, 1915 - - Neat little machinists vise with a swivel base and a locking lever, 3.25" tall with 1.5" jaws. Vise has a detachable base and could be used as a bench vise or mounted on a drill plate, etc. Patented by Thomas J. Fegley and George O. Leopold of Philadelphia, PA. Excellent.
0901. Unmarked clamp-on vise - - 5.5" tall with 2" jaws. Looks similar to a miniature post vise.
0902. Lot of two unmarked small clam-on vises. One has broken jaw.
0903. Unmarked - - Clamp on vise. 6" tall with 1-5/8" jaws. Excellent.
0904. Lot of three small hand vises - - 3" to 6".
0905. HARGRAVE (with a "H" in a circle logo) (Cincinnati Tool Co.) - - 7" malleable washer cutter for a brace.
0906. Unmarked - - 5" washer cutter for a brace.
0907. Unmarked - - 6.5" washer cutter for a brace.
0908. Unmarked - - 7" primitive looking washer cutter for a brace.
0909. MY FIRST 1000 WRENCHES by Donald Snyder
0910. MY SECOND 1000 WRENCHES by Donald Snyder
0911. NORTHERN PLAINS ANTIQUE WRENCHES & TOOLS by Marvin Wullweber - - Pioneer antique wrench book published in 1975 fourteen year before Al Schulz's book. Some of the pictures for Wullweber's book were used in Schulz's.
0912. February 1991 issue of the SMITHSONIAN with the article on Elmo Rinehart and his wrench collection.
0913. THE ANTIQUE TOOL COLLECTOR'S GUIDE TO VALUE by Ronald Barlow. An illustrated price guide to old tools including wrenches.
0914. AMERICAN WRENCH MAKERS 1830-1915 by Kenneth Cope. 1999 edition.
0915. EARLY TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT by Elmer L. Smith.
0916. FORTY YEARS OF HARDWARE by Saunders Norvell. Autobiography of long time Simmons Hardware Cp. salesmen and later owner of Shapleigh Hardware Co. Reprint of 1924 edition.
0917. 1931 BUILDERS CATALOG - - Hardcover 368 pages.
0918. TIRE ASHTRAY COLLECTOR'S GUIDE by Jeff McVey. Yes Virginia, there is a book on every possible collectible.
0920. NEW BRITAIN - THE HARDWARE CENTER - - 1903 History of New Britain, Conn industrial giants: Stanley, Russell & Erwin, Corbin and others. Mid-West Collectors Association 1994 reprint.
0921. 1919 KOPAC BROS OMAHA NEBRASKA - AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT - - Original catalog with 308 pages.
0922. 1928 BECKLEY-RALSTON GENERAL CATALOG NO. 112 - - 353 page original catalog with June 1928 price list. list. (352 pgs)
0923. 1923-1924 STORZ-WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY - OMAHA, NEBRASKA - - 552 page original catalog.
0924. 1935 INTERSTATE MACHINERY & SUPPLY CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA - - Original catalog with 390 pages plus Supplements.
0925. 1880 SARGENT & CO. NEW YORK - - Early original 1880 catalog (with later paste-ins). General hardware catalog with leather binding, over 980 pages.
Lot of four catalogs.
(1.) JOHN DAY RUBBER & SUPPLY CO. - OMAHA, NEBRASKA - - Hardcover, 384 pages.
(2.) HENKLE & JOYCE HARDWARE CO. - LINCOLN, NEBRASKA - HAND & POWER TOOLS - -1960 soft cover, 337 pages.
(3.) THE UNICAN GROUP NO. 60 KEY BLANK DIRECTORY - - 1988 soft cover,
(4.) ROSS-FRAZER SUPPLY CO - ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI - - Hardcover, 358 page tool and equipment catalog.
0927. Lot of fourteen THE FINE TOOL JOURNAL magazines in binder. 1991 thru 1994. Holes punched for 3-ring binder.
0928. Lot of thirty-six CHRONICLE OF THE EARLY AMERICAN INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION magazines in binder, 1986 thru 1994. Plus indexes for 1983 thru 1993. Holes punched for 3-ring binder.
0929. Lot of thirty-one CHRONICLE OF THE EARLY AMERICAN INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION magazines in binder, 1995 thru 2006. Holes punched for 3-ring binder.
0930. Lot of 48 issues of SHAVINGS - NEWSLETTER OF THE EARLY AMERICAN INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION in binder, 1981 thru 1994 (issues No. 71 thru 122). Holes punched for 3-ring binder.
0931. Lot of 49 issues of SHAVINGS - NEWSLETTER OF THE EARLY AMERICAN INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION in binder, 1995 thru 2006 (issues No. 123 thru 190). Holes punched for 3-ring binder.
0932. Lot of 28 issues of THE GRISTMILL - A PUBLICATION OF THE MID-WEST TOOL COLLECTORS ASSOCIATION in binder, 1985 (issue No. 41) thru 1992 (No. 69). Holes punched for 3-ring binder.
0933. Lot of 36 issues of THE GRISTMILL - A PUBLICATION OF THE MID-WEST TOOL COLLECTORS ASSOCIATION in binder, 1993 No. 72) thru 2006 (No. 123). Holes punched for 3-ring binder.
