Auction Manager: Don 'Bus' Haury 7913 SW 24th - Halstead, KS 67056 316-284-7345 or 316-283-5876 |
Absentee Bids:
Stan Schulz 659 E 9th - York, NE 68467-3109 402-362-7686 |
0001. JOHN J. TOWER - NEW YORK - PATENTED JULY 10, 66 - SEPT 25TH 1877 - MAR 1ST, 1881 - DEC 12TH, 1882 - - 10" Briggs's Pattern combination nut and pipe wood handled monkey wrench with hex adjusting nut. Good+. (like S576) PAT
0002. BORNSTEIN'S IMP WRENCH - PAT. AUG 26, 1890 (some weak markings) - - 10" wood handled nut wrench with patented double screw action for fast adjustment with a locking collar. Advertised as Bornstein's Improved Patent Vise Wrench by American Improved Wrench Co. of Boston, Mass. and patented by Henry Bornstein of Boston. Good++. locking ring is stuck. (S367) PAT.
0003. HEWET'S UNION WRENCH / CROTN FALLS NY - - 8.5" wood handled nut wrench with a threaded fluted adjusting sleeve. Patented Mar. 22, 1864 by for Henry Hewet of New York , NY..f An early historically important wrench with a striking appearance. Good+, jaws slightly sprung, mushroomed hammer poll, minor dings. (S397) PAT.
0004. SANDERS WRENCH - MORRISTOWN, TENN. / PATENTED JUNE 4, [sic] 1904 - - 10" screw adjust combination nut and pipe wrench with a pivoting upper jaw. Correct patent date is June 14, 1904 which was issued to Alfred M. Sanders, Of Morristown, Tenn. One side looks good but the other side has some major damage to the lower jaws assembly.. (S572) PAT
0005. HEWET WRENCH CO - PAT. FEB. 27, 69 - CHICAGO, ILLS. - - 12". A wood handled nut wrench with a threaded hollow sleeve and a fluted adjusting grip. Patented by Henry Wheaton Hewet of New York, NY on Mar. 16, 1869 (antedated on Feb. 27, 1869) and mfg. by Champlin & Spencer of Chicago. An early historically important wrench with a striking appearance. Good++ with a few very minor edge dings. (S397) PAT.
0006. THE DUFFEY WRENCH - PATENTED 10" / THE BETHLEHEM WRENCH CO. - BETHLEHEM, PA USA- - 10" odd, complicated looking screw adjust pipe wrench with an unique pivoting jaw assembly. Patent was issued William H. Duffey of South Bethlehem, on Aug. 15, 1911. Good++. (S625) PAT.
0007. N0. 10 - HY-SPEED - CHICAGO - PAT. PENDING - - 9.75" quick adjust nut with locking knurled collar. Plated finish. Excellent with plated finish. (not listed, no info).
0008. CC - PAT MAR 1, 1921 - OMAHA - - 8.25" dual adjust nut or pipe wrench. Patented by Gene D. Chenette of Ames, Iowa. Good+.. (S463) PAT
0009. LEVER WRENCH CO - DULUTH, MINN / HEIMBACK PATENT - - 8" quick adjust nut wrench with lever and rack teeth. Patented 6-8-1915 by Alton Heimbach of Duluth. Good+, weak marking as usual. (S308) PAT
0010. GIRARD SPECIAL - SIZES 6 TO 21 - IN STOCK BY CRERAR ADAMS & CO. - CHICAGO, ILL / GIRARD SPECIAL - - 6" Rare promotional all metal monkey wrench. Plated finish. . (not listed)
0011. KRAEUTER & CO.- THE VICTOR - PAT MAY 26 03 - - 7" adjustable alligator wrench patented by Charles Bonney of Portsmouth, Ohio and made by Kraeuter & Co. of Newark, New Jersey. Good++. (S37) PAT
0012. THE ELGIN - PAT JUNE 8, 97 - EXTRA JAW 25¢ / TRADEMARK H - M (inside a shield logo) - - 7" adjustable alligator wrench. I don't think I have seen the H-M trademark logo before on this wrench. Excellent nice shiny plating.. PAT.
PiCs Lots 1 thru 120013. PAT'D DEC 25, 1900 - - 6.75" alligator wrench with adjustable upper jaw. This Christmas Day wrench was patented by Nils Nilson of Absaroka, ND (which is only 197.4 miles from Lawrence Welk's home town). Also found marked "NILSON Co. - Casselton N.D" and "Nilson-Walters Wrench Co Casselton, N. Dak." Good+ with some light pitting. PAT.
0014. PAT. MARCH 31 1908 - - 7" combination pliers, screwdriver and adjustable alligator wrench. Pat 7-2-1907, 3-31-1908 and 7-19-1910 by Norman McAslan of Yorkshire, Iowa. Good+ with some light pitting on one side. (S255, C215) PAT.
0015. BRAUNSDORF MUELLER CO. - PAT APPL'D FOR / DUPLEX - ELIZABETH, NJ - - 7" Crescent type wrench with a pivoting head with wing nut that sets the head at different angles. Hard to find small size. Provenance.: Glenn Ficken purchased at the 2010 Doug Busch Auction. Good++. (S317)
0016. KING - - 8.75" all metal cast adjustable nut wrench with locking bolt and nut. Made by the US Mfg. Co of Canton, Ohio. Good+ but nut and bolt are replacements, painted. (S504)
0017. ANY ANGLE WRENCH - PATENT 1916 - LIMA., O. USA / DROP FORGED STEEL - - 8.5" Crescent type adjustable wrench with an adjustable angle head. Mfg. by Atco Wrench Co. and patented by Ramson Bovee 11-21-1916. Good+, not cleaned. (S311) PAT
0018. PALMETER TOOL CO JAMESTOWN NY - - 8" Quick adjust nut wrench with a sliding jaw and lever release. Pat. by John Palmeter of Jamestown, New York on Oct. 23, 1923. Seldom found. Good++ with an area of light pitting. (S517) PAT
0019. THE A. K. LOVELL MAN'F CO. - NEW YORK, NEW YORK - A. K. LOVELL - PAT. JUNE 7, 1892 - - 8" wood knife type handled helix screw quick adjust nut wrench with a helix spiral adjusting mechanism and a small locking button. Patent was issued to Albert K. Lovell of Jackson, Michigan Very rare wrench in Good++ with just a couple minor dings. (S401) PAT
0020. UTILITY WRENCH CO LD. NEW YORK - PAT'S AUG 13, 1878 - SEPT 4, 1883 - - 7.25"" wooden handled quick adjust nut rack wrench with a spring loaded release lever and ultra fine rack teeth. High quality materials and workmanship. Patented by Henry W. Atwater of Newton, Mass. Good+. (S541)
0021. Marked only T. C. SMITH (owner's mark?) - - 8.5" all metal (malleable) nut wrench with an adjusting screw on the side of the fixed jaw and a loop style handle. Advertised as "The Lipsey" and mfg. by Roper Caloric Engine Mfg. Co. of New York City. Patented 7-31-1877 by Andrew Lipsey of West Hoboken, New Jersey. Scarce wrench. Provenance.; Herb Page than Glenn Ficken. Good++. (C203) PAT
0022. Unmarked - - 6.75" center screw adjust nut wrench. (not listed, no info found)
0023. EVER-READY WRENCH CO - FORT WORTH, TEXAS / DROP FORGED - PATENT APPLIED FOR - - 8" rack type quick adjust nut wrench with a lever release. Pat. Jan 11, 1921 by Otey Kirkpatrick of Fort Worth. Good++. (S491, C131) PAT
0024. WIZARD - THE RICHARDS MFG CO AURORA, ILL - PATENTED MAY 21, 07 OTHER PATS PENDING - - 8" adjustable wrench that combines a double screw Crescent type adjustment on a ratcheting head. Patented by Joseph N. Noyer of Gould City, Washington. Good+. (S156T) PAT
0025. Unmarked - - 7.5" Neat, early, cast combination tool with a hammer, open end wrench, nut cracker, nipper, tack puller, pliers, stove lid lifter, etc. Patented was granted to Alphonso Button of East Saginaw, Mich. on Feb. 09, 1875. First one we have had to sell. Excellent. (S1053)
0026. CHAMPION - PAT'D MARCH-15-1921 - - 8" all metal split handle quick adjust nut and pipe combination wrench. Patented by Paul John Tumulla of Chicago. Good++. (S662) PAT
0027. WAKEFIELD WIZARD - No. 120 - MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS. - PATENTS PENDING IN USA AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES - - 8" double ended nut wrench with quick adjust sliding jaw. Good++. Patent was granted on 22-21-1922. to Joseph F. Oliver of Worcester, Mass. and assigned to Clarence E. Wakefield also of Worcester. Good++. (S1099, C317) PAT.
0028. Marked only PAT. PEND. - - 8.5" sliding disk quick adjust nut wrench. Excellent. (S531)
0029. Unmarked, as usually found but a few have been seen marked REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA USA - GUARANTEED - - 5.75" with bulbous handle, open frame variation. Good++. (not listed)
PiCs Lots 13 thru 290030. UNIVERSAL 10 IN. UNIVERSAL (etc,) with a "U & W in a circle logo / UNIVERSAL WRENCH CO. - WINDSOR - DETROIT - PATENTED 6-3-19 - 7-22-19 - - 10" RARE large size Crescent type with a lever to release the adjusting jaw to allow for a ratcheting action. Patented June 3, 1919 by Roland John Statham of Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. The July 22, 1919 date refers to Statham's Canadian patent. Good++. (S530T) PAT and PAT
0031. Unmarked - - 6.75" plier like tool patented on JUNE 20, 1899 by William H. Edwards of Rockford, Illinois as an "Adjustable Nut Cracker" but the patent specifications note it could be used as a pipe wrench. Excellent with original black finish. PAT
0032. 8 IN NUT GEARENCH (sic) TRADE MARK - FORGED STEEL - PATENTED / GEARENCH MFG CO. - HOUSTON TEXAS - - 8.25" quick adjust wrench patented 6-2-1926 by Joseph Peterson of College Station, Texas. No patent date variation. Good=, some surface rust as wrench has not been cleaned. (S671) PAT
0033. KONE MFG CO ROCK ISLAND ILL / 8 in. DROP FORGED STEEL - PAT PEND - - 8" quick adjust nut wrench with an unique sliding wedge adjustment. RARE wrench in Excellent condition, plated finish. (S505, patent not found)
0034. UNIVERSAL 8 IN. UNIVERSAL (etc,) with a "U & W in a circle logo / UNIVERSAL WRENCH CO. - WINDSOR - DETROIT - PATENTED 6-3-19 - 7-22-19 - - 8" . See lot No. 30 above for description and patent info. Good+, not cleaned. (S530) PAT and PAT
0035. 8 - MID AMERICA INC. - EAGLE GRIP - PATENT NO. 2691317 - OMAHA, NEBR. / 1/8 TO 3/4 PIPE - - 8" Stillson type pipe wrench with a novel jaw tightening lever. Patent was issued to Ernest T. Olson of Oshkosh, Nebraska on 10-12-1954. Scarce small size. Excellent with plated finish. (S598) PAT.
0036. 8 IN. SHUSTER SPEED WRENCH - PATD FEB 2, 1915 / CLIP BAR MFG CO. - PHILADELPHIA, PA. USA (etc.) - - 8" Crescent type with a lever that when released enables a ratcheting action. Patented by Myer Shuster, Philadelphia, PA. Good+, as found, not cleaned. (S530) PAT.
0037. GORDON AUTOMATIC PAT'D USA - - 7.25" quick adjust nut wrench with rack teeth and spring loaded lower jaw. Patented by William Gordon of Union, New Jersey on June 07, 1921. Not cleaned, some major damage to end of handle shaft. (S493) PAT
0038. D.R.G.M 2572274 - C.S - BEST - - 8" unusual all metal loop handled screw adjust nut wrench similar to W & B Hercules wrenches. Good+ with some light dings and a small drilled hole. (not listed, no info found)
0039. L. G. AUTOMATIC WRENCH - RED CHIEF MFG. CO. / PAT NOV 16, 1915 - LOUISVILLE, KY. - DROP FORGED STEEL - - 8" self adjusting nut wrench patented by Louis E. Gaisser of Louisville, KY. Good+,. (S320B) PAT
0040. STEINADLER NO. 20 - 225 (and star logos) - STEFAN ZAK - OFFENBACK-BURGEL - - 9" quick adjust combination nut and pipe wrench with rack teeth and lever and a sliding pipe and nut adapter plate on the shaft. Good++. (S767)
0041. Unmarked - - 7.25" simple hand vise type nut wrench?. Excellent but wing nut and bolt look like replacements. (not listed, no info found)
0042. SPEETOG PLIER CLAMP - MADE IN ENGLAND / UK PAT. NOS. 576142 & 731736 ALSO FOREIGN PATENTS - - 5.5" odd little plier type tool with a screw adjustable top jaw. Patented by Edgar Dale Ball of Derby County, Great Britain on Mar. 20, 1946, Excellent. (not listed) PAT
0043. TIGER GRIP MP'LS (MINNEAPOLIS) MINN. / DROP FORGED - PAT APLD - - 6" hinged end self adjusting alligator wrench. Good+, as found, not cleaned. (S719)
0044. No. 0 - PAT OCT. 27, '03 / BULLARD WRENCH - - 5.5" self adjusting wrench with spring loaded pivoting upper and lower jaws. Mfg. by the Bullard Automatic Wrench Co. of Providence, Rhode Island under patents issued to Frank Bullard of Los Angeles, CA. on July 7,1903. Nice small, pocket size in Excellent condition with most of the original plating. (like S659) PAT
Lot of Three: Six Inch Curved Handle Crescent Type Wrenches
(1.) ERIE TOOL WORKS - Open handle
(2.) NO. 70 - WESTCOTT - KEYSTONE MFG. CO. - - Solid handle
(3.) BARCALO . BUFFALO - Open handle.
0046. NEBRASKA MFG CO / 26 - - 12". Rare impressive looking Nebraska wrench. Nicknamed the "Minden coin flip wrench". Good+ +. (R1-347)
0047. SIMPLEX (Simplex Barn Equip. made by F. Rassman Mfg. Co. - Beaver Dam. Wisc.) - - 6.5". Painted. (not in Rathbone)
0048. AMERICAN HARROW CO. DD67 / DETROIT MICHIGAN USA - - 13.75". Good+. painted. (R1-14)
0049. 260 FT MADISON PLOW CO - - 10". Pitted, painted.. (R1-189)
0050. MORRISON / FORT MADISON - - 8.25". Slight bend, some pitting. (R1-340)
0051. KENTUCKY DRILLS / BRENNAN & CO LOU. KY. KR299 (also IHC) - - 8.5" Painted, casting flaw on the part number. (R1-62)
0052. OLIVER RP210 / OLIVER - - 13.25" doe. Good++, painted. (R1-361)
0053. OLIVER RP209 / OLIVER - - 11.75" doe Good+ (R1-361)
0054. OLIVER RP208 / OLIVER - - 8.25" doe Good++, painted. (R1-361)
0055. OLIVER - RP207 / OLIVER - - 7.5". Pitted, painted. (R1-361)
0056. OLIVER / CP245 - - 9.25" Good+ with some light pitting. (R1-360)
0057. OLIVER / MDOCCA - 2002 (wrench no. 61) - - 8.75" brass limited edition copy of the Oliver CP245 wrench made by the Mason-Dixon Oliver Cletrac Club. Excellent..
0058. MIDLAND MFG. CO. / 1 - TARKIO MO. USA - - 8.5". Pitting. (R1-326)
0059. HARVESTER - - 7" Deering style Good++, painted. (R1-225)
PiCs Lots 46 thru 590060. CHATTANOOGA PLOW CO 4 - - 11.75" Good+ (small jaw repair) (R1-98)
0061. CHATTANOOGA PLOW CO F82 - - 11.75". Painted. (R1-99)
0062. CHAMPION / H68 with an E & D logo (on the IHC List) - - 11". Good++, painted. (R1-95)
0063. CP2126 (Chattanooga / IHC) - - 11". extra wide doe. Good+++. (R1-99)
0064. 164EA - CONN. ROD - CLUTCH / SPARK PLUG (IHC) - - 10.5". Painted, some pitting. (R1-250)
0065. SA1406 / (IHC logo) - 12". All markings indented. Good. (R1-255)
0066. U51 (IHC) - - 9.75". This is the rare two opening variant. Good with pitting. (not in Rathbone)
0067. Marked 6852H and 6853H (IHC No. 6851H) - - 9" cast valve lifter. Markings are for the two parts. Complete tool number is 6851H. Good++.
0068. McCORMICK E629J with IHC logo - - 14" face spanner wrench with IHC logo variant. Good, some light pitting.. (R1-319)
0069. V265A (Canadian McCormick-Deering / IHC) - - 12". No IHC logo variation. Painted. (R255)
0070. IH 489970-R1 - - 15.25" open end by12 point box. Excellent. (Listed in Rathbone's Sup. but not in hard cover)
0071. WP1 with IH or MI logo (Tudhope Anderson - Canada - also on IHC list) - - 10" Good++. (R2-279)
0072. L320 with Plano logo / PATENT PENDING (Plano Mfg. Co. - Plano, Illinois / Later IHC) - - 8.5" malleable screw adjustable nut wrench with hammer head and an open end wrench on end of handle. Plano logo variation. Upper jaw is a replacement from a monkey wrench with a hex adjusting nut. Pitted, painted. (R1-381)
0073. PAT'D JUNE 76 (listed as June 75 on Gil's List) (IH No. M88) - - 8". McCormick's patent screw adjust malleable nut wrench with hammer face. Patent was granted to Robert Hall McCormick and William R. Baker both of Chicago, Illinois on Jul. 27, 1875 and reissued on Jun. 13, 1876. Good+. (S963) PAT
0074. K92 (Plano Mfg Co / IHC) - - 8". Rare IHC wrench in poor condition because of weld repair, pitted, painted. (R2-235)
0075. CAYUGA / CHIEF (Quick & Thomas Co. - Auburn, NY, later Osborne, later IHC) - - 5.75" doe-s wrench. Pitted, painted. (R1-91, R3-43)
0076. CHAMPION No. 175 (also on IHC List) - - 7.25" with six different openings and 7/16" square stud (larger stud variation). Good++. (Listed in Gil Irps' list, not pictured in Rathbone)
0077. MCCORMICK - - 6.5" doe with 5/8" and 11/16" openings. Good.
PiCs Lots 60 thru 77
Lot of Two:
(1.) 5082T / A and an IHC logo - - 6" double socket listed for early International Trucks and Gas Engines. Painted. (R1-251)
(2.) 5082T (IHC) - - 6" socket like above but no IHC logo. Good, slightly bent..
0079. E3711 with IHC logo - - 2" by 1-5/16" cast hex socket. Excellent.
0080. 2699TM (IHC) - - 4.75" early heavy cast spark plug socket. Good++. (R1-251)
0081. E3656 with IHC logo - - 2" by 1-1/8" cast square socket. Good++, but not all markings are readable.
0082. E1632 / (IHC logo) - - 3.25" by 2-1/8" cast hex socket. All markings indented variation. Pitted, painted. (R1-252)
0083. 632LA / (IHC logo) - - 4.5" by 1-1/2" cast hex socket with lip near socket opening variant. Good++, painted.
0084. AP593 with IH logo (Australian) - - 2.5" by 1-3/4" cast hex socket. Excellent, original paint?
0085. 61194H with IHC logo - - 5" by 4-1/8" large and heavy cast hex socket. Excellent, painted,
0086. 29290HB with IHC logo - - 3.75" by 3-5/16" hex socket. Good++.
0087. M3600 (with IHC logo) - - 8" double socket wrench. All markings indented. Good++, painted. (R1-254)
0088. D479 (IHC) - - 1.75" by 3/4" cast hex socket. No logo variation. Excellent.
0089. 5016T (IHC) - - 5.75" cast hex socket. No logo variation. Good++. (R1-251)
0090. Unmarked (IHC No. 471489-R2) - - 6.75" by 1-1/8" hex socket. Good++.
0091. 9259T (IHC) - - 8.75" heavy double socket for IHC Mogul tractors circa1918. Painted. (R1-252)
0092. 1692T (IHC) - - 10" double spark plug socket listed for Mogul, Titan and other IHC early tractors and gas engines. Painted. (R1-251)
0093. E333-1/2 (with IHC logo) - - 12" socket and double spanner "Ram's Horn" wrench. All markings raised. Some pitting, painted. (R1-252)
0094. 1118B (Buffalo Pitts, Belle City / Racine / IHC) - - 8.5" double socket. Painted. (R1-251)
Lot of Two:
(1.) G246 (IHC) - - 7.75" piston socket for IHC Titan Tractors and early gas engines. No logo. Painted,
(2.) GA246 (IHC) - - 9.5" piston socket wrench. No logo variation. Painted. (R1-253)
0096. 29290HB with IH logo - - 3.75" by 3-5/16" hex socket. Good+.
0097. 44337H (IHC) - - 3" by 2.5" cast hex socket. Good++ but not all numbers readable. (R2-144)
0098. 1725V with IHC logo - - 7.75" large cast socket. Excellent, painted. (R1-251)
0099. Unmarked (IHC No. 34541H) - - 4" by 3-9/16" cast hex wheel nut socket. (R2-143)
PiCs Lots 78 thru 990100. HARVEST HANDY HELPER MINI TOOL SET - - Three piece set with flash light combination knife, pliers, multi-tool and a multi-knife tool. Excellent New Old Stock in original package.
0101. HUSKY - - 6.75" Knife tool, with Crescent type wrench, pliers, saws, file, etc. Excellent, like new.
0102. BLACK & DECKER - AUTO WRENCH / U. S. PATS 6477921, 6966242 - - 9.5" screw and battery operated Crescent type wrench. Patents were issued on Nov 12, 2002 and Nov. 22. 2005 to John A. Picone of Oceanside, NY. Excellent, like new. Needs new batteries. PAT and PAT
0103. SHEFFIELD - - 5.5" knife 14-in-one multi-tool with pliers, claw hammer, bottle opener, screwdrivers, etc. with pouch. Excellent, NOS in original packaging.
0104. GUIDESMAN (China) - - 12-in-one mini knife and pliers multi tool/ Excellent, New Old Stock in original packaging.
0105. NEBRASKA (china) - - 5.75" knife tool with pliers, screwdrivers, bottle opener, file, punch, saw. etc. Excellent, like new.
0106. 6 in."SUPERJUSTABLE" - ALLOY - PAT'D IN USA / 4" J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. - - 6" Crescent type adjustable wrench in original box with picture of wrench on lid. Excellent, like new NOS condition.
0107. IRWIN VISE-GRIP - - 8" quick adjust Crescent type wrench. Excellent NOS in original packaging.
0108. Spyderco SpydeRench (Golden Colorado) ~ T01 - - High quality made in the USA multi-knife tool with Crescent type wrench, pliers, file, hex bit driver with four screwdriver bits, a belt clip, etc. Company website states the tool listed for $134.95 and is no longer available. Excellent New Old Stock in original box (dated 1998) with instruction sheet.
PiCs Lots 100 thru 1080109. MEDHUS-PIHL MFG CO - HASTING, MINN - PAT APR 3, 06 - - 8" combination pivoting head tool with nipper and plier jaws. Patented by Ole Medhus of Faribault, Minnesota. Excellent with plated finish. (similar to S280) PAT
0110. HUSKY STAINLESS 2CR - - 6.75" knife tool with pliers, screwdrivers, ruler, bottle opener, file, etc. Excellent, like new.
0111. KKK - KOETH'S KOMBINATION KIT- CURRIER-KOETH MFG CO - COUDERSPORT, PA. - - 8" plier tool with a nail claw and screwdriver on end of handles. Complete kit in the original wooden case with six interchangeable jaws. Patents were granted on Jul. 02, 1901 and June 6, 1905 to Edward Koeth of Tipton and later Doerun, Missouri. Tool and box is in Good++ condition. Box has good label on the inside of the lid. (S816, C112) PAT. and PAT.
0112. SHEFFIELD - - 5.5" knife multi-tool with pliers, claw hammer, bottle opener, screwdrivers, etc, Excellent, like new.
0113. O. BARNETT TOOL CO. NEWARK, NJ (on knife blade) and J. G. LEWIS - PATENT NOV 20, 1900 (on plier handle) - - 4" - pocket knife with a pliers, one knife blade, punch, screwdriver. Pat. was issued to James Catlin Lewis of Tracy, Calif. Tight handle crack, knife blade had been ground down about 1/2". (S93) PAT
0114. Unmarked - - 8.25" slip joint pliers with box end wrenches on ends of handles. Battery pliers?. Excellent, like new.
0115. GLENN - STAINLESS - -3.5" knife tool with saw, scissors, corkscrew, bottle opener, file, screwdrivers, etc. with wooden handles. Excellent, like new.
Lot of Two:
POWERBUILT / US PATENT D411,792 - US AND FOREIGN PATENTS PENDING - - 5.5" and 6" Crescent type wrenches with extra large insulated handle covering. Design patent issued to Richard Macor of Warren County, NJ. Excellent.
0117. Clean up lot with small ticket punch, mini knife-pliers multi tool, 13 piece hex bit and socket set, three tool pouches and two cast combination household tools, one marked THE ANDRESS TOOL - PAT. AUG 24, 75 (both missing the knife sharpening stones and corkscrews) PAT
PiCs Lots 109 thru 117
Lot of Two: Tool Knifes
(1.) BENCHPRO -STAINLESS (China) - - 5.75" knife multi-tool with pliers, saw, screwdrivers, bottle opener, file, punch, etc. Excellent, like new.
(2.) Unmarked - - 5.5" knife multi-tool with Crescent type wrench, file, screwdrivers, scissors, bottle opener, a what's it for, etc. Excellent
0119. JOHN DEERE - 2CR - DAKOTA STAINLESS (China - - 4.5" knife multi-tool with pliers, screwdrivers, punch, file, bottle opener, ruler, etc. Excellent, like new.
0120. SHEFFIELD - - 5.5" knife multi-tool with pliers, claw hammer, bottle opener, screwdrivers, etc. with pouch. Excellent, like new.
Lot of Two: Knife Multi-Tools
(1.) STAINLESS (China) - - 5.5" knife tool with pliers, screwdrivers, saw, file, bottle opener, etc. Excellent, like new.
(2.) FURY (script) / 16019 (China) - - 5.25" knife tool with Crescent type wrench, screwdrivers, scissors, bottle opener, etc. Excellent, like new.
Lot of Two: Knife Multi-Tools
(1.) STAINLESS STEEL - - 3.75" knife tool with wrench, screwdriver, Marlin spike. Good, knife blade is loose.
(2.) SSEABORD STEEL CO - MADE IN FRANCE - - 5.5" knife tool with crescent type wrench, screwdrivers, Marlin spike, file, bottle opener, etc. Good+.
Lot of Two: Knife Multi-Tools
(1.) RELCO (Japan) - - 4.25" knife tool with monkey wrench, file, screwdriver, punch, etc. Good++.
(2.) SKWN STAINLESS / MFG IN JAPAN - NAT'L HEADQUARTERS USA - - 3.75" knife tool with Crescent type wrench, screwdriver, file, bottle opener, etc. Excellent, like new.
0124. CATTARAUGUS CUTLERY CO. LITTLE VALLEY, NY / 3W (on knife blade) and C. T. & E (on front bolster - may stand for Conn. Telephone & Electrical Co.) - - 4.5" pocket knife and Crescent type wrench with knife blade and a screwdriver - bottle opener blade. Good+, one of the bone handle slabs has a corner piece missing. (S93)
0125. O. BARNETT TOOL CO. NEWARK, NJ (on knife blade) and J. G. LEWIS - PATENT NOV 20, 1900 (on plier handle) - - 4" - pocket knife with a pliers, one knife blade, punch, screwdriver. Pat. was issued to James Catlin Lewis of Tracy, Calif.. Good+ (S93) PAT
Lot of Three: Advertising Pocket Knives
(1.) RANGER ULTRA HONED - PATENT - - 3.25" advertising Herb Roth - Friend, Nebr. Excellent.
(2.) BARLOW - PATENT 3,917,996 - 3.25" with a NK logo (advertising NK Corn Hybrid Seeds?). Excellent.
(3.) Marked only USA - - 3.25" advertising Ruby Co-Op - Milford, NE. Good++.
