To order; email, phone or write:
Don Haury - 7913 SW 24TH - Halstead KS 67056 - 316-283-5876 or 316-284-7345
Postage is extra. Most items shipped by priority mail.
Send me your want list as I have a lot of wrenches that aren't listed.
Please bookmark this page and check back frequently as more wrenches will be listed
Have wrenches you need to dispose of let me know. We buy outright, sell on commission and organize auctions.
Patent for this an "Improvement in Wire-Band Cutters" was issued to Robert Hale of Minneapolis, Minnesota. This rare tool was used to cut the wire bands on bundles of wheat, etc. before they were fed to the threshing machine.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 5 and Acme Parts Lists.
Condition: Good Plus. Unlike the majority of these wrenches I have seen, the markings on this one are readable.
Price: $20.00 (ref: FW/190-1)
This tee socket wrench is listed in parts books for Acme's Sulky and Side Delivery Rakes.
Appleton Manufacturing Company Wrench "C619 " - Batavia, Illinois
Side two: marked "C619"
Length: 8 inches
Reference: Rathbone's Volume One page 4
Condition: Good Plus
Price: $20.00 (ref: FW/187-1)
The Appleton Company manufactured windmills, gas engines, corn huskers, corn shedders, manure spreaders, and saws. They started in Chicago, then moved to Geneva, Illinois and then to Batavia.
Appleton Manufacturing Company Wrench "C619 " - Batavia, Illinois
Side one: marked "C619"
Side two: not marked
Length: 7.75 inches
Reference: Rathbone's Volume One page 21
Condition: Jaw crack
Price: $6.00 (ref: FW/188-1)
Scarce variant of the Appleton C629 wrench. The Appleton Company manufactured windmills, gas engines, corn huskers, corn shedders, manure spreaders, and saws. They started in Chicago, then moved to Geneva, Illinois and then to Batavia.
Appleton Manufacturing Company Wrench "C620 " - Batavia, Illinois
Side two: marked "C620"
Length: 10.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone's Volume One page 21
Condition: Good with overall pitting
Price: $15.00 (ref: FW/189-1)
The Appleton Company manufactured windmills, gas engines, corn huskers, corn shedders, manure spreaders, and saws. They started in Chicago, then moved to Geneva, Illinois and then to Batavia.
Bailor Plow Co. C49 Wrench - Atchison, Kansas
Markings side one: "BAILOR PLOW CO".
Markings side two: "Atchison Kan C49".
Length: 10 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 38.
Price: $10.00 Condition: Pitted (ref: FW/65-3)
As far as I know the Bailor Plow Company wrenches are the only farm implement wrenches that are marked "Kansas".
Brown-Manley Plow Company Wrench - Malta, Ohio
Markings side one: "1AA"
Markings side two: No marking.
Length: 6.5 inches.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone's Volume One, page 66.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $12.00 (FW/178-3).
B & H 1372 Wrench (Bickford and Huffman, Macedon, New York)
Markings side one: "B & H".
Markings side two: "1372".
Length: 6 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 32
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $20.00 (ref: FW/220-1)
Bickford and Huffman became part of the American Seeding Machine Company in 1903
Cockshutt Plow Company Wrench "P4185" - Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Markings side one: "P4185".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 10½ inches - - With 2¾ inch octagon box end
Reference: Rathbone's book page 107
Condition: Excellent - - Good Plus
Price: $25.00 (ref: FW/1-4)
This wrench with the decorative open handle and large octagon opening looks more like an automobile hub cap wrench than an implement wrench but it is listed in Rathbone's book as a Cockshutt Plow Company product.
Coldwell Lawn Mower Co. M58 Wrench - Newburgh, New York
Markings side one: "M58"
Markings side two: No marking.
Length: 5.5 inches.
Reference: Parts List.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $10.00 (OR/24-1).
This wrench has been identified as belonging to a lawn mower made by the Coldwell Lawn Mower Co. Of Newburgh, New York from a parts list in a hardware catalog. From the Kelly-How Co. of Duluth, Minn.
N9 Lawn Mower Wrench - Possible Coldwell Mower Co. - Newburgh, New York
Markings side one: "N9" and Link Belt's dogbone logo.
Markings side two: No marking.
Length: 5.5 inches.
Reference: None found.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $15.00 (LM/002-1).
Identical to (but much scarcer than) the M58 wrench.
David Bradley Manufacturing Company B238 Wrench (no hammer variant) - Bradley, Illinois
Markings side one: "David Bradley Mfg. Co.".
Markings side two: "Bradley ILL B238.
Length: 10 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One. page 126 .
Condition: Severe pitting especially on the part number, large open end slightly sprung.
Price: $15.00 (ref: FW/159-1).
This wrench can be found with and without the hammer poll, this is the hammerless variant. The B238 wrench was later replaced by the similar 105A wrench. Used with several Bradley cultivators and harrows.
1758E Wrench (David Bradley Manufacturing Company - Bradley, Illinois)
Markings side one: "1758E".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 6.5 inches
Reference: Not pictured in Rathbone's book but listed in the Supplement.
Condition: Good Plus with a couple minor casting flaws.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/201-1)
According to original factory engineer's drawings this wrench was designed to be used with Bradley Garden Cultivators and Seeders.
David Bradley Manufacturing Works 105A Wrench with Hammer - Bradley, Illinois
Markings side one: "David Bradley Mfg. Wks".
Markings side two: "Bradley ILL 105A".
Length: 9.75 inches.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone's Vol. One, page 126.
Condition: Jaws are sprung on the largest wrench opening, edge chip.
Price: $40.00 (ref: FW/162-1).
This wrench replaced the similar B238 wrench.
David Bradley Manufacturing Company ET Wrench - Bradley, Illinois
Markings side one: "ET".
Markings side two: "110.
Length: 9.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One. page 126 .
Condition: Badly pitted, weak markings as usual.
Price: $20.00 (ref: FW/160-1).
The "ET" was thought to of stood for Emerson-Talcott (predecessor of Emerson-Brantingham) till some engineering drawings were discovered in the old David Bradley factory showing this wrench was issued with Bradley's Queen Sulky Rakes and Vulcan Cultivators.
David Bradley Manufacturing Company 0566 Wrench - Bradley, Illinois
Markings side one: "0566".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 13.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One. page 125.
Condition: Some hammer damaged on edges.
Price: $35.00 (ref: FW/156-1).
Odd wrench with a hook spanner on one end that came with David Bradley Gang Plows circa 1911.
David Bradley Manufacturing Company 832A Wrench - Bradley, Illinois
Markings side one: "832A".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 12.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 126 .
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $37.50 (ref: FW/157-2)
Similar to the Bradley "0556" hook spanner wrench but with slightly different wrench sizes.
Neat small cast malleable wrench. One of only a few wrenches found that are marked "Governor".
Fairbanks Morse Auto Type Adjustable Wrench
Markings side one: "FAIRBANKS MORSE"
Markings side two: No markings
Length: 8 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume Three, page 79.
Price: $40.00 - Good+ with some minor dings. (ref: FW/243-1).
Fairbanks, Morse & Company originally known for their scales produced numerous products including Fairbanks-Morse Farm Engines..
G. A. Kelly Plow Co. - No 1 (Jefferson and Longview, Texas.)
Markings side one: "G. A. KELLY PLOW CO.".
Markings side two: "1".
Length: 6.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 277.
Condition: Light pitting.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/210-1)
The G. A. Kelly Mfg. Co, started business in 1854 in Jefferson, Texas. They later moved to Longview, Texas.
Gale Manufacturing Company DG92 Wrench - Albion, Michigan
Markings side one: "GALE"
Markings side two: "DG 92.
Length: 11.5 inches.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone's Volume One, page 193.
Condition: Good Plus some minor pitting.
Price: $35.00 (FW/173-1).
Gale Manufacturing Company 21 Wrench - Albion, Michigan
Markings side one: "Gale 21".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8.5 inches.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone's Volume One, page 193.
Condition: Has some pitting.
Price: $25.00 (FW/182-1).
The Gale 21 wrench has been found in Parts Books for Gale Foot Lift Gang and Sulky Plows, and several cultivators.
Gale Manufacturing Company K121 Tee Socket Wrench - Albion, Michigan
Markings side one: "K121".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 3.25 X 5,25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Volume One, page 193 and page 359
Condition: Good++.
Price: (ref: FW/242-1) SOLD
This Tee handled square socket wrench is listed in Gale parts books for their New Gale Disc Harrows and Albion Disk Harrows. Rathbone also shows it with the Ohio Rake Co.(Dayton, Ohio) wrenches.
E16 Wrench - Gale Manufacturing Company, Albion, Michigan and Rock Island Plow Company, Rock Island, Illinois
Markings side one: "E16".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7.5 inches.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone's Volume One, page 193.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: SOLD (FW/181-1)
The E16 wrench is listed in both Parts Books for Gale (Spike Tooth Harrows) and Rock Island (Twentieth Century Planters).
Markings side one: "THE INSURANCE"
Markings side two: "KK1753"
Length: 7 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 426.
Condition: Good, some pitting on reverse side makes the number hard to read.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/200-1)
This neat little wrench has eleven different openings and is usually associated with the E. C. Simmons Hardware Co. of St. Louis, Mo. and their KeenKutter brand but I have yet to find it listed in any E. C. Simmons catalog.
Hercules and Economy gas Engine Igniter Wrench (larger size "L" shaped variant)
Markings side one: No Markings
Markings side two: No Markings
Length: 3 by 8.75 inches with 7/8" hex socket and 3/8" square socket.
Reference: Old Hercules and Economy Parts Books.
Condition: Good++.
Price: $35.00 (ref: FW/245-2)
No markings on this wrench but it has been identified from illustrations in Hercules and Economy Gas Engine Parts Books as an igniter wrench (part Nos.
097 and 47E097). This the larger size "L" shaped variant. For more information see
Hercules/Economy Gas Engine Wrenches
Hercules and Economy gas Engine Igniter Wrench (smaller size "L" shaped variant)
Markings side one: No Markings
Markings side two: No Markings
Length: 3 by 8 inches with 3/4" hex socket & 5/16" square socket.
Reference: Old Hercules and Economy Parts Books.
Condition: Good++.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/246-1)
No markings on this wrench but it has been identified from illustrations in Hercules and Economy Gas Engine Parts Books as an igniter wrench (part Nos.
097 and 47E097). This the smaller size "L" shaped variant. For more information see
Hercules/Economy Gas Engine Wrenches
Hercules and Economy gas Engine Igniter Wrench (smaller size straight variant)
Markings side one: "1151P T"
Markings side two: "4"
Length: 8 inches.
Reference: Old Hercules and Economy Parts Books.
Condition: Good++.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/247-1)
No markings on this wrench but it has been identified from illustrations in Hercules and Economy Gas Engine Parts Books as an igniter wrench (listed as part Nos097, X097, 23X097, 47T101, ands 101 in several parts books). This the smaller size straight variant (socket sizes are the same as the smaller "L" shaped variant). For more information see
Hercules/Economy Gas Engine Wrenches
King Drill Manufacturing Company Wrench - Nebraska City, Nebraska
Markings side one: "KING DRILL MFG. CO.".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 12 inches.
References: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 282.
Condition: Good Plus with dark uniform patina.
Price: $60.00 (ref: FW/150-1)
A nice example of one of the few wrenches from Nebraska.
M. F. & Co. (Mast, Foos & Co. - Springfield, Ohio)
Markings side one: "M. F. &' Co.".
Markings side two: No Markings.
Length: 11 inches
Reference: Rathbone Vol. Two, page 186.
Condition: Has light pitting.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/205-1)
Ohio Cultivator Company - Famous Ohio J276 Wrench - Bellevue, Ohio
Markings side one: "Famous Ohio J276"
Markings side two: no markings.
Length: 9.5 inches.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone's Volume One, page 357.
Condition: Good+, rough casting with traces of original finish.
Price: $25.00 (FW/174-2)
S. D. & Coe Wrench (Munnsville, New York)
Markings side one: "S. D & COE"
Markings side two: "No markings
Length: 8.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume Three, Page 193.
Condition: Pitted.