0934. Wooden (pine?) tool chest with tray - - 36" by 17" wide and 18" high, with indented panels .
Choice Box #1: Wire crimpers and side cutter pliers
(1.) GERMANY with a divider or compass logo - - 11.5" wire crimper (13 sizes).
(2.) M. KLEIN & SONS - 132-14 with lineman climbing pole logo - - 11.25" wire crimper (15 sizes)
(3.) TRUCRAFT TOOL CO - JAPAN - - 8.25" side cutters.
(4.) KLEIN TOOLS - - 8.75" double jointed side cutters. Scarce type.
(5.) J. P. DANIELSON CO. JAMESTOWN, NY - - 8.5" side cutters.
(6.) KLEIN TOOLS est. 1857 with lineman climbing pole logo - - 7.5" side cutters, older and smaller size than usually seen.
(7.) Utica Tool Mfg. logo - - 8.5" side cutters.
(8.) M. KLEIN & SONS with lineman climbing pole logo - - 8.5" side cutters.
(9.) Unmarked - - 8.25" side cutters.
Choice Box #2: Wood handled monkey wrenches
(1.) THE LAMSON & SESSIONS CO. CLEVELAND, O. - - 10" with some edge dings, otherwise Good ++.
(2.) Bemis & Call - - 8" knife handle. Good ++.
(3.) Trimo - - 8" knife handle. Good ++.
(4.) GIRARD WRENCH CO, GIRARD, NY. - - 6". Good Plus.
(5.) Coes Wrench Co. - - 6" knife handle. Good ++.
(6.) Markings not readable - - 6". Good.
(7.) Whitman & Barnes - - 10" with large, bold markings on shaft. Good ++.
Choice Box #3: Spanners
(1.) LCN spanner with screwdriver and six different wrenches - - 9".
(2.) FAIRMOUNT / FOUR INCH SIZE - - 10" adjustable face spanner.
(3.) ARMSTRONG - - 6" hook spanner.
(4.) KNOX MFG. CO. PHILA, PA / 3/4 - 2-1/2 NO. 34-F-3S - - 10" hook spanner.
(5.) Lot of three hook spanners including a small NOS Fairmount
(6.) THE BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. / No. 2 - - 9" adjustable hook spanner.
(7.) 472 J.H. WILLIAMS BUFFALO NY / 3/4 - 2 IN. ADJUSTABLE SPANNER - - 5.5" hook spanner.
(8.) 471 SPECIAL J.H. WILLIAMS BUFFALO NY / 1-1/4 - 3 IN. ADJUSTABLE SPANNER - - 7" hook spanner.
Choice Box #4: Construction wrenches (also called obstruction or spud wrenches)
(1.) Williams 210 Special - -23" (1-15/16" oe)
(2.) Williams Superrench -1208A - -19" (1-5/16" oe)
(3.) Armstrong Special 228 - 3/4 - - 18" (1-1/2" oe) with drilled hang hole.
(4.) Williams - 207 - - 17" (1-1/16" oe)
(5.) Williams - 207 - - 17" (1-1/16" oe)
(6.) Herbrand - 227 - 5/8 USS - - 13" (1-1/16" oe)
Choice Box #5: Crescent wrenches (old heavy style pre Crestoloy)
(1.) 4"
(2.) 6"
(3.) 8"
(4.) 12"
(5.) 15"
(6.) 18"
Choice Box #6: Fordson and Ford tractor and plow wrenches.
(1.) 9N17014 (with Ford Motor Co. logo) 10.5" doe Ford tractor plow wrench.
(2.) 9N17014 (with Ford Motor Co. logo) 10.5" doe Ford tractor plow wrench. Pitted
(3.) Fordson S-Crescent type wrench.
(4.) Fordson S-Crescent type wrench.
(5.) Fordson S-Crescent type wrench.
(6.) Fordson S-Crescent type wrench.
(7.) Fordson 5.75" doe wrench.
(8.) Fordson 5.75" doe wrench.
Choice Box #7: Lot of six Bernard pliers (several with wire cutters). Mfg. by the W. Schollhorn Co. or Sargent & Co.
Choice Box #8: Slip joint pliers
(1.) Penns Corp. 3160 Chicago - - 10".
(2.) Drop Forged China - - 8".
(3.) MH in a circle logo (McKaig-Hatch) - - 6.5"
(4.) Proto 234 - USA Pat. No. 2600512 - - 7.75"
(5.) L.M.S. Co. New York - - 6.5".
(6.) McKaig-Hatch (with MH logo) - - 6.5"
(7.) Kraeuter 356-10 - - 9.75"
CB-7 and CB-8
Choice Box #9: Miscellaneous plier type tools
(1.) Unmarked - 11" What's It with a pivoting jaw.
(2.) EAGLE CLAW WRENCH CO - CHICAGO USA - PAT'D DEC 6, 1912 - - 10" with light pitting.
(3.) PATENT APPLIED FOR - - 7.75" split handle pliers similar to the Wade pliers. Pitted.
(4.) KANT-SLIP - - 9.5" plier wrench with hammer poll. Pitted.
(5.) Unmarked 8.25" pliers with cone shaped jaws. Excellent.
(6.) Unmarked 6.5" plier tool with a hole in the end of each jaw.
Choice Box #10: Miscellaneous plier type tools
(1.) MINN MODEL 10 REINHARD MCCABE CO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN - - 10" quick adj. plier wrench.
