Note: This is a catalog of the Wrenching News Auction of antique wrenches from the collection of Vernon Nail that was held in York, Nebraska on April 13-15, 2007. Printed catalogs and Lists of Prices Realized are available from Don 'Bus' Haury - 7913 SW 24th, Halstead, KS, 67056 - 316-283-5876 or 316-284-7345 - Email See The Wrenching News Homepage for a list of other wrench auction catalogs and information on future wrench auctions.
Vern has a huge and varied collection of over 4,500 wrenches with outstanding examples in all categories of collectible wrenches and especially strong in cutout farm implement wrenches, IHC and related implement wrenchs (with over 200), quick adjust wrenches, early screw adjust wrenches, Crescent type wrenches from common to one of a kinds including many with various enhancements, wrenches from hardware companies such as KeenKutter, Winchester, Shapleigh, etc., tools from the Buffum Tool Co. (the most we have ever offered for sale), and an amazing selection of ratchet type wrenches. Vern has also accumulated probably the best collection of foreign made antique wrenches in the US with many outstanding examples. There will definitely be something for all collectors in this auction from the most advanced to the beginner.
0001. Unmarked - - 10.75" all metal rack adj wrench with set screw to lock lower jaw in place. RARE primitive looking wrench (like wooden handled example pictured at S436)
0002. KENTO (in a double arrow logo) / $2.50 MADE IN THE USA - - 7.5" rack gear type qk adj nut wrench. Turn handle to release lower jaw and cw to make the final adj. (not listed)
0003. AMERICAN WRENCH & SPECIALTIES CO CHICAGO USA / DROP FORGED QUICK KLAMP TRADE MARK - - - 10" qk adj nut wrench with cylinder on handle that releases and tightens lower jaw. Ex with nickel plating. (S473)
0004. QUICKSET - F.W. MACKE & CO - KOKOMO, IND USA - PAT'D 4 - 22 - 1919, etc - - 12.5" Rack screw adj with a lever that raises the knurled nut off the rack teeth for quick adjustment. Excellent (S616)
0005. Z 12 IN / PAT APL'D FOR - - 12" malleable quick adj patented 10-31-1905 by F. Zwicker of Indianapolis, Indiana. Pipe version with serrated inserts on angled upper jaw. Excellent. (S732)
0006. BELL WRENCH CO TULSA OKLA / PAT APRIL 25, 1905 OTHER PAT PENDG - - 9.5" qk adj pw with rack gears and a spring loaded release lever on lower jaw. Pat by Franklin Woodward of Sarcoxie, Mo (evidently sold to W. Bell) but mfg to a 7-6-1920 pat by William Bell of Tulsa, OK. One of a few wrenches from the Sooner state. RARE. (C60)
0007. THE WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCHESTER, MASS - NO. 3 / PAT JUNE 30, 91 OTHER PATS PENDING - - 15" rack wrench that adjusts with a spring loaded top lever. Hard to find nut wrench variation with plain jaw inserts (S727)
0008. POWERGRIP TOOL CO. - MOUNTAIN AIR, NEW MEXICO - PAT. PENDING. - - 9.75" lever qk. adjust with rack teeth similar to Wakefield wrench above. Only New Mexico made collectible wench? Same wrench also seen marked Shawnee, OK. Good Plus. (S709)
0009. Unmarked - - 8" quick adjust nut wrench with unique rack gears and release lever. Patented 10-29-1901 by Joseph Grubbs of Carterville, MO. Super rare (only one I've seen) in excellent condition except for one small spot of pitting (Not listed)
0010. (S507) 8 - L. P. WRENCH - PAT'D MAY 2,1915, JUL 2, 1918, MAR 17, 1922. / USONA MFG. CO. SEATTLE - - 8.75" lever qk adjust with rack teeth.. Good Plus. (S507)
0011. ARMSTRONG MFG CO. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. / THE ARMSTRONG RAPID 2. PAT. DEC. 9, 79, MAR. 27, 83 - - 11.75" rack type qk adj with a lever for applying additional tightening pressure. Some pitting (S474)
0012. GORDON AUTOMATIC PAT'D USA - - 7.25" qk adj nut wrench with rack teeth and spring loaded lower jaw. (S493)
Unmarked - - 9" qk adj comb nut and pipe wrench with rack teeth and a geared screw on a lever that releases the screw for quick adjusting or to remove and reverse the lower jaw assembly for pipe or nut use. Pat 2-16-1917 by Wilbur Upson of Mansfield, Ohio and mfg by the Shelby Specialty Co, Shelby, Ohio. RARE and in EXCELLENT condition. (not listed)
1 thru 13
0014. Unmarked (Crosby Rapid Transit)- - 8" wood handled qk adj nut wrench with teeth on both edges of shank that disengage by turning hex nut on shank. RARE and EX (S385)
0015. Marked only PAT AP'L - - 9" unusual quick adj nut wrench pat 9-3-1907 by Max Schwendner of Reading, PA (S544, C276)
0016. BOSTON WRENCH CO BOSTON, MASS. PAT'D OCT 2, 1906 OTHERS PAT. PENDING - - 6.25" all metal qk adj lever operated rack wrench. Pat by Alphage Gagnon of Springfield, Mass. (S480)
0017. BOSTON WRENCH CO BOSTON, MASS. PAT''D OCT 2, 1906 - - 9.75" all metal qk adj lever operated rack wrench like above except with different adj lever. (S479)
0018. PETERSON'S RAPID WRENCH S. F. CAL / PATENTED NOV 3, 1908 - - 10" wood handle qk adj rack wrench with extremely fine teeth and an unusual toggle nut and lever adjustment. Pat by Axel Peterson and mfg by the Peterson Rapid Wrench Co., San Francisco, CA. Crack in wood handle and "Homan" owner stamping. Rare and desirable West Coast wrench. (S525)
0019. QUICKSET - F.W. MACKE & CO -??? - PAT'D APRIL 22 - 1919 / KOKOMO, IND - - 8.25" All metal rack screw adj with a lever that raises the knurled nut off the rack teeth for quick adjustment. Some dings. (S511)
0020. QUICKSET - like above but 12". Some markings not readable and several grinding marks. (S511)
0021. QUICKSET - - 8" like above but with a round wooden handle. Some light pitting and dings. replaced handle.(sim to S512)
0022. QUICKSET - APRIL 22, 1919 QUICKSET - KOKOMO, IND - - 9" with same qk adj mechanism as above but on an auto type nut wrench. (not listed)
0023. Unmarked Russell Machine C0 - - 8" wooden handle qk adj nut wrench which combines rack teeth for initial adj and a knurled nut and screw for fine adj. Several of these previously unknown wrenches surfaced at a Texas auction several years ago. All had an unfinished wooden handle and either a regular hex or square handle nut. A couple had markings that were readable most were not. EX NOS condition.
Lutch Wrench Co. Waukesha, Wis. - Pat Jan 7, 02 - - 7.75" all metal unique adj with a spring loaded lower jaw and set screw. Sometimes credited to the Clutch Wrench Co. vs. Lutch. As pointed out by Stan Schulz ,the patent text does refer to a "holding clutch". Also mfg. by Dent & Co. Condition is poor because of pitting, markings not readable, and aluminum paint (S487)
0025. ATLAS 10 PAT 1888 - - 10.5" with as moveable upper jaw that can be adj to three different positions. Made in San Francisco, CA and New York, NY. (S655)
0026. LEVER WRENCH CO DULUTH, MINN / HEIMBACK PATENT 1915 - - 8" qk adj nut wrench with lever and rack teeth. Patented 6-8-1915 by Alton Heimbach of Duluth. Usually found with poor or unreadable markings, these come in loud and clear. EX (S308)
0027. G W NEWMAN - ERIE -PA / PATENTED - - 9'" qk adj pw with rack teeth and a lever that releases or locks the lower jaw assembly. A rare wrench in excellent condition with original nickel plating. (not in Schulz, C233)
0028. A. HARVEY'S SONS MFG CO LTD DETROIT, MICH / HARVEY WRIGHT'S WRENCH PAT FEB 1910 - NOV 1911 (and A H S in a diamond logo) - - 17.5" qk adj pw with rack teeth on side of shaft and sliding lower jaws assembly. Excellent (S731)
VICTOR TRADEMARK / PAT DEC 23,1902 - AUG 25, 1903 - - 6.5". qk adj pw with spring loaded lower jaw and rack adjustment. Made by the Bonner Mfg. Co. of Chrisman, IL. (S653)
14 thru 29
This type of wrench seems to works fine till the helical shaft gets a little dirty or bent then they are hard to adjust or don't adjust at all. The wrenches listed below are still in exceptionally fine working condition
0030. H & E WRENCH CO OF NEW BEDFORD, MASS / PAT MAR 27, 1923, etc.(with logo) - 10.25" Nut wrench version of the Handee Wrench. (S496) (S675)
0031. H & E WRENCH CO OF NEW BEDFORD, MASS USA / PAT MAR 27, 1923, etc.(with logo) - 10.25" Hex nut version of the Handee Wrench. Some light pitting (S495) (S675)
0032. H & E WRENCH CO OF NEW BEDFORD, MASS" / "PAT MAR 27, 1923, etc.(with logo) - - H & E's pipe wrench version of their Handee wrench. Excellent (S675)
SCHLOTE AUTOMATIC PATENT NO. 2447094 / G. H. SCHOLTE & CO. MILWAUKEE, WISC. - - 8.5" quick adjust nut wrench with helical shaft and sliding collar similar to Handee wrenches but much rarer. Some markings weak, wrench good plus. (like S529)
0034. EVANS WRENCH CO FALL RIVER, MASS PAT NO. 1728282 - - 6.75" quick adjust nut wrench with helical shaft and brass sliding collar. Excellent and considerably rarer than the Los Angles, California version. (S537)
0035. HELIX 8 IN PETERSON TOOL CO EL DORADO, KANSAS US PAT 3555939 / STAINLESS STEEL OTHER FOREIGN PAT PENDING etc. - - 8.5" qk adj nut wrench with sliding button and helical shaft. Patented by Kenneth Halls of Broomfield, Colorado and assigned to Eugene Peterson. These wrenches were mfg. in El Dorado and Towanda, Kansas. Black finish in excellent condition but hard to adjust.
0036. Same wrench as above but with special gold finish and in the original gold presentation box. A note inside the box states that these were given to investors in the Peterson Tool Co. The company failed and all they got for their investments were the wrenches. Excellent NOS condition.
0037. HELIX NO. 175 / PETERSON TOOL CO. US PAT 3555939 JAPAN etc. - - 8" later version of the Peterson Helix wrench. Excellent plating and unlike most works smoothly.
0038. SPACE TOOL FORGED / PO BOX 1924 PASADENA, TEXAS - GOOCH'S BEST FEEDS - - 8.5" qk adj advertising give away almost exactly like the Peterson Helix wrenches above. Plated and in excellent working condition.
0039. Lot of two Peterson Helix type qk adj wrenches. (1.) QUALI-KRAFT / USA PAT. PEND. JAPAN etc. - - 8" with 15/16' box end wrench on end of handle, plated finish. Ex working. condition. (2.) Same as (1) but PAT 3555939 (same patent as Peterson wrenches) and black finish. Excellent working condition.
0040. HALE - - 11" wood handled with eight point socket and hammer head. Good Plus
0041. H & S CO NY - - 12" wood handled with eight point socket. EXCELLENT.
0042. SCHAFF - - 10.5:" wood handled with eight point socket and hammer head. EXCELLENT.
0043. 9.75" wood handled with eight point socket and a square socket in handle. Marked with mfg name but can't read, probably the oldest of the piano wrenches listed here.
HALE TUNING HAMMER PAT OCT 3O, 1906 - 2 - - 12.5" wood handled with eight point socket, hammer head and telescoping shaft. EXCELLENT (similar S896)
30 thru 44
0045. Unmarked - - 6.75" piano pliers with a pad that swivels on the lower jaw. Probably made to Carl Lang's (of Chicago, ILL.) patent of Nov 28, 1905. Used to free jammed piano keys, excellent (not listed)
Marked only: "11" (David Bradley) - - 8" all malleable sliding wedge adj. alligator nut wrench. Pat 1-6-1891 and mfg. by the Vandegrift Mfg Co of Shelbyville, Indiana. Listed in David Bradley Farm Equip. Parts Lists. Excellent (S546)
Marked only "14" - - 9.75" larger version of Vandegrift wedge adj. ali. nut wrench above. Good Plus. (S546)
Marked only: "PATENTED" - - 9.75 wood handled Vandegrift wedge adj. ali. nut wrench like above. Smooth jaw variation. Good Plus. (S724)
0049. J. R. LONG WRENCH CO. AKRON, O - PAT'D APRIL 17, 1908 - - 8" well made wedge adjust nut wrench. Good Plus. (S549B)
0050. ROGERS PRINTZ & CO WARREN, PA - 3B / FITZALL (in diamond logo) PATENTED JUNE 8, 1908 - APRIL 26, 1910 - - 9.5" wedge adj, ali. nut wrench. Some hammer dings (S549T)
0051 STANDARD WRENCH & TOOL CO. PROVIDENCE, R. I. USA / FITZALL (in diamond logo) PATENTED JUNE 8, 1908 - APRIL 26, 1910 - - 8" wedge adj. ali. nut wrench . Good Plus (S548)
0052 Unmarked - - 9.5" wedge adj. nut wrench like the Fitzall wrench above. Excellent condition. (like S548)
0053 STANDARD WRENCH & TOOL CO. PROVIDENCE, R. I. USA / FITZALL (in diamond logo) PATENTED JUNE 8, 1908 - APRIL 26, 1910 - - 11.5" wedge adj, ali. nut wrench. Good (S548)
0054. STANDARD WRENCH & TOOL CO. PROVIDENCE, R. I. USA / FITZALL (in diamond logo) PATENTED JUNE 8, 1908 - APRIL 26, 1910 - - 15.5" wedge adj wrench like the Fitzall wrenches above but with a curved upper jaw with replaceable serrated insert. Scarce large size with pipe jaw . Some dings (S717)
0055. Unmarked - - 9.25"" wedge adj wrench like the Fitzall wrench above with the curved upper jaw with replaceable serrated insert. Excellent condition. (like S717)
0056. U. S. WRENCH CO. - BOHN QUICKFIT - PAT '24 - PHIL. PA - - 5.75" wedge adj, nut wrench. Good Plus. (S547)
Lot of two wedge adjust nut wrenches:
(1.) SUL SOLINGEN GERMANY - - 7" in Excellent condition.
(2.) Unmarked - - 5.75" with tire tool or pry bar end. (not listed)
45 thru 57
0058. MOLINE RD1975 - - 17.5" (R1-333)
0059. MOLINE PLOW CO B169 - - 14" light pitting crack (R1-332)
Lot of three Moline wrenches:
(1.) MOLINE PLOW CO H.X.5+ - - 10.5" square opening painted (R1-333)
(2.) MOLINE PLOW CO H.X.5+ - - 10.5" round opening (R1-333)
(3.) PR40 (Moline Plow Co) 10.5" (R1-333)
Lot of two:
(1.) MOLINE DRILL A1037 - - 8.5" (R1-332)
(2.) MONITOR DRILL A270 - - 7" painted (R1-334)
Lot of two:
(1.) 767 (Monitor-Moline) 9" w/studs (R1-332)
(2.) 767 (Monitor-Moline) - - 9" w/o studs (R1-332)
58 thru 62
Lot of two Adriance/Moline:
(1.) 3050A FOR PITMAN (Adriance/Moline) - - 7" (R1-332)
(2.) ADRIANCE - - 10'" wood handled monkey wrench. Good Plus. (R1-5)
0064. T.C.224 (Moline Plow Co) - - 7" 3 open ends (R1-333)
Lot of three:
(1.) L47 (Moline Plow Co) - - 7.5" bend (R1-333)
(2.) E13 (Moline Plow Co) - - 9"
(3.) R55 (Moline Plow Co) - - 7.5" painted (R1-333)
Lot of three:
(1.) K436 (Moline Plow Co) - - 9" pitted (R1-333)
(2.) D203 (Moline Plow Co) - - 8.5" painted (R1-333)
(3.) 106 (Moline Plow Co) - - 8" (R1-332)
Lot of two:
(1.) 1126A (Moline Plow Co) - - 9" (R1-332)
(2.) D189-D190 (Moline Plow Co) - - 7.5" check row pliers (R1-333)
0068. 8 (Moline Plow Co) - - 10.5" comb hammer w (R1-332)
0069. 8 (Moline Plow Co) - - 10.5" comb hammer w/soc light pitting ground head (R1-332)
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked F575 (Moline Plow Co?) - - 8.5" stamped steel (R1-333)
(2.) Unmarked (HX1691) (Moline Plow Co?) - - 11" stamped steel (R1-332)
Lot of four:
(1.) MPCO (HX1691) (Moline Plow Co) 11" stamped steel square opening var.. (R1-332)
(2.) MPCO (HX1691) (Moline Plow Co) 11" stamped steel round opening var.. (R1-332)
(3.) MPCO (HX729) (Moline Plow Co) - - 8.5" stamped steel (R1-332)
(4.) MPCO (HX730) (Moline Plow Co?) - - 7" stamped steel (R1-332)
63 thru 71
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked RD2108 (Moline Plow Co) - - 22" stamped steel (R1-333)
(2.) Unmarked V4194 (Moline Plow Co) - - 18" stamped steel (R1-333)
Lot of two:
(1.) GALE 21 - - 8.5" (R1-193)
(2.) GALE 26 - - 10" light pitting (R1-193)
0074. 11 (Gale) 9" (R2-109)
Lot of two:
(1.) unmarked C20 (Gale) - - 8" pitted (R1-193)
(2.) V58 (Gale) - - 5.5" (R1-193)
Lot of two:
(1.) 642 (Gale) - - 6.5" (R1-193)
(2.) K121 (Gale) - - 5" (R1-193)
Lot of two:
(1.) GALE - - 11" stamped steel (R1-193)
(2.) GALE DG848 - - 9" stamped steel (R1-193)
72 thru 77
Lot of three cylinder tooth straighteners:
(1.) 177 (Avery) - 21"
(2.) SS628 (Avery) - 20.5" (R2-18)
(3.) B17F - 20" tooth straightener or handle? (not listed)
Lot of two:
(2.) THE IMPROVED BOSS PAT' OCT 29-01 MFD BY J.P. JOHNSON STORDEN MINN. - 18.5" hex sockets light pitting (R1-59)
0080. Unmarked (Maytag Success) - 16" cylinder tooth ratchet (R1-317-318)
0081. TIGER PAT MAR 8 04 - 17" cylinder tooth ratchet with two handles, one has a tooth straightener on the end. (R1-455)
0082. 223T 224T (Advance Rumely) - 25" replaced bolt (R1-405)
0083. Unmarked - 13" gear drive tooth w
Lot of two THE HANDY WRENCH PAT MAR 30 1926 - 22" chain drive cylinder wrenches:
One with large square soc
Another with small hex soc (R1-215)
0085. PAT. NO. 1318176 PAT. OCT. 7 1919 NO. 1 - 32" swivel cylinder w Patented by Michael Quint and Peter Miller Quint of Hays KS.
20" Unmarked wood handled cylinder tooth w - 23"
78 thru 86
Lot of four beer tap malleable wrenches:
(1.) HANDY BEER TAP WRENCH - FRISBIE & WRIGHT - KEWAUNEE, WIS. - F- 10.75" face spanner type. EX.
(2.) PERLICK TAP WRENCH - - 7.5" mal. odd spanner type. EX.
(3.) Marked only: 1002 - - 5.5" oe by spanner type. EX.
(4.) Unmarked same as (3.)
Lot of five shoe makers tools.
(1.) Unmarked - - 5" odd double jawed, crank operated shank laster or stretcher;
(2.) J. NIBBS - WARRANTED - 2 - STEEL HAMMER - - 7.25" lasting or shoe maker's pliers with tack hammer and puller;
(3.) J. NIBBS - WARRANTED - 3 - STEEL HAMMER - - 8.5" lasting or shoe maker's pliers like (2.) but next size larger;
(4.) Unmarked - - 8.75" lasting or shoe maker's pliers;
(5.) USMC (United Shoe Machine Co. logo) 3M - - 8.75" lasting or shoe makers pliers with hammer head and puller in excellent unused condition.
A lot of six shoe maker's or upholstery's pliers:
(1.) WILIMAN (with an eagle logo) - - 9.5" double hammer lasting pliers with tack puller end. Excellent.
(2.) E. A. BERG - FSKILSTUE - SWEDEN - - 10" double hammer lasting pliers. Excellent
(3.) 9.25" double hammer lasting pliers. Can't read markings. Good Plus.
(4.) Unmarked - - 7.5" single hammer lasting pliers. Excellent.
(5.) H. F. OS?? - NEWARK, N.J. - O P T trademark - - 7" double hammer lasting pliers. Good Plus.
(6.) WINSOR & NEWTON INC. - MADE IN ENGLAND - -8" wide jawed upholstery's pliers or webbing stretchers. Excellent Plus.
87 thru 89
Lot of four alligator wrenches:
(1.) TWIN NO 2. - - 9.5" double ended ali. wrench.
(2.) TWIN / W & B 9in a diamond logo) - - 9.5" double ended ali wrench.
(3.) J. H. WILLIAMS & CO / NO. 2 BULLDOG - - 12.25" single ended ali. wrench
(4.) Unmarked - - 11" single ended ali. wrench, extra thick.
0091. NO. 0 - PAT OCT. 27, '03 - BULLARD WRENCH - - 5.5" self adjusting wrench with spring loaded pivoting upper and lower jaws. Mfg. in Providence, Rhode Island. RARE smallest size. (S661)
0092. NO. 1 BULLARD WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 27, 'O3 - - 9.5" self adjusting wrench with spring loaded pivoting upper and lower jaws. Good Plus. (like S659)
0093. NO. 2 BULLARD WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 27, 'O3 - - 12" self adjusting wrench like above (like S659)
0094. NO. 3 BULLARD WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 27, 'O3 - - 17.5" self adjusting wrench like above. Good Plus, uncleaned condition. (S659)
NO. 4 BULLARD WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 27, 'O3 - - 19.5" self adjusting wrench like above. Some light pitting. (like S659)
90 thru 95
0096. HAYWARD / PAT. NOV. 4 - 1913 - - 6.5" self adjusting wrench with five different pivoting joints. A lot of action going on for such a small wrench. Pat and mfg by Hubert Hayward of St. Louis, Missouri and advertised as a bolt, nut, and pipe wrench. Rare wrench in an ultra rare size and EXCELLENT condition. (S678, C162)
0097. BALIN TOOL CO. - LA. CALIF.. USA / BALIN PAT. NO. 2210274 - - 9.75" self adjust pat. by Oscar Becklin of Los Angles, CA. Described as a bolt, nut, and pipe wrench. RARE and Excellent.
0098. LITTLE'S AUTOMATIC WRENCH CO. - CRESSON. PA (w/ a L. W. Co, logo) / PATENTED JUNE 11, 1912 - - 10" triple pivoting, double articulating self adj. pipe wrench. Excellent. (S339)
0099. JOHN HINKLE - NO. 2 / COLUMBUS, OHIO NO. 2 - PATENT PENDING - - 16.5" self adj. pw with pivoting upper jaw. RARE, first one seen. EXCELLENT. (not listed, no info.)
0100. CROMNA - MADE IN DENMARK - PAT NO. 59670 / CROMNA NO. S-4 - - 12" self. adj. nut wrench with pivoting upper jaws. Excellent. (S785)
Lot of Two:
(1.) "CLEVELAND" 10 IN PATENTED / CLEVELAND WRENCH CO. - - 10" pivoting upper jaw self adjusting nut wrench. Good Plus. (S331)
(2.) "CLEVELAND" 6 IN PATENTED / CLEVELAND WRENCH CO. - - 6" self adj. nut wrench like above but in scarce small size. EXCELLENT. (S331)
0102. Unmarked (Sheffy)- - 9.5" self adj. wrench with pivoting upper and lower jaws. Good Plus (no info)
0103. RHINO 14 IN - PAT. NO. 143898 / RHINO WRENCH CO. DENVER - - 14" self adj. pipe wrench with a spring loaded pivoting upper jaw. Design pat. No. 143898 was issued to Archibald C. Brintnall of Denver, Colorado on Feb 19, 1946. Excellent with some plating. . (S340)
0104. RHINO 14 IN - PAT. NO. 143898 / RHINO TOOL & MFG. CO. DENVER - - 14" self adj. pipe wrench like above. Rare variation, more commonly found marked "Rhino Wrench Co." Excellent except jaw spring is missing. (S340)
THE DIAMOND WRENCH - PAT PEN. (in a diamond logo) - - 15.75" pivoting upper jaw self adj. pipe wrench. Good. (not listed, no info)
96 thru 105
0106. LA DOW WRENCH - PATENT APPLIED FOR / M. D. F. MARSHALLTOWN. IOWA (etc.) - - 19.5" self adjust wrench with pivoting upper and lower jaws mfd. by the Marshalltown Drop Forge Co. who were also one of the mfgs. of The Morris Wrench. Some pitting. (S1080)
0107. Unmarked - - 17" self adj wrench pat. Dec-29-1891 by Charles Spery of Herman, MO with pivoting upper jaw and adj. notches in handle. Pitting. First one seen, (ID from C284)
0108. THE MATTHEWS WRENCH - DENVER, COLO. - - 9.5" Self adj. nut wrench with pivoting upper jaw. Some pitting. (slightly different than S355)
0109. 15" TRIG-O-MATIC - PAT 2645145 / TRIG-O-MATIC TOOL CORP. - CHICAGO USA - - 17" self adj. pipe wrench with a pivoting upper jaw and a coiled spring. Excellent. (S720)
0110. PORTER ??? (can't read all lettering). - REVERE, MASS. / V. F. CO. - - 18.75" self adjust wrench with a pivoting upper jaw. The flat jaw spring is missing, minor jaw chip, otherwise Excellent. (S708)
0111. COOKS PATENT - JAN 28, 1890 - - 18" self adj. pw with a pivoting upper jaw that can be set to two different positions. Mr. Cook lived in Livermore Falls, Maine. Excellent. (not listed)
14" MAGNUM TOOL CO - PATENTED / MUESCO - HOUSTON, TEXAS - - 14.25" self adj. wrench with a pivoting, spring loaded upper jaw that can be set to five different notches on the handle. Excellent. (S335)
106 thru 112
0113. FAIRBANKS NO. 3 / PAT JAN 5,1886 - -21.5" self adj. pipe wrench with pivoting upper jaw that pivots between the divided lower jaw. Mfg. in Palmyra, Ohio. Different gizmo with large, bold markings. Excellent. (S358)
0114. THE JOHNSTON AUTOMATIC - PAT JULY 30, 1895 - - 11" malleable self adj. with pivoting upper jaw. Mfg. by W. T. Johnson & Co. New York. Good Plus, some markings weak. (S336)
0115. Unmarked - - 15.25" Johnston Automatic self adjusting wrench like above. Good Plus (S336)
0116. V & B WRENCH - PAT DEC 6, 1898 - VAUGHAN & BUSHNELL MFG. CO (Chicago) - - 15" self. adj. with pivoting upper jaw. Adv. as a nut and pipe wrench. (Good Plus. (S332)
0117. V & B WRENCH - PAT DEC 6, 1898 - VAUGHAN & BUSHNELL MFG. CO (Chicago) - - 26" Big Boy version of the self adjust above. Good Plus. (S332)
0118. ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA / AUTO NO. 8 - - 8" self adjust with pivoting upper jaw. Excellent. (S337)
0119. ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA / AUTO NO. 10 - - 11" self adjust with pivoting upper jaw. Excellent. (S337)
0120. ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA / AUTO NO. 14 - - 15" self adjust with pivoting upper jaw with different paneled lower jaws. Good Plus. (S337)
Unmarked (Snider Wrench & Tool Co., Colorado Springs) - - Self adj. nut and pipe wrench with a spring loaded upper jaw. ID from S357. Wrench was purchased at the Wullweber Auction and is the exact one pictured in the Schulz book. Works great, has over all surface roughness.
113 thru 121
0122. N0. 11 - REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA / PAT. AUG. 10, 97. - - 10.75" self adjusting wrench with spring loaded pivoting upper jaw and lower serrated jaw inserts. excellent.(S334)
0123. N0. 16 - REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA / PAT. AUG. 10, 97 - - 17.25" like above. Some minor pitting. (like S334)
0124. N0. 16 - REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA / PAT. AUG. 10, 97 - - 16" like above. Good Plus. (like S334)
0125. N0. 20 - REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA / PAT. AUG. 10, 97 - - 20.75" like above. Good Plus. (like S334)
0126. TIGER N0. 18 - REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA / PAT. AUG. 10, 97 - - 18" like above but marked TIGER and doesn't have replaceable jaw inserts. Excellent. (like S334)
0127. REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA / PAT. AUG. 10, 97 - - 6" like above in scarce small size. Good Plus. (like S334)
0128. REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA. USA (etc.) - - 15" like Reed self adjusting wrenches above but a completely different style with flat handles rather than round. Excellent and RARE. (not listed)
Lot of two self adj. wrenches with pivoting upper jaw (1.) EFFICIENCY DEVICE CORP. MFGS. - LONG CITY, NY / STIX-ON WRENCH - TRADE MARK - NO. 2 - 1/2" - 1-1/4" - PAT. AUG. 20 '18 - -9.5" Spring is not connected, Good Plus. (S363);
(2.) Unmarked - - 9". Pivoting divided upper jaw. (S343)
122 thru 129
0130. SHEFFY MFG CO. - PAT. JAN 21, 1895 - CHICAGO / J. D. & SON - - 14.25" self adj. pw with pivoting upper and lower jaws. Good Plus. (S338)
0131. SHEFFY MFG CO. - PAT. JAN 21, 1895 - CHICAGO - - 17" like above. Pitting (S338)
Lot of three self adjusting nut wrenches with a spring loaded, pivoting upper jaw: (1.) SUPER WRENCH / PAT - - 9" Excellent, like new
(2.) TRAQ MASTER GRIP - - 10" Some surface rust, otherwise excellent.
(3.) WEIL ADJUSTAMATIC - -12" Good ++.
0133. Lot of four HELLER MASTERENCH - NEWARK, NJ (Pat. 4-14-1925, 7-5-1927, 11-12-1929. - - One each of 8", 10", 14", and 18" self adj wrenches. All have square box wrench on end of handle and serrated jaws.. Good or better. (S328)
0134. Lot of two HELLER BROTHERS CO. - NEWARK, NJ. 8' and 10" self adj. like above but with round holes on the end of the handles. 8 incher has a lip chip.
LYNCHMEAD MFG. CO. TURLOCK, CAL. - PATS PENDING NOV 21, 1921 - FEB 25. 1921 / 8 INCH MASTER RENCH (sic) - - 8" smooth jawed self adj, nut wrench almost identical to the Heller Brothers' "Master Wrench" with patents that predate the Master Wrench patents. Excellent (no info, not listed)
130 thru 135
0136. Lot of two HELLER MASTERENCH self adj. like above but with smooth jaws for use as nut wrenches rather than a pipe wrenches. 8" and 14" models. Good Plus.
0137. THE ROBERTS WRENCH CO. INC. NY / PATENTED & PATENTS PENDING - - 8.5" self adj. with spring loaded jaws. Excellent. (S360)
0138. THE ROBERTS WRENCH CO. NY / U.S. PATENT APP'D FOR - - 12" like above with different markings. Excellent. (s360)
HOE CORPORATION POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK, USA / PATENTS PENDING. 26" self adj. with spring loaded jaws. Excellent. Rare large size with replaceable lower jaw insert and a spring loaded latch that holds the jaws open that aren't found on the smaller sizes. (simpler. to S361)
0140. HOE CORPORATION POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK / PATENTED FEB 31, 1922 - - 19.5" self adjust like above. (simpler to S361)
0141. HOE CORPORATION POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK / PATENTED FEB 31, 1922 - - 15.25" self adjust like above. (simpler to S361) \
0142. HOE CORPORATION POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK / PATENTED FEB 31, 1922 - - 11" self adjust like above. (similar to S361)
0143.HOE CORPORATION POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK / PATENTED FEB 31, 1922 - - 8.5" self adjust like above. (similar to S361)
HOE CORPORATION POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK / PATENTED FEB 31, 1922 - - 6.5" self adjust like above but with wooden handle. Hard to find in this size. ( S361)
136 thru 144
0145. LAKE SUPERIOR WRENCH COMPANY SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN - PAT PEND.- - 21.5" folding jaws style self adjust for nuts or pipe. Good Plus. (similar to S362)
0147. LAKE SUPERIOR WRENCH COMPANY / SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN - PAT PEND.- - 13" like above. Advertised as an automatic auto wrench.
0148. SUPERIOR WRENCH COMPANY / MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA - - 13" like above. Excellent.
0150. LAKE SUPERIOR WRENCH COMPANY / SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN - - 6.5" like above with a screwdriver end.. Pitted, over cleaned..
LAKE SUPERIOR WRENCH COMPANY SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN - PATENTED USA OCT. 4,1910 - CANADA JULY 12, 19?? - - 6" like above but stamped steel construction. (S362) Excellent.
145 thru 151
0152. IHC 1725V - - 8" soc (R1-251)
0153. IHC 1786V - - 8.5" dbl soc (R1-251)
0154. IHC E1632 - - 3.5" soc light pitting (R1-252)
0155. IHC 632LA - - 4.5" soc (R1-251)
0156. 632L (IHC) - - 6.5" soc
0157. IHC 204L - - 6" dbl soc (R1-251)
0158. IHC 1691T - - 8" dbl soc (R1-251)
0159. IHC 5016T - - 6" soc (R1-251)
0160. 1967T (IHC) - - 6" dbl soc (R1-251)
0161. G6334 (IHC) - - 6" dbl soc (R1-253
0162. IHC M3600 - - 8" dbl soc (R1-254)
0163. Unmarked (IHC 550T) - - 8" dbl soc
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked (IHC 136386H) - - 3" soc
(2.) 29/32 (IHC 4721D) - - 5" soc
1118B (IHC / Belle City / Racine) - - 8.5" dbl soc (R1-251)
152 thru 165
0166. IHCO G3866 - - 13" doe w
Lot of three IHC doe w for Mogul Tractor:
G3173 - - 4.5"
G3172 - - 6.5"
G3170 - - 12" (R1-253)
0168. Unmarked (IHC G8413) - - 4.5" X 6" filler funnel
0169. 1692T (IHC) - - 10" dbl spark plug soc w (R1-251)
0170. 9259T (IHC) - - 9" dbl soc w drilled hole (R1-252)
0171. IHC (G8894) - - 6" chisel
0172. IHC (H758) - - 5.5" cold chisel
0173. Unmarked (5378TM IHC) - - 7" soc w . Pitted (R1-252)
0174. 2699TM (IHC) - - 4.5" spark plug soc. repair (R1-251)
0175. G246 (IHC) - - 7.5" piston soc w (R1-253
0176. GA246 (IHC) - - 9.5" piston soc w (R1-253
0177. Unmarked (IHC G8404) - - 3.5" x 4.5" funnel
0178. For KW (IHC 188) - - 2.5" magneto w
0179. IHC G3524 - - 4" doe wr (R2-144)
Lot of four IHC doe wrenches for Titan Tractor:
G3173 - - 4.5"
G3172 - - 6.5"
G3171 - - 7.5"
G3170 - - 11" (R1-253)
166 thru 180
Lot of 2 IHC doe w for Titan Tractor:
G3526 - - 12"
G3866 - - 14.5" (R1-253)
0182. 139 1/2E (IHC) - - 6.5" (R1-250)
0183. 137 1/2E (IHC) - - 10" hub w light pitting (R1-251)
0184. 130H (IHC) - - 10.5" hub w slight bend (R1-251)
0185. 21080-V (IHC) - - 12.5" hub w (R1-252)
0186. IHC 22394VA - - 8.5" hub w (R1-252)
0187. 6849H SPARK PLUG (IHC) - - 8.5" (R1-252)
0188. 164EA SPARK PLUG CONN. ROD CLUTCH (IHC) - - 10.5" (R1-250)
IHC 2052V - - 6" puller
181 thru 190
Lot of two:
(1.) H523 1/2 (IHC Auto Buggy) 6.5" (R1-253)
(2.) Unmarked (1691E IHC) 3/8" cotter pin tool - - 6"
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked (7697T IHC) ball pein hammer 11.5"
(2.) SARGENT WARRANTED FORGED (IHC 1327E?) - - 8" gas pliers
0193. Unmarked (IHC 53251V) - - 11" auto wrench
0194. Unmarked (IHC 8370H) - - 14" auto wrench
0195. 5082T (IHC) - - 6" soc w (R1-251)
0196. IHC 34541H - - 3.5" wheel nut soc (R2-143)
0197. 44337H (IHC) - - 2.5" soc (R2-144)
Lot of 2 IHC doe wreanches:
1325EA - - 5"
1326E - - 8.5"
Lot of 2 IHC offset doe wrenches:
1325EA - - 4.5"
1326E - - 7" marked 3/8 & 7/16
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked (IHC 13059V) - - 4" dbl soc
(2.) IHC 1261Y - - 5" stamped steel water pump w
191 thru 200
0201. COLLINS & CO. - HARTFORD USA - - 8" Coes type whmw with distinctive hex handle ferrule and extended plate. Excellent. (like S384)
0202. COLLINS & CO. - HARTFORD USA - - 10" like above. Good Plus (like S384)
0203. COLLINS & CO. - HARTFORD USA - PAT OCT 10, 1865 - 12" like above but with replaced? straight round handle. Some hammer dings otherwise Good Plus. (not listed)
0204. COLLINS & CO. - HARTFORD USA - PAT ??Y 21, 1900 - - 15.25" like above. Weak markings, handle crack, Good. (like S384)
0205. ROBINSON'S PATENT JUNE 16, 1885 - - 8.25" Coes type whmw with distinctive hex handle and adj screw holder. Pat. by Squire Robinson of Southington, CT. Good with some dings (S413)
0206. ROBINSON'S PATENT JUNE 16, 1885 - - 12" like above. Good Plus (S413)
0207. ROBINSON'S PATENT JUNE 16, 1885 - - 14.5" like above. Good Plus (S413)
0208. STERLING WRENCH CO. - STERLING, O - AUG 12, '84 (some markings unreadable) - - 6.5" wh Coes type monkey wrench with distinctive short wood handle, handle nut, and coarse ribbed adjusting nut. Good (not listed)
0209. STERLING WRENCH CO. - STERLING, O - AUG 12, '84 (some markings unreadable) - -8" wh Coes type monkey wrench like above. Good Plus. (unlisted)
Unmarked or markings not readable. (Sterling?) - - 10" 8" wh Coes type monkey wrench like above. Good Plus. (unlisted)
201 thru 210
0211. THE LAMSON & SESSIONS CO. - PAT'D - CLEVELAND, O. / STANDARD - - 12" Coes type wood handled monkey wrench with distinctive ferrule and adjusting nut holder with rivet, made to Campfield's May 9, 1883 patent? Good Plus. (not listed)
0212. THE LAMSON & SESSIONS CO. - PAT'D - CLEVELAND, O. / ENGINEER'S CASE HARDENED - - 15" Coes type wood handled monkey wrench like above. Handle crack, hammer dings. (not listed)
0213. Unmarked (Lamson & Sessions?) except with owners name: L. W. WAITS - - 18" Coes type wood handled monkey wrench like above except also has a pin through the adjusting nut. Good Plus Plus. (not listed)
Lot of two: THE LAMSON & SESSIONS CO. - CLEVELAND USA Coes type wood handled monkey wrenches:
(1.) 8.25" with fine diagonally knurled adj. nut. Good ++ (not listed)
(2.) 8.25" with coarse ridged adj. nut. Good plus. (not listed)
0215. THE LAMSON CASE HARDENED - L & S CO - CLEVELAND, O. - - 8.25" Coes type wood knife handled mw with fine diagonally knurled adj. nut. Excellent. (not listed)
0216. THE LAMSON CASE HARDENED - L & S CO - CLEVELAND, O. - - 10.25" like above. Some handle damage otherwise Good Plus. (not listed)
THE LAMSON & SESSIONS CO. - CLEVELAND USA - - 12" Coes type whmw with coarse ribbed adj. nut. Good Plus with some handle damage. (not listed)
211 thru 217
0218. Marked only 204 and 205 - - 9" spring loaded lever qk. adj. buggy wrench with open end wrench on end of handle. Purchased at Marvin Wullweber's auction and this is the wrench pictured in Schulz's book. Ex with Marvin's initials lightly scribed on jaw, (S230B)
Marked only PAT APP'D FOR - - 12.5" unique adj. carriage wrench made to George Dunham's (Hebron, Maine) patent of 2-5-1895. These scarce wrenches are often found with the malleable adj. ramps broken, this one works perfectly. (S223)
0220. Unmarked - - 11.75" Byrne & Ziegaus, Sharon, Wisc, O.K. Wagon Tire Bolt Wrench pat. 3-3-1888. Also listed in early Stanley Tool Catalogs. Odd geared operating mechanism in excellent condition (S1065)
Unmarked Wagon Tire Bolt Wrench - - 11" crank operated with a revolving head with four different size square sockets, Made by Miller Wrench Co. of Ft. Wayne, Indiana and patented 6-12-1888 by John Lang (Ypsilanti, Michigan). (C221)
0222. Unmarked Willey & Russell, Greenfield, Mass. - - 6.5" brace attachment for wagon wheel tire rim bolts pat 3-2-1869. EX (S225, C335)
0223. GOODELL CO ANTRIM NH / PAT MAY 19 1861 - - 8.5" wh spring loaded handle qk. adj buggy wrench. Pat by Harry Burleigh (Franklin, NH). EX (S233)
A. P. JOY OF ROCKINGHAM, NH / PAT FEB 1 '98 - NO 1 - - 9.75" pat. by Aden Joy 0f New Market, NH. Lever and screw adj with wooden spinner handle. EX (S221)
Unmarked - - 10" lever and screw adj wagon wrench similar but slightly different than the Joy Wagon wrenches. EX (similar to S221)
Joy Wagon Wrench like above but marked: SAFETY / PAT FEB 1, 98 - - 14.25". Never seen another Joy Wrench marked "Safety" before. EX in a large size with rare marking var.. (S221)
218 thru 226
0227. PAT APRIL 14, 1896 NO 1 - - 10" example of the Perfection Wagon Wrench pat. and mfg by George Wood of Southington, Conn. EX (S224, R1-377)
0228. Perfection Wagon Wrench like above except NO 2 - - 11" model. Excellent except some damage to wooden spinner knob
0229. Perfection Wagon Wrench like above except NO 3 - - 14" model. Ex except wooden knob replace by 3/8" brass pipe. Scarce in this size.
OLIVER NO 2 - PAT APLD FOR - OLIVER MFG CO CHICAGO USA - - 20" wagon wrench (wheel and rack gears adj var.) pat 9-10-1907 by Wm Oliver. Large rare size. (S205)
0231. SALEM OHIO PAT'D NOV 2, 97 / COMBINATION WRENCH & JACK - - 22" combination adj buggy wrench and jack (wheel holder). Pat 11-2-1897 and mfg by James. B. Foote (Fredericktown, Ohio). A later patent added an oilier inside the shaft of the tool. Some markings blurred, over cleaned. (S238, R1-111)
INTERNATIONAL MFG CO 3 - PATENT DEC 12, 05 / 1408 WABASH AVE CHICAGO - - 20" screw and lever adj buggy wrench w/ wooden spinner hdl. Pat by Ernil Klemm of Chicago. Nice large example. (S222)
227 thru 232
PAT NOV 2, 80 - - 10.25" screw adj buggy wrench pat by H. A. Thompson of Farmington, Maine and mfg by the Diamond Wrench Co of Portland, Maine. (S204)
PAT NOV 2, 80 - - 11.75" version of the screw adj buggy wrench above. (S204)
0235. PAT MAY 9, 1911 - - 11.5" odd adj buggy axle nut wrench. A pivoting lever locks the adj upper jaw in place, wooden spinner handle. Unique mechanism patented by Chester Winchenback of Waldoboro, Maine. This is the wrench pictured in Schulz's, purchased at Wullweber's auction. Never seen another. (S235)
0236. 101 UNIVERSAL WRENCH CO BARTOW, FLORIDA - PAT 1921 - - 10.75" with hinged lower jaw and thumbscrew. EX (S209)
0237. D. MCFARLAND WORCESTER, MASS PAT DEC 22, 74 - - 11" rack and screw adj with locking set screw, oe wrench on end. Good Plus with replaced set screw.(S206)
0238. Unmarked (Miller Falls Co of Miller Falls, Mass.) - - 8.25" screw adj with metal spinner handle (later variation). (S207)
0239. PATD MAY 22, 1877 (Mitchell's Patent) - - 12" wh sc adj buggy wrench mfg by Bower & Tripp, New Bedford, Mass. Crack in handle. (S211)
0240. G. A. HOSMER & CO BUFFALO NY - 7.5" comb plier type buggy wrench with four oe. (S198)
0241. REMINGTON / PAT MAY 21, 1878 - - 8.5" mall. screw adj carriage wrench mfg by Reed & Co. of Higganum, Conn. pat by George Remington of Exeter, Rhode Island. (S226)
0242. Unmarked carriage wrench made by the American Wrench Co. Augusta, Maine - - 7" fluted wood handle screw adj. Pat Sep. 8, 1885. Neat small size. (S231)
0243. AMERICAN WRENCH - PAT. SEPT. 8, 1885 - AUGUSTA, MAINE - - 8.5" version like above (S231)
0244. AMERICAN WRENCH CO. - PAT. SEPT. 8, 1885 - AUGUSTA, MAINE - - 9.25" version like above with plain wooden handle. (S231)
COOK PATD SEPT 1, 85 / 1-1/8 - - 9" oe x sq box buggy wrench with a spring loaded nut holder and lever. Pat. by Roswell Cook of Ilion, NY. EX (S240BR2)
PAT SEPT 21, 86 - 3 - - 7.5" oe and sq box x sq box buggy wrench with a spring loaded nut holder and lever. Advertised as "The Universal Carriage Wrench" by the Phillips-Getman Co of Ilion, NY. Pat. by Henry Getman of Ilion. EX (S228)
233 thru 246
Lot of two:
(1.) H & D YORK PA - - 7" 5 sizes (R1-228)
(2.) H & D YORK PA - - 7" 4 sizes (R1-228)
0248. Wiard with star logo - - 13.5" Drill holes and painted. (R1-488)
0249. 70 TO 83 (Wiard Plow Co) - - 9.5" painted light pitting (R1-488)
0250.. 379 (South Bend Chilled Plow Co) - - 9" (R1-429)
0251. N.C. (South Bend Chilled Plow Co) - - 12.5" 2 open ends var.. Pitted (R1-429)
0252. Unmarked Octagon (South Bend Chilled Plow Co) - - 15.5" (R2-267)
0253.. Unmarked (South Bend Chilled Plow Co) - - 16.5" (R1-429)
Lot of two:
(1.) 88 (South Bend Chilled Plow Co) - - 6" (R2-267)
(2.) Unmarked 11 (South Bend Chilled Plow Co) - - 7" (R1-429)
247 thru 254
0255. KINGMAN PLOW CO N81 - - 10.5" painted pitted (R1-284)
0256. D242 (Kingman Plow Co) - - 11.5" (R1-284)
0257. 272 (Kingman Plow Co) - - 9.5" (R1-284)
Lot of two:
(1.) 3 (Kingman Plow Co) - - 8" light pitting (R1-284)
(2.) 3 (Kingman Plow Co) - - 8" different than (1.). (R1-284) Excellent.