0127. NEW BRITIAN / AW-4 - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0128. NAPA -AW-4 - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0129. wIZARD - H2400 - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0130. MCKAIG-HATCH / 204 - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0131. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. / "SUPERJUSTABLE" - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0132. TRUE CRAFT / TRUECRAFT - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0133. EXTRA - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0134. KEENKUTTER K-4 with KeenKutter logo . SHAPLEIGH'S - ST. LOUIS - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Good++.
0135. RIDGID - 704 / RIDGE TOOL CO. - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0136. FULLER PRO - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0137. BET'R-GRIP - FORGED STEEL / J. P. DANIELSON CO. - JAMESTOWN, NY USA - - 4" Crescent type. Good++.
0138. 9AC04 - WRIGHT / WRIGHT - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0139. FLEET (script) - 4004-S / PENENS CORP.CHICAGO - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Good++.
0140. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. / "SUPERJUSTABLE" - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0141. WARDS MASTER ALLOY / WARDS MASTER ALLOY - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0142. HERBRAND - NO. 21-4 - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0143. SCHOLLER - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0144. BLACKHAWK / AW-1004 - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0145. BLACKHAWK / AW-1004 - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0146. OLYMPIA / DROP FORGED - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0147. CHALLENGER with helmet logo - 4004 - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0148. AIGO / HEAVY DUTY - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0149. IREGA NO. 77-4" / IREGA NO. 77-4" - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Good++.
0150. NYE - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0151. BONNEY / BW4 - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Good+ with some edge dings.
0152. UTICA TOOLS - UTICA, NY USA - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0153. MARX - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Excellent.
0154. PECK, STOW, & WILCOX CO. / PEXTO ANY ANGLE ADJUSTABLE - - 4" Crescent type Wrench. Good++.
Lot of Two: 4" Crescent type Wrenches
(1.) BARCALO - FORGED / STEEL - BUFFALO - - With turnip cutout on end. Good++.
(2.) USA - DROP FORGED BR-4 - - Same wrench as Barcalo above but different markings. Good+.
0156. Lot of Four: Three CRAFTSMAN and one older PROTO - LOS ANGLES - - 4" Crescent type wrenches.
0157. Lot of Three: CRESCENT TOOL CO - - 4" adjustable wrenches. Including two different markings of the older pre Crestoloy examples. Excellent.
0158. Lot of Five: DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO. Four Inch Crescent type wrenches.
Lot of Three: Miniature Adjustable Wrenches
(1.) -A- G & J PRODUCT (in a diamond logo) - - 3" miniature side adjust nut wrench with a screwdriver end.
(2.) HONG KONG - - 2.5" Crescent Type Wrench.
(3.) HONG KONG - - 2.5" Crescent Type Wrench.
0160. Lot of Five: No Name 4" Crescent Type Wrenches. Made in Germany or West Germany, one has cutout geometric designs on the handle shaft. Good++ and better.
PiCs Lots 156 thru 1600161. BOARDMAN'S PATENT - TOWER & LYON, NY. - - 6" combination tool with a hammer, nail claw, sc/dr, square socket and tool bit holder (in end of handle), and a nut and pipe wrench. Rare three holes in shaft variation. 1865 patent by A. W. Park of Norwich, Connecticut and 1866 patent by Bryan Boardman,(also of Norwich) apply. Good+. (S788, C72) PAT. and PAT.
0162. No. 0 - PAT OCT. 27, '03 / BULLARD WRENCH - - 5.5" self adjusting wrench with spring loaded pivoting upper and lower jaws. Mfg. by the Bullard Automatic Wrench Co. of Providence, Rhode Island under patents issued to Frank Bullard of Los Angeles, CA. on July 7,1903. Nice small, pocket size in Excellent condition. (like S659) PAT
0163. L. COES & CO PAT'D MAR 23 1869 / WORCESTER MASS - - 4-5/8" "Baby Coes" monkey wrench. Patented by George C. Taft of Worcester, Mass. Excellent. (HP35, like S852) PAT.
0164. L. COES MFG CO WORCESTER MASS - - 4-5/8" Baby Coes monkey wrench. Excellent. (HP36, like S852)
0165. PEREGRINE - - 5.25" real oddball wedge adjust nut wrench with a tee handled screw lock with a hex box wrench on other end. First one seen. British patent #16,505 of 1893 applies. Good+. (S915)
0166. JUNIOR NO. 1 / FRANK MOSSBERG CO. - ATTLEBORO, MASS USA - - 3" center adjust pocket wrench with ruler markings. Smallest Mossberg adjustable. Excellent. (S873)
0167. DU CHARME - PAT. APP. FOR - - 7" RARE revolving head wrench. Patented by William S. Du Charme of Cleveland on Feb. 11, 1919 Ohio and probably manufactured by the Ducharme Novelty & Mfg. Co. of Johnstown, Penn. First one seen, second time sold (from the Spring 2013 auction). Good++. (C121) PAT.
Lot of Two:
(1.) RICHARDS BROS & SONS - SHEFFIELD ENGLAND - BRITISH NO. 553540 PATENT / TENT SHEFFIELD (with a tent logo) - - 4.25" bike or pocket wrench. Good++.
(2.) Unmarked - - 4.75" pocket center screw adjust nut and pipe wrench with exposed shaft. Good++.
Lot of Two:
(1.) Safety - T & L NY (Tower & Lyons) - - 4.25" center screw adjust bike wrench. Patented July 14, 1891 by John J. Tower of Brooklyn, NY. Good with jaw edge dings. (S102)
(2.) J. C. SPEIRS & CO. / DROP FORGED - - 4.75" center screw adjust with skeleton frame patented by John C. Speirs of Worcester, Mass. on 3-26-1895. Good , jaws slightly sprung. (S106, C284)
0170. Can't read markings - - 4.75" Boardman's combination nut and pipe wrench, hammer, nail claw, screwdriver, square socket and tool bit holder (in end of handle), Patents were issued on May 30, 1865 to A. W. Park of Norwich, Conn. and on Jul. 10, 1866 to Byron Boardman also of Norwich. Pitting. (S788) PAT
0171. BROCK / BROCK - - 4.25" Gem type center screw adjust pocket wrench. Light pitting, jaws sprung. (S102)
0172. GEM T & L (Tower & Lyons)- - 3-1/8" all metal center screw adjust pocket wrench. Excellent with plated finish. (S102)
0173. Unmarked - - 3" Gem type center screw adjust pocket wrench. Good+. (S102)
PiCs Lots 161 thru 1730174. Unmarked - - 8" all metal quick adjust like the Bay State quick adjust wrench but without a spring on the release lever. Patented by Lewis Petty Davidson of Denver, Colorado on Feb. 18. 1896. Mfg by J. H. Shepard & Co. of Denver, CO. Good with casting flaw on lower jaw. (C278) PAT
0175. E. WRIGHT PAT OCT. 3, 93 (weak marking, not all readable) - - 8.5" all metal screw adjust nut and pipe wrench with a lever for final tightening or releasing. Made by the Wright Wrench Co. of Worcester, Mass and patented by Edward Wright of Worcester. Scarce small size. Good. (similar to S643, C342) PAT.
0176. "MEPHISTO" / PATD 6.23.14 - - 9" Rare Crescent type with a adjustable angle head. Patent issued to Anton E. Anderson, Frank L. Bailey and William C. Cummings all of Okmulgee, Okla. probably applies. Mfg. by the Mephisto Tool Co. Hudson, NY?. Good. (S311, C41) PAT.
0177. PATENT GRIP SPANNER WARRANTED - - 8.5" turn handle to adjust all metal nut wrench. Good+.
0178. BOSTON WRENCH CO BOSTON, MASS. - PAT'D OCT 2, 1906 OTHER PAT. PENDING - - 8.5" all metal quick adjust rack wrench with a sliding lever that locks the lower jaw in position. Patented by Alphage Gagnon of Springfield, Mass. on Oct. 02, 1906. Good. (S480) PAT
0179. THE ANDERSON / PAT-6-23-14 - - 6.5" Crescent type with a locking adjustable angle head.. Patented by Anton E. Anderson, Frank L. Bailey and William C. Cummings all of Okmulgee, OK. Mfg. by the Anderson-Bailey-Cummings Co. of Okmulgee, OK. Good, no finish, spots of light pitting. (S311, C41) PAT.
0180. HUE (inside horseshoe logo) PATENT HUBER NO. 1 - MADE IN GERMANY - - 6" all metal shim adjust nut wrench. Patented Dec. 02, 1913 by Jacques Huber of Basel, Switzerland. Excellent, PAT.
0181. NACO - PAT 1919 - - 7.25" comb. pliers, cutter with screwdriver end. Pliers has an usual screw adjustment to set the jaw opening. Patent was issued to Dan B. Swickard of Galva, ILL. on Oct. 28, 1919. Excellent with plating. f(S248) PAT.
0182. GIRARD WRENCH MFG CO. GIRARD, PA / PATENTED JULY 11, 1882 - - 7.25" cast malleable screw adjust nut wrench made with only tree pieces. Pat. by C. H. Miller of Erie, PA . Good with weak markings but usually found without markings. (S392) PAT
0183. THE TRIPLET WRENCH - PAT AUG 19, 1913 - - 5.5" double ended bicycle or pocket wrench with adjusting bolt and alligator heads plus two tap holders. Usually found marked "Pat Applied For", this one has the patent date. Patented by John Anderson of Portland, Conn. and mfg. by G. L. Holt Co. of Hartford, Conn. Also made or sold by Stanley for a short time circa 1913. Pitted, not all marking readable. (S106) PAT.
0184. Marked only PATENT - - 8" all metal sliding jaw nut wrench with a wedge lock and offset handle. Excellent.
0185. Unmarked - - 5.5" all metal center screw adjust nut wrench, nice eight sided handle with ball end. Good++.
0186. Unmarked - - 9.75" wooden handled sliding wedge adjust alligator wrench, smooth jawed nut wrench version.. Pat 1-6-1891 by Theodore Vandegrift of Shelbyville, Indiana and mfg. by the Vandegrift Mfg Co of Shelbyville, Indiana. Good+. (C313) PAT
0187. BEMIS & CALL CO. ND QUALITY / B & C TRADEMARK - - 8" Brigg's type nut and pipe wrench with short hex adjusting nut. Good++.
0188. BONNEY with a Bonney shield logo (same markings both sides) - - 8" Briggs type wooden handled nut and pipe wrench with four ring long adjusting sleeve. in Excellent condition.
0189. GLOBE WRENCH CO SUNAPEE, N. H. - PAT'D MAR. 15, 10 - - 8" all metal turn handle to adjust. Pat. by Benjamin Woodward of Ipswich, MA. Most Globe wrenches seen have been marked Ipswich, Mass. Excellent but locking indents are not working. (S393) PAT
0190. TRADEMARK WRIGHT WRENCH MFG.(with logo) - WRIGHT WRENCH - TACKOMA, WASH. / PAT 3 - 04 - 1 - 09 - STEEL FORGING - - 8" rack teeth type quick adjust nut wrench. Also found marked Tacoma, Wash. Good with dings on logo.. (S543, C342) PAT.
0191. KONGSSBERG NO. 90 / MADE IN NORWAY - - 8" all metal plier type wrench with threaded shaft and knurled adjusting nut. Excellent. (not listed, no info found but looks similar to Swedish Bahco wrench S781)
PiCs Lots 174 thru 1910192. DAIN MFG CO / OTTUMWA IA. (Dain J81E, later John Deere) - - 10". Large letters variant. Painted, small drilled hole. (D350)
0193. DAIN / L136E - - 7.75" Number near long slot. Painted. (D411)
Lot of Two:
L246E DAIN - - 14.5". cast iron weights? off a Dain Hay Loader? Impressive cast part with Dain in extra large markings. One is Good++, the other has the top loop missing.
0195. John . Deere / 1340. SC - 9". Painted. (D81)
0196. DEERE - 7321C - Eberhard Mfg. logo / C - PAT APR 28 1903 - - 8.5" buggy wrench with 1-1/8" nut holder. Patent was granted to Nathaniel Stone of Outlook, Washington. Good++ with original finish but does have a very tight crack. (D619) PAT
0197. D34 - U (Deere) - - 8.75". Painted. (D277, R1-131)
0198. DEERE & CO (Deere No. HZ5061) - - 8" wood handled monkey wrench, knurled adjusting knob variation. Good++. (D340)
0199. JOHN DEERE with deer logo - DAKOTA STAINLESS (china) - - 5.25" single blade locking pocket knife. Excellent.
0200. JOHN DEERE - STAINLESS (China) - - 6" single blade pocket knife. Excellent.
0201. JOHN DEERE with deer logo - - 5.5" Phillips head advertising screwdriver. Good+.
0202. Van Brunt / 1911 JD 1986 - - 7" brass plated. Like Van Brunt D380M wrench. Excellent.(D285, R469)
0203. LETZ - E782 (Letz Mfg. Co. - Crown Point, Indiana, later Deere) - - 7" Deering pattern. Sand blasted. (D308)
0204. JOHN DEERE - TY3274 - USA - - 8" slip joint pliers, plated finish. Good++.
0205. DEERE & CO - MOLINE, ILL (with CUTOUT LETTERS) / RLB - - 2.5" miniature seat. Excellent.
PiCs Lots 192 thru 2050206. THE OHIO CULTIVATOR CO (Bellevue, Ohio) / DA32 - - 16". Good+. (R1-357)
0207. NEWELL SANDERS PLOW CO / A163 - P in a square logo (also IHC) - - 8.5" with a hammer head. Over cleaned. (R1-351)
0208. NEWELL SANDERS PLOW CO A260 - - 18 Large showy wrench. Good+ (some damage on small end) (R1-351)
0209. ALLIS-CHALMERS MFG. CO. - LA CROSSE WORKS / 300755 - - 11.5". Excellent, original finish. (R1-11)
0210. COLLINS PLOW CO / 124 - - 7.5" with a hammer head. Good++. (R1-108)
0211. J. P. MANNY (John P. Manny Mower Co. of Rockford, ILL. later Emerson-Brantingham.) - -12". The John P. Manny Co. was founded in 1857. Painted. (R1-309)
Lot of Two:
(1.) TIGER S. D. (J. S. Rowell & Co) - - 8.5". Weld repair. (R1-441)
(2.) TIGER (J. S. Rowell & Co) - - 8" With stud. Pitting. (R1-441)
0213. NEW HOLLAND / FEED MILL - - 6" doe wrench. Pitting. (R1-348)
0214. OSBORNE / PAT SEP 7 97 - - 8.5" all metal Vandegrift monkey wrench. Good. (R1-363)
0215. DEERING -3 / PAT SEP 7 97 - - 8.5" all metal Vandegrift monkey wrench. Good. (R1-139)
0216. <M-H> (Massey-Harris) - - 8.5" all metal Vandegrift monkey wrench. Scarce variation, usually found just marked 123C.Good+, adjustment is stuck. (R1-312)
0217. 794 (orphan) - - 7".screw adjustable nut wrench with hammer head and an open end wrench on end of handle. Like the Plano L320 - L321 wrench but 2" shorter. Rare wrench, first we have had to sell. Pitted. (no info).
0218. MONARCH 226 (Lisle Mfg. Co. - Clarinda, Iowa) - - 4.5" cream separator wrench. Good+. (R1-297)
0219. CPCL53 (Chattanooga - IHC) - - 6.5" threaded clevis pin with a three open ended wrench. Good+.
0220. HAR' KING CO X / HAR' KING CO X - - 5". Sand blasted. (R1-225)
PiCs Lots 206 thru 2200221. Unmarked (Miller Falls Co of Miller Falls, Mass.) - - 8.25" carriage wrench with a metal spinner handle. Square head variation. Good++, original plated finish. (S207, C221)
0222. G. A. HOSMER & CO - BUFFALO NY - PAT APLD FOR - - 8.5" with 1-1/4" square opening. Combination plier type buggy wrench with four open end wrenches. Marking and size variation. Canadian patent was issued to Giles Arnel Hosmer of Buffalo, NY on Nov. 06, 1894. Pitting. (S198) PAT
0223. IDEAL / PAT APR 28 1903 - B - - 8.5" (1" square nut size) Buggy wrench with nut holder. The Ideal buggy wrenches were patented by Nathaniel Stone of Outlook, Washington and mfg. by Eberhard Mfg Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Good+. (R1-246) PAT
0224. HARPER / PAT AP'D F (Harper Buggy Co. - Columbia City, Indiana - - 8" buggy wrench with spring type nut holder (7/8" size).. Marking variation. Good++ (R1-218)
0225. HARPER / PAT AP'D FOR (Harper Buggy Co. - Columbia City, Indiana - - 8." buggy wrench with spring type nut holder (1" size). Marking variation. Good++ (R1-218)
0226. HW GETMANS PATD 86 - 1 (markings raised on bottom side) - - 7.25" buggy wrench with nut holder. 1-1/16 inch box end. Patented by Henry Getman of Ilion, New York. Excellent. (R3-92) PAT
0227. PAT SEPT 21 86 - 3 (markings indented on top side) - - 7.25" Getman's patent buggy wrench with nut holder. 1 inch box end. Good++. (R3-92) PAT
0228. H. H. BABCOCK CO.- 28 (Watertown, NY) - - 9.25" buggy wrench. Good+. (R1-36)
0229. SHELDON AXLE CO / 78 (Sheldon Axle Co., Wilkes-Barre, Penn.) - - 10.25" buggy wrench. Excellent. (R2-264)
0230. SHELDON AXLE CO / 76 (Sheldon Axle Co., Wilkes-Barre, Penn.) - - 8.75" buggy wrench. Excellent. (R2-264)
0231. SHELDON AXLE CO / 82 (Sheldon Axle Co., Wilkes-Barre, Penn.) - - 9.25" buggy wrench. Some pitting. (R2-264)
0232. SHELDON AXLE CO / 99 (Sheldon Axle Co., Wilkes-Barre, Penn.) - - 10.25" buggy wrench. Good++. (R2-264).
0233. SHELDON AXLE CO / 151 (Sheldon Axle Co., Wilkes-Barre, Penn.) - - 9.5" buggy wrench. Good++. (R2-264).
0234. SHELDON AXLE CO / 209 (Sheldon Axle Co., Wilkes-Barre, Penn.) - - 10.75" buggy wrench. excellent. (R2-264)
0235. H. H. BABCOCK CO. (Watertown, NY) - 29 - 9.75" buggy wrench. Good+, painted. (R1-36)
0236. O. R. CO - DAYTON O. E22 - - 9.5" buggy wrench. Excellent,. (R1-356)
0237. HARTFORD SPRING & AXLE CO (Dunkirk, NY) - 7/8 - - 9" buggy wrench. Excellent. (R1-224)
0238. DALZELL & CO. - 12 (South Egremount, Mass.) - - 9" buggy wrench. Good++. (R1-123)
0239. LEE & PORTER / 6, (six with a comma) (Buchanan Co, Dowagiac, Michigan) - - 9.25" buggy wrench. Good++. (R3-131)
0240. PORTER PAT AXLE (Buchanan Co, Dowagiac, Michigan) / (looks like16 or 91 but probably a pitted 76) - - 9" buggy wrench. Pitting. (not in Rathbone?)
0241. STAVER (STAVER Carriage Co. - Chicago, ILL.) - - 9.5" buggy wrench. Light pitting. (R1-438)
0242. MOON BROS / C (Moon Buggy Co. - St. Louis, Missouri) - - 7.5" Buggy wrench Good+ (R1-337)
0243. HENNEY / C (Henney Buggy Co, - Freeport, Illinois) - - 7.5" buggy wrench. Some pitting. (R1-229)
0244. DALZELL - 7 - - 7" buggy wrench. Some light pitting. (R1-123)
0245. ST LOUIS WRENCH CO - A / PAT JAN 27-91- - 7.5" buggy Wrench. Patented by John A. Miller of St. Louis, Missouri. Some light pitting. (R1-434) PAT
0246. MOYER / 225 (H. A. Moyer - Syracuse, New York) - - 6.25" buggy wrench. Excellent.. (R1-242))
0247. MOYER / 224 (H. A. Moyer - Syracuse, New York) - - 8". buggy wrench. Excellent, painted. (R1-342)
0248. SECHLER - MOLINE (D. M. Sechler Carriage & Imp. Co. - Moline, ILL.) / 1 INCH - - 8" buggy wrench. Solid version (also found with cut out letters. Excellent. (R1-419)
PiCs Lots 221 thru 2480249. STUDEBAKER / 7/8 (Studebaker Bros - South Bend, Indiana) - - 7.75" buggy wrench. Good+. (R1-444)
0250. G. A. HOSMER & CO - BUFFALO NY - - 7.5" with 1" square opening. Combination plier type buggy wrench with four open end wrenches. Marking and size variation. Canadian patent was issued to Giles Arnel Hosmer of Buffalo, NY on Nov. 06, 1894. Pitting. (S198) PAT
0251. ST LOUIS WRENCH CO - A / PAT JAN 27-91- - 7.5" buggy Wrench. Patented by John A. Miller of St. Louis, Missouri. Pitting. (R1-434) PAT
Lot of Two:
(1.) SHELDON AXLE CO / 78 (Sheldon Axle Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania) - - 10" buggy wrench. Painted. (R1-423)
(2.) DAYTON / 2813B - PATENTED and Dayton's "D" in circle foundry mark - - 7.25" buggy wrench with five wrench openings. Patent was granted to Horace E. Morrill of Dayton, Ohio on April 23, 1907. Excellent. (R1-127)
0253. PAT FEB 1, 98 / - - 9.5" adjustable wagon wrench like the one's marked "A. P. Joy". Patent was issued to Adin Phillips Joy of New Market, NH. Excellent with most of the original plating. (S221) PAT.
0254. PAT'D. NOV. 2, 80 - - 11" Double head wh adjustable buggy wench Patented by H. A. Thompson of Farmington, Maine. Good+ with a couple tight handle cracks. (S204) PAT
0255. DIAMOND WRENCH CO STEEL FORGED PORTLAND, ME / PATD NOV 2 80 - OCT 16 83 - - 8.5" adjustable wooden handled carriage wrench. The Diamond wrenches were patented by H. A. Thompson of Farmington, Maine. Weak markings, not all readable, jaw crack, dings. (S208) PAT and PAT
0256. DIAMOND WRENCH CO STEEL FORGED PORTLAND, ME / PATD NOV 2 80 - OCT 16 83 - - 7" adjustable wooden handled carriage wrench. Good+ with minor dings. (S208) PAT and PAT
0257. DIAMOND WRENCH CO STEEL FORGED PORTLAND, ME / PATD NOV 2 80 - OCT 16 83 - - 7" adjustable wooden handled carriage wrench. Good++. (S208) PAT and PAT
0258. DIAMOND WRENCH CO STEEL FORGED PORTLAND, ME / PATD NOV 2 80 - OCT 16 83 - - 5.25"" adjustable wooden handled carriage wrench. Scarce small size. Good++. (S208) PAT and PAT
0259. AMERICAN WRENCH - PAT. SEPT. 8, 1885 - AUGUSTA, MAINE - - 7" ribbed wooden handled screw adjust carriage wrench, single jaw variant. Patented by Bradford Lancaster of Augusta, Maine. Good+. (S231, C40, C50) PAT
0260. TWIN CITY TANK & SILO CO - 1/2 / MINNEAPOLIS MINN - 5/8 - - 10" Small letters variant. Good++. (R1-461)
0261. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 5/8 / 1/2 - - 10" Silo wrench Painted. (R1-336)
0262. SEARS ROEBUCK & CO - 5/8" / 1/2 - 10" silo wrench. Good+. (R1-418)
0263. E.C. TECKTONIUS MFG CO - 5/8 / RACINE WIS - 5/8 - No. 2 - -10.5 silo wrench. Marking variation. Good++. (R1-453)
0264. UNADILLA SILO CO. - 5/8 - 1/2 / 3/4 (Unadilla, New York) - - 9.75" double hex by single hex. Good, repair on edge. (R1-462)
0265. SIMPLEX INC. - 58 / MARSHFIELD WIS - - 8.25" silo type wrench. Excellent. (R1-426)
0266. CHAMPION SILO / WESTERN SILO CO - DES MOINES IOWA - - 12". Single socket variation. Good++. (R1-484)
PiCs Lots 249 thru 266
Lot of Two: Ratchets Patented by Gordon K. Wright of Hinsdale, Illinois
(1.) CHICAGO MFG. & DISTRIBUTING CO. - CHICAGO ILL / PATENT PENDING and a CH logo - - 14" cast ratchet with 1-1/16" female hex drive.
(2.) CHICAGO MFG. & DISTRIBUTING CO. - CHICAGO / 1 - PATENTED MARCH 10, 1914 and a CH logo) - - 10.5" cast ratchet with 1-1/16" female hex drive. Good+. loop handle slightly bent.
0268. DEMUTH STEEL PRODUCTS CO. CHICAGO - - 13.75" cast ratchet silo wrench with female hex drive. Patent was issued to Gordon K. Wright of Hinsdale, Illinois on Mar. 10, 1914. Good+. (R2-78) PAT
0269. CHAMPION SILO / WESTERN SILO CO - DES MOINES IOWA - - 12". Single socket variation. Good++. (R1-484)
Lot of Two:
(1.) INDIANA SILO CO (Anderson, Indiana) / 5/8 - - 11". doe-s silo wrench. Good+, light pitting. (R1-249)
(2.) INDIANA SILO CO - ANDERSON IND / INDIANA SILO CO - ANDERSON IND - - 12" doe-s silo wrench Good+, some light pitting. (R1-249)
0271. WOOD / WOOD (Walter A. Wood) - - 10" Narrow body with holes variant. Painted (R1-494)
0272. <M-H> -122A (Massey-Harris) - - 6.5" Good+. (R1-311)
0273. DURBIN - - 7.5". Painted. (R2-83)
0274. D189-D190 with a star logo (Moline Plow Co) - - 7.5" corn planter check row pliers. Good+. (R1-333)
0275. Reeves / 3379 with a W in a circle logo (Reeves & Co. - Columbus, Indiana, later Emerson-Brantingham) - - 7.5". For gas engine tractor.. Good++. (R1-393)
Lot of Two: Allis-Chalmers Wrenches
(1.) TC369 (Allis-Chalmers) - - 10". Good++ with most of the original finish. (R1-11)
(2.) ALLIS-CHALMERS MFG. CO. - LA CROSSE WORKS / 300755 - - 11.5". Good++ with most of the original finish. (R1-11)
0277. B & G PLOW CO / CANTON O. - - 9,75". Painted. (R1-31)
0278. CM-331 (Thomas Mfg. Co. - Springfield, Ohio, later Ohio Cultivator Co. - Bellevue, Ohio) - - 13.75". Three openings variant. Good++. (R1-357, R1-454)
0279. CM-331 (Thomas Mfg. Co. - Springfield, Ohio, later Ohio Cultivator Co. - Bellevue, Ohio) - - 12.75". Two openings variant. Excellent. (R1-357, R1-454)
0280. N. C. / L (New Casaday - South Bend Chilled Plow Co.) - - 12.5" with hammer head. Two open ends variant. Good+. (R1-429)
0281. SILVER - 2134 (Silver Mfg. Co. - Salem. Ohio) - - 13.5". Rare silo wrench? First one we have had to sell. Good++. (R1-424)
0282. K29 (La Crosse Plow Co. - La Crosse, Wisconsin) / (ruler markings) - - 14.25" Number only variant. Good++, original paint? (R1-289)
0283. STERLING MF'G. CO. D127 / STERLING ILL. - - 12" Graphic lettering. Painted. (R1-439)
0284. Unmarked (South Bend Chilled Plow Co. - South Bend, Indiana) - - 16.5" big graphic wrench with several cutout sections. Used on South Bend's New Casaday Sulky Plows. Labeled "Octagon" in South Bend Parts Books and nicknamed "The Three Pound Wrench" by collectors. Good. (R1-429)
PiCs Lots 267 thru 2840285. C9 - IRON AGE (CUTOUT letters) (A. B. Farquhar, York, PA and Bateman Mfg. Grenloch, NJ) - - 6.25" CUTOUT with small hammer head. Larger square box end variant. Good+. (R!-260)
0286. ST21 (Oliver) - - 7" by 11.25" Tee socket wrench. Excellent but has casting roughness inside one jaw opening. (R1-361)
0287. UNIVERSAL HARVESTER CO - WEST MEMPHIS ARKANSAS - STOCKTON CALIFORNIA - - 8" single hex aluminum wrench. Good+. (R1-467)
0288. L1146 (for John Deere No. 114 Roughage Mill) - - 14.25" forged double box end wrench. Rare, only four shown on Dill's John Deere Wrench Owners List. Excellent. (D417)
Lot of Two:
(1.) Unmarked (orphan) - - 12.75" wagon hub type wrench. Excellent.