Price: $150.00 (ref: FW/239-1)
S. D. & Coe is Stinger, Dexter & Coe predecessor of the Munnsville Plow Co. Scarce wrench.
Markings side two: "MIDLAND MFG. CO. - TARKIO, MO USA - 2".
Length: 9 inches.
References: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 326.
Condition: Pitted. Price: $15.00 (ref: FW/151-3)
Scarce wrench from a Missouri company with an interesting history.
Tiger Threshing Machine Cylinder Tooth Ratchet Wrench - Johnson Brothers of Freeport, Illinois
Markings side one: "PAT MAR 8 - TIGER.
Markings side two: not marked.
Length: 17 inches
Reference: Schulz No. 45, Rathbone Volume 1. page 455. U. S. Patent Office.
Condition: Good++, with blurry casting on a the date marking.
Price: $45.00 (ref: FW/224-1)
This reversible ratchet threshing machine cylinder tooth wrench was marked by the Johnson Brothers of Freeport, Illinois as the "Tiger Cylinder Tooth Wrench". Patented was granted to William R. Johnson of Freeport on March 8, 1904. Sockets are interchangeable and this one is fitted with a 1-1/4" square example.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone Vol. One, page 166.
Condition: Painted, some light pitting.
Price: $20.00 (ref: FW/171-2)
This wrench is also shown as a stock item in old Eberhard Manufacturing Company (also of Cleveland, Ohio) catalogs, so they were probably made by them for Empire. The Empire Plow Company was founded in 1840 and is apparently still in business. This 7370 wrench and one marked "10" are the only two wrenches known associated with the Empire Plow company.
Empire Plow Company 10 Wrench with hammer head - Cleveland, Ohio
Markings side one: "10".
Markings side two: "No markings".
Length: 6.25 inches
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone Vol. One, page 166.
Condition: Good Plus.
(ref: FW/172-2) SOLD
Small wrench with hammer poll similar to the more common Planet Jr. wrenches. This 10 wrench and one marked "7370" are the only two wrenches known associated with the Empire Plow company.
Mann Bone Cutter Wrench - F. W. Mann & Company - Milford, Massachusetts
Markings side one: "Mann Bone Cutter"
Markings side two: no markings.
Length: 4.75 inches.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone's book Volume One, page 308.
Condition: Good with some pitting.
Price: SOLD (FW/177-2).
This little wrench came with the Mann Bone Cutter used to grind up bones so they could be used as a poultry feed supplement.
Condition: The hammer head and claw ends are mushroomed.
Price: (ref: FW/199-1)SOLD
This all malleable cast claw hammer has a square box wrench on the hammer head face. They are found with a hollow handle and a solid fluted handle like this one.
Moline Plow Company RD2108 Wrench (later Minneapolis-Moline) - Moline, Illinois"
Markings side one: No markings.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 22 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume Two, page 333.
Condition: Good Plus with some edge dings.
Price: $30.00 (ref: FW/145-2)
This pressed steel wrench is listed in Minneapolis-Moline parts books for Moline's two way plows for Series R Tractors.
Reference: Rathbone's book pages 333 and 413 and old parts catalogs.
Condition: Good+.
Price: $20.00 (FW/14-3)
Although there is no known connection between the two companies this wrench is listed in both Moline Plow Company of Moline, Illinois and Sattley Manufacturing Company of Racine, Wisconsin parts lists for sulky plows. Moline Plow Co. became part of Minneapolis Moline in 1929 and Sattley was purchased by Montgomery Ward in 1916
Condition: Good Plus except for a 1/4" long crack on a jaw corner.
Price: $5.00 (FW/197-1)
The Moline Plow Company of Moline, Illinois acquired the Monitor Drill Company in 1908.
Reeves 8140 Wrench - Columbus, Ohio
Markings side one: "8140".
Markings side two: "No markings".
Length: 10.25 inches
Reference: Reeves parts lists. Pictured in Rathbone's Vol. Two, page 245.
Condition: Light pitting.
Price: $80.00 (ref: FW/169-1)
Reeves wrench that dates from before the 1912 purchase of Reeves & Company by Emerson-Brantingham.
South Bend Chilled Plow Company "Octagon" Walking Plow Wrench - South Bend, Indiana
Markings side one: No markings.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 15.75 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume Two, page 267.
Condition: Good Plus with some edge dings.
Price: (ref: FW/144-1) SOLD
This wrench is given the part identification "Octagon" in early South Bend Walking Plow Parts Catalogs.
Superior Drill Company "B573" Wrench - Springfield, Ohio (later American Seeding Machine Company)
Markings side one: "B 573"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8.5 inches
Reference: Old Parts Lists and Rathbone's book pages 32, 16, and 446
Condition: Excellent
Price: $15.00 (ref: FW/44-4)
The Superior Drill Company was one of the companies that formed the American Seeding Machine Company in 1903. Rathbone's book also shows this wrench for the Bickford and Huffman Company of Macedon, New York. They were also one of the companies that combined to form the American Seeding Machine Company circa 1903.
Superior Drill Company "397" Wrench - Springfield, Ohio (later American Seeding Machine Company)
Markings side one: "397"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 446.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $15.00 (FW/141-3).
Superior Drill Company became part of the American Seeding Machine Company in 1904 and this wrench was then shown in their parts books.
This distinctive looking wrench has just recently been identified from a listing in a Carr Manufacturing Catalog (Kansas City, Missouri) for Whitman & Barnes Diamond Garden Cultivators.
Iron Age Cultivator E39 Wrench - Bateman Manufacturing Company, Grenlock, New Jersey
Markings side one: "E39".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8.75 inches.
Reference: Bateman Iron Age Parts Catalog.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $45.00 (ref: FW/79-1)
Unlisted wrench identified from a listing in a 1910 Bateman Manufacturing Company Parts Catalogs for their Iron Age horse drawn riding cultivators.
Garden City Feeder Company 66W Wrench - Pella, Iowa.
Markings side one: "66W"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume Two, page 109.
Condition: Excellent with original patina.
Price: $85.00 (ref: FW/107-1)
This double square socket wrench came with threshing machine weighers; conveyors and baggers. Hard to find wrench in excellent shape.
W. R. Harrison & Company - Tornado Wrench\ - Massillon, Ohio
Markings side one: "TORNADO"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 6 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume Two, Page 457.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $250.00 (ref: FW/111-2)
This neat ultra rare wrench is listed in Rathbone's book as belong to the W. R. Harrison & Company manufactures of silos and silo filling equipment.
Independent Harvester Company SP116 Wrench - Plano, Illinois
Markings side one: "INDEPENDENT".
Markings side two: "SP 116".
Length: 9.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 247.
Condition: Pitted
Price: $7.50. (ref: FW/127-2).
There are only three known different Independent Harvester wrenches: SP115, SP116, and SP117.
Independent Harvester Company SP117 Wrench - Plano, Illinois
Markings side one: "INDEPENDENT".
Markings side two: "SP 117".
Length: 11 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 247.
Condition: Good with spots of pitting, edge dings.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/128-1)
This is the largest of the three known Independent Harvester wrenches.
JWB Wrench (Collin's Plow Co's J. W. B. Walking Cultivator, Etc. - Quincy, Illinois)
Markings side one: "JWB".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 11.5 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume One and Two.
Have two:
Condition: Good ++, original patina - $30.00 (ref: FW/129-10
This wrench has been found listed in Collins Cultivator Parts Book. Wrench came with the JWB and several other cultivators (one of the partners in the firm was J. W. Brown).
Kingman Plow Company N81 Wrench . Peoria, Illinois
Markings side one: "Kingman Plow Co".
Markings side two: "N81".
Length: 1o.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 284.
Condition: Some hammer damage on edges.
Price: $40.00 (ref: FW/185-1).
C207 Wrench - Kingman Plow Co. Peoria, Illinois
Markings side one: "C207".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 11".
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 284.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/77-3).
This wrench came with Kingman Disc Plows and has the slot on one end for straightening the discs.
Kirlin Cultivator Company K115 Wrench - Kansas City, Missouri, later Beattie, Kansas"
Markings side one: "Kirlin"
Markings side two: "K115".
Length: 9 inches
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone Volume One, page 285.
Condition: Overall light to medium pitting.
Price: $35.00 (ref: FW/166-1)
There are only two known wrenches associated with the Kirlin Cultivator Company, this one and the M627.
Kirlin Cultivator Company M627 Wrench - Kansas City, Missouri, later Beattie, Kansas
Markings side one: "M627"
Markings side two: not marked.
Length: 9 inches
Reference: Not in Rathbone's books but listed in Kirlin Parts Books.
Condition: Good with some minor pitting.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/223-1)
Similar but considerably rarer than the Kirlin K115 wrench. the only other known Kirlin wrench.
The Louden Machinery Company 636 Socket Wrench - Fairfield, Iowa.
Markings side one: "636"
Markings side two: "636"
Length: 8.5 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume Two, page 173.
Condition: Excellent with original patina, light markings.
Price: (ref: FW/109-1) SOLD
The Louden Company produced dairy and haying equipment.
Maytag Ruth Self Feeder and Advance-Rumely Threshing Machine Wrench "R43"
Markings side one: "R-43"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 4 x 7 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 406 and Maytag Parts Book
Condition: Good Plus
Price: (ref: FW/12-3) SOLD
This T-handled square socket wrench has previously been identified by a listing in Advance-Rumely repair parts lists for their threshing machines but recently it was also found in a Parts Book for Ruth Threshing Machine Self Feeders manufactured by the Maytag Company of Newton, Iowa. I would suspect the Rumely wrench was for Ruth Self Feeders fitted on their machines.
The Ruth Self Feeders were originally manufactured by The Ruth Self Feeder Company of Halstead, Kansas. They were purchased by the Parsons Band Cutter and Self Feeder Company of Newton, Iowa which eventually became the Maytag Company.
P. P. CO. 100 Wrench - Pattee Plow Company, Monmouth, Illinois
Markings side one: "P.P.CO."
Markings side two. "> 100" (with a "C-H" foundry logo)
Length: 7.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Vol. One, page 373.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $20.00 (ref: FW/105-5)
The Pattee Plow Company manufactured the New Departure line of implements.
P. P. CO. Wrench - Pattee Plow Company, Monmouth, Illinois
Markings side one: "P.P.CO." (Exactly like the P.P. Co. 100 wrench above except not marked with the part number.)
Markings side two: Not marked
Length: 7.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Vol. One, page 373.
Condition: Good Plus with some minor edge dings
Price: $17.50 (ref: FW/106-1)
Price: $17.50 (ref: FW/106-3) Dot after CO. on front side variant
This is the second largest wrench of a set of double open end wrenches issued by the Geiser Mfg. Co. Geiser's Peerless Line included Steam Engines and Threshing Machines.
G. M. Co. Peerless 9/16 - 5/8 Wrench (Geiser Manufacturing Co. - Waynesboro, PA)
Markings side one: "G. M. Co 9/16 - 5/8".
Markings side two: "Peerless".
Length: 10.5 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book page 200.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $30.00 (ref: FW/63-2).
This is the third largest wrench of a set of double open end wrenches issued by the Geiser Mfg. Co. Geiser's Peerless Line included Steam Engines and Threshing Machines.
Frick Co Eclipse 1006B Wrench - Waynesboro, Pennsylvania)
Markings side one: "Frick Co 1006B".
Markings side two: "Eclipse".
Length: 9.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 185.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: (ref: FW/57-1) SOLD
This scarce wrench is listed in early Parts Lists for Frick Threshing Machines.
Frick Co 1010B Wrench - Waynesboro, Pennsylvania)
Markings side one: "Frick Co 1010B - Eclipse - 3/8 - 1/2 - 5/8".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 6 X 9.5 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 185.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $300.00 (ref: FW/59-1 SOLD
A very rare Tee wrench listed in early Parts Lists for Frick Threshing Machines.
Frick & Co Eclipse 1064A Wrench - Waynesboro, Pennsylvania)
Markings side one: "Frick & Co".
Markings side two: 1064A.
Length: 8 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 185.
Condition: Good Plus with a tight crack.