0259. T (J .D. Tower and Sons) - - 10.5" (R1-457)
Lot of two:
(1.) O (J.D. Tower and Sons) - - 8" 3 open ends var.. (R1-457)
(2.) O (J.D. Tower and Sons) - - 8" 2 open ends var.
0261. AMERICAN HARROW CO DETROIT DISC DD36 - - 15" pitted (R1-14)
DD198 (American Harrow Co) - - 14.5" hammered opening (R1-14)
255 thru 262
0263. BRADLEY LISTER K35 - - 6" (R1-126)
0264. BRADLEY CULTIVATOR U12 - - 10" (R1-126)
0265. DAVID BRADLEY MFG WKS BRADLEY ILL 105A - - 10" painted (R1-126)
0266. B23 (David Bradley) - - 9.5" (R1-126)
0267. G99 (David Bradley) - - 8.5" (R1-126)
0268. C28 (David Bradley ?) - - 17.5" (R1-126)
0269. 0566 (David Bradley) - - 13" (R1-125)
0270. 832A (David Bradley) - - 13" (R1-126)
Lot of two:
(1.) ET 119 (David Bradley) - - 10" (R1-126)
(2.) ET (David Bradley) - - 10" (R1-126)
5715A (David Bradley) - - 6" (R1-126)
263 thru 272
0273. OLIVER RP210 - - 13.5" (R1-361)
0274. J43 (Oliver) - - 6.5" (R1-361)
0275. 183 (Oliver) - - 12.5" (R1-360)
0276. G1 (Oliver / IHC Canada) - - 12" (R1-361)
0277. DP109 (Oliver) - - 11.5" light pitting, bend (R1-360)
0278. F239 (Oliver) - - 9.5" (R1-360)
Lot of two:
(1.) F153 (Oliver) - - 8.5" (R1-360)
(2.) Unmarked F153 (Oliver) - - 6.5"
X (Oliver / Ohio Rake) - - 8" (R1-361)
273 thru 280
Lot of three:
(1.) Unmarked RP5415 (Oliver / IHC Canada?) - - 10.5" stamped steel (R1-361)
(2.) Unmarked RP5414 (Oliver / IHC Canada?) - - 9" stamped steel (R1-361)
(3.) Unmarked RP5413 (Oliver / IHC Canada?) - - 8" stamped steel (R1-361)
0282. F2-0005 (Nichols & Sheppard / Oliver) - - 8" (R2-217)
0283. BLACK HAWK M167 (Sechler / Oliver) - - 10.5" (R1-419)
0284. BLACK HAWK SECHLER MOLINE M95 (Sechler / Oliver) - - 10.5" with light pitting. (R1-419)
0285. H112 (Sechler / Oliver) - - 9.5" (R1-419)
0286. J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 2234 - - 7.5" (R1-77)
0287. J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 4105 - - 10" (R1-77)
0288. J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 883 - - 15". Painted. (R1-77)
.Lot of two.
(1.) J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 1222 - - 10.5" small numbers (R1-77)
(2.) J. I. CASE PLOW WORKS 1222 - - 10.5" large numbers (R1-77)
J.I.C.P. WKS. 359 - - 8" (R1-77)
281 thru 290
0291. LITCHFIELD S437 (Litchfield Mfg. Co., Waterloo, Iowa) - - 7" cutout (R1-299)
0292. BLACKHAWK (Sechler / Oliver) - - 7.5" cutout. With stud var.. Light pitting (R2-36)
0293. BLACKHAWK (Sechler / Oliver) - - 7.5" cutouts. No stud var.. (R2-36)
0294. OXO (Noxon Brothers of Ingersol and Ontario, Canada) - - 8" cutout. Wrench mounted on the tool box that has the N's. Pitting (R1-356)
0295. STAR - - 6.5" shoe brush with cutout lettering and star on handle.
0296. VERITY P61 (Verity Plow Co / Massey-Harris) - - 6.5" cutout. Light pitting, crack in letter "T" (R1-472)
0297. BUFFALO PITTS H O CO NY - - 10" cutout. Light pitting, painted (R1-68)
0298. BRADLEY'S WONDER D99 (David Bradley Mfg, Bradley, ILL ) - - 14.5" cutout. . Large, rare cutout with striking graphics. Seldom offered for sale. (R1-126)
0299. CASADAY (South Bend Chilled Plow C0.) - - 11.5" cutout. One of the most desirable, largest, and most impressive looking of all the cutout wrenches. Excellent condition (R1-429)
0300. OSBORNE (D. M. Osborne / IHC) - - 6" cutout. Opening up var.. Screwdriver blade shortened (R1-363)
0301. ZENITH (Unknown origin) - - 10" cutout. Same shape wrench as Blount (R1-58TR). RARE (R1-502)
IHC 770E - - 10" cutout hubcap wrench for International Harvester's early high wheel autos and trucks. Good solid wrench with no breaks or cracks but does show some pitting under new paint. Guaranteed original. (R1-256)
291 thru 302
0303. PLANET JR. H4 - - 8" cutout. Large and scarce Planet Jr. wrench with double hammers (R1-380)
0304. PLANET JR. 3 - - 6.5" cutout (R1-380)
0305. PLANET JR. 2 - - 6.5" cutout (R1-380)
0306. PLANET JR. K48 - - 5 " cutout. Smallest of the Planet Jr wrenches. Excellent (R1-380)
0307. UNIVERSAL E12 (unknown origin) - - 5" cutout. Bent jaw opening (R1-466)
0308. UNIVERSAL (unknown origin) - - 5" cutout. No part number var.. (R1-466)
0309. GRANITE STATE (Hinsdale, New Hampshire) - - 5" cutout (R1-207)
0310. P & O 1338 (IHC) - - 6" cutout. Numbers on front var.. (R1-370
0311. DEERE A196 - - 8" cutout with part number top of open end.. Painted with light pitting (R1-131, D142)
0312. DEERE A196A - - 8" cutout with part number top of square box.. Painted (R1-131, D145)
0313. DEERE A196 - - 8" cutout with part number top of square box . Painted (R1-131, D141)
0314. IRON AGE E39 (Bateman Mfg., Madison, Ohio) - - 8.5" cutout. Pitted, painted, repaired (R1-260)
0315. IRON AGE C9 (Bateman Mfg., Madison, Ohio) - - 6.5" cutout large sq box end var.. Painted (R1-260)
0316. IRON AGE C9 (Bateman Mfg., Madison, Ohio) - - 6.5" cutout, small sq box end var.. Crack on small end jaw (R1-260)
0317. ALASKA (unknown origin) - - 11" tack hammer and nail puller. Cutout lettering on handle
Tack Hammer (unknown origin) - - 9.5" with cutout lettering "MALLEABLE" on handle. Rare
303 thru 318
0319. Lot of two plier type crimping tools with malleable handles:(1.) H K P (cutout letters in each handle) NATIONAL TELEPHONE SUPPLY CO / CLEVELAND OHIO etc. - - 9.5" made by H. K. Porter. EX. (2.) N (cutout letter in each handle) THE NATIONAL TELEPHONE SUPPLY CO CLEVELAND OHIO / NICO PRESS US PAT NO 2086400 - 11.5" EX
0320. Cattaraugus Cutlery Co. Little Valley, NY" - - 4.5" pocket knife and Crescent type wrench with two knife blades, one with bottle opener. Knife handles are perfect but one blade is broken and other has been severely ground. (S93T)
0321. Blade marked IMPERIAL PROV. RI. USA. Plier handle marked J. G. LEWIS PATENT NOV 20, 1900 - - 4" Pocket knife and plier tool with knife blade and punch. Handle is chipped and end of punch is broken. (Similar to S93B but with dif markings)
0322. SEABOARD STEEL CO - MADE IN FRANCE (marked same both sides) - - 5.5" all metal handle tool with Crescent wrench, knife blade, sc/dr and bottle opener blade, Philips sc/dr, and punch. With leather like case. (like S95 but different markings)
0323. SEABOARD STEEL CO - MADE IN FRANCE - - 5.5" pocket knife and plier tool incl. a knife blade, a sc/dr, file, and bottle opener blade, and a leather punch. (similar to S94)
0324. Lot of two (1.) UTICA CUTLERY CO UTICA, NY USA - - 3.75" tool holder handle with one knife blade and seven hook-on tools incl. hammer, saw, file, sc/dr, bottle opener, etc. in a leather type case with zipper. (2.) Another knife tool kit but missing the handle and one accessory. Good for parts.
0325. STELLAR CO. JAPAN - - 4.25" all metal pocket knife and miniature screw adj monkey wrench tool with one knife blade and one blade with a file and screwdriver end, and a punch or reamer. EX (S97R)
0326, HOFFRITZ NY GERMANY (on blade tang) E. F. HILL MACHINE CO (on handle) 4.25" all metal monkey wench and knife tool like above. (like S97R)
0327. Marked only JAPAN - - 4.75" (when closed) pocket knife comb tool with eleven blades/tools inc several knives, fork, spoon, scissor, file, sc/dr, corkscrew, etc. Rumor has it that W. C. Fields once lost this very tool while on an safari in Africa and without a corkscrew was forced to live on nothing but food and water for several days. Half of the scissor is missing.
lot of four modern pocket knife and Crescent type wrench multi-tools: (1.) FROST CUTLERY FLYING FALCON / SURGICAL STEEL - CHINA - - 6" all metal with belt clip. - - (2.) U. K. RGD. DESIGN NO. 1027912 MADE IN HONG KONG - - 5.5" with plastic handles. - - (3) STAINLESS CHINA - - 5.5" with plastic handles. - - (4) STAINLESS CHINA - - 6.25" all metal with cloth case.
319 thru 328
0329. FINELINE STAINLESS STEEL - - 4" all metal Leatherman type plier tool.
0330. Unmarked? except on package: 9-IN-1 ALL PURPOSE TOOL - CHINA - - 5.5" modern pocket knife tool inc hammer, nail puller claw, two sc/drs, pliers, file, cutters, scissors, and knife blades. Like new in original blister pack.
0331. CRANE & BREED / EVER-SEAL - - 4.5" X 3.5" bronze handled hex wrench. Excellent (unlisted)
0332. THE SPRINGFIELD / METALLIC CASKET CO - - 4.5" tee handled square socket. Nickel plated. (unlisted)
0333. THE NATIONAL / CASKET CO - - 3.5" tee handled square socket, (unlisted)
Lot of three handled casket wrenches:
(1.) STAR-CORP - - 7" with plastic handle.
(2.) unmarked - - 8" with nickel plated brass handle.
(3.) OFF ON (with directional arrows) - - 4.5" with square instead of hex wrench and a decorative handle.
0335. DUDLY TOOL CO. MENOMINEE, MICH. - PAT MAY 29, 94 (marked on handles) - - 3.5" bicycle spoke or nipple wrench. Good Plus. (S110R)
0336. STEVENS NY / PERFECT - - 3.5" spoke (or nipple) wrench. Excellent. (S110L)
0337. ROLLFAST PERFECT / MADE IN USA - - 3.75" spoke wrench. Excellent. (not listed, similar to S110L)
0338. Unmarked - - 4" combination bicycle tool with five sizes of spoke wrenches, three hex wrenches, and a screwdriver. Good Plus. (not in Schulz, MVNL 1-1999-pg7)
0339. PAT'D - VICTOR WRENCH - - 1.75" disk shaped spoke wrench with knurled edges and six circular holes and a tapered slot. (not listed)
0340. PAT JUN 7, 1892 (with a "G" in a diamond logo) - - 4.75" turn handle to adjust bike wrench with a spoke wrench. Adv. as The Diamond Cycle Wrench by the Gendron Iron Wheel Co. of Toledo, Ohio. Good Plus. (S109)
0341. PAT JUN 7, 1892 (with a "G" in a diamond logo) - - 4.75" turn handle to adjust bike wrench like above with top jaw v-notch but without the serrated pawl usually seen. RARE variation. Excellent. (similar to S109)
0342. VICTOR - OVERMAN WHEEL CO - CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS - PATENTED JAN 6, 1891 - - 4.75" center screw adjust with exposed shaft and ruler markings, pat. by John Stanley of Coventry, England. Overman mfg. the "Victor " bicycles.
0343. MADE FOR POPE MFG CO - BILLINGS & SPENCER - HARTFORD, CONN. / C. E. BILLINGS PAT FEB. 18, 1879 - - 5" center screw adjust bike wrench with two oil holes in handle. Good Plus (not listed)
0344. MADE FOR POPE MFG CO - BILLINGS & SPENCER - HARTFORD, CONN. / C. E. BILLINGS PAT FEB. 18, 1879 - - 5" like Pope wrench above but without the two oil holes. Good. (not listed)
0345. COOL TOOL - PATENT - TAIWAN - - 5" Crescent type wrench with several attachments for bicycle repair. Like new in original package. (not listed)
0346. FAUBER CRANK AXLE (in ward bold letters) / TRADEMARK (with bicycle pedal crank shaft logo) - - 12" spanner wrench. Never seen this bike wrench before. Excellent (not listed)
0347. G & J MFG. CO. - CHICAGO - BILLINGS & SPENCER - HARTFORD, CONN. / C. E. BILLINGS PAT'D FEB. 18, 1879 - - 5" center screw adj. bike wench with distinct open loop on end of handle made for Gormully & Jeffery Co. (mfg. of bicycles. Jeffery later mfg. Rambler automobiles).
0348. IVER JOHNSON - - 5.5 side screw adjust. Iver Johnson's Johnson Arms & Cycle Co. of Fitchburg, Ma mfg. guns and bicycles. Good Plus (S99D2)
0349. IVER JOHNSON - MADE IN USA - - 6.25" side screw adjust like above but with a tire tool end. Good Plus (to S105D3)
0350. Lot of two malleable wrenches marked RAMBLER / GORMULLY & JEFFERY CO. - CHICAGO (1.) 5" double open end. Excellent. (S63D3); (2.) 5.25" open end by hex box. Excellent.(S63B)
0351. MUSSELMAN UNIVERSAL BICYCLE WRENCH - - 6" flat steel with six different wrenches including a spanner. Good Plus as found uncleaned condition. (S1064)
STERLING - - 5" neat plated, cast wrench with three hex and one square box openings. excellent (not listed)
329 thru 352
0353. Lot of four flat steel box and open end wrenches marked SCHWINN (in script) APPROVED (etc.) - -From 4.75" to 5" long. All Good Plus or better condition. (not listed)
Lot of three bicycle specialty wrenches:
(1.) NEW DEPARTURE AXLE CONE / D-191(etc.) - - 8" soe. Good Plus (not listed)
(2.) NEW DEPARTURE LOCK NUT / D-192 (etc.) - - 7.75" soe. Excellent (not listed)
(3.) DERAILLEUR HURET - REF 650 - FRANCE (etc.) - - 9.5" plated cast with a an odd slotted end and dual open end. Excellent (not listed)
0355 J. H. AIKEN / (running rabbit logo) - - 4" with a knurled brass center adjusting sleeve. Mfg. by J. H. Aiken of Franklin, NH. Jaw slightly sprung, otherwise excellent as found condition. (S761C)
0356. Marked with "W" in a diamond logo on both sides - - 5.5" all metal double screw adjust wrench usually found marked "J. H. Williams Co., Brooklyn, NY". Pat. 9-3-89. Adv. as The Williams Bicycle Wrench. Some minor pitting, zealously cleaned. (like S424)
0357. SPAULDING MACH. SCREW CO. - BUFFALO, NY - W. DICK'S PAT. NOV 21, 93 - - 4.75" center screw adjust bike wrench screwdriver that extends from bottom of handle when jaw is opened Some light pitting. (S102D3)
0358. C. T. GUILD MACHINE CO. - N0. ATTLEBORO, MASS. - PAT. APL'D FOR - - 4.5" qk. adjust bike wench usually found marked "All Right". Pat. 2-28-1899. Excellent. (like S102B)
0359. L. & S. CO. - CLEVELAND, 0 / STEEL BICYCLE - - 5.25" Wood handled center screw adjust bike wench mfg. by Mfg. by Lamson & Sessions of Cleveland, OH. Some pitting, handle crack. (S104D4)
0360. Lot of two slightly different 5.5" side adjust wrenches each marked: L. & S (Lamson & Sessions) - BUCKEYE. Good Plus and Excellent (S105T)
0361. (J & L logo) PAT. MAR 11, 84 - FEB 16, 97 - 4.25" center screw adjust with hollow handle. Mfg. by Jeralde & Lawton of Cheshire, CT. Probably also made the identical wrench with the same patent dates marked "Little Giant". Some jaw mushrooming. (not in Schulz, see C180)
0362. DEPOSEE ACIER GARANT - - 4.5" twin jawed center screw adj nut wrench. Good Plus. (not listed)
0363. Unmarked - - 5" center screw adjust double jawed wrench (one straight and one with v-notches). Good Plus. (not listed)
0364. Unmarked - - 4.5" center screw adjust with twin jaws. Looks like a miniature English Coach wrench. Some surface roughness. (not listed)
0365. D. R. G. M. (German for govt. reg. design) - - 3.75" double jawed (one flat and one with v-notches) center screw adjust with skeleton frame. Good +. (not listed)
0366. GRIPPER / BEST STEEL (with a sad dog logo) - - 4.25" center screw adjust. Excellent. (not listed)
0367. Unmarked - - 4.5" all metal wrench that is adjusted with a knurled knob at the end of the handle and with a lever that moves a wedge to make the final tightening adjustment. This is the same design (except 1/2 inches shorter) as the Billings & Spencer Lowe's Patent Wrench patented 4-10-1894 (see S111B). May be an English version of the Lowe's wrench?. RARE, one of a kind? Excellent like new except for a sizeable lip chip in upper jaw. (not listed)
0368. Unmarked - - 3.75" center screw adjust with skeleton handle and brass adjusting nut. Adv. in 1897 by Peck, Stow & Wilcox as the "Star Bicycle Wrench", Excellent. (S104D4)
0369. Unmarked - - 4.25" center screw adjust with skeleton handle with a thicker, heaver frame than the Star wrench above. Very Good. (not listed)
0370. W & B CO. IMPROVED (with diamond logo) - - 4" center screw adjust with skeleton handle, made by Whitman & Barnes. Excellent. (S106D2)
0371. THE BLACK MFG. CO. ERIE, PA - J. C. SPEIRS & CO - PATENT PENDING - - 4.75" center screw adjust with skeleton frame. Usually found marked Hulbert Bros. vs. Black Mfg. First one seen with these markings. Excellent. (like S106B)
0372. CHARLES E. HALL CO. - BUFFALO, NY USA - NO. 15 - - 7" side adjust with cotter key tools. Good. (S1098B)
0373. BARCALO-BUFFALO - - 7". Same wrench as Hall No. 15 above mfg. after Barcalo acquired the Hall Co. (c. 1914). RARE, first one seen. Good + (not listed, like S109B)
0374. CHARLES E. HALL CO. - BUFFALO, NY USA - - 4.25" side adjust with hollow handle. Good Plus. (not listed)
0375. CHARLES E. HALL CO. - BUFFALO, NY USA - NO. 10 (with a "H" in a shield logo) - - 5" side adjust. Good with some jaw mushrooming. (not listed)
0376. A. & M. - BUFFALO, NY - - 5" center screw adjust with hollow handle. Excellent with original plating. (S114
0377. COES / PAT'D DEC 24, 1901 - MADE IN USA - - 5" all metal bicycle wrench with oval handle. Good Plus. (HP57, S852)
0378. ACIER (French for "steel") - - 4.5" center screw adjust. Good Plus as found, uncleaned condition. (not listed)
0379. "THE EUREKA" - THE EUREKA MFG. CO. - CHICAGO, ILL - PAT FEB 5, 95 - - 5.25" center screw adjust with exposed shaft. Same wrench as the Sandow mfg. by Lavigne & Scott. Good Plus. (like S109B)
PAT MAY 11, 1897 - FEB 20, 1900 - - 5.25" side screw adjust with spanner. Pat. by Frederick Schrader of Bridgeport, CT. Excellent.(S121B)
PAT MAY 11, 1897 - OCT 18, 1898 - FEB 20, 1900 - - 6" adj. wrench with spanner like above but larger and with a square stud extension which is covered by Charles H. Metz's (of Waltham, Mass.) 10-18-1898 design patent. Good +. (S1098T)
PAT. OCT 18, 98 - - 5.5" side screw adjust with square stud extension. Design patented by Charles H. Metz of Waltham, Mass. Neat well made wrench. Excellent. (not listed)
0383. IDEAL - MADE IN USA - - 6" side screw adjust with tire tool end like Iver Johnson wrench S105D3. Good (not listed)
0384. HERBRAND (in script) - FREMONT, O. USA - - 6" side screw adjust with tire tool end. Good Plus. (not listed)
WESTMINSTER / (ruler markings) - - 5.5" side adjust. Good Plus with most of original plating. (not listed)
353 thru 385
0386. W. R. / 1906 - - 3.75" center screw adjust with an unusual flange inserted above adj. nut. Excellent. (unlisted, no info)
0387. FAIRMONT - CLEVE., O - - 4.25" side screw adjust with hollow handle. (S117TR)
0388. Unmarked - - 5.25" center screw adjust with threaded shaft and distinct large adj. sleeve. Some light grind marks. (no info, not listed)
0389. BIRGHAM N0, 14 - MADE IN FRANCE - - 5.5" side adjust with enclosed adj. nut. Good Plus (not listed)
0390. CRANDEL STONE CO. - BINGHAMTON, NY - - 5.5" side adjust with indented handle panels. Good Plus. (not listed. no info)
0391. PREMIER 6 - A. C. MFG. CO. - - 5.5" side adjust with indented handle panels. Good +. (not listed, no info)
0392. SUH - D.R.G.M. - GERMANY (and H and K with a dagger logo) - - 4.5" side adj. bike type wrench with hollow handle and a spring plate and release button. Looks like an attachment would slide into the handle end. Bright like new plated finish. First one seen. (not listed)
0393. HAYDEN'S (of Middletown, CT) - PAT. JUN 16, 80 - 4" center screw adjust. Good Plus. (not in Schulz, C161)
0394. UNION NO. 7 - - 5" side screw adjust. Mfg. by the Union Mfg. & Specialty Co. of Buffalo, NY? (see Cope's page 307). Good Plus (not in Schulz)
0395. BARCALO-BUFFALO (etc.) - - 5" side screw adjust. (identical wrench to union No. 7 above). Good Plus. (not listed)
0396. REG'D ARGONAUT (etc.) - - 5.5" side adjust with tire tool end. Good Plus. (not listed)
0397. STEVENS & CO - - 5.5" side adjust with indented handle panels. Excellent (not listed, no info)
0398. BECKLEY-RALSTON CO - CHICAGO - - 5.25 side adjust. Plated, Excellent, as found uncleaned, (not listed)
0399. STERLING / BUILT LIKE A WATCH - - 5.5" side screw adjust. Good. (not listed, no info)
0400. WAKEFIELD POCKET WRENCH - WORCESTER, MASS USA / PAT APL'D FOR - - 4.5" side adjust with hollow handle, Good Plus with previous owners initials. (not listed)
0401. WAKEFIELD NO. 5 - WORCESTER, MASS (etc.) / PATENTS PENDING (etc.) - - 4.25" side adjust (enclosed adj. worm) with hollow handle. Good Plus. (not listed)
0402. WAKEFIELD B-1 - MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS USA - - 5" side adjust. Excellent ++ with 100 per cent original plating. Former owner's name (Ken Braun) scratched on back
Lot of three side adjust bike wrenches:
(1.) 5" -"WAKEFIELD";
(2.) 5" -"WAKEFIELD"
(3.) 5.5" - WAKEFIELD CYCLE WRENCH (etc.) (S99D3). All have some pitting.
0404. WAKEFIELD WRENCH - MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS USA / NO. 7 - - 5.75" side screw adjust with hollow handle. Good Plus. (not in Schulz)
0405. BARNES TOOL COMPANY / DROP FORGED STEEL - -5.5" side adjust with indented handle panels. Excellent. (S98D5)
0406. BARNES 98 (in script) - - 5.5" side adjust. Good Plus , zealously cleaned. (S117LD3)
0407. SEABROOK'S (IN SCRIPT) NO. 2 - REG. 380325 - - 5.5" side adjust from England. Good. (not listed)
Lot of three side adjust bicycle wrenches: (1.) 5.5" - FAIRMONT CLEV. O - - Excellent condition but has been sandblasted.
(3.) 5.25" - W & B CO. - DIAMOND (in diamond logo) - - with twin grooved handle. Good. (S98D2)
0409. Lot of four unmarked side adjust bicycle wrenches (from 5" to 5.75" long). One extra heavy and thick. All in excellent condition two with like new original plating,
0410. Lot of three unmarked center adjust 3.75" bike or pocket wrenches. All Good Plus or better.
Lot of three center screw adjust bicycle wrenches (4.5" to 6" long) similar to those made by Park Metalware Co. of Orchard Park, NY. (see S99D4, C240). One marked: PAT. AUG 2, 1921, another marked: PAT APL'D FOR, other not marked. All Good Plus or Excellent.
386 thru 411
0412. JOHN DEERE 22611 - 20" light pitting (R1-133, D-130)
0413. JOHN DEERE 22509 - 16" light pitting (R1-133, D-129)
0414. JOHN DEERE (B352R) - 12" painted R1-133, D-236
0415. JOHN DEERE (B353R) - 15.5" 6 point 12 point light pitting (R1-133, D-238)
0416. H512R MADE IN USA (John Deere) - 14" Flywheel w (R1-132, D-322)
0417. Lot of two: Unmarked (B596R) - 12" (R1-133, D-248) and (D1083R) - 13" (R1-132, D-281)
0418. Unmarked (Deere D2064R) - 12" flywheel wrench with 2.5" offset (R1-132, D-288)
0419. Unmarked (Deere A401) - 9.5" wagon w w/2 5/16 opening (R1-134, D-160)
0420. Unmarked (Deere A143) - 9.5" wagon w w/2 3/16 opening (R1-134, D-150)
Unmarked (Deere A574) - 9.5" wagon w w/2 1/2 opening (R1-134, D-174)
412 thru 421
0422. JOHN DEERE J1480H - 8.5" chain tool (D-344)
0423. DEERE & CO (HZ5061) - 8" whmw knurled thumbwheel (R1-133, D-330)
0424. DEERE & CO (HZ5061) - 8" whmw slotted thumbwheel (R1-133, D-331)
0425. JD Y1575B - 6" check wire crank (D-531)
0426. JD Y1575 - 6" check wire crank (D-530)
0427. D & M - 6.5" (R1-139, D-294)
0428. DEERE MANSUR CO 157 - 10" painted repaired (R1-139, D-28)
0429. DEERE MANSUR CO A523 - 6" (R1-139, D-168)
0430. DEERE MANSUR CO A522 - 7.5" (R1-139, D-162)
0431. Unmarked (Deere A117)?? - 5" (R1-136, D-143)
0432. JD A124A - 4" with JD logo. (R1-131, D-148)
0433. A124A - 4" (R1-131, D-147)
0434. A124 - 4" numbered on shaft (R1-131, D-146)
0435. A124 - 4" numbered on head (R1-131, D-145)
0436. DAIN L136E - 8" R1-121, D-399
0437. DAIN Z-78 - 6" pitman w (R1-121, D-543)
0438. Lot of two:
(1.) G51 (Dain) - 8.5". Over cleaned. (R1-121, D-307)
(2.) G51E (Dain) - 8.5". Jaw cracked. (R1-121, D-308)
422 thru 438
0439. STADCO NO21 MADE IN USA - - 8" (R1-435)
0440. STERLING NO 295 - - 8"
0442. DURBIN S1 - - 7.5" drill hole (R2-83)
0443. LUCKY 'LEVEN CHICAGO PAT MAR 15-21 - - 9"
0444. BURGESS - - 6"
0445. BURGESS ST. JOSEPH, MICH. - - 6"
Lot of three dogbone wrenches:
(1.) DROP FORGED JAPAN - - 10" with rotating hex box ends (eight different sizes).
(2.) NOVEL MFG. & DIST. CO. N.Y.C. 34 N.Y. - - 5" hex box ends. (no photo)
(3.) REESE MADE IN USA - - 4" with ten hex box ends. (no photo)
0447. HAVELOCK - - 9". Crack, painted (R1-232)
0448. MILL 870 - - 9" heavy cast
0449. SC NO 11 - - 6.5"
0450. CHICOPEE C24 - - 10" (R1-101)
0451. ALEXANDER - - 8.5" 1 square opening var.. repaired, painted (R2-8)
0452. 44X (Ellis) - - 7.5" bent (R2-89)
0453. CROWN - - 7.5" very weak mark (R1-119)
STERLING MFG CO HERO 319 - - 13.5" (R1-439)
439 thru 454
0455. STERLING M'F'G. CO. STERLING ILL. D127 - - 12" (R1-439)
0456. D127 (Sterling) - - 14" dbl open end
0457. MIDLAND MFG CO TARKIO MO USA "2" / TAGUE & KERLIN WRENCH - - 9" some light pitting (R1-326)
0458. 1 (Midland Mfg Co) - - 8.5"
0459. WORCESTER M371 - - 10" light pitting (R1-498)
0460. PARKER - - 4" (R1-369)
0461. Unmarked (A144 Fuller & Johnson?) - - 7"
0462. G70 (Madison Plow Co / Fuller & Johnson) - - 7.5" (R1-305)
0463. 2P30 (Madison Plow Co / Fuller & Johnson) - - 9" (R1-191)
0464. BESSEMER GROVE CITY, PA. - - 11.5" gas engine wrench. (R1-52)(R2-35)
0465. VBP - - 7" pitted (R1-468)
0466. BURKE HI-TENSILE - - 13.5"
B (Janesville Machine Co / Samson Tractor Co) - - 9" pitting (R2-256)
455 thru 467
0468. 752425 (Samson Tractor Co) - - 7" (R2-256)
0469. C (Janesville Machine Co / Samson Tractor Co) - - 7" some pitting. (R2-256)
0470. RS CO CD82 (Sattley Mfg Co) - - 5.5" (R2-257)
Lot of two:
(1.) 1072 (Sattley Mfg Co) - - 10.5" (R2-257)
(2.) SD KW8 (Sattley Mfg Co) - - 5.5" (R1-413)
Lot of two:
(1.) P.P.CO (Pattee Plow Co) - - 8" (R1-373)
(2.) P.P.CO 100 (Pattee Plow Co) - - 8" (R1-373)
0473. P.P.CO 03 (Pattee Plow Co) - - 7" (R1-373)
0474. 718 (Pattee Plow Co) - - 12" (R1-373)
Lot of three:
(1.) DOWAGIAC - - 9" with light pitting (R1-149)
(2.) DOWAGIAC F97A - - 5.5" with light pitting (R1-149)
(3.) 278 (Dowagiac) - - 7" with some pitting (R1-149)
0477. WEBER SB - - 7.5". Repaired and painted
0478. F (Farquhar) - - 6.5". Excellent. (R1-176)
E39 (Iron Age Bateman Mfg.) - - 9"
468 thru 479
Miniature scale model of H. W. Hewet's "Union" wood handled screw adjust nut wrench patented March 22, 1864. 4.25" marked with "HK" in a diamond logo. Made by master craftsman and pioneer wrench collector Hilary Klein. Hilary started making these expertly machined miniature wrenches about 1978 in very limited numbers (usually six or under) and making them available to a select few fellow wrench collectors on his subscriber list.. Very few have ever been offered on the secondary market. Absolutely mint in a felt lined walnut hinged box also made by Hilary with a copy of the first page of the patent and a picture of the miniature with a full size original. Also see Lot 1150 for a 15" original Union wrench. (see S397)
0481. Unmarked - -3.75" quick adjust nut wrench with rack teeth on front edge that engage with the sliding lower jaw. Neat little wrench with only two parts and a skeleton frame.. Plated finish, EXCELLENT. (not listed)
0482. THE J. R. LONG WRENCH CO. - AKRON, OHIO - PAT. APR. 17, 1906 - - 3.5" sliding wedge adjust. Hang hole on end of handle, otherwise excellent. (similar to S549B)
0483. T & L - - 3.25" center sc adj nut wrench mfg by Tower & Lyon, New York and advertised as "The Gem Pocket Wrench. Finely Polished and Nickel Plated" Good Plus. (S102T)
Lot of two: 3" miniature side adjust wrenches with screwdriver ends:
(1.) MEMPHIS IMP. CO. - MEMPHIS, MISSOURI with plated finish, Excellent.
(2.) HERB BATTERY & ELEC. INDEP., MO. - CL. 8915. Plated finish, Excellent.
0485.. Set of three offset 4" screwdrivers with knurled turning knobs marked: BMC MFG. CORP. BINGHAMTON, NY. (Botnick Motor Corp. on the box) in the original box. Sc/drs are excellent, box has came apart at the corners.
0486. Unmarked - - 2.625" miniature fully functional Coes type monkey wrench. Brass with wooden handle. Neat and Excellent. (like S292LR)
Lot of three:
(2.) Same type wrench as (1.) marked only TAIWAN. Ex.
(3.) 424 CHANNELLOCK - MEADVILLE, PA - - 4.5" water pump type pliers.
0488. POCKET WRENCH II - PATENTED - -4" comb. tool with an alligator type wrench, screwdriver and two rulers. Excellent.
0489. AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING INSTITUTE - KANSAS CITY, MO (etc.) - - 4" comb. tool with alligator wrench, tack claw, bottle opener, ruler, sc/dr, and square nut wrenches. Spot of light pitting. (like S5B)
0490. TOWLE'S LOG CABIN MAPLE SYRUP - - malleable advertising opener Log Cabin tin syrup cans.
0491. HEIDSIECK & CO DRY MONOPOLE - - 5" plier type bottle opener and cutters? Plated Excellent.
0492. OSHKOSH B'GOSH OVERALLS! UNION MADE - - 4.5" comb. tool with four wrenches, sc/dr, scraper. Good plus.
Lot of three small wrenches:
(1.) EYE PICK - - 4.25" malleable single open end.
(2.) U.S. ELYRIA METAL PROD. CO - 1945 - - 4.5" double open end.
(3.) 1916 LSQ - H. S. P- - .6.5" thin and long doe with three curves in handle. Spoke wrench?
0494. Unmarked - - 3.5" combination oe wrench and screwdriver rifle tool.
0495. Lot of three malleable wing nut wrenches - - 4.75" to 5.25" all excellent, one with original black finish.
Lot of three small stamped steel wrenches (NO PHOTOS):
(3.) Unmarked reel wrench.
0497. LEVERPAK DRUMS -- "HARD TO BEAT" etc.) - - 6" drum wrench?
0498. Lot of seven skate keys on a giant old time safety pin.
0499. PHILLIPS - STOUGHTON, MASS. / DETACHABLE GOLF SPIKES - - 3.5" tee handle golf shoe spike wrench. Like new in original box.
Lot of 37 ignition type wrenches including eight in a plastic pouch marked "Rodco Wheat" Rodney Milling Co. Kansas City, Mo., Prest-O-lite (2), American Bosch, For Bosch, For Splitdoft, Remy, For Remy, For Delco (2), DD7 For Delco, For Connecticut, Fits Northeast, For Eisemann, Simms Magneto, etc.
480 thru 500
0501. BERGMAN O" BUFFALO / 4 IN QUEEN CITY - - 4.25" These 4 inch straight handle Queen City Crescent type wrenches are by far the rarest of all the Queens. (not in Schulz)
0501A. BERGMAN O" BUFFALO / QUEEN 4 CITY - - 4.25" Like above but with curved handle. Another scarce 4 incher. EX (S299)
BARCALO FORGED / 4 INCH BUFFALO - - 4" Crescent type with distinctive tulip shaped hang hole.
501 thru 502
0503. BESSEY PATENT (etc.) / MADE IN W. GERMANY (etc.) - - 4" Crescent type with ratcheting action. VERY RARE Four Inch Crescent. Plated. Excellent like new. (S770) Note: See Enhanced Crescent Group below for four more Bessey Crescents sizes 6" to 12".
0504. 4" WIZARD H2400 - - 4" Crescent type. Excellent.
0505 4" CRAFTSMAN / FORGED ALLOY - - 4" Crescent type. Excellent.
0506. 4 - 704-SL PROTO / CLIK-STOP - PAT. - - 4" Cres. type with a patented adj. worm holding feature. Scarce. Goods Plus.
Lot of three inch Crescent type wrenches:
(1.) T. A. TOOLS - SPAIN (marked on plastic handle sleeve) - - 4" Good Plus.
(2.) Unmarked - - 4" with hex box wrench on end. Excellent.
(3.) Marked only : 4 INCH - - 4" Cres. type with extra wide handle. Excellent.
0508. 4" MCKAIG - HATCH - - 4" Crescent type. Another tough one to find. Excellent with owner's ID scratched on head.
0509. 4" JAGUAR / GARRINGTON A4 - - 4" Crescent type. RARE. Good Plus.
0510. 4" DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. DULUTH, MINN (w/ horseshoe logo) / DIAMALLOY, etc. - - 4" Crescent style . Excellent like new . plated finish.
0511. 4" CRAFTSMAN / FORGED IN USA - - 4" Crescent type. Good Plus.
0512. JAMESTOWN, N.Y. / MADE IN USA - - 4" Crescent type. Good ++.
0513. PECK STOW & WILCOX CO. / 4" ANGLE ADJUSTABLE - - 4" Crescent type. RARE. Tiny crack by adj. knurl otherwise Good Plus.
0514. POWER-KRAFT (Montgomery Ward) 84-4701- - 4" Crescent type. Owner's ID stamped over name.
0515. 4 - 704-S PROTO PROFESSIONAL - - 4" Crescent type. Excellent, like new, owner's ID scratched back side if jaw.
0516. 4" WARDS MASTER QUALITY - - 4" Crescent type. Excellent.
0517. BILLINGS & SPENCER - A (rulers markings on shaft) (etc.) - - 4.25" B & S's Model "A " center screw adjust bicycle or pocket wrench. Good Plus. (S858R)
0518. BILLINGS & SPENCER (markings on shaft) (etc.) / C. E. BILLINGS PATD FEB 18, 1879 - - 4.25" B & S's early version of their Model” A" wrench with exposed shaft on one side and two oil holes in handle. Dots stamped over some lettering otherwise excellent. (similar to S856R)
0519. BILLINGS & SPENCER - B (etc.) - - 5" B & S's Model "B" center screw adjust bicycle or pocket wrench. Excellent +, like new. (C67T)
0520. BILLINGS & SPENCER - C (markings on shaft) (etc.) / C. E. BILLINGS PATD FEB 18, 1879 - - 5.25" B & S's Model "C" center screw adjust with round knurled handle.(Excellent. (C67D2).
0521. BILLINGS & SPENCER - (etc.) - D - (ruler markings on shaft) / C. E. BILLINGS PATD FEB 18, 1879 - - 6" B & S's Model "D" center screw adjust. Good Plus. (S858L2)
0522. BILLINGS & SPENCER (etc.) - E - ( ruler markings on shaft) ORD. DEPT USA (stamped on handle) - - 7" B & S's Model "E" center screw adjust. Good Plus. (S858L)
0523. BILLINGS & SPENCER (etc.) - 97 - / PATENTED SEP 29, 1896 - - 4.25" side screw adjust with hollow handle. Good Plus. (S119L, C69B)
0524. H. W. HIGLEY (owner's stamp?) - - 8.5" unmarked quick adjust nut and pipe wrench mfg. by the Barwick Wrench Co. of Boston, Mass. and later Billings & Spencer. Pat. 6-6-1871 by Wm. Barwick. Upper jaw with lever is plated, handle with lower jaw is not,
0525. BILLINGS & SPENCER (etc.) - - 8" side adjust automobile style nut wrench with jaws at 45°. Scarce B & S wrench. Good Plus, plated. (S862)
0526. BILLINGS & SPENCER (etc.) 5-1/4 G - 5.25" Odd size, smallest of the B & S Model "G" automotive type wrenches. Excellent. (like S861)
0527. BILLINGS & SPENCER (etc.) - - 6" side adjust automobile style nut wrench. Some lower jaw grind marks otherwise excellent. (S861)
0528. Lot of three: BILLINGS & SPENCER wrenches - - one 10" double open end "S" wrench and two adjustable spanner wrenches.
Set of ten BILLINGS & SPENCER (etc.) - - From 4.25" to 12". Including Nos.: 1108, 1109, 1112, 1117, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1123, 1128, and 1140. All in a canvas tool roll marked "Faeth Iron - Kansas City, Mo". Wrenches are in Excellent, like new condition.
504 thru 529
0530. 6 IN ELLIS / PAT NOV 3, 1903 - - 6" Crescent type with a locking, pivoting head. Pat. by David Ellis of Chicago. Nice example of the smallest size of a desirable, quality made wrench. (S308)
0531. UNIVERSAL 8 IN. (etc.) / PATENTED JUNE 3, 19 - JULY 22, 19 - - Crescent type with a release lever that provides a ratcheting action. Mfg. by the Universal Wrench Co., Detroit, Mich. Excellent. (S530)
0532. POWER-CRAFT UNEXCELLED 84-4713-8 (etc) - - 8" Crescent type with a lever that pivots to lock the adj. knurl in place. Power-Craft was a Montgomery Wards house brand. Excellent (not listed)
0533. 6" CYGNET WRENCH / CYGNET MFG. CO. PATENTED BUFFALO, NEW YORK - - 8" Crescent type with a pivoting head ratcheting feature. Excellent. (S468)
0534. AIGO (in an oval logo) AUTO WRENCH PAT (etc.) / 8" JAPAN (etc.). - - 8" more modern ratcheting Crescent type wrench similar to the Cygnet. Plated, Excellent. (S780)
0535. 8 IN SHUSTER SPEEDWRENCH PATD FEB 2, 1915 / CLIP BAR MFG CO. PHILADELPHIA PA USA (etc.) - - 8" Cres. type with a lever that when released enables a ratcheting action. Excellent. (S530)
0536. 92-12 UTICA TOOLS USA PAT APLD FOR / UTICA (etc.) - - 12" Cres type with a lever connected to the knurled adj. nut that locks the jaw position. Good Plus. (not listed)
0537. 94-8 UTICA SELECT-O-LOCK PATD / FORGED ALLOY STEEL - - 8" Cres. type with a lever lock similar to above. Small area of pitting. (not listed)
0538. ABCN-12 WILLIAMS (logo) USA - - 15" pointed end construction (or spud) alignment wrench with Crescent type head. Seen marked Klein before but first one seen marked Williams.
0539. MFD BY CRESCENT TOOL CO. - JAMESTOWN, NY / 8 IN CRESTOLOY STEEL (etc.) - - 8" Crescent with a sliding button that locks the adj. knurled nut in place. Couple nicks. (not listed)
0540. CARLL / PATD MAY 6, 13 - - 6" Cres. type nut wrench with reversible jaw to make it a Cres. type pipe wrench. Pat by A. B. Carll of Boothwyn, PA. Scarce small size in Excellent condition.
0541. CARLL - PAT'D MAY 6 - 1913 / 8" (etc.) - - 8" same wrench as above with marking variation. Few minor nicks. (S568)
0542. CARLL - PAT'D MAY 6 - 1913 / 10" (etc.) - - 10" like above. Minor jaw edge nicks.(S568)
THE ANDERSON TURN-MORE WRENCH PAT OCT 30, 1906 - MFD BY SIMPLEX MFG CO., NY (some markings not readable) - - 8.5" Cres. type with an adj. angle head. Some pitting, zealously cleaned. (like S313)
530 thru 543
0544. "MEPHISTO" / PATD 6. 23.14 - - 9" Cres. type with a locking adj. angle head. Mfg. by the Anderson-Bailey-Cummings Co. of Okmulgee, OK. Good with some light pitting. RARE (S311)
0545. ANY ANGLE WRENCH - PATENT 1916 - LIMA., O. USA / (etc) - - 8.5" Cres. type with a locking adj. angle head and release button. Mfg. by Atco Wrench Co. and pat. by Ramson Bovee 11-21-1916. Good Plus (S311)
0546. IMP. ANGLE WRENCH - PAT. PEND. / BLOOMINGTON, ILL - - 9" earlier version of above wrench mfg. by the Imperial Tool Co. of Bloomington, Ind. Good Plus. (S311)
0547. IMP. ANGLE WRENCH - PAT. PEND. / BLOOMINGTON, ILL - - 9" like above but with an added knurled knob that locks the jaw position. First one seen. Some pitting. (similar to S311)
0548. BESSEY US PAT 2765690 (etc.) / MADE IN W. GERMANY (etc.) - - 12" Crescent type with ratcheting action. Plated. Excellent (S770)
0549. BESSEY US PAT 2765690 (etc.) / MADE IN W. GERMANY (etc.) - - 9.75" Crescent type with ratcheting action like above. Plated. Good Plus (S770)
0550. BESSEY US PAT 2765690 (etc.) / MADE IN W. GERMANY (etc.) - - 7" Crescent type with ratcheting action like above. Plated. Excellent. (S770)
BESSEY PATENT (etc.) / MADE IN W. GERMANY (etc.) - - 5.5" Crescent type with ratcheting action like above. Plated. Excellent (S770)
NOTE: See 4 inch Crescent Type Wrench Group for a rare 4" BESSEY Crescent type wrench.