(2.) Unmarked - - 11.5" oddball. pitted. (R1-504 Oddball Page)
0290. IRON AGE (CUTOUT letters) - E39 with a triangle logo? (Bateman Mfg., Madison, Ohio) - - 8.5" CUTOUT with hammer head. Good+ (R1-260)
0291. T225 (McCormick, later IHC) - - 5" small double open ended wrench. Good++. (R2-145)
Lot of Five:
(1.) Markings hard to read: Maybe R. T. CO. - - 8.75" Pitting. (not listed, no info found)
(2.) Unmarked (orphan) - - 8" odd three opening wrench with slot and hitch pin. Pitting. (no info found)
(3.) Unmarked (orphan) - - 8,5" Good+. (not listed, no info found)
(4.) Marked only "E" (orphan) - - 6" propeller looking wrench. Good++. (not listed, no info found)
(5.) WORCESTER MFG CO - - 5.5". Good+ with weak markings as usual. (R2-305)
Lot of Six: Ford, Ferguson, Harry Ferguson, Massey Ferguson, and Massey Harry Ferguson Wrenches. With ruler markings to measure the plow furrow depth. Will be sold choice wrench.
(1.) 180108M1 <MHF> - 11/16 - 1-1/16 (Massey Harry Ferguson) / ruler markings - - 10.5" all markings on shaft variation. Excellent. (R2-184)
(2.) 9N17014 FORDCO (script inside a oval) USA and ruler markings / 27 with Moore's "M" in a circle logo - - 10.5". Ford Co. instead of Ford marking variation. Good++..
(3.) ruler markings / 8 with Moore's M in a circle logo - - 10.5"/. Good+.
(4.) HARRY FERGUSON INC - TO-17014 - / ruler markings - - 10.5". Markings on shaft. One of the harder to find wrenches of this type. Good++. (R1-178)
(5.) FERGUSON - TO-17014 - / ruler markings - - 10.5". Markings on jaw. Scarce variant. Some pitting. (R1-178)
(6.) 9N17014 FORD (script) USA and ruler markings / 12 with Moore's "M" in a circle logo - - 10.5". Good++. Ford instead of Ford Co. marking variation. Good++. No photo
Lot of Five: IHC Screwdrivers. All Good++ or better condition. Will be sold choice screwdriver
(1.) 999498R1 INTERNATIONAL - IH logo - - 11" rounds hank, flat blade screwdriver.
(2.) 999502R1 INTERNATIONAL - IH logo - - 8.5" square shank, flat blade screwdriver.
(3.) 999497R1 INTERNATIONAL - IH logo - - 8.5" round shank, flat blade screwdriver.
(4.) 999506R1 INTERNATIONAL - IH logo - - 8.5" round shank, Phillip blade screwdriver.
(5.) 999505R1 INTERNATIONAL - IH logo - - 7.25" round shank, Phillip blade screwdriver.
Lot of Five: IHC Tools. Will be sold choice tool
(1.) 999485R1 INTERNATIONAL - IH logo - - 6." slip joint pliers. Excellent with plated finish.
(2.) 999409R1 INTERNATIONAL - IH logo - USA _ 13/16 - - 2.5". 13/16", 3/8" drive sparkplug socket. Excellent, plated finish.
(3.) 999520R! - IH logo - USA - 1/4 - - 425". 1/4" center punch. Excellent.
(4.) 999516R1 - 3/4 - - 5.5". 3/4" cold chisel. Good.
(5.) AMP INCORPORTED - HARRISBURG, PA. - USA (on pliers) and SUPER CLAMP (on yellow plastic handle covering) (IHC No. SE1678) - - 7.5" electrical crimping and cutting pliers. Good++.
0296. DEERING (in a shield logo) (IHC No. 7694TM) - - 10" wood handled monkey wrench. Good+, with some hammer damage on top jaw.
0297. MCCORMICK (IHC) - - 10" wood handled monkey wrench. No W & B logo variant. Good++.
0298. DEERING (in a shield logo) (IHC No. ???) - - 8" wood handled monkey wrench. Good+, light pitting.
0299. CHATTANOOGA - 1 (Chattanooga Plow Co - IHC)- - 7.5" RARE wrench with severe pitting. (not in Rathbone)
0300. KEYSTONE / U855 (Keystone Mfg. Co. - Sterling, ILL and IHC) - - 10.5". pitting, painted. (R1-280 )
0301. 204L / (IHC logo) - - 6" double square socket listed for McCormick-Deering Threshers, Huskers, Shredders. Markings raised variant. Casting flaw on number, painted. (R1-251)
0302. E333 (IHC) - - 11.5" single hook spanner and hex socket. Good++. painted.
0303. 733 (C. B. & Q - Chambers, Bering, Quinlan Co. - Decatur, Illinois, also IHC) - - 7.5". Similar to R136 Keystone/IHC wrench. Excellent. (R1-73)
0304. F239 - IHC logo - 11 HP and an "IM" logo (Oliver and Canadian IHC-Hamilton Plow) - - 9.5". Painted.
0305. DEERING (IHC) - - 7.5" S-wrench with two end openings and two opening on the sides. Painted. (R1-140)
0306. Eagle Brand / 704671-R1 - IH logo - - 9.5" doe. Good+.
0307. DEERING (in a ledger plate logo) (William Deering & Co. - later IHC) / no markings on reverse side - - 5.5" pitman wrench. Good++, painted.
PiCs Lots 294 thru 3070308. Unmarked (McCormick / IHC No. H25) - - 7.75" open end by crow foot open end. Good++.(R3-146).
0309. NEWELL SANDERS PLOW CO - A260 / P in a square logo - - 19" Large showy wrench Good++, painted. (R1-351)
0310. SANDERS A24 (Newell Sanders Plow Co - later IHC) - - 11.25". Rare Sanders wrench with a disk straightener. Only one shown on Irps' IHC Tool List. Some light pitting, edge damage or casting flaws, weak markings as usual. (R1-421)
0311. NEWELL SANDERS PLOW CO / A163 - P in a square logo (also IHC) - - 8.5" with a hammer heed. Over cleaned, light pitting. (R1-351)
0312. SANDERS / B20 (Newell Sanders Plow Co - later IHC) - - 10". Some pitting. (R1-411)
0313. NEWELL SANDERS PLOW CO / A120 (IHC)- - 13". Some pitting under new paint. R1-351)
0314. Y3028 - IHC logo - - 17" large soe. Number indented, logo raised. Good++, painted. (R255
0315. M238 - IHC logo - - 14.5".large soe with number indented, logo raised. Some dings. (R1-254)
0316. CP245 (Oliver and Canadian IHC) - - 9.25" Good++, painted. (R1-360, R1-98)
0317. ET / 119 (David Bradley) - - 9.75". This wrench is shown in David Bradley Part Books, Gil had it labled "Champion Dump Rake" but it's not on the IHC Tool List. Good++. (R1-126)
0318. ARCTURUS MFG. CORP. / 41-W-1008 -10 (Irps' IHC No. A323331) - - 8" doe US military vehicle wrench. Good++
0319. 14-1/2 (Minnie Harvester Co, - St, Paul, Minn. and IHC) - - 8.5" doe-s wrench. Pitting. (R2-203)
0320. JACKSHAFT ADJUST / 229E (IHC) - - 5.5" with double hex box ends. Good+. (R3-115)
0321. INTERNATIONAL - 13/16 - 3/4 / 999469?R1 - USA - 13/16 - 3/4 - - 9" doe. Excellent, plated finish.
0322. 66W (Garden City Feeder Co. - Pella, Iowa) - - 8.75 double square socket. Can be confused with the M99 IHC wrench when read upside down. Good++. (R2-109)
0323. 3613T (indented on 25/32 jaw) - DROP FORGED - 11/16 - 25/32 - - 6.78" doe. Pitted.
0324. DEERING (in a ledger plate logo) / H911 - - 7.25" Deering Style. Good++.
0325. 5378TM (IHC) - - 7" double socket wrench used on early IHC Titan Tractors and Two Cylinder Gas Engines. Good+, painted. (R1-252)
0326. H272 (IHC, Aultman Miller Corn King Spreader, and Little Giant Fence Loom) - - 15". Round hole with key, square box, three rectangular and three square openings on shaft. variant. Good++. (R1-24)
0327. H272 (IHC, Aultman Miller Corn King Spreader, and Little Giant Fence Loom) - - 15" round hole with key , square box and four more openings on shaft variant. Also has a peg on back side. Jaw crack. (R1-17)
0328. THE MILWAUKEE (Milwaukee Harvester Co. later IHC) - - 8.5" wood handled monkey wrench. Good, some pitting and a thread hole on one side of the shaft? (R1-328)
0329. K410 (Osborne / IHC) - - 6" doe-s with cotter key hook on end of large jaw. Good with very weak markings as usual. (R2-227)
PiCs Lots 308 thru 329Also see Lot No.523 for a chrome plated Buckeye Wrench
0330. Unmarked - - 15.25". William Baxter's first model Diagonal Wrench with the round headed thumbscrew made according to Baxter's first wrench patent of Feb 12, 1856. Rare large size pre Civil War wrench Good+ with over all light pitting. condition. (S461) PAT
0331. Unmarked - - 10". William Baxter's pre Civil War first model Diagonal Wrench with the round headed thumbscrew made according to Baxter's first wrench patent of Feb 12, 1856. Good+ with some pitting, dings. Marked with former owner's id "F. H.". (S461) PAT
0332. Unmarked (Baxter's Improved Diagonal Wrench patent 7-17-1883) - - 6.5" double ender with the flat oval adjusting bolt head. William Baxter's patent improved the original 1856 patent. Good+.. (S462) PAT.
0333. Unmarked (Baxter's Improved Diagonal Wrench patent 7-17-1883) - - 6.5" double ender like Lot No. 332 above. Good++. (S462) PAT.
0334. Marked only 4 - 6 TOOL STEEL / 4 - 6 FORGED - - 6" (with 4" and 6" heads) double ended Crescent type wrench. Good++.
0335. 6-8 SCHOLLER / THE SCHOLLER MFG. BUFFALO, NY. - - 8" Crescent type (with 6" and 8" heads). Good+, some light dings. (not listed)
0336. J. H. FERGUSON - DAYTON, O. - PAT NOV 15, 1910 - - 5" double ended bike or pocket wrench with nut and pipe heads. Good++. (S108)
0337. B & C / 6 IN. - BEMIS & CALL H & T CO. - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. - - 6" combination Crescent "S" type wrench with a nut wrench on one end and pipe wrench on the other One of the classic collectible wrenches. Sand blasted. (S841)
0338. Unmarked - - 6.75" (4" and 6" heads). S-shaped shop modified double ended Crescent type wrench. One of a kind. Good++.
0339. 4 - 6 - LAKESIDE - TOOL STEEL / LAKESIDE - FORGED - - 6"" double ended Crescent type wrench (4 and 6 inch). Montgomery Ward's brand name - Scarce brand and size .Good++..
0340. 8 - 10 - LAKESIDE - TOOL STEEL / LAKESIDE - FORGED - - 10" double ended Crescent type wrench (6 and 8 inch). Montgomery Ward's brand name - Scarce .Good+..
0341. Unmarked (Baxter's "S" Model double ended wrench) - - 9.75" William Baxter of Newark, New Jersey first patent for his "S" Model wrench was issued Dec. 01, 1868. Few dings, sand blasted. PAT
0342. Unmarked (Baxter's "S" Model double ended wrench) - - 8" like Lot No. 341 above.. Sand blasted. PAT
0343. Marked only C. H. T. (Baxter's "S" Model double ended wrench) - - 6" like Lot No. 341 above.. Sand blasted. PAT
0344. Unmarked (Baxter's "S" Model double ended wrench) - - 4" like Lot No. 341 above.. Good++.. PAT
0345. Unmarked (Baxter's "S" Model double ended wrench) - - 4" like Lot No. 341 above.. Good++.. PAT
0346. Unmarked (Baxter's "S" Model double ended wrench) - - 4" like Lot No. 341 above.. Good++ but jaws are stuck, can't adjust. PAT
0347. 4-6 IN. CRESCENT TOOL CO. JAMESTOWN, NY / 6-8 IN CRESCENT DROP FORGED STEEL - - 6" (with 4" and 6": heads) small size, older style Crescent double ender. Excellent..
0348. 4-6 IN. CRESTOLOY STEEL / MFD. BY CRESCENT TOOL CO. - JAMESTOWN, NY - - 6". Smallest of the Crescent double enders. Good++, plated finish.. .
0349. 4 - 6 DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO - horseshoe logo / DAMOND land horseshoe logo - - 6" (4" and 6" heads). Diamond's older style double ended Crescent type wrench. Good+.
0350. 6-8 IN. CRESCENT TOOL CO. JAMESTOWN, NY / 6-8 IN CRESCENT DROP FORGED STEEL - - 8" (with 6" and 8" heads) older style Crescent double ender. Good++.
0351. 10 - 12 DIAMOND CALK HORSESHOE CO / DAMALLOY logo - with horseshoe logo - - 12" (10" and 12" heads).double ended Crescent type wrench. Rare largest size. Good+ but sand blasted...
0352. 10-12 IN. CRESTOLOY STEEL / MFD. BY CRESCENT TOOL CO. - JAMESTOWN, NY - - 12" Crescent double ender. First size of the double enders to be discontinued by Crescent, hardest to find. Excellent with plating. .
PiCs Lots 330 thru 3520353. VISE GRIP - PAT'D- - 9". William Petersen's first model Vise Grip patented Oct. 24, 1921. Made without a release lever, cast not stamped steel like later models. Good+ with some pitting. (S262) PAT.
0354. VISE-GRIP - DEWITT, NEB - PAT'D APR. 8, 24 - - 9" second model Vise-Grip. First model to have a locking lever, all cast not stamped steel. Patent was issued to William Petersen of DeWitt, Nebraska. Some of the markings are on the locking lever. Good++. (S262) PAT.
0355. VISE-GRIP - DEWITT, NEB - PAT'D APR. 8, 24 - - 9" early stamped steel type Vise-Grip with the hex ended adjusting screw. Good++. PAT.
0356. COLLISON "S" WRENCH - COLLISON MFG. CO., BRUNING, NEBR - PAT. MAY 29, 1946. - - 8.5" locking pliers with release lever on top. Patented by John S. Collison of Campbell, Nebraska on Dec. 12, 1950 (the May 29, 1946 date on the wrench is the application date). Not cleaned. (S309) PAT.
0357. GRIPLOCK PLIER WRENCH - PAT'D 1-22-24 - OTHER PAT. PEND.- NORFOLK, NEBRASKA USA - - 8". Long nose version of the Griplock Plier Wrench. Patented by William Tull and Roy Bristol both of Stanton, Nebraska, date on wrench is not the correct date. Good++ (S261) PAT.
0358. GRIPLOCK PLIER WRENCH - PAT'D 1-22-24 - OTHER PAT. PEND.- NORFOLK, NEBRASKA USA - - 7". Short nose version of the Griplock Plier Wrench. See Lot No. 357 above. Good++. (S261)
0359. 910 GRIP LOCK / CHANNELLOCK INC. MEADVILLE, PA. USA - US PATS. 2531285 - 2576288 - 2997903 - - 9.5" complicated locking pliers with a sliding adjusting collar. Patents by Fritz and Reiner Rommel, Allendorf, Kreis Marburg, Germany; Edward Manspeaker, Turtle Creek, PA; and Murray Eisenberg, New York, NY. Good++. (similar to S274) PAT.
0360. LEVER WRENCH - U.S, PAT.2,751,801 - 3,116,656 - OTHERS PENDING / LEVERAGE TOOL INC. - GLENVIL, NEB - USA - - 9.75" locking pliers, Later sold by Stanley Tool Corp. as the Stanley Auto-Grip Pliers. Good++. (S273) PAT
0361. PADEN MFG. CO. - OMAHA, NEBR. - - 7.5" locking pliers with a quick adjust sliding lower jaw. Patented by Dale D. Paden, Omaha, Nebraska on Sept. 22, 1959. Not marked with the patent number variation. Not cleaned. (S270) PAT.
0362. Marked only S.W.C. - - 6" folding hoof pick, hammer and nail claw combination tool. Good+ with plated finish. (No. 191 in Smith's Fencing Tool Book)
0363. HANDY - I.C.I. - NO 3 / I.C.I. - PAT PEND - - 9.5" malleable cast iron combination tool with two pliers, screwdriver, wrenches, hammer, nail claw, ruler, etc. I purchased this tool at the 2007 Elmo Rinehart Auction and sold it to Glenn at one of the MVWC Meets, original auction tag is still attached.. Excellent. (S813)
0364. Unmarked - - 7" bed key wrench with seven different size wrench openings and a screwdriver. Good++. (S881).
0365. ELITE GES GESCH / MADE IN GERMANY - - 6" combination center screw double jaw nut wrench with tool holder. Good ++. (S768)
0366. BOARDMAN'S PATENT - TOWER & LYON, NY. - - 6" combination tool with a hammer, nail claw, sc/dr, square socket and tool bit holder (in end of handle), and a nut and pipe wrench. 1865 patent by A. W. Park of Norwich, Connecticut and 1866 patent by Bryan Boardman,(also of Norwich) apply. Good+. (S788, C72) PAT. and PAT.
0367. Marked only BRITISH MADE - - 4.75" combination center screw adjust bicycle or pocket wrench with a glass cutter on the end.
0368. Unmarked - - 6.5" household combination tool with pliers, wire cutter, hatchet, hammer, screwdriver, nail claw, etc. Good++.
0369. Can't read markings - - 5" household combination tool with pliers, hatchet, hammer, screwdriver, nail claw, etc.. Some pitting.
0370. HOFFRITZ N.Y. - MADE IN GERMANY - - 6.5" household combination tool with pliers, hatchet, hammer, screwdriver, nail claw, etc. Excellent, plastid finish.
0371. DIAMOND (in diamond logo) HANDIMAN - DULUTH DH16 - - 6.75" size Handiman combination pliers, Crescent type wrench and screwdriver. Excellent with plated finish. (S243)
0372. Marked only U.S. - - 5.5" combination pliers, Crescent type wrench and screwdriver like Diamond's Handiman Pliers. Military? Excellent.
0373. Unmarked - - 6" tool holder with attached hammer head and three bits in hollow wooden handle. Good++, not cleaned.
0374. Unmarked - - 8.75" hatchet, hammer, screwdriver combination tool with wooden knife type handles. Good++, has not been cleaned and has some spots of surface rust. Plated finish.
Lot of Two: Combination open end wrench and threading tap tools.
(1.) R. BELZER - CRONENBERG - - 7". Good+.
(2.) Unmarked - - 6.75". Good+.
0376. D.G.M. NR. 5664-87 / GERMANY - - 9.25" combination hatchet, hammer, nail puller and screwdriver with plastic knife type handle inserts. Not cleaned, one handle slab has a piece missing..
0377. MEDHUS-PIHL MFG CO - HASTING, MINN - PAT APR 3, 06 - - 8" combination pivoting double headed tool with nipper and plier jaws. Patented by Ole Medhus of Faribault, Minnesota. Good++ with plated finish. (similar to S280) PAT
0378. MEDHUS-PIHL MFG CO - HASTING, MINN - PAT APR 3, 06 - - 8" combination pivoting double headed tool like Lot No. 377 above but with black instead of plated finish. Good++. (similar to S280) PAT
0379. UTILITOOL CO CHICAGO USA - PAT 12-2-'13 - - 8.75" combination pivoting double headed combination tool with nipper and plier jaws, screwdriver and nail puller on the handle ends.. Made by the Utility Tool Co of Chicago and patented by Henry G. Wernimont, of Washington, DC. advertised as "Fifteen Tools in One". Good++. (C311) PAT
0380. UTILITOOL CO CHICAGO USA - PATENTED - - 8.75". Same tool as Lot No. 379 above but marked PATENTED instead of PAT 12-2-'13. Good++. (C311) PAT
PiCs Lots 353 thru 3800381. EIFEL-GEARED PLIERENCH - 8-1/2"-'45-3 (1945 date code) PAT. NOS. - 1181654 - 1862817 - MADE IN USA BY AMER. PLIERENCH CORP'N - CHICAGO, ILL, - 8.75" Plierench with screwdriver on end of handle in a canvas pouch with three extra jaws. Excellent. PAT and PAT
0382. EIFEL-GEARED PLIERENCH - 8-1/2"-'50-5 (1950 date code) PAT. NOS. - 1181654 - 1862817 - MADE IN USA BY AMER. PLIERENCH CO. - CHICAGO, ILL, - 8.75" Plierench with screwdriver on end of handle with the hard to find tube cutter attachment in a canvas pouch with three extra jaws. Excellent. PAT and PAT
0383. HULTBERG JOHANSON TOOL CO. - WARREN, PA - PAT. DEC. 9, 1913 - -7" wooden handle tool bit holder with six tool bits and extra metal sleeve all in a cloth pouch.. Patented by Peter Erik Johanson of Warren, Penn. Good+. PAT
0384. Unmarked - - 11" all metal ball pein hammer with a tire tool on the end. Painted.
0385. CRESCENT TOOL CO. JAMESTOWN, NY and a C.T. Co. logo / PATENT PENDING - - 9.5". Early example of Crescent's combination folding handle screwdriver and hammer tool. Patented Feb. 6, 1917 by John Emil Johnson of Jamestown, NY. Excellent. . (Hammer Book 104-1) PAT
0386. B.H. M. CORP. logo (Bridgeport Hardware Mfg. Corp.). - - 12.5" box or crate tool with wooden knife type handle. Good+, some dings, not cleaned.
0387. Unmarked - - 9" all metal cast hammer with nail claws. Has decorative cutout designs in the handle. Not cleaned.
0388. B - R MFG. Co. - CHICAGO - PAT APPLIED (The Beckley-Ralston Co.?) - - 9.5" all metal crate or box tool. Good+ with some edge grinding marks.
0389. Unmarked - - 7.5" all cast metal hammer, staple puller, nail claw and what may be a wire twister. This looks similar to known wire tools but I can't find it in Smith's Book. Excellent.
0390. VULCAN AUTO TOOL - PATENT PENDG / J H WILLIAMS & CO - BROOKLYN, NY USA - - 7.75" combination tool with at least twelve functions including: a hammer, alligator wrench, screwdriver, bottle opener, etc. Good++, not cleaned. (S66, C337)
0391. PAT JULY 9, 1918 (marked on one blade and inside the handle) - J. L. DAHL - HACKENSACK, NJ - - 9" two ended screwdriver that rotates and locks one end inside the handle. Patent was granted to John L. Dahl of Teaneck, New Jersey. Good+ with some markings too light to read. PAT
0392. TOMAHAWK JUNIOR / BRIDGEPORT HDW. CORP. - - 9" all metal crate or box tool with hatchet, hammer, pry bar with nail claw. Good++ but with mushrooming on end..
Note: The following two combination wrenches were originally from the collection of the late King Herrington of Aurora, Colorado and were evidently modified by him by welding different tools together then filing and treating the metal so the welds can not be seen. He did an exceptional good job and if you didn't know the tools were modified you would think they were original.
0393. Unmarked - - 10" slip join pliers with a nail claw and hammer head. One of King Herrington's modified tools. We first sold as Lot No. 646 on the Spring 2011 Auction.
0394. Unmarked - - 10" Slip joint pliers with a nail claw, hammer head and Crescent type wrench. Another one of King Herrington's modified tools. We originally sold as Lot No. 651 on the Spring 2011 Auction for over $300.00.
0395. Unmarked - - 7.25 wooden handled hammer and tack puller. Patented July 25, 1893 by George J. Capewell of Hartford, Conn. An prior example we sold was marked "A. S. Co. Columbia" and the patent date. Good++. PAT
0396. PATENTED AUG 12, 1884 - - 7.25" hollow wooden handle tool holder with six bits in the handle. Patent was granted to Granville W. Wright of New Haven, Conn. Good++. PAT
0397. Unmarked - - 5.75" brass decorative nutcracker? in the shape of a chicken. Excellent.
0398. Unmarked - - 5.75" combination tool someone created by welding a nail claw and hammer head to a Lowentraut brace-wench head.
VISE-GRIP TOOLBOX - SCHRADE - U.S. PATS. 5781950 - 6219870 - - 5.5" multi-tool with a Vise-Grip No. 5WR locking pliers two knife blades and tool bit holder with screwdriver bit. Patentees are: David A. Swinden - Ellenville, NY, James Quinn - Ellenville, NY Robert Andersen - Cragsmoor, NY and John Dennis Lemaire - Quebec, QC Canada. Excellent. like new.
0400. SCHMIDT BROS CO / H159 - - 6". Painted. (R1-417)
0401. B355 (Moline Plow Co.) - - 12" tee wrench. Excellent. (R1-333)
0402. 8 (Moline Plow Co) - - 10.5" combination wrench and claw hammer, hollow handle variant . Good++. (R1-332)
0403. LA CROSSE PLOW CO - K29 / (ruler markings) - - 14.25". Excellent.. (R1-289)
0404. THE F. E. MYERS & BRO. CO. / ASHLAND, OHIO U.S.A. 3774 - - 14.25" Good++ (R1-344)
0405. THE INSURANCE / KK.1753 - - 7". May be an E. C. Simmons (KeenKutter) product. Good+. (R1-426)
0406. AMERICAN HARROW CO. DET. MICH. / DD198 - - 13.25" Good++. (R1-14)
0407. KING DRILL MFG CO (Nebraska City, Nebraska) - - 12". Painted. (R1-282)
0408. TAGUE & KERLIN WRENCH / MIDLAND MFG. CO. - TARKIO MO. USA - 2 - - 9" Good+, painted. (R1-326)
Lot of Three:
(1.) M HARDSOGG OTTUMMWA IA / 24 - - 7.5". Some pitting. (R1-217)
(2.) OWATONNA MFG CO - OWATONNA MINN - - 8", Good+. (R1-365)
(3.) 100 (Wood Bros. Thresher Co. - Des Moines, Iowa.) - - 10.5" offset double open end wrench. Good++. (not in Rathbone, recently identified from a parts list)
0410. FORDSON (script) - - 8.75" all metal screwdriver. Markings are indented on shaft. Good+ with grind marks on end. (R1-180)
0411. CHASE TINSMAN PLOW CO (Lincoln, Nebraska) - - 10.25". Excellent. (R1-97)
0412. PLANET JR. / H4 - - 8.5" with double hammer polls. Good+. (R1-380)
Lot of Two:
(1.) G. M. CO. 9/16 and 5/8 / PEERLESS (Geiser Mfg Co - Waynesboro, PA) - - 10.5". Painted, pitting. (R1-200)
(2.) G. M. CO. - 3/4 and 7/8 / PEERLESS (Geiser Mfg Co - Waynesboro, PA) - - 12.5" Painted. (R1-200)
0414. MOLINE DRILL (with a NR I logo) / A1037 - - 8.5". Good++, painted. (R1-332)
0415. CHATTANOOGA CP4003 / (IHC logo) - - 8.5" with hammer head. All markings raised. Good++, painted. (R1-98)
0416. COTTIS & SONS LTD / MALLEABLE STEEL (Epping, Essex, England) - - 9.75" three opening wrench with large hammer head. Pitting. (R1-116)
0417. NICHOLSONS / 8127 (W. H. Nicholsons - Newark, England) - - 8.5". Good++.(R1-353)
0418. BRADLEY CULTIVATOR U12 (David Bradley Mfg. Co. - Bradley, ILL.) - - 10". Spots of light pitting. (R1-126)
0419. Marked only 11 (David Bradley?) - - 8" all metal cast Vandegrift wedge adjust alligator wrench patented 1-6-1891. Bradley pats lists show this wrench in 10: size as "473A - old #11). Good++ with etched initials M. W. (from Marvin Wullweber's Auction) (see R1-127) PAT
Lot of Two:
(1.) DAVID BRADLEY MFG WKS / BRADLEY ILL 105A - - 9.75" with hammer head. Pitting, painted. (R1-126)
(2.) DAVID BRADLEY MFG CO / BRADLEY ILL B238 - - 10". Good+, painted. (R1-126)
Lot of Two:
(1.) WAYNE MFG CO / 24 - - 5.75" doe wrench. Excellent. (R1-483)
(2.) 103 HAWORTH'S / 103 CHECK ROWER - - 7.5". Without the fork or claw on end variant. Good++. (R1-227)
0422. MONMOUTH / 141 (Monmouth Plow Co. - Monmouth, IL) - - 9" Sand blasted. (R1-335)
0423. CHALLENGE (Batavia, Illinois Mfg. windmills, gas engines, etc.) - - 7". Sand blasted. (R1-93)
PiCs Lots 410 thru 4230424. 7B8975 - U with a "M" in a shield logo (Caterpillar) - - 12.75" square box end wrench with scraper blade. Good+. slight bend. (R3-43)
0425. KIGMAN PLOW CO / N80 - TH - - 9" Good+. a(R1-284)
Lot of Two:
(1.) 32 (Charles G. Allen and Belcher & Taylor.) - - 8.25" wrench and pitman tool. Excellent. (R1-9)
(2.) Unmarked - - 8.25" like 32 wrench above, Excellent.