Price: $100.00 (ref: FW/60-1 SOLD
A scarce Frick wrench that I have not seen in a Frick Parts List.
Markings side one: "Eclipse" with a "B" in rectangle logo.
Markings side two: "1503B".
Length: 5.25 inches.
Reference: Not pictured in Rathbone's book.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $100.00 (ref: FW/61-1 SOLD
Another of the scarce Frick wrenches that has not been found in a Frick Parts list.
Minneapolis Threshing Machine 139M Steam Engine and Gas Tractor Wrench
Markings side one: "139M"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 6.75 inches.
Reference: MTM Steam Engine & Gas Tractor Parts Books. Rathbone's Book Volume Two, page 204.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: (FW/143-1) SOLD
This wrench is listed in both Steam Engine and Gas Tractor Minneapolis Threshing Machine Parts Books. Described as a "7 inch cast wrench for set screws.
Minneapolis Threshing Machine 140M Steam Engine and Gas Tractor Wrench
Markings side one: "140M"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8.5 inches.
Reference: MTM Steam Engine & Gas Tractor Parts Books. Rathbone's Book Volume Two, page 204.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: (ref: FW/194-1) SOLD
This wrench is listed in both Steam Engine and Gas Tractor Minneapolis Threshing Machine Parts Books. Described as a "8-1/2 inch cast wrench for cylinder head nuts" in Steam Engine Parts Lists and as a "8.5" malleable wrench for 9/16 and 1/2 inch nuts" in Gas Tractor Lists.
Reference: MTM Steam Engine Parts Books. Rathbone's Book Volume Two, page 204.
Condition: Pitted.
Price: (FW/118-1) SOLD
This odd shaped wrench was identified from a 1915 Minneapolis Threshing Machine Steam Engine Part List. Described as "10 inch cast wrench for stuffing boxes. All sizes double cylinder steam engines".
Reference: MTM Steam Engine Parts Books. Rathbone's Book Volume Two, page 204.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: (FW/119-1) SOLD
Similar odd shape but larger than the 142M wrench. Identified from the same 1915 Minneapolis Threshing Machine Steam Engine Part List. Described as "Wrench for piston stuffing box nut. All sizes single cylinder and double cylinder steam engines".
This wrench is listed in Huber Steam Engine Parts Catalogs as a "Set Screw Wrench".
Huber 1224 Wrench (Huber Manufacturing Company - Marion, Ohio)
Side one marked: "1224"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 6.5 X 7 inches
Reference: Rathbone Vol. Two, page 134 and Huber Parts Books.
Condition: Good ++.
Price: $35.00 (ref: FW/193-1)
This tee socket wrench is listed in Huber parts books for Huber Grain Separators.
Red Jacket "P45" Steam Engine Water Pump Wrench - Red Jacket Manufacturing Co. - Davenport, Iowa
Markings side one: "P45".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 10.75 inches.
Reference: Red Jacket Pump Catalog.
Condition: Pitted.
Price: $25.00 (ref: FW/99-2).
This wrench has recently been identified from a parts listing in a Red Jacket Pump Catalog. The wrench came with hand operated pumps that were often used with steam engine water wagons.
La Crosse Plow Company K29 Wrench - La Crosse, Wisconsin
Markings side one: "LA CROSSE PLOW CO K29"
Markings side two: with ruler markings numbered 1 thru 10
Length: 14.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume One, page 289.
Have two:
Price: $40.00 - Good with some edge dings, etc. (ref: FW/114a-1).
Has a jaw corner crack (ref: FW/114a-2) SOLD
Large showy plow wrench with ruler markings, handy for measuring depth of plow furrow.
K29 Plow Wrench - no name variant (La Crosse Plow Company - La Crosse, Wisconsin)
Markings side one: "K29"
Markings side two: with ruler markings numbered 1 thru 10
Length: 14.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume One, page 289.
Have two:
Price: $40.00 - Good++ with traces of original paint. (ref: FW/114b-2).
Price: $20.00 - Has a jaw corner crack caused by a casting flaw, painted. (ref: FW/114b-1).
No name just the part number and plow furrow measuring ruler on this variant of the Lacrosse Plow Company K29 wrench.
Dille & McGuire 1893 Wrench - Richmond, Indiana
Markings side one: "1893".
Markings side two: No markings.".
Length: 4 inches.
Reference: Hardware Jobbers Catalogs. Not in Rathbone.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $12.50 (ref: MC/3-5)
This little wrench has been misidentified for years. The 1893 has been interpreted as the date or as a rifle model (one was on Ebay a couple years ago with a fresh, fake Winchester stamping) but recently parts list discovered in hardware catalogs from the Townley Metal & Hardware Company of Kansas City, Missouri and the Shapleigh Hardware Company of St. Louis correctly identified it as being one of the tools for lawnmowers manufactured by Dille & McGuire of Richmond, Indiana.
Lot of Five different Garden Cultivator Wrenches
Markings side one: (see below).
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 5.75 to 6.5 inches.
Reference: Various old parts lists.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: Price: SOLD ( (ref: FW/138-1)
This is a collection of five small wrenches that were probably all used on walking garden plows and cultivators. Lot includes one each of:
Standard - The American Fork & Hoe Company - Montrose, Iowa.
B14 - Orphan
10 - Empire Plow Company - Cleveland, Ohio
M59 - Orphan
1AA - Brown Manly Plow Company - Malta, Ohio.
Frost & Wood Small Pitman Wrench - Smith Falls, Ontario, Canada
Markings side one: "884".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 4.5 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume One, page 188.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $22.50 (ref: FW/11-1)
There are two variations of this small pitman wrench: this one which has small lettering and one with larger letters.
Butcher & Gibbs Plow Co. Wrench - Canton, Ohio
Markings side one: B & G PLOW CO
Markings side two: CANTON O
Length: 9½ inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 31
Condition: Good with some areas of light pitting and a short, tight crack at the base of the open end.
Price: $20.00 (ref: FW/6-2)
Pitted but still a good looking wrench from a long life Ohio company.
J. D. Towers & Sons Wrench "O" - Mendota, Illinois
Markings side one: "O"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 5¾ inches by 8 inches tee wrench
Reference: Rathbone's book page 457
Condition: Light pitting.
Price: $25.00 (ref: FW/25-4).
The "O" tee shaped wrench is one of only two wrench part numbers known that were issued by J. D. Tower & Sons of Mendota, Illinois with their line of cultivators (the other being a double end S-shaped wrench part number "T").
Avery Gas and Kerosene Tractor Sparkplug Wrench "A252" - Peoria, Illinois
Markings side one: "A252"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 5 X 5 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. Two, page 18 and Avery Parts Catalogs.
Price: $15.00 Condition: Weak markings, outside of small hex socket has been ground to a round shape (ref: FW/123-2).
This L-shaped double socket wrench came with the large Avery Gas and Kerosene Tractors. Listed as a spark plug wrench for tractors that used Kingston and Splitdorf plugs.
Avery 25-50 Gas Tractor Wrench "4271" - Peoria, Illinois
Markings side one: "4271"
Markings side two: No markings
Length: 10 7/8 inches
Reference: Avery Tractor Parts Book and Rathbone's Book Vol-2 page 18.
Condition: Good Plus with no signs of misuse and a nice uniform dark patina
Price: $45.00 (ref: FW/18-2)
I had this wrench with my automobile hub cap wrenches till I found it pictured in an Avery Parts List for their large gas and kerosene 25-50 Horsepower Tractors. It has a 2 7/8 inch hex box on one end and a 2 1/4 inch hex box on the other end. It is listed as a carburetor wrench and I have tried it on a friends Avery Tractor and it did fit the large nut inside the carburetor bowl. This wrench may have been issued with other Avery Tractors but I have only seen the parts lists for the 25-50. I will include a copy of the tool page from the parts list with this wrench.
Avery Steam Engine Tractor Wrench "94"
Markings side one: "94"
Markings side two: No markings.
Measurements: 13 ¾ inches by 7 inches
Reference: Avery Repair Parts Catalog
Condition: Excellent with just a very few minor dings, no rust, pitting or breaks
Price: $45.00 (ref: FW/19-2)
This wrench is listed and pictured an old Avery company of Peoria, Illinois Parts Catalog as a "Tee wrench for safety plugs on Avery Steam Engines and Steam Plows" I will include a copy of the tool pages from the parts list with purchase.
Avery Wrench "5089" Tee Socket Wrench
Markings side one: "5089"
Markings side two: No markings.
Measurements: 3 7/8 inches by 10 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 26 and Avery Parts Catalogs
Condition: Excellent, no rust, pitting or breaks
Price: $17.50 (ref: FW/20-1)
Avery Wrench "5089" Tee Socket Wrench (four socket variation)
This wrench is listed and pictured In Avery Company of Peoria, Illinois Parts Catalogs as a "Wrench for all cultivators (Mystic, Mystic Jr, Ajax, Easy, Busy Bob, Doublet, and Togo Models) and Perfection, Prince, and Princess Planters"
Markings side one: "5089"
Markings side two: No markings.
Measurements: 4 inches by 10 3/8 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 26 and Avery Parts Catalogs
Condition: Excellent with a couple minor edge dings
Price: $25.00 (ref: FW/21-3)
Same wrench as listed above but with an extra square socket top center of wrench.
This wrench is listed and pictured In Avery Company of Peoria, Illinois Parts Catalogs as a "Wrench for all cultivators (Mystic, Mystic Jr, Ajax, Easy, Busy Bob, Doublet, and Togo Models) and Perfection, Prince, and Princess Planters".
Avery Wrench "251" - Peoria, Illinois
Markings side one: "Avery"
Markings side two: "251"
Measurements: 7 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 26 and Avery Parts Catalogs
Condition/Price: Fair with over all rust pitting. Price: $10.00 (ref: FW/22-1)
This wrench is listed and pictured In Avery Company of Peoria, Illinois Parts Catalogs as a "Wrench, old for all Mystic, Mystic Jr, Ajax, Easy, Busy Bob, Doublet, and Togo model cultivators".
Caterpillar Tractor Company (Peoria, Illinois) Wrench 6F3703
Markings side one:"6F3703" and a "T" Logo
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9 inches
Reference: Caterpillar parts book
Condition: Excellent
Price: $45.00 (ref: CAT/1-4)
This double male hex socket wrench is listed in Rathbone's new supplement but not pictured in the book. A Caterpillar parts books for a 1940's Cat D6 tractor lists this wrench. I would assume it is a drain plug wrench. It may of also been furnished with other Caterpillar products but I don't have all the Cat parts books and have only seen it in the D6 book. I can include a copy of the tool page with the wrench.
Caterpillar Tractor Company (Peoria, Illinois) Wrench 7B8975
Markings side one:"7B8975"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 11.75 inches
Reference: Caterpillar parts book
Condition: Good++ with strong markings.
Price: SOLD (ref: CAT/3-2)
This odd square box end wrench with a scraper blade on the end is not in Rathbone's books but has been identified from a listing in a Caterpillar Motor Grader Parts Book where it is described as being used on the shift table blade.
Caterpillar Tractor Company (Peoria, Illinois) Wrench 1D3363
Markings side one:"1D3363"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 13.75 inches
Reference: Caterpillar parts book and Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 85
Price: $25.00 (ref: CAT/2-4)
A heavy duty double hex box wrench with large bold markings and dark patina.
Madison Plow Company and later Fuller & Johnson G70 Wrench - Madison, Wisconsin
Markings side one: "G70".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book page 305.
Condition: Some spots of light pitting.
Price: $17.50 (ref: 96/2-1)
This G70 wrench is listed in Madison Plow Company and later Fuller and Johnson Parts Books for their wood and steel frame transplanters, cultivators, planters, and disc harrows. It is only one of two wrenches that have been attributed to the Madison Plow Company.
This wrench is listed as a Stoddard Mfg. Company product in Rathbone's books but no parts book proof has surfaced. Stoddard did make a Tiger Self Dump Rake but so did a couple other companies.
This "L" shaped wrench with 3/4" and 1-1/16" hex openings as been identified from parts list as a hub wrench for Allis-Chalmers Tractor Models: RC, WC, WF. and W-SP.