0552. VISE-GRIP - PAT'D - S. P. W. CO. - DEWITT, NEB. - - 9" William Petersen's first model Vise Grip, pat Oct. 24, 1921. Made without a release lever. Some pitting, chip off lower jaws. (S262T)
0553. Unmarked. - - 9" Vise Grip without a release lever. Exactly like the one above but no markings. May predate the marked examples. Good Plus. (S262T)
0554. VISE-GRIP - PAT'D APR. 8, '24 - - 9" second model Vise-Grip. First model to have a release lever. Good Plus. (S262B)
Lot of three VISE-GRIP - DEWITT, NEB - U. S.. PAT. 2280005 - APR. 14, 1944 locking pliers.
(1.) 7" early example of the stamped steel Vise-Grips. Good ++.
(2.) 9" like (1.) Good Plus.
(3.) 9" 10R model with quick release lever. Good uncleaned .
544 thru 555
0556. VISE-GRIP (etc.) - - 9.5" with special jaw inserts (for crimping?). Good Plus.
0557. COLLISON "S" WRENCH - COLLISON MFG. CO., BRUNING, NEBR - PAT. MAY 29, 1946. - - 8.5" locking pliers with release lever on top. Good ++ (S309)
0558. GRIPLOCK PLIER WRENCH - PAT'D 1-22-24 - OTHER PAT. PEND.- NORFOLK, NEBRASKA USA - - 8.25" long nose version of another Nebraska adj. locking plier wrench. One small grind mark otherwise excellent. (S261T)
0559. No markings - - short nose version of the Griplock pliers above. Excellent (S261B)
0560. PADEN MFG. CO. - OMAHA, NEBR. - - 8" locking pliers with a quick adjust sliding lower jaw, Excellent. (S270)
0561. RATCH LOK / SUMMIT TOOL CO - DENVER, CO - PAT NO. 3544956 - F- 11" odd locking pliers with extra long handle and a v-notched adj, jaw. Excellent. First one seen (not listed)
0562. GRIPSO VISE PLIERS / H. R. BASFORD CO. - SAN FRANCISCO USA - - 9.25" adj. locking pliers with a release lever. Absolutely mint NOS with original box.( (S276T)
0563. GRIPSO VISE PLIERS - US PAT. NO. 2543922 - - 8" like above. Good Plus (S276T)
0564. PLI-WRENCH - WHALE TOOL CO - NEW YORK, NY - - 9.25" with curved lower jaw with pivoting insert. Excellent. (S275T)
0565. 910-C GRIP LOCK - - 9.5" complicated locking pliers with a sliding adj. collar, mfg. by Channelock. Light pitting (S274)
Lot of two adj. locking pliers:
BMC MFG. CORP - BINGHAMTON, NY (etc.) ((1.) 7.25" Excellent.
(2.) 8.5" also marked: PATENT NO. 2388580. Good Plus. (S278)
Lot of three Vise-Grip imitations:
(1.) 8.5" P & C 1291. PAT. NO. 2,280006 (Petersen's) and 2514130. Excellent.
(2.) 9" MINS - TAIWAN Excellent.
(3.) 7.5" SERVESS - TAIWAN. Excellent.
556 thru 567
Lot of three Vise-Grip type locking pliers.
(1.) 9" WARD'S MASTER - LOCKING PLIER (with an odd extended upper jaw).
(2.) 9.5" POWER-KRAFT PAT. 875816?
(3.) 9" GLOBE MASTER - JAPAN. All in excellent condition.
Lot of three Vise-Grip type locking pliers.
(1.) 7.25" WIZARD LOC-GRIP HR1206. EX.
(2.) 9.5" SAMPSON LEVER JAW WRENCH - MADE IN USA (etc.) Good Plus.
Lot of two locking pliers.
(1.) 6.75" LEVERAGE TOOL CO - GLENVIL, NEB - PAT 2751801, 3116656 (etc.)
(2.) 9.5" like (1.) Excellent (S273B)
0571. STANLEY AUTO-GRIP PLIERS - PAT 34116656 (etc.) - - 6.75" locking pliers like above. Mfg. for Stanley by Leverage Tool Co. Excellent. (S285)
0572. Marked only PATENT PENDING - - 9.25" locking pliers with a ratcheting action. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
Lot of two:
(1.) HAWORTH'S CHECK ROWER 103 - - 7" light pitting (R1-227)
(2.) HAWORTH'S CHECK ROWER 103 - - 7.5" w/fork, pitted (R1-227)
0574. TAIT CHECK ROWER - - 8" pliers (R1-451)
0575. B748 - B749 - - 7" check row pliers
P253 - P253 - - 7.5" check row pliers
568 thru 576
0577. EMERSON W1074 - - 16" (R1-163)
0578. EMERSON B175A - - 9.5" (R1-162)
Lot of two:
(2.) EMERSON - - 10" (R1-162)
0580. W402 (Emerson) - - 17" (R1-163)
Lot of two:
(1.) M19 (Emerson) - - 7" pitman w
(2.) EMERSON M518 - - 6.5" (R1-162)
Lot of two:
(1.) P942 (Emerson) - - 8" (R1-162)
(2.) R438 (Emerson) - - 8.5" painted light pitting (R1-163)
JOHN P MANNY - - 12" light pitting (R1-309)
577 thru 583
0584. J.P. MANNY - - 12" (R1-309)
Lot of two:
(1.) 2 (Manny ?) - - 10.5" light pitting (R1-309)
(2.) Unmarked (R Manny ?) - - 8.5" pitted (R1-309)
Lot of two:
(1.) ACME A881 - - 8.5" (R1-4)
(2.) 122 (Acme) - - 7" (R1-4)
Lot of three:
(1.) 208 (Acme) - - 8" with light pitting (R1-4)
(2.) M189 (Acme) - - 6.5" (R1-5)
(3.) S852 (Acme) - - 8", painted (R1-5)
Lot of two:
(1.) A-883 (Acme) - - 9" stamped steel (R1-4)
(2.) A-882 (Acme) - - 7" stamped steel (R1-4)
Lot of two:
(1.) 7370 (Empire Plow Co) - - 6.5" (R1-166)
(2.) 10 (Empire Plow Co) - - 6.5" (R1-166)
Lot of two:
(1.) H (Badger Cultivator Co) - - 10.5" flat (R1-37)
(2.) H (Badger Cultivator Co) - - 10.5" offset
584 thru 590
0591. LA CROSSE PLOW CO K128 - - 17.5" (R1-289)
Lot of two:
(1.) K29 (La Crosse Plow Co) - - 14.5" (R1-289)
(2.) LAX PLOW CO - - 9.5" (R1-289)
0593. LA CROSSE ND86 - - 9" (R1-289)
Lot of two:
(1.) J H CO / 218 (Johnston Harvester Co) - - 9.5" (R1-272)
(2.) J H CO 630 (Johnston Harvester Co) - - 14.5" (R1-272)
0595. JOHNSTON HARVESTER CO - - 8.5" wood handle monkey w (R1-272)
0596. P & O CO CANTON ILL 3682 - - 12" light pitting (R1-370)
P & O CO CANTON ILL 3613 - - 12" (R1-370)
591 thru 597
Lot of three:
(1.) P & O CO CANTON ILL 4129 - - 10" (R1-370)
(2.) P & O CO CANTON ILL 4130 - - 9" (R1-370)
(3.) P & O CO CANTON ILL 4131 - - 7" pitted (R1-370)
Lot of two:
(1.) P & O CO CANTON ILL 4135 - - 10.5" (R1-370)
(2.) P & O CO CANTON ILL 2715 - - 9.5" (R1-370)
Lot of two:
(1.) P & O CO CANTON ILL 940X - - 5" (R1-370)
(2.) P & O CO 5283 - - 10" (R1-370)
0601. Lot of three P & O CO stamped steel wrenches - - 11.5", 9", and 6.5" (R1-370)
0602.. PO209 IHC - - 13.5" (R1-254)
0603.. PO209 IHC - - 11.5" (R1-254)
0604. 4359 (P & O IHC) - - 12.5" (R1-370)
Lot of two:
(1.) 295 (P & O IHC) - - 8" four open end var. (R1-371)
(2.) 295 (P & O IHC) - - 9" five open end var. (R1-371)
598 thru 605
0606. CASE EAGLE 1823C - - 24" steam engine w light pitting (R1-81)
0607. CASE EAGLE 1822C - - 20" steam engine w (R1-81)
0608. CASE EAGLE 1820C - - 12.5" steam engine w painted (R1-81)
Lot of two:
(1.) CASE EAGLE 3330A - - 7" spark plug soc (R1-82)
(2.) 3330A (Case) - - 7" spark plug soc no eagle var..
0610. CASE EAGLE 1253T - - 6" (R1-81)
Lot of two:
(1.) CASE EAGLE 5548T - - 8" (R1-81)
(2.) CASE EAGLE 3329A - - 8.5" (R1-82)
606 thru 611
0612. CASE EAGLE 5524T - - 11" (R1-82)
Lot of two:
(1.) CASE EAGLE 46CL - - 8" (R1-82)
(2.) 46CL (Case) - - 8" no eagle
0614.. CASE EAGLE 5994T - - 8" (R1-82)
0615.. CASE EAGLE 3137A - - 8.5" (R1-82)
0616.. CASE EAGLE K439 MADE IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - - 7" pitman w (R1-82)
Lot of two:
(1.) CASE EAGLE OK1294 - - 9" (R1-82)
(2.) CASE EAGLE LG276 - - 8.5" (R1-82)
0618.. CASE EAGLE 205T - - 20" tooth straightener (R1-82)
5015T (Case) - - 7" (R1-81)
612 thru 619
Lot of seven:
(1.) CASE O25W - - 6" stamped steel (R1-78)
(2.) CASE O26W - - 6.5" stamped steel (R1-78)
(3.) CASE O27W MADE IN USA - - 7.5" stamped steel (R1-78)
(4.) CASE O28W - - 9" stamped steel (R1-78)
(5.) CASE O29W MADE IN USA - - 10" stamped steel (R1-78)
(6.) CASE O31W MADE IN USA - - 11.5" stamped steel (R1-78)
(7.) CASE O32W - - 7.5" stamped steel (R1-78)
Lot of three:
(1.) CASE W7658S MADE IN USA - - 7.5" stamped steel (R1-78)
(2.) CASE W7659S MADE IN USA - - 9" stamped steel (R1-78)
(3.) CASE W7660S MADE IN USA - - 10.5" stamped steel pitted (R1-78)
Lot of three:
(1.) 01982AB (Case) - - 12.5" hub wrench offset var.. (R1-78)
(2.) 01982AB (Case) -12.5" hub wrench, flat var.. (R1-78)
(3.) Unmarked 01982AB (Case) - - 11.5" hub wrench, stamped steel (R1-78)
620 thru 622
0623. 883C (Case steam engine) - - 16" (R1-81)
Lot of two:
(1.) 886C (Case steam engine) - - 7.5" pitted (R1-81)
(2.) 888C (Case steam engine) - - 5.5" (R1-81)
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked 0270T (Case) - - 17" threshing machine cylinder wrench. (R1-81)
(2.) Unmarked O6304-AB (Case) - - 13" (R1-79)
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked 0267T (Case) - - 29.5" threshing machine cylinder wrench. (R1-81)
(2.) Unmarked 030393HT (Case) - - 3.5" socket (R1-83)
CASE 76L - - 7" (R1-77)
623 thru 627
0628. FOOTPRINT (with footprint logo) - MADE IN ENGLAND - 1944 (with arrow logo) - - 21.5" giant plier type wrench having a lower jaw with bolt that can be positioned in one of several holes in the shaft. Probably one of the largest plier type wrenches made. Good Plus (S378)
0629. Unmarked - - 16" like Foot Print wrench above only slightly less gigantic plus a screwdriver end. Excellent.
0630. FOOTPRINT (with footprint logo) - MADE IN ENGLAND - - 9" pliers with sc/dr end like above. Good Plus.
0631. Unmarked (Foot Print?) - - 9" pliers with screwdriver end like above. Excellent.
0632. FOOTPRINT (with footprint logo) - PATENT MADE IN ENGLAND - NO. 227 - - 6" small size Foot Print pliers with screwdriver like above. Excellent. From the Kingsbury sale.
0633. Unmarked - - 11" plier type wrench similar to the Foot Print wrenches above but also has a center screw adjustment for the upper jaw. Excellent, like new. (not listed, no info)
THE FOOTPRINT SPANNER (with footprint logo) - MADE IN ENGLAND - NO. 341 - - 9" different all metal screw adjust nut wrench. Good Plus (not listed)
628 thru 634
0635. AUX FORGES DEVULCAIN - 57 (French) - - 22.5" outstanding, colossal, high quality all metal nut wrench that adjusts by rotating a nicely machined graphic knob (with knurled ridges) at the end of the handle. Excellent, Striking, and Rare. One of the highlightgs of this auction. (not listed)
0636. Marked only with a Crossbow Logo - - 16.5" extra heavy nut wrench adjusted with a center knurled, threaded sleeve. Exceptionally well built, good looking wrench in EXCELLENT condition. (not listed)
0637. Unmarked - - 16.5 all metal plier type wrench with threaded shaft and knurled adj. nut. Like new NOS condition. (Like Swedish Bahco wrench S781)
0638. Marked only with a stylized wing logo (Russian?) - - Bahco type like above, all metal plier type wrench with threaded shaft and knurled adj. nut. Excellent Plus. (similar to S781)
0639. AMONTBELIARDAISE / NO. 0 - BTE S.G.D.G (French patent) - - 8.5" hex box with a screw adjustment similar to the Roosevelt wrench. Good Plus (see S464)
0640. NIKE ESKILSTUMA SWEDEN / NR. 8B - - 11" malleable reversible ratchet wrench with tire tool end? Excellent Plus with original green finish.
STAHL - GERMANY - - 16" wood handled double jawed, center screw nut and pipe wrench. similar to B & C wrenches. Quality made with tight handle crack.
635 thru 641
0642. Marked only "GERMANY" (unmarked Henry Boker wrench) - - 9.75" rack type quick adjust with extremely fine rack teeth. Precision quality made wrench in Excellent + condition.(S776)
0643. HENRY BOKER /GERMANY - - 8" rack type quick adjust like above. Some light pitting. (S776)
0644. EUCEN ZEWRVER - REMSCHEID - - 7.5" screw and quick adjust nut wrench with release trigger. Another quality made German wrench in like new condition. (S774)
Lot of two:
(1.) TRANS ATLANTIC CLOCK & WC. / D.R.G.M. GERMANY - - 8.5" twin jawed turn handle to adjust nut wrench with a sc/dr bit on end of handle. Good Plus. (similar to S768);
(2.) 5.75" needle nose pliers with tapered round jaws with same markings as (1.). Excellent.
0646. HUE (inside horseshoe logo) PATENT HUBER NO. 1 - MADE IN GERMANY - - 6" shim adjust nut wrench. Excellent.
0647. Lot of two 8" (actual 7") all metal Stillson type pipe wenches: (1.) MADE IN GERMANY (etc.); (2.) MILLES - WEST GERMANY (etc,)
0648. M.C.C. WRENCH - NIPPON / 15" M.C.C. MFG. CO. (etc.) - - 13.75" pre WW II Japanese all metal Trimo type nut wrench. Good Plus. (similar to Trimo S1101)
0649. & SONS (can't read rest) - - 14" all metal nut wrench and hammer, turn handle to adjust. Early English Coach Wrench in excellent condition. (like S753)
0650. Marked only: K & R (or K & P?) - - 8" early English Coach Wrench like above. Jaws sprung otherwise Good Plus. (like S753)
0651. Unmarked - - 10.5" all metal single jaw early English Coach Wrench, turn octagon handle to adjust. Good Plus.
0652. Unmarked (Palmer type) - - 12.25" all metal nut wrench with long center adj. screw (English Coach Wrench?) Good Plus (S378)
0653. (Unmarked - - 10.25" all metal twin jawed with octagon handle. Early English coach wrench type. Good Plus. (similar to S747)
Unmarked - - 10.25" all metal single jaw nut wrench. Different style early coach wrench. Side frame is broken otherwise excellent. (S750)
642 thru 654
0655. Unmarked - - 10.5" single jaw all metal English coach style wrench. Excellent.
0656. STAHL / D. R. G. NO. 327??? (German patent) - - 10" all metal twin jawed nut wrench adj. by turning the octagon handle. Good Plus.
0657. AUS STAHL GESEHMLED (and logo) - - 9.75" German twin jaw all metal turn handle to adjust nut wrench with one jaw at 45 degrees. Excellent.
0658. Unmarked - - 5" twin jaw turn handle to adjust nut wrench (German made?). Good Plus. (similar to S773)
0659. 250 STAS (with triangle logo) - -10.25" twin jaw turn handle to adjust nut wrench (German made?). Excellent. (similar to S773)
0660. DOMINO (with domino logo) - 1944 (and arrow logo) - - 11" English all metal nut wrench with knurled worm and gear teeth on back edge of handle. Good Plus. (not listed)
0661. EPPLER / GERMANY - - 7" auto type screw and quick adjust all metal nut wrench. Excellent quality made tool. (S490)
0662. BREVETEE (French for patent) - - 8.75" all metal center screw adjust coach type wrench with a neat turned finale on end of handle. Striking unique wrench with just a few minor dings. From the Frank Kingsbury auction. (not listed)
0663. BURSTON BRITISH PATENT 384468 - 26-1-32 / CHAS. RICHARDS & SONS LTD - DARLASTON, ENGLAND - - 8" all metal nut wrench with a novel eccentric cam and spring loaded lower jaw adjustment. Excellent. (S749)
0664. REISHAUER NO. 0 - - 9" all metal nut wrench with worm and gear teeth on back edge of handle shaft. RARE, never seen another. Jaw slightly sprung otherwise Excellent condition. (not listed)
CLARK BORISAL? & CO. - SHEFFIELD & LONDON - - 19" all heavy metal nut wrench with a large knurled gear that engages teeth on the back edge of shaft. Good Plus, (not listed)
655 thru 665
Lot of two:
(1.) MELKER - GERMANY - - 8.25" wh monkey wrench with right hand threaded screw vs. left handed as normally found on US monkey wrenches. You need at least one of these in case some Smart Alec ever asks you for a left handed monkey wrench. Good Plus. (not listed)
(2.) Marked only: GERMANY - - 8" different looking wh monkey wrench with right hand threaded screw vs. left handed as normally found on US monkey wrenches. Some pitting (not listed)
0667. STAHL (German for steel) - - 8" wood octagon handled double jawed Coach Wrench with a double screw adjusting mechanism. Good Plus. (S765)
0668. SNAIL BRAND / BRITISH MADE - - 9" auto. type wrench from the same mfg. as the English Fordson Crescent type wrenches. Excellent.
Lot of two 7" automotive type wrenches:
(2.) same as (2.) marked only MADE IN ENGLAND. Both in Excellent uncleaned condition.
0670. KING DICK TRADEMARK (with logo) - NO. 3 / ABINGDON - - 9" all metal center screw adjust nut wrench (one side exposed). Largest of this style King Dick wrench? Good Plus. (like S761R)
Lot of two:
(1.) KING DICK - MADE IN ENGLAND - - 6" all metal screw adjust nut wrench like above. Excellent. (S761R)
(2.) BRITISH MADE - - 6" all metal screw adjust wrench like King Dick above. Good Plus (like S761R)
0672. RICHARDS BROS & SONS - SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND - BRITISH PATENT NO. 550540 - 1945 - NO. 9/241 / TENT SHEFFIELD (w/ a tent logo) - - 4.5" center screw adj. bike wrench. Excellent. (not listed)
0673. STAHL (German for steel) (with B G? logo) - - 6" all metal center screw adjust nut wrench with odd long tube adj. sleeve (exposed each side). Thinner than most wrenches of this type. Good Plus. (not listed)
Lot of two:
(1.) GIRDER MAJOR NO. 93 - JOSEPH LUCAS LTD. - BIRMINGHAM / LUCAS (with torch and spoked wheel logo) - - 8" all metal center screw adjust (exposed both sides) nut wrench. Screw missing, drilled hole, otherwise Good plus.. (S100T)
(2.) Unmarked - - 8.5" like above. A few hammer dings otherwise Good Plus.
0675. ROMRIK - TANK (with pic of WW l era tank) / D.R.G.M. (German for govt. reg. design) - - 9.25" qk. adj. all metal nut wrench (smooth jaw faces) with rack teeth and lever similar to the Wakefield Wrench S727. Good Plus. From the Ralph Kay auction. (not listed)
0676. D.R.G.M. (German for govt. reg. design) . MADE IN GERMANY - - 9.25" rack and lever type qk. adjust wrench like above but with serrated jaws. Good Plus. (not listed)
Marked only: GERMANY - - 9.75" qk adj nut wrench that looks similar to a Crescent wrench but has a sliding jaw with a spring loaded wedge shaped release. Excellent. (S759)
666 thru 677
0678. Unmarked - - 6.5" side screw adjust bike type nut wrench .Vern said it was made in Turkey. Good Plus. (not listed)
Lot of three self adjust wrenches:
(1.) CHROMAVAN - GERMANY / ONEHANDER 6" - - with grooved jaws. Excellent. (like S331B);
(2.) 8" GERMANY - - 7.75" with grooved jaws. Excellent.
(3.) CHROMAVAN - GERMANY - - 12" - - like (1.) but with smooth jaws (nut wrench). Excellent uncleaned condition. (like S331B)
Lot of two all metal Stillson type pipe wrenches.
(1.) MADE IN CANADA ("J" in a diamond logo) - - 9.5"
(2.) W. GERMANY (w/ a crown logo) - - 12". Markings weak.
0681. PATENT UNBREAKABLE JAW NO. 21325 / (flying wasp logo) - - 6.5" Crescent type with offset handle. Excellent. (similar to S758)
0682. FACOM - - 6" Crescent type with offset and curved handle. Facom was founded in 1918 in France, and is now a huge international corporation that has acquired several other tool companies including S & K Tools. (similar to S758)
0683. LACHEZE (w/ tiger head logo) - - 12" Crescent type with offset and curved handle. From the Wullweber sale. Good Plus. (like S758)
0684. Unmarked - - 12.25" Crescent type with offset handle. Excellent. (similar to S758)
LAFLOTTE DANGLETERRE - PARIS - - 19" Crescent type with offset handle. Large striking wrench in Excellent condition. (similar to S758)
678 thru 685
0686. VICTOR TRADEMARK / PAT DEC 23,1902 - AUG 25, 1903 - - 7.75" qk adj pw with spring loaded lower jaw and rack adjustment. Made by the Bonner Mfg. Co. of Chrisman, IL. (S653)
0687. VICTOR TRADEMARK / PAT DEC 23,1902 - AUG 25, 1903 - - like above but 10.75". (S653)
0688. VICTOR TRADEMARK / BONNER PAT 1902 - 1903 - - like above but 15". Stop screw missing. (S653)
0689. MORGAN -ALBANY, WIS / PAT APPL'D FOR - - 7" sliding lower jaw rack type quick adjust, Patent not found. Excellent.(S695)
Lot of two:
(1.) TROJAN - TROJAN WRENCHES L. A. CAL. / US PAT NO 1968783 - - 11.75" qk adj pipe wrench with a lever that releases the rack teeth from the upper jaw assembly. Patented by John R. Long, of Los Angeles, CA. Excellent (S721)
(2.) POWER JAWS - PATENTED / TOYANG - - 10.5" modern quick adjusting oddity with a lever release for the sliding upper jaw. Plated finish. Excellent, unused condition. (not listed)
0691. ONE TOUCH WRENCH (Great Neck, Mineola, NY) - - 6" Master Wrench type with a plunger that opens the upper jaw. Another modern reincarnation hybrid. Excellent, NOS in original package. (not listed)
0692. SEAHOLM & SANDELL MFG CO DETROIT USA / PATENTS PENDING - - 10" qk adj nut wrench with rack teeth that are released by applying pressure to the lower jaw assembly. Excellent (like S26 but a nut wrench instead of pipe wrench)
0693. Marked only PAT PEND - - 8.5" qk adj nut wrench with a round knob that slides in an off center slot in the moveable jaw assembly. Uncommon wrench with an unusual adj mechanism in excellent condition. Purchased at the Frank Kingsbury Estate Auction (S531)
0694. STANDARD WRENCH CO. ATHOL, MASS USA / PATENTED JUNE 8, 1889 - - 6" all metal comb. screw and qk adj nut wench with a spring loaded bar that releases the lower jaw from the screw threads. Advertised as the "Rapid Transit Wrench" (S526)
WRIGHT WRENCH TACOMA, WASH. / PAT 3 - 04 STEEL FORGING CO - - 8" rack teeth type qk adj nut wrench. (S543)
WRIGHT WRENCH TACOMA, WASH. / PAT 3 - 04 STEEL FORGING CO - - 12" Wright qk adj nut wrench like above. stop screw missing. (S543)
686 thru 696
0697. WRIGHT WRENCH CO MADE IN USA. / PAT 3 - 04, 1-09 - - 10.5" rack teeth type qk adj nut wrench. Different much rarer version of the Wright Wrench.(unlisted)
0698. L. S. KELLOGG MFG CO RACINE, WIS - - 8.75" combination screw and quick adj. Knurled adj nut is pushed up to release rack teeth and spring loaded lower jaw assembly. Tiny crack in metal where stop screw hits the end. (S503)
0699. BAY STATE TOOL CO BOSTON / PAT JUNE 7, 1904 - - 1O" qk adj nut wrench with spring loaded lever. Pat by Fredrick Walden (who later started Walden Mfg Co). EX (S476)
0700. BAY STATE like wrench above but rarer 12" size. (S476)
0701. PAT FEB 28, 1896 - - 8" qk adj like Bay State wrench above but without a spring on release lever. Mfg by Shepard & Co of Denver, CO. Poor condition, with pitting, grinding marks, and repairs. (C278)
0702. MAUSER - US PAT APPLD FOR - GERMANY - - 9.5" comb. screw and quick adjust nut wrench. Rack teeth on front of shaft. From the Al Schulz auction. some pitting. (S515)
0703. MAUSER - - 11.5" comb. screw and quick adjust nut wrench. Adjusting knurl and rack gears on back with lever release (different than above). Some light grind marks on edges, replaced adj. knurl. (S514)
0704. CHAMPION - - PAT'D MARCH 15, 1921 - - 8" split handle qk adj nut and pipe combination wench. Pat. by P. J. Tumulla of Chicago. Some pitting, refinished. (S662)
0705. 8 IN NUT GEARENCH (SIC) TRADEMARK - FORGED STEEL PAT'D 6-1-26 / GEARENCH MFG CO. - HOUSTON TEXAS - - 8.25" Although this wench has serrated teeth and it is listed in Schulz under Quick Adjust Pipe Wrenches, it is marked "nut wrench" and it definitely won't work on pipe, but it does work on a hex or square nuts. Patented by Joseph Peterson of College Station, TX. One of the few wrenches patented and mfg in Texas. Ex. (S671)
0706. NEW I. D. - 32 - - 9.75" all malleable rack type quick adjust wrench. Patentee or mfg. not known. Usually found in poor condition. This one is Good Plus. (S962)
0707. LAGRIPPER WRENCH CO. BATTLE CREEK, MICH / PAT JUNE 28, 1898 - - 12" serrated jaws at 45 degrees. Quick adjust rack wrench with a handle length release lever. Patent by George Van Schoick of Coldwater, Michigan. Area with light pitting. (S688)
8" OLIVER / PAT. PEND. MFD. BY L. HENGY - DETROIT, MICH - - 9" all metal pipe wrench with roller lower jaw. Excellent. (S341)
697 thru 708
0709. 246 (Marseilles Deere) - 13" has tight jaw crack. (R1-310, D-50)
0710. SYRACUSE IRON & STEEL - 10" (R1-448, D-580)
0711. SYRACUSE LH22 - 9" (R1-448, D-407)
0712. SYRACUSE Z2 - 10.5" 2 hammers. Pitted (R1-448, D-535)
0713. SC25 (Syracuse Deere) - 6.5" painted, repaired (R1-448, D-512)
0714. 148 (Syracuse Deere) - 9.5" painted, repaired? (R1-448, D-24)
0715. 154 (Syracuse Deere) - 15" pitted (R1-448, D-26)
0716. D34 (Deere) - 8.5" Tight jaw crack. (R1-131, D-266)
0717. G1014 (Deere) - 10" light pitting (R1-131, D-313)
0718. A123 (Deere) - 11" (R1-131, D-144)
0719. B210 B211 B212 (Deere B219) - 15" swing out wrench. Light pitting, crack in large opening (R1-131, D-232)
DEERE & CO M123 - 11" painted (R1-131, D-411)
709 thru 720
0721. M11831 (Deere / Holt) - 9.5" 2 flat spots ground on two sides of one socket, otherwise excellent. RARE Holt combine wrench. (D-446)
0722. DEERE C PAT APR 28 1903 - 8.5" buggy w pitted (R1-134)
0723. A (Deere Kemp & Burpee) - 10" painted, light pitting and very faint markings. (R1-278, D-140)
0724. Unmarked (Letz E6075) - 14" socket wrench. (R1-296, D-302)
0725. M-1158 (Letz) - 7.5" doe wrench. Excellent. (R1-296, D430)
0726. No. 282 (with two M in a diamond logos) - - 9.5" stamped steel Waterloo Boy Tractor wrenches made by Mossberg. (D-382)
0727. No. 253 (with two M in a diamond logos) - - 7" stamped steel Waterloo Boy Tractor wrenches made by Mossberg. Pitting (D-385)
0728. 31 (Deere) - 6" tee w (D-7)
Lot of two: 31 (Deere) - 8" tee wrenches:
(1.) Marked on right side (also has a "P" in a shield logo on the right).
(2.) Marked on left (R1-130, D-5 & 6)
Lot of four: (Deere) - 7" 196 solid end (D-38) 196 two square holes (D-42) 196 long slots, two round holes (D-36) unmarked (196) triangular hole (D-45) (R2-75)
721 thru 730
0731. Unmarked (Deere S51)?? - 9.5" Pitted. (D-496)
0732. 136 (Deere) - 10" round holes (R-130, D-19)
0733. Unmarked (Deere 157) - 10" (D-30)
0734.. Lot of four: JD 50, JD 51, JD 52, JD 53 set of stamped steel wrenches (R1-132, D-348,351,353,357)
0735. Lot of three: DEERE (10006, 10007, 10008) set of 3 heavy stamped steel wrenches (R1-132, D-105, 107, 109)
0736.. S2608D (Deere A5278DU) - 15" flat var., painted, pitted (R1-132, D-184)
Lot of three: VAN BRUNT - 7" no stud 7/8 hex (D-267), no stud 3/4 hex (D-268), D-380 with stud (D-269) (R1-469)
731 thru 737
Lot of three:
(1.) Unmarked (Deere AR39683) - 11" Wheel soc and ext.(D-223)
(2.) Unmarked (Deere GY2256) - 10" painted (D-316) (R1-133)
(3.) JOHN DEERE TY3181 USA 15/16 socket.
0739. JOHN DEERE fishing lure in box with instructions.
0740. JOHN DEERE TY3563 FORGED ALLOY STEEL USA 18" crescent w
0741. JOHN DEERE TY3220 FORGED ALLOY STEEL USA 12" crescent w
Lot of three: Unmarked (Deere B353R) - 19" MADE IN USA (D-240) and (Deere B2297R) - 18.5" (D-256) Unmarked (Deere A577R) - 24" - 6" offset (D-175) (R1-132 & 133)
738 thru 742
0743.. Lot of two: Unmarked (Deere A577R) - 26" - 3" offset (D-176) and (Deere D2063R) - 27" (D-285) (R1-132)
0744. Lot of three: Unmarked (Deere 20306) 3 diff lengths 16-7/8", 17-3/8", and 18-1/8" (D-127)
Lot of three: 14674 (Deere) - 16.5" (D-124) Unmarked (Deere 13150) - 19" (D-122) Unmarked (Deere F3537R) - 20.5" (D-305) (R1-133)
743 thru 745
0746. Unusual six open end wrenches fastened together to form a chain or endless loop.- - 6.5" Excellent.
0747. Unmarked - - 7.5" pw with a hinged lower jaw. (not listed)
0748. WAKEFIELD WIZARD - - 8.75" double ended nut wrench with adj. sliding jaws. (S10.99)
Lot of two:
(1.) CRANDALL EXPERT (etc.) - - 7.25" adj. angle open end wench. (S315)
(2.) PAT. APR. 29, 1925 - OTHER PAT. PEND. - - 10.25" soe with removable wrench head. (similar to S314)
Lot of two:
(1.) CAM-LOC T. K. F. CO. DETROIT / PAT. 2550010 (etc.) - - 5.25" ratcheting box end wrench.
(2.) CAM-LOC / AC FILTER SERVICE - - 10" like above but double ended. (NO PHOTOS)
(3.) WHAT-A-WRENCH (etc.) - - flat wrench with 16 different wrench sizes.
0751. MAC TOOLS 1938 - 1998 60TH ANNIVERSARY - - 6" double ended flare nut wrench . Limited edition Gold Plated. Mint like new condition.
0752. STEPHENS WRENCH / PAT'D DEC 21, 09 - - 9.5" pivoting head open end wrench.
0753. Unmarked - - 7" double ratchet socket wrench. Probably a specialty wrench for either pool table or bed bolts, complete with a 6" pool table bolt that fits one socket..
Lot of two tools marked BELL SYSTEM:
(1.) O. K. MACHINE & TOOL CORP. BRONX., NY. - - 6.5" odd plier type crimper?
(2.) 5" square bolt socket for use with a brace.
0755. BELL SYSTEM - HELLER TACKER - - 8" stapler.
0756. BELL SYSTEM - STANLEY - - 72" zig-zag fold up ruler. Excellent, like new.
Lot of three BELL SYSTEM crimpers:
(1.) H. K. P. (H. K. Porter) - - 5.75"
(3.) FEKINDSTROM - SWEDEN - - 10.5"
746 thru 757
Lot of two; two oe by soe forged wrenches:
(1.) BELL SYSTEM - - 10"
Lot of two BELL SYSTEM tools:
(1.) C. N. CO. (with a lizard logo) - - 10" file.
(2.) M. KLEIN & SONS - - 13" lag bolt wrench.
(1.) BRIDGEPORT - - 10" wood handled hand vise
(2.) Marked only PAT. 1663748 - - 5" wire insulation slitter with three hex wrenches.
0761. TRIMO TRADEMARK PATENTED JULY 19, 04 / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS.- 15 - - 14" all metal screw adjust nut wrench with split threaded shaft. Good Plus. (S435)
0762. TRIMO TRADEMARK PATENTED JULY 9, 04 (etc.) - - 7.75" like above. Good Plus. (S435)
0763. TRIMO TRADEMARK PATENTED JULY 19, 04 - - 6" like above. Hard to fine in this size,. Good + +. (S435)
0764. TRIMO PAT'D 12 - 19 -1911 / TRIMONT MFG. CO. - ROXBURY, MASS. - SIZE 12 (etc.) - - 11.25" wood knife handled nut wrench. Good. (1084T)
0765. TRIMO PAT'D 12 - 19 -1911 / TRIMONT MFG. CO (etc.) - - 8" wood knife handled nut wrench like above with different markings. Good Plus. (1084T)
TRIMO PAT'D 12 - 19 -1911 / TRIMONT MFG. CO (etc.) - -8" wood knife handled nut wrench like above. Excellent. (1084T)
758 thru 766
0767. SAMSON / PAT'D MAR. 6, 1883 - - 12.5" early self adj and the only one with a wood handle. Mfg by Lowentraut Mfg Co, Newark New Jersey and patented 4-13-1880 by J. W. Calef. Wrench and handle in excellent condition. (S323)
0768. CLIPPER 10 / PATENT PENDING - - 13'" malleable self adjust with replaceable jaw inserts. Rare. Good Plus (S329)
0769. WEBB & HILDRETH CO / PAST FEB 6, 06 DEC 17, O7 - - 7" Mfg in Gloversville, New York with serrated jaws for pipe and nuts. Chipped jaw . Hard to find in this size. (S1069)
0770. HASTEE 8" DAVENPORT TOOL CO US PATENT 3016240 - - 8" Eldridge, Iowa's 1970's reincarnation of the Cochran type self adjusting nut wrench. Plated. Excellent. (S321)
0771. A/F 15 -41MM (5/9 - 1-5/8) - - 13" another modern version of the Cochran self adjusting wrench. Excellent. (not listed)
0772. INSTANT-GRIP WESTERN GERMANY - - 10.5" Excellent. (not listed)
0773. 10" KINDS AUTOMATIC - DRGM - PATENT / HIGH CLASS DROP FORGED STEEL - - 9" self adj. nut wrench with tire tool end and an attached screw driver blade that pivots on the handle. Goods ++ (not listed)
0774. LARC-O-MATIC 10 IN PAT 1830033 - 2351821 / CHICAGO O-H TOOLS HEDSTROM INDUSTRIES INC. - - 10" Excellent condition. (S320T)
0775. COCHRAN SPEEDNUT WRENCH, etc / PAT MAY 2, 1916 - MADE IN CHICAGO, ILL USA - - 6". Design patented by Walter Taylor of Chicago. Rare size. Excellent (var. not in Schulz)
0776. Lot of two 9" Cochran Speednut wrenches with slightly different markings. (S320M)
0777. Unmarked - - 14.5". Different design with a lower jaw that consists of two separate plates and a top jaw that pivots in between them. All jaws serrated. A crude primitive looking wrench that might be the Grand Daddy of all the Cochran type wrenches. Extremely pitted but RARE. Never seen anything like it. (not listed)
Lot of three:
(1.) Marked only GERMAN - -6.5" nickel plated. Excellent.
(2.) Marked only RAPID - - 8" Good Plus (not listed)
(3.) NO. 1 SELF ADJUSTING WRENCH - - 6.5" Excellent. (not listed)
PATENT - DORM (etc.) - - 7.25" with an odd curved handle. Pitted (not listed)
767 thru 779
These wrenches were based on F. H. Seymour's of Detroit, Michigan patent of Feb 27, 2883. They were first mfg by Owsley Bros & Marble (1886-1887), then George W. Marble (1887-1888), then Capitol Mfg. Co. (1888-1893), and finally Whitman & Barnes. Assembling a complete set of these wrenches has always been a challenging goal of many wrench collectors and is becoming increasingly difficult to find good examples, especially of the larger sizes.
0780. 21" - Acme twist handle all metal monkey wrench (some markings not readable) - - 21.25" heavy "Rail Road" model with hex adj nut. Rarest size seldom offered for sale. (S365)
0781. 18" -"R" Acme like above. (some markings not readable) - - 18" heavy model Acme marked "R" for their Railroad model with hex adj nut. (S365)
0782. 15" - ACME (in a diamond logo) PAT FEB 27, 83 - - 15" pre Whitman & Barnes Acme probably mfg by the Capitol Mfg. Co. (S365)
0783. 12" - ACME PAT FEB 27, 83 MADE IN USA and W & B logo - - 11.75" (S365)
0784. 10" - ACME PAT FEB 27, 83 MADE IN USA and W & B logo - - 9.75" weak markings. (S365)
0785. 10" - Acme like above but also marked with an "A" - - 10". Unusual example with the markings on top of the upper jaw instead of on the side as usually seen. The "A" is thought to stand for "Agricultural". Markings weak but readable, top jaw sprung. (S365)
0786. 8" - unmarked Acme - - 8.25" (head mushroomed) (S365)
5" - ACME (in a diamond logo) PAT FEB 27, 83 - - 5" pre W & B Acme in Ex condition with traces of original plating (S364)
780 thru 787
0788. Unmarked Acme double jawed pipe and nut wrench - - 8.5" advertised as the "Acme Combination Nut and Pipe Wrench". Rare. EX except for small jaw chip. (S565)
0789. MADE IN GERMANY - - 6" Acme style with adj nut on top instead of bottom.
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked lighter and simpler version of the Acme wrenches above - - 6" Resembles Seymour's 1883 patent drawing. (S364D2)
(2.) Unmarked like above wrench but 9" model. Jaws sprung. (S364D2)
0791. 15" - unmarked Hercules loop handled mw - - 15.25" (second largest mfg) with some grinding on upper jaw head. (S364B)
0792. 12" - unmarked Hercules like above. - -11.75" (S364B)
0793. 10" - HERCULES (in a diamond logo) PAT FEB 27, 83 - - 9.75" pre Whitman & Barnes Hercules. Good Plus. (S364B)
0794. 10" - Hercules like above except marked with an "A" - - 9.75" bow tie bracket var.. Some markings unreadable. (S364D3)
0795. 10" - HERCULES PAT FEB 27, 83 MADE IN USA and W & B logo - - 9.5" with some hammer damage. (S364B)
0796. 8" - HERCULES PAT FEB 27, 83 MADE IN USA and W & B logo - - 8" with weak markings, jaws slightly sprung. (S364B)
0797. 8" - unmarked Hercules - - 7.75" bow tie bracket var.. Nice straight example. (S364D3)
0798. 4" - HERCULES PAT FEB 27, 83 MADE IN USA and W & B logo - - 4.375" Nice example of the smallest size Hercules. (S364B)
0799. 10" - ACME PAT FEB 27, 83 MADE IN USA and W & B logo - - 9.5" rare Acme variation with the adjusting nut on the top side rather than the bottom as normally found. Also pictured in farm implement parts books for the A. Ellwood Co. of Sycamore, IL. Good Plus. (S442, R1-161)
Lot of four twist handle screwdrivers - - 8" to 11.5".
788 thru 800
0801. Unmarked Diamond Wrench - - 5.5"" wood handled screw adjust buggy or wagon wrench Smallest size Diamond wrench. (S208)
0802. Diamond Wrench Co, etc (some markings not readable) - - 8.75" (S208)
0803. Diamond Wrench Co, etc (markings not readable) - - 10.5". (S208)
0804. DIAMOND WRENCH MFG CO PORTLAND, MAINE, etc / PATD NOV 2, 80 OCT 16 83 - - 11.75" . (S208)
0805. Diamond Wrench Co (markings not readable) - - 15". Replaced handle. (S208)
0806. DIAMOND WRENCH CO STEEL FORGED PORTLAND, ME / PATD NOV 2 80 OCT 16 83 - - 18.75". Super rare in this size. Handle crack, replaced handle nut, some markings not readable. RARE size (S208)
DIAMOND WRENCH CO STEEL FORGED PORTLAND, ME / PATD NOV 2 80 OCT 16 83 - - 21". Super rare largest size made. Replaced handle (S208)
801 thru 807
0808. ROBINSON'S CRANK WRENCHES & BIT-BRACES NEWARK, NEW JERSEY PAT JAN 26, 75 & DEC 25, 77 - - 10.75" comb screw adj monkey wrench and brace. Handled cracked and chipped, some marking weak. (S50)
0809. 20TH CENTURY P.- LOWENTRAUT MFG NEWARK, NJ - PAT MAY 21, 1901 / TERRITORIES FOR SALE BY S. J. JOHNSTON, LEESBURG, VA - - 12.75" combination adj nut and pipe wrench, and brace with a screwdriver. Jaws sprung, otherwise Good Plus. (S53, Cope pg 207)
0810. P. LOWENTRAUT NEWARK, NJ / TERRITORIES FOR SALE BY S. J. JOHNSTON, LEESBURG, VA - PAT. DEC 4, 1894. - - comb adj nut wrench and brace with a screwdriver. Jaws slightly sprung otherwise excellent. (S55)
0811. LOWENTRAUT NEWARK, NJ / PATENTED - - 10.5" comb adj nut wrench and brace. Made to Robinson's patents (see above). Wooden handle cracked and reglued. (S51)
THE PRINCE - PAT'D MAY 11, 1909 - - 12.25" Comb nut and pipe wrench and brace with screwdriver. Patented by P. E. (Prince Edward) Shortt of Floyd, Virginia. wooden handle cracked and reglued, wing nut on end of adj screw missing. (S48)
808 thru 812
0813. Marked only PAT'D - - 7.25" Quick adj nut wrench attachment for a brace. Pat 6-16-1896 by Henry Coolidge and mfg by N. W. Farley & Co. of Hancock, New Hampshire. (not in Schulz, C132)
0814. Marked only PAT"D - - 13.5" combination square socket wrench (adjustable for two different sizes) and a bit brace patented 6-27-1905 by Harry H. Bousser of Halstead, Kansas (yours truly hometown, population about 1200 in 1905).Very few made and less sold. The few that have surfaced were found locally. This is the rarer smaller socket size in excellent unused condition except thumb screw for adjusting the cross bar is broken. Wrench was found without a cross bar and a replacement was expertly replicated by Herb Page. (RARE and UNLISTED)
0815. IDEAL WRENCH CO. DENVER, COLO. - PAT. AUG 13, 18 - - 9" speed or brace wrench with a crank operated worm gear that turns the socket in tight spaces. Pat by G. M. Overtree (Fort , CO) and V. V. MCMillen (Lafayette, CO) and adv. as particularly useful for Model "T" Ford fourth connecting rods. Good Plus. (S188)
0816. Marked only PAT'D 1873 - - 14" adj nut brace past 12-16-1873 by Sylvester Wright of Ellsworth, New York. Excellent unused condition with original black Japanning. Bit holder attachment missing as usual. (S54)
UTILITY - HILL PUMP VALVE CO. - CHICAGO USA PAT. OCT. 23, 1917 - - 11.;5" brace wrench with an adjustable sliding socket. Excellent. (S56)
813 thru 817
0818. WEYERHAEUSER - 10.5" ratchet with two square box wrenches in end of handle. (R1-485). Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. of Tacoma, WA made wooden silo kits in the early 1900's.
0820. HARDER X60 - - 9" pitting (R1-216)
0821. TWIN CITY TANK & SILO CO 5/8 MINNEAPOLIS MINN 1/2 - - 10" small lettering (R1-461)
0822. TWIN CITY TANK & SILO CO 1/2 MINNEAPOLIS MINN 5/8 - - 10" large lettering (R1-461)
0823. E.C. TECKTONIUS MFG CO 5/8 1/2 RACINE WIS S12 3/4 - - 10.5" (R1-453)
0825. UNADILLA SILO CO UNADILLA N.Y. - - 8.5" drill hole (R1-462)
0826. UNADILLA SILO CO 30 - - 10" crack on open end (R1-462)
0827. GLOBE SILO CO. 30 - - 10" (R1-202)
0828. WOODS BROS SILO & MFG CO THE HINGE DOOR SILO - - 8.5" painted (R1-496)
0829. INDIANA SILO CO 5/8 - - 11" (R1-249)
SW-1 5/8 9/16 - - 12" silo type wrench
818 thru 830
Lot of two.