0427. B.F. AVERY AND SONS G178 / LOUISVILLE KY USA - - 12.5" Good++ (R1-27)
0428. B.F. AVERY AND SONS CO C63 / LOUISVILLE KY USA - - 10" Good++, original finish?. (R1-27)
0429. SAMSON - 1892 - FOR WRIST PIN ONLY / FOR FRONT CAP BOX ONLY (Stover Mfg Co) - - 7.5" Stover Samson Windmill wrench. Good+. (R3-213)
0430. 490B (IHC) - - 7.75" with five wrench openings and hammer head. Good+. (R1-251)
0431. K36 (orphan) - - 5.5" oddball. Earlier thought to be an Oliver wrench of the same number. Excellent. (see (R1-361 & R2-224)
0432. SIMMONS / UTILITY(Simmons Hardware Co St. Louis) - - 7" Deering Style, Painted. (R1-426)
96 VULCAN PLOW CO / EVANSVILLE IND with CH logo - - 9.75. Painted. (R1-475)
Lot of Three:
(1.) LD300 (0rphan) - - 8.25". Good++. (not listed, no info)
(2.) C9 ( (orphan) - - 8.5" with turnip shaped cutout. Good++. (not listed, no info found)
(3.) 25 (can't read rest) - - 10.5" oddball with square hammer head. Pitting. (no info found)
Lot of Two:
(1.) Unmarked valve port plug wrench - - 10.25". Shown in parts lists for Heider/Rock Island Gas Engine Tractors (part No. 2718). Yuba Ball-Thread Tractors (part No. B445) and Gray Tractors.. Would have been used on other tractors and trucks that used Waukesha engines. Good+.. (R1-501, R2-249, R3-96)
(2.) LE ROY / 37 - - 11.25". Sand blasted. (R1-291)
0436. KOVAR - LINE / OWATONNA - MINN. - W1 - - 8.75". Good+. (R1-287)
0437. E73 / C (orphan) - - 8.25" oddball. (no info found)
0438. CHATTANOOGA 5 (later IHC) - - 9.5". Sandblasted. (R1-98)
0439. H189 - W. W. CO. (Warsaw Wilkerson - Batavia, NY ?) - - 9". Rarer numbered variant. Sand blasted. (R1-478)
0440. AVERY / 464 (Avery Co. - Peoria, ILL) - - 6.5". Good++. (R1-26)
0441. 391N (Advance Thresher Co., Battle Creek, Mich. later Advance-Rumely Co.) - - 18" steam engine wrench. Has not been cleaned.
0442. 1-SE-727 (IHC) - - 26.5" IHC shop service wrench. Has not been cleaned.
Lot of Two:
(1.) 841 (Brown Mfg Co) - - 8.25" Good++. (R3-35)
(2.) W 102 (orphan) - -10" oddball. Not cleaned, some pitting. (not listed, no info)
0444. PARKER PLOW CO (Richmond, Indiana) - - 9.5" Good++. (R1-369)
0445. 1823C / Case Eagle Logo (Case T. M. Co.) - - 24" doe for Case Steam Engines. Eagle Logo on reverse variation. As found, not cleaned. (R1-81)
0446. 379 / S. B. C. P. CO. (in logo) (South Bend Chilled Plow Co, South Bend, Indiana) / 139 - - 9" with hammer head. Good++, logo faintly marked as usual. (R1-429)
0447. WEBER - - 10.25". Cast aluminum. Real oddball with six openings. Good++. (R1-484, no info)
PiCs Lots 436 thru 4470448. AMPCO W30 - - 25" Beryllium wrecking or crow bar. Excellent (List Price: $188.50)
0449. W58S -AMPCO - AL BR - - 15" Aluminum-Bronze universal bung wrench. Like new, not used. (List Price: $103.20)
0450. W84 - AMPCO - BERYLLIUM - USA - - 14" Beryllium heavy double open ended wrench (1-7/16" by 1-5/8"). Good++ with owner's id "SOD".
0451. 12 IN. AMPCO - W73 - - 12" Crescent type Beryllium wrench. Good+ with some dings. (List Price: $173.75)
0452. 5120-264-3794-ALBR - 12 IN - USA / SCHICK - - 12" Aluminum-Bronze Crescent type wrench with a military stock number. Good+.
0453. 12 IN. AMPCO - W73 - - 12" Crescent type Beryllium wrench . Good++. (List Price: $173.75)
0454. Unmarked - - 13" brass double claw hammer with wooden handle. Excellent , like new. (maker not known, no info found)
0455. 1430 - PLOMB - LAS ANGLES (with torch? logos) - - 11.5" brass double faced hammer. Good with serious dings, well used.
0456. Unmarked - - 13.25" brass claw hammer with wooden handle. Good, with dings.
0457. Unmarked - - 10.5" brass round headed double faced hammer with wooden handle. Shop made?
0458. Unmarked - - 9.75" brass quick adjust rack type wrench. Excellent.
0459. AMPCO - - 8.5" Beryllium Stillson type pipe wrench. Good++.
0460. Unmarked - -6.75" brass older looking Crescent type adjustable wrench with angled shaft. Good++.
0461. W152 - BERYLCO - USA - - 6" Beryllium Crescent type wrench. Good++. (New Price: $77.96)
Lot of Two:
(1.) Unmarked - - 4: small, neat brass open ended wrench and screwdriver tool. Excellent.
(2.) Marked only with a shield logo on wooden handle - - 7.5" brass bladed putty knife. Good++.
0463. SINCE 1878 - MACHINERY-EQUIPMENT - ALAMO-IRON WORKS (same markings both sides) - - 6.25" brass promotional hammer and bottle opener. excellent, like new. Company History Web Site
0464.Unmarked - - 8" brass single open ended (at 90 degrees) wrench. Crude, Good+.
0465. W80 - AMPCO - U.SA / N. B. P. CO. - - 7.75"" double open ended Beryllium wrench (7/8" by 15/16")
0466. W161 - AMPCO - USA - - 10.5" single open ended Beryllium, wrench. Serious dings.
0467. W151 - 5/8 U.S.S - 1/2 U.S.S / BERRYLCO - - 11" doe Beryllium wrench (1" by 7/8"). Good+ with owner's id "IOP -S272"
PiCs Lots 448 thru 4670468. Unmarked - - 8" brass or Beryllium Ridgid style pipe wrench. Excellent, polished
0469. Marked only 3581 - - 8" all brass Coes type monkey wrench. Good+ with some dings.
0470. P510 - BERYLCO - BE CU - - 9.5" Beryllium groove joint water pump type pliers. Excellent. (New price: $124.31)
0471. W71 -8" - AMPCO - ALBR - - 8" Aluminum-Bronze Crescent type wrench. Good++, jaw is stuck. (New price: $74.52)
0472. W3150 - AMPCO - USA / 5/8 - ALBR _ 9/16 - - 9.5" Aluminum-Bronze double box end wrench. Excellent. (New price $70.83)
0473. W991B - 5/8 / BERYLCO - BECU - 9/16 - - 9.25" Beryllium double box end wrench. Exceptional high relief markings. Excellent. (New price: $47.96)
0474. W141R / AMPCO - ALBR - with a FM in a diamond logo - 1808560-2 (National Stock Number) - - 10" Aluminum-Bronze 1/2" female drive ratchet. Excellent. (New price: $263.25
0475. W71 - AMPCO - 8" / MADE IN USA - - 8" Beryllium Crescent type wrench. Good with some dings.
0476. W71 -8" - AMPCO - ALBR - - 8" Aluminum-Bronze Crescent type wrench. Good++, jaw is stuck. (New price: $74.52)
0477. AMPCO - W210 and BECU (on jaw insert) - - 8" Beryllium Ridgid style pipe wrench. Excellent. (New price: $219.50)
0478.. Unmarked - - 8" brass or Beryllium Ridgid style pipe wrench. Excellent, polished.
0479. THE H. D. SMITH & CO. - TRIPLE LEVER - PATENTED (same markings on both handles and blade tip) Tip is also marked PAT. AUG. 8, 1911 - - 9." knife type wood handled screwdriver that can be locked in three different positions. Patented 8-8-1911 by William Thomson of Plantsville, Conn. Good++ except blade tip has been ground, some weak markings on blade tip. PAT.
0480. THE H. D. SMITH & CO.- 8" IN / PERFECT HANDLE - PATENTED - - 8" straight handle Crescent type wrench. Patents by William S. Thomson of Plantsville, Conn. of May 13, 1913 and Jan. 15, 1915 apply. Good+, minor dings. (S306) PAT
0481. THE H. D. SMITH & CO.- 6 IN / PERFECT HANDLE - PATENTED - - 6" straight handle Crescent type wrench. Same patents as those for Lot No. 490 are relevant. (S306) PAT
0482. THE H. D. SMITH & CO.- 6 IN / PERFECT HANDLE - PATENTED - - 6" "S" handle Crescent type wrench. Same patents as those for Lot No. 490 are relevant. Good+ with some minor dings, pitting. (S306) PAT
0483. RUSSWIN - REGISTERED PAT'D OCT. 30, 1900, JAN 15, 1901, FEB 26, 1901 - - 6" Perfect Handle type monkey wrench. Good++.
0484. THE H. D. SMITH & CO - PERFECT HANDLE"- PAT'D Oct. 30, 1900; Jan 15, 1901; and Feb 26, 1901 MADE IN USA - - 6" wood handled monkey wrench. Patents for the H. D. Smith monkey wrenches were issued to Amos Shepard and William Ward of Plantsville, Conn. Good+ PAT
0485. 3/4 - THE H. D. SMITH & CO. / PERFECT HANDLE PATENTED - - 11.25" open end wrench (1-/1/4" opening) with wooden knife type handle. Good+ with some pitting.
0486. 5/8 - THE H. D. SMITH & CO. / PERFECT HANDLE PATENTED - - 9.25" open end wrench (1-/1/16" opening) with wooden knife type handle. Good+ with some light pitting.
Lot of Three: Perfect Handle Type Screwdrivers
(1.) THE H. D. S. & CO. - PERFECT HANDLE - PAT. AUG 25. 03 - - 10".with square shank. Good+ with some handle dings.
(2.) GERMANY - - 4.75"
(3.) GERMANY and a S. D. Co. in a triangle logo - - 3.75".
0488. THE H. D. SMITH & CO. - 10 IN. / PERFECT HANDLE - PATENTED - - 10" Stillson type pipe wrench with wood knife type slab handles. Good++.
0489. THE H. D. SMITH & CO. - 8 IN. / PERFECT HANDLE - PATENTED - - 8" Stillson type pipe wrench with wood knife type slab handles. Good.
0490. Unmarked - - 10" Perfect Handle type ball peen hammer. Replaced wooden slabs, rivets replaced with screws, pitting.
0491. THE H. D. SMITH & CO. - ORIGINAL PERFECT HANDLE TOOLS - PLANTSVILLE, CONN. USA - - 10" monkey wrench. Good++.
PiCs Lots 468 thru 4910492. Mossberg Socket Set - - Thirty piece ratchet and socket set in wooden case. Ratchet is marked MOSSBERG NO. 250 - PAT. NOV. 11. 1913. Not cleaned, few parts missing. PAT
0493. Ignition Wrench Set - - Six ignition wrenches marked CORNWELL in a cloth pouch. Good+, not cleaned, one wrench missing?
0494. Ratchet and Socket Set - - Thirty-two piece set in a wooden case with ratchet marked INDESTRO MFG. CO. - CHICAGO USA. Not cleaned.
0495. Lot of Three: Hex Drive Socket Sets in Metal Holders.. One Indestro, one Duro and one unmarked.
0496. CRESCENT SOCKET SET LMB14 - - Fourteen piece 1/4" drive ratchet and socket set in metal case. Good++.
Lot of Two:
(1.) Eleven sockets marked RAY on a wooden dowel
(2.) Unmarked extended double hex socket - - 13".
0498. LANE UNIQUE RATCHET WRENCH SUPER-UNIQUE SET (label on inside of lid) - - Ratchet with fifteen sockets in wooden case. Ratchet was patented Jan. 14, 1908 by James P. Bartholomay of Roxbury, Mass. Good+, not cleaned. PAT
0499. WALDEN WORCHESTER WRENCHES - NO. 16 COMBINATION WRENCH SET (on brass plate on lid). - - ratchet, universal, two ratchet drivers and thirteen sockets. Ratchet was patented June 20, 1922 by Warren S. Bellows of Worcester, Mass. Missing a couple sockets?, not cleaned. PAT
PiCs Lots 492 thru 4990500. IHC / 770E - - 10" with CUTOUT IHC logo A hubcap wrench for International Harvester's early high wheel autos and trucks. Guaranteed original not one of the phony recasts. Pitted. (R1-256)
0501. NOXON (CUTOUT letters) / L234 (Noxon Brothers of Ingersol, Ontario, Canada) - - 8" CUTOUT. Pitted, part number not readable. (R1-355)
0502. NOXON (CUTOUT letters) / H90 (Noxon Brothers of Ingersol, Ontario, Canada) - - 8.5" CUTOUT. Looks like it has been polished. (R1-355)
0503. OXO (CUTOUT letters) / L234 (Noxon Brothers of Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada) - - 8" CUTOUT. Same wrench as the Noxon L234 without the two N's. Wrench mounted on the tool box that has the N's. Good+. (R1-256)
0504. OXO (CUTOUT letters) H90 (Noxon Brothers of Ingersol, Ontario, Canada) - - 8.5" CUTOUT. Same wrench as the Noxon H90 without the two N's. Wrench mounted on the tool box that has the N's. Good+. (R356)
0505. LITCHFIELD (CUTOUT letters) M437 (Litchfield Mfg. Co., Waterloo, Iowa) - - 7" very rare number variation of the Litchfield cutout wrench, most are S437. Only second one we have had to sell. and it was also broken. One jaw is broken off, pitting. (R1-299)
0506. MOFFAT'S (CUTOUT LETTERS) - STOVES - - 10" CUTOUT stove lid lifter. First one I have seen. Excellent with plated finish.
0507. BUFFALO PITTS (PITTS in CUTOUT letters) CO, NY - (also on the IHC Tool List) - - 10". CUTOUT. Pitted. (R1-68)
0508. COMET (CUTOUT LETTERS) -121C (Peter Hamilton Mfg. Co., Ontario, Canada) - - 6.75" CUTOUT. With part number variation. Good++. (R-111)
0509. COMET (CUTOUT LETTERS (Peter Hamilton Mfg. Co., Ontario, Canada) - - 6.75" CUTOUT. No part number Pitting. Good++. (R-111)
0510. VERITY 3 (all in CUTOUT letters) (Verity Plow Co / Massey-Harris) - - 6.25" Rarest of the known Verity cutout wrenches. Pitting. (R1-471)
0511. VERITY (CUTOUT letters) / P61 - - 6" CUTOUT. (Verity Plow Co/Massey-Harris) Painted. (R1-472)
0512. VERITY (CUTOUT letters) / P61 - - 6" CUTOUT. (Verity Plow Co/Massey-Harris) Pitted. (R1-472)
0513. IRON AGE )CUTOUT letters) - E39 (Bateman Mfg., Madison, Ohio) - - 8.5" CUTOUT with hammer head. Good++ (R1-260)
0514. REX (CUTOUT letters) - PAT. AUG. 6. 95. - - 5.25"" cast shoe polish brush handle. No can opener variation. Patent granted to William R. Derr of Baltimore, Maryland. Painted.
0515. PLANET JR (in cutout letters). / K48 - - 5" CUTOUT. Smallest of the Planet Jr. cutouts Pitting. (R380)
PiCs Lots 500 thru 5150516. PLANET JR (in cutout letters). / K48 / U.S.A. - - 5" CUTOUT. Smallest of the Planet Jr. cutouts. Rarer marked U.S.A. variation. Good++ with traces of original paint. (R380)
0517. P & O (CUTOUT letters) / 1338 (Parlin & Orendorff, IHC) - - 6" CUTOUT (numbers on back side variation) Pitting. (R1-370)
0518. UNIVERSAL (CUTOUT letters) - E12 (Ames Plow Co. - Worcester and Ayer, Mass.) - - 5" CUTOUT. Marked with part number variation. Good+. (R1-466)
0519. GRANITE STATE (Hinsdale, New Hampshire) - - 5". Smallest of the CUTOUT wrenches. Good + with some light pitting. (R1-207)
0520. BLACKHAWK (CUTOUT letters) (Sechler / Oliver) - - 7.5" CUTOUT. With stud variant. Some pitting.
0521. BLACKHAWK (CUTOUT letters) (Sechler / Oliver) - - 7.5" CUTOUT. No stud variant. Pitting.
0522. DEERE (in cutout letters) A196-A - - 8" CUTOUT with part number running down along side of large square box end variant. Good++, painted (D161, R1-131)
0523. BUCKEYE - - 9.5" double headed malleable nut wrench with two sizes of Crescent looking wrenches but adjusted by loosening a wing nut and sliding jaw into position. Excellent. Has been chrome plated, very shiny.
0524. FORDSON - THE KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY USA - 10 INCH NO 80 - - 10.25" curved handle Crescent type wrench, Fordson Tractor tool box wrench. Has been chrome plated, very shiny.
0525.DEERE (CUTOUT letters - - 8". Good++. Has been chrome plated, very shiny.
0526. BLACKHAWK (CUTOUT letters) (Sechler / Oliver) - - 7.5" CUTOUT. With stud variant. Good++. Has been chrome plated, very shiny.
0527. C9 - IRON AGE (CUTOUT letters) (A. B. Farquhar, York, PA and Bateman Mfg. Grenloch, NJ) - - 6.25" CUTOUT with small hammer head. Smaller square box end variant. Good+. (R!-260)
PiCs Lots 516 thru 5270528. PAT SEPT 20, 1921 - HANDEHAND - TRADEMARK - MFD. BY H & E WRENCH CO. NEW BEDFORD, MASS.- - 10.25" helical screw quick adjust hex nut wrench. Patentees were Edwin J. Evans and George E. Hemphill both of Salt Lake City, Utah. Good++. (S496). PAT.
0529. PAT SEPT 20, 1921 - HANDEHAND - TRADEMARK - MFD. BY H & E WRENCH CO. NEW BEDFORD, MASS.- - 10.25" helical screw quick adjust like Lot 528 above but straight jaw version. Good++. (S496). PAT.
0530. Marked only No. 1 - - 10.25" lever adjusted pipe wrench. Patent was granted to Alson W. Freeman of Fullerton, NE on Jun. 23, 1896, Rare Nebraska wrench in an even rarer small size, Excellent. PAT
0531. PAT'D AUG. 6, '78 - - 7". Henry Hill of Moline, IL. patented this screw adjust malleable nut wrench with a hammer head. .Rare small size in Good++ condition. (S958, C166) PAT
0532. Marked only PAT APPL'D FOR - - 10" self adjusting alligator wrench with spring loaded upper jaw and a screwdriver extension on end of handle. Similar to the Gregory Wrench. Good++. (S672)
0533. PAT'D AUG. 6, '78 - - 9.25" size of Hill's patented all malleable screw adjust nut wrench. See Lot 531 for patent info. Poor, sand blasted, adjustment nut is modern hex nut replacement. (S958, C166)
0534. RED DIAMOND (script) - - 8" Coes type monkey wrench with knife type wooden handles. Red Diamond was a house brand name used by Masbach (or Masback) Hardware Co. in New York City from 1910 until 1974.This is the only second time I have listed a tool with this markings. The first was one this very wrench sold at the 2010 Doug Busch auction. Excellent.
0535. W & B CO.- MADE IN USA with Whitman & Barnes' diamond logo - PAT. APR. 19, 98 - - 9.25" Knife type wood handled center adjust wrench with reversible serrated lower jaw inserts. Design patent for the jaw inserts was issued to Henry J. Martin of Chicago. Good+. (S864) PAT.
0536. Unmarked - - 4" jaws that when bolted on a nut type monkey wrench allows it to be used as a pipe wrench. Advertised as the "Yankee Pipe Jaw". One thumbscrew is not original, otherwise excellent (see S620 for jaws on a monkey wrench)
0537. Unmarked - - 3" adjustable bit adapter? for a female hex drive ratchet. Good+. (not listed, no info found)
0538. W & B -MADE IN USA with diamond logo / 2 (Whitman &: Barnes) - - 6.75" double ended alligator wrench. W & B's No. 2 size alligator wrench with Excellent, shiny nickel plating.
Lot of Two:
(1.) ACME (in a diamond logo) PAT FEB 27, 83 - - 5" pre Whitman & Barnes Acme twist handle wrench. Good+, jaws slightly sprung..
(2.) Marked only DAV (with a jester logo) - - 5.75" self adjust nut wrench Should read "DAVID". Excellent. (not listed, no info)
0540. LOWE'S PATENT APRIL 10TH, 1894 / MADE BY BILLINGS & SPENCER (with the "B" in a triangle logo) - - 5.25" complex little wrench with a bottom knurled adjusting nut and a lever that operates a wedge for final tightening. Patent was issued to James A. Lowe of North Branch, NJ. Good with pitting on one side. (S111-bottom) PAT
0541. Unmarked - - 7.5" double jawed English Coach type wrench with octagon wooden handle. Excellent.
Lot of Two:
(1.) GRIP N STIK - 707 DOVER, O - PAT APR 13, 24 - - Similar to Eifel Flash Plierench but considerably rarer. Actual patent date is May 13, 1924 and was issued to Karl Potschner of Dover, Ohio. Good+. (S263)
(2.) WILDE - KC, MO (in a shield logo) - WRENCH CO. - PAT. PEND. - - 8" water pump type pliers with decorative rope patterned handles. Wilde moved from Kansas City to Hiawatha, Kansas in 1955. Good++.
0543. DUDLY TOOL CO. - MENOMINEE, MICH - PAT. MAY 29, 94 - - 3" X 1" bicycle spoke or nipple wrench. Patented by Albert Dudly of Menominee, Mich. Good++ but set screw is a replacement slotted head screw.. (S110) PAT
0544. WOLVERINE PAT JUNE 1, 09 - - 6.75" alligator wrench with a sliding tee handle and a head that rotates 360 degrees. Pat. by John Drake of Decatur, Illinois as a nut wrench. Good++. (S88, C120) PAT
0545. Marked only PATS PENDG on tool handle shafts and size designations on jaws - - Two 8.75" handles (one straight and one with angled end), eight open end interchangeable jaws and one alligator jaw. Looks like the Xcel Socket Wrench Set mfg. by Park Metalware Co. of Orchard Park, NY. and patented by John Zilliox of Orchard Park, NY on Aug. 23, 1927. Good++. PAT
0546. POLLOCK'S "AUTOMATIC" PATENT PENDING - WISCONSIN STAMPED STEEL CO. - MADISON, WIS. - - 9"all metal rack type quick adjust nut and pipe wrench. Also found with Steg. Brg. Co, or Pollock Automatic Wrench Co. maker markings. Charles V. Pollock of Galesburg, Illinois was issued a Canadian patent on Sept. 29, 1908, an American patent has not been found. Good++. pipe jaw attachment not included. (S707) PAT
0547. WAKEFIELD WRENCH - MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS USA / NO. 8 - PAT SEPT 4, 1900 - - 6.25" motorcycle type wrench. Patented by John E. Wakefield of Worcester, Mass. same wrench usually found marked Indian Motocycles. Good+. (S124) PAT.
0548. DELAVAN NOZZLE CHANGER - - 5" double socket with two handles to hold one nut while turning another. Good++.
0549. LITTLE GIANT 14" PAT FEB-4-1913 / GREENFIELD, MASS. MADE IN USA (with a GTD logo) - - 14" pipe wrench with four way jaw settings. Patented by Addison B. Carll of Boothwyn, Penn. (he also had the patent for the Carll reversible jaw Crescent type wrenches). Good++ (S600) PAT
PiCs Lots 528 thru 5490550. ECK-ALARM - HERMANN WEGFRHOFF - CHROM-VAN 1-1/2" / GERMANY - -17" all metal adjustable plier type wrench with threaded lower handle with a knurled nut that adjusts the jaw opening. Has a rubber sleeve over end of threaded handle. Good++.
0551. BAHCO - No. 92 - MADE IN SWEDEN / ENKOPINGS - M.V.A.B. - - 16" all metal adjustable plier type wrench with threaded lower handle with a knurled nut that adjusts the jaw opening. Good++.
0552. VBW - NH4 - NR111 - 1" / D.R.G.M. - CHROM-VANADIUM - - 12.75" all metal adjustable plier type wrench with threaded lower handle with a knurled nut that adjusts the jaw opening. Good++.
0553. BAHCO - 91 - MADE IN SWEDEN / ENKOPINGS - M.V.A. - 11.25"" all metal adjustable plier type wrench with threaded lower handle with a knurled nut that adjusts the jaw opening. Good++ with some jaw serration chips.
0554. BAHCO - 91 - MADE IN SWEDEN / A/B - B. A. HJORTH - STOCKHOLM - - 11.25"" all metal adjustable plier type wrench with threaded lower handle with a knurled nut that adjusts the jaw opening. Good++ with owner's id "REED".
0555. Unmarked - - 8.5" all metal turn the handle to adjust coach type wrench with hammer head and octagon handle. Good+.
0556. Unmarked - - 10" double jaw Acme twist handle type with pipe and nut jaws. Good
0557. SAM'L HALL'S SON - NEW YORK, USA - 10 IN / PAT'D USA & ENG. MAR. 13, - PATENTED 1894 - CANADA MAY 9 - - 19.75" combination nut and pipe wrench. Patented by Charles Hall of New York. Good+. (S1081, C155) PAT.
0558. NO 1 - SHAFFER WRENCH / PATENT PENDING - - 10" double jaw nut and pipe wrench with adjusting nut at end of handle, Patented 10-26-1909 by Daniel Shaffer of Chattanooga, Oklahoma. . Good, has not been cleaned. (S578) PAT.
0559. LACHEZE (with lion head logo) - - 12" Clyburn spanner style Crescent type wrench with offset, curved handle. Good+. (like S758)
0560. ANY ANGLE WRENCH - PATENT 1916 - LIMA., O. USA / DROP FORGED STEEL - - 8.5" Crescent type adjustable wrench with an adjustable angle head. Mfg. by Atco Wrench Co. and patented by Ramson Bovee 11-21-1916. Good+, not cleaned. (S311) PAT
0561. 14 - CRAFTSMAN / MADE IN USA - - 13" screw adjust pipe wrench with patterned hand grip handle. Good++..
0562. Unmarked (Reed Mfg. Co., Erie, PA) - - 5.5" turn handle to adjust nut wrench with bulbous handle. Good with some hammer damaged on top edge.
0563. Unmarked - - 5" Crescent type adjustable wench with an open loop handle. Someone's nicely done modification? Excellent.
0564. HOE CORP.- POUGHKEEPSIE, NY / Patented Feb 21 - 1922 - 6 - - 6.5" wood handled self adjust nut and pipe wrench with spring loaded jaws. Patented by Frederic Robert of Lynnbrook, Long Island, NY. Good++. (S361) PAT.
0565. Unmarked - - 5.5" all metal center screw adjust nut wrench, eight sided handle with ball end. Good+.
0566. Unmarked - - 6.5" Cronk type quick adjust with sliding nut jaw and a hex box wrench. Poor, pitted, replaced slide knob. PAT.
0567. Bonsa / D.R.G.M 146827 - REGISTERED - - 6" knife type wood handle quick adjust nut wrench with a sliding lower jaw and set screw. This wrench was Lot No. 139 on the 2011 Doug Busch Auction. Good++. (not listed, no info)
0568. Unmarked - - 7.75" Cronk type quick adjust with sliding nut jaw and three open end wrenches. Poor, pitted, replaced slide knob. PAT.