Reference: Listed in Rathbone's Supplement, not pictured in book
Condition: Excellent with original orange paint.
Price: $45.00 (ref: FW/222-1)
Walter A. Wood Mower & Reaping Machine Company Wrench - Hoosick Falls, New York
Markings side one: "WOOD".
Markings side two: "WOOD".
Length:10 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 494
Condition: Has pitting.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/240-1)
Fancy paneled and ridged wrench with a small hammer poll from a company that started back in the early 1850's by manufacturing an improved version of John Manny's combined reaping and mowing machine.
Walter A. Wood Mower & Reaping Machine Company Wrench - Hoosick Falls, New York
Markings side one: "Wood".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length:11½ inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 494
Condition: Pitted with the worst on the back side
Price: (ref: FW/15-4) SOLD
This primitive looking wrench comes from a company that started back in the early 1850's by manufacturing an improved version of John Manny's combined reaping and mowing machine.
Reference: Not in Rathbone's book but recently identified from an Adams Leaning Wheel Grader Parts Catalog
Condition: Good with some pitting and minor edge dings
Price: $17.50 (ref: FW/16-2)
This thick, heavy (three pound) wrench with a hex box and an odd square box on one end and a single open end on the other has been on my orphan wrench list (unidentified wrenches) till recently when a listing was found in an Adams Parts Book. There are at least two versions of this wrench; one with two sizes on the open end and another with only one size open end. This one is the one size variant.
Note: This example has the dog bone (>--<) logo (foundry mark used by the Link Belt Company of Indianapolis, Indiana).
Fuller & Johnson 2N7 Gas Engine Wrench (Madison, Wisconsin)
Markings side one: "2N7".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 4 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume Two page 105.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $65.00(ref: FW/53-1).
This wrench has been identified as an igniter wrench from a listing in a Parts Book for Fuller and Johnson Model "K" 3, 5, 7, 9, & 12, HP engines. May of also been given with other engines.
Reference: Identified from old Samson Windmill Parts Lists.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $40.00 (ref: FW/54-1).
This wrench is listed in Samson Windmill Parts Books as being used on their windmills with 4-3/4, 6, 8, 9, and 10 foot wheels.
For Plunger 41S10 Stover Samson Windmill Wrench (Freeport, Illinois)
Markings side one: "For Plunger".
Markings side two: "41S10".
Length: 7" inches.
Reference: Identified from old Samson Windmill Parts Lists. Not in Rathbone's book.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $75.00 (ref: FW/221-1).
Wiard Star Wrench - Wiard Plow Co, Batavia, New York
Markings side one: "Wiard" (with picture of star).
Markings side two: No markings.".
Length: 13.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 488.
Condition: Some light pitting.
Price: (ref: FW/68-1) SOLD
Scarce wrench with distinctive shape.
W. P. Co - 94 Wrench - Wiard Plow Co, Batavia, New York
Markings side one: "W. P. Co. 94".
Markings side two: No markings.".
Length: 11.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 488.
Condition: Good Plus with an area of pitting or casting roughness. Traces of original black finish.
Price: (ref: FW/196-1) SOLD
The roots of the Wiard Plow Company can be traced back to the very early 1800's.
Planet Jr. No. 3 Garden Cultivator Wrench - S. L. Allen & Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Markings side one: "3 PLANET JR.".
Markings side two: "PLANET JR.".
Length: 6.5 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 380.
Condition: Excellent with original finish.
Price: $20.00 (ref: FW/133-1)
These little Planet Jr. wrenches are common enough that they usually are sold in the box lots at wrench auctions. This one is dead on NOS mint, looks like it was never used.
The Ames cutout is one of the more desirable and rarer of the cutout type wrenches.
Casaday Cutout Wrench (South Bend Chilled Plow Co. - South Bend, Indiana)
Markings side one: "Casaday" in cutout letters.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 11.75 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 429.
Condition: Good Plus with some areas casting roughness and a couple casting flaws around the octagon box wrench opening. Nice uniform dark patina.
Price: (Ref: CO/24-1 SOLD
Because of its size and design this is one of the more graphic and largest of all the cutout wrenches. The first wrench to break the $1000 mark at Al Schulz's first auction in October of 1996. To view larger pictures (front side)
Click Here
reverse side)
Click Here
Markings side one: "Litchfield" in cutout letters and "S437".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 6.75 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 299.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: (Ref: CO/2-2) SOLD
A nice example of the Litchfield S437 cutout wrench.
Iron Age C9 Cutout Wrench (Bateman Mfg., Madison, Ohio) with smaller box end
Markings side one: "Iron Age" (in cutout letters) and "C9".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 6.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 260.
Condition: Good++.
Price: $25.00 (ref: CO/17-4)
This is the smaller of the two Iron Age cutout wrenches. Small box end variant.
Iron Age C9 Cutout Wrench (Bateman Mfg., Madison, Ohio) with larger box end
Markings side one: "Iron Age" (in cutout letters) and "C9".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 6.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 260.
Condition: Good+.
Price: $25.00 (ref: CO/17-3)
This is the smaller of the two Iron Age cutout wrenches. Large box end variant.
Black Hawk Cutout Wrench (with stud variant) - Sechler, Oliver, and Ohio Cultivator Co.
Markings side one: "Black Hawk" (in cutout letters).
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume Two, page 36.
Condition: Crack in cutout letter "C".
Price: $75.00 (ref: C0/7-2) SOLD
Black Hawk implements were made by the D. M. Sechler Carriage & Implement Co. of Moline, Illinois and later by the Ohio Cultivator Co., Bellevue, Ohio. Black Hawk Spreaders manufactured by Sechler were also sold by The Oliver Chilled Plow Works.
Deere A196 Cutout Wrench With Double Hammers
Markings side one: "Deere" (in cutout letters) and "A196".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume Two, page 75.
Condition: Good with some light pitting.
(ref: CO/15-1) SOLD
The wrench with the two hammer polls is by far the rarest of the Deere cutout wrenches.
Planet Jr. K48 U.S.A. Cutout Wrench
Markings side one: "Planet Jr." (in cutout letters).
Markings side two: "K48" and "U.S.A.".
Length: 5 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 360.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: SOLD (ref: CO/21-1)
Scarce variant Planet Jr. K48 cutout wrench marked U.S.A.
Estate Stove Wrench/Tool with Cutout Letters
Markings side one: "Estate" (in cutout letters).
Markings side two: "33".
Length: 10 inches.
Reference: None found.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $35.00 (ref: CO/22-1).
Although not really a wrench these stove tools are usually included in cutout wrench collections.
Estate Stove Cutout Wrench/Tool with Lid Lifter
Markings side one: "Estate" (in cutout letters).
Markings side two: "35".
Length: 11 inches.
Reference: None found.
Condition: Good with some light pitting.
Price: $30.00 (ref: CO/23-1).
Although not really a wrench these stove tools are usually included in cutout wrench collections. This one has an added stove lid lifter on one end.
Verity P61 with hammer head (Verity Plow Co / Massey-Harris)
Markings side one: "Verity" (in cutout letters).
Markings side two: P61.
Length: 6.25 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 472.
Condition: Has some pitting.
(ref: CO/011-2) SOLD
The Verity Plow Co. of Brantford, Ontario, Canada was purchased by Massey-Harris in 1896.
Condition: Over cleaned which highlights the pitting.
Price: $30.00 (ref: DR/4-1)
Mohawk was a registered brand name for the Blish, Mize & Silliman Hardware Company of Atchison, Kansas The whole hardware jobbers started business in 1871 and are still in business. the 7364 is a foundry number for the William E. Pratt Manufacturing Company of Chicago, Illinois.
Victor Balata & Textile Belting Company "11/16" Wrench ("for clamps" marking variation) - Easton Pennsylvania
Markings side one: "VB & TB CO EASTON PA" and "11/16"
Markings side two: "FOR PETROL CLAMPS".
Length: 8.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 468.
Condition: Good Plus.
SOLD (ref: SL/15-2)
Silo Type Socket wrench.
Gehl Brothers Mfg. Co. "XX5" - West Bend, Wisconsin
Markings side one:"XX5"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 14 inches
Reference: Gehl Ensilage Cutter Repair Parts List
Condition: Excellent
Price: (ref: FW/10-1) SOLD
Here's another "orphan" that has recently found it's family with the discovery of a Gehl Brothers Ensilage Cutter parts list. This wrench along with similar wrenches: 42, B72, KL72, R72, N72, N720, and UX5 make an interesting grouping. Not in Rathbone's book.
Gehl Brothers Mfg. (West Bend, Wisconsin and Western Land Roller Co. (Hastings, Nebraska) UX5 Wrench
Markings side one: "UX5".
Markings side two: "1/2".
Length: 15 inches.
Reference: Gehl Ensilage Cutter and Western Land Roller Feed Grinder Parts List.
Condition: Good++.
Price: (ref: FW/98-2) SOLD
This wrench has been found in both Gehl Ensilage Cutter and Western Land Roller Bear Cat Feed Grinder parts lists.
Gehl Brothers Mfg. Company A504 Wrench - West Bend, Wisconsin
Markings side one: "A504".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 10 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Volume Two, page 112.
Have two:
Price: Good with some areas of pitting - $22.50 (ref: FW/97-2).
Price: Casting flaw crack - $5.00 (ref: FW/97-2).
KL72 Wrench (E. W. Ross Company - Springfield, Ohio)
Markings side one: "K-L72".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 11".
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 402.
Condition: Pitting
Price: (ref: FW/76-2) SOLD .
This is one of several similar shaped wrenches that came with silo filling equipment.
Condition: Some minor jaw edge mushrooming, otherwise excellent.
Price: $10.00 (CS/3-1)
The Economy Cream Separators were made by Associated and sold by Sears, Roebuck & company. Associated also made the Iowa Cream Separators and a line of gas engines.
Economy King Cream Separator Wrench - Buffalo, New York
Markings side one: "Economy King".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 157.
Condition: Light pitting.
Price: (ref: CS/6-2) SOLD
Economy King Cream Separators were made by the King Separator Company of Buffalo, New York. Besides selling direct they made separators for Sears and other retailers including, Judson, Homestead, and Northome.
Markings side one: "IOWA CREAM SEPARATOR" (in an indented panel)
Markings side two: "BIG A LINE" ("a" in a circle and all markings are in a indented diamond).
Length: 7 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume One, page 259.
Condition: Excellent with dark patina.
Price: $25.00 (ref: CS/1-2)
Associated produced cream separators and gas engines. This is one of the two marked Iowa Cream Separator wrenches shown in Rathbone's Book.
Montgomery Ward Cream Separator Wrench
Markings side one: "MONTGOMERY WARD"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 336
Condition: Good Plus with some minor pitting on the back side.
Price: $37.50 (ref: CS/2-2)
Although no parts list as been seen for this wrench, the style would indicate that it was for cream separators sold by Montgomery Ward.
Montgomery Ward Cream Separator Wrench Variant
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 336
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $40.00 (ref: CS/2A-1)
Scarce marking variation of the Montgomery Ward cream separator wrench.
Sharples Separator Company "Tubular" Wrench - Chicago, Illinois
Markings side one: "The Sharples Separator Co.".
Markings side two: "Tubular".
Length: 6 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 422.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $12.50 (ref: CS5-1).
United States Cream Separator Adjustable Wrench - Vermont Farm Machinery Co. - Bellows Falls, Vermont
Side one marked: "U.S. Separator"
Side two marked: "A-2 - Pat Nov 13,00 - Mar 11, 02 " and Mossberg's "M" in a diamond logos
Length: 5.5 inches
Reference: Old parts books and Rathbone Volume One page 465
Condition: Some grind marks on jaw edges, minor dings. Still retains most of the original plating.
Price: $25.00 (ref: CS/7-1)
This little bicycle or pocket type wrench was manufactured by the Frank Mossberg Company of Attleboro, Mass. for the Vermont Farm Machinery Company and was included in the tool kits for their U.S. Cream Separators in the early 1900's.
Sechler Moline 1 Inch Buggy Wrench - Moline, Illinois
Markings side one: "Sechler Moline".