(1.) AIM CO 38 - - 9" (R1-2)
(2.) AIM CO 48S10 - - 8.5" (R1-2)
0832. ATHENS PLOW CO ATHENS TENNESSEE - - 18" Rare no part number variation. (R1-23)
Lot of two:
(1.) CLARK - - 8" (R1-104)
(2.) MANN BONE CUTTER - - 5" (R1-308)
0834. C & M - - 6"
0835. MODEL 1223 (C. S. Bell co) - - 6" (R1-48)
0836. BAILOR PLOW CO ATCHISON KAN. C49 - - 10" (R1-38)
0837. BLOUNT 430 - - 10" painted (R1-58)
0838. BUFORD - - 8" light pitting (R1-70)
0839. 286 (Blount) - - 10" open end jaws bent, pitted. (R1-57)
W6 (Blizzard Mfg Co) - - 11" (R1-56)
831 thru 840
Lot of two:
(2.) MILLER CROWFOOT NO 7 - - 7.5" (R1-327)
0842. MUELLER 50181 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 - - 20"
0843. 32 (Chas. G. Allen & Co. Yankee Rake) - - 8" (R1-9)
0844. J. W Tufts Boston / LC - SC - VS - BC - - 18" massive graphic wrench big as a sign. Mr. Tufts made soda carbonation machinery. Light pitting (R1-460)
0845. B & G PLOW CO CANTON O - - 9.5" (R1-31)
Lot of two:
(1.) STANDARD - - 6.5" (R1-435)
(2.) NATIONAL - - 9" (R1-346)
841 thru 846
0847. DD111 (IHC / Kentucky Drill) - - 9" Ultra Rare, only one known. (not in Rathbone)
Lot of two:
(1.) KENTUCKY DRILLS BRENNAN & CO LOU. KY. - - 9" painted repaired. (R1-62)
(2.) Unmarked (260 Kentucky Drill) - - 7" (R1-62)
0849. NEWELL SANDERS PLOW CO A260 - - 19" (R1-351)
Lot of two:
(1.) NEWELL SANDERS PLOW CO A120 - - 13" light pitting (R1-351)
(2.) NEWELL SANDERS PLOW CO A163 - - 8.5" (R1-351)
0851. SANDERS A416 - - 13" (R1-411)
0852. CHATTANOOGA 3 - - 9" pitting (R1-98)
0853. CHATTANOOGA CP4003 IHC logo - - 8.5" (R1-98)
0854. IHC (logo) CP4003 - - 8.5" (R1-98)
D137 (Chattanooga IHC David Bradley) - - 11" (R1-99)
847 thru 855
0856. D138 (Chattanooga IHC David Bradley) - - 13" painted (R1-99)
0857. D138N (Chattanooga IHC David Bradley) - - 12.5" painted (R1-99)
0858. CHATTANOOGA 5 - - 9.5" jaw crack (R1-98)
0859. CP245 (Chattanooga IHC Oliver) - - 9" (R1-98)
0860. A (Keystone IHC) - - 7" (R1-280)
0861. C (Keystone IHC) - - 7.5" (R1-280)
0862. D (Keystone IHC) - - 8.5" (R1-280)
0863. HAYES P857 - - 5" (R1-227)
0864. HAYES A116 - - 7.5" Deering Style (R1-227)
0865. HAYES EA315 - - 7" (R1-227)
0866. HAYES EB315 - - 7" (R1-227)
Lot of two:
(1.) HAYES A375 - - 6" light pitting (R1-227)
(2.) A404 (Hayes) - - 7" (R1-227)
J412 (Hayes) - - 9.5" (R2-127)
856 thru 868
0869. L. COES & CO PAT'D MAR 23 1869 / WORCESTER MASS - - 4-5/8" Baby Coes monkey wrench. Expertly replaced handle, some markings faint. (HP35 but marked on opposite sides than example pictured, like S852)
0870. L. COES MFG CO WORCESTER MASS - - 4-5/8" Baby Coes monkey wrench. Expertly replaced handle, markings faint, most not readable. (HP36, like S852)
0871. Unmarked - - 12" wh nut wrench with center nut and shaft threaded on edges only. Advertised as Taft's Railroad and Mowing Machine Wrench pat 5-31-1859 by George C. Taft and later mfg by L and A. G. Coes Some nicks and dents, replaced handle. (HP9, S418)
0872. Unmarked - - 14.75" Taft's Railroad and Mowing Machine Wrench like above. Pitted, cracked handle.. (HP9, S418)
0873. L & A. G. COES WORCESTER MASS / A. G. COES PAT'D MAR 6, 1866 - - 11.75" whmw with two piece locking handle ferrule. Expertly replaced handle and wrench restoration by Herb Page. (HP10-)
0874. A. G. COES WORCESTER MASS / (steam engine governor logo with 5-2-1871 and 12-28-1875 patent dates) - - 12" jog bar whmw with large handle end cap. Stamped owners initials, wrench restored by Herb Page. (HP22)
0875. A. G. COES WORCESTER MASS / (steam engine governor logo with 5-2-1871 and 12-28-1875 patent dates) - - 10" jog bar whmw like above. Tight handle crack, some markings weak. (HP22)
0876. A. G. COES WORCESTER MASS / (steam engine governor logo with 12-28-1875 patent date) - - 8" jog bar whmw. Good Plus (like HP23)
0877. A. G. COES WORCESTER MASS / (steam engine governor logo with 12-26-1871 patent date) - - 6.25" jog bar type (6 incher didn't have the jog bar feature) whmw. Stamped owners initials "J. O. P." Good Plus (like HP23 except 12-26-1871 vs. 12-28-75 as shown)
0878. L. COES & CO WORCESTER MASS / MECHANICS WRENCH IMPROVED JAN 1, 1881 (or 1882?) - - 11.75" whmw with split adj knurl that fits into twin slots in the shaft. Some markings unreadable, replaced handle?. (HP39 or 40)
0879. COES / PAT'D DEC 24, 1901 MADE IN USA - - 5" all metal bicycle nut wrench with oval handle. Good Plus. (HP57)
0880. COES WRENCH CO WORCESTER MASS / MFG UNDER L. COE'S PATS STEEL - - 6.5" all metal nut wrench with oval handle. Good Plus. (like HP58 but marked on opposite sides than example pictured)
DORRIS - COES AUTO (inside a spoked wheel logo) / COES WRENCH CO WORCESTER MASS USA - - 12" all metal screw adj nut wrench, thinner and lighter than regular Coes wrenches with the adj nut enclosed in the lower jaw assembly. This example with "DORRIS" stamped on the edge of the lower jaw was evidently furnished with automobiles and/or trucks made by the Dorris Auto Co of St Louis, Mo circa 1906-1926. Some pitting, some markings unreadable. (HP62)
869 thru 881
COES KEY MODEL - PAT. OCT. 20 1903 - MADE BY COES WRENCH CO.- - Coes 36" size (actually measures 38" when jaws are closed) wedge and screw adjust "Key Model" wrench. Coes made this wrench in four sizes: 28" 36". 48" and an enormous 60" (165 pound) giant. Good Plus. (like S854-1/2 and HP60 )
0883. HANDY 101 - NO 3 / I.C.I. - PAT PEND - - 9.5" malleable comb. tool with two pliers, sc/dr, wrenches, hammer, nail claw, ruler, etc. Excellent (S813)
0884. G. M. CO. - L. I. CITY, NY, etc. - 8.5" comb tool inc. a quick and screw adj nut wrench, hammer, pry bar with nail puller. Excellent like new. (S791)
0885. Unmarked - - 8" doe wrench and saw blade holder with brass thumbscrew to hold saw blade. Excellent (S830)
0886. Unmarked - - 7" Millea's Emergency Tool Mfd. by Universal Tool Co Springfield, Mass. Pat Feb 10, 1903. Combination tool inc nut, pipe, and buggy wrenches, pipe cutter, screwdriver, and wire cutter. Plate on back of lower jaw is a replacement. (S819, Cope pg 309)
Unmarked - - 11" Tryon's Jan 29, 1901 patent combination pipe, nut, and buggy wench sold by the Hartford Hardware Co of Hartford, CT. This is the largest of the six sizes mfg. (S1105, Cope pg 160)
0888 EDMONDS & METZEL CHICAGO - PERPETUAL GRIP - ALL PARTS RENEWABLE - PAT'D JULY 10 - AUG 14, 1906 - - 9" comb dbl ali with replaceable teeth, sc/dr, three dies, and two sq box wrenches. From Ralph Kaye auction. Excellent (S9)
0889. PAT AUG 97 . . 5" lever operated rack quick adj with alligator and nipple wrench, ruler, and screwdriver pat by Ira Tripp. Advertised as "The Best" wrench by Best Wrench Company of Chicago, ILL. Weak markings, hang hole. (S807) (S807)
E. Ripley Patent April 7, 1857 (same markings on both side) - - 13" comb. hammer sc/dr, and rack quick adj wrench. Very early version of Ripley's patent. Excellent. (S824)
CHAMBERLAIN'S WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 22, 1912 - - 9" combination adj nut wrench, pliers, sc/dr, and threading die. Pat. by John Chamberlain of Bismark, ND. (S805)
0892. BONNEY VISE & TOOL WKS MAR 3, 1908. etc. (Bonney's "The Masterpiece") - - 15.5" comb. wood handled nut and pipe wrench with pipe cutter attachment. Hard to find in this large size. Markings not all readable, some dings, and handle crack. (S567)
0893. PAT MAY 16, 1871 / WARRANTED MALLEABLE - - 8.25" neat comb. wrench, pliers, cutter, etc. pat by George Capewell (Cheshire CT). Sc/dr bit missing, otherwise excellent. (S811)
0894. Unmarked - - 7" comb pliers and adj alligator wrench. Pat 7-2-1906, 3-31-1908, and 7-19-1910 by Norman McAslan of Yorkshire, Iowa One side has some pitting. (S255)
0895. AVST 24 - - 7' comb. tool with two open end wrenches and a threading tap. Good Plus. (not listed)
0896. SPOB ? BTE S.G.D.G. (BTE S.G.D.G. is French abb. for "without government guarantee") - - 8.5" odd pliers type wrench with screw driver on end (not listed)
PAT MAY 30, 1865 AND JULY 10, 1866 - - 6" Boardman combination tool (Norwich, CT) inc. hammer, nail claw, sc/dr, square socket and tool bit holder (in end of handle), and a nut and pipe wrench. Good Plus. (S788)
883 thru 897
0898. F & E MENZ GERMANY - - 6.75" small comb tool inc. hammer, hatchet, pliers, nail puller, sc/dr. Ex (not in Schulz)
0899. GERMANY - - 6.25" variation of the comb. hatchet tool above (different sc/dr and no nail puller). Ex with org paint.
0900. LOUDERBACK & CO PHILADELPHIA, PA PATD MAY 1, 1883 / WARRANTED CAST STEEL - - 9" comb tool with at least 10 functions inc. several plier type tools, punch, hammer, cutter, vise, sc/dr, etc. Cutter blades are missing. (S817, C204)
0901. K K K TOOL CURRIER-KOETH MFG CO CLOUDSPORT PA PAT JULY 2, 1900 - - 9" Koeth's Combination Kit, plier tool with five interchangeable jaws. No box (S816)
0902. Unmarked except on package K & F HANDY-PLIER - TONSCO TAIWAN PAT 4,614,001 - - 10.25" comb tool inc hammer, pipe wrench, nail puller, and several pliers. Patented 9-30-1986 by Mou T. Liou of Taiwan. Inventions for terrible tools to use but great to collect didn't end in the early 1900's. Ex NOS in original package.
0903. TRIANGLE ARMORED CABLE TOOL - PATENTS PENDING - - 11.5" complicated pliers type tool for cutting flexible steel conduct for electrical wire. (S921)
0904. GEDORE VANADIUM NO. 90 1/2" X 8" / ORIGINAL-GEDORE - - 8.25" comb. Crescent type wrench with an alligator wrench on end. Plated and EX.
0905. HERKULES PATENT - - 9.75" comb. tool advertised as "The Hercules Combination Tool" with 40 functions, including hammer, hatchet, numerous wrenches, cutters ,sc/dr, file, saw, threading dies, two rulers, etc, etc. The King of Worthless Tools but a Great Collectable Tool. Some areas of pitting.
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked - - 10" slip joint pliers with an open end wrench on end of each handle. Plated, like new.
(2.) Unmarked - - 7" neat little specialty plier type tool with at least four unknown functions. EX
G. A. GLOOR PATENTED CHICAGO - - 7" comb pliers with wire cutters and alligator wrench. Pat not found. Some pitting. Rare (not listed)
890 thru 907
0908. FAMOUS 8 IN 1 / STEIGER SALES CORP SOLE DIST'B'RS TULSA OKLA - - 8" comp plier tool with hammer, nail claw, sc/dr, open end wrenches, etc. EX (S1095)
Lot of three:
(1.) Marked only PK - - 4.25" (when folded) Combination Tool for US M1 Rifles (second model) inc brass brush, sc/dr, etc. Tool was stored in the rifle butt.
(2.) MWM C68334 - - 8.75" M6 combination tool for US Browning .30 caliber machine gun inc wrenches, sc/dr, punches, etc.
(3.) 41-W-867-32 - - 8.75" slightly different version of the Browning machine gun wrench above.
0910. Marked only GERMANY - - 3.25" metal tool handle with five tool bits inc sc/dr, drill bit, punch, tweezers, etc. Old and Ex.
Lot of two:
(1.) BARCALO BUFFALO USA PAT D111564 - - 6.5" comb tool inc hammer, sc/dr, openers, etc. Pat 10/4/1938 by Ernest Cullen of San Diego, CA (not listed)
(2.) SPARK PLUG GAP GAGE .O32 - - 6" comb tool inc several wrenches, sc/dr, feeler gauge, and compartment holding sheer pins. Evidently a small engine tool (have been told it is for outboard boat engines). (not listed)
0912. VULCAN AUTO TOOL / PATENT PENDG / J H WILLIAMS CO BROOKLYN, NY USA / - - 7.5" comb. tool with at least twelve functions inc. a hammer, alligator wrench, sc/dr, bottle opener, etc. Some pitting. (S66, C337)
0913. UTILEX 641535 - PAT NO 579210 - PLG DES 841889 - BRITISH MADE - - 9.25" comb. Crescent type wrench with hammer, screwdriver, nail puller, ruler, file. (S752)
0914. Unmarked hammer, tack hammer, etc. tool - - 8.75" neat primitive looking tool. (not listed)
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked - - 9.5" mal. comb hammer, nail puller, carpet stretcher tool.
(2.) Unmarked - - 9.5" mal. comb tool with stove shaker handle, lid lifter, and wrenches..
Lot of two:
(1.) Marked only HONG KONG - - 7.5" Household comb tool inc plier wrenches, jar opener, sc/dr, bottle opener, etc. Joseph Amigone's design pat of 7-3-1951, Plated, EX.
(2.) Marked only TAIWAN - - 7.75" plier type comb tool inc hammer, tack puller, opener, etc.
0917. BRIEGEL METHOD TOOL CO GALVA ILL - PAT APL - NO 100 - - 9.5" odd comb pipe or tubing cutter and reamer, mal with wooden knob.
0918. FROG TOOL PAT PENDING - - 4.25" modern comb tool with 15 functions inc several wrenches, sc/dr, spark plug gaper, etc with belt pouch. NOS like new. (More Info)
NEVER-STALL - MATHEWS DAYTON, OHIO /PATENTED - DROP FORGED STEEL - - 10.5" comb. tool with adj wrench, pliers, sc/dr, nail claw, etc. Made at various times by Mathews, Forshee Mfg, and Thomas Mfg. Co. all of Dayton, Ohio. Small old weld repair. (S818, C213)
908 thru 919
0921. Unmarked - - 5.75" all metal comb hand vise, nut wrench, and tool holder that adjusts by turning the hollow handle which also holds the six tool attachments. Excellent (unlisted)
0922. ALBERT LEA MFG. CO. ALBERT LEA, MINN / PAT APD - - 8.5" comb pivoting head tool with nipper and plier jaws. Plated, Good Plus. (S280)
0923. MEDHUS-PIHL MFG CO HASTING, MINN (marked same both sides) - - 8.5" same comb pivoting head tool as above, different mfg. Plated, EX (like S280)
0924. UTILITOOL CO CHICAGO USA PAT 12-2-'13 - - 7.5" comb pivoting head tool similar to above plus sc/dr and nail puller. Made by the Utility Tool Co of Chicago and pat by Henry G. Wernimont, of Washington, DC. Plated, Ex cond, some markings weak. (C311)
0925. Unmarked - - 14" wooden handled claw hammer with a nail puller, staple puller and notches under the claw to be used as a alligator type nut wrench. Adv. in the 1915 Sears & Roebuck catalog as the Fulton Utility Hammer. Good Plus. (S796)
0926. Unmarked - - 8.75" malleable with wood knife type handle comb. hatchet, hammer, nail puller, and screwdriver. Neat. Tight handle crack otherwise excellent.
0927. PAT'D AUG. 6, '78 - -9.25". Henry Hill's (Moline, IL) patent screw adjust malleable nut wrench with hammer head. painted, some pitting. (S958)
0928. PAT, SEPT 1875 / REISSUED JUNE 1876 - - 10.5" McCormick's patent screw adjust malleable nut wrench. Excellent. (S963)
0929. McCormick's patent malleable nut wrench like above in rare 8" size. Extreme pitting, painted, some markings hard to read. (like S963)
0930. PAT. SEPT. 7, '97 - 23 - - 10.25" Vandegrift's (Shelbyville, IN) patent malleable nut wrench. - - Scarce size. Jaw sprung (S965)
Lot of two Vandegrift's patent malleable nut wrenches like above:
(1.) PAT. SEPT. 7, '97 - 26 - - 6.75 inch
(2.) 6 - PAT. SEPT. 7, '97 - - 10.25 inch. Adjusting nut stripped.
0932. PAT. SEPT. 7, '97 - - 5.5" Vandegrift wrench like above but with cutout slots in body. Mfg. by the Monte Wrench Co. (Shelbyville, IN). Good Plus
0933. PAT. SEPT. 7, '97 / 30 - - 9" wood handled version of Vandegrift's patent nut wrench. Good Plus (S966)
PAT. SEPT. 7, '97 / 37 - - 7.5" wood handled version of Vandegrift's nut wrench like above. Good + + (S966)
920 thru 934
0935. PATENT APP'D FOR - MADE IN USA / FORGED TOOL STEEL - - 9" combination side screw adj. monkey and alligator wrench. Earliest version of Morris's Economy Wrench pat. 8-4-1908. Old weld repair on back of lower jaw assembly.
0936. PAT AUG. 4, 1908 - FORGED TOOL STEEL / MARSHALLTOWN, IA - - 9.75" Economy wrench like above but with open back on lower jaw assembly. Good + +.
0937. PAT AUG. 4, 1908 - KC. DROP FORGED CO. INDEPENDENCE, MO USA / 10 INCH - IMPROVED ECONOMY PAT AUG 4. 1908 - - 10" Morris's last version of his Economy Wrench with auto wrench type knurled nut and rack gears instead of the earlier screw type adjustment.
0938. MORRIS WRENCH PAT'D / DROP FORGED TOOL STEEL - - 15.5" One of the all time classics of wrench collectingdom. Good Plus
Lot of two:
(1.) THE -"TEDDY - SCREWDRIVER / MARSHALLTOWN, IA USA - - 9" early example of Morris' combination alligator wrench, hammer, and screwdriver tool.
(2.) THE -"TEDDY - SCREWDRIVER / MARSHALLTOWN, IA USA - - 8" RARE small size var.. Not all lettering readable because of extreme overall pitting.
0940. THE - TEDDY / MORRIS-BLODGETT D. F. T. CO. INDEP, MO - - 10.5" Hard to find longest version of Morris' Teddy. Excellent with extra large, bold markings.
0941. MORRIS-BLODGETT D. F. T. CO. INDEP, MO / PAT JAN 18, 1911 FORGED TOOL STEEL - - 11.25" Pipe wrench. Morris patented this pipe wrench on Jan, 18, 1910 (not 1911 as marked on the wench) and evidently very few were made as they are seldom found. RARE and EXCELLENT.
RANCHMAN / TOOL-STEEL FORGED - - 12.25" combination (fencing) tool with hatchet, hammer, screwdriver, plier, etc. Probably Morris'
7-19-1898 patent. Leather punch missing as usual.
935 thru 942
0943. MCCORMICK DEERING CHICAGO U.S.A. sickle sharpener
0944. Unmarked (7926T IHC) - - 9.5" diameter cast iron funnel
IH INTERNATIONAL TOOLS 17 piece 3/4 drive socket set #999053R1 - - contains 14 sockets, 1 ratchet, 1 extension, and the box. Like New with original paper label still inside of lid.
943 thru 945
0946. (6) IHC wrenches for F-12 Farmall Tractor 1326E - - 8.5", 1595E - - 6", 12737DA -5.5", 26494-D - - 8", G3170 - - 12", and GA3171 - - 7.5" (R1-253)
(8) IHC wrenches for F-30 Tractor 1595E - - 6", 11858DA - - 5.5", 13071D - - 12" adj w, 12335D - - 8", 12737D - - 5.5", 21264D - - 7.5", G3173 - - 4.5", G3525 - - 7" (R1-253)
946 thru 947
0948. IHC 1300C - - 9.5" cream separator w (R1-256)
0949. Unmarked (IHC 91C screw driver for cream separator) - - 4.5" (R1-256)
0950. (3) IHC cream separator wrenches 950C - - 6", 10465CX - - 9", 10466CX - - 9" (R1-256)
0951. Lot of two IHC cream separator wrenches: 10014C and 10014CA - - 7" (R1-256)
0952. Laot of two IHC cream separator wrenches: 1244C and 1244CA - - 7" (R1-256)
0953. Lot of two IHC cream separator wrenches: 924C and 924C w/keyhole - - 6" (R1-256)
Lot of two IHC cream separator wrenches:
10593CAX - - 8.5" (R1-256)
Unmarked (N42261 IHC) - - 6.5" square Allen type w
0955. J122 (IHC) - - 6.5" pitman w painted (R1-254)
0956. J480 (IHC Plano) - - 6.5" pitman w (R1-381)
0957. L320 (Plano IHC) - - 9" adj w no Plano logo light pitting jaw sprung (R1-381)
Lot of two JONES D114 - - 6.5" one with Plano logo and one without (R1-381)
948 thru 958
0959. Plano logo - - 10" whmw replaced handle (R1-381)
0960. MCCORMICK E629J - - 14" spanner wrench pitted (R1-319)
0961. 950 (McCormick) - - 10" (R2-143)
0962. Lot of threee MCCORMICK IHC - - 6.5" doe wrenches. three variants (R1-319)
0963. MCCORMICK - - 10" whmw (R1-320)
0964. Lof of two MCCORMICK in W & B logo one - - 8" whmw and one - - 10" whmw, with hammer damage.
0965. Lot of two MCCORMICK in W & B logo - - 8" whmw weak stamp and MCCORMICK / Pat Sep 7 97 - - 8.5" all metal Vandegrift monkey w (R1-320)
0966. Lot of two IHC 271N - - 6" tee wrenches, diff castings (R1-251)
Lot of two:
Unmarked IHC 67479C1 - - 10"
529959R1 - - 7.5" (R1-252)
959 thru 967
Lot of two:
Unmarked IHC 4725D - - 9.5"
10720D - - 9" soc w
0969. IHC P318 - - 4.5" (R1-73)
0970. IHC 97LA - - 4.5" (R1-250)
0971. IHC G5413 - - 7" light pitting (R1-253
0972. 1406E DROP FORGED MADE IN USA (IHC) - - 5" doe w
0973. IHC G8917 - - 4" (R2-146)
0974. IHC G8210 - - 6" (R1-253)
0975. IHC G3166 - - 5.5" (R1-253)
0976. IHC 3614T - - 6" (R2-146)
0977. 3613T drop 29 forged made in USA (IHC) - - 7" doe w
Lot of two:
T560 (IHC) - - 5.5" tee wrench.
IHC F8121 - - 7" dbl soc wrench w/stud (R1-252) and 255
0979. (2) IHC D736 and PITMAN - - 5.5" pitman w (R1-252)
0980. (2) IHC 9118 - - 7.5" impressed and embossed lettering (R1-252)
0981. (2) (IHC) 256 - - 8" H523 - - 8" (R1-251) and 253
IHC U50 Canada and UA51 Canada - - 9" 2 piece w (R1-255)
968 thru 982
0983. IHC U50 and U51 - - 9" 2 piece w (R1-255)
0984. (3) IHC HE911 - - 7" diff markings (R1-254)
0985 (2) IHC HD911 - - 7" diff markings (R1-254)
0986 (2) IHC H911 - - 7" one has ledger plate imprint (R1-254)
0987. (2) DEERING - - 7" large lettering one side, pitting and large lettering both sides, light pitting (R1-139)
0988. (2) DEERING - - 7" large lettering / small lettering and small lettering one side (R1-139)
0989. DEERING 3/8 5/16 - - 6" doe w
0990. (2) DEERING HAY RAKE - - 6" pitted and DEERING (in ledger plate logo) D736 - - 5.5" pitman w (R1-139)
0991. DEERING - - 4.5" punch
IHC 3525G - - 7" casting error should have been G3525
983 thru 992
0993. DEERING - - 12" whmw (R1-139)
0994. DEERING - - 10" whmw (R1-139)
0995. DEERING / Pat Sep 7 97 - - 8.5" all metal Vandegrift monkey w crack sprung (R1-139)
0996. IHC P1599 - - 12.5" (R1-255)
0997. IHC SA1234 - - 9.5" (R1-255)
0998. (3) N738 IHC - - 5" diff markings (R1-254)
0999. (2) Unmarked IHC K748 - - 6" and KZ748 - - 4" stamped steel
(2) IHC 5283 - - 10" and IHC 2715 - - 9.5" (R1-251)
993 thru 1000
1001. (3) IHC P28 - - 8" diff markings (R1-255)
1002. (2) IHC P28 1/2 - - 6.5" diff markings (R1-255)
1003. 28 1/2 (IHC) - - 6.5" (R1-250)
1004. (2) IHC P890 and IHC P1183 - - 7.5" (R1-254) and 255
1005. (2) IHC G261 MOWER - - 7" and (R197 (IHC) - - 8.5" pitted (R1-253 and 255
1006. SA2126 (IHC) - - 7" stamped steel (R1-255)
1007. SA2127 (IHC) - - 8.5" stamped steel pitted (R1-255)
1008. SA2128 (IHC) - - 11" stamped steel pitting (R1-255)
1009. (3) Unmarked (IHC) stamped steel ST52 - - 7", ST53 - - 8.5", ST54 - - 11" (R1-255)
1010. IH CO 14327L Williams Forged in USA 207 - - 17" spud wrench. (R1-252)
IHC (J1502) - - 13" straight hdl ratchet (R1-254)
1001 thru 1011
1012. IHC (M43823) - - 16" curved hdl ratchet (R2-145)
1013. IHC U219 - - 6.5" (R1-255)
1014. (2) IHC N478 - - 5" tee w diff markings (R1-254)
1015. (3) IHC Z812 - - 6.5" diff markings (R1-255)
1016. (2) IHC Z811 - - 7.5" diff markings (R1-255)
Lot of two:
(1.) 733 (C.B. & Q. IHC) - - 7.5" (R1-73)
(2.) IHC P349 - - 7.5" pitted (R1-254)
1018. IHC F9136 - - 9.5" (R1-253
1019. (2) IHC F354 and IHC F354C - - 8" (R1-252)
1020. FA354 (IHC) - - 8" w/stud painted (R2-145)
IHC J1392 - - 12.5" pitted, bent (R1-254)
1012 thru 1021
1022. IHC 131L - - 14" (R1-250)
1023. IHC Y3028 - - 17" (R1-255)
1024. IHC M238 - - 14" (R1-254)
1025. IHC 102F - - 8.5" (R1-250)
1026. E333 1/2 (IHC) - - 12" (R1-252)
Lot of two:
(1.) IHC 270N - - 10.5" (R1-250)
(2.) IHC P3156 - - 8.5" (R1-319)
Lot of two:
(1.) IHC S110 - - 6" (R1-255)
(2.) Unmarked (IHC R136) - - 7" (R1-255)
IHC 17977D - - 12" (R1-252)
1022 thru 1029
1030. IHC N236 - - 6" (R1-254)
1031. (2) IHC 1059B - - 8.5" large and small logo (R1-251)
1032. H523 (IHC) - - 9" 4 openings pitted
1033. (3) IHC ZA810 - - 9" pitman w diff marks (R1-255)
1034. IHC Z810 - - 7" (R1-255)
1035. (3) M231 (IHC) - - 6.5" diff marks (R1-254)
1036. M231 (IHC) - - 7" soc var. (R1-254)
1037. M231 (IHC) - - 7" dog bone var. pitting (R1-254)
1038. IHC M141 - - 9" light pitting (R1-254)
1039. IHC HP F239 (Hamilton Plow Works) - - 9.5" (R1-214
1040. (3) IHC L9 - - 8" solid , 5 hole, and 6 hole hdl variations (R1-254)
IHC R319R - - 8" (R1-255)
1030 thru 1041
1042. FARMERS EVERREADY TOOLKIT / DROP FORGED STEEL - - 11.5" comb fencing tool inc. hatchet, hammer, ali wrench, pliers, sc/dr, and more. EX (S803)
1043. PATENT PENDING / ??? FORGED STEEL - - 11.5" comb fencing tool inc. hatchet, hammer, ali wrench, pliers, sc/dr, etc. Pitted (like Thomas Mfg Tool S801)
1044. RED VIKING BOX 228 BLOOMFIELD, IND - - 11" comb fencing type tool inc hatchet, hammer, plier wrench, sc/dr, etc. like new NOS with original paper label and red paint.
1045. HERCULES FENCE MASTER PAT PEND - - 10.25" comb fencing tool inc. hammer, nail claw, cutters, pliers, etc. (not in Schulz)
1046 Unmarked - - 10.25" comb fencing tool inc. hammer, staple puller, cutters, pliers, etc. User modified regular fencing pliers with a welded on hammer head.
Lot of two:
(1.) CRESCENT TOOL CO - 1907 - JAMESTOWN, NY - - 10.25" combination plier type fencing tool inc hammers, cutters, plier wrenches, etc.
(2.) CRONK - - 10.75" comb. pliers type fencing tool with two hammers, cutters, etc. Excellent.
Lot of two:
(1.) RED DEVIL TRADEMARK - - 8" comb. plier type tool and wire cutter. Mfg. by the Smith & Hemenway before their purchase in 1926 by the Crescent Tool Co. Excellent.
(2.) UNICO WIRE SPLICER / PATS. 2568133 -, 2611397 - - 8" plier type splicing tool. Excellent.
Kitselman Wire Tool marked only 2063 / 2064 - - 9.75" comb hammer, staple puller, plier type tool. EX
1042 thru 1049
1050. KANAVEL WRENCH CO LTD KILBUCK, OHIO / PAT FEB 1, 1916 - - 14" quick adj rack type pipe wrench with a roller bottom jaw that doubles as a fence stretcher. Rare tool in top notch condition (not listed)
1051. BROWN FENCE CO CLEVELAND O - - 10.75" all metal tool for making woven wire fence with a ratcheting center section and lever lock. Excellent with previous owners initials "DAT" stamped on handle..
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked - - 12.25'' Hjorth Lightning Combination Wrench with plier wrench, wire cutter, nail puller, pry bar. Patented by (on 9-8-1903) and mfg. by Arthur Hjorth of Jamestown NY.
(2.) WM HJORTH & CO. - JAMESTOWN, NY - PAT SEPT. 8, 1903 - - 9.25" Hjorth Lightning Combination Wrench like above but with replaceable lower jaw insert.
1053. MCKAIG-DORNTGE DROP FORGING CO BUFFALO NY - - 12.25'' comb plier wrench with wire cutter, nail puller, pry bar. Looks similar to the Lightning Combination Wrench listed above.
1054. 783-9037 SFT (arrow logo) 1988 - - 13.75" (9.5" folded) plier type wire tool with folding handles. Called a folding saddle bag cutters in wire tool book, probably military?. Excellent
1055. THE BUFFALO OSMUNDSON MFG CO PAT APD FOR PERRY IOWA - - 10.25" plier type fencing tool. Some nicks and bruises.
1056. Unmarked - - 13" all metal combination tool with a hammer , hatchet, two nail pullers, rock chisel and notches on the hatchet edge to be used as a alligator type nut wrench. Never seen anything like it. Pitted but still a great graphic tool. (not listed)
DROP FORGED - PATENTED SEPT. 28, 1909 / MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. - - 13" all metal comb. tool with hammer, nail puller claws, pry bar with nail puller, ruler markings, and a notched alligator type wrench. Pat. by William Carr of Minneapolis. Good looking rare tool in excellent condition from the Wullweber Auction. (S1044TR, C90)
1050 thru 1057
1058. PAT. NOV 20, 94 - - 9.5" malleable comb. tool with a hammer and staple puller claw with notches for use as an alligator wrench, and a hook on the end for use as a fence wire splicer. Pat. by John Hebblewaite Rock Island, ILL. Pitted. (S1044TR5)
1059. SECURITY (on both sides) - - 10" malleable hammer with nail or tack puller claw. Good Plus.
1060. SCULLY-DRIFT - PAT. PEND. NO. 3 - 25102. - - 7" all metal staple puller? Good Plus. (not listed)
1061. MADE BY STRIBEY &: FOOTE CO. - NEWARK, NJ - PAT. SEPT. 19, 1904 / THE COULTER TOOL CO. SAN ANTONIA, TEXAS - - 15" comb. plier type tool with leather punch, sc/dr, nail claw. wire cutter, etc. "S" hook is missing from nose piece, otherwise Excellent.
1062. The Hammond Mfg. Co. Boston, Mass USA / Patented April 3. 1900 - - 7" qk adj rack type pw with a lever that releases the upper jaw to adj. Rare size, some pitting. (S676)
1063. KWIKSET - A. G. PIPE WRENCH PAT SEP 7, 26 - - 12.5" qk adjust rack type pipe wrench with lever that controls the upper jaw. Excellent (S686)
1064. BAUMO (with arrow logo) - SERIAL NO. 1-14 - PATENTED 4-23-35 / MFG BY JOHN W. BAUMNAN & SONS SASSAMANSVILLE, PA etc. - - 13" qk adjust rack type pipe wrench with lever that controls the upper jaw. (S651)
1065. ECLIPSE 3 PAT JULY 24, 1900 / H. W, & M CO RICHFORD NY - - 14" qk adj rack type pw with button release. Mfg by Hilts wrench & Machine Mfg. Co. Good Plus. (S667)
1066. Unmarked (mfg by Guss Mfg. Co. of Delphos, Ohio) - - 13" qk adj rack type pipe wrench pat 8-1-1905 by Orange Guss. Pitted. (S674)
GRIPSO-MATIC PIPE WRENCH BASFORD MFG CO SAN FRANCISCO PAT NO 2,645,966 - 12.5" qk adj rack type pipe wrench with u-shaped release. Excellent. (S673)
1058 thru 1067
1068. THE J. L. TAYLOR PIPE & WRENCH PAT'D - C. H. REDMAN & CO. SOLE M'F'GR - DEC 1, 1891 NEWARK, NJ - - 11.25" lever release qk adjust with rack teeth on shaft. (S558)
Lot of two"
(1.) LOCHJAW PIPE WRENCH PAT 4023969 TOOL DYNAMICS BEDFORD HTS, OHIO, etc. - - 11.5" modern qk adjust with rack teeth on shaft. Plastic sleeve covers handle. Excellent (not listed)
(2.) THE VLCHECK TOOL CO - PAT APP'D FOR / NO. 2 - - 10.25" adjustable spanner wrench with a sliding upper jaw with spanner peg. Made by the Vlchek Tool Co. of Cleveland, Ohio. Pat 1-18-1916 by John Bartenstein. (not in Schulz, see Cope page 316)
1070. THE BECKLIN WRENCH CO. SEATTLE, WASH / PAT MAR 16, 1920 etc. - - 14" qk adj rack wrench with unique pivoting release lever. Light pitting , repaired. (S713)
1071. GORDON AUTOMATIC PATENT APPLIED FOR - - 10.25" Curved handle Crescent type with an attachment to the adjusting gear that release or locks the moveable jaw. Good plus. (S492)
1072. SEARS 8 (markings are stenciled) - - 8" Sears' modern version of the Gordon Crescent type quick adjust. Pull the knurled nut down to release the sliding jar. (not listed)
1073. MCKERCHER 10 / PAT FEB 13, 1900 - - 9" qk adjust with a spring loaded plunger that releases the upper jaw. Mfg by McKercher Wrench & Tool Co. of Jackson, Minnesota. (S692)
1074. MCKERCHER 14 / PAT FEB 13, 1900 - - 13.75" like wrench above (S692)
1075. WALWORTH MFG. CO. BOSTON, MASS - - 12" wooden handle qk adjust with complex rack type adjustment. Excellent (S728)
Unmarked - - 16" lever operated qk adj pw with some odd linkage. Pat 12-3-1889 and advertised as The Buffalo wrench by the Graham Vise Wrench Co. of Buffalo, New York. (S658, C147)
1068 thru 1076
1077. 13.5" unmarked example of the Rex qk adj pw pat 6-5-1894 by Charles Vandewater of Auburn, New York. Scarce Lever operated rack wrench in excellent condition.(S716, C313)
1078. 9" unmarked Pollocks Automatic qk adjust nut wrench mfg by the Wisconsin Stamped Steel Co of Madison, Wisc. (S707)
1079. EDSTROM (in script) / PAT 1-2-23 & 6-9-23 OTHER PATS PEND - - 9" qk adj nut wrench with rack teeth on moveable upper jaw and a spring loaded release lever. Patented by Otto Edstrom of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Excellent(S489)
1080. THE KEITH WRENCH / KEITH MFG. CO. AURORA, ILL - - 14.5" all metal version pipe wrench with both self adjusting and quick adjust features. Some markings weak. (S684)
1081. JACKSON'S PATENT 14 INCH / W. W. WHITEHEAD CO - DAVENPORT, IOWA - - 16" lever operated quick adj pw. Good Plus with chipped jaw serrations. (S682)
1082. Markings not readable (Ireland Pipe Wrench Co. Boston, Mass.) - - 11" Lever operated quick adjust pw pat 1903, 1905, 1907. Light pitting. (S681)
1083. EMPIRE / PAT DEC 29, 1896 - - 13" qk adj pw pat in 1896 by James Pierce and in 1903 by Karl Peterson (founder of the Crescent Tool Co.) and mfg by William Hjorth & Co of Jamestown, New York. Excellent. (S669)
BARNSLEY TRADE MARK (with arrow logo) / PAT. DEC 15, 1914 A. W. MFG CO BOSTON, MASS - - 8.75" unique qk adj nut wrench with a locking clutch or cam device mfg by the Automatic Wrench Mfg Co of Boston and pat by Arthur Smiley. EX (S475)
1077 thru 1084
1085. CRAFT 6 IN / THE CRAFTSMAN TOOL CO. CONNEAUT, O. - PAT NOV 12, 07 - - 6.75" qk adj pipe/nut wrench with a rack and spring loaded roller jaw adjustment. Pat by George Heckling of Cleveland, Ohio. Open gear variation .Scarce 6 inch size in excellent condition. (S663T)
1086. CRAFT 8 IN / THE CRAFTSMAN TOOL CO. CONNEAUT, O. - PAT NOV 12, 07 - - 8.75 qk adj roller pipe/nut wrench, open gear var.. like above. Good Plus (like S663T)
1087. THE ATTWOOD MFG CO CONNEAUT, OHIO PAT NOV 1807 - - 11.75" qk adj roller pipe wrench. Early Craft Wrench variation with open gear and an extension on the lower jaw to open it. Weak spring and pitted. (not in Schulz, C47)
1088. CRAFT 14" MADE IN USA / PAT NOV 1907 & APR 14, 1925 - - 15.25" qk adj roller pipe/nut wrench, shielded gear var.. Good Plus (like S663T)
1089. CRAFT 14 IN / THE ATTWOOD MFG CO CONNEAUT, OHIO, etc. - - 15.25" The Craft wrench was mfg by Attwood Mfg in 1913 and 1914 only. Early unshielded gear var.. Excellent (like S663B)
CRAFT 18 IN / THE CRAFTSMAN TOOL CO. CONNEAUT, O. - PAT NOV 12, 07 - - 19" pipe/nut wrench, unshielded gear variation. (like S663T)
1085 thru 1090
1091. DIAMOND (in diamond logo) DULUTH USA / US - - 5.75" Diamond's oldest version of their Handy Man pliers with a 4" Crescent and a screwdriver. EX (S243L)
1092. DIAMOND (in diamond logo) HANDIMAN DULUTH DH16 / FORGED IN USA - - 6.5 older Handiman tool like above with plier jaw extensions. EX (S243L)
1093. DIAMOND HANDYBOY DH18 USA / DIAMOND DH18 (with horseshoe logo) - - 7.5" newer version with different style wire cutter. Plated, like new. (S243R)
1094. DIAMOND TOOL & HORSESHOE CO C-79 FORGED STEEL, etc (with horseshow logo) - - 9" auto type adj wrench. (like new)
1095. DIAMOND C711 FORGED USA (with horseshoe logo) - - 10.75" auto type adj wrench. EX
1096. DIAMOND CALK CO 11 IN / DIAMOND DULUTH, MINN MADE IN USA - USN NAF1106-4 - - 11" auto type adj wrench. First one I've seen with US Navy markings. EX
1097. DIAMOND C715 FORGED USA (with horseshoe logo) (also stamped with owner's mark "BN INC") - - 15" auto type adj wrench. EX
1098. DIAMOND C718 FORGED USA (with horseshoe logo) / NO EXTENSIONS - - 18" auto type adj wrench. EX
DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO 18 IN FORGED STEEL etc. (w/ horseshoe logo) / DIAMOND DULUTH, MINN MADE IN USA - - 18" auto type adj wrench. Older heavier model than above. EX
1091 thru 1099
Lot of two:
(1.) 6" DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO.- Duluth, Minn. etc. (w/ horseshoe logo) / DIAMOND (in a diamond logo), etc. 6" Crescent type nut wrench. Good Plus.
(2.) 8" DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO., etc. / DIAMALLOY (in diamond logo) - - 8" Crescent type. Good Plus with black finish.
Lot of two:
(1.) 10" DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO., etc. (w/ horseshoe logo) / DIAMOND (in a diamond logo), etc. 10" Crescent type. Pitted.
(2.) 10" DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO. (w/ horseshoe logo)- A415 / DIAMOND (in a diamond logo), etc. 10" Crescent type (slightly different marking than 10 incher above). Excellent
1102. 12" DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO. / DIAMOND (in a diamond logo), etc. 12" Crescent type nut wrench with 3/4" box end wrench end of hdl.. Good Plus/
1103. 15" DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO. (w/ horseshoe logo) / DIAMALLOY (in diamond logo. Good Plus with plated finish.
Lot of two:
(1.) 6" DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. (with horseshoe logo) / DIAMALLOY (in diamond logo), etc. - - 6" Crescent type. Excellent with black finish.
(2.) 8" DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. / DIAMOND (in diamond logo), etc. - - 8" Crescent type. Good Plus.
Lot of two:
(1.) 10" DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. (with horseshoe logo) / DIAMALLOY (in diamond logo), etc. - - 10" Crescent type. Excellent.
(2.) 12" DIAMOND TOOL AND HORSESHOE CO. (with horseshoe logo) / DIAMALLOY (in diamond logo), etc. - - 12" Crescent type. Excellent.
Lot of two:
(1.) 6" WIDE OPENING - DIAMOND (in diamond logo), etc - - 6" Crescent type. Black finish. Excellent, new unused condition.
(2.) 8" WIDE OPENING - DIAMOND (in diamond logo), etc - - 8" Crescent type. Black finish. Excellent, new unused condition.
NOTE: See Lot 510 for a 4" Diamond Crescent type.