(2.) THOMAS & BETTS CO ELIZABETH, N.J. - - 9.75" cutter and crimper.
(3.) Vale spring compressor? -- 10". Cee Tee pliers that has been user modified.
(4.) AMP 22-18 - - 8.5" odd crimpers.
(5.) DUREX GERMANY - -8" needle nose pliers.
CB-9 and CB-10
Choice Box #11: Miscellaneous plier wrenches.
(1.) EAGLE CLAW WRENCH CO - - 10" plier wrench. Severely pitted.
(2.) LIGHTNING WRENCH MADE BY HAMPTON MACHINE & TOOL CO. HAMPTON, IOWA - - 9.5" adj. plier wrench. Plated, (S690)
(3.) C. S. Osborne & Co. - - 8.25" lasting or shoe makers pliers with hammer head.
(4.) K-D NO. 203 - - 7.75" battery terminal bolt pliers?
(5.) Osborne & Co. - - 7.75" odd pliers. Spring on handle is broken.
(6.) VAUGHAN & BUSHNELL - - 7.25" pliers for square nuts?
Choice Box #12: Hog ring pliers and NOS box of hog rings
(1.) New old stock box of Dexter's Hump Hill's Pig Rings and partial box of Decker's Improved Blair Shoat Size rings.
(2.) Marked only "2" / "3" - - 7.75" double headed hog ringer, evidently for two different size rings.
(3.) Marked only "35" / "36" - - 7" hog ring plies. Excellent.
(4.) PAT MAR 25, 1879. 7.25" early patented hog ringer issued to James H. Brown 0f Ottawa, Illinois. Excellent.
(5.) PERFECT - - 7" hog ring pliers. Excellent.
(6.) DE NEUI PAT 1931576 - - 6.75" hog ring pliers with spring.
CB-11 and CB-12
Choice Box #13: Corn husking tools. Wrist bands and thumb cots. Most look like they were never used
Choice Box #14: Corn husking tools.
(1.) Leather thumb cot.
(2.) Leather thumb cot.
(3.) Metal mesh thumb cot.
(4.) "THE RAIDT MAKE" SHENANDOAH, IOWA - - Thumb hook type, like new.
(5.) Unmarked husking peg.
(6.) Lot of three hooks.
(7.) KEES - BEATRICE, NEB - - Thumb hook type, like new.
(8.) Unmarked husking peg.
(9.) Unmarked husking peg.
(10.) "THE BOSS - KEWANEE, ILLINOIS - - Nickel plated husking peg, much higher quality than the pressed steel kind usually seen.
Choice Box #15: Six different corn husking tools, most with names.
Choice Box #16: Corn seed company advertising pocket notebooks. All DeKalb
(1.) 1955 advertises and pictures their chickens.
(2.) No date, 1950s?
(3.) No date, 1950's? Advertises and pictures their chickens.
(4.) Has 1983-1985 calendars.
Choice Box #17: Corn seed company advertising pocket notebooks.
(1.) Frontier (no date).
(2.) Pioneer with 1972-1974 calendars.
(3.) P-A-G (no date).
(4.) Stull with 1970 and 1971 calendars.
(5.) 1987 Pioneer.
Choice Box #18: Corn seed company advertising pocket notebooks.
(1.) Golden Harvest with 1976-1978 calendars.
(2.) Golden Harvest with 1988-1990 calendars.
(3.) Asgrow with 1990 and 1991 calendars.
(4.) Golden Harvest with 1989-1991 calendars.
(5.) Frontier (no date).
Choice Box #19: Four blacksmith hardies, all marked "Champion".
(1.) CHAMPION - 7/8"
(2.) CHAMPION (7/8")
(3.) CHAMPION - 3/4"
(4.) CHAMPION - 7/8"
Choice Box #20: Four blacksmith hardies and swages, all marked "Champion".
(1.) CHAMPION - 3/4" bottom swage.
(2.) CHAMPION - 1/2" bottom swage.
(3.) CHAMPION - 1" hardie.
(4.) CHAMPION - 7/8" hardie.
Choice Box #21: Five blacksmith hardies, three with small 5/8" shanks and one gouge.
Choice Box #22: Five blacksmith hardies, various sizes and shapes.
Choice Box #23: Four miscellaneous blacksmith and body shop tools.
(1.) Hot cutter chisel minus wooden handle.
(2.) Unusual 7" all metal hammer.
(3.) Automobile body dolly?
(4.) Automobile body dolly?
Choice Box #24: Five blacksmith anvil tools including an odd Y-shaped bender and a different cone shaped hardie hole tool.
Choice Box #25: Six sheet metal creasers? Four marked "Pexto"
Choice Box #26: S-shaped double ended alligator wrenches with rethreading dies.
(2.) THE HAWKEYE - HAWKEYE WRENCH CO. MARSHALLTOWN, IA / PAT. 720554 - PAT'S PENDING - - 8". Pat. by Charles Benesh of Wahpeton, North Dakota.
(3.) The K & B CO. SAXTON - - 8.25"
(4.) THE S & T WRENCH - - 8" flat steel.
Choice Box #27: double ended alligator wrenches.
(1.) W & B (Whitman & Barnes) / TWIN - - 10". Excellent.