Markings side two: "1 Inch".
Length: 8.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 419.
Condition: Some pitting, one jaw has been repaired.
Price: $50.00 (ref: BW/13-1).
Sheldon Axle Company "76" Buggy Wrench - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania)
Markings side one: "SHELDON AXLE CO"
Markings side two: "76".
Length: 7.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 423 and Volume Two page 264.
Condition: Good with some light pitting.
Price: $40.00 (BW/11-1)
There are over twenty different known Sheldon buggy wrenches.
Susquehanna Fertilizer Co Buggy Wrench - Baltimore, Maryland
Markings side two: "OF BALTIMORE CITY MD. - Z - 7/8 - PAT. MAY 2, 93
Length: 8 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 447 and U. S. Patent No. 496,595
Condition: Good+.
Price: SOLD (Reference: BW/20-2)
This odd buggy type wrench was patented by Henry S. Zook and James K. Byler of Morgantown, PA on May 2, 1893. Rathbone in his Farm Implement Wrench Book suggests that it was an advertising premium from the Susquehanna Fertilizer Company. Unusual buggy wrench in the scarce 7/8" size.
Another variation of the Freeport "Dayton style" buggy wrenches. The Moline Plow Company owned the Freeport Buggy Company and used several different variations of this "Dayton style" buggy wrench for their buggies.
These are wrenches that have not been identified yet.
If you happen to know what these wrenches were used on let me know and we will give these orphans a home.
Odd Six Opening Wrench
Markings side one: No markings.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8.5 inches.
Reference: Not listed or identified.
Condition: Good with some light pitting, jaw edge chip.
Price: $22.50 (ref: OR/1-3).
An unusual, extra thick odd wrench with six different wrench openings and a rectangular cutout.
No information has been found for this neat little cast malleable wrench with a large teardrop cutout.
Unmarked Orphan (odd propeller shape)
Markings side one: No markings.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7.5 inches.
Reference: Not listed, no information found.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: (ref: OR/7-1) SOLD
A scarce, unusual shaped wrench with no known parents.
AJ82 (orphan)
Markings side one: AJ82.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7 inches.
Reference: Not listed, no information found.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $20.00 (ref: OR/27-1)
A double hex socket wrench with a square shaft. First person to send me proof of this wrench's origin can have it for the price of postage.
B114 Wrench (odd shaped orphan)
Markings side one: "B114"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 16 inches.
Reference: Not listed, no information found.
Condition: Painted black, some minor pitting.
Price: $37.50 (ref: OR/8-2)
An unusual configuration of wrench openings on this 16 inch wrench with center ridges. Part number is readable on this example unlike most I have seen.
Open Handled Wrench "HC" (orphan)
Markings side one: "HC"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume One, page 211.
Condition: Some light pitting, dark patina.
Price: $35.00 (ref: OR/9-1)
This single open end wrench with the open handle is listed in Rathbone's book but with no information.
D114 Wrench (orphan)
Markings side one: "D114".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8.75 inches.
Reference: Not listed. No information found.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: SOLD (ref: OR/15-1)
For Tension Wrench - Orphan
Markings side one: "For Tension"
Markings side two: no markings.
Length: 9 inches.
Reference: No information found.
Condition: Overall medium pitting.
Price: $40.00 (OR/24-1).
I guess used correctly this wrench could ease tension.
W. W. Co. Unusual Style Wrench
Markings side one: "W. W. Co."
Markings side two: not marked.
Length: 9 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 478.
Condition: Good+ with some minor dings to socket edges.
Price:(ref: OR/29-1) SOLD
Not sure which company W. W. refers to but the Warsaw-Wilkinson Co. of Warsaw, New York is a possibility. Odd ball wrench with two sockets and two open ends.
X7 Large Socket Wrench(orphan)
Side one marked: "X7"
Side two: No markings
Length: 8 inches
Reference: Not listed, no information found.
Condition: Good Plus. Looks like the handle hole has been slightly flattened.
Price: (ref: OR/26-1) SOLD
I don't know what this large heavy 2-1/16" hex socket was for but it must of been BIG.
Advance Thresher, Rumely, and Advance-Rumely Company Wrenches
There are forty-seven Advance Threshing Machine Company wrenches that have been found in parts books. Of the forty-seven I know of twenty-seven in collections. See the Wrenching News List of Advance Stream Engine and Threshing Machine Wrenches for a complete list of Advance Steam Engine and Threshing Machine wrenches. After 1911 when Rumely acquired The Advance Company some of these wrenches were listed in their parts books. Several of the wrenches are thick, heavy and crudely cast.
Samson Tractor and Janesville Machine Company Wrenches
General Motors purchased the Samson Tractor Company of Stockton, California and the Janesville Machine Company circa 1917. They combined the two companies and used the Janesville plant to manufactured the Samson Sieve-Grip tractors. They couldn't compete with the Fordson tractors and ceased tractor production in 1922. Several of the old Janesville wrenches were given a different part number after the consolidation.
J. M. CO. Wrench (reverse markings, small letter variation) - Janesville Machine Company later Samson Tractor
Markings side one: "J M CO".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9.5 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 265.
Condition: Some hammer mushrooming on edge.
Price: 22.50 (ref: FW/101b-1)
This wrench was replaced by the identical Samson Tractor Company wrench "750368". There are at least four known marking variations: "J M CO" (no periods), "J M. CO" (one period), "J.M.CO. (three periods), and one with smaller letters and reverse markings (reads from small end to large end). The Lacrosse Plow Company wrench marked "LAX PLOW CO" is a "look-alike".
Janesville "A" Wrench - Janesville Machine Company - Janesville, Wisconsin (later Samson Tractor Company)
Markings side one: "A".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 12.5 inches.
Reference: Wrong wrench pictured Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 265.
Price: $25.00 Condition: Some pitting (ref: FW/102-1).
This "A" wrench is listed and pictured in a Samson Tractor Company Parts Book for Janesville Disk Cultivators. Similar (except for the curved end) to other companies' disk cultivator and harrow wrenches.
Janesville Machine Company / Samson Tractor Company "B" Wrench
Markings side one: "B".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Volume Two, page 256.
Condition: Painted black, some hammer damage to smallest jaw opening.
Price: $22.50 (ref: FW/89-2)
The Janesville Machine "B" wrench was replace by the 750367 wrench after the Janesville and Samson Tractor Company were purchased and combined by General Motors (same wrench different number).
Samson Tractor Company 750367 Wrench - Stockton, California & Janesville, Wisconsin
Markings side one: "750367".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Volume Two, page 256.
Condition: Some hammer mushrooming
Price: $40.00 (ref: FW/88-2)
This Samson 750367 replaced the identical Janesville Machine Company "B" wrench.
Janesville Machine Company / Samson Tractor Company "C" Wrench
Markings side one: "C".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Volume Two, page 256.
Condition: Some pitting
Price: $15.00 (ref: 91-4)
The Janesville Machine "C" wrench was replace by the 752425 wrench after the Janesville and Samson Tractor Company were purchased and combined by General Motors (same wrench different number).
Condition: Some pitting, markings weak and hard to read as usual.
Price: (ref: FW/104-2) SOLD
The Janesville Machine Company lists a "Crown" wrench for their Crown mowers but no picture. Rathbone lists this as a Crown Manufacturing Company of Phelps, New York product. They made a Crown Drill but no parts list has been seen.
According to Rathbone's book. Shares refers to a harrow invented by D. W. Shares and manufactured by both William W.
Eggleston of Albany, NY and the Belcher & Taylor Agricultural Tool Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass., but recently a parts book for the Samson Tractor Co. of Janesville, Wisconsin has been seen that lists and pictures this wrench under repairs for the Janesville Tractor Gang Plow. This parts list would have been issued after 1919 when General Motors purchased and consolidated the Samson Tractor Co. and the Janesville Machine Co.
S. C. P. Co. 6 Wrench (Syracuse Chilled Plow Co., Syracuse, New York)
Markings side one: "S C P Co 6.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 10 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 448.
Condition: Good Plus.
ref: JD/1-1) SOLD
Rare and early wrench from the Syracuse Chilled Plow Co. that was acquired by Deere & Co. in 1911.
D & M Company B470 Wrench - Deere & Mansur, Moline, Illinois
One of the larger marked Deere wrenches. Came with their early 1900's disk harrows and cultivators.
John Deere Gold Medal Cream Separator 561S Spanner Wrench (no hole in handle variation)
Markings side one: not marked.
Markings side two: not marked.
Length: 6.75 inches
Reference: Deere Parts Books, variant not listed in Rathbone's books.
Condition: Good++.
Price: $125.00 (ref: JD/28-1)
Wayne Dill lists two variants of the John Deere Cream Separator 561S spanner wrench, one with a square cutout on the shaft and a rarer variant without the cutout. This is the rarer no cutout variant.
John Deere Tractor Wrench B352R
Markings side one: "JOHN DEERE".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 12 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 133.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $70.00 (ref: JD/17-1)
This double six point box end wrench came only with John Deere Model "G" tractors. Used on cylinder head and connecting rod bolt nuts.
John Deere Tractor Wrench B353R (double twelve point box end variation)
Markings side one: "JOHN DEERE".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 15.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 133.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $45.00 (ref: JD/18-1)
This wrench came with several John Deere tractors for use on the flywheel and spade lug blot nuts. There are at least four variants of this wrench, this is the flat variation with twelve point box ends.
John Deere Tractor Wrench B353R (six and 12 pint box end variation)
Markings side one: "JOHN DEERE".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 15.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 133.
Condition: Overall light to medium pitting.
Price: $42.50 (ref: JD/19-1)
This wrench came with several John Deere tractors for use on the flywheel and spade lug blot nuts. There are at least four variants of this wrench, this is the flat variation with six and twelve point box ends.
John Deere Combine Wrench "P1764-H" (earlier Holt and Caterpillar)
Markings side one: "P1764-H" and a JD logo.
Markings side two: U logo (for Union Malleable Iron Company).
Length: 9 inches
Reference: John Deere parts lists and Wayne Dill's John Deere Wrench List. Pictured in Rathbone's Vol. One, page 134
Condition: Light pitting.
Price: (ref: JD/24-1) SOLD
This square by hex socket wrench probably dates back to the first Holt combines. Holt became Caterpillar and John Deere acquired Caterpillar's combine line in 1936.
F. Harrow KK76 (Deere & Mansur - Moline Illinois, later Deere & Co.)
Markings side one: "F. Harrow KK76".
Markings side two: No Markings.
Length: 18.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 131 and No. 400 on Wayne Dill's 10th Edition John Deere Tool List.
Condition: Open end jaw has been repaired. Excellent repair, weld not noticeable.
(ref: JD/26-1) SOLD
This wrench is found in Deere & Mansur Parts Catalogs for their Disk Harrows circa 1911-1924. Rare wrench with only a few collectors shown as owning one on Dill's list.
Deere 196 Wrench (cutout variation)
Markings side one: "196".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Volume Two, page 75.
Condition: Has a casting flaw on one jaw otherwise excellent.
Price: (ref: JD/8-2) SOLD
The number 196 wrench is listed in a 1907 John Deere Plow Works catalog for Deere plows, cultivators, listers, and binders. There are at least five variants of this wrench. This one with the with several cutout sections is the most interesting.
John Deere 14674 Disk Plow Wrench
Markings side one: "14674".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 17 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book page 133.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $25.00 (ref: JD/10-1)
The 14674 wrench is listed in a 1916 John Deere Plow Works Catalog as being used on their disc plows.
Deere & Company M123 Wrench with Hammer Head
Markings side one: "DEERE & CO".
Markings side two: "M123".
Length: 11 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 131.
Condition: Good with green repaint and some severe hammer mushrooming near hammer poll.
Price: $45.00 (ref: JD/16-1)
Early 1900's wrench for Deere Disc Gang Plows World Cultivators.
John Deere Crank Handle / Wrench "Y1575"
Side one marked: "Y1575"
Side two not marked
Length: 6.5 inches
Reference: Old John Deere Parts Books, Wayne Dill's Deere Wrench List No. 548, not in Rathbone's book
Condition: Excellent
Price: SOLD (ref: JD/25-1)
This crank handle was used on the reels of Deere Check Row Corn Planters. Listed with other crank handle /wrenches in Dill's Deere Wrench List.