1107. S182 (Litchfield Mfg. Co.) - - 9" same wrench as more common M182. Scarce. (R1-299)
Lot of two:
(1.) M182 (Litchfield Mfg. Co.) - - 9" Same as above but with diff. part No. (R1-299)
(2.) M183 (Litchfield Mfg. Co.) - - 10.5" pitting (R1-299)
1109. COLLINS PLOW CO 124 - - 7.5" Light pitting drilled hole (R1-108)
1110. CHASE TINSMAN PLOW CO - - 10" (R1-97)
1111. CHASE PLOW CO B35 - - 10" First I've seen with a part No. (R1-97)
Lot of two:
(1.) APPLETON MFG CO BATAVIA ILL USA C620 - - 10" light pitting (R1-21)
(2.) C620 (Appleton) - - 10.5" (R1-21)
1113. OK CHAMPION 59 - - 8" (R1-94)
Lot of two:
(1.) GDP CO G111 (Grand Detour Plow Co.) - - 10" (R1-205)
(2.) NO 10 DISC (Grand Detour Plow Co.) - - 10" 2 open end var.. (R1-205)
Lot of two:
(1.) NO 10 G (Grand Detour Plow Co.) - - 10" 2 open end var.. pitting (R1-205)
(2.) NO 10 G DISC (Grand Detour Plow Co.) - - 10" 3 open end var.. (R1-205)
13 (Grand Detour Plow Co.) - - 8" with three open ends, sq box, and a hammer. Open loop handle. Pitted (not in Rathbone, ID from parts list)
1107 thru 1116
Lot of two:
(1.) THE F. E. MEYERS AND BRO. CO. ASHLAND OHIO USA 3774 - - 14.5" (R1-344)
(2.) THE F. E. MEYERS AND BRO. CO. ASHLAND OHIO USA 3774 - - 17" (R1-344)
1118. VULCAN PLOW CO EVANSVILLE IND 96 - - 10" light pitting (R1-475)
Lot of two:
(1.) VULCAN PLOW CO EVANSVILLE IND 95 - - 7.5" (R1-475)
(2.) 95 (Vulcan Plow Co) - - 7.5" (R1-475)
Lot of two:
(1.) CHALLENGE - - 7" (R1-93)
(2.) Unmarked Challenge - - 7" Same wrench as above
Lot of two:
(1.) BEMENT AND SONS J183 - - 10" painted crack drill hole (R1-49)
(2.) E BEMENT AND SONS LANSING MICH J181-1/2 - - 12" (R1-49)
B.F. AVERY AND SONS LOU. KY. E1014 - - 18" (R1-27)
1117 thru 1122
1123. B.F. AVERY AND SONS LOUISVILLE KY USA G177 - - 10.5" (R1-27)
1124. B.F. AVERY AND SONS LOUISVILLE KY USA G176 - - 9" (R1-27)
1125. B.F. AVERY AND SONS LOUISVILLE KY USA C63 - - 10" light pitting (R1-27)
1126. B.F. AVERY AND SONS J97 - - 10" light pitting (R1-27)
Lot of two:
(1.) AVERY 251 (Avery Co, Peoria, ILL) - - 7" (R1-26)
(2.) AVERY 464 (Avery Co, Peoria, ILL) - - 7" (R1-26)
1128. 94 (Avery steam engine, Peoria, ILL) - - 14" tee soc wrench (R2-18)
1129. Unmarked 4771 (Avery gas tractor, Peoria, ILL) - - 16" dbl soc. Light pitting, markings not readable. (R2-18)
Lot of two:
(1.) A-252 (Avery gas tractor, Peoria, ILL) - - 5" dbl "L" soc (R2-18)
(2.) 4271 (Avery gas tractor, Peoria, ILL) - - 11" (R2-18)
Lot of two:
(1.) 5089 (Avery Co, Peoria, ILL) - - 10" 3 soc var.. (R1-26)
(2.) 5089 (Avery Co, Peoria, ILL) - - 10" 4 soc var.. (R1-26)
1123 thru 1131
Lot of two:
(1.) WOOD - - 11.5" (R1-494)
(2.) WOOD - - 10" (R1-494)
Lot of two:
(1.) R300 (W A Wood) - - 6" (R1-494)
(2.) 2152 (W A Wood) - - 7" (R1-494)
Lot of three:
(1.) INDEPENDENT SP115 - - 7" (R1-247)
(2.) INDEPENDENT SP116 - - 9" (R1-247)
(3.) INDEPENDENT SP117 - - 11" (R1-247)
1135. B232 (Superior Drill Co) - - 8.5" (R1-446)
Lot of two:
(1.) B573 (Superior Drill Co) - - 8.5" (R1-446)
(2.) C338 (Superior Drill Co) - - 9" (R1-446)
Lot of two:
(1.) A944 (Superior Drill Co) - - 6.5" (R1-446)
(2.) 397 (Superior Drill Co) - - 7" (R1-446)
Lot of two:
(1.) A502 (Gehl) - - 5" Soc
(2.) A504 (Gehl) - - 10" (R2-112)
UX5 (Gehl) - - 15"
1132 thru 1139
1140. 2B7259 (Caterpillar) - - 20" hub w
1141. 1D3363 (Caterpillar) - - 14" (R1-86)
Lot of two:
(1.) L2303 (Caterpillar) - - 12" soc w
(2.) 3B8829 (Caterpillar) - - 8.5" drain w
Lot of two:
(1.) FOR WATER PUMP NUTS ONLY S702 MADE IN USA (Caterpillar) - - 10.5" (R1-86)
(2.) FOR WATER PUMP NUTS ONLY 4A334 - - I2" (R1-86)
Lot of two:
(1.) 1B1909 (Caterpillar) - - 10" 2-1/4" opening
(2.) 3556A (Caterpillar) - - 5.5" dbl open end w
Lot of two:
(1.) 1B8047 (Caterpillar) - - 8" light pitting drill hole (R1-88)
(2.) 7B8975 - - 11.5" square box with scraper blade. (not in Rathbone, ID from part list) NO PHOTO.
784973 (Caterpillar?) - - 6.5" soc
1140 thru 1146
1147. HOLLANDS' M'F'G CO. - ERIE, PA- 18 / PATENTED (w/ a keystone logo) - - 16.5" heavy duty pw with only three parts. Pat. 5-13-1902 by Henry Renner and adv. as "The Keystone Pipe Wrench". An impressive looking sturdy wrench with only a 1/2" tight crack on the adj. collar to keep it from grading excellent. (S604)
1148. DICKSON STILLSON WRENCH - USA PATENT MAY 21, 1912 - MFD. OSWEGO TOOL CO. - OSWEGO, N.Y. USA (w/ a picture of the wrench on the side of the upper jaw shaft! ) - - 9.5" Stillson type all metal pw with a skeleton handle. Rare. Some pitting. (not in Schulz, see Cope pg 238)
1149. UNCLE TOM WRENCH / PAT APL 26, 12 - - 11.75" wooden handled pw with a center screw that adjusts the upper jaw and an unique pivoting handle. Patent was granted 7-3-1912 to Thomas Kennel of Middletown, Ohio. From the Wullweber auction and pictured in his book. Excellent, different and extremely rare. (not in Schulz, see C188)
1150. HEWET'S UNION WRENCH PAT JAN 25, 64 / FOWLE & CO SOLE AGENTS - - 15.75" wood handled nut wrench with a threaded hollow sleeve with a fluted grip. Jan 25, 1864 is the antedate for Henry Hewet's (of New York , NY) March 22, 1864 patent for this wrench. An early historically important wrench with a striking appearance. Large scarce size with a couple small handle chips, some of the lettering is unreadable. Also see lot 480 for a Hilary Klein miniature model of this wrench. (S397)
1151. Unmarked - - 15.25" split handle adjustable nut wrench that is hinged on one end and adj by a bolt and nut on the jaw end. Neat primitive looking wrench in superb condition. From the 2001 Robert Stilley auction. Never seen another. (not listed)
1152. W. M; & W. S O FRAMINGHAM MASS / PAT'D JUNE 15, 97 - - 11.75" wood handled screw adj nut wrench with a spring loaded lower jaw that provides a ratcheting action. Made by Whiting, Macomber & Whiting and pat. by Chester Johnson of Boston, Mass. Jaw spring and handle rivet may be replacements. (S639) (S639)
1153. Unmarked - - 8.5" all metal threaded center shaft screw adj nut wrench. Maybe a shop project wrench?. Very well made and in excellent condition. From the Marvin Wullweber auction and lightly inscribed with his initials. (S410)
1154. THE ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA. USA / (E in a circle in a diamond logo) - - 14.75" all metal center screw adj. nut wrench with long adj. sleeve and heavy duty, a solid sides lower jaw. similar to a heavy duty model made by B & C. Good plus with some edge dings. (not listed)
Marked only: NO. 9 - - 8.75" wood handled center screw adj. nut wrench with brass handle ferrule. Neat and different style. (not listed, no info)
1147 thru 1155
1156. Unmarked (Girard Wrench Mfg Co of Girard, PA) - - 7.25" all metal, malleable screw adj nut wrench pat by C. H. Miller of Erie, PA on 7-11-1882. Straight wrench with some surface roughness. (S392)
1157. SHAFFER WRENCH NO 2 / PATENT PENDING - - 12.5" double jaw nut and pipe wrench with adj nut at bottom end of handle, Patented 10-26-1909 by Daniel Shaffer of Chattanooga, Oklahoma. Scarce large size. (S578)
1158. BONNELL SUREGRIP WRENCH CO NO 1 PATENTED - - 9.75" double jaw nut and pipe similar to but considerably rarer than Shaffer wrench above. Excellent with most of original nickel plating. (similar S578)
1159. SAM'L HALL'S SONS NEW YORK USA 10 IN / U.S. & ENG. PATENTED MARCH 13, 1894 CANADA MAY 8 - - 9.25" comb nut and pipe center screw adj with a pivoting top jaw. The flat sides of the jaws were used for nuts and the sharp back bottom jaw edge for pipe. Ex like new condition. (S1081, C155)
1160. SAM'L HALL'S SONS NEW YORK USA 24 IN - GRIP HIGH ON PIPE KEEP SHARP / U.S. & ENG. PAT. MARCH 13, 1894 CANADA MAY 8 - - 21" comb nut and pipe wrench like above. Hard to see chip back of lower jaw otherwise in Excellent condition. Impressive looking wrench and extremely rare in this large size. (S1081, C155)
1161. 12" QUICK RELEASE PAT'D 7-12-04 BEAVER FALLS, PA - - 12.5" odd screw adj nut and pipe wrench pat. by James McQuilkin of Industry, PA. The adj screw and lower jaw pivot to release the pipe. Patent states wrench to be used as nut or pipe wrench. Some light pitting, weak markings. Super Rare with unique release mechanism. (not in Schulz, C218)
1162. Marked only PAT (stamped on shaft) - - 13.25" heavy all metal screw adjust monkey wrench with serrated jaws and a square extension on end of handle. May be Browns patent of 4-23-1872 but it would seem 1872 is too early to have a hex adjusting nut . Adjusting screw has right hand threads rather than left hand as usually found on American wrenches. Never seen another one. Condition excellent.
1163. WINDSOR MANUF'G CO - WINDSOR, VT - PATENTED JAN 24, 1860 - - 12" wood handle center screw adj. nut wrench pat. by J. E. Neil of New York, NY. Jaw edge damage, pitting, tight crack in handle. (S427)
GATES SOLID WRENCH / PAT'D FEB 15, 87 L. W. CO - - 10.25" all metal nut wrench with an unique adjusting screw on top of upper jaw. Mfg by the Lorain Wrench co. of Lorain, Ohio. Never seen this marking variation before. Good Plus. (S391)
1156 thru 1164
1165. MERIT - - 9.5" aluminum handled nut wrench with dual threaded shaft . (like Goodell-Pratt S394)
1166. Unmarked - - 8" wood knife handled center screw adj nut wrench. No information on this one. the few that have been seen were all unmarked. Handle excellent, metal zealously cleaned. (not listed)
1167. MORANGE - PAT FEB 19, 1907 - - 8" all metal nut wrench that adjusts with a small retractable crank on the bottom of the handle. Pat. by Albert Morange or Stratford, Conn. One of the rarest wrenches in this auction but has a few surface nicks and bruises and needs some TLC by a good wrench restorer as the crank is missing and the threaded sleeve inside the handle is broken, RARE (not in Schulz or Cope's, see MVNL Sept. 2003, page 7)
1168. MANVEL & LINDSAY, NEW YORK / LINDSAY'S PATENT DEC 12, 1865 - - 15" mw with a rib on back side of shaft that fits into a slot on the lower jaw. Wooden handle has been replaced with a stacked leather washers, markings weak. (S402)
1169. THE MIEHLE - - 12" Coes type wh nut wrench with knife handle. I've never seen this imprint on a monkey wrench before, usually found on a combination wrench knife. The Miehle Co of Chicago made printing presses and related supplies. Very Good (not listed)
1170. WHITELY / WHITELY - - 10" all metal Coes type screw adj nut wrench. Mfg by Whitely Malleable Castings Co of Muncie, Indiana. Marked with large letters on malleable handle. Some nicks and bruises. (S423)
1171. WHITELEY - - 10.25" wh Coes type screw adj nut wrench. May be misspelled Whitely (see wrench above) or a farm implement company. Never seen this marking on a whmw before. Pitted, mushroomed top jaw. (not listed)
1172. P.R.R (and a keystone logo) - - 15.5" all metal mw. Crudely made with a reinforcing bar on back of the lower jaw . Reportedly made in the Altoona shop of the Penn. Rail Road. Has right vs. left handed threads on the adj. screw. Excellent. (not listed)
1173. STEVENSON WRENCH PAT PEND'G / AMERICAN SAW CO - TRENTON N. J. - - 9" all metal center screw adj. pw. Pat. 9-6-1892 by George Stevenson of Chicago. Scarce wrench made pre 1901. (not in Schulz, C39)
1174. PAT JAN 9, 1877 - - 10" all metal cast malleable mw with open loop handle patented by O. B. North of New Haven, Ct. Good Plus (S373)
1175. TRIMO COMBINATION WRENCH PAT APPLIED FOR (with Trimo 1888 trademark logo) - - 10" wood handled mw with pipe and nut jaws. Has a threaded shaft and knurled adj sleeve with a set screw to lock the jaws in position. Pat 3-18-1893. One of the rarer Trimo wrenches. (S579)
Only marks are stamped letters MASSO-T (which is probably an owners mark) - - 6.25" all metal nut wrench with an adjusting screw on the side of the fixed jaw. Advertised as "The Lipsey" and mfg by Roper Caloric Engine Mfg. Co. of New York City. Patented 7-31-1877 by Andrew Lipsey of West Hoboken, New Jersey. Scarce wrench in an ultra rare size. Excellent.
1165 thru 1176
1177. Unmarked (Rouse Pipe and Bolt Wrench) - - 12" wh center screw adj wrench pat. by J. Sanders 7-18-1882 and mfg by R. R. Rouse Mfg. Co. of Indianapolis, IN. Advertised in 1884 as a pipe and bolt wrench. Good Plus. (S618)
1178. STRONGHOLD - P. S. & W - MADE IN USA - - 18" Coes type whmw with knife handles. Outstanding condition with good patina.
Lot of three all metal nut wrenches.
(1.) TRIMO SPUD - PAT'D 12-19-11(etc.) - - 11" straight jawed adj. nut wrench, thinner than normal Trimo nut wrenches. Excellent.
(2.) RIDGID - - 10" all metal like regular Ridgid pipe wrenches but with a upper jaw for hex nuts. Excellent.
(3.) 10.5" RIDGID with hex jaw like (2.) but at a 45 degree angle. Excellent.
1180. WALCO HEX WRENCH NO. 0 / WALWORTH MFG. CO. - BOSTON USA - - 7.75" Stillson type nut wrench with v-grooved jaws for hex nuts and bolts and a tire tool end.. Excellent. (S103)
1181. WALCO HEX WRENCH NO. 1 / WALWORTH MFG. CO. - BOSTON USA - PAT. APL'D FOR - - 13" Stillson type nut wrench with v-grooved jaws for hex nuts and bolts. Excellent. (S900)
1182. WALCO HEX WRENCH NO. 2 / WALWORTH MFG. CO. - BOSTON USA - - 22.75" same as it's baby brother above. Scarce in this size. From Wullweber sale. Break in adjusting nut frame otherwise good plus. (S900)
1183. Lot of two monkey wrenches (1.) Unmarked - - 8.25" non working wooden model of a screw adjust monkey wrench. Excellent. (2.). AVON - - 7.25" Glass and plastic bottle in shape of a screw adjust monkey wrench with a label confirming that it once held Avon Firm Grip Wild Country After Shave Lotion. Vern used up the after shave Valentine's Day 1972 but bottle is still in excellent condition.
1184. BOSTWICK'S STANDARD ROLLER ??? PAT'D FEB 6, 1883 - - 11.5" wood handle screw adjust pipe wrench with a round jaw. Pat by Seymour Bostwick of Chelsea, Mass. RARE, some markings unreadable. (S632)
1185. PAT NOV 27, 94 FATKIN MFG CO NY - - 9.5" odd screw adj pipe wrench with pivoting lower jaw. Advertised as "The Defender" Excellent condition , weak markings (S599)
1186. Unmarked (except for previously owner's and/or maker's initials "J. K.") - - 8.75" interesting nut wrench with jaws at 45 degrees and a sliding lower jaw adjusted at the bottom end by a threaded shaft. Probably one of a kind shop made wrench.
1187. LURIE & LURIE 18 - GRIP - - 18.5" unusual massive all metal pw adjusted with a threaded rod with knurled knob between the jaws. Has rotating jaw inserts and pivoting head. RARE - First one we have sold. Good Plus (S691)
1188. JARECKI MFG. CO ERIE PA - PAT 1873 - - 12" pipe wrench tongs with lower jaw adj with a knurled gear. Excellent. (S740)
1189. SARGENT BROSNIHAN - PATENT SEPT. 4, 1900 - 12.25" Coes type wood handled pipe wrench with a distinctive sliding lower jaw insert. Probably made by the Brosnihan Wrench Co. of Worcester, MA for Sargent & Co. of New Haven, Ct. Impressive looking wrench with strong markings and just a few minor edge dings. (S590)
1190. BARNES TOOL CO, NEW HAVEN, CONN - - 10.5" wh pipe wrench with long adj sleeve and lever that pivots the lower jaw. Some pitting, handle cracks, patent date not readable. (S624)
1191. FISHER 12 / PAT. FEB, 8 1927 - 3 - - 11" all metal adj pw with threaded upper jaw shank and knurled sleeve and a pivoting lower jaw insert. Pat by James Fisher of Ceredo, West Virginia. Zealously cleaned. (S601)
1192. BENEDICT EXTENSION - PAT PENDING - 14 - - 13.5" plus a 5.25" extension. Screw adj all metal pw with a telescoping cheater inside the handle. Pat. 6-16-1915 by Laurance Benedict and mfg. by the Benedict Wrench Co of Chicago Super rare and different. Good Plus. (S586, C64)
1193. MADE BY THE LOWNES MFG. CO. - HUNTSVILLE, ALA. / PATENTED APRIL 23, 1889 - FEB 10, 1891 - - 8.5" all metal Stillson type pw with a rotating center section that allows the upper jaw to be inserted vertically or horizontally. Pats. by Sidney Cook and Phineas Lownes. Some pitting. (S612)
1194. P. W. LOWNDES (Lownes) - WAYNE, PA -PATENT AUG 24, 97 / DUPLEX 14: - - 14" all metal Stillson type pw with a upper jaw cage that allows the upper jaw to be inserted vertically or horizontally. different style than Lownes wench above. Pat. by Phineas Lownes. Note: name is misspelled on wrench. EXCELLENT (S611)
PAT JUNE 30, 96 (Wright Wrench) - - 8.25" all metal screw adj. pw with two piece lower jaw. Pat. and mfg. by Edward Wright and later by Peck, Stow & Wilcox. Some markings unreadable. (S642)
1184 thru 1195
1196. MID AMERICA INC. - EAGLE GRIP - PATENT NO. 2691317 - OMAHA, NEBR. - - 9.75" Stillson type pw with a jaw release lever. Like new condition. (S598)
1197. MARTOR TOOL - PAT. - 14 - - 12" Stillson type pw with a lever that tilts the upper jaw. Similar to the Eagle Grip pw above. Excellent and Rare. (S772)
Lot of two:
(1.) Stillson Wrench Mfg. By P. S. & W. Co (Peck, Stow, & Wilcox) - Southington, Conn. (etc.) - - 9.25" wood handle Stillson type pipe wrench. This wrench is identical to the ones marked "Winchester" and "Stanley" (with Sweet Heart logo) that are also on this sale. P. S. & W. probably made all three. Good Plus. (like S634)
(2.) PEXTO (Peck, Stow, & Wilcox) - - 9.25" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench same style as wood handled P. S. & W. CO above. Excellent. (not listed)
1199. COMO WRENCH CO. - CHICAGO - PAT. OCT. 14, '13 - - 13" unique screw adj pw with a slotted threaded upper jaw that fits over the wrench handle. Different and Excellent. (S589)
1200. STAR WRENCH - 10 (also marked with two stars) / PATD (etc.) - - 10.25 all metal pw wrench with only three parts. Mfg. by the Star Wrench Co. of St. Louis, MO. and later the Van Akin Steam Specialty Co. of Chicago. Excellent Plus. (C287, C312)
1201. BARCALO - BUFFALO / PAT 1911, etc. - - 9.5" all metal pw with unique adj. nut and upper jaw that pivots in a circular cutout in the lower jaw. Excellent. (Not listed)
1202. Ridgid (etc.) - - 18.5" all metal regular type Ridgid pipe wrench head with a chain vise pipe holder. Used to hold one pipe while turning another. Excellent, uncleaned condition. (S131)
1203. RIDGID - MCMANUS PAT. NO. 192126 - - 7" "bobtail" pipe wrench head that is turned with a 3/4" drive breaker bar or ratchet. Used on pipe in tight quarters. Excellent. (S619)
1204. WALWORTH PARMELEE NO. 1 - - 11" with a three part hinged band that fully surrounds the pipe, Excellent. (S133)
RATCHET PIPE WRENCH - - 13.5" . Ratchet the handle to tighten the jaws. Excellent.
1196 thru 1205
1206. PARRY - 7" whip handle buggy w twisted pitting (R1-372)
1207. PRATT 2813C - - 7.5" repaired painted light pitting (R1-384)
1208. LA PORTE 2812 - - 7.5" (R1-290)
1209. HENNEY B - - 7.5" (R1-229)
1210. BANNER 2813B PATENTED - - 7.5" (R1-42)
1211. MOON BROS C - - 7.5" (R1-337)
1212. FREEPORT D - - 7.5" (R1-184)
Lot of two:
(1.) 7307B (Eberhard - - 7.5" (R1-168)
(2.) 7307C (Eberhard) - - 7.5" pitted (R1-168)
Lot of two:
(1.) DAYTON W2812 PATENTED - - 7.5" (R1-127)
(2.) DAYTON Y PATENTED - - 7.5" light pitting (R1-127)
Lot of two:
(1.) DAYTON 1 - - 6" (R1-128)
(2.)DAYTON 4025A - - 8.5" spark plug w (R1-128)
Lot of two:
(2.) Unmarked - - 5.5" Spring Leaf Separator
Lot of two:
(1.) PAT JUNE 8 15 - - 5.5" Chrome Spring Leaf Separator
(2.) PAT PEND - - 5.5" Spring Leaf Separator
KNOWLSON NO 3 PAT. AUG. 18 1914 - - 6" Spring Leaf Separator
1206 thru 1218
1219. H. MFG. CO - - 6" (R2-120)
Lot of two:
(1.) STUDEBAKER 7/8 - - 8" pitted (R1-444)
(2.) HARPER PAT. AP'D FOR - - 8" 1-1/8" square opening (R1-218)
1221. MOYER 225 - - 7.5" (R1-342)
Lot of two:
(1.) ST. LOUIS WRENCH CO PATD JAN 27 91 A - - 7.5" (R1-434)
(2.) MILLERS VEHICLE WRENCH PAT'D JAN 27 91 1 - - 8.5" light pitting (R1-327)
1223. SECHLER MOLINE 1 INCH - - 8" medium pitting (R1-419)
Lot of two:
(1.) SHELDON AXLE CO 78 - - 10" (R1-423)
(2.) STAVER - - 9.5" medium pitting (R1-438)
Lot of two:
(1.) O. R. Co DAYTON O. E22 - - 9" pitted (R1-356)
(2.) H.H. BABCOCK CO. 28 - - 9" (R1-36)
Lot of two:
(1.) IDEAL PAT APR 28 1903 - - 8.5" (R1-246)
(2.) IDEAL PAT APR 28 1903 7321C - - 8.5" (R1-246)
1227. PAT. APL. FOR 1-1/4 - - 9" Byler and Zook patent
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked - - 8.5" comb nail puller and buggy wrench, light pitting
(2.) 7/8 - - 8.5" odd buggy wrench
1219 thru 1228
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked - - 11" odd buggy 1-3/8 square opening
(2.) Unmarked - - 11" odd buggy 1-5/8 square opening painted
Lot of two:
(1.) F103 - - 6" unidentified
(2.) 89860C - - 8.5"
Lot of three:
(1.) 1-5/8 - - 12.5"
(2.) Unmarked - - 10.5" odd single open end buggy
(3.) Unmarked - - 9" odd buggy 1-5/8 box
Lot of three:
(1.) Unmarked - - 9" odd buggy 7/8" box
(2.) Marked only "1" - - 6.5" single open end buggy
(3.) Unmarked - - 9" odd buggy painted light pitting
Lot of two:
(1.) 7326H 1-3/4 (Eberhard) - - 11" wagon w
(2.) 341? - - 10" wagon w
T G MANDT WRENCH PAT JUNE 13 1896 10 - - 10" wagon w
1229 thru 1234
1235. THE MANDT WAGON CO - - 10" wood handle monkey. Some markings not readable, tight crack in handle (R1-307)
1236. Unmarked - - 10" wagon wrench w/rib (R1-244)
Lot of three:
(1.) Unmarked - - 10.5" odd wagon w
(2.) Unmarked - - 11.5" odd pin w
(3.) and a wagon wheel nut that it fits (NO PHOTO).
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked - - 9" odd pin w
(2.) O - - 9" pin w
Lot of two:
(1.) P33 - - 7" pin w
(2.) Unmarked - - 7" pin w
Lot of two:
(1.) OHIO - - 5.5" forged wrench
(2.) M P CO (Madison Plow Co or Moline Plow Co ?) - - 7.5" with crack (R1-305)
Lot of two:
(1.) NO. 4 SAW S131 - - 7.5" (R2-258)
(2.) Schmidt Bros Co - - 4.5"
LYON IRON WORKS GREENE, N.Y. I-110- 16" heavy and thick (R1-302)
1235 thru 1242
1243. ROYLE / 6 IN. SAW - - 8" soe mal. wrench. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
1244. DR. R. C. BROPHY'S APPARATUS / THE RANSOM & RANDOLPH CO. - - 8.25" soe "S" type wrench. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
Lot of two:
(1.) LITTLE GIANT / LG725 - - 5.75" single open end. Ex. (not listed, no info)
(2.) DRIVER - - 6.5" single hex box. Excellent (not listed, no info)
Lot of two:
(1.) WACHS S40 - - 8.5" odd spanner wrench. (not listed)
(2.) Unmarked oe by three oe, oddball. (not listed)
Lot of two:
(2.) THE WHITNEY MFG. CO. HARTFORD CONN. U.S.A. - - 7" spanner w
1248. JAMES R KEARNEY CORP ST L PAT APPLD FOR 1240 - - 10" multi w
Lot of two:
(1.) VONO PAT BEDSTEAD FITTINGS - - 6" dbl box end w
It's very difficult to assemble a complete set of Maytag wrenches especially in the condition of this collection. The numbers used to identify these wrenches are not Maytag's but from an illustrated list complied by wrench collector Scotty Johnson.
1250. MAYTAG (No. 1) - - 5" Some very light pitting (R1-317L)
1251. MAYTAG (No. 2) - - 5" Excellent (R1-317L2)
1252. MAYTAG 14987 (No. 3) - - 5.25" Good Plus (R1-317L3)
1253, MAYTAG (No. 4) - - 5.25" Good Plus (R1-317L5)
1254. MAYTAG (No. 5) - - 5.25" Excellent (R1-317L4)
1255. MAYTAG (No. 6) - - 5.25" Excellent (R1-317L6)
1256. MAYTAG (No. 7) - - 5.25" Grinding marks on edges and screwdriver tip.(R1-317L7)
1257. MAYTAG (No. 8) - - 5.25" (R1-317L8)
1258. Unmarked Maytag? - - 5" (R1-317R)
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked (gas engine igniter wrench?) - - 5.5" mall. "L" shaped sq socket wrench with ribbed handle. (orphan)
(2.) Unmarked (Briggs & Stratton) - - 5" flat steel
FAIRBANKS MORSE - - 8" auto type adjustable wrench.
1243 thru 1260
1261. 2915W (Minnesota Thresher Mfg Co) - - 7" tractor w (R2-205)
Lot of three:
(1.) M81 (Minnesota Thresher Mfg Co) - - 5" pitman w (R1-329)
(2.) A164 (Minnesota Thresher Mfg Co) - - 8" (R1-329)
(3.) F-29 (Minnesota Thresher Mfg Co) - - 4.5" stamped steel
Lot of two:
(1.) 140M (Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co) - - 8.5" Steam Engine w (R2-204)
(2.) MTM CO 1W - - 7" ear missing (R1-329)
Lot of two:
Lot of three gas engine igniter wrenches:
(1.) 1151 (Hercules / Economy gas engine) - - 7.5" igniter w (R2-129)
(2.) T (Hercules / Economy gas engine) - - 7.5" igniter wrench (R2-129)
(3.) 6151 (Hercules / Economy gas engine) - - 8" igniter wrench (R2-129)
1266. N201 (Sattley Gas Engine ) - - 6.5" four-way socket (R2-257)
1267. GEISER MFG' CO. WAYNESBORO PA. 597 - - 15.5" Steam Engine wrench. Light pitting (R2-113)
1268. G. M. Co. Peerless 7/8 - 3/4 (Geiser Mfg Co. Steam Engine) - - 12.5" (R1-200)
1269. G. M. Co. Peerless 9/16 5/8 (Geiser Mfg Co) - - 10.5" Steam Engine wrench. Repaired jaw. (R1-200)
1270. G. M. Co. Peerless 7/16 1/2 (Geiser Mfg Co. Steam Engine) - - 9" (R1-200)
8140R (Reeves Steam Engine?) - - 10.5" (R2-245)
1261 thru 1271
1272. REEVES 3378 - - 11" Steam Engine wrench. Painted, repaired (R1-393)
1273. REEVES 1578 - - 6.5" Steam Engine wrench (R1-393)
1274. WRENCH FOR GOVERNOR 2463 (Stickney Gas Engines) - - 17.5" (R2-253)
1275. D34 (Russell and Co) - - 6" Steam Engine socket (R2-253)
1276. 9477 (Buffalo Pitts Steam Engine) - - 15" socket pitted (R2-44)
1277. 53A (Advance-Rumely Steam Engine) - - 11.5" (R2-5)
Lot of two:
(1.) D4 (Rumely?) - 6.5”
(2.) 43R (Advance-Rumely) 6.5” soc (R2-4)
D3J31 (Advance-Rumely) 8.5" (R1-405)
1272 thru 1279
1280. AMERICAN SAW CO Trenton, NJ - PATENTED APRIL 8, 1890 - - 15" sc adj ali wrench adv as the "Curtis Pipe Wrench". Pat. by Andrew Curtis of Monroe, Maine. Spring broke. (S596)
1281. 12 IN CRAFT PAT'D - - 12" screw adj ali wrench. EX (not listed).
1282. BOYNTON'S PATENT / PAT'D JUN 14 - 1887 - - 16" Heavy-duty screw adj ali made by the Campbell Printing Press & Mfg Co. of New York. Ex condition. (S28)
1283. KERN / PAT'D 1893 - - 10.5" sc adj ali wrench mfg by M. H. Kern, Bellevue, Ohio, pat. 8-29-1893 by Samuel Kern. RARE (S646)
8 INCH SHARK PATENT PEND’G. / "RICHARDS MFG CO AURORA, ILL - - 8" Desirable adj alligator wrench in the small 8 inch size. Good Plus (S23)
12 INCH SHARK PATENT PEND'G. / "RICHARDS MFG CO AURORA, ILL - - 12" adj alligator wrench like above. Good Plus (S23)
1286. NILSON-WALTERS WRENCH CO CASSELTON, N. DAK. / PAT'D DEC 25, 1900 - - 6.75" ali with adj upper jaw. Reportedly Lawrence Welk's favorite wrench. Excellent with almost all of it's original nickel plating intact. (S32)
1287. (THE VICTOR - - 7" adj ali with brass adj screw mfg by Kraeuter & Co. Newark, New Jersey and pat 5-26-1903 by Charles Bonny. Some pitting. S37)
Lot of three different Elgin adj ali wrenches mfg by Elgin Tool & Socket Co. of Elgin IL or Star Mfg Co. of Carpentersville, IL. All 7" long:
(2.) Like (1) but die holder type (no die);
(3) Like (2) but marked ELGIN GENUINE IMPROVED (in a star logo) and three patent dates. Much scarcer than the other two. (S35)
THE ELGIN, etc, - - 7" like No. 2 above but complete with the die holder (marked "PATENT APPLIED FOR") and die. Excellent with nickel plating. (S35)
1290. Marked only PATEND APPL'D FOR - - 10" self adjusting ali wrench with screwdriver extension on end of handle. Similar to the Gregory Wrench S672. Excellent. (S38, S258)
KIBBON KATCH KWIK 18 INCH PATENTED / MCKIBBON UNIVERSAL WRENCH CO NASHVILLE, TENN - - 18" extra heavy duty adjustable alligator wrench. Joseph McKibbon of Columbia, Tennessee received three patents for his pipe and nut wrench in 1929 and 1932. Good Plus (S693)
1280 thru 1291
1292. HARBISON WRENCH PAT'D JUNE 5, 1900 . KNOXVILLE, TENN - - 9" dbl ended ali wrench. Rarer small size. Some pitting (S17)
1293. HARBISON WRENCH PAT'D JUNE 5, 1900 . KNOXVILLE, TENN - - 12.25" dbl ended alligator wrench. Some pitting (S13)
1294. TRIMO OFFSET - - 11.75" dbl ali with offset ends. Rare, never seen another. Some light pitting. (not listed)
1295. INVOLUTE WRENCH -TOWER & LYONS CO - PAT'D OCT 30, 1900 - - 9.5" single ended alligator wrench. First wrench in "The Book". (S1)
1296. SHAW PROPELLER CO. BOSTON, MASS / PAT'D APRIL 26, 1910 & PATS PENDING etc. - 3.75" ali. Smallest wrench in the Shaw alligator wrench line. Excellent. (S36)
1297. SHAW WRENCH (with B in triangle logo) PAT APR. 26, 1910 - - 7" like above but mfg by Billings & Spencer. (S36)
1298. SHAW WRENCH (with B in triangle logo) PAT APR. 26, 1910 - - 9.5" like above also mfg by Billings & Spencer. Excellent. (S36)
Lot of three comb wrenches each with a single ali. and five different sq nut wrenches. All 7":
(1.) V & B / 13 - PAT JULY 26, 09;
(2.) Marked only "50";
(3.) Not marked) (like S14R)
1300. Lot of two single ended alligator wrenches: (1.) WHITMAN & BARNES / NO 2 BULLDOG (etc.) - - 9" Excellent (2.) AMERICAN SAW CO - TRENTON, N. J. - PAT'D JULY 10, 1883 - - 10" advertised as "The Falcon Wrench". (Cope 38)
1301. Lot of two dbl. ended alligator wrenches with three bolt dies: (1.) CROCODILE - HAWKEYE WRENCH MARSHALLTOWN, IA - - 8.5" with sc/dr end. Good Plus (S7T) (2.) SAXON - THE K & B (Kilborn & Bishop) NEW HAVEN, CT - - 8". Excellent. (S8B)
Lot of two 5.25" dbl ended ali wrenches: (1.) BUHL SONS CO (like S14R3) (2.) Same wrench but with no markings.
1292 thru 1302
1303. Lot of five alligator wrenches three 5.5" with a single ali and two different sq nut wrenches: with one faintly marked with a "W: in a diamond logo (Williams), others not marked and two 5" dbl ali wrenches one marked "10" and the other not marked,
1304. Lot of three 8.25" dbl ended alligator wrenches each with three bolt dies in center: (1.) BONNEY VIXEN - ALLENTOWN PA / (with a "B" in shield logo) (S8T); (2.) EDMONDS METZEL MFG CO - CHICAGO - UNIVERSAL GRIP (etc) - - 8.25" pitted From Alfred Schulz Auction (S7B); (3.) PAT 720554 - PAT'S PENDING - - Back side pitted.
1305. Lot of two 8" dbl ended ali wrenches with three bolt dies - - (1.) THE S & T HAWKEYE Excellent (S10C) (2.) THE S & T WRENCH (S10C)
1306. Lot of three unmarked single end alligator wrenches: (1.) 8.5" with curved upper jaw. Possibly A. W. Case's 1883 pat; (2.) 10" neat shop built; (3.) Odd 10" long and narrow wrench with tiny jaws. Shop built?
1307. V & B (Vaughan & Bushnell, Chicago) - - 9" large, thick, heavy dbl ali wrench. Excellent with nickel plating.
1308. VAUGHAN & BUSHNELL MFG CO - 2 - - 6.75" thick, heavy dbl ali wrench like above. (S12C)
1309. VAUGHAN & BUSHNELL MFG CO CHICAGO - V & B BOLT WRENCH (with eagle logo) - - 5.75" dbl ali wrench with three bolt dies. Excellent
1310. W & B CO (with diamond logo) (Whitman & Barnes) / 3 - - 11" extra heavy dbl ali wrench. Excellent. (C332)
1311. WOLVERINE PAT JUNE 1, 09 - - 6.75" ali wr with sliding tee handle and a head that rotates 360 degrees. Pat by John Drake of Decatur, Illinois as a nut wrench. Excellent. (S88, C120)
Lot of four alligators:
(1.) RONA (W, V, and T logo for Woodings-Verona Tool Co. of Verona, Pennsylvania.
More Info) - - 15" single ali. wrench.
(2.) NO. 3 (W, V, and T logo) - - 15" alligator wrench like above.
(3.) ALLIGATOR WRENCH MFD BY ROEBLING -TRENTON, N.J. / NO. 3 - PAT. FEB 8, 1898 - - 15.25" - Roebling was the engineer who designed and built the Brooklyn Bridge.
(4.) 13" alligator made of rubber, ready to mount on the wall with your alligator wrench collection.
1303 thru 1312
1313. INDIAN MOTOCYCLES HENDEE MFG CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS. USA - WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS / NO. 8 PAT SEPT 4, 1900 - - 6.25" Indian Motorcycle wrench. Side adj. with enclosed hollow handle. Few nicks and dents. (S124)
1314. "FLYING MERKEL" MANUFACTURED BY THE MIAMI CYCLE & MFG CO MIDDLETOWN, OHIO - - 6.25" Wakefield No. 8 wrench like above but with the much rarer Merkel Motorcycle markings, Good plus with exceptionally strong markings. (not listed)
1315. INDIAN MOTOCYCLE - - 6" doe pressed steel (round wrench openings variation). Good Plus.
1316. INDIAN MOTOCYCLE - - 6" dbl hex box end pressed steel wrench. Pitted.
1317. B. S. A. (Birmingham Small Arms ) - - 4" cast double open end with two sizes each opening. .British manufacturer of military equipment and vehicles inc. BSA motorcycles.) Excellent .
Lot of two double open ended forged Triumph Motorcycle wrenches:
(1.) TRIUMPH - - 6". Excellent like new.
(2.) TRIUMPH / D200 - - 6". Excellent.
Lot of six steel Motorcycle wrenches marked YAMAHA:
(1.) 4.25" doe (8 and 10 mm).
(2.) 5.5" doe (13 and 17 mm).
(3.) 5.5" dbl hex box (19 and 22 mm).
(4.) 5.75" dbl hex box (22 and 26 mm).
(5.) 6.75" dbl hex box (22 and 26 mm).
(6.) 7" dbl hex box (22 and 29 mm) (ONLY FOUR PICTURED)
Lot of four forged KAWASAKI Motorcycle wrenches:
(1.) 6.5" doe 19 mm.
(2.) 6.5" same as (1.).
(3.) 6.5" single hex box 22 mm.
(4.) 6.25" spanner wrench, plated. All Excellent (ONLY THREE PICTURED)
1321. Unmarked - - 7" motorcycle chain repair tool.
1322. HARLEY DAVIDSON / USA - - 4.75" motorcycle chain tool.
1323. Lot of two unmarked Harley Davidson wrenches - - 6.5" thick flat, thick double open end wrenches with a hex box. Not marked but identified as Harley Motorcycle wrenches from old parts books and original tool kits. Excellent.
1324. MOTOR-CYCLE - STILLSON PATTERN WRENCH BONNEY VISE & TOOL WKS INC ALLENTOWN, PA - - 6" made thinner and lighter than regular Stillson wrenches. (S615B)
1325. JUNIOR NO. 1 / FRANK MOSSBERG CO. (etc.) / 3" center adjust. pocket wrench with ruler markings. Neat smallest Moss. adjustable. Excellent. (S873)
1326. NO 74 (with two M in a diamond logos) (Mossberg) - - 4.5" side adj. with a hollow handle sleeve. Good Plus with a few dings on edge. (S870T)
1327. NO 76 (with two M in a diamond logo) (Mossberg) - - 6" side adj. with a hollow handle sleeve. Good Plus with a few dings. (S870M)
1328. - C - MOSSBERG WRENCH CO. - PAT. NOV 19, DEC 31, '95 - - 5" center adjust with edge slots to guide lower jaw. Good Plus. (S103B)
1329. - D - MOSSBERG WRENCH CO. - PAT. NOV 19, DEC 31, '95 - - 4.25" side adjust with hollow handle sleeve. Good Plus. (S877)
Lot of four Mossberg double open end wrenches.
(1.) 3.25" No. 210;
(2.) 6" No. 245;
(3.) 9" No. 275;
(4.) 10" No. 281.
Lot of two Mossberg flat wrenches:
(1.) 640 (with two M in a diamond logos) - - 4.5" single angled open end. Specialty wrench made of special steel for adjusting Ford Model "T" reverse and brake pedal tension springs. Excellent. (ID from 1917 Mossberg catalog)
(2.) No. 262 (with two Moss. logos) - - 8" double open end. Good Plus.
1313 thru 1331
1332. EAGLE FRANK MOSSBERG - PAT. SEPT. 1. '91 - - 6" adjustable alligator wrench. Good Plus. (S1088C)
Lot of two Mossberg "B" series side adjust bicycle wrenches:
(1.) B-1 (with two "M" in a diamond logos) - - 5" Plated, Excellent. (S871T)
(2.) B-2 (with two "M" in a diamond logos) - - 5.5" Good Plus. (not listed)
Lot of two Mossberg side adjust bicycle wrenches:
(1.) QUEEN / PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 - - 5" as found uncleaned condition. (S117LD2)
(2.) F-1 (with two "M" in a diamond logos) PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 - - 5" Good (S871B)
1335. DIAMOND (in a diamond logo) NO. 11 - FRANK MOSSBERG CO (etc.) - - 5.5" side adj. bike wrench. Excellent plating with just a few minor jaw edge dings,. (S103D2)
1336. Lot of two Mossberg DIAMOND (in a diamond logo) NO. 10 - - 5" side adjust bicycle wrenches with marking variations. One pitted and the other Good Plus. (S103D4)
1337. ALDERMAN / FRANK MOSSBERG CO (etc) - - 5.75" side adjust bicycle wrench with tire tool end. Plated Good Plus Plus. (S868B)
1338. NO. 110 (two "M" in a diamond logos) NATIONAL - FRANK MOSSBERG CO (etc.) - - 5.5" side adj. bicycle wrench. Excellent but adj. knurl is missing. (similar to S103D2)
1339. X-9 (two "M" in a diamond logos) PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 - - 9" auto type wrench. Good plus plus. (S872B)
1340. PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 - - 7" side adj. bicycle wrench. Odd with a small head and extra long handle shaft. Probably a special order item. Good Plus with minor jaw lip damage. (not listed)
Lot of two Mossberg (with a M in a diamond logo) "Gripsall" alligator wrenches:
(1.) 470 - - 6" sing ended. Good Plus. (S876T)
(2.) 490 - - double ended with screwdriver. Plated, Good Plus. (S876B)
1342. K-6 - - 8.5" (smallest listed in Mossberg catalogs) As found, uncleaned Good Plus condition)
1343. K-7 - - 7" Good Plus Plus
1344. K-8 - - 7.75" Good Plus
1345. K-8 - - 7.75" (with marking variation) Good Plus Plus
1346. K-9 - - 8.75" Good Plus
1347. Lot of three: 5" Mossberg A-1's (all marked differently)
1348. A-2 - - 5.5" some jaw damage.
1349. A-3 - - 6" with tire tool end. Good Plus.
1350. A-4 - - 6.5" with tire tool end. Good Plus
1351. A-5 - - 6" extra thick. Good Plus Plus
1352. A-6 - - 6.5" Good Plus
1353. A-8 - - 8" Good Plus.
1354. A-9 - - 9" (back edge of lower jaw is open instead of solid like most "A" series wrenches). Uncleaned, Good Plus
A-80 (with M in a diamond logo and two patent dates) - - 8" like A-8 but with round handle. Fair with pitting, and dings. (like S874)
1332 thru 1355
1356. STERLING (no number) - - 5" Excellent/
1357. Lot of two STERLING NO 1 wrenches (with two different marking variations) - - 5" Excellent and Good Plus
1358. STERLING NO 2 (with two M in a diamond logos) - - 6.5" Excellent.
1359. STERLING NO 3 (with two M in a diamond logos) - - 8" Good Plus.
1360. STERLING NO 5 (with two M in a diamond logos) - - 9.75" Top edge of handle is mushroomed, otherwise excellent. Hard size to find.
1361 STERLING NO. 30 (with M in a diamond logo and two patent dates) - - 8" like Sterling No. 3 but with round handle. (like S874)
1362. STERLING NO. 50 (with M in a diamond logo and two patent dates) - - 9.75" like Sterling No. 5 but with round handle. Scarce, Good Plus. (like S874)
1363. 645 (with two M in a diamond logos) - PAT. APL'D FOR - - 6" ratcheting box end wrench for Ford Model "T" brake and reverse pedal adjustment. Good Plus.
1364. 6" Perfect Handle Crescent with straight Handle. Marked: THE H. D. SMITH & CO.- 6 IN / PERFECT HANDLE PATENTED. Smallest size made. Good Plus. (S406)
1365. 8" Perfect Handle Crescent with straight handle like above. Hang hole drilled in wrench shaft. (S406)
1366. 8" Perfect Handle Crescent like above except with "S" curved handle. Excellent. (S306)
1367. 10" Perfect Handle Crescent like above with "S" curved handle. Replaced handle slabs. (S306)
1368. 7.5" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle single open end with a knife type wood handle. Marked "1/2" on head (actual opening is 13/16"). Excellent. (S904)
1369. 8.25" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle single open end with a knife type wood handle, also marked BROWN &: SHARPE MFG. CO. - PROVIDENCE, R. I. Marked "1" on head (actual opening is 1"). Excellent. (S904)
1370. 9.25" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle single open end with a knife type wood handle. Not marked with size (actual opening is 1-1/16"). (S904)
1371. 11" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle single open end with a knife type wood handle. Not marked with size (actual opening is 1-1/4"). Good Plus. (S904)
1372. H. D. Smith Perfect Handle ball peen hammer. Pat May 28, 07 - - 10" with knife type wood handles. Good Plus.
1373. Perfect Handle Triple Lever Screw Driver - - 8.5" knife type wood handle that can be locked in three different positions. Blade tip has been ground, some edge nicks.
Perfect Handle tire tool. Advertised for use as a tire tool or pry bar. - - 13.25" with knife type wood handle. Good with some handle chips.