(2.) BULL TERRIER / W & B (Whitman & Barnes) - - 5.75" flat steel.
(3.) THE ALLIGATOR WRENCH NO. 2 / MFG. BY ROEBLING - TRENTON, N.J. - - 10". Excellent.
Choice Box #28: S-shaped double ended alligator wrenches with rethreading dies.
(1.) SAXON WRENCH - DROP FORGED STEEL / THE KILBORN & BISHOP CO. - NEW HAVEN, CONN. USA - - 8.25". Different markings than usually seen.
(2.) BONNEY VIXEN - ALLENTOWN PA / (with a "B" in shield logo) - - 8".
(4.) THE CROCODILE - HAWKEYE WRENCH CO. MARSHALLTOWN, IA - - 8.5" with screwdriver on end of one jaw.
Choice Box #29: Double ended alligator wrenches.
(1.) HACKETT / NO. 1 - - 5" with pebble finish. First time I've seen one marked "Hackett". (not listed, no info)
(2.) W & B (Whitman & Barnes) / 1 - - 5".
(3.) BURLS SONS CO. - - 5,5" flat steel.
(4.) Marked only with a "4" and a "scythe" logo (Forsyth Metal Goods Co. Buffalo, NY) - - 5.25" flat steel with a screwdriver tip.
Choice Box #30: 6" pipe wrenches
(1.) Ridgid Pat. 1727623
(2.) Roxco - Trimont Mfg. Co.
(3.) tiger tools with wooden handle, drilled hang hole end of handle.
(4.) Ridgid, like new with original paint and decal.
(5.) J. P. Danielson
(6.) Trimo
Choice Box #31: 8" wooden handled pipe wrenches
(1.) Stillson's wrench - Moore Drop Forging Co.
(2.) Oswego Tool Co, - Stillson Wrench
(3.) Stillson - Walworth Mfg Co. Boston
(4.) F. E. Wells & Son / 2nd
(5.) Genuine Stillson - Walworth
Choice Box #32: 8" pipe wrenches
(1.) Walco Pipe Wrench - Walworth Co. Chipped jaw.
(2.) Blue Grass (Belknap Hardware)
(3.) No name.
(4.) Cayuga
(5.) Trimo.
Choice Box #33: 6" pipe wrenches
(1.) Ridgid Pat 1727623.
(2.) Ridgid Pat 1727623 with angled jaws.
(3.) Pipemaster - The Erie Tool Works - Erie, PA.
(4.) Craftsman Guaranteed
Choice Box #34: 6" pipe wrenches
(1.) Walworth Stillson
(2.) Lakeside ( Lakeside was a Montgomery Ward's house brand first used circa 1910)
(3.) J. P. Danielson - Jamestown, NY
(4.) Walco Wrench - Walworth Mfg. Co. - Pat. 1862002.
Choice Box #35: 6" wood handled pipe wrenches
(1.) Stillson - Walworth Mfg Co. Boston
(2.) Morco Popular Stillson / Moore Drop Forging Co. Springfield, Mass.
(3.) Stillson - Walworth Mfg Co. Boston
(4.) Stillson Guaranteed
Choice Box #36: 6" pipe wrenches.
(1.) Trimo alloy
(2.) Walworth Genuine Stillson. Also marked U.P.R.R (Union Pacific Railroad)
(3.) Pexto
(4.) Henry & Allen Stillson Wrench - Auburn, NY.
Choice Box #37: Garden cultivator wrenches
(1.) Standard
(2.) Planet Jr. / U.S.A. 3 - - 6.5"
(3.) Unmarked - - 6" soe with loop handle.
(4.) 113 - - 5" doe with peg.
(5.) Unmarked - - 4" doe with open handle.
Choice Box #38: Garden cultivator wrenches
(1.) Marked "3" only - - 6.25".
(2.) Planet Jr. / Planet Jr. 3 - - 6.5" Excellent with original paint.
(3.) Planet Jr. / U.S.A. 3 - - 6.5"
(4.) Marked "10" only - - 6.25".
(5.) Standard - - 6.5".
Choice Box #39: Delco Light Plant wrenches
(1.) 35095
(2.) 90257
(3.) 90257 - Pitted.
Choice Box #40: Five Maytag No. 6 wrenches.
Choice Box #41: Misc. farm type wrenches
(1.) 1072 (Sattley Mfg Co) - - 10.5" (R2-257)
(2.) Planet Jr. / U.S.A. 3
(3.) Van Brunt / D-380 - Pitted.
(4.) 958 - - 6" bottle wrench?
(5.) The Sharples Separator Co / Tubular - 6". Drilled hang hole.
(6.) Unmarked - - 5.5" by 4" tee handled socket wrench.
Choice Box #42: Ratchet wrenches.
(1.) Marked only "51354" - - 17.5" - 7/8" female drive heavy duty ratchet.
(2.) Herbrand (in script) Van-Chrome S-10 - 1340 - - 10" - 1/2" ratchet with unusual sliding reverse button.
(3.) Marked only PAT 1902878 - - 10" - 1/2" female drive with male adapter. Patent was assigned to the Duro Metal Products Co. of Chicago.
(4.) Blackhawk 32997 - - 10" odd size 7/16" ratchet. Same free wheeling mechanism and patents as 1/2" drive Blackhawk below.