Deere / Marseilles Mfg. Co. (Marseilles, Illinois) 246 Tee Wrench
Markings side one: "246".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 12.75 inches.
Reference: Wayne Dill 51, Rathbone Volume One, page 340.
Condition: Good+ .
Price: SOLD (ref: JD/32-1)
Deere & Co. acquired the Marseilles Mfg. Co. in 1910. This wrench was used on Marseilles Corn Shellers.
Deere / Letz Mfg. Co. (Crown Point, Indiana M1156 Wrench
Although there are over 40 known Oliver wrenches only six are marked "Oliver".
Those are the RP206, RP207. RP208, RP209. RP210 and CP245 wrenches
Oliver RP210 Wrench - Oliver Chilled Plow Works - South Bend, Indiana
Markings side one: "RP210 OLIVER".
Markings side two: "OLIVER"
Length: 13.5 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 361.
Have two:
1. Condition: Has a 1/2 inch long crack on large jaw corner, otherwise excellent with most of the original finish. Price: $55.00 (ref: OL/6-1).
2. Condition: Overall medium pitting. Price: $55.00 (ref: OL/6-2).
This is the largest of the four Oliver RP series wrenches.
Oliver CP245 Wrench - Oliver Chilled Plow Works - South Bend, Indiana
Markings side one: "OLIVER"
Markings side two: "CP245"
Length of wrench: 9 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 360
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $75.00 (ref: OL/11-2)
This wrench number also shows up in IHC parts lists as International Harvester once sold Oliver plows and cultivators in Canada.
Oliver DP109 Wrench - Oliver Chilled Plow Works - South Bend, Indiana
Markings side one: "DP109".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 11.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 360.
Condition: Some medium pitting, minor hamer damage on large jaw edges.
Price: $35.00 (ref: OL/3-2)
The DP109 wrench is listed as being used with Oliver Disc Gang Plows.
Oliver 183 Sulky Plow Wrench with Hammer Head - Oliver Chilled Plow Works South Bend, Indiana.
Markings side one: "183"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 12.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume Two, Page 360.
Condition: Pitting, weak markings
Price: $15.00 (ref: OL/10-5)
This wrench came with Oliver's horse drawn sulky plows.
Oliver Z300 Wrench - Oliver Chilled Plow Works - South Bend, Indiana
Markings side one: "Z300".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 361
Condition: Good++
Price: $30.00 (ref: OL/5-2)
Oliver pitman and open end wrench.
Oliver & IHC F239 Wrench - Oliver Chilled Plow Works, South Bend, Indiana.
Markings side one: "F239".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 360.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $20.00 (ref:OL/4-2)
Then F239 wrench is listed in Oliver Parts Catalogs for several of their plows. This wrench is also found with an IHC logo
probably issued with Oliver plows made at the IHC Hamilton Plow Works in Canada.
Oliver "X" Wrench - Oliver Chilled Plow Works - South Bend, Indiana
Markings side one: "X".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 inches.
Reference: Oliver Parts Book. Pictured in Rathbone's Vol. One, page 361.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: (ref: OL/14-1) SOLD
Found in Oliver Disc Harrow Parts Books. Same wrench is also found Marked "X / Ohio Rake Co. Dayton, O".
Nichols & Shepard / Oliver Threshing Machine and Early Combine Wrench "F2-0005" - Battle Creek, Michigan
Markings side one: "F2-0005"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 6" by 8.5"
Reference: Nichols & Shepard Co (Battle Creek, Michigan) Factory Parts Price Lists and Oliver Nichols & Shepard Combine Parts Price Lists (not listed in Rathbone's book)
Condition: Excellent
Price: $45.00 (ref: NS/3-2)
This tee shaped socket wrench has been found listed in Nichols & Shepard Parts books for their Red River Line of Grain Separators equipped with Hart Feeders and later in Oliver Nichols & Shepard Combines. The F2-0005 wrench evidently replaced Hart's much more common similar No 31 wrench on Nichols & Shepard and Oliver equipment.
Including wrenches from acquired companies: Emerson-Brantingham, Grand detour Plow, and Rock Island
Early J I Case Gas Steam Engine Wrench "880C"
Markings side one: "880C".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 16.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 81 and old Case Steam Engine Parts Catalogs.
Condition: Good Plus with no cracks or other damage, some minor dings on edges.
Price: (ref: JIC/13-1) SOLD
This large double open end S-wrench is listed in Case Steam engine Parts Catalogs as a "wrench for stuffing box prior to 1909".
J I Case Steam Engine Tee Wrench "881C"
Markings side one: "881C".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9.75 by 12.5 inches
Reference: Old Case Steam Engine Parts Catalogs.
Condition: Shows some wear and nicks (mostly on the edges), nice dark patina.
Price: $50.00 (ref: JIC/9-1)
Large, heavy Tee handled 1-1/2" socket wrench that came with Case Steam Engines.
J I Case Steam Engine Wrench "883C"
Markings side one: "883C"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 16 inches
Reference: Case Steam Engine Parts Catalogs and Rathbone's page 81.
Condition: Excellent with no signs of pitting or misuse
Price: $38.50 (ref: JIC/3-1)
This wrench is listed one of several listed in J. I. Case Parts Catalogs for their famous steam engines. Used on engines prior to 1910.
Early J I Case Steam engine Wrench "886C"
Markings side one: "886C".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 11 by 7.75 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 81 and old Case Steam Engine Parts Catalogs.
Condition: Light pitting.
Price: $20.00 (ref: JIC/11-1)
Have another with more pitting. Price: $15.00(ref JIC/11-2)
Double open ended wrench listed in Case Steam Engine Parts Lists prior to 1909.
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Wrench "5548T"
Markings side one: "5548T" with the Case "Old Abe" eagle logo.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 81 and old Case Threshing Machine Parts Books.
Condition: Good with some areas of pitting.
Price: $32.50 (ref: JIC/15-1)
Hard to find Case Threshing Machine double open end wrench.
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Cylinder Tooth Wrench "0270T"
Markings side one: No markings.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 17 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 81 and old Case Threshing Machine Parts Books.
Condition: Good Plus with dark patina with a few minor dings.
Price: $30.00 (ref: JIC/17-1)
Special offset double box end wrench for Case Threshing Machine cylinder teeth nuts.
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company Tractor Hubcap
Markings side one: "CASE" on top and "4384A" and with Case Eagle logo inside.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length:13 inches
Reference: Old Case Tractor Parts Books
Condition: Excellent with most of the original paint on the hubcap.
Price: (ref: JIC/24-3) SOLD
Heavy cast Case Tractor hubcap that fits the Case hubcap wrench No. 01982AB listed below.
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company Tractor Hubcap Wrench (flat variant)
Markings side one: "01982AB"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 13 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 78.
Condition: Good Plus
Price: (for wrench only) SOLD (ref: JIC/22A-3)
Wrench for Case gas tractor. This is the flat variant of the "01982AB" wrench. Price is for wrench only see above listing for Case "4384A" hubcap this wrench fits.
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company Tractor Hubcap Wrench (offset variant)
Markings side one: "01982AB"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 12.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 78.
Condition: Good Plus with some edge dings.
Price: $20.00 (wrench only) (ref: JIC/23B-1 and JIC/24-3)
Offset box end variant of the "01982AB" Case gas tractor hubcap wrench. Price is for wrench only see above listing for Case "4384A" hubcap this wrench fits
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company Tractor Hubcap Wrench (pressed steel variant)
Markings side one: "Made In USA"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 11.25 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 78.
Condition: Some pitting.
Price: $20.00 (wrench only) (ref: JIC/22c-1)
Pressed steel variant of the "01982AB" Case gas tractor hubcap wrench. Price is for wrench only see above listing for Case "4384A" hubcap this wrench fits
J I Case Threshing Machine & Early Combine Tee Wrench "46CL"
Markings side one: "46CL" and with the Case "Old Abe" eagle logo.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 by 8 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 82 and old Case Threshing Machine and Combine Parts Catalogs.
Condition: Excellent with no signs of pitting or misuse
Price: $20.00 (ref: JIC/1a-1)
This wrench is listed in J. I. Case Parts Catalogs for their threshing machines and first combines.
J I Case Threshing Machine & Early Combine Tee Wrench "46CL" (variation)
Markings side one: "46CL"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 by 8 inches
Reference: Case Parts Catalogs (this variation not in Rathbone's book)
Condition: Excellent with no signs of pitting or misuse
Price: $17.50 (ref: JIC/1c-1)
This variation does not have the Case Eagle Logo and has a ribbed body instead of round like the one above. This wrench is listed in J. I. Case Parts Catalogs for their threshing machines and first combines.
J I Case Wrench "OK1294"
Markings side one: "OK1294" and with the Old Abe Case's eagle trademark.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 4.5 by 9 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 82
Condition: Good example that does have a area of hammer mushrooming on the back side
Price: $23.50 (ref: JIC/4-2)
There are a lot of "T" shaped wrenches, "L" shaped wrenches and even a few "Y" wrenches but I think this is the only "H" shaped collectible wrench (with an attached pitman tool to boot). Old Case Parts Books list this wrench for their mowers. A different looking wrench that shows no sign of ever being used. Would add variety to your collection of old wrenches hanging on the wall. Or find another one, buy 22 hamsters or other small rodents, train them to play football on a miniature field using the wrenches as goal posts, exhibit them at county fairs, gas and steam engine shows, and antique wrench meets, appear on TV on Letterman's Stupid Pet Tricks and get a date with the grinder girl. All because you bought this wrench.
J. I. Case Drill Wrench "76L"
Markings side one: "CASE".
Markings side one: "76L".
Length: 7.5 inches
Reference: Case Drill Parts Books.
Condition: Excellent with one small casting flaw.
Price: $27.50 (ref: JIC/18-1)
This wrench is listed in J. I. Case Drill Parts Books as a "Wrench for Double Disk". Similar to the much more common John Deere/Van Brunt Drill wrench.
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Wrench "5548T"
Markings side one: "5548T" with the Case "Old Abe" eagle.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 81 and old Case Threshing Machine Parts Books.
Condition: Good with some areas of pitting.
Price: $32.50 (ref: JIC/15-1)
Hard to find Case Threshing Machine double open end wrench.
J I Case Tee Wrench "5994T"
Markings side one: "5994T" and with the Case "Old Abe" eagle logo.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8.5 by 8.125 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 82 and old Case Parts Catalogs.
Condition: Overall light pitting, casting flaw on one socket end
Price: $15.00 (ref: JIC/5-2)
Have another with gray paint and a crack in one socket corner. Price: $15.00 (ref JIC/5-1)
This tee type socket wrench is listed in J. I. Case Parts Catalogs for their threshing machines.
J I Case Tee Wrench "5524T"
Markings side one: "5524T" and with the Case "Old Abe" eagle logo.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 11 by 5.75 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 82 and old Case Parts Catalogs.
Condition: Excellent with no pitting or signs of misuse, dark patina.
Price: $20.00 (ref: JIC/10-1)
Have another in same condition but with gray paint. Price: $20.00 (ref JIC/10-2)
This tee type socket wrench is listed in J. I. Case Parts Catalogs for their threshing machines.
J. I. Case Cross Motor Tractor Wrench "3137A"
Markings side one: "3137A" and with the Case "Old Abe" eagle logo.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 82 and old Case Threshing Machine Parts Books.
Condition: Good Plus with dark patina and a couple minor casting flaws.
Price: SOLD (ref: JIC/19-1)
This wrench is listed as a spark plug wrench in a Case 10-18 Cross Motor Tractor Parts List, may also have been issued with other early Case tractors.
J. I. Case Cross Motor Tractor Wrench "3330A" (short variation)
Markings side one: "3330A" and with a "X" logo and the Case "Old Abe" eagle.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7.25 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 82 and old Case Threshing Parts Books.
Condition: Good+ with dark patina, one rod hole has some damage, a couple minor dings.