1356 thru 1374
1375. H. D. SMITH - PLANTSVILLE, CONN. - PAT JUNE 9, 1914 - FEB 20, 1917 - - 7" all metal offset pliers. Listed in catalogs as No. 646 "Gittatit" Offset Slip Joint Pliers. Good Plus with markings stronger than unusually found. (S1062)
1376. 8" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle pipe wrench with knife type wood handle. Good Plus. (621)
Lot of two:
(1.) 10" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle pipe wrench like above. Also marked U.P. RR (Union Pacific Railroad). Some hammer dings. (S621)
(2.) 14" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle pipe wrench like above. Good Plus as found uncleaned condition. (S621)
1378. 18" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle pipe wrench like above. Good Plus. (S621)
1379. 6" H. D. Smith Perfect Handle monkey wrench with knife type wood handle marked with pat. dates of: Oct. 30, 1900, Jan 15, 1901, Feb 26, 1901. Good (S405)
Lot of two:
(1.) 10" Perfect Handle monkey wrench like above. Pitted. (S405)
(2.) 12" Perfect Handle monkey wrench like above. Also stamped: N M & CO. (S405)
Lot of two:
(1.) 12" Perfect Handle monkey wrench like above. Original wood slab handles have been neatly replaced with lead. (like S405)
(2.) 15" Perfect Handle monkey wrench like above. Some grind marks on handle edge. (S405)
15" Unmarked Perfect Handle monkey wrench. (like S405)
1375 thru 1382
1383. 18" Perfect Handle monkey wrench. Some pitting, dings. (S405)
1384. 21" Perfect Handle monkey wrench, marked "THE ORIGINAL" (etc.). Largest Perfect Handle monkey wrench made. Tight handle crack. (S405)
Lot of three:
(1.) 8" Perfect Handle monkey wrench like above but marked: RUSSWIN (etc). Good. (like S405)
(2.) 10" Perfect Handle monkey wrench like above marked: RUSSWIN (etc). Good Plus. (like S405)
(3.) 12" Perfect Handle monkey wrench like above marked: RUSSWIN (etc). Good Plus. (like S405)
1383 thru 1385
1386. 8" all metal Perfect Handle monkey wrench, marked "THE ORIGINAL" (etc.), also marked: S. I. S. WRENCH 8 / TRADEMARK (with "S" in circle logo) on handle with diamond pattern. (like S415)
1387. 21" all metal Perfect Handle mw like above marked on handle: SEMPER IDEM (Latin for always the same) STEEL WRENCH 21" / TRADEMARK (with "S" in circle logo). Scarce in this large size. Good Plus. (S415)
1388. 12" all metal mw marked "PERFECT HANDLE" - TRIMONT MFG. CO. ROXBURY MASS - - Trimont made the Perfect Handle wrenches after H. D. Smith closed in 1930. Hammer dings on handle edge. (S407)
1389. 15.5" all metal mw marked "PERFECT HANDLE" - TRIMONT MFG. CO. ROXBURY MASS - - Good Plus. (S407)
15.5" all metal Perfect Handle type mw like above but marked on handle: TRIMONT MFG. CO. ROXBURY MASS USA / PERFECT HANDLE 15". Excellent with large, bold markings. (similar to S407)
1386 thru 1390
Lot of three:
(1.) 106S (Papec) - - 13" (R1-368)
(2.) 106T (Papec?) - - 11.5"
(3.) 591 (Papec) - - 12" (R1-368)
Lot of two:
(1.) ALLIS CHALMERS MFG. CO. LA CROSSE WORKS. 300755 - - 11.5" (R1-11)
(2.) TC369 (Allis Chalmers) - - 10" (R1-11)
1393. U348 FM (Allis Chalmers) - - 10.5" (R1-11)
Lot of two:
(1.) 040272 (Allis Chalmers) - - 6" tee handled soc w (ID from parts list, not in Rathbone)
(2.) 040272 HTM (Allis Chalmers) - - 6" tee handled soc w (ID from parts list, not in Rathbone)
1395. 040794 (Allis Chalmers) - - 17.5" hex box end wrench. (ID from parts list, not in Rathbone)
Lot of two:
(1.) LX103 3/4 SQ NUT 5/8 HEX NUT (Allis Chalmers?) - - 15"
(2.) Unmarked (U-1400) (Allis Chalmers) - - 9" (R1-11)
1391 thru 1396
Lot of two:
(1.) BAYONNE NO 1 - - 13.5" (R1-43)
(2.) S & T - - 5" (R1-409)
1398. BUCKEYE - - 9.5" (no ID)
1399. C.D. EDWARDS MFG CO - - 12" light pitting (R1-159)
1400.. HARRIMAN - - 6" (R1-219)
1401. BLOCKI G69 - - 5.5" (R1-57)
1402. HUDSON G69 - - 5.5" (R1-244)
1403. IRON KING 213C - - 6" (R1-261)
1404. DEMPSTER - - 7.5" Deering pattern (R1-143)
1405. DD595 (Dempster-American Harrow) - - 7" (R1-143)
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked (C11-Dempster) - - 10" pitting (R1-143)
(2.) Unmarked (C146-Dempster) - - 9" pitted (R1-143)
A ELLWOOD - - 7" (R1-161)
1397 thru 1407
1408. SAMSON 1892 FOR WRIST PIN ONLY FOR FRONT CAP BOX ONLY (Stover Mfg Co) - - 7.5" Stover Samson Windmill wrench (ID from parts list) (R1-410)
1409. FOR PLUNGER 41S10 (Stover Mfg Co) - - 7" Stover Samson Windmill wrench.(ID from part list)
1410. 2091 (Stover Mfg Co) - - 5" Stover Sampson windmill wrench (ID from parts list)
1411. HAR' KING CO X - - 5" drill hole (R1-225)
1412. THE INSURANCE KK1753 - - 7" (R1-426)
1413. PEORIA D1003 - - 7.5" (R1-376)
1414. TIGER S.D. - - 8.5" light pitting (R1-441)
Lot of two:
(1.) 4S (Sandwich Mfg Co) - - 7.5" (R1-412)
(2.) 416L (Liberty Spreader-Rude) - - 7.5" (R2-252)
1416. M HARDSOGG OTTUMMWA IA 24 - - 7.5" pitting (R1-217)
1417. MALSBARY 6180 - - 13.5" (R1-306)
1418. W.I.M. CO 1906 V121 - - 11" jaw missing (R1-476)
W.I.M. CO 1906 D70 - - 11" (R1-476)
1408 thru 1419
1420. PIRATE WRENCH (St. Paul Plow Co / Peru Plow Co) - - 12" (R1-378 and 434)
Lot of two:
(1.) S. A. LOOSE & SON HAMBURG PA 102 - - 10" pitted, painted (R1-300)
(2.) E & B HOLMES - 4 - BUFFALO, N.Y. - - 11" (R1-236)
1422. LE ROY 37 - - 11.5" (R1-291)
1423. KING DRILL MFG CO - - 12" (R1-282)
Lot of two:
(1.) KIRLIN K115 - - 9" (R1-285)
(2.) KNOWLTON 97 - - 8.5" light pitting (R1-286)
Lot of two:
(1.) DEANE OF HOLYOKE 5471A - - 8.5" (R1-129)
(2.) DEANE OF HOLYOKE 5378 - - 9.5" (R1-129)
1420 thru 1426
Lot of two:
(1.) MORRISON MFG CO - - 10" Pitted and painted (R1-340)
(2.) MORRISON 260 - - 10" (R1-340)
1428. PPY (Eureka Mower Co) - - 7.5" (R1-169)
Lot of three:
(1.) RODERICK LEAN D44 - - 15" (R1-294)
(2.) ROD'K LEAN C111 - - 8" (R1-294)
(3.) C111 (Roderick Lean) - - 8" (R1-294)
Lot of two:
(1.) J M CO (Janesville Machine Co) - - 9.5" (R1-265)
(2.) DISK (Janesville Machine Co / Samson Tractor Co) - - 14" (R1-265)
1431. Lot of three:
(1.) L297 (New Idea) - - 6" (R1-349)
(2.) L298 (New Idea) 7.5" drill hole (R1-349)
(3.) L299 (New Idea) - - 9" (R1-349)
Lot of three:
(1.) L140 (New Idea) - - 9" (R1-349)
(2.) L140 (New Idea) - - 8.5" w/soc (R1-349)
(3.) Unmarked K54 (New Idea) - - 8.5" w/soc (R1-349)
1427 thru 1432
Lot of two:
(1.) FAMOUS OHIO J276 (Ohio Cultivator Co) - - 9.5" (R1-357)
(2.) EUREKA - - 4" (R1-169)
Lot of two:
(1.) S699 (Ohio Cultivator Co) - - 9.5" (R1-357)
(2.) D582 (Ohio Cultivator Co) - - 10" (R1-357)
1435. CM-331 (Ohio Cultivator Co) - - 14" 3 openings var.. Crack on large opening (R1-357)
1436. BM&S MOHAWK 7364 (Blish, Mize, and Silliman Atchison KS) - - 7" Deering Style (R2-21)
1437. JSH & Co UTILITY 6000 (Janney, Semple, and Co Minneapolis MN) - - 7" Deering Style (R2-148)
1438. SIMMONS UTILITY 6000 (Simmons Hardware Co St. Louis) - - 7" Deering Style (R1-426)
Lot of two:
(1.) ARNHOLT - - 7" Deering pattern. Repaired, painted (R1-21)
(2.) 7364 (Wm. E. Pratt Mfg. Co.) - - 7" Deering Style (R1-384)
HARVESTER - - 7" Deering pattern (R1-225)
1433 thru 1440
1441. B & C / 6 IN - - 6" Bemis & Call combination Crescent "S" type wrench with a nut wrench on one end and pipe wrench on the other (pipe serrations on the moveable jaw). One of the classic collectible wrenches. Outstanding example from the Kingsbury Collection.(S841)
1442. BUCKEYE - - 9.5" malleable nut wrench with two sizes of Crescent looking wrenches but adjusted by loosing a wing nut and sliding jaw into position. Excellent. (S303)
1443. B (Belmont?) - - 9.5" malleable nut wrench . Good plus.. (S304)
1444. ROOSEVELT ADJUSTABLE WRENCH PAT. PEND'G ROOSEVELT MFG CO CHICAGO USA - - 8" A center screw adjusts the sizes of two box end wrenches. (S464)
1445. 4-6 IN CRESCENT TOOL CO JAMESTOWN, NY / 4-6 IN CRESCENT etc. - - 6" double ended old style Crescent (with 4" and 6" heads). Excellent condition with plating. (S470)
1446. CRESCENT TOOL CO JAMESTOWN, NY / 6-8 etc. - - 8" double ended old style Crescent (with 6" and 8" heads) (S470)
1447. CRESCENT TOOL CO JAMESTOWN, NY / 8-10 etc. - - 10" double ended old style Crescent (with 8" and 10" heads) (S470)
1448. CRESCENT TOOL CO JAMESTOWN, NY / 10-12 etc. - - 12" double ended old style Crescent (with 10" and 12" heads) Scarcest size of the Crescent double enders. (S470)
1449. 8 LAKESIDE TOOL STEEL 10 / 8 FORGED LAKESIDE 10 - - 10" double ended Crescent type (with 8" and 10" heads) Lakeside was a Montgomery Ward's house brand first used circa 1910. Considerably rarer than the Crescent double enders. (like S470)
1450. 4 TOOL STEEL / 4 FORGED 6 - C-2 - - 6.25" double ended Crescent type with 4" and 6" heads. (like S470)
1451. HAWE SUPERIOR (with double horse head logo) - - 8.5" Crescent type wrench one end and a ratcheting hex box on the other. RARE, first one seen. Good Plus. (not listed, no info)
1452. VAR.IFIX - INT. PAT - - 11" modern compilation of several old wrench styles consisting of two self adjusting Cochran type heads that pivot 180 degrees. New unused condition with excellent plating. (not listed)
1453. FASTFIT WRENCH NO. 11 / MADE IN ENGLAND,(ETC.) - - 7.5" with a Cochran style self adjusting head and a notched open jaw similar to the American made Simplex wrenches. Excellent and Rare, (not listed)
1454. J. H. FERGUSON DAYTON, O. PAT NOV 15, 1910 - - 5" double ended bike or pocket wrench with nut and pipe heads. Some pitting. (S108M)
1455. THE ADJUSTABLE TWIN WRENCH PATENTED JAN 15, 1915 - - 4" double ended bicycle or pocket wrench with nut and pipe heads. smallest of two known sizes. Markings very weak (S108T)
1456. TRIPLET WRENCH PAT APPLIED FOR - - 5.5" double ended bicycle or pocket wrench with adj bolt and adj alligator heads plus two tap holders. Pat 8-19-13 by John Anderson of Portland, Conn. and mfg by G. L. Holt Co. of Hartford, Conn. Also sold by Stanley Tool Co for a short time circa 1913. (S106D2)
1457. THE MARSHALLTOWN / C & PAT 8-26-1913 - - 8.5" adjustable and detachable angle open end on one end and alligator wrench on the opposite end. Stamped with previous owner's initials "C G K" otherwise excellent. (S312)
1458. CRONK - - 8.75" adjustable open end with three open ends on opposite end. Mfg by Cronk & Carrier Mfg Co of Elmira, NY. (S450)
CRONK - - 8.75" adjustable alligator with a hex box wrench on the opposite end. Mfg by Cronk & Carrier Mfg Co of Elmira, NY. Extra nice.(S29)
1441 thru 1459
1460. BAXTERS PATENTED 1856 FEB'Y 12TH - - 13" double ended Diagonal Wrench with the flat sided adjusting bolt head marked with William Baxter's (of Newark, New Jersey) first patent. A nice example of a pre Civil War wrench in a scarce large size. Markings weak but readable otherwise condition is excellent. (S462)
1461. 8.5" unmarked early Baxter Diagonal wrench like above. Good Plus (S462)
1462. 4" unmarked William Baxter's "S" model double ended wrench first patented Dec 1, 1868. Smallest of several sizes listed in old catalogs. (S305)
1463. 6" unmarked "S" model Baxter wrench like above. (S305) (S305)
1464. 8" unmarked "S" model Baxter like above. (S305)
1465. 10" unmarked "S" model Baxter like above. (S305)
1466. 11.75" unmarked "S" model Baxter like above with an old previous owner enhancement of an added metal strap wrapped around the moveable jaw and riveted to the fixed jaw. (S305)
1467. JDEAL - D R G M (German Govt. registered design) - - 10" double ended nut wrench with center screw adjustment similar to a Baxter. Neat well made wrench. (not listed)
1468. GLOBE WRENCH CO IPSWICH, MASS - PAT'D MAR. 15, 10 - - 8" all metal. A disadvantage of a wrench that adjusts by turning the handle is that when using the wrench the adjustment can change, the Globe Wrench has clicking indents that holds the jaw position when adjusting. Also found marked Sunapee, NH. (S393)
1469. BENTON / MADE IN USA PAT PENDING - - 7.5" nut wrench like Kento wrench but without the qk adj feature. EX (S477)
1470. Unmarked (Reed Mfg. Co., Erie, PA) - - 5.5" with bulbous handle, solid frame variation. (MVNL /1/pg6)
1471. Unmarked - - 6" comb. nut wrench and hammer with wooden handle. Neat and Rare. First one seen. (excellent except for a handle crack. (not listed, no info)
1472. BORNSTEIN'S IMP WRENCH PAT AUG 26, 1890 - - 10.5" wood handled nut wrench with patented double screw action for fast adjustment.. Advertised as Bornstein's Improved Patent Vise Wrench by American Improved Wrench Co. of Boston, Mass. Some nick's and dents, handle crack. (S367) (S367)
10 IN EVERGRIP / PAT NO. 1153050 - - 10" nut wrench pat 9-7-1915 by William Estes of Ozark, Missouri. Note this is a nut wrench not a pipe wrench. Small jaw chip. (Similar to S626)
1460 thru 1473
1474. 10 IN EVERGRIP / PAT NO. 1153050 - - 10.5" pipe wrench pat 9-7-1915 by William Estes of Ozark, Missouri. (S626)
1475. 14 IN EVERGRIP / PAT NO. 1153050 - - 14" pipe wrench pat 9-7-1915 by William Estes of Ozark, Missouri. (S626)
1476. Unmarked - - 10" neat all metal nut wrench with hammer head on the adj lower jaw. Crack on lower jaw that looks like a mfg flaw. (S432)
1477. STARBUCK - - 8" all metal with heavy cast handle pat Jan. 6, 1953 to Alfred L. Joy of West Hartford, Conn and assigned to R. M. Starbucks & Sons of Hartford. Odd looking wrench that was designed that when the jaws are adjusted outwardly they engage internal surfaces. (S534)
Lot of two:
(1.) XCEL SOCKET WRENCH PARK METALWARE CO. ORCHARD PARK, NY PAT 1,639,831 - - 8.75" all metal double headed nut wrench. Some markings weak. (S69)
(2.) BALCRAN SUPER SERVICE WRENCH - - 10" all metal nut wrench similar to above but with four wrenches instead of two. Markings weak but readable.. (not listed, similar to S71)
Lot of three:
(1.) BOOS TOOL CO KC MO PAT PEND - - 6" with serrated upper jaw variation. Excellent (S381)
(2.) BOOS TOOL CO KC MO PATENTED - - 8" like above with marking variation. (S381)
(3.) BOOS TOOL CORP CHROME-MOLYBOEMUM KC MO PATENTED - - 9.25" like above with marking variation. Scarce in this large size. EXCELLENT (S381)
1480. SUPER SERVICE MFG CO KC MO PAT PEND - - 8.25" similar but rarer than the Kansas City Boos wrenches. Old weld repair. (S382)
A. H. ADAMS PIQUA, O PATENTED JAN 24, 99 - - 16.25" primitive looking pw. that consists of a one piece lower jaw and handle assembly that is turned to adjust and a lever that positions the upper jaw,. Unique and RARE. Lower jaw chip. (S583)
1474 thru 1481
1482. THE EDWINSON / RATCHET WRENCH - PAT. 9-20-1921 / MFG IN USA - - 17.5 unique lever operated malleable ratchet wrench pat by Louis Edwinson of Topeka, Kansas. Excellent.
1483. SPEEDEE-RATCH PAT APPLIED FOR / BEALl TOOL DIV. HUBBARD & CO. EAST ALTON, ILL - - 12" . Pull a knob (connected to a chain) on the end of the tool to ratchet. Top of the line gizmo. (S146)
1484. CRICK - IT (cricket logo) DAVENPORT TOOL CO. ELDRIDGE, IOWA - PAT. PEND. - - 7.5" ratchet with handle that you squeeze to rotate socket. A real gizmo. Excellent with plated finish. (S158)
1485. WIZARD THE RICHARDS MFG CO AURORA, ILL - PATENTED MAY 21, 07 OTHER PATS PENDING - - 8" adj wrench that combines a double screw Crescent type adj on a ratcheting head. Excellent with the distinitic cyanide heat treatment finish. (S156T)
1486. GUIMARIN GEM WRENCH - US PATENTS NOS. D238140, 4,016,782, 4,112,792 - - 7.25" adj. jaw ratchet wrench. Plated finish, excellent.
1487. PAT. -ONL?-?- PAT. PEN. - KING TOOL CO. - ASBURY PARK N.J. - - 8.5" double 90° offset wrench for 7/16" hex sockets that operates by turning a tee handle. Pat 1-19-1921 and 6-27-1922 by August Klopper of Asbury Park, NJ. Unique designed, scarce wrench in excellent condition. (not listed)
1488. BILLMONT MASTER WRENCH - E. G. GUTHARD (etc.) - - 14" socket wrench that adjusts by turning the end of the handle. Has handle rod and three sockets in hollow handle. (S186T)
1489. KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - BUFFALO, NY / PAT. NOV. 6, '83 - 3 PATS FEB. 10, '91 - - 9" adj. jaw, reversible ratchet wrench adv. as the "Nonpareil" with flat jaws. Plated finish, Excellent condition. (S154)
1490. KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - BUFFALO, NY / PAT. NOV. 6, '83 - 3 PATS FEB. 10, '91 - - 9" adj. jaw, reversible ratchet wrench same as above but with v-notched jaws vs. square. Excellent (S153)
Unmarked - - 13" loop handled ratchet with a plate that pivots up to change sockets. Great looking old ratchet wrench. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
1482 thru 1491
PAT'D MAR 15, 10 - H20 - - 10" ratchet with two extensions, screwdriver bit, universal adapter, and seven sockets. Pat. by Charles Miller of Syracuse, NY and assigned to the C. M. B Wrench Co. of Syracuse and advertised as the "Silver King Wrench". A striking looking tool as the ratchet head, socket, and extension collars are made of a bronze looking metal. Excellent. (S177)
lot of two double ended ratchet wrenches:
(1.) D. R. G. M. - D. R. P. - - 11.75" with patterned shaft. Excellent.
(2.) Unmarked - - 10.25" with replaceable inserts. Excellent.
1494. AUTO-CLE - PATENTED FEB 2, 04 -AUG 15, 05 - - 9.5" tee handled ratchet wrench. Excellent. Plated finish. (S70)
1495. Unmarked - - 9" heavy duty all metal, twin headed female square ratchet pat. 9-1-1908 by Victor Carlson of Peoria, ILL. Good Plus. (S180, C90)
1496. THE BAY STATE / PAT JAN 15 1901 - - 13.5" large malleable single ended female hex ratchet with angled handle. Never seen a Bay state this large before. The Bay State ratcheting wrenches were first mfg. by the Bay State Tool Co. of Boston, Mass. and later (after 1906) by the Tudor Mfg. Co. of Boston. Rare and Excellent. (not listed)
1497. THE BAY STATE / PAT JAN 15 1901 - - 6" female hex ratchet. Good Plus. (similar to S164)
1498. THE BAY STATE / PAT APLD FOR - - 6" double ended female square ratchet. EX. (S164) (S165)
1499. THE BAY STATE / PAT APLD FOR - - 8" like above. EX. (S163) (S165)
1500. BAY STATE AUTO KITS (same both sides) - - 10" female square ratchet with swivel head. Good Plus. (like S187)
1501. AUTO KIT WRENCH NO. 35 / B. ST. PUMP CO. BOSTON / 7" female square ratchet. Good Plus. (not listed)
1502. SCHROEDER RATCHET SPANNER / PATENT NO. 25330.04 MADE IN ENGLAND - - 8.5" double ended female hex ratchet. Rare and Excellent. (not listed)
Unmarked - - 7" malleable double ended female square ratchet, with levers to reverse. No info on this one but a neat looking old ratchet wrench, From the Frank Kingsbury sale. Good Plus. (not listed)
1492 thru 1503
Lot of two heavy duty female square ratchets with paneled handles
(1.) MUELLER - F-386 DECATUR - ILL. - - 15.5";
(2.) Same wrench marked only "F0386". Good Plus and better. (not listed)
1505. ARMSTRONG U.S.A. / 12-907 - - 14.25" reversible 1/2" drive ratchet with spud wrench alignment end. (not listed)
1506. Lot of two CHICAGO MFG. & DISTRIBUTING CO. - CHICAGO / PATENTED MARCH 10, 1914 (with "CH" logo). - -ratchet wrenches: one 9" and one 14" (S1092)
Lot of two: ratchet wrenches similar to the Chicago Mfg. & Dist. Co ratchets above but marked:
(1.) DEMUTH STEEL PRODUCTS CO. CHICAGO - - 10.5" Excellent. (not listed)
(2.) PO ORN Y (Pokorney?) MFG. CO - CHICAGO, ILL. / PAT. MARCH 1O, 1914 - - Excellent (not listed)
1508. Lot of two unmarked wooden handled ratchets. One 9.5" and one 13.5". Handle crack on short one otherwise both good plus. (not listed, no info)
Lot of three ratchet wrenches:
(1.) U. T. & A. CO. - MILWAUKEE, WIS. - - 13" mal. hex ratchet with brass plate. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
(2.) L. S. STARRETT CO. - PATENTED (can't read all markings) - - 11" rev. ratchet. (like ratchet. in set S184)
(3.) THORSEN 77JA - - 5.75" rev. ratchet. (not listed)
1504 thru 1509
Lot of two:
(1.) FORDSON 2371 - - 11" wrench (R1-180)
(2.) FORDSON - - 5.5" dbl open end wrench (R1-180)
Lot of two:
(1.) FORDSON 2372 - - 11" wrench (R1-180)
(2.) FORDSON F-2372 1F - - 11" wrench (R1-180)
Lot of two Fordson tractor front hub cap wrenches:
(1.) FORDSON F-2197-1 - - 11" wrench (R1-180)
(2.) FORDSON F-2197-2 - - 11" wrench (R1-180)
1513. FORDSON - - 8" pliers (R1-180)
1514. FORDSON (Script) - - 9" metal screwdriver (R1-180)
1515. FORDSON THE KEYSTONE MFG CO BUFFALO NY USA 10 INCH NO 80 - - 10" S handle Cres. type wrench (R1-180)
1516. FORDSON (with snail logo) - - 10" S handled Crescent type. (S756, R1-180)
Lot of four:
(1.) FORDSON F2197-10 - - 11" (R1-180)
(2.) 2097-2 (Fordson) 11" wrench (R1-180)
(3.) 2366-2 (Fordson) 11" wrench (R1-180)
(4.) FORDSON (2366) - - 11" wrench (R1-180)
1510 thru 1517
Lot of two:
(2.) ROCK ISLAND PLOW CO H358 - - 13" (R1-400)
Lot of three:
(1.) Y103 (Rock Island Plow Co) - - 8" (R1-401)
(2.) E16 (Rock Island Plow Co) - - 7.5", repaired (R1-400)
(3.) KW8 (Rock Island Plow Co) - - 8" (R1-400)
Lot of three:
(1.) ROCK ISLAND R1122 - - 10" (R1-400)
(2.) ROCK ISLAND R1123 - - 7.5" (R1-400)
(3.) ROCK ISLAND R1124 - - 5.5" (R1-400)
1521. C188 (Rock Island) - - 10.5" painted (R1-400)
Lot of three:
(1.) ROCK ISLAND (V4181) -11.5" stamped steel pitted (R1-400)
(2.) ROCK ISLAND (V4180) - - 9" stamped steel (R1-400)
(3.) ROCK ISLAND (V4179) - - 7" stamped steel pitted (R1-400)
Lot of two:
(1.) AJAX & SUPERIOR (Rock Island) - - 9" (R1-401)
(2.) AJAX & SUPERIOR (Rock Island) - - 11.5" painted (R1-401)
1518 thru 1523
1524. MAXWELL - 7.5" R1-315
1525. WILKINSON PLOW CO. TORONTO NO. 90 - 10.5" (R1-489)
1526. (2) B.T. BROS. LIMITED FERGUS LONDON 149 - 11" crack (R1-35) and B. CO 842 - 9" (R1-29)
1527. ML15 (Cockshutt) - 12" (R1-107)
1528. (2) G532 (Cockshutt) - 13" painted, repaired; and P4185 (Cockshutt) - 10" hub w (R1-107)
1529. M-H - - 10" whmw (R1-312)
1530. M-H - - 8.5" all metal Vandegrift monkey wrench. (R1-312)
1531. 123C (M-H) - 8.5" all metal Vandegrift monkey wrench. (R1-312)
(3) M-H 122A - 6.5" , 1185 (M-H) - 7" , and 274A (M-H) - 8.5" (R1-311)
1524 thru 1532
Lot of four stamped steel wrenches (R1-311):
(1.) M-H - 11.5"
(2.) M-H - 9"
(3.) M-H - 6.5"
(4.) Unmarked (M-H FLG 255) - 12"
Lot of four: Massey Harris wrenches (R1-311 and 312)
(1.) M-H Z189 - 6.5"
(2.) M-H Z435 - 8"
(3.) M-H A23 - 5.5"
(4.) M555 (M-H) - 5.5"
1535. (2) 883 (M-H) - 15" and 4106C (M-H) - 8" (R1-311 and 312)
1536. (2) M-H - 11" auto type adj wrenches diff markings (R1-312)
1538. (3) M-H SPARK PLUG WRENCH 202783M1 MADE IN CANADA - 10" , M-H-17017 - 9.5" , and DISC 217C - 14.5" (R1-312)
1539. 3854 (Wallis M-H) - 12" tee w (R1-480)
3735 (Wallis M-H) - 11.5" soc w (R2-289)
1533 thru 1540
Lot of two:
(1.) VB & TB CO EASTON PA 1/2 FOR PETROL FASTENER - - 9" (R1-468)
(2.) T.B. WOOD'S SONS CHAMBERSBURG, PA. 5/8 - - 11" pitted (R1-493)
Lot of two:
(1.) FAST'S COUPLING 1 - - 8.5" (R1-176)
(2.) CHAIN BELT CO. 7/16 MILWAUKEE WIS USA - - 7.5" (R1-92)
Lot of two:
(1.) BOND 2 - - 8.5" (R1-58)
(2.) BOND 3 - - 6.5" (R1-58)
Lot of four:
(1.) 1/2 - - 8.5" silo type w
(2.) G11 - - 9.5" unidentified orphan
(3.) 00826 9.34J - - 9" unidentified orphan
(4.) 1 - - 8" unidentified orphan
Lot of four:
(1.) 969A - - 7.5" unidentified tee soc
(2.) 727X - - 8" unidentified tee soc
(3.) 324A - - 5.5" unidentified tee soc
(4.) 9630 - - 5" unidentified orphan tee soc
Lot of three
(1.) Unmarked - - 5" odd tee soc
(2.) Unmarked - - 11" cast open end S wr
(3.) 30462-1 - - 11" unidentified comb spanner soc w
1541 thru 1546
Lot of three:
(1.) 2054 - 9.5" unidentified orphan
(2.) Unmarked - - 10" cast hub type w
(3.) Unmarked - - 5" cast open end S w with holes painted
Lot of three:
(1.) AL1 - - 10.5" unidentified cast hub type w
(2.) T18273 XX - - 13" repair painted
(3.) 482 - - 6" odd screwdriver open end
Lot of three:
(1.) K539 - - 7" unidentified orphan
(2.) 901A - - 8.5 unidentified orphan drilled hole owners marks
(3.) 22 - - 6" dbl open end
Lot of four:
(1.) 15YH - - 7" odd crowfoot
(2.) NO 1 - - 3.5" S w
(3.) Unmarked - - 8" odd dbl soc
(4.) 16367 - - 12.5" extra heavy w
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked - - 8" heavy socket with three open ends.
(2.) Unmarked - - 11" odd imp w
Lot of two:
(1.) CR - - 10" curved handle
(2.) 7A9 - - 6" heavy cast w
1547 thru 1552
Lot of four:
(1.) W103 - - 8.5" unidentified orphan
(2.) M215EE - - 7" odd tank w
(3.) HH - - 9.5" unidentified orphan
(4.) A15 - - 5.5" with pry
Lot of three:
(1.) B - - 10" odd imp w
(2.) PO40 - - 6" unidentified orphan
(3.) Unmarked - - 5.5" odd spanner
Lot of three:
(1.) Unmarked - - 9.5" odd offset imp wrench, pitted
(2.) 1904 - - 8.5" odd flat back w
(3.) Unmarked - - 4.25" two oe by hex box.. Extra thick.
Lot of three:
(1.) Unmarked - - 8" odd implement wrench.
(2.) 1974 ? - - 5" L-shaped socket, pitted
(3.) Unmarked - - 9.5" L-shaped three oe wrench.
Lot of three:
(1.) B60 - 10.5".
(2.) C5 - 6.5" wing nut wrench.
(3.) 841 - 8". Pitted.
1533 thru 1557
Lot of two:
(1.) 3550 - - 10" unidentified tee wrench
(2.) 1214 - - 8" orphan
Lot of three:
(1.) Unmarked - - 3.5" L shape soc open end w
(2.) I-1 - - 7" odd w
(3.) 270 - - 6.5" odd orphan
1560. 1988 - - 15" unidentified
Lot of three:
(1.) Unmarked - - 9" odd w, pitted (R1-504)
(2.) Unmarked - - 8.5" odd curved ribbed soc, open end w
(3.) 290 - - 4.5" unidentified w/screwdriver
1562. Unmarked - - 10" oddball 5 openings
(2) Unmarked - 11.5" multi-w w/6 sizes pitting, painted, crack, very unique wrench, Unmarked - 5" multi-w w/7 sizes
1558 thru 1563
Lot of two:
(1.) B301107 - - 11" with ball end
(2.) Unmarked - - 20" large dbl soc
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked - - 10.5" soc box end, pitted
(2.) G74 - - 9" with 3.5" opening orphan
1566. 293 - - 9" open end with loop handle. Case steam engine wrench "for valve nut". Used on all old style Bar Guide Case Steam Engines built 1876 to 1885. Just identified from 1909 Case Parts List. RARE. (not in Rathbone)
Lot of three:
(1.) 10 - - 5.5" L shaped soc open end w
(2.) SP-SS-1-3-5 C 30 - - 8" odd w
(3.) Unmarked - - 8" odd w like above
Lot of four:
(1.) N9 - - 5.5" orphan
(2.) Unmarked - - 7" heavy cast S-type w, 4 sizes
(3.) Unmarked - - 8" odd hammer wrench
(4.) VA94 - - 6" orphan
1564 thru 1568
Lot of three:
(1.) 1 - 9" similar to Deere W-2
(2.) 2 - 9.5" cast dbl. open end.
(3.) E1015 - 10" L-shaped w
Lot of three:
(1.) 926H - 13" tee soc wrench
(2.) Unmarked - 16.5" tee open end w/2 soc
(3.) 2766 - 8" tee soc wrench.
(3) combination multi-end soc wrenches - 9" , 11.5", and 9.5"
1569 thru 1571
1572. (4) S shape cast multi-wrenches. Unmarked - 11.5" (R1-504), 469 - 12" , Unmarked - 13" , Unmarked - 9" pitted
1573. (3) D239 - 10" , D1 - 12" , and 5 - 10"
(2) B144 - 16" light pitting, AJ82 - 7" dbl soc w
1572 thru 1574
1575. (3) S298 - 6.5" dbl soc tee w, 1294 - 18" offset soc open end w, 3914-23 - 13" open end w
1576. (3) 55738 - 7" dbl end cast soc, 3256X24 - 3.5" steel soc, 778E1 - 2.75" cast soc
Lot of four:
(1.) 44 (Brown-Manly Plow Co) - - 8" (R1-66)
(2.) 44 (Brown-Manly Plow Co) - - 8" square opening (R1-66)
(3.) 1AA (Brown-Manly Plow Co) - - 6.5" (R1-66)
(4.) 32 (George W. Brown Co) - - 9" (R1-66)
1575 thru 1577
1578. STANDARD HIWAY PATROL NO .2 - NO .3 - D455 USE FOR AXLE NUTS ONLY - 14.5" (R1-436)
Lot of three Adams Grader wrenches:
(1.) 172 - 10.5"
(2.) 172 - 10.5" 2 sizes on open end
(3.) 178 - 6.5" (R2-2)
1580. Lot of three clevises with wrench pins: one marked 6 - 5.5" , unmarked - 5.5" , and unmarked - 6.5"
1581. PO11 (McKenzie) - 8" (R2-193)
1582. Lot of two: SHARES N167 - 5.5" and unmarked (566 Seiberling & Miller?) - 8.5" (R1-421)
1583. PLANET JR. H4 USA - (R1-380)
1584. Lot of three: PLANET JR. 3 - 6.5" , PLANET JR. USA 3 - 6.5" , and PLANET JR. MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 3 - 6.5" (R1-380)
PLANET JR. MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 5430 - 5" stamped steel wrench (also on the IHC Tool List) (R1-380)
1578 thru 1585
1586. VICE WRENCH A-200 / AAA - PAT. NO. 555284 (not correct US patent number) - - 8" strange, neat tool with one jaw adjusted with plier type handles and the other adjusted with a Crescent type mechanism. Never seen another one. Good Plus Plus with a very small no harm crack around a jaw rivet. One of a Kind? (not listed)
1587. Unmarked - - 7" plier type pw with a thumbscrew that can set the lower jaw in four different positions. Looks exactly like wrench pictured in ad for the Keyco Pipe Wrench mfg. by the Keystone Co. of Buffalo, NY. Good Plus. (S250, MVNL Dec 1986, pg 8)
1588. Unmarked - - 8.5" slip joint type plier wrench with straight coarse serrated jaws. Shop made? Excellent (not listed)
1589. CLICK PLIERS - CLICK MFG CO FAIRBURY, NEBRASKA / PATS 2358858 (etc.) - - 9" with an unique spring loaded pin to set the lower jaw to different positions. Good Plus (S260)
1590. SUPER GRIP TOOL CO IOWA - PAT 1-16-89 - - 8" pliers with a geared cam mechanism. Some minor nicks. (S245L3)
1591. ADACK - R. CALUWEARTS CO. INC. NY - PATENT APPLIED FOR - -9.5" adj. pliers with an unusual half moon adjusting piece. Excellent (not listed, no info)
1592. LAWSON MFG. CO.- CLEVELAND, O. - LOC JAWS PLIERS - PATENT PENDING - - 8" plier wrench with set screw adjustment. Excellent. (S253)
1593. LOCK LINE - ROSS MFG CO, S. F. - US PATENT 2,370,308 (etc.) - - 8" can action pliers mfg in San Francisco, CA. Good Plus, some. (S267)
1594. GRIPSO BASFORD, S. F. - PAT 2600512 (etc.) - - 7.75" unique slip joint pliers from San Francisco, CA. Excellent, plated. (S244)
1595. KANT-SLIP - PAT ARP 27, 20 - AUG 2, 21 / A. D. WRENCH & TOOL CO. (Allan-Diffenbaugh) - BARABOO, WISC. - - 9.5" Unique Pliers with hammer head.. Excellent. (S356)
Unmarked - - 8.75" pliers with unique middle jaw that slides up and down as the handles are moved. Pat. by Francis Stallings of Effingham, IL on 12-18-1917 and 6-17-1924 and advertised as the "Triple Grip". Scarce wrench in Good Plus as found uncleaned condition. (S266)
1597. PFEIFFER'S PINCERS? - PAT APR 6, 1915 (etc.) (not all markings readable) - - 7.5" combination slip joint pliers with a worm and gear adjustment pat. by I. Pfeiffer, Jr. of Bedford, Mass. Good Plus (S251)
1598. BLEDSOE TRADEMARK (with logo) MINNEAPOLIS / PAT. PENDING - - 10.5" plier wrench with notched jaws. Pat. May 22, 1917 by Yancy Bledsoe of Bonham, Texas. Excellent. (S257)
1599. EIFEL -GEARED PLIERENCH - MOD 8-1/2 - 33 - AMER PLIERENCH CORP'N CHICAGO, ILL - 45.00 - PAT (etc.) - - 8.75" 1933 model of the Eifel wrench with sc/dr on end of handle. Good Plus with most of it's original plating intact. (similar to S272)
EIFEL -GEARED PLIERENCH - MOD 7-36 - AMER PLIERENCH CORP'N CHICAGO, ILL - $4.00 - PAT (etc.) - - 7.5" 1936 model of the Eifel Pliers like above except in the scarce smaller 7" size. Good Plus. (similar to S272)
1586 thru 1600
1601. EIFEL-FLASH PLIERENCH - PAT 5.2.16 - FLASHS'L'S CHICAGO - - 9" malleable (early, first type) Eifel wrench with original canvas bag. (S272)
1602. POWER-KRAFT - - 9" later type Eifel pliers with three extra jaws in plastic bag marked: POWER-KRAFT PLIERENCH SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY MONTGOMERY WARD. First one seen. Excellent like new condition (similar to S272)
1603. GRIP N STIK 707 - DOVER, 0 - PAT APR. 13, '24 - - 7.25" plier wrench similar but considerably rarer than the Eifel Pliers. Good Plus (S263)
1604. HEYCO NO. 29 - - 7" specialty wrench similar to Eifel pliers with thin concave jaw ends and plastic sleeves on handles. Excellent. (not listed)
1605. HOLDFAST TOOL CO. LOS ANGLES, CALIF. / PAT. NO. 2,397,095 - - 8.75" plier type wrench with a side screw that adjusts the moveable jaw. Usually found in poor condition, this one is extra nice. (S895)
1606. DUPONT NO. 4 - - 7" Dynamite fuse crimping tool with screwdriver and awl. Excellent.
1607. SINGER (Sewing Machine Co.) - SIMANCO - - 6" specialty pliers for cutting and splicing round belts of the type that were used on treadle sewing machines. Excellent.
1608. ACME MFG. CO. / PAT APLD - - 13.5" odd malleable plier tool that you close the handles to open jaws. Reminds me of a duck billed platypus. Guaranteed to catch a road runner. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
1609. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO (with a Swastika logo) - - 8" double ended alligator wrench with three bolt dies. Excellent, like new condition.
1610. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO - - 6 IN (with a Swastika logo) - - 5.75" curved handled Crescent type wrench. Solid handle var.. Good Plus
1611. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO - - 8 IN (with a Swastika logo) - - 7.75" Crescent like above. Good Plus.
BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO - - 10 IN (with a Swastika logo) - - 10" Crescent like above. Some light pitting.
1601 thru 1612
1613. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO - - 12 IN (with a Swastika logo) - - 12.5" Crescent like above except open handle var..
1614. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO - - 14 IN (with a Swastika logo) - - 14.25" Crescent like above, open handle var.. Very rare in this size. Hammer dents on head.
1615. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO - - 9" all metal screwdriver with fluted handle (similar to the Fordson sc/dr). Good Plus
1616. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO - - 6.5" comb. taper reamer and two square socket wrenches tee handled tool. Excellent and RARE.
1617. Lot of two: BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO (with a Swastika logo) - - 7.5" gate or barn door latches with different markings,
1618. A cutout Swastika logo - - 5.5" sad iron trivet. RARE. EXCELLENT.
1619. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO - PAT JAN - - 17 (with a Swastika logo) - - 6" neat looking gear puller. First one seen. Excellent.
1620. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO (with a Swastika logo) - - 11" Fort Model T type sparkplug and cylinder head wrench (older style). Good Plus
1621. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO (with a Swastika logo) - - 14" wood handled bearing scraper. Excellent.
1622. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO - - 6.25" wood handled tack puller.
1623. BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO (with a Swastika logo) - - 7.5" all metal tack puller. Excellent.
BUFFUM TOOL CO - LOUISIANA, MO (with a Swastika logo) - - 7.5" all metal tack puller, like above with some damage to handle end.
1613 thru 1624
1625. 1912 Buffum Tool Co Automotive and Engineers Tools Catalog (limited reprint). 96 pages of illustrated Buffum tools including wrenches, screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, chisels, punches, etc., including many never seen marked Buffum before i.e. a listing for traditional style buggy wrenches. Like new condition.
1626. BEMIS & CALL CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS / A. D. BRIGGS PATENTED APR 28, 1859 - - 12" pw with threaded shaft and long threaded sleeve. Fine example of a pre Civil War patented wrench, (S833)
1627. BEMIS & CALL H & T CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA - - 8" early wh pipe wrench with threaded shaft , short knurled adj nut var.. Some pitting. (similar to S840)
1628. BEMIS & CALL H & T CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA - - 10.25" wh pipe wrench like above. Excellent. (similar to S840)
1629. BEMIS & CALL H & T CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA / NO 3 - - 10.5" wh pipe with long adj sleeve and replaceable top and bottom jaw inserts. Pat 1869 and 1870 Excellent. (S836)
1630. BEMIS & CALL SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA / NO 2 - - 13" wh pipe with long adj sleeve. Handle crack otherwise Good Plus. (S838)
Lot of two:
(1.) BEMIS & CALL SPRINGFIELD, MASS - PAT AUG 1866 - - 15" wh pipe with long adj sleeve like wrench above. Handle crack, back of lower jaw is cracked.. (like S838)
(2.) Markings not readable (Bemis & Call - - 13.5" wh pipe with short hex adj nut made to Amos Call's pat. of 8-28-1866. Early B & C wrench but in poor condition with a jaw crack, old weld repair and severe pitting. (not in Schulz, C62B)
1632. BEMIS & CALL H & T CO 15 IN /SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA (not all markings readable) - - 12.50" wh comb. nut and pipe wrench with long adj sleeve and a spring loaded lower pipe jaw usually seen on the Donahue patent Tower & Lyon wrenches. Pitting. (not listed)
BEMIS & CALL CO. - SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA - - 15.5" wh comb. nut and pipe wrench with long hex adj sleeve. EXCELLENT (not listed, similar to S837 except longer adj sleeve and different bottom pipe jaw)
1626 thru 1633
1634. BEMIS & CALL H & T CO 15 IN /SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA - - 15.5" wh comb. nut and pipe wrench with short hex adj nut. Good Plus. (S837)
1635. Lot of two B & C wh comb. nut and pipe wrenches: (1.) 15.5" with long adj sleeve. Pitted, handle crack (S843T); (2.) 12.5" with short hex adj nut. Some grind marks, handle crack (S837)
1636. BEMIS & CALL CO. - SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA / (B & C in circle logo) - - 18" all metal monkey wrench with reinforcing bar on back of lower jaw. Seldom seen B & C wrench. Good Plus (not in Schulz)
Lot of two:
(1.) BEMIS & CALL CO. - SPRINGFIELD, MASS MADE IN USA (also stamped RDG CO.) / (B & C in circle logo) - - 6.5" all metal nut wrench with short hex adj. nut. Excellent
(2.) BEMIS & CALL CO. - SPRINGFIELD, MASS MADE IN USA (also stamped C.ST.P.M. & O. RY) (Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway) / (B & C in circle logo) - - 8.25" wood handled center screw adj. nut wrench with short hex. Excellent. (S843D2)
BEMIS & CALL CO. - SPRINGFIELD, MASS MADE IN USA (also stamped A.T. & S.F. RY. (Atchinson, Topeka, & Santa Fe) / (B & C in circle logo)
1634 thru 1638
1639. NOBLESVILLE FDRY & MACH CO. (Foundry & Machine Co.) - NOBLESVILLE , IND - PAT JULY 18, 1882 - - 12.25" wood handled doubled jaw nut and pipe wrench with center threaded sleeve adjustment pat. by John Sanders of Indianapolis, Indiana. Same wrench was later mfg. by the R. R. Rouse Mfg. Co. of Indianapolis. A little jaw edge damage otherwise excellent as found uncleaned condition. (like S580, C235)
1640. W & B CO USA (with a diamond logo) - - 10.5" double jaw comb. nut and pipe wrench with knife type wood handle. Good Plus (S867)
1641. DUDLY TOOL CO - MEMOMINEE, MICH - PAT AUG, DEC, 1901 - - 12" all metal double jaw automotive type nut and pipe wrench. Excellent. (S57)
1642. THE GEM - - 11.25" all metal double jaw automotive type nut and pipe wrench with tire tool end. Good ++ (S58)
1643. TOWER & LYON - NEW YORK - PATENTED SEPT 25TH, 1877, MAR 1ST, 1881, DEC 12TH, 1882 - - 12.5" wood handled double jawed nut and pipe wrench. Long fluted center sleeve and replaceable lower pipe jaw. Pat. by Bernard Donahue of New York. Good Plus. For some reason the Donahue patented wrenches are difficult to find in good or better condition. (like S566)
1644. TOWER & LYON - NEW YORK - PATENTED SEPT 25, 1877, MAR 1, 1881, DEC 12, 1882 - -15.5" wood handled double jawed nut and pipe wrench like above. Patent dates not readable, some hammer dings, tight crack in handle, still better than average condition for this wrench. (like S566)
1645. Agril Engine Wrench - PATENTED - SEPT 25, 1877, MAR 1, 1881, DEC 12, 1882 - - 15.5" like above with different markings. Dent on fluted sleeve otherwise in Good Plus, as found uncleaned condition. (S566)
JOHN T. TOWER NEW YORK - PATENTED - SEPT 25, 1877, MAR 1, 1881, DEC 12, 1882 - - 10.5" wood handled double jawed nut and pipe wrench like above. Mfg. prior to the formation of the Tower & Lyon Co in 1884. Small gouge in handle, not all patent dates readable, better than average. (like S566)
1639 thru 1646
1647. THE ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA USA / ("E" in a circle in a diamond logo) - - 11" wh double jawed nut and pipe wrench with short hex adj. nut. Good Plus. (not listed)
1648. THE ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA USA / ("E" in a circle in a diamond logo) - - 15" wh double jawed nut and pipe wrench with short hex adj. nut. Some dings, wrong handle end nut. (not listed)
1649. THE ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA USA / ("E" in a circle in a diamond logo) - - 15" wh double jawed nut and pipe wrench with long adj. sleeve. Some dings, tight handle crack. (not listed)
Winchester sold the Crusader Trademark wrenches for a very short time circa 1921 till they were replaced with the Winchester Trademark wrenches. Due to the limited time they were produced they are very seldom found, much rarer than the Winchester marked wrenches. These are the first we have ever had for sale.