(5.) Blackhawk Free Wheel Ratchet Pat's 1927844, 1936640, 2003155, RE192876 - - 11" - 1/2" drive ratchet. Unusual with no clicking hence the Free Wheel title.
(6.) Bonney / RF23 - - 6" double ended odd 5/16" female ratchet by box end refrigeration wrench.
(7.) Imperial Brass Chicago 120C - - 6" double ended 1/4" female ratchet by box end refrigeration wrench.
Choice Box #43: All metal Stillson type pipe wrenches.
(1.) 14" NYE Tool Co. Chicago - - 13".
(2.) Tobrin 10 - Plantsville, CONN. - - 9.5". Jaw teeth worn.
(3.) Challenger 10 - - 9.5". Excellent.
(4.) Hercules 8 - - 7.5". Excellent. (not listed, no info)
Choice Box #44: Wood handled Stillson style pipe wrenches.
(1.) 10" Trimo - - 9.25".
(2.) Champion Dearment - Meadville, PA (with an anvil logo) - - 9.5". Handle cracks.
(3.) J. P. Danielson Co. Jamestown, NY - - 10". Handle cracks.
(4.) Walworth Stillson - - 12" with lip chip.
(5.) Walworth Stillson - - 12"
Choice Box #45: Six buggy wrenches (all have some pitting)
Choice Box #46: Fencing pliers.
(1.) unmarked with two hammer heads - - 10".
(2.) Fulton with hammer heads - - 10".
(3.) Lakeside (Montgomery Ward) - - with double hammer heads - - 9.5".
(4.) Unmarked Cronk type - - 10".
(5.) Unmarked Cronk type - - 8"
(6.) V. C. & Co. Cronk type - - 8.25".
(7.) Unmarked Cronk type - - 8"
Choice Box #47: Specialty pliers and cutters.
(1.) W. Schollhorn - Bernard (running dog logo) - - 4.5" pliers with cutter. Neat small size, plated finish.
(2.) Pexto 32-5 / Pat. Pend. - - 5" specialty pliers with round lower jaw.
(3.) Bernard's Pat. Oct 24, 1899 - - 6.6" wire nipper.
(4.) The L. S. Starrett Co. No. 325-7in. - - 7" high quality Starrett nippers with replaceable cutters. Ex.
(5.) W. Schollhorn - Bernard - - 6.5" pliers with cutter.
(6.) W. Schollhorn - Bernard - - 6.5" pliers with cutter.
(7.) Red Devil Giant Grip 444-7-1/2 - - 7.5" slip joint pliers. Excellent.
Choice Box #48: Six assorted 5" slip-joint pliers
Choice Box #49: Ten assorted 6" slip-joint pliers
Choice Box #50: Six assorted 10" pipe Stillson type wrenches
Choice Box #51: Three misc. wrenches.
(1.) Bemis & Call Hardware & Tool Co. (with B & C logo) - - 12" comb. pipe and nut wrench.
(2.) PATENTED JULY 19, 1898 - - 12.25" hatchet comb. tool with hammer, pincers, nail claw, sc/dr and leather punch. Patented by John Morris of Jewell City, Kansas. The National Hatchet Company of Marshalltown, Iowa was one known manufacturer. Punch missing, one handle broke off and has an old welded replacement. (S802)
(3.) BILLINGS - COES (in script) - - - 10" steel handled monkey wrench.
Choice Box #52: Six marked railroad wrenches.
(1.) UPRR (Union Pacific RR) - - 6" wood handled monkey wrench.
(2.) UNION PACIFIC - - 21" Williams doe-s wrench.
(3.) UP (Union Pacific) - - 22" Williams 877 doe-s wrench.
(4.) CCC & STL (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis) - - 11/75" doe-s wrench
(5.) C.M. & ST.P. & P (Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul & Pacific)- - 8" all metal Bemis & Call center screw adjust monkey wrench. Good++
(6.) I.C.R.R. (Illinois Central RR) - -10" 75A Bemis & Call crescent type wrench. Excellent.
Choice Box #53: Six marked railroad wrenches.
(1.) UP (Union Pacific) - - 21" Roebling No. 4 alligator wrench.
(2.) UPRR (Union Pacific RR) - - 16" doe wrench with one end offset.
(3.) N.Y.N.H. & H. New York, New Haven & Hartford) - - 12" Bemis & Call wood handled center screw adjust monkey wrench. Excellent.
(4.) N.Y.N.H. & H. RR CO. (New York, New Haven & Hartford RR) - - 8" all metal Pexto monkey wrench. Excellent.
(5.) UNION PACIFIC - - 8: L. Coes Pat wood handled monkey wrench.
(6.) C. & N.W. RY (Chicago & North Western Railway?) - - 12" doe wrench (shop made?)
CB-52 thru 53
Choice Box #54: Six marked railroad wrenches.
(1.) C. & N.W.R.Y. CO (Chicago & North Western) - - 18" Bemis & Call all metal center screw adjust monkey wrench.
(2.) C. & N.W.R.Y. CO (Chicago & North Western Railway) - - 18" J. H. Williams Railroad Special (with W & B) logo) all metal monkey wrench.
(3.) SP CO - - 18" Girard Railroad Rough all metal monkey wrench.
(4.) UPRR (Union Pacific RR) - - 18" J. H. Williams Railroad Special (with W&B) logo) all metal monkey wrench.