Price: $20.00 (ref: JIC/8-1)
This tapered double hex socket wrench is listed as a spark plug wrench in Case 12-20 and 15-27 Cross Motor Tractor Parts List. May also have been issued with other early Case tractors.
J. I. Case Cross Motor Tractor Wrench "3330A" (long variation)
Markings side one: "3330A".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 inches
Reference: old Case Threshing Parts Books (variation not in Rathbone's book).
Condition: Good Plus with dark patina and a couple minor dings. Markings not real strong.
Price: $35.50 (ref: JIC/7-1)
This wrench is listed as a spark plug wrench in Case 12-20 and 15-27 Cross Motor Tractor Parts List. May also have been issued with other early Case tractors. I don't know if this longer variation is older or newer than the short variation but it seems to be scarcer.
Grand Detour Plow Company Wrenches (Later J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.)
The Grand Detour Plow Company was founded by John Deere and Leonard Andrus in 1837 and was acquired by the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company in 1919 after they lost a lawsuit to the J. I. Case Plow Works Co. prohibiting them from using the Case name on any plows they sold Case operated the plant till 1932.
Grand Detour Plow / Case Threshing Machine Company T147 Wrench - Dixon, Illinois
Markings side one: "T147" and a "C" logo
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 205
Good Plus with some edge dings and nice patina
Price: $22.50 (Ref: FW/43-1)
This cast wrench with a hammer head is from and the Eagle Manufacturing 138 wrench are "look a likes".
Grand Detour Plow Co. 11 Wrench - Dixon, Illinois
Markings side one: "11".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 14.25 inches.
Reference: Grand Detour Plow Co. Parts Book, not listed in Rathbone's books.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $25.00 (ref: FW/75-2).
This wrench has just recently been identified from a listing in a Grand Detour Plow Company Parts Lists for their Disc Harrows and Yankee Boy Disc Cultivators. There are several similar wrenches from other companies usually used on disc type implements.
Grand Detour Plow Company No 10 DISC Wrench - Dixon, Illinois
Markings side one: "No 10 DISC"
Markings side two: no markings.
Length: 10.25 inches.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone's Volume One, page 205.
Condition: Overall medium pitting.
Price: (ref: FW/175-1) SOLD
Counting the number of wrench openings and marking variations there are at least six variations of the Grand Detour No. 10 wrench. This is the No 10 DISC with two openings.
Grand Detour Plow Company No 10 G Wrench - Dixon, Illinois
Markings side one: "No. 10 G"
Markings side two: no markings.
Length: 10.25 inches.
Reference: This variation is not pictured in Rathbone's book.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: SOLD (FW/176-1).
Counting the number of wrench openings and marking variations there are at least six variations of the Grand Detour No. 10 wrench. This is the No. 10 G with three openings.
G.D.P. CO G111 Wrench (Grand Detour Plow Co - Dixon, Illinois)
Markings side one: "GDP".
Markings side two: "G111".
Length: 10 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 205.
Condition: Some pitting.
Price: $12.50 (ref: FW/82-1)
Thick, heavy duty wrench from the Grand Detour Plow company.
Rock Island Plow Company Wrenches (Later J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.)
The J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company acquired the Rock Island Plow Co. in 1937
B. D. B. & Co. CP Wrench (B. D. Buford Plow Works (later Rock Island Plow Co.) - Rock Island, Illinois
Markings side one: "B D B & Co. CP".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9.25" inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 30
Condition: Some minor pitting.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/213-1)
The B. D. Buford Company was founded in the 1860's in Rock Island, Illinois. It was the predecessor of the Rock Island Plow Co. Rare and early wrench.
Valve Port Cap Wrench for Heider Rock Island and Yuba Gas tractors
Markings side one: No markings.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 10.25 inches
Reference: Parts list for Heider Tractors and Rathbone's page 501
Price/Condition: $40.00 / Good with some pitting (ref: FW/34-3)
A listing for this wrench as a "valve plug wrench" can be found in a 1921 Rock Island Plow Company Parts List for Heider Tractors. Rock Island begin selling tractors manufactured by the Heider Manufacturing Company of Carroll. Iowa in 1914 and purchased the company in 1916. Rathbone's book has a parts book picture of the same wrench attributed to the Yuba Manufacturing Company of Marysville and Benicia, California. As both these tractor companies used Waukesha engines this wrench is probably correct for other tractors, etc using the same engines.
Rock Island Plow Company Wrench "D239"
Markings side one: "D239"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 10 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 400 and old Rock Island parts catalogs.
Condition: Excellent - - Almost perfect with good uniform color and hardly any signs of use.
Price: $24.00 (ref: FW/13-2)
This wrench is listed in old Rock Island parts lists as being furnished with their Great Western Manure Spreaders. This Rock Island, Illinois firm which started business in the 1850's was acquired by J. I. Case in 1937. An interesting looking wrench in great condition.
Rock Island Plow Company "C188" Wrench with hammer head
Markings side one: "C188" with a "U" logo
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 10 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 400 and old Rock Island parts catalogs.
Condition: Good++. Nice dark uniform patina with no signs of damage, Hammer head is not mushroomed as usually found.
Price: $20.00 (ref: FW/13-2)
This wrench with four openings and a hammer head will fit seven different sizes of bolts or nuts. This Rock Island, Illinois firm which started business in the 1850's was acquired by J. I. Case in 1937.
Emerson-Brantingham Co (Later J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.)
The Emerson-Brantingham Co. started in 1856 as J. H. Manny. Later became Emerson-Talcott Co. then Emerson Manufacturing Co. and in 1919 Emerson-Brantingham Co. They were bought by the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. in 1928 before that Emerson-Brantingham had acquired D. M. Osborne, American Drill Co., Geiser Mfg. Co., Reeves & Co., and several other agricultural manufactures.
Emerson W1074 Wrench - Emerson-Brantingham Company, Rockford, Illinois (later J. I. Case Threshing Machine C0.)
Markings side one: "Emerson"
Markings side two: "W1074" with a "L" in a square logo.
Length: 16 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume One, page 163.
Condition: Light pitting.
Price: $40.00 (FW/116-2)
An extra large wrench used on E-B Disk Plows. The Emerson-Brantingham Company was purchased by the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company in 1928.
Emerson-Brantingham / D. M. Osborne OP890 Wrench - Rockford, Illinois (later J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.)
Markings side one: "OP890: with a #-B logo.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7.5 inches.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone's Volume One, page 162.
Condition: Good Plus.
Price: $35.00 (FW/179-1).
This wrench started life as an Osborne (D. M. Osborne & Company of Auburn, New York) ( P890, after Emerson purchased the Osborne line from International Harvester they added an "O" to the old Osborne part numbers.
Case Plow Works, Massey-Harris and related Companies Wrenches
Case Plow works was founded in 1876 as Case Whiting Co., became J. I. Case Plow Company in 1878 and J. I. Case Plow Works in 1884 they merged with The Wallis Tractor Co. of Racine, Wisconsin in 1919. J. I. Case Plow works were purchased by Massey Harris in 1927. This enabled Massey Harris to enter the tractor market.
Massey-Harris Z189 Wrench
Markings side one: "Z189".
Markings side two: "M-H" logo.
Length: 6.75 inches
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 312 and old Massey-Harris Parts Books.
Condition: Excellent.
Price: $30.00 (ref: MH/2-2)
Extra thick heavy duty double opened cast wrench with two sizes on each open end. This wrench shows up in circa 1902-1903 Massey Harris Parts Books for their Grain Drills.
Massey Harris Spark Plug Wrench "202783M1"
Markings side one: <MH> SPARK PLUG WRENCH 202783M1
Markings side two: MADE IN CANADA
Length: 10inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 312
Condition: Excellent with no signs of misuse.
Price: $22.00 (ref: MH/1-4)
Massey Harris spark plug wrench with a 12 point ¾ inch box end.
Wallis - Case Plow - Massey-Harris - Tractor Wrench"3854"
Markings side one: "3854"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 5 1/4 x 12 1/2 inches Y-shaped socket wrench
Reference: Rathbone's book page 480
Condition: Good with some minor pitting and a few dings, mostly on the socket edges.
Price: (ref: MH/6-1) SOLD
This heavy duty Y-shaped wrench is listed in Wallis Tractor parts catalogs as a socket wrench for rear axle bearing caps.
Wallis - Case Plow - Massey-Harris - Tractor Wrench "1836"
Markings side one: "1836"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9 inches
Reference: Parts List for Wallis Tractors, not in Rathbone's
Condition: Only fair because of bad part number casting, some light pitting.
Price: (ref: MH/14-4) SOLD
This thin malleable iron single open end wrench is listed in Wallis Tractor parts catalogs as a " water pump and fan eccentric wrench".
Champion No. 175 Wrench (IHC related company)
Markings side one: "CHAMPION No. 175".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 7.25 inches.
Reference: Gil Irps' International Harvester Tool List, not in Rathbone's book.
Condition: Good Plus, with some dings on wrench opening edges.
Price: SOLD (ref: FW/137-1)
This little wrench has three six point and three eight point box ends as well as a 7/16 inch male square extension. This scarce wrench is listed in Gil Irps' IHC Tool List but to my knowledge it has not been found in any Champion Parts Catalog.
Markings side one: "CHAMPION" (large slanting letters)
Markings side two: No markings
Length: 9 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume One, page 95.
Condition: Good+ with some pitting and dings.
Price: SOLD (ref: IH/57-1).
Unusual style lettering on this early wrench from the Champion Mower & Reaper Company that was one of the companies that formed the International Harvester Co. in 1902.
Newell Sanders founded the Chattanooga Plow company in the early 1880's and sold the company to the International Harvester Company in 1919. This wrench with the small hammer poll is similar to the Newell Sander's A163 wrench.
D137 Wrench (number only variant) (Chattanooga Plow Co. - Chattanooga, Tennessee - also IHC and David Bradley)
Markings side one: "D137"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 11 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume Two, page 99.
Condition: Some light pitting.
Price: SOLD (FW/139-2)
Besides being listed in Chattanooga Plow Co and International Harvester Company parts books this number is listed as a David Bradley wrench number. No David Bradley illustration of the wrench has been found to verify that this is the same wrench.
D138 Disk Plow Wrench - Number Only Variant (Chattanooga Plow Co. - Chattanooga, Tennessee. also IHC and David Bradley)
Markings side one: "D138".
Markings side two: Not marked.
Length: 12.75 inches.
Reference: Rathbone Vol. One, page 99
Condition: Good+ ("8" in part number is poorly cast, light pitting).
Price: (ref: IH/219-2) SOLD
Besides being listed in Chattanooga Plow Co and International Harvester Company parts books this number is listed as a David Bradley wrench number.
D138N Disk Plow Wrench (Chattanooga Plow Co. - Chattanooga, Tennessee. also IHC and David Bradley)
Markings side one: "D138N"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 12.25 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's Book Volume Two, page 99.
Condition: Has pitting with a couple edge dings.
Price: SOLD (FW/192-5)
Besides being listed in Chattanooga Plow Co and International Harvester Company parts books this number is listed as a David Bradley wrench number. the David Bradley illustration of the wrench shows a similar wrench except it does not have the disk straightening slot.
Deering Harvester Company Hay Rake Wrench (Later International Harvester)
Markings side one: "Deering"
Markings side two: "Hay rake".
Length: 6.5 inches.
Reference: Pictured in Rathbone's Volume One, page 193.
Condition: Pitted but still shows large, strong markings.
Price: SOLD (IH/54-1).
Older wrench which dates from before the 1902 formation of the International Harvester Company in 1902. Markings on the wrench leave no doubt as to the equipment it was used on.
Deering "G261 Mower" Wrench (later International Harvester)
Markings side one: "MOWER"
Markings side two: "G261" and an IHC logo
Length: 7.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 253
Have two:
1. Condition: Good+, some light pitting. Price: $20.00 (ref: IH23-5).
2. Condition: Has a jaw crack probably caused by a casting flaw, otherwise Excellent. (ref: IH/23-1) SOLD
This wrench was first used on several Deering mowers manufactured before the 1902 formation of IHC. This example with the IHC logo would of been made after 1902.