0569. NACO - PAT 1919 - - 7.25" comb. pliers, cutter with screwdriver end. Pliers has an unusual screw adjustment to set the jaw opening. Patent was issued to Dan B. Swickard of Galva, ILL. on Oct. 28, 1919. Good with several dings. (S248) PAT.
PiCs Lots 550 thru 5690570. P & C (Peterson and Carlborg) - 1234 - MFG. USA - PAT. No. 2600512 - - 7.75" different groove joint pliers. Patented by Homer A. Mead of Turlock, Calif. I think there are four or five different manufactures of this pliers. Lightly scratched initials "M. W." indicate that this came from the collection of Marvin Wullweber. Good+ with plated finish. (S234) PAT
0571. Unmarked - - 3.75" center screw adjust nut wrench with skeleton handle and brass adjusting nut. Advertised in 1897 by Peck, Stow & Wilcox as the "Star Bicycle Wrench". Good+. (S104)
0572. GERMANY PATENT - HEBA / GERMANY - - 8.5" adjustable plier wrench with a screwdriver end. Similar the Footprint pliers but with a center screw adjustment. Good++. like S594)
0573. STEPHENS WRENCH / PAT'D DEC 21, 09 - - 9.5" rotating head open end wrench with 5/8" jaw insert. Patented by Harry E. Stephens of Elgin, Illinois. Good++. PAT.
0574. G & J MF'G Co Chicago / C. E. BILLINGS PAT'D FEB 18TH 1879 (with a ruler scale on shaft) - - 5" center screw adjust bicycle wrench with an unique bulbous loop end. Evidently made exclusively for Gormully & Jeffery Mfg. Co. of Chicago, early manufacturer of Rambler bicycles. Patent was issued to Charles E. Billings of Hartford, Conn. and was the basis for several of Billing & Spencer's early adjustable wrenches and later copied by other wrench manufacturers after the patent expired. Good+. (S857) PAT
0575. HEYCO NO. 29 - - 7" specialty pliers similar to Eifel pliers with thin curved jaw ends. Excellent. (not listed)
0576. P. S. & W. CO. (Peck, Stow & Wilcox) - PAT JUNE 30, 96 (Wright Wrench) - - 6" all metal screw adjust pipe wrench with two piece lower jaw assembly. Patented and originally manufactured by Edward Wright and later by Peck, Stow & Wilcox. Scarce 6" size. Good Plus (S642) PAT
0577. An unmarked example of the Chauffeurs Universal Wrench made by Goodell-Pratt of Greenfield, Mass, - 6.75" lever operated quick adjust wrench that was advertised for use on both square and hex nuts and round rods. Patented May 29, 1923 by George W. Cary of Greenfield, Mass. Good Plus. (S888) PAT
0578. 11" female hex drive cast ratchet marked PATENTED MARCH 10, 1914 and a CH logo), 9.5" extension and nine sockets, All mounted on pegboard. Excellent.. PAT
0579. GOLDSMITH & SMITH - PAT'D NOV. 3, 1863 - - 6.5" early cast Civil War era hog catcher. Patent titled "Implement for Catching Swine" was issued to Louis Goldsmith and Noah Gregory, Jr. of Goshen, New York. Good+ with some light pitting, the wooden handle is not included. PAT
0580. CORMANY MFG. CO. - 1 - CHICAGO, ILL / PAT OCT 22 - 94 - - 6" patented combination locking clevis and pin. Patent was granted to August Morganfield of Ogden, Kansas. Made in at least two sizes. Good+. PAT
0581. Unmarked - - 7.75" clevis with threaded wrench-pin. Good++.
0582. Unmarked - - 6.5" antique automatic glazing point tool. Loaded with glazing points and ready to go to work. Good++.
0583. Unmarked - - 9.25" knife with wooden slab handles and a serrated offset blade. Owner id as a gain bundle twine knife. An internet search only turned up one other and the owner didn't know what it was. An "Improved Band Knife" with these features is listed in a 1894 Whitman & Barnes catalog. See patent No. 116,027 issued Jun. 20, 1871 for a similar band knife. Good++. PAT
0584. PAT. MAY. 8, 1877 - - 7.75" cast bundle wire cutter Patent for this "Wire-Band-Cutting Implement" was issued to Charles H. Chadbouen of Rochester, Minnesota. This rare farm tool was used to cut and hold the wire ties on bundles of wheat, etc. before they were fed to the threshing machine. Good+, some weak markings. PAT
0585. AUG. 10, 1915 - - 8.5" hog anti-rooting instrument for "severing the cord on the bridge of a hog's nose" Patent was granted to Henry M. Sheer of Quincy, Illinois. Excellent. PAT
PiCs Lots 570 thru 5850586. INDIAN MOTOCYCLES - HENDEE MFG CO - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. USA - WAKEFIELD WRENCH NO. 17 - MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS - - 7" side adjust motorcycle wrench with solid handle. One of the rarer Indian Motocycle adjustable wrenches. Good+ with some jaw edge dings. (not in Schulz). (S124)
0587. INDIAN MOTOCYCLES - HENDEE MFG CO - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. USA - WAKEFIELD WRENCH WORCESTER, MASS / NO. 8 - PAT SEPT 4, 1900 - - 6.25". Indian Motorcycle wrench. Side adjust. with hollow handle. Wakefield wrench was patented by John E. Wakefield of Worcester, Mass. Good+ with a spot of corrosion. (S124) PAT.
0588. CHARLES W. MANZELL CO. - BUFFALO, NY )- PAT APL'D FOR - - 4.75" automobile leaf spring greaser. Patent was issued to Charles W. Manzel of Buffalo, NY on 10-17-1916 and a design patent on 2-5-1918. Good+ with some dings. PAT and PAT
0589. Marked only 1517 - - 5.25" special pliers for adjusting Steeldraulic brakes used on Auburn, Buick, Hupmobile, and other early automobiles. Good++.
0590. SCHRADER BALLOON TIRE GAUGE - Pat MAR. 25, 1916. - FEB. 4, 1922 - April 10, 1923 - - 2.75" brass cylinder type tire gauge. Good+ with some wear marks on cylinder.
0591. SCHRADER BALLOON TIRE GAUGE - Pat Nov 25, 1916, April 10, 1923 - OTHER PAT. PEND. - - 3.75" brass cylinder type tire gauge. Good++.
0592. HOUK MFG CO - 4 - BUFFALO NY / 6224 - - 13.5" wire wheel hub wrench.. Excellent. (R1-240)
0593. K and a horizontal J (Maxwell) - - 12.75" early Maxwell auto hubcap wrench. Good+.
0594. J.M.N (J. N. Macdonald & Co - Weathersfield, Conn.) - PAT. JULY 26,'10 - - 9.5" tire chain pliers. Patented by John N. Macdonald of Hartford, Conn. Excellent.
0595. PAZZANO / PAT. NO. 19027 - MADE IN USA - - 8.25" battery pliers. Patented by Frederick F. Pazzano of Waltham, Mass. on Feb. 21, 1933 and reissued on Dec. 19, 1933. Excellent.. PAT
0596. W. E. ROSEL - COL. O. / 6 IN 1 TOOL - PATD JULY 22, 1919 - -7.5" cast combination tool advertised as "a tool Ford Model "T" owners cannot be without". For spark plugs and several other adjustments; ignition gap gauge, screwdriver and alligator wrench. Design patent was granted to William E. Rosel of Columbus, Ohio. Excellent.. PAT
Lot of Three: Early Automotive Tools
(1.) FORD (script) / McKraig-Hatch logo - - 6.5" slip joint pliers with screwdriver end. Some pitting./
(2.) Marked only with McKraig-Hatch logos - - 6.25" slip joint pliers (for early Chevys?) Good++.
(3.) REVERSE GEAR WRENCH with BONNEY logo] /11/16 - 5/8 - 100 F - - 8.75" double open doe wrench with one end offset. Good++.
Lot of Four: Early Ford Automotive Wrenches
(1.) Marked only H - - 8.5" Ford Model "T" hubcap wrench.
(2.) FORD (script) / B in an oval logo - -5.25" double open end.
(3.) FORD (script) - - 5.25" double open end. Early wide type.
(4.) 2336 (with Herbrand's "H" in a diamond logo) / HERBRAND (in script) - FREMONT, O - - 12.5" Ford after market wrench advertised in a Herbrand Catalog as fitting "over 65 different nuts on Ford cars" including fourth connecting rod, cylinder head and sparkplug. Good++.
Lot of Two: Shop Made Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked - - 11.75" neat double open end-S wrench.
(2.) Marked only G. E. MALL - - 12.75 single open ended wrench.
0600. BRADLEY'S WONDER (in cutout letters) D99 (David Bradley Mfg, Bradley, ILL ) - - 14.5" with CUTOUT letters, one square box variant. Large, rare cutout with striking graphics. Always at the top of cutout wrench collector's wanted lists. According to my recollection the record high for this wrench at auction is $2,400. Good++ with some very light pitting or casting roughness, few minor dings, zealously cleaned. (R1-126)
0601. UNIVERSAL (in cutout letters) E12 (Ames Plow Co. - Worcester and Ayer, Mass.) - - 5" CUTOUT. Marked with part number variation. Excellent. (R1-466)
0602. ZENITH (in cutout letters) - 490 / TH (Unknown origin) - - 10" cutout. Same shape wrench as Blount (R1-58TR). RARE Cutout in Excellent condition. (R1-502)
0603. CASADAY (in cutout letters) (South Bend Chilled Plow CO.) - - 11.5" CUTOUT. One of the most desirable, largest, and most impressive looking of all the cutout wrenches. At Al Schulz's first auction in October of 1996 several of the long time wrench collectors came close to cardiac arrest when his cutout Casaday became the first $1000 wrench, recent sales have been much higher. Overall uniform pitting, painted. (R1-429)
0604. GALE (in cutout letters) G8 (Gale Mfg. Co. Albion, Michigan) - - 5.75". Rare little CUTOUT wrench that hardly ever shows up. Only second one we have had to list. Good++, painted. (R1-193)
0605. ESTATE (in cutout letters) / 38 - - 10" malleable stove lifter with CUTOUT letters.
Lot of Two: Blackhawk CUTOUT Wrenches
(1.) BLACKHAWK (in cutout letters) (Sechler / Oliver) - - 7.5" CUTOUT. No stud variant. Pitting. (R2-36)
(2.) BLACKHAWK (in cutout letters) (Sechler / Oliver) - - 7.5" CUTOUT. With stud variant. Excellent. (R2-36)
0607. AMES (in cutout letters) (Ames Plow Co. - Boston, Mass. and Norfolk NY) - - 9" rare cutout wrench. Good+ with light pitting or casting roughness, painted. (R1-18)
0608. PLANET JR. / H4 (in cutout letters) - - 8" CUTOUT. Large, scarce Planet Jr. wrench with double hammers Some light pitting, painted. (R1-380)
0609. DEERE (in cutout letters) A196-A - - 8" CUTOUT with part number running down along side of large square box end variant. Excellent. (D161, R1-131)
0610. A196 - DEERE (in cutout letters) - U - - 8" CUTOUT . Part number above the small open end variant. Good++. (D157, R1-131)
0611. ABF - York PA (in cutout letters) (A. B. Farquhar, York, Penn.) - - 6.5" CUTOUT with hammer head. Pitting, (R1-176)
0612. PLANET JR (in cutout letters) - K152 - - 6.5" CUTOUT with small hammer head. Hard to find Planet Jr. Pitted, painted.. (R2-235)
0613. PLANET JR (in cutout letters). / K48 - - 5" CUTOUT. Smallest of the Planet Jr. cutouts Excellent. (R380)
PiCs Lots 600 thru 6130614. PAT. OCT 20. 1903 - MADE BY COES WRENCH CO. - COES (stylized logo) - KEY MODEL TRADEMARK (with key logo) - - 38" (36" Model) combination screw and wedge adjust nut wrench. Loring Coes last wrench patent. The little brother to the six foot model we sold at the last Spring Auction for $16,000. Good++. (HP60, S854-1/2) PAT
0615. OTC - OWATONNA TOOL CO. - OWATONNA, MINN. (can't read all of the markings). - MAX. 2-7/8 / B93 - - 23.75" extra large wrench with jaws that can be adjusted by placing a bolt in one of eight different holes. Pitting.. (S518)
0616. unmarked - - 25" crude shop made key type adjustable wrench.
0617. Unmarked - - 21" Whitman & Barnes Acme type twist handle adjustable wrench. As found with a weld repair, needs cleaning. Rarest size wrench of Acme twist handles. Patented on Feb. 27, 1883 by Frederick B. Seymour of Detroit, Mich. PAT
0618. PLOMB (with arrow logos) - 1-7/8 USS (2-5/16) 2647SW - - 16" heavy duty slug wrench. Good++.
PiCs Lots 614 thru 6180619. Unmarked CRESSEY - PAT MAR, 1876 (weak markings) - - 24" all metal variant of the Cressey pipe wrench. Patented by Isaiah Cressey of Gloucester, Mass. on Mar. 07, 1876. Extra large rare early wrench. Of the few examples of this wrench I have seen this is the first one that has the factory hole through the lower jaw assembly. Good+ with some light pitting. (S595, C111) PAT.
Lot of Three:
(1.) M. WOCHER & SON - - 24" large extracting forceps? with removable handles. Max Wocher & Son were in business from 1840 to 1900 in Cincinnati, Ohio. some areas of pitting.
(2.) Unmarked - - 25" shop made? log pike, Wooden handle is broken.
(3.) DR. RHINHART HANDY HOG HOLDER - PAT NOV 24, 1931 - 1833759 / GALESBURG, ILL. - - 21.5" malleable hog catcher. Good++, painted.
0621. LITTLE GIANT 14" PAT FEB-4-1913 / GREENFIELD, MASS. MADE IN USA (with a GTD logo) - - 14" pipe wrench with four way jaw settings. Patented by Addison B. Carll of Boothwyn, Penn. (he also had the patent for the Carll reversible jaw Crescent type wrenches). Good++ (S600) PAT
0622. LITTLE GIANT 8" PAT FEB-4-1913 / GREENFIELD, MASS. MADE IN USA (with a GTD logo) - - 8" pipe wrench with two way jaw settings. See Lot 921 above for patent info. Good++. (S600)
0623. EASTERBROOK ALLCARD AND WILD - SHHEFIELD - - 15" all metal turn handle to adjust coach wrench with hexagon handle. Good++.
0624. KWIKSET - A. G. PIPE PAT SEP 7, 26 - - 12.5" quick adjust rack type pipe wrench with a lever that controls the upper jaw. Patented by Carl, Emil, and Sigfred Bjornson from Bentley, Alberta, Canada. The A. and G. stands for Joe Adams and Archie Grey of Marshalltown, Iowa. Good+ with few spots of light pitting. (S686) PAT
0625. Marked only 8 IN - - 8" different small wedge-key adjust nut wrench. Excellent with original finish?
0626. LEVER WRENCH CO - DULUTH, MINN / HEIMBACK PATENT - - 10" quick adjust nut wrench with lever and rack teeth. Patented 6-8-1915 by Alton Heimbach of Duluth. Good+, painted. (S308) PAT
0627. 8 IN ELLIS / PAT NOV 8, 03 - - 6" Crescent type with pivoting head. The Nov. 8, 1903 patent has not been found, a patent granted to David Ellis of Chicago, Illinois on May 17, 1904 is probably the correct patent. Release knob is broken off (a couple of our machinists wrench club members can fix this) otherwise Good++, plated finish. (S308) PAT
0628. 628 with two Mossberg logos - - 10.5" open gear ratchet with long tapered reamer. Good+.
PiCs Lots 619 thru 6280629. P & O (CUTOUT letters) / 1338 (Parlin & Orendorff, IHC) - - 6" CUTOUT (numbers on back side variation). Good+. (R1-370)
0630. H4649 / IHC Logo - - 8.75". Marked on socket parallel to wrench shaft variation. Good++.(R1-x254)
0631. IH - 5449 - PROTO MFD USA - - 10" by 1/2" female drive ratchet. Excellent.
0632. 98D with a M in a shield logo (Le Roy Plow Co. - Le Roy, NY) - - 9". four openings and a hammer head. How did this get in here not an IHC wrench. (R2-165)
0633. 122B (IHC / Belle City Mfg. Co. / Racine Imp. Co.) - - 7". Some pitting. (R1-250, R2-242)
0634. DEERING / PAT SEP 7 97 - - 8.5" Vandegrift style all metal monkey wrench. Good+. (R1-139)
0635. 6849H SPARK PLUG (IHC) / D - - 8.5" double socket wrench. Painted. (R1-252)
0636. 21080-V (IHC) - - 12.5" double hex hub wrench. Excellent, painted. (R1-252)
0637. 22394V - IHC logo - - 10" cast hubcap wrench for early IHC trucks. all markings indented. Painted. (R1-252)
0638. 137-1/2E (IHC) - - 10" Early IHC truck hub wrench. Good++, painted. (R1-251)
0639. 22394VA - IHC logo - - 8.5" cast hubcap wrench for early IHC trucks. Number indented, logo raised. Painted.. (R1-252)
Lot of Two: IHC Aluminum Hubcaps. Both marked with an INTERNATIONAL logo.
(1.) 2-3/4" tall by 2-5/8" inside diameter. Good with some dings.
(2.) 1-3/4 tall" by 2-1/2" inside diameter. Good, with minor dings.
0641. 8824 (P & O, later IHC) - - 14" double socket. Painted.
0642. FA354 (IHC) - - 8" with stud and a large casting indention opposite side of the stud. Good++. (R2-145)
0643. DEERING (in a ledger plate logo) - PITMAN / D736 (later IHC) - - 5.5" pitman wrench. light pitting, over cleaned.
0644. DEERING - D736 (later IHC) / (reverse is blank) - - 5.5". Painted.
0645. PITMAN / D736 (IHC, originally William Deering & Co.) - - 5.5" pitman wrench. Scarce variation. Excellent.
0646. 237T (IHC) - - 6.5" scarce, heavy, cast double hex socket. Good+, rough casting.
0647. 407P - IHC logo - - 7" heavy cast double hex socket. Painted, some socket end dings.
0648. 5082T / A - - 6" double socket listed for early International Trucks and Gas Engines. No IHC logo variation. Painted. (R1-251)
PiCs Lots 629 thru 6480649. Gil Irps Clean Up Lot with a disassembled McCormick-Deering Sickle Grinder and several bolts, odds and ends, etc. The What's It with black paint is marked T712?.
0650. 204L / (IHC logo) - - 6" double square socket listed for McCormick-Deering Threshers, Huskers, Shredders. Markings indented variant. Good+. (R1-251)
0651. F354 C / IHC logo - - 7.75 ". Two square holes, all markings indented, logo on back variant. Good++.
0652. N411 - N411 (IHC No, N410) - - 7" cast shock tie. Numbers indented, logo raised variation. Painted.
0653. C264 - KEYSTONE (N is backwards) / KEYSTONE (Keystone Co, - Sterling, ILL / IHC) - - 7" with KEYSTONE on both sides and backwards or mirror image "N" variation. Rare wrench , first one we have had to sell. Good++.
0654. AP146 - 2 - IHC logo - - 9.25". Australian IHC wrench. All markings indented. Excellent .
0655. 7686A - IHC logo - - 6.25" open end with slot for a bar extension handle. Pitting.
0656. 6850H - OIL PAN CAP - RADIATOR CAP - WATER PUMP / VALVE CAP - IHC logo - - 11.75". Early 1920's International Truck wrench. Painted. (R1-252)
0657. CYLINDER & VALVE PLUG / PRIMER PLUG 93704 (Delco Light Co. - Dayton, Ohio - Also on the IHC Tool List) - - 10.5" Double box end variation. Good++, painted.
0658. CYLINDER & VALVE PLUG / PRIMER PLUG 93704 (with a "D" in a circle logo) (Delco Light Co. - Dayton, Ohio - Also on the IHC Tool List) - - 10.25" Double open end variation. Some pitting, over cleaned.
0659. PARIS (Paris Plow Co - Paris, Ontario, Canada, also on the IHC list ) / P - - 9.5" Emerson style, four opening variation. Good++, painted. (R1-368)
0660. 130H (IHC) - - 10.5". Hub cap wrench. Some pitting, . (R1-251)
0661. Unmarked (IHC No. 513812R1 or R2) - - 12.5" flat double opened wrench with a square hole in the center (to be used to bolt the wench to an International Sugar Beet Harvester). Good++, painted.
PiCs Lots 649 thru 661Also see Lots No.362 and 389 for other fencing tools
0662. MICH. WIRE FENCE CO. - 329- - 15.5" combination fence tool with an open wrench on the end. (looks like same tool as the Church Bros. tool - Smith's No. 97)
0663. JACOBS / PAT. 1966298 / JACOBS- - 13" combination claw hammer, splicing tool and staple puller. Patented July 10, 1934 by Nicholas M. Jacobs of Harlan, Iowa. Good+. (Smith No. 177) PAT
0664. PAT NOV 20, 94 - - 9.75" cast combination hammer with a staple puller claw, nail-pulling slot, wire splicing handle end, and wrench with multiple sizes under the staple claw. Patented by John H. Hebblethwaite of Rock Falls, Illinois and advertised as the Everlast. Good++. (Smith 178, S795) PAT
0665. DROP FORGED - PATENTED SEPT. 28, 1909 / MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. - - 8.75" all metal combination tool with hammer, pry bar, ruler markings, and a notched alligator type wrench. Patented by William Carr of Minneapolis. Good with some dings, end has been ground down. (S1044, C90) PAT
0666. INDIANA STEEL & WIRE CO. - MUNCIE, IND / PATENT APPLIED FOR - - 6.25" all brass wire splicing tool. Excellent. (Not in Smith's book)
0667. PATENT PENDING / GUARANTEED FORGED STEEL - - 11.5" comb. fencing tool including hatchet, hammer, alligator wrench, pliers, screwdriver, etc. Identical to ones found marked "Thomas M'fg. Co. - Dayton, Ohio". Good++ with excellent plated finish. (Smith No. 7, S801)
0668. Marked only "W1" (Kitselman) - - 9.5" combination fencing tool with hammer, staple puller and twisting jaws. Excellent. (Smith 84)
0669. FENCE MASTER - PAT. NO. 2462250 - - 10" combination fencing tool with a hammer, staple puller, nail claw, cutters, pliers, etc. Patent titled "Staple Puller" was issued to Howard David Andrews of Salinas, Calif. on Feb. 22, 1949. Excellent. (Smith 15, not in Schulz) PAT
0670. LITTLE QUEEN / PAT. PEND - - 8" combination fence stretcher, hammer, staple puller. Excellent. (Smith 231)
0671. ATOMIC - GLASKIN MFG - PAT PENDING - - 4.5" malleable cast combination saddle tool with hammer, fence tightener, nail claw, stable puller, etc. Patented Sept. 27, 1949 by James B. Glaskin of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Good++, rough casting (Smith 723) PAT
0672. ATOMIC - GLASKIN MFG - PAT PENDING - - 4.25" malleable cast combination saddle tool. Like Loa No. 871 above but slightly smaller. Good+.
0673. Unmarked - - 13.5" wooden handled claw hammer with a nail claw, staple puller and notches under the claw to be used as a alligator type nut wrench. Patented by John Hebblethwaite of Rock Falls, Illinois on Sep. 11, 1888. Advertised in the 1915 Sears & Roebuck catalog as the Fulton Utility Hammer. Good++, handle is probably a replacement. (S796) PAT
0674. Unmarked with leather sheath - - 13.75". United States Cavalry picket fence stake pin with claw and hammer heads. I have seen quite a few of these stakes but have never seen one with the leather sheath. This one has the sheath in almost excellent condition. (Smith 207)
PiCs Lots 662 thru 6740675. NEVER-STALL - MATHEWS DAYTON, OHIO /PATENTED - DROP FORGED STEEL - - 10.25" combination tool with adjustable wrench, pliers, sc/dr, nail claw, etc. Made at various times by Mathews, Forshee Mfg, and Thomas Mfg. Co. all of Dayton, Ohio. Good+. (S818, C213)
0676. Unmarked - - 10.5" cast double jawed plier type tool. I think this has been identified as a skillet and pot lifter? Good++.
0677. VOLVO - AB BACCO - STOCKHOLM / V-STEEL - 8" BAHCO 31 - MADE IN SWEDEN - - 8" Crescent type wrench with alligator wrench on end. Good++.
0678. Combination open end wrench and threading tap tools. R. BELZER - - 6,254" combination open end wrench and threading tap tool. Good+ with weak markings.
0679. G. M. CO. - L. I. CITY, NY. / MADE IN USA - UNBREAKABLE - - 8.5" cast combination quick and screw adjust nut wrench with alligator wrench, hammer, pry bar and nail puller. Design patent was issued to George Iskyan of Jackson Heights, NY on 9-7-1954. Excellent but spring is broken or missing. (S791) PAT
0680. Unmarked - - 11.5" rare combination tool. An advertisement in Cope's page 222 identifies the manufacturer as the Model Mfg. Co. Phila,. Penn. and lists these functions: nut cracker, nail puller, monkey wrench, hammer, small and large gas pliers, wire cutters and pincers and states "Every part a superior instrument". Only second one we have had to list. Poor with pitting and one jaw is missing. (C222, patent not found)
0681. CHAMBERLAIN'S WRENCH / PAT. OCT. 22, 1912 - - 9" combination adjustable nut wrench, pliers, screwdriver, wire cutter and threading die. Patented by John Chamberlain of Bismark, North Dakota. Good+. (S805) PAT.
0682. PAT AUG. 4, 1908 - FORGED TOOL STEEL / MADE IN U.S.A. MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA (John Morris's "Economy" wrench) - - 10" adjustable wrench and alligator wrench Automotive type adjustment variation. Poor, pitted, severe grind marks. (Similar to S40)
0683. THE - TEDDY - SCREWDRIVER / WATERLOO, IA - PAT. APL'D FOR - - 8" John Morris' combination alligator wrench, hammer and screwdriver. Good+. (S40 , patent not found)
.0684. MORRIS WRENCH PAT'D / DROP FORGED TOOL STEEL - - 15.75" extra large combination tool with pliers, screw adjust nut wrench, alligator wrench, bolt threading dies and a screwdriver One of the all time classics of wrench collectingdom. Patented by John R. Morris of Jewell City, Kansas on Mar. 07, 1911. This on hasn't been cleaned and has a few very minor dings. Good++. (S820) PAT.
0685. Unmarked - - 11" railroad spike with spiral grooves on the shaft. John R. Morris's patent of June 6, 1911 may apply. Morris was residing in Waterloo, Iowa at the time the patent was submitted. Good++, shaft is slightly bent. PAT.
0686. PATENT APP' FOR - MADE IN USA / FORGED TOOL STEEL - - 9" adjustable nut wrench with an alligator wrench on the end. Coe's monkey wrench type adjustment variation.. Probably the oldest version of John Morris's Economy Wrench patented Aug. 04, 1908. Poor, pitted, adjusting threads are stripped. (S40) PAT.
0687. Unmarked - - 10" modern multi-tool with several functions. Excellent, like new.
PiCs Lots 675 thru 6870688. J1506 - J1507 (IHC whole No. J1502) - - 13" ratchet, straight handle variant. Good++. (R1-254)
0689. G1137-1/2 (IHC) - - 6" open end by 90° open end. Excellent. (R2-144)
0690. J1506 - J1507 - IHC Logo b (IHC whole No. J1502) - - 16.25" ratchet, offset handle variant. Good++. (R1-254)
0691. J1392 - - 12.75" open end by square socket with ribbed shaft. Painted.
0692. T225 (McCormick, later IHC) - - 5" small double open ended wrench. Excellent. (R2-145)
0693. MCCORMICK E629J with IHC logo - - 14" large face spanner wrench with IHC logo variant. Excellent. painted. (R1-319)
0694. 5430 - PLANET JR. - MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (also on the IHC List) - - 5" stamped steel doe wrench Good++.(R1-380)
0695. IG3526 - IHC logo - - 11.5". All marking raised. Good++..
0696. J480 (Plano and IHC ) - - 6.5" Pitman wrench Excellent. (R1-381)
0697. PG58 (Milwaukee, later IHC) - - 5" doe, no bar variation. Very weak markings as usual, not all readable.
0698. Unmarked (Wheelers Self Rake - Cayuga Chief, Osborne, IHC) - - 10.75". Painted..
0699. 260 (McCormick / IHC / / Kentucky Drill / Hoosier Drill / American Seeding Machine) - - 7.25". Marked with number variation. Good++.