(5.) UPRR (Union Pacific RR) - - 15" Billings/Coes all metal monkey wrench.
(6.) NYO & W (New York, Ontario & Western) - - 15" all metal center screw adjust monkey wrench.
Choice Box #55: 9 marked railroad wrenches and a chisel.
(1.) C. & N.W.R.Y. CO (Chicago & North Western Railway) - - 15" J. H. Williams Railroad Special (with W&B) logo) all metal monkey wrench.
(2.) I.C. RR (Illinois Central RR) - - 15" Bemis & Call all metal center screw adjust monkey wrench.
(3.) C.ST.P.M. & O. RY (Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway) - - 15" Bemis & Call wood handled center screw adjust monkey wrench.
(4.) UPRR (Union Pacific RR) - - 8" Ajax chisel.
(5.) N.P.R. (Nevada Pacific Railroad?) - - 15" Bemis & Call wood handled center screw adjust pipe and nut wrench.
(6.) UPRR (Union Pacific RR) - - 8" J. H. Williams Railroad Special (with W&B) logo) all metal monkey wrench.
(7.) C. & N.W.R.Y. CO (Chicago & North Western Railway) - - 12" Billings/Coe all metal monkey wrench.
(8.) UNION PACIFIC - - 12" Coes wood handled monkey wrench.
(9.) A.T. & S.F. RY (Atchison, Topeka, &. Santa Fe Railway - - 12" Bemis & Call all metal center screw adjust monkey wrench.
Choice Box #56: Leather working tools.
(1.) WARRANTED - 3 (can't read rest of markings)lasting or shoe maker's pliers with tack hammer.
(2.) Unmarked lasting or shoe maker's pliers with tack hammer.
(3.) P. Lowentraut Mfg Newark, NJ (US in a diamond logo) revolving head punch.
(4.) Unmarked revolving head punch.
(5.) SARGENT & CO. revolving head punch.
(6.) WM JOHNSON INC. Newark, NJ revolving head punch.
(7.) Unmarked draw knife (no blade)
Choice Box #57: Wrench sets including five AUTO-KIT 100 sets and a SHERMAN & KLOVE (early S & K) six piece double box end set.
Choice Box #58: Assorted pliers and a calking wrench.
(1.) BLEDSOE MINNEAPOLIS / PAT. PENDING - - 10.5" plier wrench with coarse notched jaws. Pat. May 22, 1917 by Yancy Bledsoe of Bonham, Texas.(S257)
(2.) BLEDSOE MINNEAPOLIS / PAT. PENDING - - 10.5" plier wrench with coarse notched jaws, adjustable variant.
(3.) BLEDSOE MINNEAPOLIS / PAT. PENDING - - 8.5" plier wrench with coarse notched jaws. Excellent, small size. (S257)
(4.) HASCO NEWARK, NJ animal ear marking pliers.
(5.) Unmarked horseshoe calking wrench similar to a Never-Slip.
Choice Box #59: Misc. wrenches and horn weights.
(1.) Billings & Spencer 6" curved handle Crescent type wrench.
(2.) Cochran 10" pipe wrench.
(3.) Never-Slip horseshoe calking wrench with patent information attached. Pat No. 588,438 issued to James W. Johnson and Richard Whitaker of New Brunswick, NJ.
(4.) Never-Slip horseshoe calking wrench also marked S. D. WAREHAM.
(5.) Lot of three horn weights, two marked GLOBE 1-1/2 and the third DURBIN 1LB. Special set for three horned cows.
Choice Box #60: Farm wrenches.
(1.) KINGMAN PLOW CO / N81. Pitted.
(2.) 106S (Papec) tee socket wrench.
(3.) DEL. S. CO. NEW YORK USA 1199 (Delaval). Pitted.
(4.) C211 (Sechler & Kingman Plow Co.). Pitted.
(5.) 272 (Kingman Plow Co) Pitted
Choice Box #61: Farm wrenches.
(1.) Unmarked doe oddball. Thick and heavy. (orphan)
(2.) E6 (Roderick Lean)
(3.) Tague & Kerlin Wrench / Midland Mfg Co. Tarkio Mo USA - 1. Pitted.
(4.) OHIO CHILLED PLOW / NEW IMPERIAL (B & G Plow Co. - Canton, Ohio). Some pitting.
(5.) N. C. (New Casaday, South Bend). Pitted
(6.) Dowagiac / F97A. Pitting.
Choice Box #62: Farm wrenches.
(1.) C - - 5" doe (orphan)
(2.) D138 (Chattanooga/IHC). Some pitting.
(3.) Unmarked six opening oddball (orphan).
(4.) ROCK ISLAND PLOW CO H358. Pitted
(5.) R319R (IHC logo)
Choice Box #63: Farm wrenches.
(2.) ROCK ISLAND PLOW CO / S234 SULKIES & GANGS - 9" Three open ends var. Pitting.
(3.) Unmarked, similar to one marked CLARK (R1-104).
(4.) D242 (Kingman Plow)
CB-60 thru 63
Choice Box #64: Curved handled Crescent type wrenches, etc.
(1.) 10" B & C curved handled Crescent type.
(2.) 8" Billings & Spencer curved handled Crescent type.