1650. WINCHESTER -TRADEMARK - NO.---1003 - - 10.25" knife type wood handled monkey wrench. Some pitting.
1651. WINCHESTER -TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 1 12.25" knife wood handled mw. Different Winchester monkey wrench than normally seen with only one rivet in the handle vs. two, marked on the upper jaw vs. handle shaft, and lower jaw has a reinforcing bar on the back edge. One area with pitting other wise Good Plus. (not listed)
1652. WINCHESTER -TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1032 - PAT 3-14-22 - 10" (etc) - - 10" Stillson type all metal pw pat. by Guy Claypool of Hamden, Connecticut and assigned to Winchester Repeating Arms Co. of New Haven, Connecticut. EXCELLENT ++. (S640)
1653. WINCHESTER -TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1032 - PAT 3-14-22 - 14" (etc) - - 14" Stillson type all metal pipe wrench like above. Good Plus. (S640)
1654. WINCHESTER -TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1032 - PAT 3-14-22 - 18" (etc) - - 18.25" Stillson type all metal pipe wrench like above. Good Plus. (S640)
WINCHESTER -TRADEMARK - NO.----1022 - - 9.5" Stillson style wood handled pipe wrench. I wasn't real sure about the authenticity of this wrench as it is a different style than the all metal Winchester pipe wrenches above. I checked with a Winchester expert and he has one just like it NOS with the original box . Top jaw chipped and owners initials "VH" on reverse side otherwise Good Plus. Guaranteed authentic. (S634)
1647 thru 1655
1656. CRUSADER - 10 - - 9.5" all metal Stillson type pw. Excellent uncleaned condition. (not listed)
1657. CRUSADER TRADEMARK - - 6.75" wood handled monkey wrench. RARE size and Good Plus condition. (not listed)
1658. CRUSADER TRADEMARK - - 8.25" wood handled monkey wrench. Some jaw edge chips. (not listed)
1659. CRUSADER TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 8.5" wood handled monkey wrench. Seldom found and in Excellent Plus condition. (not listed)
Lot of two:
(1.) CRUSADER TRADEMARK - - 9.75" wood handled monkey wrench. Pitting, handle cracks, weak markings. (not listed)
(2.) CRUSADER TRADEMARK - - 9.75" wood handled monkey wrench. Some light pitting, replaced handle?. (not listed)
1661. WESTCOTT THE KEYSTONE MFG CO BUFFALO NY / 6" - - 6" curved (open) handle Cres type with pipe jaw.
1662. WESTCOTT / 10 IN PIPE MADE BY THE KEYSTONE MFG CO BUFFALO NY - - 10.25" curved (open) handle Cres type with pipe jaw.
1663. WESTCOTT THE KEYSTONE MFG CO BUFFALO NY / 14" PIPE - - 14.5" curved (solid) handle Cres type with pipe jaw.
1664. BULLOCK / 6 IN - - 6" curved (open) handle Cres. type with pipe jaw.
1665. BULLOCK / 8 IN - - 6" curved (open) handle Cres. type with pipe jaw.
1666. BEMIS & CALL H & T CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA 6 IN - - 6" curved (open) handle Cres type with pipe jaw.
1667. B & C / BEMIS & CALL H&T CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA 8 IN - - 7.75" curved (open) handle Cres type with pipe jaw.
1668. B & C (lettering embossed var.. / 12 IN - - 12" curved (open) handle Cres type with pipe jaw.
B & C (lettering debossed var..) / 12 IN - - 12" curved (open) handle Cres type with pipe jaw.
1656 thru 1669
Lot two thin Stillson type auto wrenches:
(1.) BONNEY STILLSON PATTERN WRENCH - AUTOMOTIVE (etc.) - - 5.75" .Rare. This size usually found marked "motorcycle".
(2.) - 7" like above
1671. BONNEY MOTOR TRUCK WRENCH / ALLENTOWN, PA - - 10" Stillson type all metal wrench. Good plus. (S1104)
1672. THE KEYSTONE MFG. CO (etc.). - WESTCOTT / AUTO 8 INCH - - 8" S-handled Crescent type nut wrench. Good plus.
Lot two all metal screw adjust automotive nut wrenches:
(1.) AUTO TRIMONT MFG. / TRIMO PATENTED JULY 10, 190? - - 9". Weld repair on upper jaw.
(2.) W & B. / AUTO - -10". Whitman & Barnes version of a thinner than normal wrench, for the new automotive enthusiasts. Light pitting.
1674. TRIMO AUTO / PAT APL'D FOR (etc.) - - 11" all metal nut wrench similar toTrimont's regular nut wrenches but thinner. Excellent.
Lot of two SNAIL BRAND / MADE IN ENGLAND - - Auto style nut wrenches.
(1.) 9.25" (with snail log). Good plus.
(2.) 11" also marked: EN FO (in script) (English Ford). Excellent.
Lot of three auto style nut wrenches:
(2.) 7" HERBRAND
(3.) 11.25" unmarked with tire tool end.
1677. PIERCE (with ARROW logo) - BILLINGS - B - - 5" center screw adj. pocket wrench. Excellent.
1678. PIERCE (with ARROW logo) - BILLINGS MODEL G - - 11" auto type nut wrench. Excellent.
1679. PIERCE (with ARROW logo) - BILLINGS & SPENCER - - 14.5" auto style. Excellent with some original black finish.
1680. MACK (trucks)- WAKEFIELD NO. 5- PAT'D - MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS. - - 4.25" side screw adj, pocket wrench with a guard around the adj. nut. Good Plus.
1681. CADILLAC (in script) / 17591 - - 7.5" single open end forged wrench. Excellent.
1682. CADILLAC (in large, bold, script) (with Billings logo) - -5.5" double open end forged wrench with slightly angled ends. Excellent,
CADILLAC (in script) - - 10" doe forged wrench with one end slightly angled. Some pitting. (S65B)
1670 thru 1683
1684. 6216 BLACKHAWK 1/2" - - 21" brace type speed wrench with two sockets, one to turn the nut and the other to hold the bolt. Used for flanged differential covers, oil pans, etc. Excellent.
1685. Unmarked - - 21.5" brace type speed wrench similar to above. Good Plus.
318 RAY 9/16" - - 22.25" brace type speed wrench like above. Excellent.
1684 thru 1686
1687. UNMARKED - -17" brace type speed wrench with ratcheting head.
1688. THE FULTON CO. - COPPER HEAD SERVICE WRENCH - PAT OCT. 3, 1922 - NO. 4100 - -16" brace type speed wrench with revolving 4-socket head (for lug nuts)
1689. BLACKHAWK - - 19" brace type speed wrench with revolving 4-socket head (for lug nuts) (S60)
1690. Unmarked - - 12.5" folding handle lug wrench.
1687 thru 1690
Lot of four automotive wrenches:
(1.) NO. 6064 - 1/2" - WALDEN-WORCESTER - - 12.5" brace type speed wrench with wooden knob.
(2.) X1960 WALDEN-WORCESTER - PAT. 1569543 - - 11" wing tee socket with pry bar end.
(3.) STEVENS-WORCESTER - - 12.25" 4-Way lug nut wrench.
(4.) GOODELL-PRATT - GREENFIELD, MASS - - wooden handled speed type socket wrench. Shown in several old car parts lists. Small crack on socket edge.
1692. RAMBLER / NO. 5. - - 11.5" double open end.
1693. NASH SE285 / 9417 (etc.) - - 12.5" double open end.
1694. NO. 3-1/2 NASH - - 7.75"
Lot of three Nash double open end wrenches:
(1.) NASH 3 - - 5"
(2.) NASH 2 - - 5.75"
(3.) NASH 1 - - 7.75"
1696. Set of four Maxwell stamped steel doe wrenches: MAXWELL 1, 2, 3, and 4.
1697. MOON - R2015A - - 10" single hex box hubcap wrench from the Moon Motor Car Co. of St. Louis, MO. One of the neatest malleable hubcap wrenches with the trademark "Moon Eyes" dots in center of the O's. Excellent
Lot of two E. M. F. wrenches (Everitt-Metzer-Flanders or as the old timers said "Every Morning Fix"), predecessors to Studebaker.
(1.) E. M. F. CO. - DETROIT - A-1208 - - 7" malleable socket with open end wrench. Scarce auto wrench.
(2.) E. M. F. CO - DETROIT / A-1301-01 - - 4" double open end S-type wrench.
Lot of two E. M. F. wrenches:
(1.) E. M. F. CO - DETROIT - - A.1310. - - 9" double open end wrench.
(2.) E. M. F. CO - DETROIT - - A.1312. - - 5" double open end wrench.
Lot of three Studebaker wrenches:
(1.) 6490 - - 8.5" doe wrench (ID from Studebaker Parts List)
(2.) 6481 - - 7" doe wrench (ID from Studebaker Parts List)
(3.) TIRE CARRIER WRENCH / 678225 (with backward "S" logo) - - 9" doe wrench for Studebaker Truck?
Lot of three E. M. F. and Studebaker type hubcap wrenches:
(1.)Unmarked - - 8.25"
(2.) Unmarked - - 8.5"
(3.) FAIRMOUNT - CLEV. - - 8.5"
1692 thru 1701
Lot of three automobile wrenches::
(1.) MITCHELL (in script) - - 7" doe early auto wrench.
(2.) AUSTIN (in script) - - 4" doe forged wrench.
(3.) MERCEDES-BENZ 0005810067 / HAZET M-59 - - 9" swivel hex socket wrench (for sparkplugs?)
Lot of three Dodge Brothers forged open end wrenches:
(1.) Q1191 - - 8".
(2.) Q7797 DB64 - - 8".
(3.) Q6165.
Lot of two:
(1.) 8" BAHCO 11 - VOLVO / SWEDEN (etc.) - - 8" crescent type wrench with tire tool end.
(2.) 8" BAHCO - SWEDEN / VOLVO- AB BAHCO STOCKHOLM (etc.) - - 8" Crescent type wrench with alligator wrench on end.
1705. OVERLAND (in script) - - 6.25" open end by spanner wrench.
Lot of six early Chevy wrenches:
(1.) PAT. APPLIED (Chevy No. 24334) - - 13" hex box with tire tool and jack handle end,. Patented Dec 12, 1926 sand assigned to General Motors. ID from 1926 Chevy Part List.
(2.) H532 - - 5" mal. double hex socket . Sparkplug wrench for c.1916 to 1923 Chevrolets.
(3.) J4 / 5 (Chevy No. 22413B c. 1919) - - 6.5" hex lug bolt wrench.
(4.) AF310 (Chevy No. 24334 c.1923) - - 8.75" lug wrench with hammer and pry bar end.
(5.) 4950 KENT-MOORE - - 8.25" stamped steel dbl. 12 point box end wrench, Chevy service tool.
(6.) CLUTCH J-933 - CHEV. 1837 - KENT MOORE (can't read all lettering) - - 9" stamped steel offset open end wrench.
Lot of three:
(1.) 1RN379 (Reo) - - 9" mal. single hex box with four pegs vale port wrench. ID from 1916 Reo Touring Parts Lists
(2.) 1RN338 (Reo?) - - 11" mal. dbl hex box with four pegs
(3.) Unmarked - - 11" like above.
1702 thru 1707
Lot of seven::
(1.) FIAT 13 - 17 - - 6" double open end.
(2.) FIAT 13 - 17 - - 6" same as (1.)
(3.) FIAT 10 - 8 - - 4.25" double open end.
(4.) (Flag logo) 17 - 19 - - 6.5" double open end.
(5.) KOWA Y1 / 22 - - 5.5" hex box (motorcycle wrench)
(6.) MERCEDES-BENZ 10 - 8 / UNIOR DIN 895 - - 4.5" double open end.
(7.) TOYOTA MOTOR 14 - 17 / JAPAN - - 6.5" double open end.
1709. W782 (Avery; Kissel, and Brockway Trucks) - - 10.25" mal. hex box for steering knuckles on Kissel Trucks. This wrench has been recently ID from Parts List for 1915 Avery Trucks, Kissel trucks, and Brockway trucks. Probably issued with other vehicles that used Timken bearings.
1710. 3662 (Oldsmobile) - - 13" single hex offset box. ID from Olds Parts List.
Lot of two:
(1.) HUBCO MFG CO BLALTO. MD./ XP1 (Baltimore Hub-Wheel and Mfg. Co.) - - 10" cast hubcap wrench?
(2.) Unmarked - - 10.25" stamped steel wrench like (1.). Hubcap wrench for early Pontiacs?.
Lot of four:
(1.) RAY 623 (with logo) - - 7.75" hex box ratchet wrench. After market wrench for Ford Model "T" brake and reverse pedal adjustment.
(2.) Marked only "200" - - 10" offset open end. Ford after market wrench for Model "T" connecting rod clamps (5Z209)
(3.) HERBRAND (in script) - - 13.75" square socket wrench. Ford after market?
(4.) SIMMONS (with an arrow logo) - - 10" offset open end wrench like (2.) for Ford Model "T" connecting rod clamps (5Z209)
1708 thru 1712
1713. 120 RUDGE WHITWORTH - - 16" malleable large spanner wrench. top edge beat up from hammering.
1714. WIRE WHEEL CORP. OF AMERICA BUFFALO N.Y. B61242 - - 15" has brass instruction tag hammered end
1715. 4 HOUK MFG CO BUFFALO NY 6224 - - 13.5"
1716. HAYES WHEEL CO JACKSON MICH WW4 - - 14" hammered end drill hole
1717. Unmarked (Packard) - - 10.5" hub w
1718. K-1180 - - 13" hub wrench (Maxwell?)
Unmarked ( Whippet 1927-1931) - - 14" hub cap/tire tool with hub cap it fits.
1713 thru 1719
1720. 252412 - - 14.5" hub cap wrench? (orphan)
1721. 3850 - - 10" 4 opening hub w
1722. 2753 - - 12.5" odd hub wrench.
1723. 2272 - - 12.5" Pitted.
Lot of two hub cap wrenches:
(1.) B-258 - - 9.5" hub w
(2.) Unmarked - - 8.5" hub w with studs
1725. 1-BY-26 - - 9" hub w
Lot of two hub cap wrenches:
(1.) 55449 - - 10.5" hub w
(2.) Unmarked - - 10.5" hub w 3 sizes
1720 thru 1726
1727. WORTH - - 10.25" wood knife handle monkey wrench from the Bigelow & Douse Co. of Boston, MA. Handle chip otherwise Good Plus.
1728. WORTH (and logo) - 10 - 9.25" Stillson type all metal pw from the Bigelow & Douse Co. of Boston, MA. Good Plus (not listed)
1729. WORTH - 8 - 6.75" Stillson type all metal pw from the Bigelow & Douse Co. of Boston, MA. Excellent. (not listed)
1730. 8 IN - WORTH - - 8" Crescent type from the Bigelow & Douse Co. of Boston, MA. Excellent. (not listed)
1731. STANLEY MADE IN USA (with Stanley Sweetheart Logo) / 10 - - 9.25" wood hdl. Stillson pattern pipe wrench. According to Stanley tool collectors this wrench was never listed separately in any catalog but was only available as part of a tool cabinet set. Scarce wrench. Good Plus with strong, clear markings. (S634) (S634)
1732. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO / 18 IN - HR 2442 - - 16" Stillson type all metal pw. Excellent, uncleaned condition. (not listed)
1733. SHAPLEIGH (in fancy script) - TRADEMARK (etc.) - - 8" Coes type whmw. Few edge dings, handle crack. (not listed)
1734. SHAPLEIGH (in fancy script) 10 INCH FORGED - - 10" Crescent type nut wrench from the Shapleigh Hardware Co. of St. Louis, MO. As found uncleaned condition.
1735. SHAPLEIGH (in fancy script) - 18 - - 16" all metal Stillson type pw. Pitted as found, uncleaned. (not listed)
Lot of four Bridge Tool Co. wrenches from the Shapleigh Hardware Co. of St. Louis, MO.
1000.(4074, 2258.1, 3190, 779)
(1.) BRIDGE TOOL CO - ST. LOUIS USA - - 8.5" wood handled monkey wrench Good plus with handle crack.
(2.) BRIDGE TOOL CO - ST. LOUIS USA - - 10" wood handled monkey wrench. Good plus with a tight handle crack.
(3.) BRIDGE TOOL CO - ST. LOUIS / B - - 6.25" malleable doe "S" wrench.
(4.) BRIDGE TOOL CO - ST. LOUIS / E - - 9" malleable doe "S" wrench.
OVB (OUR VERY BEST Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Chicago)- 6.25" Cronk type pliers with flat jaws and two wire cutters. Neat small pliers. Excellent. (not listed)
1727 thru 1737
1738. HIBBARD (Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Chicago) - - 10.25" wood knife type handle monkey wrench. Good. (not listed)
1739. "WYETH" / W & B (w/ a diamond logo) J. H. WILLIAMS (etc.) - - 8.25" knife wood handle monkey wrench sold by the Wyeth Hardware & Mfg. Co of St. Joseph, MO. Good Plus, replaced handle slabs. (not listed)
1740. TOWNLEY'S - 1 - TERRIER - - 5.5" single alligator wrench with two square box wrenches sold by the Townley Hardware Co. of Kansas City, MO. Some light pitting.
1741. "TOWNLEY" WARRANTED / W & B (in a diamond logo) J. H. WILLIAMS &: CO - - 10" wood knife handled monkey wrench. Good Plus. (not listed)
1742. PAGOMA SHIELD OF QUALITY (in a shield logo) - - 10.25" wood knife hdl. monkey wrench. Pagoma was a trademark for hardware jobber Paxton and Gallagher of Omaha, Neb. RARE and EXCELLENT (not listed)
1743. STOWE H. & S. CO. - KANSAS CITY - - 6.75" Coes type whmw from the Stowe Hardware & Supply Co, of Kansas City, MO. Bent shaft, some pitting, needs a little TLC. (not listed)
1744. RICH-CON - - 6" comb. nippers, wire cutters, sc/dr, tack puller from the Richards & Conover Hardware Co. of Kansas City, MO. One small jaw chip otherwise Excellent.
1745. RICH-CON (in a diamond logo) RICHARDS & CONOVER HDW. CO. - KANSAS CITY - - 8.5" Coes knife type wood handled monkey wrench Good ++. (not listed)
1746. RICH-CON (in a diamond logo) RICHARDS & CONOVER HDW. CO. - KANSAS CITY - - 10.25" Coes knife type whmw. Good ++. (not listed)
1747. RICH-CON (in a diamond logo) RICHARDS & CONOVER HDW. CO. - KANSAS CITY - - 12" Coes knife type whmw. handle crack, some dings. (not listed)
1748. RICH-CON (in a diamond logo) RICHARDS & CONOVER HDW. CO. - KANSAS CITY - - 18" all metal Coes type monkey wrench. Good Plus. (not listed)
1749. BAKER / BAKER HAMILTON & PACIFIC CO. - SAN FRANCISCO (etc.) - - 6" Crescent type with 1/2" box wrench on end. Never seen this one before. Excellent. (not listed)
1950. TRUE VALUE - 8 (and logo) - - 7" all metal Stillson style pw from the Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Chicago. Good Plus. (not listed)
14 CRAFTSMAN / made in USA - - 13" all metal pipe wrench with distinctive handle design from Sears & Roebuck. Excellent. (S597)
1738 thru 1751
1752. CRAFTSMAN (Sears & Roebuck) / NO. 4449 - 11 IN. - - 10.75" automotive type nut wrench. Good ++. (not listed)
1753. DUNLAP - 14 - - 12.5" all metal Stillson type pw. Dunlap was an early Sears & Roebuck house brand named after Tom Dunlap head of Sear's Hardware Dept.. Excellent, uncleaned condition. (not listed)
1754. KEEN KUTTER K-12 / SHAPLEIGH'S ST LOUIS USA - - 12" Crescent type nut wrench dating from after Shapleigh acquired Simmons Hardware and their Keen Kutter trademark. Good Plus.
1755. KEEN KUTTER 12 IN. (etc.) - - 12" Crescent type nut wrench from the Val-Test Distributors of Chicago, IL latest owners of the KeenKutter trademark. Good Plus.
1756. E. C. SIMMONS KEEN KUTTER (and Keen Kutter logo) / K95 - - 9" traditional automotive type wrench. Good Plus.
1757. E. C. SIMMONS KEEN KUTTER (and Keen Kutter logo) / K96 - - 9" similar to above plus tire tool end. Good Plus.
1758. KEEN KUTTER / PAT'D FEB. 6, ?? - - 6.25" Cronk type pliers with flat and curved jaws and two wire cutters. Neat small pliers. excellent. (not listed)
1759. E. C. SIMMONS KEEN KUTTER (and Keen Kutter logo) / 20 - - 5.5" single alligator and five square box wrenches. Good Plus. (S20R)
1760. S. H. CO. (Simmons Hdw. Co) NEVER SLIP - - 6.5"" Coe's style whmw. Never Slip was a less expensive line than Simmon's Keen Kutter Black Jack wrenches. Some edge dings, weak markings.. (not listed)
1761. S. H. CO. (Simmons Hdw. Co) NEVER SLIP - - 8" Coe's style whmw. Some edge dings. (not listed)
1762. SIMMONS HDW CO - NEVER SLIP - ST. LOUIS USA - - 10" Coes style whmw. Some dings. (not listed)
1763. SIMMONS (stylized lettering)- - 8.25 Coe's pattern knife type whmw. Excellent. (not listed)
1764. SIMMONS - - ADJUSTABLE ANGLE 10 IN. (etc.) - - 10" Crescent type wrench. Painted gold. (not listed)
S. H. CO. (Simmons Hardware Co.) - FARMERBOY - - 10.25" Cronk type fencing pliers with wire cutters. Excellent.
1752 thru 1765
1766. E. C. SIMMONS KEEN KUTTER (and Keen Kutter logo) - - 10.25" Cronk type fencing pliers with wire cutters. Excellent.
1767. KEEN KUTTER (with logo) - - 7" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. scarce size. Excellent. (S607)
1768. KEEN KUTTER (with logo) - 14 - - 13" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. scarce size. Excellent. (S607)
1769. E. C. SIMMONS KEEN KUTTER (and Keen Kutter logo) - 10 - - 9.5" all metal pipe wrench (older style than above). Some edge dings.
1770. E. C. SIMMONS KEEN KUTTER BLACK JACK (and Keen Kutter logo) / SOLID BAR - PAT. JAN 4, 93 - - 8.25" wood knife hdl. mw mfg. by P. S. & W. Good Plus.
1771. BAY STATE (E. C Simmons house brand) - - 8.25" wood handle monkey wrench. Good.
1772. BAY STATE (E. C Simmons house brand) / PAT. NOV 13, '00 - MAR 11, 'O2 (Mossberg patents) - - 5" side adjust bicycle wrench. Good . (S105B)
1773. LACLEDE (E. C. Simmons house brand for their line of bicycles) - - 5" all metal side screw adjust bicycle wrench. Good Plus. (not listed).
1774. ENDERS - - 6.75" wood handle Stillson type pipe wrench. Wm. Enders was another St. Louis Company associated with the Simmons Hardware Co. Good Plus. (not listed).
1775. E. C. SIMMONS KEEN KUTTER (and Keen Kutter logo) - SOLID BAR USA - - 10" wood knife handle monkey wrench mfg. by P. S. & W. Some pitting, handle crack.
1776. E. C. SIMMONS KEEN KUTTER (and Keen Kutter logo) - SOLID BAR USA - - 21" all metal monkey wrench mfg. by P. S. &: W. Super rare heavy duty wrench. Excellent .
FULTON - - BEMIS & CALL (etc.) - - 10" knife type wood handled Coes type mw. Tight handle crack.
1766 thru 1777
Lot of five Lakeside wrenches (a Montgomery Ward house brand) (not listed):
(1.) 6" - LAKESIDE - 6" Stillson type all metal pw. Rare size. Pitted.
(2.) 10" - LAKESIDE - - 9.75" Stillson type all metal pw. Good Plus.
(3.) 14" - LAKESIDE - - 11.75" Stillson type all metal pw. Good Plus.
(4.) 14" - LAKESIDE - - 11.75" Stillson type all metal pw, slightly different than one above. Jaw chip, otherwise Good Plus;
(5.) 18" - LAKESIDE - - 16" Stillson type all metal pw. Good Plus as found uncleaned condition.
Lot of four Lakeside wrenches (a Montgomery Ward house brand) (not listed)
(1.) LAKESIDE (in a shield logo) - - soe forged wrench with offset jaw. Specialty wrench for what?
(2.) LAKESIDE 84-4700 - - 8" Crescent type wrench. Excellent.
(3.) LAKESIDE - - 10" Crescent type wrench. Excellent. (not listed)
(4.) LAKESIDE - - 12" Crescent type wrench. Has been sandblasted.
LAKESIDE (Montgomery Ward) - - 18" wood knife handled monkey wrench. Excellent as found uncleaned condition. (not listed)
1778 thru 1780
1781. Lot of two: (1.) IHC R319 - - 8" embossed lettering. (2.) IHC R319 - - 8" impressed lettering. (R1-255)
1782. IHC 490B - - 8" (R1-251)
1783. THE MILWAUKEE - - 8.5" whmw (R1-95)
1784. MILWAUKEE - - 15" hub w (R1-328)
1785. A158 (Milwaukee IHC) - - 6.5" (R1-328)
1786. PG58 (Milwaukee IHC) - - 5" with raised bar (R1-328) (2.) PG58 (Milwaukee IHC) - - 5" no bar (R1-328)
1787. Lot of two: (1.) S-1 - - 7.5" (2.) IHC N13 - - 8" (Milwaukee / IHC) (R1-328)
1788. 13 (Milwaukee IHC) -8" (R1-328)
1789. CHAMPION R28 (IHC) - - 8.5" (R1-95)
Lot of two:
R28 IHC and R28 (Champion) no logo 8.5" (R1-255)
1781 thru 1790
1791. Lot of two: 2156 IHC and 2156 (Champion) no logo - - 7.5" (R1-96)
1792. Lot of three: (1.) 2155 IHC (2.) 2155 (Champion) no logo - - 10" (R1-96) (3.) 2155 (Champion) - - 10" cross logo. repaired. (R1-96)
1793. Lot of two: (1.) A1210 (Champion IHC) - - 7.5" pitman w repaired (R1-96) (2.) Unmarked (Osborne IHC K234) - - 5" (R1-363)
1794. (2) variants 509 (Champion Osborne IHC) - - 8" one has light pitting, one has cracked jaw. (R1-363)
1795. Lot of two: (1.) K439 (IHC Osborne) - - 7" pitman w R-1363 (2.) D420 IHC logo (Osborne) - - 5" (R1-363)
1796. (2) P11 (Milwaukee IHC) -9.5" one with stud and one without (R1-328)
1797. P167 (IHC Osborne) - - 11.5" tee w (R1-363)
OSBORNE / Pat Sep 7 97 - - 8.5" all metal Vandegrift monkey wrench. (R1-363)
1791 thru 1798
1799. (4) IHC binder cranks V624 - - 9" cast handle; IHC V624 - - 9" rod handle; IHC VB624 - - 9" impressed lettering,; and IHC VB624 - - 9" embossed lettering (R1-255)
1800. (3) IHC crank wrenches IHC H872 - - 17"; H387 - - 17" pitted; and unmarked (B12187) - - 16" (R1-253)
1801. IHC 9756T - - 10" gas engine crank
1802. IHC 9802D - - 8" crank
IHC 9802DA - - 8" crank
1799 thru 1803
1804. IH 9533DA - - 18" (R1-252)
1805. IH 9534DA - - 18" (R1-252)
1806. Unmarked (IHC 198B) - - 9.5" tee w
1807. (2) IHC 383 - - 9" one w/ledger plate imprint one w/sizes marked (R1-251)
(3) IHC 379 - - 7" sizes marked, IHC 379 - - 7" diff logo pitted; IHC 376 - - 6" sizes marked (R1-251)
1804 thru 1808
1809. (2) IHC M446 - - 8" adj w one fluted nut one smooth nut (R1-256)
1810. IHC (H758M) - - 5" cold chisel (R1-253)
1811. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO / Pat Sep 7 97 - - 8.5" all metal Vandegrift monkey w (R1-256)
1812. (2) Unmarked (IHC 637626R91) - - 7.5" cylinder clearance gauge and unmarked (IHC 17612D) - - 2.5" magneto wrench and feeler gauge.
1813. (3) Unmarked (IHC HD721) - - 11" screw driver; unmarked (IHC H721) - - 8" screw driver; and (IHC 2588T) - - 8" screw driver (R1-253)
1814. IHC Q5027 - - 8" chain tool
Lot of two cylinder wrenches:
IHC M451D - - 18"
Unmarked (IHC 11564NB) - - 25" (R1-254)
IHC B993 - - 18" buggy whip holder
1809 thru 1816
1817. IHC 1131057R1 - - 8" oil can spout
Lot of two:
(1.) FOR BETTER SERVICE USE GENUINE IH PARTS (469975R3) - - 7.5" mower wrench and gauge.
(2.) IH FIRST TO SERVE THE FARMER - - 4" dog bone wrench
1819. IH INTERNATIONAL 999523R1 USA - - 12" ball pein hammer
1820. IH INTERNATIONAL 999469R1 USA 3/4 13/16 dbl oe w
1821. IH INTERNATIONAL 999442R1 USA 13/16 combination w
1822. IH INTERNATIONAL 999443R1 USA 7/8 combination w
Lot of two:
IHC R172 - 6.5"
R172 (IHC) - 6.5" (R1-255)
Lot of two:
BASE WRENCH EP49 (Oliver IHC) - 7"
G1 (Oliver IHC) - 12" light pitting (R1-360 and 361)
1825. IHC M2055 sickle riveting block
1826. IHC MA2055 sickle riveting block
IHC MB2055 sickle riveting block
1817 thru 1827
1828. P & O CO CANTON ILL X2450 - 15" foot rest
1829. 1343 - 15" foot rest
1830. CASE - 14.5" tin tool box with brass tag from RC model tractor painted
1831. IHC - 12.5" tin tool box with oil can holder and INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO oil can painted
Lot of two tool boxes:
(1.) FORDSON - - 11.25" stamped steel.
(2.) Unmarked - - 11.25" stamped steel, painted green.
Lot of two:
A900 - 14"
Unmarked - 10.5" cast iron tool boxes
Lot of two:
(1.) 229 - 9.5"
(2.) Unmarked 8.5" cast iron tool boxes
Lot of two:
(1.) Unmarked - 8.5" cast iron tool box
(2.) Unmarked - 11.5" tin tool box
Lot of two malleable cast tool boxes:
(1.) Marked only 300 - - 14.75" with cutout slots and circles.
(2.) Unmarked - - 9.75" with cutout diamond pattern.
Lot of two malleable cast tool boxes:
(1.) L297-1/2 - - 13.5" with cutout slots and diamonds.
(2.) R298-1/2 - - 13.5" with cutout slots and diamonds. Mounting bracket end broken off.
Lot of two malleable cast tool boxes:
(1.) 229 - - 9.5"
(2.) L328. 10" with cutout slots and circles.
Lot of two malleable cast tool boxes:
(1.) 776 - - 10"
(2.) G94 - - 14" with cutout slots and oil can holder.
1840. PATTEE (with cutout letters) - - 11", painted blue.
IH 620405R1 - 10" seed application rate counter, painted red.
1828 thru 1841
1842. JOHN DEERE MOLINE, ILL. Z1051-H+ JD - 8" gear box cover painted
1843. JOHN DEERE MOLINE, ILL Y3297-B - 7" planter lid painted
1844. DEERE & MANSUR COMPANY MOLINE, ILL. PATENTED NOV. 23, 1893 REISSUED. JULY, 23 1895 PATENTED. SEPT. 10, 1901 Y2002 7" planter lid painted
1845. JOHN DEERE - 9.5" tin tool box painted
Lot of two: John Deere Planter lids:
(1.) JOHN DEERE MOLINE, ILL. - 8" tin planter lid (4 legged jumping deer). Painted.
(2.)JOHN DEERE MOLINE, ILL. - 8" tin planter lid (no deer). Painted.
1847. IHC MCCORMICK M539 - 10.5" lid painted
1848. MCCORMICK CHICAGO USA M539 - 10.5" lid painted
1849. IDEAL GIANT D609 - 11" hinge pin missing painted
1850. McCORMICK CHICAGO USA M1410 10.5" lid painted
Lot of two IHC tin lids:
(1.) IHC REGULAR GEAR - 11.5" tin lid painted
(2.) IHC - 6" tin lid painted
1852. P & O CO CANTON, ILL. 2166 - 8" planter lid painted
1853. P & O CANTON ILL. U.S.A. - 10" tin lid painted
1854. MOLINE PLOW CO MOLINE ILL - 8.5" tin lid painted
1855. MM KT101A - - 10.5" Minneapolis Moline cast iron cover plate. Painted.
1856. IH 620500-R1 CANADA - - 30" jack with crank handle and swivel base.
1857. INTERNATIONAL (with an IHC logo) - P3009 - - 9" jack painted red, pitting.
1858. M3263 (with an IHC logo) - - 12" cast screw jack. Painted red.
JOHN DEERE Z763H - - 9" mower sickle section anvil. Painted green.
1842 thru 1859
Lot of two: stamped steel combine wrenches:
Unmarked 170432 (IHC) - 32" 6 point
Unmarked 174876 (IHC) - 32" 12 point bent handle.
Lot of two:
Unmarked (IHC 23966D) - 21" one with 3/4" shaft and one with 1" shaft
Lot of two:
Unmarked (IHC 366106R1)
(IHC 365331R1) - 20.5"
Lot of three:
Unmarked (IHC M8035) - 24"
Unmarked (IHC M75811) - 24" pitting
Unmarked (IHC MA75811) - 24"
Lot of two:
IH B82364 - 30"
MB82364 (IH) embossed lettering and also has IH MC75811 factory paint stamp mark - 30"
Lot of two:
IH MC75811 - 30" offset
486131R1 (IH) - 36.5"
Lot of two:
IHC 25645B - 19.5"
IHC 95N - 23.5" (R1-252 and 254)
Lot of two:
IHC PO13596 - 23"
IH PO13596 - 23" (R1-255)
1860 thru 1867
1868. 37 piece ratchet and socket set in wooden box marked MOTOR CO. - AUTO CLE - PLAINFIELD, N.J. with ratchet with same markings. Plated Ratchet and box are in excellent condition. Sockets show some use.
1869. Twelve piece ratchet and socket set in wooden box including a ratcheting brace wrench. Sockets are marked RAY. Box is intact but shows some wear.
Seventeen piece BLACKHAWK wrench set with a speed wrench, sockets, etc. Neatly mounted on a shop made board. Excellent.
1868 thru 1870
1871. Sixteen piece MOSSBERG ratchet and socket set in wooden box. Ratchet is a Mossberg No. 355. Tools are in excellent condition, box is a nicely made replacement.
1872. Seventeen piece socket set in wooden box, Box and sockets have the Mossberg logo. Tools are good plus box is fair with one broken hinge.
1873. Edgard Guthard's Billmont twenty-seven piece socket set in wooden box. One socket is broken otherwise good plus.
1874. Sixteen piece ratchet and socket set in metal box marked SOCKET SET 717-C - THE KEYSTONE MFG. CO. BUFFALO, NY. Tools are excellent, box is good plus
Four pipe wrenches (8, 10, 14, 18 inches) brand new in original cardboard box. Central Forge brand made in Taiwan. and dist. by Central Purchasing, North Hollywood, CA.
1871 thru 1875
1876. Lot consisting of framed parts list for a Model 616 "Buffalo" wall mounted drill press showing a pressed steel mult-opening wrench and three of the wrenches pictured. Nice display piece.
1877. HERCULES WRENCH - GERMANY - -4.25" one piece set with seven different pivoting open and box end flat wrenches. Excellent except one wrench has missing jaw. (similar to S922)
1878. SAFETY WRENCH -1837 GRAND K. C. MO. - PAT. PEND. (on a brass plate) - - 6.75" revolving hex socket with a swing brass plate. Neat but unknown function. Excellent. (not listed)
1879. OWATONNA TOOL CO (OTC) - 1201-4 - - 17" open end wrench that extends up to 11" from the hollow handle. Held in position with a spring loaded latch. Some pitting. (not listed, no info)
Lot of two.
(1.) CHANDLER CO - CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA / YOKE WRENCH - PATENT PENDING - - 12.5" with pivoting upper jaw and a notched lower jaw. (not listed, no info)
(2.) GLOBE MASTER - WU64980 - ITALY - - 8" straight, flat wrench with seven hex box openings. Plated finish. Excellent, like new. (S778)
1881. Unmarked - - 12.25" wood handled odd tool with a set screw adjustment to position the spring steel jaws. Unknown function or origin. Excellent.
1882. ST. PIERRE - PAT. PEND. - - 7" two double open end wrenches that slide apart to use. What will they think of next? Neat and Excellent.
Lot of two similar but slightly different four way adjustable drain plug wrenches (turn collar to adjust).
One marked BLACKHAWK 151 - PAT. PEND.
The other unmarked. (S71)
CROWN CORK AND SEAL CO - - 8.5" The founder of Crown Cork and Seal started this company in Baltimore in the 1890's to produce his patented Crown bottle caps. These wrenches may be for their bottle capping equipment they also manufactured. Repair, painted.
(More Info) (R1-119)
1876 thru 1884
1885. Unmarked - - 8" grease cup wrench. Excellent and rare.
1886. W. E. ROSEL - COL. O. / 5 I 1 TOOL - PATD JULY 22, 1919 - -7.5" mal. comb. tool adv,. as a "tool Ford owners cannot be without:. Excellent.
1887. Lot of two hex box end ratcheting wrench with skeleton frames. Each marked GOODRICH CO. Both 5" long but with different size hex openings.
1888. Marked only with ruler scales - - 8" double ended adjustable box end wrench. Plated, like new.
1889. MANZEL 4209 - - 10.25" brass and aluminum what's it.
1890. Unmarked - - 7.5" malleable bed wrench with five openings and a screwdriver.
1891. BERGMAN TOOL MFG CO - BUFFALO NEW YORK USA / 6 IN QUEEN CITY - PAT PENDING FORGED STEEL - 6.25" curved handle Cres. type. Some light pitting. (S299)
1892. BERGMAN TOOL MFG CO - BUFFALO NEW YORK USA / 8 IN QUEEN CITY - GUARANTEED FORGED STEEL - - Like above but 8" and different markings. (S299)
1893. 10" curved handle Queen City Crescent marked like above. (S299)
1894. 12" curved handle Queen City Crescent marked like above. Some grinding marks. (S299)
1895 ROBINSON - - 8" curved handled Crescent type. Excellent.
ROBINSON - - 10" curved handled Crescent type. Excellent.
1885 thru 1896
1897. U S & M CO MADE IN USA - NEWARK N.J. 12 IN - - 12" curved handle Cres type from the United Shoe and Machine Co. Some pitting. (not listed)
1898. B & C / 8 IN - - 8" curved (open) handle Cres type.
1899. B & C / 10 IN - - 10" curved (open) handle Cres type. Some hammer dings.
1900. B & C / 12 IN - - 12.25" curved (open) handle Cres type. Pitted.
1901. B & C / BEMIS & CALL H&T CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA 6 IN - - 6" curved (open) handle Cres type. Smallest mfg.
1902. B & C / BEMIS & CALL H&T CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA 12 IN - - 12" curved (open) handle Cres type. Poor condition.
1903. B & C / BEMIS & CALL H&T CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA 14 IN - - 14.5" curved (open) handle Cres type. Scarce largest size mfg.
1904. BONNEY 6 IN ADJ - S / ALLENTOWN, PA USA - - 5.75" curved (solid) handle Cres type. Rare in this size. Excellent.
1905. BONNEY 8 IN ADJ - S - PATENTED JUN 1, 1915 / ALLENTOWN, PA USA - - 7.75" curved (solid) handle Cres type.
1906. BONNEY / 8 IN - - 7.75" curved (open) handle Cres type.
BONNEY / 10 IN - - 10" curved (open) handle Cres type.
1897 thru 1907
1908. ERIE TOOL WORKS, ERIE, PA USA - - 10" curved (solid) handle Cres type.
1909. ERIE / 10 IN - - 10" curved (open) handle Cres type.
1910. BARCALO - BUFFALO / 6 IN - - 5.75" curved (open) handle Cres type.
1911. BARCALO 8 / BUFFALO 8 - - 8" curved (open) handle Cres type.
1912. BARCALO 10 / BUFFALO 8 - - 10" curved (open) handle Cres type.
1913. BILLINGS & SPENCER - - 8" curved handle Crescent type with solid handle. This is the one with a set screw to lock the adjusting knurl in place. Hard to find.
1914. BILLINGS & SPENCER - - 10" curved handle Crescent type with solid handle.
1915. BILLINGS & SPENCER - - 8" curved handle Crescent type with solid handle.
BILLINGS & SPENCER - - 6" curved handle Crescent type with solid handle.
1908 thru 1916
1917. NS WESTCOTT / 12" - - 12" different style Westcott than normally found. Markings are different and jaws are thicker than normal. RARE?
1918. Set of five WESTCOTT closed S-handled Crescent type wrenches. One each of 6", 8", 10", 12", and 14".
Set of five BEMIS & Call closed S-handled Crescent type wrenches. One each of 6", 8", 10", 12", and 14".
1917 thru 1919
1920. AMPCO (with "FM" in a diamond logo) / W141R - - 10" 1/2 inch square drive ratchet with a short extension. Excellent like new condition. (not listed)
1921. AMPCO (in a diamond logo) - - 8 inch pipe wrench with enclosed adj. nut. Excellent like new condition. (not listed)
1922. AMPCO (in a diamond logo) - - 16 inch pipe wrench with enclosed adj. nut. Excellent. (not listed)
1923. AMPCO W-210 - - 8 inch pipe wrench (adj. nut not fully enclosed variation). Excellent like new condition. (not listed)
1924. AMPCO (in a diamond logo) / W-145 - - 8 inch nut wrench. Excellent like new condition. (not listed)
1925. Unmarked - - 5.5" brass pliers type marking tool?. Will punch out a "one and triangle design" . For animal ID?
Lot of three:
MILWAUKEE VALVE CO. - - 9.5" brass tank wrench
Unmarked brass tee w - 6"
Unmarked brass 4-way soc w - 6.5"
Lot of two brass:
BERYLCO W102 9/16 5/8 - - 6" doe
TRIPPE - 12" bung wrench.
Lot of three brass mallets:
Unmarked - - 11"
Handle marked PHILLIPS & EASTON - 11.5"
EE & Co 3 OZ - 8"
1920 thru 1928
Lot of two brass hammers:
12" ball pein
H20 USA - 13.5" claw hammer
Lot of five aluminum:
Unmarked - - 6.5" doe wrench.
AKRON BRASS MFG CO. - WOOSTER, O. / PAT. 2-24-25 - - 5" (when folded) folding fireman wrench.
Lot of three aluminum:
KI-SOL ST. LOUIS K114 - - 12.5"
AKRON STYLE 10 355 1/2 hose w - 11.5"
1932. SCHICK - S. F. USA - 10 - - 9.75" aluminum pipe wrench with steel jaw inserts. Excellent.
1933 RIDGID 818 ALUMINUM H. D. / 18" THE RIDGE TOOL CO ELYRIA, OHIO - - 16.5" aluminum pipe wrench with steel jaw inserts. Excellent. uncleaned condition.
RIDGID HEAVY DUTY / 18" THE RIDGE TOOL CO ELYRIA, OHIO - - 18" aluminum pipe wrench with jaws parallel to handle and steel jaw inserts. Good plus.
1929 thru 1934
Lot of three 5" screw adjust bicycle type wenches from the U. S. Cream Separator Company of Bellows Falls, Vermont.
U. S. S. SEPARATOR - 694. (first one seen with a parts number)
U. S. (in a diamond log)
Lot of four:
MONTGOMERY WARD 4 - 8" (R1-336)
ECONOMY KING - 8" 2 studs
ECONOMY KING - 8" 1 stud and opening on side (R1-157)
Lot of two:
ECONOMY CHIEF - 6" (R1-157)
Lot of four:
7.5", DEL. S. CO. NEW YORK USA 1199 - 6" pitted.
7645 (Delaval) - 7"
918 (Delaval) - 8" (R1-141) (R2-77)
Lot of four:
DELAVAL - 6" pitting
15893 (Delaval) - 8" open end
5893 (Delaval) - 8" box end (R1-141)
Lot of two:
3134 (Delaval) - 6.5"
AT9243 (M-H?) - 7"
Lot of three:
SHARPLES C1011 - 8.5" (not in Rathbone)
Lot of three:
MONARCH 226 - 4.5" (R1-297)
Unmarked (Melotte) - 7.5" (R1-325)
1935 thru1942
1943. SURGE - 14" stamped steel. Never seen this one before.
Lot of two:
Lot of four:
Aluminum wrenches SUNSET EQUP. CO. ST. PAUL MINN. - 11"
DARI-KOOL - 10.5"
1943 thru 1945
Lot of three Aluminum wrenches:
DE LAVAL 07165 - 8"
Lot of two Aluminum wrenches:
1946 thru 1947
Lot of two Aluminum wrenches:
Lot of two Aluminum wrenches:
1948 thru 1949
1950. E (Melotte) - 18.5" (R2-197)
1951. Unmarked - - 9" self adjusting type wrench with a spring loaded lever. Exceptional shop made wrench. Excellent (not listed)
1952. PEXTO - - 12" all metal Coes style monkey wrench shop modified into a articulating self adjust wrench. One of the neatest wrench modifications seen. Excellent.