Wrenches of The Newell Sanders Plow Company - Chattanooga, Tennessee
Newell Sanders founded and was president of both the Chattanooga and the Newell Sanders Plow Companies, both of Chattanooga, Tennessee. After selling Chattanooga to International Harvester and Newell Sanders to The Rock Island Plow Company he was appointed to the United States Senate to fill an unexpired term making his wrenches the only wrenches known marked with the name of a U. S. Senator. The Newell Sanders and Sanders wrenches are included in The IHC wrench list because IHC once sold Sanders equipment.
Newell Sanders Plow Company A120 Wrench - Chattanooga, Tennessee (IHC related company)
Markings side one: "Newell Sanders Plow Co"
Markings side two: "A120"
Length: 13 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 351
Condition: Good with a few dings, mostly on the edges. No pitting, breaks, or cracks.
Price: $95.00 (ref: FW/24-3)
Four different wrench openings with five different sizes on this Newell Sanders wrench.
Newell Sanders Plow Company "A260" Wrench - (IHC related company)
Markings side one: "Newell Sanders Plow Co A260"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 18.75 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 351
Condition: Good++
Price: $75.00 (ref: FW/42-3)
At 19" long this is the biggest and most impressive looking of the known Newell Sanders wrenches.
Newell Sanders Plow Company "A163" Wrench with Hammer Head - (IHC related company)
Markings side one: "Newell Sanders Plow Co"
Markings side two: A163
Length: 8.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 351
Condition: Good+
Price: $30.00 (Ref FW/41-5)
This is the smallest of the known Newell Sanders wrenches.
IHC / P & O 3682 Plow Wrench (Parlin & Orendorff - Canton, Illinois)
Markings side one: "P & O Canton ILL".
Markings side two: "3682".
Length: 12 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Volume One, page 370.
Condition: Pitted.
Price: SOLD (ref: IH/48-2).
Hard to find P & O wrench used on Disc, Sulky, and Gang Plows.
International Harvester Early Truck and Auto Tee Socket Wrench 139-1/2E
Markings side one: "139 1/2E".
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 5 X 7.5 .
Reference: IHC Parts Catalogs
Condition: Good+. Markings have some wear and are hard to read.
Price: SOLD (ref: IH/50-3).
Listed as a "Cap Screw Wrench" in circa 1907 International Harvester Auto Buggy and Motor Truck Parts Books.
International Harvester H758 or H758M Chisel
Markings side one: IHC logo
Markings side two: No marking.
Length: 5.5 inches X .5 inch hex.
Reference: Gil Irps' IHC tool List, pictured in Rathbone's Volume One, page 253.
Condition: Good.
Price: $20.00 (IH/55-3).
International Harvester furnished this chisel with their Mowers, Binders, Harvesters (anything with a sickle bar) plus several early tractors including Moguls, Titans, F-12. etc.
International Harvester 5378TM Early tractor and Gas Engine Socket Wrench
Markings side one: "5378TM"
Markings side two: not marked.
Length: 7 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 252.
Have two:
Good+ for $40.00 (Ref: IH/59-1) and one Good+ with minor dings for $35.00 (Ref: IH/59-2)
Heavy cast double socket wrench used on early IHC Titan Tractors and Two Cylinder Gas Engines.
International Harvester G6334 Gas Engine Wrench
Markings side one: "G6334"
Markings side two: not marked.
Length: 6 inches
Reference: Rathbone Volume One, page 478.
Condition: Good+.
Price: $40.00 (ref: IH/56-1)
Listed in early IHC Parts Books for Titan, Victor, Famous and other gas engines as a "piston socket wrench"
International Harvester Wrench "5082T"
Markings side one: No markings.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 6 inches
Reference: IHC parts lists. Pictured in Rathbone's Vol. One, page 251.
Condition: Light pitting.
Price: $15.00 (ref: IHC/53-1)
Double hex, cast socket wrench that is listed in early International Harvester parts catalogs as being supplied with McCormick-Deering Type M Gas Engines and several circa 1920's International Motor Trucks. This wrench can be found both marked with the part number and unmarked, this one is unmarked.
International Harvester Wrench "GA246"
Markings side one: GA246.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9.75 inches
Reference: IHC parts lists. Pictured in Rathbone's Vol. One, page 253.
Condition: Good+ with minor dings.
Price: $16.00 (ref: IHC/60-1)
Double hex and square cast socket wrench that is listed in early International Harvester parts catalogs as a piston socket wrench for early International Harvester Mogul and Titan gas tractors and engines.
International Harvester Wrench "6849H"
Markings side one: 6849H SPARK PLUG.
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 8.5 inches
Reference: IHC parts lists. Pictured in Rathbone's Vol. One, page 252.
Condition: Excellent with traces of original black finish.
Price: $25.00 (ref: IHC/61-1)
Double hex cast socket wrench that is listed in International Harvester parts catalogs as being supplied with early 1920's International Harvester trucks.
International Harvester Truck Wrench "21080V"
Markings side one: "21080-V"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 12.5 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 252 and old international Harvester Parts Books
Have two:
Price: SOLD Condition: Good Plus. Strong lettering and nice dark patina with some edge dings from use as a hammer (ref: IH/14-1)
Price: SOLD Condition: Has severe edge mushrooming from hammering (ref: IH/14-2)
This wrench is listed as an "axle nut wrench" in 1920's International Truck Parts Lists.
International Harvester Tractor Wrench "11858 DA"
Markings side one: "11858 DA" with the IHC Logo
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 5½ inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 252 and several IHC parts books.
Condition: Good+.
Price: $22.50 (ref: IH/2-10)
This flat steel spanner wrench is listed in old International Harvester Company parts catalogs as being furnished with McCormick Deering / Farmall Model F-30, W-30, and M tractors as well as several TracTracTors and IHC crawler tractors. It is listed as a water pump wrench.
International Harvester Company Thrashing Machine Wrench "M141"
Markings side one: "M141" with IHC logo"
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 9 inches
Reference: Rathbone's book page 254
Condition: Fair with some pitting
Price: $15.00 (ref: IH/8-2)
Old International Harvester Company parts catalogs from the 1920's list this wrench as a cylinder wrench for McCormick Deering Harvester Threshers. A different looking IHC wrench that has not been abused or over cleaned.
International Harvester P1599 Wrench
Markings side one: "P1599" with IHC logo (markings impressed).
Markings side two: No markings.
Length: 12 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 255.
Condition: Excellent with some original red finish.
Price: $22.50 (ref: IH/37a-1).
A fairly common International Harvester wrench but also one of the more graphic.
International Harvester P1599 Wrench (variant)
Markings side one: "P1599" with IHC logo (numbers embossed).
Markings side two: "P1599" (numbers debossed).
Length: 12 inches.
Reference: Rathbone's book Vol. One, page 255.
Condition: Good Plus.
SOLD (ref: IH/37b-1).
A scarcer variant of the graphic IHC P1599 tee wrench with the part number on one side embossed and the number on the reverse side debossed.
More IHC Wrenches
I can email pictures on request
379 IHC Wrench
7" double open end wrench (ends marked 7/16" and 9/16")
Rathbone page 251
Found in early IHC parts lists for threshing machines and corn pickers
Good+ $20.00 (ref: IH/11-1)
Also have one with the hard to find ledger plate logo not shown in Rathbone's book - Good (ref: IH/12-1) SOLD
383 IHC Wrench
9" double open end wrench (ends marked 5/'8" and 11/16")
Rathbone page 251
Found in early IHC parts lists for threshing machines and corn pickers
Price: $10.00 (ref: IH/10-3)
1326E IHC Wrench
7" double open end (ends angled)
Rathbone page 251
IHC Parts catalogs listings have been seen for: McCormick-Deering Threshers; Farmall F-12, F-20, F-30, W-30 Tractors; TracTracTors; and IHC Trucks from 1909 to 1939.
Price: $17.00 (ref: IH/16a-3)
Also have one 8.5" variant with straight ends. Price: $14.00 (ref: IH/16b-1)
1595E IHC Wrench
6-1/4" double open end wrench
Rathbone page ???
Listed in IHC Parts Books for several early Farmall Tractors including: F-12. F-14, F-20, F-30, W-30; and early IHC trucks, early gas engines as well as Threshing Machines.
Price: $8.00 (ref: IH/18-1)
12335D IHC Wrench
8" double open end wrench with angled ends
Rathbone page 251
Listed in IHC Parts Books for several early tractors including: 10-20 and 15-30 Gear Drive; Farmall Regular, F-20, F-30, and W-30 and several TracTracTors.
Have Two: Good+ for $12.00 (ref: IH/17-4) and one that has pitting for $5.00 (ref: IH/17-2)
12737D IHC Wrench
5 ¼" double open end with one end at 90°
Rathbone page 252
Listed in parts books for: McCormick-Deering 10-20 and 15-30 Chain Drive tractors.
Farmall Regular tractors, F-20 tractors, and Model "20", TA-10, T-40, and TD-40 TracTracTors.
Price: $8.00 (ref: IH/3-2)
12737DA IHC Wrench
4¾" double open end with one end at 90°
Rathbone page 252
Listed in parts books for: McCormick-Deering Farmall F-12. F-14, F-30, and W-30 Tractors, Harvester Thresher Models 60, 61 and models with Fuller & Johnson or Continental engines.
Price: $12.00 (ref: IH4/1)
21264D IHC Wrench
7 3/8" open end by box end
Listed in parts books for: McCormick-Deering Farmall F-20. F-30, and W-30 Tractors.
Price: $12.00 (ref: IH/9-1)
G3166 IHC Wrench
5-1/4" double open end
Rathbone page 253
This wrench has been found listed in IHC Parts Books for Titan, 8-16 Chain Drive and McCormick 15-30 tractors; Titan Famous and Victor and other early gas engines; and IHC cream separators.
Price: $20.00 (ref: IH/13-1)
G3170 IHC Wrench
10 7/8" double open end
Rathbone page 253
Listed in several IHC parts books for most of their early tractors, gas engines and combines.
Price: $20.00 (ref: IH/5-1)
G3171 IHC Wrench
17-3/4" double open end
Rathbone page 253
Parts list show this wrench was used on IHC tractors including Moguls, Titans, 15-30's, TracTracTors and early gas engines including Moguls, Tom Thumbs, etc.
Price: $15.00 (ref: IH/25-2)
G3172 IHC Wrench
6¾ " double open end
Rathbone page 253
Listed in parts books for: Mogul and Titan Tractors, McCormick-Deering 8-16 and 15-30
Chain Drive tractors, Farmall F-30 and W-30 tractors, TA10, T40. and TD40 TracTracTors,
IHC and McCormick-Deering Gas Engines including: Titan, Tom Thumb and others, and
several cream separators.
Price: $15.00 (ref: IH/6-1)
G3173 IHC Wrench
4 5/8" double open end with angled ends
Rathbone page 253
Listed in parts books for: Mogul and Titan Tractors, McCormick-Deering 8-16,10-20, and 15-30 Chain Drive tractors, Farmall Regular tractors, F-20 and F-30 tractors, and Model "20", and T-40
TracTracTors, IHC and McCormick-Deering Gas Engines including: Titan, Tom Thumb and others,
and several cream separators.
Price: $5.00 (ref: IH/7-2)
G3525 IHC Wrench
6.5" double open end wrench
Rathbone page 253
Found in early International parts lists for Titan, 10-20, 15-30, Farmall Regular, F-20, F-30, W-30 tractors and Model "30" TracTracTors.
SOLD (ref: IH/58-1)
G3526 IHC Wrench
11.75" double open end wrench
Rathbone page 253
Found in early International parts lists for Titan, 8-16, 15-30 and W-30 tractors.
Have two:
Good+ for $20.00 (ref: IH/27-5) and one with pitting for $5.00 (Ref: IH/27-5)
G3866 IHC Wrench
14.5" double open end "S" style wrench
Rathbone page 253
Found in early IHC parts lists for Mogul, Titian, and 8-16 Chain Drive Tractors, Titian Engines 1908 to 1912 IHC 2-Cylinder Engines, and a McCormick-Deering Gang Plow