(3.) 6" Billings & Spencer curved handled Crescent type.
(4.) 6" B & C curved handled Crescent type.
(5.) The Elgin adjustable alligator wrench.
Choice Box #65: Misc. wrenches.
(1.) VLCHEK 9 IN AUTO - - auto type wrench.
(2.) 9 IN AUTO - - auto type wrench.
(3.) 40 - 9 IN AUTO - - auto type wrench.
(4.) H. F. OSBORNE - - 8.25" odd pliers for square nuts?
(5.) WIZARD NO. 104 - - 5.75" doe flat steel wrench with center rethreading die.
Choice Box #66: Misc. wrenches.
(1.) P. S. & W CO. (Peck Stow & Wilcox) / PATENTED JUNE 16, 85 - - 15" whmw. Broken.
(2.) Unmarked Bemis & Call type whmw - - 15". Handle crack.
(3.) ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA / UTO (mistake for AUTO) NO. 14 - - 15" self adjust wrench with pivoting upper jaw. Pitting, bent.
(4.) Unmarked odd 15" single open end wrench with extra long handle.
(5.) Whitman & Barnes - -10" wood handled monkey wrench.
(6.) A. G. COES WORCESTER MASS / (steam engine governor logo with 12-26-1871 patent date - - 8" jog bar whmw.
(7.) L. Coes wood knife handled monkey wrench with 1880 and 1884 patent dates. Also marked CUTTER JOE. Drilled hole in shaft.
CB-64 thru 66
Choice Box #67: Misc. wrenches.
(1.) Lake Superior Wrench - -22" self adjust. Painted, pitted.
(2.) Bemis & Call - - 15" center screw adjust nut and pipe wrench. Replaced handle nut.
(3.) Little Giant - - 18" 4-way pipe wrench. Chipped top jaw.
(4.) Coes - - 18" all metal monkey wrench with ball bearing adjusting bolt holder. Weak markings, grind marks.
(5.) Lownes Duplex pipe wrench with APRIL 23, 1889 - FEB 10, 1891 patent dates - - 18" with end of handle broken off. Probably originally 24" size.
Choice Box #68: Misc. monkey wrenches.
(1.) Coes - - 6" wood knife handled nut wrench.
(2.) Coes - - 6" wood knife handled nut wrench.
(3.) Bemis & Call - - 12" all metal center screw adjust nut wrench with knurled adjusting nut.
(4.) Bemis & Call - - 12" wood handled center screw adjust nut wrench
(5.) Coes - - 10" all metal nut wrench.
(6.) Unmarked - - 10" whmw.
(7.) Peck, Stow & Wilcox Solid Bar - - 8" whmw.
(8.) Bemis & Call - - 8" center screw adjust nut wrench with brass replaced handle.
(9.) Bemis & Call - - 6.5" all metal center screw adjust nut wrench with knurled adjusting nut.
Choice Box #69:
(1.) Reed No. 11 - - 11" self adjust wrench. Jaw chipped.
(2.) Gem - - 11" combination nut and pipe wrench with tire tool end.
(3.) Masterench - - 8" self adjust wrench.
(4.) Masterench - - 10" self adjust wrench.
(5.) Larco - - 10" pipe wrench.
(6.) The Elgin - - adjustable alligator wrench.
Choice Box #70: Misc. pipe wrenches.
(1.) Craftsman - - 14" pipe wrench with distinctive patterned handle.
(2.) Morco Popular Stillson / Moore Drop Forging Co. - - 12" (marked 14) wood handled pipe wrench.
(3.) Ridgid - - 8" all metal pipe wrench.
(4.) Ever Grip - - 14" turn handle to adjust wrench with serrated jaws. Area of pitting.
(5.) Unmarked - - 10" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench.
(6.) Walworth Stillson - - 10" wood handled pipe wrench.
(7.) Power-Kraft - - 10" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench.
CB-68 thru 70
Choice Box #71: Misc. wrenches
(1.) F. W. Macke & Co Quickset Wrench - Kokomo, Ind. - PAT. APRIL 22 - 1919 - - 10" wood handled screw and quick adjust. Weld repair, adjusting gear missing.
(2.) Robert Wrench ? - - 10" self adjust. Extreme pitting.
(3.) Victor - - 10.5" quick adjust. Spring missing.
(4.) Cochran Speednut - - 9" self adjust nut wrench.
(5.) Unmarked - - 6.5" Cochran type self adjust nut wrench.
Choice Box #72: Misc. wrenches.
(1.) Moore 12" auto type wrench.
(2.) Billmont Master Wrench Edgar C. Guthard Co. (Chicago, IL) - - 14" Turn handle to ratchet wrench.
(3.) Blackhawk - - 18" 4-way revolving head lug wrench.
(4.) Masterench - - 6" self adjust.
(5.) Pat. Sept. 7, '97 (Vandegrift patent) - - 5.5" Small size with cutout slots in body. Mfg. by the Monte Wrench Co. (Shelbyville, IN). Jaws stuck.
(6.) Girard (in a diamond logo) - - 6" all metal monkey wrench.
Choice Box #73: Misc. wrenches.
(1.) Cochran Speednut - - 9" self adjust nut wrench.
(2.) Billings & Spencer - - 9" auto type wrench.
(3.) Model 10 Reinhard McCabe Co. Minneapolis, Minn - - 10" quick adj. plier wrench.