0700. AP595 - IH logo) - - 7.5" Australian-IC wrench. Good++, rough casting.
0701. M246 (Minnie Harvester and IHC) - - 8.5" odd cast wrench. Excellent. (R2-203)
0702. D (Keystone / IHC) - - 5" by 8.5" tee handled socket wrench. Painted.
0703. Unmarked (IHC No. 856C or 857C) - - 5.5" cream separator rod handled 1-3/16" hex socket wrench. No logo. Excellent.
0704. 139-1/2E (IHC) - - 5" x 6.5" Early IHC truck tee wrench Good++ (R1-250)
0705. B701 - IHC logo - - 8.25" cast binder canvas tightener. Excellent. (listed in Gil Irps IHC Tool List).
Lot of Two: IHC Wrenches
(1.) G8917 - IHC logo - - 4.25". For early IHC Gas Engines. Painted. (R2-146)
(2.) G5413- IHC Logo - - 7". offset box end by open end. excellent. (R1-253)
Lot of Two: IHC Wrenches
(1.) R319R IHC logo / CANADA - - 7.75". All markings indented. Painted.
(2.) DEERING (large letters) ./ DEERING (small letters in a recessed panel) - - 7.5" Deering style. Painted.
0708. 17977D - IHC logo - - 12". Painted.
0709. 1485 (P & O / IHC) - - 12.5", Rare P & O wrench, first we have had to sell. Broken jaw otherwise would be Good++.
0710. S246 (IHC) - - 14" crank with an odd L-shaped hook extension. Scarce. Good+.
0711. 3613T (indented on 19/32 jaw) - DROP 29 FORGED - 19/32 - 25/32 / MADE IN USA - - 6.75" doe. Good+.
0712. Marked 25462DA / BEI - - 10" single hex socket. Track tractor wrench. Excellent.
0713. B12189 (IHC) - - 15 " square socket crank for Champion and McCormick -Deering Binders. Excellent.
0714. P & O CO - 3682 / CANTON ILL (IHC) - - 12" with disk straightening slot. Good+, painted. (R1-370)
0715. 9532DA (IH logo) - - 15". Good++, painted.
0716. 14402D - IHC logo / IHC logo - - 15"heavy hex box rear axle nut wrench. Rare, furnished only with tractors exported to foreign countries.. Marking variation with number and logo on one side and logo only on the other side not listed in IHC Tool List. Good++, painted. (R1-252)
0717. P & O CANTON ILL - 3637 (IHC) - - 20.5". Scarce, large and showy IHC wrench. Good+, painted. (R1-370)
0718. CHATTANOOGA CP4003 / IHC logo - - 8.5" with hammer head. All markings raised. Painted. (R1-98)
0719. NEWELL SANDERS PLOW CO / A163 (also IHC) - - 8.5" with a hammer head. Painted. (R1-351)
0720. CHATTANOOGA 3 (later IHC) - - 9" with hammer head.. Square hole variant. Painted. (R1-98)
0721. CP4003 - IHC logo (Chattanooga / IHC) - - 8.5" with hammer head. Number indented, logo raised. Good++. (R1-98)
0722. SA1234 - IHC logo - - 7.5 x 9.75". No logo variant. Painted. (R1-255)
0723. SA1234 (IHC) - - 7.25 x 9.75". IHC logo variant. Painted, ends mushroomed. (R1-255)
0724. CHAMPION (slanted letters) (No. R28, later IHC) - - 8.75". Not marked with the part number, no hang hole variation. Good+.
PiCs Lots 708 thru 7240725. ARCTURUS MFG. CORP. / 41-W-1012-5 - 7/8 - 3/4 (Irps' IHC No. A323332) - - 8.5" doe US military vehicle wrench. Excellent.
0726. 1326E - FORGED IN USA - IH logo - - 8" doe. Good+.
0727. AP11408 - IHC logo - - 8" doe Australian-IHC wrench. Good+.
0728. 637626R91 (IHC) - - 7.5" cylinder clearance gauge. Excellent, painted.
0729. OSBORNE (in cutout letters (D. M. Osborne / IHC) - - 6" CUTOUT wrench with screwdriver. Opening up variant. Note. Wrench is missing the "S" in Osborne Someone made a replacement and glued it in place but it has came lose and needs to be regluded. The "B" is also a replacement. Painted. (R1-363)
Lot of Two: IHC Tools
(1.) Unmarked (IHC No. 97C) - - 12.5" disk holder for IHC Bluebell and Primrose Cream separators Excellent.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. 46190DC) - - steel sparkplug socket with the original IHC parts tag Excellent, like new, New Old Stock.
0731. D138 (Chattanooga, David Bradley, IHC) - - 2.75" Painted. (R1-99)
0732. CHATTANOOGA PLOW CO / D124 (later IHC) - - 11,75" with disc straightener slot. Poor, severe pitting. (R1-99)
0733. CHATTANOOGA PLOW CO D137 (later IHC) - - 11" Good+ (R1-99)
0734. D137 (Chattanooga, David Bradley, IHC) - - 11" - - Painted. (R1-99)
0735. CHATTANOOGA - 5 (later IHC) - - 9.5". Painted. (R1-98)
Lot of Three: Variations of the 90C IHC Cream Separator Wrenches. Will be sold choice wrench.
(1.) Unmarked (IHC No. 90C) - - 6". Threaded hole and no side opening variation.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. 90C) - - 6". Three threaded holes and a 5/8" side opening variation.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. 90C) - - 6". Threaded hole and a 1/2" side opening variation.
Lot of Seven: IHC Ignition Wrenches and or Gauges, Will be sold choice item
(1.) AMERICAN BOSCH MAGNETO CORP C No. H5571) 2.5" ignition wrench with two gauges
(2.) AMERICAN BOSCH MAGNETO CORP C No. 17601D) 5.5" ignition wrench with one gauge.
(3.) Only marked on gauges: SPARK PLUG GAP AND BREAKER POINTS IHC No. E4A-289X) - - 2.75" ignition wrench with two gauges.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. 17612D) - - 2.5" ignition wrench and screwdriver with one gauge.
(5.) Gauges are marked" BREAKER POINTS .020 and SPARK LUG GAP .023 (IHC No. 65064DA) - - Two 1.25" ignition gauges.
(6.) IHC logo on ring and gauges marked: BREAKER POINTS and SPARK PLUG GAP (IHC No. 21438DX) - - 2.25" ring and ignition gauges.
(7.) Unmarked (IHC No. ???) - - 2.1/4" like No. 6 above but no markings and only one gauge.
Lot of Seven: Owatonna Tool Co. 1/2" Drive Sockets for International Crawler Tractors (listed by the OTC in Irps' IHC Tool List) - Will be sold choice socket.
(1.) OTC 140 - - 1-1/4" 12 point socket.
(2.) OTC 136 - - 1-1/8" 12 point socket.
(3.) OTC 128 - - 7.8" 12 point socket.
(4.) OTC 120 - - 5/8" 12 point socket.
(5.) OTC 118 - - 9/16" 12 point socket.
(6.) OTC 114 - - 7/16" 12 point socket.
(7.) OTC 124 - - 3/4" 12 point socket. A slot has been cut out of the sides if the socket.
0739. Unmarked - - 10" all metal turn handle to adjust English coach type nut wrench. Looks Good++ but does have a break on one of the side bars. Looks like the very same wrench pictured in Schulz No. 750 which was sold at the Marvin Wullweber Auction in 1998. (S750)
0740. STAHL / H. Lemb?? - BERLIN (can't read all the letters) - - 10" all metal turn the handle to adjust wrench with twin jaws and octagon handle. Good++.
0741. Marked only 25 - - 10" turn handle to adjust French coach type nut wrench with double screw adjustment, twin jaws and octagon wooden handle. Good+ with a few handle chips. (similar to S765)
0742. Unmarked - - 10.5" all metal turn the handle to adjust double jawed nut wrench with one unusual angled jaw. Excellent.
0743. Unmarked - - 6" turn handle to adjust twin jawed nut wrench. Good++. (similar to S773)
0744. Unmarked - - 4.24" turn handle to adjust twin jawed nut wrench. Probably the smallest size made of this type wrench. Good++. (similar to S773)
0745. Unmarked - - 8" all metal turn handle to adjust English coach type nut wrench with octagon handle. Good+.
0746. 1-1/2 - HOLLANDS MFG CO. ERIE, PA. / (ghost letters on other side) - - 18" heavy duty pipe wrench with only three parts. Pat. 5-13-1902 by Henry Renner of Erie, PA. and advertised as "The Keystone Pipe Wrench". An impressive looking sturdy wrench in a scarce large size. Excellent. (S604) PAT.
0747. THE JOHNSTON AUTOMATIC - PAT JULY 30, 1895 & PAT. APD. FOR - WILLIAM B. VOLGER - NEW YORK USA - - 15" self adjust with pivoting upper jaw. Mfg. by W. T. Johnson & Co. New York and patented by Walter Johnston of Macon, Georgia. Jaw end chip, otherwise Good++. PAT.
0748. TRUE MFG. CO. - BROCKTON, MASS - No. 18 - PAT. SEPT 3, 92 (wrong patent date should be Sept 13, 1892) - - 16" all metal pipe wrench with an unusual screw adjustment. Patented by Daniel R. Porter of Chelsea, Mass. Scarce True Mfg. markings. Some pitting, old weld repair. (S591, C107) PAT
0749. COLUMBIAN WRENCH - PAT. SEPT 13, 1892 - C0LUMBIAN MFG. CO, BROCKTON, MASS - - 7.5" wood handled variation of The Columbian pipe wrench. See Lot No. 748 above for more info. Good++ with area of very light pitting on one side. (S591, C107) PAT
0750. COLUMBIAN WRENCH (rest of the markings not readable) - - 12" screw adjust pipe wrench probably made by the Columbian Mfg. Co. of Brockton, Mass. See Lot No. 748 above for more info. Good++. (S591, C107) PAT
0751. NO. 20 - REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA. USA. / PAT. A G. 1, 97 (casting errors: should be "10" vs."1" and the "U" is missing in AUG) - - 20.5" self adjusting pipe wrench, replaceable lower jaw insert variant. Impressive large size. Patented by Albert Katzki of Erie, PA. on Aug. 10, 1897. Good++. (S334) PAT.
0752. REED MFG. CO. - ERIE, PA. USA. / PAT. AUG. 10, 97 - - 11.25" self adjusting pipe wrench, replaceable lower jaw insert variant. See Lot No. 751 above for patent info. Good+ with light pitting.. (S334) PAT.
PiCs Lots 739 thru 7520753. STANDARD TOOL CO. - ATHOL, MASS USA - - 10.25" wooden handled screw and quick adjust nut wrench with a spring loaded bar that releases the lower jaw from the screw threads. Patented by Stephen Bellows of Athol, Mass. on June 8, 1889. Advertised as the "Rapid Transit Wrench" Much scarcer than the all metal version. Good+ with few dings, replaced handle nut. (S526, C46) PAT
0754. PAT JUNE 10, 1902 - - 7.75" predatory looking cast plier wrench. A larger size of this wrench has been seen marked "Remington - Pat ". That patent was issued to Charles C. Smith of Bellevue, Idaho. Good++ except chip off end of upper jaw segment. PAT.
0755. PEUGEOT FRERES (Peugeot Brothers) - (plus some unreadable markings) - - 6.25" French type double screw, single jaw coach wrench with an octagonal wood handle. Good++. (see S765)
0756. COES / PAT'D DEC 24, 1901 - MADE IN USA - - 5" all metal bicycle wrench with oval handle. Patented by Frederick Searle of Worcester, Mass. Good+ with some minor pitting. (HP57, S852) PAT
0757. Unmarked except for ruler markings - - 5" bike or pocket wrench. Odd, unique design handle. Excellent.
0758. Unmarked - - 6" different center screw nut wrench. Good++.
0759. BURSTON / BRITISH PATENT 384468 - 26-1-32 / CHAS. RICHARDS & SONS LTD - DARLASTON, ENGLAND - - 8" all metal nut wrench with a novel eccentric cam and spring loaded lower jaw adjustment. Patented by Arthur Pearson Ibbott of Oxhey, Watford, Hertfordshire, Great Britain on Dec. 08, 1932. Good+. (S749) PAT.
0760. COES WRENCH CO - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. USA - MFD UNDER L. COES PATS - STEEL - also stamped O.S.U. T.R. (maybe Ohio State University Tool Room?) - - 8" wooden handle monkey wrench made from 1929 to 1939 by Bemis &: Call. Excellent. (HP63 except marked PATS rather than PAT'S)
0761. KANT-SLIP - PAT ARP 27, 20 - AUG 2, 21 - OTHER PATS. PENDING - / A.D. WRENCH. & TOOL CO (Allan-Diffenbaugh Wrench & Tool Co.) - BARABOO, WIS - - 9.5" plier wrench with a hammer poll. Patented by Allen C. Allan of Baraboo, Wisc. Excellent. (S356) PAT.
0762. WADE WRENCH CO. - WHITE PIGEON, MICH. (with a "F" in a circle logo) / PAT APPLD FOR (with a "F" in a circle logo) - - 8" pliers type wrench with split handles. The handles are rounded rather than flat like all the other Wade Pliers I have seen. Pat. Nov. 8, 1927 by William White and July 24, 1928 by Benjamin Wade both from White Pigeon, MI. . (S257) PAT and PAT
0763. Unmarked - - 3.75" odd screw adjust bike or pocket wrench. Excellent.
0764. Unmarked - - 7.25" center screw adjust nut wrench, probably English. Good++.
PiCs Lots 753 thru 7640765. Lot of Three binders of Missouri Valley Wrench Club Newsletters. Issues Volume 1, No. 1 (June 1982) to Vol 23, No. 2 (June 2004) plus several indexes, list of members, show information, etc. The first 10 years are the original legal size
0766. Dempster Mill Mfg. Co. - - Loose leaf binder full (over 2" thick) of catalogs and repair Manuals for Dempster products. Mostly Dempster pumps, a few pump jacks.
Lot of Nine IHC Shop Talks for International Truck Servicemen Bulletins
(1.) Number 11 - Revised - Clutch Overhaul (Models RK-10 and RK-10-A - - Dated 1947.
(2.) Number 26 - Vacuum Power Unit - Single Piston - - No date.
(3.) Number 29 - "Metro" Body - - No date.
(4.) Number 30 - Vacuum Power Unit - Tandem Cylinder - - Dated 1947.
(5.) Number 33 - Clutch Overhaul (Model R-15-8) - - Dated 1947.
(6.) Number 34 - Two-Speed Differential - - Dated 1947.
(7.) Number 35 - Carter Carburetor - - Dated 1947.
(8.) Number 36 - International-Continental Engine R-6586 - - Dated 1948.
(9.) Number 41 - Auxiliary Transmission (Brown-Lipe 5531) - - Dated 1948.
Lot of Five IHC Truck Service Manuals and Bulletins
(1.) International Motor Truck Service Training Bulletin - No. 1 May 6, 1938 - The Proper Control of Oil Consumption - - 15 pages.
(2.) International Motor Truck Service Training Bulletin - No. 3, Feb. 15.1941 - What is Gasoline? - - 21 pages.
(3.) International Motor Truck Service Training Bulletin - No. 6, July 1948 - - Front wheel Alignment - - 26 pages.
(4.) International Motor Truck Service Bulletin - Fish Plates - 5-22-1930 - - 7 pages.
(5.) International Motor Truck Service Bulletin - Zenith 23 Series Carburetors - 4-6-1938 - - 1 page.
0769. Lot of 36 McCormick-Deering Service Bulletins - -1930 and 1938. Service instructions and updates for McCormick-Deering and Farmall Tractors.
Lot of Six IHC Sales Literature, Service Manuals and Catalogs. Will Sell Choice Item.
(1.) IHC Operator's Manual - McCormick No. 31 Mower - - Dated 1956.
(2.) McCormick-Deering - International Service Serviceman's Guide for Farmall H Tractors - - 24 pages. Dated 1939.
(3.) IHC Hooper Cooled Gasoline Engines - - 20 pages. No dated. Illustrated catalog. Reprint?
(4.) McCormick-Deering - International Service Serviceman's Guide for Farmall M Tractors - - 24 pages. Dated 1939.
(5.) IHC Tractor and Power Unit Clutches - How They May Be Serviced Easily and Correctly - - 25 Pages. No date.
(6.) McCormick-Deering - International Service Serviceman's Guide for No. 60 Harvester-Thresher - - 26 pages. Dated 1938.
Lot of Six: IHC Service and Sales Publications, Etc.. Will Sell Choice Item
(1.) McCormick-Deering - International Service - Lift-All for Farmall H and M Tractors - - 15 pages. Dated 1940. Service manual for McCormick-Deering servicemen. Back cover is loose and torn.
(2.) Sales Points - Know Your Plow - - 6 pages. Dated 1938. Brochure for McCormick-Deering Salesmen of Little Genius and McCormick Deering Plows.
(3.) Sales Points - Basin Lister for Sail and Moisture Conservation - - 4 Pages. Dated 1937. Brochure for McCormick-Deering Salesmen.
(4.) Modernizing Methods - Address by Mr. E. H. Bertschi - District Collection Manager - International Harvester Co. - - 16 pages. No. date.
(5.) Delco-Remy Battery Type Equipment for Farmall H and M Tractors - Instructions and Part List - - 50 pages. No date. Covers are missing.
(6.) Lot of Three IHC related publications. Copies of the tool pages from a McCormick-Deering No. 3 Thresher Parts Book, Truck tool pages from Gil Irps' IHC Tool List Compilation and an early (1990) list of known IHC tools, author not known.
Lot of Six: IHC Service and Sales Publications. Will Sell Choice Item
(1.) McCormick-Deering - International Blue Ribbon Service Training Course - Farmall A, AV, B, BN and International A Tractors - - Dated 1942.
(2.) McCormick-Deering - International Blue Ribbon Service Training Course - Farmall H and M Tractors - - Dated 1942.
(3.) Sales Points - McCormick-Deering Grain Drills - - 15 pages. Dated 1928.
(4.) McCormick-Deering Tractor Hitches - - 31 pages. Dated 1920.
(5.) McCormick-Deering Hay Machines - Mowers, Rakes, Tedders. Side Rake, Loaders, Sweep rakes, Stackers, Presses - - 31 pages. Dated 1915. Illustrated sales brochure.
(6.) International Ready-Power Lifetime Electric Plants - Powered by Famous McCormick-Deering Engine - - 4 pages. Dated 1936. Illustrated sales brochure. Corner piece missing.
Lot of Three: Simmons and Shapleigh Pliers
(1.) SIMMONS - - 6.25" slip joint pliers. Good++.
(2.) SHAPLEIGH'S - - 6.25" slip joint pliers. Good++ with plated finish.
(3.) SHAPLEIGH'S - - 6.75" diagonal cutting pliers. Excellent.
0774. E. C Simmons in Keen Kutter logo - BLACK JACK - SOLID BAR USA - - 15" Coes style monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Made by Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co. for Simmons. Different markings than found on most Keen Kutter monkey wrenches. Black Jack was a Simmons' house brand. Good\Good++ with excellent markings and handle, very minor jaw dings..
PiCs Lots 772 thru 7740775. WINCHESTER (on file) and GROVER HANDLE - NASHUA PAPER BOX CO. - NASHUA N. H. (on wooden handle) - - 14.5". Good++.
0776. and 0777. (to be sold as one lot) Two piece (knife and fork) Winchester carving set with stag handles and Sterling ferrules. Knife blade is marked WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 5027 on the blade and STERLING on the ferrule. Fork is only marked STERLING on the ferrule. Both ferrules are split, otherwise Good++.
0778. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 7106 - 8 IN - - 14.25" wooden handle screwdriver with brass ferrule. Excellent.
0779. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 7123 - 4 IN - - 8" wooden handle screwdriver with brass ferrule and steel end cap. Well used, handle is split..
0780. WINCHESTER - SPECIAL - - 8.25" wooden handle screwdriver with brass ferrule. Poor handle.
0781. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 8.5" wooden handle screwdriver with brass ferrule and steel end cap. Poor handle.
0782. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 7123 - 4 IN - - 8" wooden handle screwdriver with brass ferrule and steel end cap. Good.
0783. WINCHESTER - SPECIAL - - 7.75" wooden handle screwdriver with brass ferrule. Poor.
0784. WINCHESTER / W. R. A. CO. - MADE IN USA - - 5.75" all metal can opener. Zealously cleaned.
0785. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2876 - - 5.75" square reamer bit brace tool. Several dings and nicks.
0786. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 4532 - 1/4 - - 5" round nose cold chisel. Excellent.
0787. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 4559 - 5/16 - - 5.25" diamond point? chisel. Excellent.
0788. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 6.25" by 3/4" wide cold chisel . Used, reground.
0789. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 7" by 1" wide cold chisel. Poor, severely reground.
0790. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2369 - - 6.75" wooden handled putty knife. Good++.
0791. REMINGTON - K6156 (marked on handle) - - 10.25" wooden handled butcher knife. Good++. Blade does shows signs of sharpening.
0792. WINCHESTER with horse and rider logo - JAPAN - - 3" locking blade pocket knife with case. Brass tag in case reads "Limited Edition - Chokin Cutlery - Wildlife Collector Series". Excellent, like new.
0793. WINCHESTER - NEW HAVEN (on the blade) and horse and rider logo on handle - - 3.75" locking blade pocket knife with bone? handles. Excellent.
0794. WINCHESTER - WESTERN (on handle) and CXOLONIASL - PROV. R. I. (on tang) - - 2.75" two bladed pocket knife. Excellent.
0795. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 4" single blade pocket knife with wooden handle (Cocobolo?). Grind marks on blade, drilled hang hole on handle.
0796. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA / 3002 - - 3.5" three bladed pocket knife with celluloid handles. Tight crack on each handle slab, blades are poor with two broken.
0797. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 3.5" three bladed pocket knife with celluloid handles. Handles are excellent, blades have been ground.
0798. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA / 3876 - - 3.5" three bladed pocket knife with bone looking handle. Excellent.
0799. G. C. CO. - M. ITALY - - 3" locking blade Stiletto type pocket knife with bone handles. Note: This knife was with the owner's Winchester knifes but has no known ties to Winchester. Good+.
0800. WINCHESTER . 1295 - ITALY (on the tang) and WINCHESTER and horse and rider logo on handle - - 2.5" pocket knife in the shape of a 12 gauge shot gun shell. excellent, like new.
PiCs Lots 775 thru 8000801. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2499 - 10" - - 10" combination slip joint pliers with wire cutter and screwdriver. Excellent nickel plated.
0802. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2499 - 10" - - 10" combination slip joint pliers with wire cutter and screwdriver. Several dings, modified pivot bolt.
0803. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 10" slip joint pliers.
0804. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2498 - 8" - - 8" combination slip joint pliers with wire cutter and screwdriver. Good+ with some dings, plated finish.
0805. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2108 - Also marked WINCHESTER (high relief embossing) on inside of both handles. Don't think I have seen this marking on any other Winchester pliers. - 8" - - 8" combination slip joint pliers with wire cutter and screwdriver. Good+
0806. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2457 - 7" - - 7" combination thin nose slip joint pliers with wire cutter and screwdriver. Good+ with some dings, plated finish.
0807. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2457 - 7" - - 7" combination thin nose slip joint pliers with wire cutter and screwdriver. Good+, some dings.
0808. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2495 - 5-1/2" - - 5.5"" combination slip joint pliers with wire cutter. Good++, plated finish.
0809. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2495 - 5-1/2" - - 5.5"" combination slip joint pliers with wire cutter. Good+, plated finish.
0810. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2496 - 6" - - 6" combination slip joint pliers with wire cutter and screwdriver. Good+, edge dings.
0811. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 6" combination slip joint pliers with wire cutter and screwdriver. Good+, plated finish.
0812. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 6" end nippers. Good+.
0813. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 2168 - 8" - - 8" end nippers. Good+.
0814. WINCHESTER - MADE IN USA - - 8.5" lineman's pliers. Good++.
0815. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1849 / 7/8 - 1 - - 10.5" heavy duty S-shaped double open ended wrench. Good+ with edge dings.
0816. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1537 / 7/16 STD - 1/2 STD - - 10.25" general purpose S-shaped double open ended wrench. Good+ with dings, owner's ID "M H".
0817. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1528 / 3/8 STD - 7/16 STD - - 9" general purpose S-shaped double open ended wrench. Good++, polished.
0818. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1522 / 5/8 - 3/4 - - 8" general purpose S-shaped double open ended wrench. Good++.
0819. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1514 / - 1/4 STD - 5/16 STD - - 7" general purpose S-shaped double open ended wrench. Good++.
0820. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1505 / - 3/16 STD - 1/4 STD - - 6.25" general purpose S-shaped double open ended wrench. Good++ with some minor edge dings..
0821. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1817 / 3/8 - 5/8 - - 6" heavy duty S-shaped double open ended wrench. Good++.
0822. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1813 / 5/16 - 3/8 - - 5" heavy duty S-shaped double open ended wrench. Good++.
0823. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1801 / 1/8 - 3/16 - - 4" heavy duty S-shaped double open ended wrench. Excellent.
0824. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1107 / 1/4 USS - 5/16 USS - - 4" engineer's double open ended wrench. Good++.
0825. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1107 / 3/16 USS - 1/4 USS - - 4" engineer's double open ended wrench. Good+ with owner's ID "W G".
0826. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1216 / 5/16 - 3/8 - - 4.75" double open end wrench. Excellent, original finish.
0827. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 1716 / 3/8 SAE - 7/16 SAE - - 5.25" double open end wrench. Good+..
PiCs Lots 801 thru 8270828. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No.39 - NEW HAVEN, CONN. USA - - 17" full wooden handled hack saw. Good+ with weak markings, new Ace brand blade.
0829. WINCHESTER - No. 12 - - 11" food grinder with one extra disk. Excellent.
0830. WINCHESTER - No. 11 - - 9.5" food grinder with three extra disks. Excellent.
0831. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 14" claw hammer. Good+ with weak markings/. Handle marked SHAPLEIGH'S BR GRADE/
0832. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - SEPT. TOOL SPECIAL - - 15: claw hammer. Good.
0833. WINCHESTER - 9584 - MADE IN USA - - 24" four fold half brass bound wooden rule. Some stains, weak markings.
0834. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 14" hatchet.wih nail puller notch. Good+.
0835. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 11" shingling hatchet with hammer head. Good+, replaced handle.
0836. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - SPECIAL - MADE IN USA - 8020 - - 18" open wooden handled hack saw. Good+ with handle cracks, new Vermont American blade.
0837. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - 6212 - - 10" machinist's hammer. Good+.
PiCs Lots 828 thru 8370838. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No. 1006 - - 18" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Good+ with some dings.
0839. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 12" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. This one may be a fake because of a reinforcing bar on back of lower jaw not seen on other Winchester monkey wrenches, it is stamped on top jaw rather than the shaft, no Winchester part number, only one handle rivet instead of two seen on other Winchester monkey wrenches. Good++.
0840. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No. 1003 - - 10" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Good with crude replacement wooden handle slabs.\
0841. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 10" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. This one may be another forgery because it is stamped on top jaw rather than the shaft, No Winchester part number and only one handle rivet instead of two seen on other Winchester monkey wrenches. Good+.
0842. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No. 1002 - - 8" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Good+.
0843. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No. 1002 - - 8" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Good++.
0844. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No. 1001 - - 6" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Good++.
0845. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No. 1001 - - 6" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Good.
0846. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No. 1001 - - 6" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Good++.
0847. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No. 1001 - - 6" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Good+ with edge dings.
0848. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No. 1002 - - 8" Coes style wooden handled monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Excellent.
0849. E. C Simmons on Keen Kutter logo - BLACK JACK - SOLID BAR USA - - 8" Coes style monkey wrench with knife type wooden handle. Made by Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co. for Simmons. Different markings than found on most Keen Kutter monkey wrenches. Black Jack was a Simmons' house brand. Good+ with edge dings.
0850. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA / PAT 3-14-22 - 10" FORGED STEEL - - 10" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. The 3-14-22 patent was issued to Guy C. Claypoole of Hamden, Conn. and assigned to the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Good+, some dings PAT.
0851. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA / PAT 3-14-22 - 10" FORGED STEEL - - 10" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. Excellent.
0852. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA / PAT 3-14-22 - 10" FORGED STEEL - - 10" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. Good++.