1953. Unmarked - - 20.5" shop made self adj. wrench with a pivoting divided upper jaw, Excellent.
Unmarked - - 17" primitive shop made wedge or key adjust nut wrench. Neat hand forged old wrench. (similar to S501)
1950 thru 1954
1955. Unmarked - - 19" shop made with a sliding wedge adjustment. Good Plus.
1956. Stamped CORNWEL? - - 17" large plier type wrench with a upper jaw that can be set by placing in one of several different holes. Different and Excellent.
1957. Unmarked - - 21" shop made wrench with a long threaded shaft that is turned to adjust the sliding lower jaw. Neat and Excellent.
1958. Unmarked - - 14.25" shop made wrench? Hard to describe self adjust wrench with a spring loaded notched jaw. Super Neat and Excellent.
Unmarked - - 11.5" shop made ratchet. Crude but would do the job.
1955 thru 1959
Lot of three shop made tools:
(1.) Unmarked - - 11.5" fireman's tool?
(2.) Unmarked - - 12.5" crude thread tap.
(3.) VINCO HIGH - - 7.5" doe S-wrench.
Lot of three shop made tools:
(1.) Unmarked - - 17.5" wooden knife slab handled open end wrench. Never seen a wood handled shop made wrenches before.
(2.) Unmarked - - 10" all metal Coes type mw wrench with a shop modified adjusting knurl stop. May be a gun sight. Pitted.
(3.) Pat June 20, 1870 marked on the blade of this shop made binder knife made from a another knife? PEECE / 1879 scratched on the wooden handle.
1960 thru 1961
1962. Lot of eight shop made wrenches made from files, etc,
1963. Lot of eleven shop made wrenches.
1964. Lot of eleven shop made wrenches.
Lot of 21shop made wrenches.
1962 thru 1965
1966. HAYES FARM TOOL REPAIRS CATALOG "O" - HAYES PUMP AND PLANTER CO. - GALVA. ILLINOIS - - 10" by 6.75" 101 page Parts Catalog. Shows part and wrenches for Hayes equipment. Some wear and tear and a small mouse hole on one edge.
1967. ECONOMY CHIEF CREAM SEPARATOR - SOLD ONLY BY SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. - CHICAGO - - 5.75" by 8.5" 20 page Instruction Book with Parts List. Show several wrenches. Has some wear.
Opportunity Box Lot No. 1. Lot of six specialty tools including: TIMEX watch case opener - - OTC T71P-6549-B - - GENETRON SUPER DRY REFRIGERANTS. - - BLACK & DECKER 33745 - - E-Z BENDIT TOOL (odd) - - stamped steel doe with pivoting sc/dr blade.
Opportunity Box Lot No. 2. Lot of four E. C. STEARNS & CO. malleable wrenches.
Opportunity Box Lot No. 3. Lot of four malleable wrenches including: REMINGTON - - "EASY" NO 2 - - 5024 (stove or range wrench) - - 110 (scythe wrench)
Opportunity Box Lot No. 4. Lot of five lawn mower type wrenches (four malleable and one forged) including: F & LAWN MOWER CO (forged) - -1035A (miniature buggy style) - - N15, K4, and 113.
Opportunity Box Lot No. 5.
Lot of six conduit wrenches including:
KONDU 2W, - - 5" and 9" IMPERIAL - - JOVAR No. 4, No. 10, and No. 12.
OL-1 thru 5
Opportunity Box Lot No. 6. Lot of three modern double ended, self adjust nut wrenches, all with plated finish and in excellent condition: Marked TRA MASTER WRENCHES (8.5" , 10" and 11" sizes).
Opportunity Box Lot No. 7. Lot of nine forged wrenches including:, Wrhl 216H USMC (United Shoe Machine Co.), Champion, Barcalo, Bonney Bonaloy, Fulton Tool Co., Williams No. 527, Hinsdale, Vlchek 731A, Cornwell.
Opportunity Box Lot No. 8. Lot of six forged wrenches including, Atlas Press Co. 9-115, Reece16-T, Armstrong No. 2, Charles Parker Co. Vise Wrench No. 1, Charles Parker Co. Vise Wrench No. 2, and Williams Check Nut wrench.
Opportunity Box Lot No. 9. Lot of four spanner wrenches including: Williams No. 482 Special adj. face spanner, Williams No. 472 adjustable, Williams 428 face spanner, oe by spanner marked only "Wrench".
Opportunity Box Lot No. 10.
Lot of four forged wrenches including:
Truecraft oe by flex socket, Blackhawk Hexite Wedge-Head, Williams Ratcho Wrench (with stepped open ends), and Blue-Point 7/8 RX-28 flare nut wrench.
OL-6 thru 10
Opportunity Box Lot No. 12. Lot of six forged wrenches including: Wizard, Indestro (3), Ronson (2)
Opportunity Box Lot No. 13. Lot of seven stamped steel wrenches including: Fawsco, Hinsdale (2), Harris Reed, R. H. Ayer, Richards-Wilcox, and Blackhawk.
Opportunity Box Lot No. 14. Lot of ten unmarked cream separator type wrenches.
Opportunity Box Lot No. 15.
Lot of twelve unmarked cream separator type wrenches.
OL-11 thru 14
Opportunity Box Lot No. 16.
Lot of seven plumbing related wrenches including a malleable Crane Tilt Trap, large Nye nipple wrench, Schofield Strainer, and a fire hydrant wrench.
Opportunity Box Lot No. 17.
(1.) Unmarked - - 7.5" multi-tool with six wrenches and a spanner.
(2.) HERBRAND NO. 140 - - 5" comb with an alligator wrench, feeler gauge, tire valve stem tool.
(3.) X32 (W & B)- - 5.5" mal. W & B garden cultivator wrench.
(4.) Unmarked - - 1-5/8" hex pressed steel socket.
(5.) BAIR TOP HOLDER / AUTO SPEC.. MFG. CO. ST. JOSEPH, MICH - - 6" hex box with blade on end. For use on Bair Automotive tops.
(6.) AMERICAN SEATING CO. UNIVERSAL DESK / 13986 - - 6" soe wrench.
(7.) TENN. STOVE WORKS / CHATTANOOGA, TENN. - - 8" cast stove top finale.
Choice Box #1 (Cochran Wrenches)
COCHRAN PAT'D 1908 / MODEL 1910 Stillson type pipe wrenches with Cochran's patented "rocking collar" made in Chicago. (S588)
(1.) 8" with "H C" logo. Handle slightly bent.
(2.) 8" Lip chip otherwise good plus.
(3.) 14" Good Plus.
(4.) 18" Good Plus.
(5.) 24" Good Plus.
Choice Box #2 (Lawson Wrenches)
LAWSON angle head pipe wrenches. PAT. DEC 14, 1920. Mfg. by either the U. S. HAME CO. - BUFFALO, NY. or THE LAWSON MFG. CO - CLEVELAND, OHIO. (S609)
(1.)6" mfg. by U. S HAME CO. RARE small size. Excellent.
(2.) 8" mfg. by LAWSON MFG. and also marked A. T. & SF. RY. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway) Excellent.
(3.) 10" mfg. by U. S. HAME . Good Plus.
(4.) 14" mfg. by U. S. HAME. Good Plus.
(5.) 18" mfg. by U. S. HAME. Excellent.
(6.) 24" mfg. by U. S. HAME. Good Plus.
Choice Box #3 (Little Giant Wrenches): LITTLE GIANT ( with a GTD logo)- PAT 2-4-13 / GREENFIELD, MASS. pipe wrenches with reversible upper jaw. (S600)
(1.) 8" Good.
(2.) 10" Good Plus with extra hang hole.
(3.) 14" Good.
(4.) 18" Good Plus.
(5.) 24" Rare in this large size. Excellent.
Choice Box #4 (adjustable box end wrenches)
(1.) ADJUST-A-BOX - PAT NO. 2,912,891 - Screw adjust box end wrenches (not listed). - - 8 inch.
(2.) ADJUST-A-BOX - - 10 inch like above
(3.) ADJUST-A-BOX - - 12 inch like above.
(4.) POCKET SOCKET / PATS. PEND.(etc.) - - 10" some light pitting.
(5.) PETERSEN TOOL CO. (El Dorado , KS) / PAT. PEND. - - 9.75". Excellent.
(6.) DURA PRO POCKET PRO - - 7.75: with two hex wrenches on end. Like new.
Choice Box #5 (Gellman Wrenches): GELLMAN MFG. CO - ROCK ISLAND, ILL - POLLY qk adj nut wrenches pat. 4-17-1923 by Israel Gellman of Chicago, IL. (S522)
(1.) 6" inches.
(2.) 9 inch.
(3.) 12 inch.
Choice Box #6 (Eagle Claw (parrot's beak) and similar plier wrenches)
(1.) 7" EAGLE CLAW WRENCH - M. T. CO. - ROCKFORD, ILL. - PAT FEB 6, 12. (S1061M)
(2.) 7" like (1.) also marked NO. 304. and with 45° jaws. (S1061T)
(3.) 10" like (1.) (S1061M)
(4.) 13" same style wrench but also marked: MECHANICS TOOL CO; (S1061M)
(5.) 12.5" unmarked similar style wrench with round hammer head and sc/dr and nail puller ends. (S928). All good Plus or better.
Choice Box #7 (Plomb wrenches)
(1.) 12" Crescent type. PLOMB 712
(2.) 16" Crescent type. PLOMB TOOL CO. / PROTO 716-S
(3.) 10" - 1/2" ratchet. PLOMB WF-38;\
(4.) 10.5" - 1/2 drive ratchet. PLOMB 5449 with ripple finish.
(5.) 9.5" double open end. PLOMB 3039 with ripple finish. EX.
(6.) 4.5" PLOMB WF-103 double open end.
Choice Box #8 (Kraeuter tools) KRAEUTER & CO (Newark, NJ)
(1.) 7" KRAEUTER VICTOR 305-7 slip joint pliers with different jaw design. Plated finish, Excellent. (S1060T)
(2.) 6" slip joint pliers and sc/dr NO.. 1356-6". Plated. Excellent. (like S1060M)
(3.) 6" slip joint pliers and sc/dr NO. 356-6. (S1060M)
(4.) 10" slip joint pliers and sc/dr NO. 356-10.(S1060M)
(5.) 7" odd specialty pliers with a set screw on upper jaw and a tapered lower jaw. 851-7" / PAT. APPPLD FOR. Good Plus.
(6.) 6" double open end "KRAEUTER USA: (etc.)
(7.) 11.25" double open end "S" type: "KRAEUTER USA: (etc.) .
(8.) 7.5" No. 1841-8 curved jaw pliers w. three cutters.
(9.) 6.5" No. 1850-6 nippers. (no photos for last two)
CL-7 thru 8
Choice Box #9 (Plumbing Wrenches)
(1.) Leader Specialty Co Indianapolis - - 7" internal and external screw wrench for spuds and pipe nipples. (not listed)
(2.) Unmarked Buzzell Basin Wrench - - 9.5". (S89); (3.) TRIMO BASIN WRENCH - - 10" (S92)
(4). AMERICAN PIPE TOOL CO CHICAGO - - 8" basin wrench (similar to S90)
(5) ANDREE WRENCH PAT MAY 10, 1921 - - 8" basin wrench (S60)
(6). CHICAGO SPEC. MFG CO / SPEEDY BASIN WRENCH - - 11" basin wrench (not listed)
(7). RIDGE TOOL CO NO 1017 - - 9.75" basin wrench with telescoping shaft. (S91)
Choice Box #10 (Ratchet Drill / Wrenches)
(1.) 16 KEYSTONE - THE KEYSTONE MFG. CO - BUFFALO. NY - - 17.75" with detachable chuck.
(2.) NO. 01 WHITNEY'S NEW RATCHET - PAT'D JAN 28, '84 - NOV. 10, '85 - MADE BY P. S. & W - SOUTHINGTON, CONN. - - 12.5"
(3.) 101N - KEYSTONE - THE KEYSTONE MFG. CO - BUFFALO. NY - PAT. MAY 21, '95 - - 11.5".
(5.) Unmarked - - 14.25" with a brass head and iron pipe handle.
(6.) Marked only: G. P. CO (Goodell Pratt?) - - 15" with a wooden knob and a chain attachment.
Choice Box #11 (Bernard/Sargent and Bernard type Pliers)
(1.) BERNARD (William Schollhorn Co. of New Haven, CT) PAT. MAR. 17, 1914 - APR. 8, 1915 (etc.) - - 7.25" special flat nose pliers with a side nippers.
(2.) BERNARD (etc.) - - 7.5" special crimping pliers?
(3.) BERNARD (etc.) - - 7.5" flat nose pliers and a side cutter.
(4.) BERNARD (etc.) - - 8.25" like (3.).
(5.) SARGENT GRIP STRIP - - 8.25" similar to (3.)
(6.) BERNARD - 102 - - 6.5" similar to (3.)
(7.) BERNARD'S PARROT-HEAD PAT. JULY 28,1914 - - 6.25" with lopping type jaws.
(8.) LODI / PAT. SEP. 25, 1894 - NOV 6, 1900 - - 6" Flat and curved nose pliers.
(9.) LODI PAT. SEP. 25, 1894 - NOV 6, 1900 - - 6" Flat nose pliers. with two wire cutters.
(10.) BERNARD'S PAT. OCT. 24, 1899 (and a running dog logo) - - 5.75" side cutters.
(11.) BERNARD (etc.) - - 4.75" flat nose pliers with side cutters.
(12.) BERNARD'S PAT. OCT. 24, 1899 (and a running dog logo) - - 8.25" nippers.
(13.) BERNARD'S PAT. OCT. 24, 1899 - - 5.25" nippers.
(14.) BERNARD 165-6 (etc.) - - 6" nippers.
(15.) BERNARD'S PAT. MAY 6, 1890 - - 4.25" parallel flat jaw pliers.
(16.) BERNARD PARAGON (etc.) - - 6.25" flat and curved nosed pliers with two side cutters.
Choice Box #12 (Crate or Box Tools)
(2.) PAT. MCH (MAR.?) 5, 190? - - 7".
(4.) NO 88 TOMAHAWK - - 12.5"
(6.) Unmarked - - 9.5" mal. comb hammer, nail puller, carpet stretcher tool.
(7.) HAPLORD - - 9.5"
(8.) NO. 99 TOMAHAWK - THE BRIDGEPORT HDWE MFG CORP - - 12.5" with wood handle.
Choice Box #13 (Big Boy Wrenches)
(1.) THE R. B. CO - K. C. MO. - NO 25 - - 27" heavy duty reversible ratchet wrench.
(2.) STRONGHOLD - P.S. & W. CO. (Peck Stow &Amp; Wilcox) MADE IN USA - -21" knife type wh mw. Some minor jaw dings.
(3.) GIRARD WRENCH MFG. CO. - GIRARD, PA USA - - 20.75" all metal Coes type mw with diamond patterned handled. Good plus.
(4.) MFD UNDER L. COES PAT'S - STEEL - - 21.25" all metal Coes mw with the Ball Bearing to position the adj. knurl. Areas of light pitting. (like HP 58, but only marked on one side)
(5.) BEMIS & CALL CO - SPRINGFIELD, MASS - MADE IN U.S.A. / B & amp; CALL TRADEMARK - FULTON "AD" - - 21" knife type whmw. Good Plus.
(6.) TRIMO - SIZE 21" - PAT'D 12-19-11 (etc.) - - 19" all metal adj. nut wrench. Excellent. (S1101)
(7.) TRIMO - TRIMONT MFG. ROXBURY, MASS. USA / SIZE 24 - PAT'D 3-5-18 - -- 22.5" all metal Stillson type pw. Good plus, uncleaned.
(8.) COES - WRENCH CO. - WORCESTER - MASS. U.S.A./ MADE IN U.S.A - UNDER L. COES PAT'S - STEEL - - 21" knife type whmw. Good plus with a handle crack. ( HP53)
(9.) RAILROAD SPECIAL -J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. - W & B (in a diamond logo) . - - 21" all metal Coes type mw. Good. (S620)
(10.) W & B (logo for Whitman & Barnes) - - 21" all metal Coes type mw with diamond patterned handle. Grind marks on jaws. (similar to S620)
(11.) PEXTO (in an oval logo) MADE IN USA - - 21" wood knife handled Coes type mw. Some minor nick on handle.
(12) 111 (in an arrow logo) - Stillson trademark (with a diamond logo - - 19.5" all metal center screw adj. pw. Although marked Stillson it is not like the common Stillson pattern wrench. Excellent. (not listed, no info)
(13.) NO. 8F 2239 PAT PEND. - - 24" with sliding jaw that adjusts by a placing a bolt in different holes. Like the OTC pin adjust wrench. Excellent. (S518)
Choice Box #14 (Barrel Bung Wrenches)
(1.) KEN-TOOL G16 - - 15.5" bung w
(2.) BUCKEYE DAYTON OHIO K168A8-W - - 15" bung w
(3.) Unmarked - - 8" 6-way bung w
(4.) OEM NEW HAVEN CONN - - 9" 6-way bung w
(5.) UNIVERSAL VALVE CO ELIZ. N.J. NO 756 - - 8" 6-way bung w
(6.) Unmarked - - 8" 6-way bung wrench.
(7.) ESCO (in script - -) - - 12" heavy duty bung wrench.
(8.) TRI-SURE - NEW YORK / (AF in a circle logo) - - 9.5" barrel bung wrench.
Choice Box #15 (Steam Heater and Water Meter Wrenches)
(3.) WARREN WEBSTER & CO CAMDEN NJ - - 12" (R1-482)
(5.) BRODIE METERS YJX - - 8.5"
Choice Box #16 (Bottle or Tank Wrenches)
(1.) PURITAN MAID PURITAN COMPRESSED GAS CORP. - - 6.5" dbl open end wrench.
(2.) OXWELD NO1 - - 5.5" 3-way w
(3.) OXWELD ACETYLENE CO - - 7.5" dbl open end wrench. Pitted.
(4.) MECO NO1 TANK WRENCH - - 8"
(5.) PREST-O-LITE - - 4" SOC W
(6.) PUROX S-402 - - 5.5" 3-way w
(7.) AIRCO 110378 - - 5"
(8.) SMITHS N230 MADE IN USA - - 7.5"
(9.) A-1013 - - 8.5" tank w
(10.) PREST-O-WELD 52 - - 6" 3-way w
(11.) PURECO 110290 - - 4"
(12.) AIRCO MADE IN USA 8090012 - - 8"
(13.) PURE CARBONIC INC 3 - - 8" dbl open end w
(14.) HARRIS / 28-W - - 7" three opening wrench.
(15.) NATIONAL - 7810 - - 7" seven opening wench.
Choice Box #17 (Automotive Specialty Tools) NO PHOTOS
(1.) 13" wood handled bearing scraper.
(2.) 622. RAY - - 11.5" special offset handled socket wrench for Ford Model "T" rear rod bearing.
(3.) BONNEY NO. 2581 - - 5.25" special pliers for Steel-Draulic brakes,
(4.) CROSS COUNTRY - - 15.5" dbl. offset socket wrench (3/4" 12 pt. and 9/16" 8pt.
(5.) INDESTRO - MAIN BEARINGS CHEVY 1929 TO 32 - - 16.25" dbl offset socket wrench (5/8" and 3/4" 12 pt.).
(6.) 832 MAIN BEARING - - 15.5" dbl. offset socket wrench (5/8" and 3/4" 12 pt.). For Chevy? like (5.) above.
(7.) STEVENS - NEW YORK - - 12.5" special plier type tool adv. as "Stevens Universal Joint Tongs For Fords"
Choice lot No. 18. (Tire Tools):
(1.) OVERLAND - - 9.5"
(2.) MICHELIN / CARE - - 10.5". Pitted.
(3.) C & J TIRES INDIANAPOLIS, IND, - - 8.5"
(5.) UNMARKED - - 10" (Ford?)
(6.) Unmarked - - 13.5" with two hex box wrenches.
(8.) Unmarked - - 11.4" malleable tee handled with square socket and a hook on end tire tool?
Choice lot No. 19. (After Market Ford Type Sparkplug and Cylinder Head Bolt Wrenches)
(1.) BUCKEYE - - 9".
(2.) DAVIS - - 10.25".
(3.) M B17017 --9.75" (Ford Model "A").
(4.) Marked only with a VLCHECK logo - - 11.75" (thicker and heavier than others).
(5.) Unmarked - - 10.25" flat style.
(7.) WALKER TURNER - NEW YORK - - 10".
(8.) EN-FO (in script, for English Ford) N-17016 - (and VWB logo) - - 10".
Choice lot No. 20. (Ford Tool Kit and Service Shop "Z" Tools)
(1.) 3Z-624 12,5" heavy single open end at an angle. For "T" muffler packing nuts. Lightly marked.
(2.) FORD (In script) 5Z-157 (with a Mossberg logo) - - 8" handled socket.
(3.) 9n17014 (with Ford Motor Co. logo) - - 10.5" doe with ruler markings, for Ford tractor plow.
(4.) FORD (In script) 5Z-817 - - 10.25" double box end (ends at 90 degrees),
(5.) FORD (In script) 5Z-817 (with a Mossberg logo) - - 10.25" double box like above.
(6.) Two Ford script pliers( one with McKaig-Hatch logo) - - 6.5".
(7.) FORD (In script) 5Z-829 - - 8.25" ratcheting hex box. by hex box,
(8.) FORD (In script) 5Z-2034 - - 7.5" single ratcheting hex box.
Choice lot No. 21. (Automotive Sparkplug Wrenches)
(1.) TUNGSTEN SPARK PLUGS / ALWAYS ON THE JOB - - 6.75" mal. dbl. hex box.
(2.) V-RAY SPARKPLUGS . V-RAY'S ARE BETTER - - 7" mal. dbl. hex box.
(3.) 90257 SPARKPLUG - GEN. NUT / CONNECTING ROD - BATTERY NUT - - 8.75" malleable oe by hex box.
(4.) CRESCENT MFG. CO. - - 8" mal. dbl. hex box.
(5.) G M & S CO NY / EAGLE - - 8" mal. dbl hex box..
(6.) 993 (with Williams logo) - - 8" oe by hex box.
(7.) SP1 - - 8" dbl. hex box.
(8.) SPARKPLUG (with arrow) / GUIDE BAR (with arrow) - - 6" stamped steel dbl. hex box (offset ends)
(9.) RED HEAD (in script) PLUG WRENCH / EMIL GROSSMAN CO. DETROIT - NEW YORK - CHICAGO - - 5" stamped steel single hex box.
Choice lot No. 22. (Automotive Specialty Tools)
(1.) BEAR / DWB-1386 - - 13" single open end.
(2.) OTC NO. 450-E (etc.) - - 12.5" with long thin handle.
(3.) EXHAUST MANIFOLD PACKING NUT (etc.) - - 12" malleable spanner wrench.
(4.) EE & CO. 21 - - .5" malleable Ford after market for hub caps, etc.
(5.) SNAP-ON M-4431B AAR USA B - - 10.25 double ended hex box (two on each end) with an attached swing open end. Like new with black finish.
(6.) TIMKEN / 30892 - - 9" malleable.
(7.) KING- - 7.5" Some light pitting.
(8.) K-D TOOLS N0. 46 - PAT. NO. 192,653 - - 6" According to the patent a shock absorber tool.
(9.) BRAKE - - 7" double open end (ends at 45 degrees). Extra thick and heavy.
(10.) FORD (in script) - - 5.5" Early Ford extra wide wrench with large lettering.
(11.) 36944 - - 4.25" double open end. (no info)
CL-21 thru 22
Choice lot No. 23. (Horseshoe Calking Wrenches)
(1.) THE NEVERSLIP WORKS - THE JONSON WRENCH - 1922 - - 12.5" plier type horseshoe calk wrench.
(2.) THE JONSON WRENCH / NEVERSLIP MFG CO NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - PATENTED - - 13" plier type calk wrench.
(3.) J. CASPERS PAT MAY 6, 13 / LANCASTER, WIS. - - 13" plier type horseshoe calk wrench. Excellent. (S885)
(4.) GIANT GRIP NO. 1 - - 7" single ended calk wrench.
(5.) GIANT GRIP 1/2 - - 7" single ended calk wrench. Some hammer damage.
(6.) NEVERSLIP - - 8.75" single ended calk wrench.
(7.) NEVERSLIP SQUARE NO 1 / PATENT APPLIED FOR - - 7" double ended calk wrench.
(8.) THE NEVERSLIP WORKS - NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - - 8.5" double ended calk wrench. Excellent.
(9.) NEVERSLIP MFG. CO.- NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - 1/2 - - 8" single ended calk wrench. Some hammer damage.
(10.) Unmarked - - 6.5" horseshoe with calks.
Choice lot No. 24. (Mossberg Automotive Tools)
(1.) No. 635 - CYLINDER HEAD AND SPARKPLUG WRENCH FOR FORDS (with Mossberg logo) - - 10" Ford after market wrench.
(2.) No. 624 - - FRANK MOSSBERG CORP. (etc.) - - 10.5" reversible ratchet with socket.
(3.) No. 635. (with Mossberg logos) - - 9.25" oe by hex socket wrench.
(4.) No. 645 FOR REVERSE AND BRAKE PEDALS (with Mossberg logos) - - 6" box end ratchet for Fords.
(5.) No. 623 (with Mossberg logos) - - 11" handled socket wrench for Ford rear connecting rod nuts.
Choice lot No. 25 (Hub Cap Type Wrenches)
(1.) 9227 - - 12" hub w
(2.) 15086 - - 12" hub w
(3.) Unmarked (Hudson Essex) - - 13" stamped steel hub w painted
(4.) Unmarked (331054 Willys-Knight 1926 model 65) - - 14" rim wedge socket w
(5.) 380875 - - 10" axle w
(6.) 53D230 - - 10" axle w
(7.) Unmarked (B58 Maxwell 1914 model 25, etc.) - - 9.5" stamped steel hub w
(8.) Unmarked (Dodge, Desoto, Chrysler, Plymouth) - - 9" stamped steel hub w
(9.) Unmarked (Chevrolet) - - 8" stamped steel hub w (1923 thru 1926 Chevy)
(10.) Unmarked (Chevrolet) - - 8" stamped steel hub w different center opening (No. H463 for 1917 thru 1922 model 490 Chevys)
(11.) Unmarked (Dodge Bros.) - - 9.5" stamped steel hub w
Choice lot No. 26 (IHC Double Ended Socket Wrenches)
(1.) Unmarked (IHC 19495HA) - 13.5".
(2.) Unmarked (IHC 51298D) - 13".
(3.) IHC P1189 - 14.5" embossed lettering.
(4.) P1189 (IHC) - 14.5" impressed lettering.
(5.) PA1189 - 12.5".
(6.) OSBORNE P459 - 14".
(7.) P459 (Osborne IHC) - 14.5" light pitting.
(8.) P459A (Osborne IHC) - 14" light pitting.
(9.) IHC P1502 - 12".
(10.) 8824 (P&O IHC) - 14".
(11.) P1061A (IHC) - 12.5".
(12.) P1061 (IHC) - 12.5" bend.
Choice lot No. 27 (IHC Wrenches)
(1.) IHC 3274A - 11.5".
(2.) IH 373941R1 1-5/16 - 8.5".
(3.) IH 373942R1 1-1/8 - 9"
(4.) H272 (IHC Aultman Miller Corn King Spreader Little Giant Fence Loom) - two round holes variant - - 15"
(5.) H272 one round and two square variant - - 15".
(6.) H272 different one round and two square variant. - - 15".
(7.) 350370R1 (IHC) - 14”.
(8.) 350370R1 (IHC) - 13”.
(9.) Unmarked (IHC 4725D) - 10.5”.
Choice lot No. 28 (IHC Wrenches)
(1.) IH 363021-R1 - 1-1/8" - 1-5/16" - - 17.5" dbl. box end.
(2.) IH 373941R2 - 1-1/5/16" - - 15.5" single box end.
(3.) 350370-R1 1" - 1-1/4" - - 14" dbl. box end.
(4.) 350370-R1 1" - 1-1/4" - - 14" dbl. box end. (different markings than above)
(5.) IHC 45662-D - - 14.5" dbl. hex socket.
(6.) IHC 45662-DA - - 12.5" dbl. hex socket.
(7.) IHC 45662-DA - - 11.5" dbl. hex socket. (different markings than above)
Choice lot No. 29 (Implement Foot Pedals, IHC Bookend, etc.)
(1.) DAIN (John Deere) R3E - 10.5" part from Go-Devil hay loader
(2.) IHC 6453 - 8" foot pedal with star
(3.) JD B114H - 9.5" foot pedal
(4.) IH LOUISVILLE FOUNDRY LAST IRON 1984 - 5.5" book-end
Choice lot No. 30 (Planter Plates)
(1.) Lot of four planter plates: IH 1977A SMALL - 7.5" all with diff markings and painted
(2.) Lot of three planter plates: IHC 1978A MEDIUM - 7.5" all painted
(3.) Lot of three planter plates: IHC 1901A, IH 1901A, and IHC 3301A all - 7.5" and painted
(4.) Lot of three planter plates: IHC 1892 MEDIUM, IHC 1795A, and IHC 1795A MEDIUM all - 7.5" and painted
(5.) Lot of three planter plates: IHC 1962A MEDIUM, 1961A SMALL, and 1979A LARGE all - 7.5" and painted
(6.) Lot of three planter plates: IH 3127A, IHC 3559A, and IH D all - 7.5" and painted
Choice lot No. 31 (Socket Sets)
(1.) 10 piece ratchet and socket in a pressed steel holder. Excellent
(2.) 18 piece ratchet and socket in a pressed steel holder. Excellent
(3.) 16 piece ratchet and socket in a pressed steel holder. Excellent (couple small sockets missing).
(4.) 11 piece ratchet and socket (small sockets missing) in a pressed steel holder with original packaging. As found uncleaned condition.
(5.) 10 piece ratchet and socket set in pressed steel tray. As found uncleaned condition.
(6.) 7 piece ratchet and socket set in pressed steel tray
(7.) 10 piece INDESTRO MFG CO - CHICAGO - - Ratchet and socket set in pressed steel tray
(8.) 11 piece HINSDALE NO. 12 B-R (marked on box) ratchet and socket set in pressed steel box. Ratchet marked HINSDALE S-15. Excellent with original warranty paper.
(9.) Unmarked 1/4" drive ratchet with an extension and 12 sockets.
Choice Box #32 (Odd Ball Brass and Aluminum Tools)
(1.) WIZARD ALL-PLUG NON-SPARKING MILWAUKEE NO 121 - - 17.5" " bung wrench.
(2.) OTC - OWATONNA TOOL CO - NO< 896 - PAT. PENDING - - 14.5" brass and steel thread chaser for 10 different thread pitches.
(3.) RITTER 1 2 3 4 - - 7" brass w
(4.) Marked only T F D - - 14" heavy duty brass fireman's spanner wrench?
(5.) AMPCO MADE IN USA W79 - - 7" dbl open end brass wrench.
(6.) G - - 5.5" odd brass socket wrench.
(7.) MULTI METER - AUBURN, IND - W189 - - 10.25" aluminum bung wrench. Like new.
(8.) Aluminum Multi-Meter bung wrench like above but also marked NATIONAL-SPENCER -WICHITA KS USA. Like new.
Choice Box #33 (six inch monkey wrenches)
(1.) COES WRENCH CO WORCESTER MASS (etc.) -- wood knife type handle. Marked like HP58, a all steel handled monkey wrench.
(2.) W. J. LADD NO. 77 NEW YORK - - wood handled Coes type.
(3.) MEADVILLE WRENCH CO. - MEADVILLE, PA - - all metal center adjust. Excellent.
(4.) PEXTO - - wood handled Coes type.
(5.) SOLID BAR - PAT. JAN. 14, 1896 - - knife handle Coes type.
(6.) GERMANY and a faintly marked logo - - wood handled Coes type.
(7.) W & B (etc.) - - knife handle Coes type.
Choice Box #34 (six inch monkey wrenches)
(1.) W & B - - Coes type wood handled monkey wrench.
(2.) COLLINS & CO. - HARTFORD - PAT OCT 10, 1865 (etc.) - - Coes type mw with a hex handle ferrule and extended plate. Replaced handle.
(3.) THE L & S CO. (Lamson & Sessions) - CLEVELAND, O - - Coes type wood handled monkey wrench.
(4.) P. S. & W. CO. - CLEVELAND, O. - - wood handled Coes type monkey wrench.
(5.) BEMIS & CALL - - all metal center screw adjust monkey wrench. Welded repair.
(6.) THE SAMSON TOOL CO. - NEW YORK - - Coes type monkey wrench with a knife type handle. RARE
(7.) PEXTO - - all metal Coes type monkey wrench with patterned handle. Excellent.
Choice Box #35 (six inch monkey wrenches)
(1.) BEMIS & CALL - - Coes type with knife handles.
(2.) COES WRENCH CO SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA / MADE IN USA - UNDER L. COES PATS. - STEEL - - Wood knife type handle with single piece frame and handle cap. (marking variation not listed in Page's book). Excellent and scarce.
(3.) GIRARD WRENCH CO (etc,) -- Coes type with wood handle. Jaw sprung.
(4.) JORDAN - GERMANY - - Coes type with wood handle.
(5.) BILLINGS - - all metal Coes type monkey wrench. Probably one of the last Coes type monkey wrenches produced. Excellent.
(6.) COES (etc.) - - with knife handle. Pitted.
(7.) Unmarked - -Coes type wood handled monkey wrench. Excellent.
Choice Box #36 (six inch wrenches)
(1.) J. P. DANIELSON - Jamestown, NY - - all metal Stillson type pipe wrench.
(2.) TRIMONT (etc.) - - all metal Stillson type pipe wrench.
(3.) TRIMO (etc.) - - all metal Stillson type pipe wrench.
(4.) TRIMO PAT. 1916 - - wood handled Stillson type pipe wrench.
(5.) PIPEMASTER (etc.) - - all metal Ridgid type pipe wench.
(6.) RIDGID (etc.) - - all metal pipe wrench. Like new with original finish and decal.
(7.) RIDGID (ETC.) - - all metal pipe wrench with jaws at 45 degrees.
(8.) WESTCOTT - THE KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - - curved handled Crescent type nut wrench.
(9.) PAT. APPLIED FOR (with a T in a circle logo) - - curved handled Crescent type nut wrench.
CL-33 thru 36
Choice Box #37 (12" Crescent type wrenches)
(1.) 12" Artisan (A - R - T - I - S - A - N)
(2.) 12" Armstrong (with arm and hammer logo)
(3.) 12" Craftsman
(4.) 12" Westline H5054. Like new.
(5.) 12" Truecraft Tool
(6.) 12" Power-Kraft 100.
(7.) 12" Crescent Crestoloy.
(8.) 12" Wizard.
(9.) 12" NYE
(10.) 12" New Lobster (with lobster logo)
Choice Box #38 (Crescent type wrenches)
(1.) 8" Thorsen with cutouts in handle , grooved jaws, and rubber handle sleeve. Like new.
(2.) 10" B amp; C (older, thicker style)
(3.) 10" Peck Stowe & Wilcox Co.
(4.) 12" Peck Stowe & Wilcox Co.
(5.) 12" T & L C0. (Tower & Lyon) 12" curved handle. Knurled nut slides up and out when jaw his adjusted complexly out. Rough.
(6.) 6" unmarked. Pressed steel construction.
(7.) 6" Scholler
(8.) 10" - No. 75 - Bemis & Call
(9.) 10" No. 80 B & C
(10.) 12" No. 80 Bemis & Call
Choice Box #39 (Crescent type wrenches)
(1.) 6" Utica
(2.) 8" Stanley 87-368. Excellent.
(3.) 10" Wm. Hjorth & Co. Jamestown, NY. Handle bent.
(4.) 10" Model N-10 Barcalo with tulip shaped hang hole.
(5.) 12" Scholler
(6.) 8" Walden-Worcester
(7.) 7" Germany with cutout geometric designs on handle.
(8.) 7" Germany with cutout geometric designs on handle (different designs than &7.)
(9.) 10" Germany with cutout geometric designs on handle.
(10.) 10" Scholler
Choice Box #39A (10" Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) Craftsman. Like new.
(2.) Crescent Crestoloy.
(3.) Utica Tools
(4.) Tool Steel Dropped Forged.
(5.) Klein Tools
(6.) Challenger Clik Stop Patented/
(7.) J. P. Danielson BET'R-GRIP.
(8.) Ridgid -Ridge Tool Co.
(9.) McKaig-Hatch
(10.) Unmarked.
Choice Box #40 (12" Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) Channel Lock
(2.) J. P. Danielson BET'R-GRIP.
(3.) Utica Tools
(4.) Blue-Point.
(5.) Thorsen Wide Grip.
(6.) Herbrand.
(7.) OTC Owatonna Tool Co.
(8.) Barcalo Buffalo.
(9.) P & C 1712.
(10.) Sunlight (with a sunburst logo)
Choice Box #41 (6" Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) Master Mechanic MM91-8.
(2.) Sears.
(3.) Servess
(4.) Truecraft Tool.
(5.) Oxwall.
(6.) Dunlap BET'R-GRIP.
(7.) Craftsman.
(8.) Herbrand No. 21-6.
(9.) F. W. K. Tool Co. Germany.
(10.) Utica Tools.
Choice Box #42 (6" Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) Wm. Hjorth & Co. Jamestown, NY.
(2.) J. P. Danielson BET'R-GRIP.
(3.) Truecraft Tools.
(4.) Arrow Tool Co.
(5.) McKaig-Hatch.
(6.) J. P. Danielson.
(7.) Kilborn & Bishop / K & B 22-1/2" degrees.
(8.) Wizard H2401.
(9.) Power-Kraft.
(10.) Barcalo Buffalo Model N6 with tulip shaped hang hole.
Choice Box #43 (eight 6" and one 4" inch Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) 4" Crescent Crestoloy. Like new.
(2.) 6" Stanley No. 1536.
(3.) 6" Proto 796.
(4.) 6" B & C No. 80.
(5.) 6" Lakeside Forge Co - Erie, PA / Laco Standard LA-60.
(6.) 6" Xcelite - Orchard Park, NY.
(7.) 6" Angle Wrench.
(8.) 6" Great Neck AW6.
(9.) 6" Ridgid 706 - Ridge Tool Co. - Elyria, Ohio.
Choice Box #44 (Large Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) 15" Hemasa No. 100.
(2.) 15" Husky
(3.) 15" Irega No. 77.
(4.) 12: Dayton Elec. Mfg. Co. No. 4X056.
(5.) 12" Powr Kraft 84H4704 with rubber sleeve over handle.
(6.) 11" Keystone No. 81 / Keystone Mfg. Co.
Choice Box #45 (10" Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) Giller USA
(2.) New Britain AW-10.
(3.) Keystone Mfg. Co. Buffalo NY.
(4.) Adjustable Angle Wrench (with AC in a diamond logo).
(5.) Fleet Mfd. USA.
(6.) Truecraft Tool Co.
(7.) Fuller No. 10.
Choice Box #46 (8" Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) Best Standard Make - Austria.
(2.) Sears
(3.) Challenger Clik-Stop (Roman helmet logo).
(4.) HMC - Tools No. 1115/TJ.
(5.) Servess.
(6.) Williams Adjustable / J. H. Williams & Co.
(7.) Snap-On Tools Corp. / Blue Point
(8.) Canton Malleable Iron Co. USA.
(9.) J. P. Danielson BET'R-GRIP.
Choice Box #47 (8" Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) Billings - Vitalloy 77-8.
(2.) Barcalo Buffalo. With tulip shaped hang hole.
(3.) S. T. S. Angle Wrench No. A-1 (handle bent).
(4.) Billings Hartford Conn. - 76 (older, thicker style)
(5.) OTC Owatonna Tool Co.
(6.) The Keystone Mfg. Co. - Buffalo, NY (older style)
(7.) Automatic Transmission Co. - Lima, Ohio (pitted).
(8.) Job Helper - Taiwan.
(9.) B & C No. 80 (pitted).
(10.) S-K Wayne.
Choice Box #48 (8" Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) Peck Stow & Wilcox / Pexto Adjustable. With tulip shaped hang hole.
(2.) Lectrolite - Defiance, Ohio.
(3.) Crescent Tool Co. Crestoloy.
(4.) Dunlap Dependable Quality.
(5.) Thorsen Allied.
(6.) Wards Master Quality Molybdenum Alloy.
(7.) Harrold's Adjustable Wrench. With tulip shaped hang hole.
(8.) Pexto.
(9.) Proto 708.
(10.) Fuller No. 8.
Choice Box #49 (8" Crescent type wrenches) (NO PHOTOS)
(1.) Scholler / Scholler Mfg. Buffalo, NY.
(2.) Ridgid / Ridge Tool Co. - Elyria, Ohio.
(3.) Wizard H2402.
(4.) Erie Tool Works / Erie, PA. (older style).
(5.) Herbrand No. 21-8.
(6.) Bahco 71 - Sweden / B. A. Hjorth & Co. - Stockholm.
(7.) Klein Tools 501-8.
(8.) Kilborn & Bishop / K & B 22-1/2" degrees.
Choice Box #50 (Automotive multi-drain plug, etc. wrenches)
(1.) 9" Herbrand No. 194 / 6748 (seven sizes).
(2.) 9.25" C. P. No. 101 (nine sizes).
(3.) 210" unmarked (15 sizes)
(4.) 11.25" Standard USA 189 after market Ford V-8. (single hex box end).
(5.) 11" Herbrand Pitted.
(6.) 11.25" NH 16 Ford after market (eight sizes).
(7.) 9" Craftsman - Cushman - Champaign, ILL - Ford All in One Wrench (seven sizes)
(8.) Ken Tool G17 (eight sizes)
(9.) Reda Mfg. Co. - Springfield, Mass. (10 sizes)
(10.) 10.5" Barcalo-Buffalo - Pat. No. 1,870,612. Ford after market with five sizes.
(11.) Ford and Many Others - Ken-Tool Akron, O. - G-15 (five sizes)
(12.) Ford and Many Others - Ken-Tool Akron, O. - Universal G-15 (six sizes)
Choice Box #51 (Automotive battery tools)
(1.) 8.5" Belden 7505 - Chicago - Des (design patent) 119441. Pliers with box end wrenches on end of handles.
(2.) 7.5" Blue Bird battery pliers.
(3.) 8" Hedsro - Patented (Plier type tool, unknown function)
(4.) 9" Atlas Post Cleaner
(5.) 8" unmarked pliers with box end wrenches on end of handles. Plated, like new.
(6.) 5.25" Blue Bird No. 21 - Patented. Battery terminal puller.
(7.) 12" Marquette battery terminal puller pat. 6-1-26. St. Paul, Minn.
(8.) 6" Whitaker Special S-1043 double box end battery terminal bolt wrench?
(9.) 7.5" Blue Bird No. 20. Battery terminal spreader pliers.
(10.) 7.5" Atlas Battery Plier.
(11.) 8.25" Plazzno - Pat. No. 19027. Comb. batters pliers and terminal spreader.
(12.) 8" Plazzno Wrench Co. - Waltham, Mass. - Pat. No. 19027. Similar to above.
Choice Box #52 (Walden-Worcester special automotive wrenches)
(1.) Walden-Worcester 2418 (pitted)
(2.) Walden-Worcester 651
(3.) Walden-Worcester 771 (lightly marked)
(4.) Walden-Worcester 3620
(5.) Walden-Worcester 1824 (double ended with swiveling sockets)
(6.) Walden-Worcester 2718 (tee handled socket)
(7.) Walden-Worcester? (unmarked tee handled socket, pitted)
Choice Box #53 (Walden-Worcester special automotive wrenches)
(1.) Walden-Worcester 2516 (L-socket)
(2.) Walden-Worcester 2526 (L-socket)
(3.) Walden-Worcester 1620-2 (dbl. socket)
(4.) Walden-Worcester 3-4 (tee socket)
(5.) Walden-Worcester 5660 (dbl. socket)
(6.) Walden-Worcester 3822 (offset socket)
(7.) Walden-Worcester 5810 (offset socket)
(8.) Walden-Worcester 5810 (socket wrench, different than (7.)
Choice Box #54 (special automotive wrenches)
(1.) Ray 658 (L-socket)
(2.) Snap-On (early 3/8" tee handled spinner wrench)
(3.) Blackhawk 3118 (tee handled socket)
(4.) Dowidat - Mercedes-Benz 120 581 0046 (lug wrench and tire tool?)
(5.) Hinsdale CH1(socket by box end)
(6.) Pyle Nat. Co. 13-B (dbl. socket)
(7.) Ashland Mfg. Co. - 36 ) (with three sockets)
(8.) Blackhawk 2118 (tee handled socket)
(9.) Group of three unmarked sockets.
(10.) BOG Mfg. Co. - Chicago (socket by box end)
(11.) Ray 654 (three sockets)
(12.) BOG Mfg. Co. Chicago (offset ratchet)
Choice Box #55 (special automotive speed type wrenches)
(1.) Ketler 5/8 (with solid iron spinner knob)
(2.) Walden-Worcester (with wooden spinner knob)
(3.) Walden-Worcester 6064-1/2 (with metal spinner knob)
(4.) Walden-Worcester 6018 (with metal spinner knob)
(5.) Walden-Worcester 6020 (with metal spinner knob)
Choice Box #56 (special automotive wrenches and tools)
(1.) Chevy 29-30 355441 LC (crank)
(2.) Walden-Worcester X1305 / Disteel Wheels (two sockets)
(3.) Walden-Worcester 1444 (four way lug wrench with center square box wrench, one socket has a cracks)
(4.) Mossberg No. 361 (speed wrench)
(5.) Unmarked lug wrench and crank?
Choice Box #57 (special automotive wrenches and tools)
(1.) Wizard H2818D (3/8" drive speed wrench)
(2.) Blackhawk 500 (3/8" drive speed wrench, some hammer damage)
(3.) Mossberg (speed wrench with hex socket)
(4.) Vaughan & Bushnell (brace wrench with hex socket and wooden handles)
(5.) Unmarked speed wrench with hex socket and solid iron knob.
Note: There will also be another 185 unlisted box lots to be sold.