(4.) Erie Tool Works / Auto No. 8 - - 8" self adjust.
(5.) Wizard No. 9 Pat'd Nov 14, 1922 - - 9" auto type wrench.
Choice Box #74: Four THE ELGIN adjustable alligator wrenches.
CB-71 thru 74
Choice Box #75: 6" Crescent type wrenches.
(1.) Indestro Super
(2.) Barcalo-Buffalo
(3.) Utica Tools
(4.) Made in China
(5.) Proto 706
(6.) J. H. Williams SUPERJUSTABLE
(7.) Jamestown NY
Choice Box #76: 6" Crescent type wrenches.
(1.) Lakeside (Montgomery Ward)
(2.) Wardmaster
(3.) Fuller
(4.) BET'R-GRIP J. P. Danielson
(5.) Barcalo Model N6
(6.) Crescent Tool Co. Crestoloy
(7.) PENENS 4206
Choice Box #77: 6" Crescent type wrenches.
(1.) Laco
(2.) Click-Stop Proto 706-SL
(3.) Utica tools 91-6
(4.) Great Neck
Choice Box #78: 6" Crescent type wrenches.
(1.) Westline H2407
(2.) Ridgid
(3.) B & C curved handle.
Choice Box #79: Nine 6" Crescent brand Wrenches
Choice Box #80: 6" Crescent brand Wrenches
CB-75 thru 80
Choice Box #81: 8" Crescent type wrenches
(1.) Fleet Penens Corp. Chicago
(2.) Utica Tools 91-8
(3.) Kraeuter
(4.) New Britain AW-8
(5.) Peck Stow & Wilcox angle adjustable
(6.) Stanley with rubber handle covering.
(8.) Proto 708-S
(9.) Scholler
Choice Box #82: 10" Crescent type wrenches.
(1.) Companion No. 30872
(2.) Tru-Test
(3.) Crescent Tool Co.
(4.) J. H. Williams Adjustable
(5.) J. H. Williams Superjustable
Choice Box #83: Five 10" Crescent brand wrenches.
Choice Box #84: Misc. Crescent type wrenches.
(1.) Fuller No. 12 - - 12"
(2.) Billings & Spencer - - 8" curved handle.
(3.) Billings & Spencer - - 6" curved handle.
(4.) B & C - 6" curved handle.
CB-81 thru 84
Choice Box #85: Four Vandegrift all malleable nut wrenches and one Coes.
(1.) Coes - - 12" whmw.
(2.) PAT SEP 7 97 (Vandegrift patent) - - 10". bent handle.
(3.) PAT SEP 7 97 (Vandegrift patent) - - 7".
(4.) PAT SEP / 7 97 - 16 (Vandegrift patent) - - 7". Marking variation. Jaws sprung.
(5.) Pat. Sept. 7, '97 (Vandegrift patent) - - 5.5" Small size with cutout slots in body. Mfg. by the Monte Wrench Co. (Shelbyville, IN).
Choice Box #86: Misc. tools.
(1.) BMC Mfg. Corp. - - 7" locking pliers.
(2.) Unmarked - - 7" plated small shears.
(3.) Parker Appliance - Cleveland, Ohio - - 8" tube bender.
(4.) Unmarked - -6.5" small chain binder.
(5.) PATD JUNE 3, 1884 - - 7" wire fastener for making a gate out of each strand of fence wire. Pat. by Edward Cooper of Buffalo, NY.
(6.) Unmarked - - 11.75" pliers type tool with locking bar.
(7.) US Kraeuter - - 11" extra long pliers.
CB-85 thru 86
Choice Box #87: Eight hammers and screwdrivers, including a swivel head glazier's hammer, a small CHAMPION DEARMENT ball pein, and a all metal BONNEY 2589 twin screwdriver.
Choice Box #88: Misc. tools.
(1.) Unmarked - - 9.75" unmarked stove lid lifter.
(2.) BRIEGEL METHOD TOOL CO GALVA ILL - NO 605-1/2 - - 12" crimping pliers.
(3.) Pat Feb. 5, 1884 - 10 -- 7.25" plier type shell reloader tool?
(4.) BUCKINGHAM - BINGHAMTON, NY - 6103 - - bolt thread chaser.
(5.) THE BULLER SAW SET / US PAT. 1485114 - 2048598 - CANADA PAT. PENDING - - 12.75" saw set. Pats. by Jacob W. Buller of Hillsboro, Kansas and Otto Frisk of Kiron, Iowa.
(6.) Unmarked - - 19.5" reverse hammer.
(7.) Crescent Tool Co. - GIANT - - 19" nail puller
Choice Box #89: Metal snips, wire cutter.
(1.) BARTLETT MFG. CO. - DETROIT, MICH. - - 12" compound snips.
(2.) BARTLETT MFG. CO. - DETROIT, MICH. - - 14" compound snips.
(3.) SEARIGHT'S COMP. LEVER - DETROIT SHEARS CO. / PAT OCT 12 and NOV. 30, 1909 - - 8" compound snips.
(4.) US 1945 WS CO. - - 9.5" US military wire cutter.
(5.) A-R-T-I-S-A-N - - 7" snips.
CB-87 thru 89
Choice Box #90: Two shop made heavy duty rope or cable makers.
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