0853. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA / PAT 3-14-22 - 8" FORGED STEEL - - 8" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. Good++.
0854. KEEN KUTTER with unmarked Keen Kutter logo / E. C. SIMMONS in a Keen Kutter logo - - 9.25" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. Good+.
0855. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - No. 1022 - - 9.25" wood handled Stillson type pipe wrench. This may be a stamped forgery? Good++.
0856. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - No. 1021 / PAT 3-14-22 - - 8" wood handled Stillson type pipe wrench. Good+.
PiCs Lots 838 thru 8560857. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 35" single bit axe. Back end has mushroomed damaged, probably replacement handle.
0858. WINCHESTER TRADEMARK (marked on plane body, lever cap and blade) - 3005 - - 9.75" wood working plane. Good++.
0859. WE RECOMMEND AND SELL WINCHESTER CARTRIDGES AND GUNS - - 3" by 6.75" brass plate. Polished. Repro?
0860. WINCHESTER TRADEMARK MADE IN USA - OLIN - BOND - - 10.25" brass flashlight. Good++.
0861. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - 14 - - 38.75" square end shovel with all wood "D" handle. Good++.
0862. WINCHESTER TRADEMARK MADE IN USA (marked both on brass plate and painted label on top of level) - W104-18IN (marked on brass plate) - - 18" wooden level. Good+ with owner's name carved in side of level "CHAS ALSUP"
0863. WINCHESTER - TRADEMARK - MADE IN USA - - 14" hatchet. Poor, blade ground down to nail puller notch, replaced handle.
PiCs Lots 857 thru 8630864. E. C Simmons in Keen Kutter logo - B J - PAT JAN 14 - 96 - - 12" Coes style monkey wrench. with knife type wooden handle. B J is for Simmons' Black Jack house brand. Note: The Jan 14, 1896 patent was issued to Robert Cosmos Ellrich of Southington, Conn. and assigned to the Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co. of Southington, Conn., who made these "solid Bar" monkey wrenches for Simmons. Good with dings, pitting. PAT
0865. E. C Simmons in Keen Kutter logo - B J - PAT. JAN 14 - 96 - - 10" Coes style monkey wrench. with knife type wooden handle. B J is for Simmons' Black Jack house brand. Good++, with some light surface rust.
0866. E. C Simmons on Keen Kutter logo - B J - PAT. JAN 14 - 96 - - 6" Coes style monkey wrench. with knife type wooden handle. B J is for Simmons' Black Jack house brand. Good++, with some light surface rust, small chuck missing from one handle slab..
0867. KEEN KUTTER with unmarked KeenKutter logo - - 8" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. Excellent..
0868. KEEN KUTTER with unmarked KeenKutter logo - - 6" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. Good with some dings.
0869. E. C Simmons on Keen Kutter logo / K93 - - 4" adjustable bicycle wrench. Good+ with minor jaw edge dings, jaws slightly sprung.
0870. E. C Simmons on Keen Kutter logo / K94 - - 4" adjustable bicycle wrench. Good+ with minor jaw edge dings.
0871. KEEN KUTTER K-6 with unmarked Keen Kutter logo / SHAPLEIGH'S - St. LOUIS USA - - 6" Crescent type adjustable wrench. Excellent with plated finish.
0872. KEEN KUTTER with unmarked Keen Kutter logo / SIMMONS HARDWARE CO. USA - - 8" Crescent type adjustable wrench with Barcalo's tulip shaped hang hole. Pitted.
0873. KEEN KUTTER with unmarked Keen Kutter logo / SIMMONS HARDWARE CO. USA - - 8" Crescent type adjustable wrench with Barcalo's tulip shaped hang hole. Some pitting, grind marks on jaw..
0874. KEEN KUTTER K-6 with unmarked Keen Kutter logo / SHAPLEIGH'S - St. LOUIS USA - - 6" Crescent type adjustable wrench. Good++.
0875. SIMMONS - ADJUSTABLE ANGLE - 10in - - 10" Crescent type adjustable wrench. Good++.
0876. E. C. SIMMIONS - KEEN KUTTER (on tool holder) - Keen Kutter logo (on round brass plate on end of handle - - 8" wooden handle tool holder with nine extra tool bits in hollow handle. Good+ handle has been wired because of a handle crack.
0877. KLEEN KUTTER K620 with unmarked Keen Kutter logo - 24" four fold box wood ruler, fully brass bound. Good++.
0878. E. C Simmons on Keen Kutter logo - - 5.75" wooden handled paring knife. Good++.
0879. Keen Kutter logo - No. K51-6 - - 6.5" slip joint pliers with wire cutter. Good++.
0880. E. C. Simmons on Keen Kutter logo - - 6.5" slip joint pliers with wire cutter and screwdriver end. Excellent with plated finish..
0881. KEEN KUTTER - - 2.5" brass plate. Front plate of a Keen Kutter padlock.
PiCs Lots 864 thru 881
Lot of Two: McCormick Deering - International Harvester Service Manuals
(1.) Standard Service Operations and Prices for "12 Services" Tractors - - Printed 1937
(2.) Standard Service Operations and Prices for Farmall F-20 - F-30 Tractors - - Printed 1939.
0883. International Harvester Co. Servicemen's Magneto Guide - - Printed 1937. 72 pages.
0884. Instruction Book for McCormick-Deering Farmall Tractor Model F-20 - - Printed 1935, 80 pages.
Lot of Four: Partial IHC Parts Books
(1.) IHC Special Parts and Tools List - - Pages 7 thru 174
(2.) Parts List for IHC W-30 Tractors - - Pages 9 thru 179
(3.) IHC Parts List for Hoosier Drills, Sowers, Seeders, Planters, Etc. - - Page 3 thru 170.
(4.) IHC Parts List for Empire Drills, Sowers, Seeders, Etc. - - Pages 5 thru 162.
Lot of Three: IHC Manuals
(1.) Instruction Book (with parts list) - McCormick-Deering Power Unit - - Printed 1929. 70 pages.
(2.) Owner's Manual and Parts List - McCormick-Deering No. 62 Harvester Thresher - - Printed 1942. 152 Pages.
(3.) Instructions - Model "XA" Engine for McCormick-Deering No. 8 Harvester-Thresher - - Printed 1929. 67 pages.
0887. Three ring binder marked on the cover: MCCORMICK-DEERING - INTERNATIONAL SERVICE MANUALS - - 1940's IHC Truck Service Manuals with updated bulletins. Pages aren't numbered consecutively but the binder is over 2" thick.
0888. JOHN DEERE 1837 - 1939 - - By Neil M. Clark. Published 1937. 61 pages. Excellent condition.
0889. 150 YEARS OF INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER - - By C. H. Wendel. Published 1981. 416 pages. From the library Scott Johnson.
0890. JOHN A. JOHNSON - AN UNCOMMON AMERICIAN - - By Agnes M. Larson. Published 1969. 312 pages. A biography of the founder of Fuller & Johnson Mfg. Co. and the Madison Plow Co. DISC
0891. Instruction Book - McCormick-Deering WA-40 & WK-40 Tractors - - Printed 1936. 104 pages
0892. Parts Catalog No. TC-14 - McCormick-Deering - W-30 Tractors - - Printed 1936. 186 pages
0893. Parts Catalog No. TC-6 - McCormick-Deering - Farmall & Fairway Tractors - No print date. 208 pages.
0894. Parts Catalog No. TC-1-B - McCormick-Deering 10-20 - Gear Drive Tractors with Supplement - - Printed 1929. 232 pages.
PiCs Lots 887 thru 8940895. Lot of Eleven: Gil Irps' collection of antique ticket and paper hole punches. Names include: Lodi, McGlimm, Schollhorn, Babbett, Etc.
0896. NICHOLS &: SHEPPARD CO. - BATTLE CREEK , MICH. - THE LITTLE RIVER SPECIAL LINE - SIZE 22X36 - SERIAL NO. 45315 (with lubrication instructions) - - 4" by 6" brass name plate for Nichols & Shepard threshing machine.
Lot of Fourteen: Advertising pencils and pens including eight advertising sparkplug companies:
*Eversharp pencil and ball point pen set from D. C. Potter Co. - Hutchinson. Kans, advertising AC sparkplugs. Like new in original box.
* Parker ball point pin adverting AC products. Like new in original box.
* Three Champion and one AC sparkplug ballpoint pins..
0898. Lot of Fifteen: Advertising items, mostly corn seed companies. Including: memo books, pencils, eversharp pencils and a Pioneer key chain case/fob. Mostly Pioneer Co but also Huey, Morton, Northrup King
PiCs Lots 895 thru 898
Lot of Four: First time we have had clothing to list. Both families of the two main consignors to this auction sent jackets with their wrenches. I can remember the consignor's wearing similar ones at the wrench meets and auctions.
(1.) Gil Irps' lined jacket with an International patch and "IHC Collectors" and "Gil" embroidered designs on the front and "International Harvester Collectors" embroidered large letters on the back - - Large 42-44 size Made by Hartwell Sports
(2.) Gil Irps' lightweight windbreaker with an IH patch on the front and "Go IH Red!- Harrisburg" stenciled on the back - - Large size made by Louisville Kentucky Bred Sportswear
(3.) Gil Irps' shirt with IH and "Member IHC Collectors" patches on the front - - No manufactures or size tag.
(4.) Glenn Ficken's lined jacket with "Glenn" on the front and "Camp Greek Threshers" on the back - - Small size. Made in USA
0900. VOLUME ONE - THE HISTORY OF OLD TIME FARM IMPLEMENT COMPANIES AND THE WRENCHES THEY ISSUED by P. T. Rathbone with Supplement - - 513 pages plus Supplement. The indispensible book for farm type wrench collectors. The out of print original Supplement is the only one of the three Supplements that has a listing of known wrenches by the companies they used them..Signed by the author "Happy Hunting Gil". One corner of the cover slightly bent otherwise in Excellent condition with Gil Irps' embossed stamping "Library of GAI - Gilbert Irps" on title page.
0901. VOLUME TWO - THE HISTORY OF OLD TIME FARM IMPLEMENT COMPANIES AND THE WRENCHES THEY ISSUED by P. T. Rathbone with Supplement - - 314 pages plus Supplement. Signed by the author "To Gil, Mr. IHC". Excellent condition with Gil Irps' embossed stamping "Library of GAI - Gilbert Irps" on the "Uncle Sam" page.
0902. I. H. C. TOOLS & EQUIPMENT THEY WRE ISSUES WITH - Complied by Gil Irps (1994 - revised 1998) - - Gil's personal copy of his compilation of IHC tool parts lists with index.85 pages in vinyl sheet protectors in a three ring binder. Excellent condition,
0903. THE ANTIQUE WRENCH BOOK by Marvin Wullweber. Published in 1982. Early wrench reference by a pioneering wrench collector and author. This is the last of several books Mr. Wullweber authored on collectible wrenches. It's a compilation (with additions) of the previous books. Many of the photos used in the Schulz book were from this book. Scarce book, long out of print. Excellent with Gil Irps' embossed stamping "Library of GAI - Gilbert Irps" on cover.
0904. ANTIQUE AND UNUSUAL WRENCHES by Alfred and Lucille Schulz. Absolutely essential book for antique wrench collectors. Wrench collectors frequently refer to the Schulz number when describing a wrench. Long out of print and almost impossible to obtain. This is the 1989 first edition. Excellent with Gil Irps' embossed stamping "Library of GAI - Gilbert Irps" on cover.
0905. THE TOOL COLLECTOR MAGAZINE - - The first 12 issues (1983 - 1986). Published by John B. Kline of Reamstown, PA. Articles on all kinds of tools including some wrenches. Emphasis on farm tools and What's Its. Excellent condition.
PiCs Lots 900 thru 905
Lot of Six: Books and Magazines from Gil Irps; collection. All in excellent condition, some have Gil's embossed name stamping on inside pages - Will Sell Choice Lot
(1.) RED POWER MAZAZINE - (for IH Collectors and Enthusiasts) - - 17 issues, 2004 -2009.
(2.) POWER IN THE PAST - A HISTORY OF FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. by C. H. Wedal - - 98 pages, 1975.
(3.) HARVESTER HIGHLIGHTS (magazines published for members of the International Harvester Collectors Club) - - 9 issues, 2004 -
(4.) INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER - Photographic History by Lee Klancher - - 224 pages, 1996.
(5.) CLASSIC AMERICAN FARM TRACTORS by Nick Baldwin, photos by Andrew Morland - - 120 pages of full page photos of restored antique tractors..
(6.) GASOLINE ENGINES by Alan C. King - - Seven volumes (No. 1 thru 8, missing No. 2) of reproduced gas engine advertisements. Published from 1976 to 1983
Lot of 271 Gas Engine Magazines 1966 thru 1999 - Will Sell Choice Lot
(1.) Volumes 1 thru 12 (1966 thru 1977) including Volume 1 Number 1. 71 magazines (in binders), only missing Vol 2, No. 1. Includes separate index for these years..
(2.) Volumes 13 thru 17 (1978 thru 1982)..Total of 20 magazines (in binders), none missing. Includes separate index for these years..
(3.) Volumes 18 thru 22 (1983 thru 1987)..Total of 46 magazines, two magazines missing. Includes separate index for these years..
(4.) Volumes 23 thru 26 (1988 thru 1991)..Total of 47 magazines, one magazine missing.
(5.) Volumes 27 thru 30 (1992 thru 1995)..Total of 48 magazines, none missing.
(6.) Volumes 31 thru 34 (1996 thru 1999)..Total of 29 magazines, nineteen magazines missing.
Lot of Seven: Gas Engine Instruction Manuals. All look like reprints. Will Sell Choice Manual
(1.) Sears, roebuck and Co. Gasoline Engines - 1918.
(2.) Instructions No. 2204K Fairbanks-Morse No. 1 Eclipse Engine - 1914
(3.) Baker Mfg. Co. Monitor Repair Catalog No. 58 (gas engines)
(4.) Hercules Corp. Instruction Book and Repair List (gas engines) - 1923
(5.) No. 2548B Fairbanks-Morse Model "ZA" Engines - 1922
(6.) Wards New Sattley 1-1/2 HP Gasoline Engine - 1925
(7.) Type EK Wico Magneto Instructions and Parts List 1929
Lot of Five: Mechanists' and Mechanics' Manuals - Will Sell Choice Manual
(1.) THE STARETT DATA BOOK FOR MACHINISTS - 1918 - - 7". 179 pages.
(2.) GAS ENGINE GUIDE - - 7.75". Reprint.
(3.) HOW TO RUN A LATHE - - 7.25". 80 pages.
(5.) MECHANICS' INSTRUCTION MANUAL - Dodge Bros Motor Cars & Graham Bros. Trucks - - 8.25" Reprint of 1927 manual. 193 pages.
Lot of Eight: Early Books on Collectible Wrenches. All long out of print. Will Sell Choice Book
(1.) ANTIQUE WRENCHES by Larry Finch - Ottawa , KS - 1983.
(2.) My First 1000 Wrenches by Donald D. Snyder (1990). Photos and descriptions of the wrenches in Mr. Snyder's collection listed by type. Interesting book on collectible wrenches but it's probably best to ignore his advice on cleaning wrenches in battery acid.
(3.) ANTIQUE WRENCHES by Larry Finch - Ottawa , KS - 1983.
(4.) Mid- Winter Wrench List - 1992 by Martin Donnelly - - Long out of print pioneering wrench catalog with Donnelly's unique descriptions and prices that shocked the wrench collecting fraternity at the time.
(5.) EAST - WEST ANTIQUE WRENCHES & TOOLS by Marvin Wullweber - - Published in 1979 with 24 pages. Wullweber's second book on antique wrenches.
(6.) NORTHERN PLAINS ANTIQUE WRENCHES & TOOLS - 1977 SUPPLEMENT by Marvin Wullweber - - Supplement to Wullweber's pioneer antique wrench book.;
(7.) NORTHERN PLAINS ANTIQUE WRENCHES & TOOLS by Marvin Wullweber - - Pioneer antique wrench book published in 1975 fourteen year before Al Schulz's book. Some of the pictures for Wullweber's book were used in Schulz's.
(8.) Lot of three wrench auction catalogs: the 1999 Jim Henry Auction and 2002 John Gilmore Auction both by Tom Bailey and the Wrenching News Spring 2013 Auction for Monte Shockman, Don Ervin, Sonny Ruff and others.
Lot of Seven: IHC Cans - Will Sell Choice Can
(1.) International Hy-Tran Fluid 372704R4 with IH logo - - 10.26" gallon can. 90 per cent label.
(2.) I H No. 1 Engine Oil with IH logo - - 9.5" gallon can.
(3.) McCormick-Deering Milker Pump / Cream Separator Oil 441008R1 with IH logo - - 7.75" two quart can.
(4.) International Fire Extinguisher Fluid 995905R1 - - 7.25" quart can.
(5.) McCormick-Deering Cream Separator Oil - - 7.5" can dated 1926, Good++.
(6.) McCormick-Deering Cream Separator Oil - - 8.25" can. Poor label.
(7.) McCormick-Deering Milker Pump / Cream Separator Oil with IH logo - - 7.25" quart can.
Lot of Four: IHC Oil Cans Will Sell Choice Can
(1.) Unmarked (IHC No. 1321E - - 5" oil can. Excellent.
(2.) "McCormick-Deering Farm Machines and Equipment with IHC logo" - "T. E. Boyland - Hubbard, Iowa"" (IHC No. HL156) - - 7.25" painted labled oil can.
(3.) Embossed INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO (IHC No. 7695TM) - - 7" oil can. excellent.
(4.) Embossed EAGLE USA - Labled "HG156 oiler - mfg. for IHC Co." - - 10.5" pump type oil can with painted label, White background variation.. Good+.
Lot of Four: IHC Oil Cans Will Sell Choice Can
(1.) Embossed INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO (IHC No. 2589-1/2T?) - - 5.5" oil can. Good++.- -
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. F250) - - 7.5" early type oil can, Good++.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC H156) - - 7" early style oil can. Botton is rusted out.
(4.) Labled "1131818R1" with IH logo - - 8.5" oil can. Excellent new old stock, never used.
Lot of Four: IHC Oil Cans. Will Sell Choice Can
(1.) "McCormick-Deering Farm Machines and Equipment with IHC logo" - "DeWitt Implement Co. - DeWitt, Iowa" (IHC No. HL156) - - 7.25" painted labled oil can.
(2.) "McCormick-Deering" (IHC No. HL156) - - 7,25" oil can with only partial label.
(3.) Embossed: INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO (IHC Part No. H2589T) - - 6" oil can. Welded spout repair.
(4.) Embossed EAGLE - MADE IN USA (IHC No. A323320 - - 6.5" oil can with remnants of olive drab paint.
Lot of Five: IHC Oil Cans. Will Sell Choice Can
(1.) Unmarked (IHC No. 141C - - 6.5" older looking oil can. Few dents.
(2.) "McCormick-Deering Farm Machines and Equipment with IHC logo" - "Woidneck Bros. Spencer, Nebr. - Phone 18" (IHC No. HL156)- - 7.25" painted labled oil can.
(3.) Embossed: INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO (IHC Part No. H156?) - - 6.25" oil can. End of spout missing.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. H156-1/4 - - 8.5" copper coated oil can. Most of copper worn off.
(5.) Unmarked (IHC No. H156-1/2 - - 9.5" copper coated oil can.
0916. JA43 with IHC logo - - 15" cast iron seat. Surface rust, not cleaned.
0917. McCormick Deering - - 20" sickle grinder. Parts marked P109, P116, P123, P124
PiCs Lots 916 and 917
Lot of Six: IHC Parts Catalogs and Instructions Books Will Sell Choice Item
(1.) Repairs Catalog No. 66-SM for McCormick-Deering - Hoosier - Empire - Kentucky Drills - - 520 pages
(2.) Parts Catalog No. 84-PO for McCormick-Deering - P & O Plows, Harrows, Etc. - - 731 pages.
(3.) Repairs Catalog No. 80-GM for McCormick-Deering Grain Harvesting Machines, Binders, Reapers - 480 pages.
(4.) Repairs Catalog No. 38 for Milwaukee Harvesting Machines - - 169 pages.
(5.) Instruction Book for McCormick-Deering Cream Separators (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) - - 42 pages.
(6.) IHC Special Repairs Catalog and Price List No. 32. - - 145 pages.
Lot of Twelve: IHC Owner's Instruction and Part Books. Will Sell Choice Item
(1.) Owner's Manual for Farmall H and M Tractors.
(2.) Owner's Manual for McCormick-Deering Farmall Planter Fertilizer Attachments
(3.) Instructions for McCormick-Deering Little Genius Tractor Plow No. 8.
(4.) Owner's Manual for McCormick-Deering Tractor Disk Harrow No. 10-A
(5.) Instructions for McCormick-Deering Farmall Cultivator No. 232-U
(6.) Instructions Manual and Parts List for McCormick-Deering Farmall Cultivator No. 215-H
(7.) Instructions for McCormick-Deering Little Wonder Tractor Gang Plow No. 2
(8.) Instructions for McCormick-Deering No. 22 Harvester-Thresher
(9.) Owner's Manual for McCormick-Deering No. 122 Harvester-Thresher
(10.) Instructions for McCormick-Deering Farmall Cultivator No. 215-H for F-12 Tractors.
(11.) Instructions for McCormick-Deering Plain Fluted Feed Grain drills
(12.) Parts Catalog HT-19A for McCormick and McCormick-Deering Nos. 122 and 122C Harvester Threshers.
0920. a compilation in a three ring binder (21 pages) with 111 3-1/2" by 3-1/2" black and white photographs of railroad boxcars, tankers and weigh cars plus a two page timeline of Ohio Railroads from Gil Irps' collection. I don't know who took the photos and mounted them in this album but I do know Gil was a collector of railroad memorabilia besides IHC tools. One of a kind in Excellent condition.
0921 Gil Irp's collection of transportation or transit tokens (streetcar, bus, etc.). 182 tokens from various US states and cities in 2x2 coin holders displayed in vinyl protective sheets in a binder.
Lot of Five: Gas Engine Parts Lists and Operating Manuals (all look like reprints)
(1.) Repair List and Instructions for Empire Line of Gasoline Engines - Empire Cream Separator Co. - Bloomfield, NJ.
(2.) Instructions No. 2548A - Fairbanks-Morse 1, 3, & 6 H.P. "Z" Engines
(3.) Instructions No. 2417D - Fairbanks-Morse 3 & 6 H.P. "Z" Engines
(4.) Parts Lists and Instructions for 2 H.P. Stover Engines - Freeport, ILL.
(5.) Operating Instructions for Model "S" Engines - Novo Engine Co. - Lansing, Mich.
0923. Lot of 17. Clean up of remainder of Gil Irps' Literature Collection - Including Instructions for California Supply Co. Livestock Elastrator; Engineers and Engines Magazine (1992); Old Time Steam Threshing Show, Peotone, IL (112 pages); Bonfield, IL Century 1882-1982; 100 Minutes of Area History (Kankakee County, IL); American Legion World War II Commemorative Issue; Historic Farm Days (2002, Penfield, IL); Antique Gas Engine & Tractor Magazine (1978); three magazine holders; a three ring binder and more.
PiCs Lot 923
Lot of Four: IHC Grease Guns. Will Sell Choice Item
(1.) No. 6-B AUTOMATIC - ALEMITE ZERK (IHC No. not known) - - 14" grease gun.
(2.) LINCOLN LUBRIGUN (IHC No. QA3780) - - 10.5" grease gun .
(3.) 40285 - LINCOLN (IHC No. not known) - - 12.5" grease gun.
(4.) LINCOLN LUBRIGUN - MODEL 5956 (IHC No. Q3803) - - 9" grease gun . Tee handle variation.
Lot of Four: IHC Funnels, Etc. Will Sell Choice Item
(1.) 183N with large IHC logo ("N" is backwards) - - 8" cast inspection cover for IHC threshers.
(2.) I1131057R1 with IH logo - - 7.5" oil can spout. Excellent, NOS, with original finish.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC G8413) - - 6" tin funnel.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC G3161) - - 8" tin funnel.
0926. 472037R! (IHC) - - 12" rivet flaring tool. Excellent.
0927. ENGINAIR TIRE PUMP (IHC NO. 365997R91) - - Complete with hose, gauge sparkplug adapter and a small wrench with a tire valve tool. Screw into sparkplug hole to use tractor as an air compressor. Excellent.
PiCs Lots 924 thru 9270928. 123 (David Bradley) - - 6.75". Markings are vertical on the shaft. Excellent. (R2-73)
0929. 125 (David Bradley) - - 6.5" Excellent. (R2-72)
0930. FIRE GERNADE MORTAR - PAT APPL'D FOR with a "K" in a circle logo (The Kilgore Mfg. Company, Westerville Ohio) - - 2" cast barrel with a three leg base and hole for firecracker fuse. A ball was placed in the barrel and launched with an ordinary firecracker. Excellent with new paint.
0931. Unmarked - - (Case Threshing Machine Co.?) - - 9.75" by 10.5" heavy cast iron funnel. Formerly listed as IHC No. 7926T on the IHC Tool List but now thought to be a Case Threshing Machine Co. funnel. Good++.
PiCs Lots 928 thru 931End of cataloged individual lots. There may be additional unlisted lots
Choice Box 001: Lot of Four Crescent and Crescent Type Adjustable Wrenches
(1.) CRESCENT TOOL CO - - 18" older style Crescent wrench. Good+.
(2.) CHALLENGER 4215L (with helmet logo) / CLIK-STOP - PATENTED - - 15" Crescent type adjustable wrench.. Good+.
(3.) BERGMAN / 12 IN. QUEEN CITY- - 12" curved handle Crescent type. Good+.
(4.) BERGMAN / 8 IN. QUEEN CITY- - 8" curved handle Crescent type. Surface rust, not cleaned.
Choice Box 002: Lot of Eight Adjustable Wrenches
(1.) GELLMAN WRENCH CORP. - ROCK ISLAND, ILL USA - POLLY / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 9" IN. NO. 91 - - 9" quick adjust nut wrench, external spring variation. Good+
(2.) GELLMAN WRENCH CORP. - ROCK ISLAND, ILL USA - POLLY / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 6" IN. NO. 61 - - 6" quick adjust nut wrench, external spring variation. Good++.
(3.) HELIX 8 IN PETERSON TOOL CO EL DORADO, KANSAS US PAT 3555939 - - 8.5". Patented by Kenneth Halls of Broomfield, Colorado and assigned to Eugene Peterson. These wrenches were mfg. in El Dorado and Towanda, Kansas. Has special gold finish. I have heard from one investor that these gold wrenches were given to investors by the Peterson Tool Co. The company failed and all they got for their investments were the wrenches. Excellent condition, probably never used as it actually works!
(4.) AMERICAN CAMPER / PAT. PENDING - - 4.25" (folded) multi-tool with a pliers, several knife and screwdrivers, etc. Excellent.
(5.) THE BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. - - 6.25" curved handle Crescent type adjustable wrench. Good++.
(6.) (can't read markings) - - 5.5" center screw adjust bike or pocket wrench. Surface rust, as found, not cleaned.
(7.) STERLING - FRANK MOSSBERG CO. - - 5" adjustable bike wrench.
(8.) ONEHANDER - 6" - STICKLE BACK / CHROMAVAN - GERMANY - - 5.5" self adjust wrench. SMOOTH jaws variant
Choice Box 003: Lot of Eight 6 Inch Crescent and Crescent Type Adjustable Wrenches
(1.) CRESCENT TOOL CO. - - 6". Older style. Good++.
(2.) CRESCENT TOOL CO. / CRESTOLOY - - 6". Good++.
(3.) CRESCENT TOOL CO. - - 6". Older style. Good++.
(4.) CRESCENT TOOL CO. / CRESTOLOY - - 6". Good++.
(5.) CRESCENT TOOL CO. / CRESTOLOY - - 6". Good++.
(6.) AIGO / HEAVY DUTY - - 6" Excellent
(7.) 6" SCHOLLER/ THE SCHOLLER MFG. Co. - BUFFALO, NY - - 6". Good++.
(8.) J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. / SUPERJUSTABLE - - 6". Good++.
Choice Box 004: Lot of Six Adjustable wrenches
(1.) Unmarked - 10" all metal screw adjust nut wrench. Severe pitting.
(2.) Whitman & Barnes logo - PAT. APR. 19, 98 - - 9.25" Knife type wood handled screw adjust pipe wrench with reversible lower jaw .Chipped upper jaw.
(3.) PAT SEP 7, 97 / 31 - - 7.5" wood handle version of the Vandegrift patent monkey wrench. (S966, C313)
(4.) PAT SEP 7, 97 / 31 - - 7.5" wood handle version of the Vandegrift patent monkey wrench. (S966, C313)
(5.) Unmarked - - 6.5" wood handled screw adjust nut wrench (like Bemis & Call) Fair.
(6.) Can't read markings should be marked CC PAT MAR 1, 1921 OMAHA - - 8.5" dual adjust nut or pipe wrench. Patented by Gene D. Chenette of Ames, Iowa. Fair, dings, missing rod handle on bottom adjuster. (S463)
Choice Box 005: Lot of Nine Adjustable Bicycle, Pocket & Auto Wrenches
(1.) DCMT - LTD / MADE IN ENGLAND - - 3.5" miniature auto type wrench. Different. Excellent..
(2.) Unmarked - - 3.75" center screw adjust with skeleton handle. Advertised in 1897 by Peck, Stow & Wilcox as the "Star Bicycle Wrench". Good++. (S104)
(3.) HAYDEN JUNE 16, 80 - - 4" center screw adjust.
(4.) BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. - HARTFORD, CONN. / C. E. BILLINGS PAT'D FEB. 18TH, 1879 (with ruler markings) - - 4" center screw adjust with one side exposed.
(5.) KING DICK - - 4.25" center screw adjust. Pitting.
(6.) Unmarked - - 5" center screw adjust.
(7.) THE BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. - B (with ruler markings) - - 5" center screw adjust.
(8.) THE BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. - D (with ruler markings) - - 6" center screw adjust.
(9.) BILLINGS & SPENCER CO. - HARTFORD, CONN. / C. E. BILLINGS PAT'D FEB. 18TH, 1879 (with ruler markings) - - 7" center screw adjust with one side exposed.
Choice Box 006: Lot of Seven Adjustable Nut Wrenches
(1.) No. 2 BULLARD WRENCH / - PAT OCT. 27, '03 - 11.5" self adjusting wrench . Drilled hang hole, adjustment binds.
(2.) No. 1 BULLARD WRENCH / - PAT OCT. 27, '03 - 9.5" self adjusting wrench. Some pitting.
(3.) Unmarked - - 9.5" wedge adjust.
(4.) SUL - - 7" wedge adjust.
(5.) Unmarked - - 7" wedge adjust.
(6.) SUL - - 5.75" wedge adjust.
(7.) SUL - HACOMER - SOLINGEN - GERMANY - - 5.75" wedge adjust. Owner's id: "E.G.S."
Choice Box 007: Lot of Seven Farm Wrenches
(1.) 1823C with the Case Eagle Logo (Case T. M. Co.) - - 24" doe for Case Steam Engines. Eagle logo on front variation. As found, pitted, weak markings, not cleaned. (R1-81)
(2.) W1074 / E-B logo (Emerson-Brantingham, Rockford, ILL) - - 16.25". Sand blasted.
(3.) BAILOR PLOW CO / ATCHISON KAN. C49 - - 9.5". Painted.
(4.) 1822C with the Case Eagle Logo (Case T. M. Co.) - - 20.5" doe for Case Steam Engines. Rusty, not cleaned, has spanner pins welded to one face of the smaller jaw. (R1-81)
(5.) PARKER PLOW CO - - 9.75". Pitted, sand blasted. (R1-369)
(6.) OLIVER / CP245 - - 9" Pitting, painted, slight bend. (R1-360)
(7.) H & D YORK PA (Hench & Dromgold - York, Penn.) - - 7.5" with a turnip shaped cutout. Good. (R1-228)
Choice Box 008: Lot of Seven Farm Wrenches
(1.) LA CROSSE / ND86 - - 9". Painted, repaired. (R1-289)
(2.) ARNHOLT - - 7.25" Deering style. sand blasted. (R1-21)
(3.) FAMOUS OHIO J276 - - 9.5". Painted. (R1-357)
(4.) KIRLIN / K115 (Kansas City, Missouri & Beattie, Kansas) - - 8". Sand blasted. (R1-285)
(5.) DEERING - - 7.5" Deering style. Good.
(6.) JOHN DEERE Z2 - - 9.5". One end missing. (R1-133, D552)
(7.) ROCK ISLAND PLOW CO / S234 SULKIES AND GANGS - - 9". Five open ends variant. One jaw missing, painted. (R1-401)
Choice Box 009: Lot of Seven Farm Wrenches
(1.) VULCAN PLOW CO / EVANSVILLE IND.- - 7.75". Jaw crack.. (R1-475)
(2.) PEORIA / D1003 (Peoria Drill & Seeder Co., Peoria, ILL.) - - 7.5". Sand blasted, pitting. (R1-376)
(3.) AVERY / 464 (Avery Co. - Peoria, ILL) - - 6.5". Good+. (R1-26)
(4.) LETZ - E782 (Letz Mfg. Co. - Crown Point, Indiana, later Deere) - - 7" Deering pattern. Sand blasted. (D308)
(5.) E6 (Roderick Lean) - - 8". Painted.
(6.) ROD'K LEAN / C111 - - 8". Sand blasted. (R1-294)
(7.) JAMESWAY - FT. ATKINSON WIS. - ELMIRA NY / MINNEAPOLIS MINN. - 1008 - - 7.5". Good+. (R1-267)
Choice Box 010: Lot of Seven Farm Wrenches
(1.) OHIO CHILLED / NEW IMPERIAL (B & G Plow Co. - Canton, Ohio) - - 9.75". Good+. (R1-31)
(2.) 32 (Wheel & Seeder Co., La Crosse, Wisconsin) - - 9" pin and three opened wrench. (painted). (R1-485)
(3.) OHIO RAKE CO. - DAYTON O. / X - - 8". Sand blasted. (R1-359)
(4.) 750367 (Samson Tractor Co.) and a "CH" logo - - 9". Good.
(5.) AVERY / 251 (Avery Co. - Peoria, ILL) - - 7.25". Painted. (R1-26)
(6.) KING - - 7.5" doe.
(7.) 490B (IHC) - - 7.75" with five wrench openings and hammer head. Sand blasted. (R1-251)
Choice Box 011: Lot of Eight Farm Wrenches
(1.) Z788 IHC logo / Z786 - - 8.5" all metal screw adjust nut wrench. Hex adjusting nut variation. Crack. (R1-256)
(2.) CHALLENGE (Batavia, Illinois mfg. windmills, gas engines, etc.) - - 7". Pitting. (R1-93)
(3.) GALE 26 (Gale Mfg. Co. - Albion, Mich.) - - 7". One end broken off..
(4.) Unmarked (orphan) - - 8.75". Weld repair.
(5.) 1893 (Dille & McGuire, Richmond, Indiana) - - 3.75". Excellent
(6.) SIMMONS / UTILITY(Simmons Hardware Co St. Louis) - - 7" Deering Style, Sand blasted. (R1-426)
(7.) M231 (IHC)- - 7" with socket variation. Pitting, broken.
(8.) Unmarked - - 9" hitch pin with three wrench openings and an added bras ball on end? Pitted.
Choice Box 012: Lot of Eight Farm Wrenches
(1.) MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 5/8 / 1/2 - - 10" Silo wrench Good++ (R1-336)
(2.) CHAMPION SILO (with "CH" logo) / WESTERN SILO CO DES MOINES IOWA - - 12". Single socket variation. Pitting. (R1-484)
(3.) AJAX & / SUPERIOR (Rock Island Plow Co.) - - 11.25" longer variant. Pitted. (R1-401)
(4.) D239 (Rock Island Plow Co.) - C - - 10". Good+. (R1-400)
(5.) Marked only with an "E" (orphan) - - 5" extended hex socket , Good++.
(6.) ROCK ISLAND / R1122 - - 10.5" Sand blasted. (R1-400)
(7.) BUFORD / C1 *Buford & Co.. - Rock Island, IL.) - - 8". Good. (R1-70)
(8.) <M-H> (Massey-Harris) - SPARK PLUG WRENCH 202783M1 / MADE IN CANADA - - 10.25". Good. (R1-312)
Choice Box 013: Lot of Eight Farm Wrenches
(1.) B & H / 1371 (Bickford & Huffman - Macedon, NY) - - 7". Sandblasted, pitted (R1-32)
(2.) SHARES / N167 (Janesville Machine Co.) - - 5.5". Pitting. (R1-265)
(3.) PLANET JR. / 3 - - 6.5" with CUTOUT letters. Good.
(4.) Jones / D114 - - 6.5" Good++ (R1-381)
(5.) NEW HOLLAND / FEED MILL - - 6" doe wrench. Pitting. (R1-348)
(6.) P & O (CUTOUT letters) / 1338 (Parlin & Orendorff, IHC) - - 6" CUTOUT (numbers on back side variation) Severe pitting. (R1-370)
(7.) DREDNAUT / ST JOSEPH, MICH. - - 6" Good++. (R1-151)
(8.) 244 (George W. Brown - Galesburg, Illinois) - - 8" hitch pin with three open end wrench openings. Good+. (R1-66)
Choice Box 014: Lot of Eight Farm Wrenches
(1.) JAMESWAY - FT. ATKINSON WIS. - ELMIRA NY / MINNEAPOLIS MINN. - 1008 - - 8" Painted. (R1-267)
(2.) B & G PLOW CO / CANTON O - - 9.75" Sand blasted (R1-31)
(3.) FAMOUS OHIO J276 - - 9.5" Good++ (R1-357)
(4.) M.518 (Emerson-Brantingham, later Case T. M. Co.) - - 6.25" pitman wrench. Excellent. (R1-162)
(5.) B60 - M (orphan) - - 10.5" doe-s wrench.
(6.) Unmarked - - 6.5" hog ringer pliers. Sand blasted.
(7.) MONTGOMERY WARD - 4 - - 8" cream separator wrench with double open ends, spanner, and screwdriver tab. Good++. (R1-336)
(8.) 1185 (Massey-Harris earlier Johnston Harvester) - - 7". {painted). (R1-272, R1-311)
Choice Box 015: Lot of 13 Misc. Collectibles
(1.) Unmarked - - 13" knife sharpening steel? with a brass dagger type handle.
(2.) L25 CREESCENT TOOL CO. - - 5.5" slip joint pliers.
(3.) Unmarked - - 6" wooden handled hand vise. Weld repair on wing nut, handle cracks.
(4.) Unmarked - - 2.5" ticket punch.
(5.) Unmarked - - 3" brass harness buckle with a cutout star.
(6.) DIXIE BEER CO. - - 4.5" cast small hatchet and hammer with a bottle opener.
(7.) Unmarked - - 4.5" What's It. Owner identified as a corn picking tool?
(8.) KNU-VISE - - 4.75" locking clamp. Weld repair.
(9.) BUICK CARS - G.M.C. TRUCKS - SAMSON TRACTORS / GUY P. PIERCE - KEARNEY, NEBR. - - 7.75" all metal advertising screwdriver.
(10.) D219-5C with Klein lineman climbing a pole logo - - 5.25" diagonal cutting slim pointed nose pliers.
(11.) 10.5" oil can with new McCormick -Deering International Harvester decal.
(12.) Unmarked - - 2.25" set of three miniature screwdrivers in a plastic pouch.
(13.) Lot of two unmarked scythe snath wrenches
Choice Box 016: Lot of Seven Farm and Adjustable Wrenches
(1.) BLACKHAWK (with CUTOUT letters) - - 7.5" with peg variation. Pitted.
(2.) BUFORD / C1 *Buford & Co.. - Rock Island, IL.) - - 8". Severe pitting. (R1-70)
(3.) Unmarked - - 7.25" crude pliers.
(4.) OHIO CHILLED / NEW IMPERIAL (B & G Plow Co. - Canton, Ohio) - - 9.75". Pitted. (R1-31)
(5.) Can't read markings - - 7" specialty pliers.
(6.) Unmarked - - 8.25" Lightning style combination pliers, wire cutter, screwdriver and nail claw.
(7.) COCHRAN SPEEDNUT WRENCH - - 9" self adjusting nut wrench.
Choice Box 017: Lot of 30 marked and unmarked steel wrenches, including wrenches for a Buffalo Drill Press, bicycles, stoves, lanterns, welders, etc.
PiCs Choice Lot 17Choice Box 018: Lot of 36 steel wrenches with a Coleman wrench and wrenches for bicycles, paint guns, stoves, etc.
PiCs Choice Lot 18
Choice Box 019: Lat of Nine Assorted Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked - - 10.25" double ended ratchet. No info but looks old. Not cleaned.
(2.) Unmarked - - 5" twist handled all metal monkey wrench. Good+.
(3.) EIFEL-FLASH PLIERENCH - PAT 5-216 - - 8.75" Older style Eifel pliers. Not cleaned.
(4.) HELLER - MADE IN USA (with a horse logo) - - 5.5" combination nipper, wire cutter, nail claw and screwdriver. Excellent.
(5.) INSTANT-GRIP - WESTERN GERMANY - - 5" small self adjust wrench. Good.
(6.) GERMANY - - 7" nippers with nail claw. Good++.
(7.) PICK-UP - PAT'D - - 8.25" sparkplug ratchet wrench and socket. Patented May 19, 1907 by George B. Pickop of New Britain, Conn. Mfg'd. by the New Britain Mfg. Co. of New Britain, Conn. and Crescent Mfg. Co. of New York, NY. Good++. (not listed)
(8.) THE ELGIN - PAT JUNE 8, 97 - EXTRA JAW 25¢ with a star logo marked ELGIN GENIUNE IMPROVED - TRADEMARK REGISTRED JUNE 8, 1897 - JUNE 9, 1906 - MAY 20, 1916 - - 7" adjustable alligator wrench with die holder, die and a new old stock extra jaw . Some areas of pitting on die holder.
(9.) LOCKMATIC - PAT RE. 23,761 & PAT. PEND. - - 7.75" slip joint pliers with a handle latch that locks the jaws. Patent issued to Walter Sarvie of Alexandria, Minn. on 1-30-1941. Excellent. (like S287)
Choice Box 020: Lot of Five No Name Wrenches
Choice Box 021: Lot of Five Planet Jr. Wrenches
(1.) PLANET JR./ 3 - - 6.25" with CUTOUT letters. Good+.
(2.) 3 - PLANET JR. / PLANET JR. - - 6.25". good++.
(3.) PLANET JR./ 3 - - 6.25" with CUTOUT letters. Good++.
(5.) 5430 - PLANET JR (also IHC) - - 5" stamped steel doe wrench. Marking variation without "Made in the United States of America" not listed on the IHC List. Good++. (R1-380)
Choice Box 022: Lot of Six Farm Wrenches
(1.) 2961 (on clevis) - - 8.5" clevis and pin/wrench.
(2.) VERITY 3 (all in CUTOUT letters) Verity Plow Co / Massey-Harris) - - 6.25" Rarest variant of the Verity cutout wrenches but it is severely pitted. (R1-471)
(3.) BINKS MFG. CO. - 5-32 - - 6.75". Flat steel. Excellent.
(4.) <M-H> (Massey-Harris) - - 9" flat steel. Good+.
(5.) <M-H> (Massey-Harris) - - 11.5" flat steel. Good+.
(6.) 14-1/2 (Minnie Harvester Co, - St, Paul, Minn. and IHC) - - 8.5" doe-s wrench. Pitted. (R2-203)
Choice Box 023: Lot of Eight IHC Wrenches
(1.) P & O CO. / P & O CO - - 11.5" steel doe.
(2.) T28 (IHC and Kentucky Drill Co / American Seeding Co) - - 5"a x5.5" tee socket wrench with screwdriver end and hook. Raised markings. Painted. (Rathbone's Sup. only)
(3.) N478 (no IHC logo) / H - - 3" x 5.5". Number raised, Painted. (R1-254)
(4.) T560 (Kentucky Drill, Hoosier Drill and IHC) - - 5" by 5.5" tee socket wrench with pry bar end. Painted. (R1-239, R1-255)
(5.) 271N / (IHC logo) - - 6" x 6.5". Tee socket wrench. Painted
(6.) N738 - IHC logo - - 3" x 5.25" L-socket wrench. Painted.
(7.) P318 / IHC logo (IHC, earlier C B & Q Co.) - - 4.5". Good++. (R1-73)
(8.) P & O CO. / P & O CO - - 9" steel doe.
Choice Box 024: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) Marked only 2715 (P & O, later IHC) - - 9.5". Painted. (R1-251)
(2.) 3613 / P & O CO CANTON ILL- - 12.25" Painted. (R1-370)
(3.) PO209 / IHC logo - D - - 11.5". Number and logo indented. Painted. (R1-254)
(4.) PO209 (with IHC logo) - - 13.75". Number raised, logo indented. Painted. (R1-254)
(5.) 4135 P & O CO / CANTON ILL. (later IHC) - - 10.25". Painted. (R1-370)
(6.) 5283 / P & O CO. - - 10" Emerson type. Painted. (R1-370)
(7.) 5282 (with IHC logo) - - 9.75" with 7/17" square. hole. Number raised, log indented. Painted.
Choice Box 025: Lot of Eight IHC Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked (IHC No. ST52) - - 7" flat steel. Painted.
(2.) L9 (IHC)- - 8". Six round holes, indented markings variation. Painted.
(3.) R197 (McCormick- / IHC) - - 8". !" and 3/4" openings variation. Painted.
(4.) L9 - IHC logo / C - - 8.5". Solid shaft with 1/2" round hole, number and logo raised variation. Painted.
(5.) Unmarked No. 260 (McCormick / IHC / / Kentucky Drill / Hoosier Drill / American Seeding Machine) - - 7"..
(6.) ZA810 / IHC logo (IHC, originally McCormick) - - 9.25" pitman wrench. Number and logo indented.
(7.) G8210 with IHC logo - - 6"
(8.) Unmarked (IHC No. H5651) - - 4" double hex steel sparkplug socket.
Choice Box 026: Lot of Five Adjustable Wrenches From Gil Irp's IHC Collection
(1.) BILLINGS & SPENSER - A (IHC No. 1323E) - - 4.25" bicycle or pocket type wrench. Excellent.
(2.) WIZARD NO. 9 - PAT'D NOV. 14, 1922. - MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS. USA (IHC No.?) - - 9".auto wrench. Good+.
(3.) 9 IN AUTO / Vlchek logo (IHC No.?) - - 9". Good+.
(4.) WIZARD NO. 9 - PATD. - MADE IN WORCESTER, MASS. USA (IHC No.?) - - 9".auto wrench. Good+.
(5.) Unmarked (IHC No.?) - -11" auto type wrench. Hammer dings.
Choice Box 027: Lot of Eight IHC Wrenches
(1.) P1189 (Osborne - IHC) - - 16" long, raised numbers and no logo variation. Double socket Some pitting, pitted.
(2.) P459A (Osborne, later IHC) - -14" scarce double socket. Painted.
(3.) P459 (Osborne, later IHC) - -14.25" double socket. Painted.
(4.) P1061A (IHC) - - 12.75" double socket. Painted.
(5.) P1061A (IHC) - - 12.5" double socket. Painted.
(6.) P1184 (IHC logo) (IHC, originally Osborne) - - 9.5" by 11.75" Tee socket wrench. Good++, painted.
(7.) 478685-R1 (IHC) - - 11" heavy single 12 point box end. Good++.
(8.) 373941R2 and IHC logo - 1-5/16" - - 14.5" single12 point box end. Excellent, painted.
Choice Box 028: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) 1300C - IHC logo - - 9.25" cream separator wrench. Good+, some light pitting. .
(2.) ZA810 / IHC logo (IHC, originally McCormick) - - 9.25" pitman wrench. IHC logo, horizontal markings all raised variation.. Painted.
(3.) P & O CO - CANTON ILL / 2715 - - 9.5". All markings raised. Painted.
(4.) 10466CX - IHC logo) - - 9" cream separator wrench. Excellent under new paint. (R1-256)
(5.) ZA810 / IHC logo (IHC, originally McCormick) - - 9.25" pitman wrench. IHC logo, vertical markings all indented variation.. Painted.
(6.) P28-1/2 / D and Plano logo (Plano, later IHC) - - 6.5" doe-s wrench All makings but Plano logo indented, Plano logo is raised, Good+
(7.) A158 (Milwaukee, IHC) - - 6.75" Pitman wrench, Good+, some light pitting. (R1-328)
Choice Box 029: Lot of Eight IHC Automobile Type Wrenches
(1.) 11 IN AUTO (IHC No. 53251V) - - 11". Painted.
(2.) MADE IN USA - 9 AUTO (IHC No. not known) / Vlchek logo - - 9". Excellent.
(3.) 9 AUTO / 40 (IHC No. 45192D) - - 9" Good+.
(4.) F.T.F CLEVE (IHC No. not known) - - 9". Good++.
(5.) 5 (IHC No. not known) - - 9". Good+.
(6.) MADE IN USA - 9 AUTO (IHC No. not known) / 17 and Vlchek logo - - 9". Excellent.
(7.) Unmarked (IHC No. not known) - - 9". Poor.
(8.) CHARLES E. HALL COMPANY - BUFFALO, NY USA (IHC No. not known) - - 7". Good.
Choice Box 030: Lot of Eight IHC and One Oliver Wrenches
(1.) PITMAN (Deering / IHC) - - 5.5". Painted.`
(2.) 373941R2 and IHC logo - 1-5/16" - - 14.5" single12 point box end. Excellent, painted.
(3.) P1139 (IHC) - - 16" double socket with raised numbers. Painted.
(4.) Jones / D114 Plano logo (later IHC) - - 6.5" Good++, painted. (R1-381)
(5.) 45662DA with IH logo - - 12" offset double hex socket. IH logo variant. Painted.
(6.) Unmarked (Oliver - IHC of Canada No. RP5415) - - 10.5" flat steel. Painted.
(7.) A571 (Champion Mower & Reaper Co. - later IHC, later B. F. Avery) - - 10". Scarce. Good++, painted. (R1-96)
(8.) P & O CO CANTON ILL / 4129 (later IHC) - - 10.25". Painted. (R1-370)
Choice Box 031: Lot of Eight IHC Wrenches
(1.) M231 - - 6.75" open back, solid bar variation. Painted.
(2.) A (Keystone, IHC) - - 7". No logo variant Pitting.(R1-280)
(3.) G261 - IHC logo / MOWER - - 7.25" pitman wrench. Painted..
(4.) M231 (IHC)- - 7.25" with socket variation. Painted.
(5.) 2156 (Champion than, IHC, than B. F. Avery) - - 7.5". No logo variation. Excellent but painted.
(6.) M231 - - 6.75" open back, notched bar variation. Painted.
(7.) Z811 IHC logo (McCormick / IHC) - - 7.5". All markings indented. Good.
(8.) 2156 - IHC logo (Champion than, IHC, than B. F. Avery) - - 7.25". Painted.
Choice Box 032: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) G1 (Oliver, Canadian IHC) - - 12.5". No logo variation. Painted.
(2.) MERIT STILLSON WRENCH / GURANTEED (IHC No ???) - - 9.5" Stillson type adjustable pipe wrench. Good+.
(3.) No.3202R (IHC No. U18469) - - 9,25: square drive reversible ratchet wrench for IHC 2M Corn Picker. Good++.
(4.) Z812 (IHC) - - 6.78" markings indented, no logo variation. Good.
(5.) 12737DA - IHC logo - - 5". Excellent.
(6.) G3524 - IHC logo - - 4.25" small doe. For Early IHC Titan Tractors. All marking raised. Good++.
(7.) Unmarked (IHC No. 13095V) - - 4" pressed steel sparkplug socket. With holes for rod handle variation. Excellent.
Choice Box 033: Lot of Eight IHC Wrenches
(1.) 11858D (IHC) - - 5.5" flat steel hook spanner for Farmall tractor water pumps. Pitting.
(2.) G3524 (IHC) - - 4.25" small doe. For Early IHC Titan Tractors. No logo, number raised. Excellent.
(3.) M231 (IHC) - - 7" solid bar, solid back, dogbone shape variation. Good++. Painted.
(4.) K439 (IHC) - - 6.75" no logo variation. Good+.
(5.) Z810 (IHC) - - 7". No logo variation. Painted.
(6.) Z811 (IHC) - - 7.5". Number indented, no logo variation. Good+.
(7.) DEERING / HAY RAKE (William Deering & Co. later IHC) - - 6.25". Painted. (R1-139)
(8.) P & O CO CANTON ILL 4131 - - 7". Painted. (R1-370)
Choice Box 034: Lot of Six IHC Cream Separator Wrenches
(1.) 10465CX - IHC logo - - 9" cream separator wrench and screwdriver. Excellent.
(2.) 10014CA - IHC logo - - 7.25" cream separator wrench. Good.
(3.) 1244CA - IHC logo - - 7.25" cream separator wrench. Some pitting. (R1-256)
(4.) 924C - IHC logo - - 6.25" cream separator wrench, no keyhole variation. Good+.
(5.) 1244C - IHC logo - - 7.25" cream separator wrench. Some light pitting. (R1-256)
(6.) 924C (IHC logo) - - 6.25" cream separator wrench, with keyhole variation. Good++.
Choice Box 035: Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) P & CO. / P & CO - - 6.75" doe (5/8" by 9/16") flat steel. Some light pitting.
(2.) 2715 / IHC logo (IHC, earlier P & O) - - 9.5". Numbers and logo indented. Painted.
(3.) HD911. with IHC logo / no markings on reverse side - - 7.25" Deering style. Numbers indented, logo raised. Painted.
(4.) DEERING (large letters) / reverse is blank - - 7.5 Deering style. Painted.
(5.) 3 - PLANET JR, / PLANET JR. - - 6.25". Painted.
(6.) R319 / IHC logo - - 7.75". All markings raised. Painted.
(7.) M231 - - 6.5" solid back, solid bar variation. Painted.
Choice Box 036: Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) 4359 (P & O) - - 12.5". Painted. (R1-370)
(2.) Unmarked (if IHC I don't know part No.) - - 11.75" lug wrench with tire tool end? Good++.
(3.) P & O CO - CANTON ILL / 2715 - - 9.5". All markings raised. Good++.
(4.) P1599 - IHC logo (all raided) / P1599 (indented) - - 12".Excellent.
(5.) 295 (P & O IHC) - - 8". Four open ends with straight shaft variation. Painted, pitting.
(6.) G-3171 - I.H.CO. - - 7.75". Good++.
(7.) 3613T (IHC logo) - - 6.75" . All markings raised, Excellent.
Choice Box 037: Nine IHC Wrenches
(1.) 11858DA - IHC logo - - 5.5" flat steel hook spanner for Farmall tractor water pumps. Excellent.
(2.) 1325EA (IHC logo) - - 4.25" Good++.
(3.) 1595E - IHC logo - - 5.75". No. raised in panel and logo raised in circle. Good+.
(4.) 1326-E (raised in recess panel) - IHC logo (raised in circle - - f8.25". Excellent.
(5.) 10014C - IHC logo - - 7.25" cream separator wrench. Pitting.
(6.) 509 (Osborne, later IHC, later E&B) - - 7.75". Number indented. Good+.
(7.) D736 / IHC logo (IHC, originally William Deering & Co.) - - 5.5" pitman wrench. Pitted.
(8.) F354 (IHC) - - 7.75". Two square holes, number raised, no logo variant. Painted.
(9.) P-11 (Milwaukee Harvester Co., later IHC) - - 9.5". No post, numbers indented variant. Good+.
Choice Box 038: Lot of Eight IHC Advertising Yardsticks.
(1.) Knauf Imp. - I. H. Dealer - Ladd, ILL. - - Extra wide.
(2.) Stoller Farm Supply - Your International, firestone, Maytag, etc. Dealer - Chenoa, Ill - Phone 55.
(3.) International Sales & Service - Hoopeston Imp. Co. - Hoopeston, ILL.
(4.) Stoller's - Pontiac, ILL. - McCormick Farm Machines, International Trucks and Refrigerators, Maytag Washers, etc.
(5.) Gilbert J. Pritchard - Geneseo, ILL / You'll Be Ahead With a Farmall.
(6.) Thomas Wesoloski - Wilmington, ILL. / McCormick-Deering Farm Operating Equipment.
(7.) Srsen Auto Co. - McCormick-Deering - Blooming Prairie, Minn. / McCormick-Deering Farm Operating Equipment - "Good equipment makes a good farmer better".
(8.) El Pasco Imp. Co. - El Paso, Ill / McCormick-Deering Farm Operating Equipment - International Motor Trucks.
Choice Box 039: Lot of Eight Advertising Yardsticks, Etc.: Seven IHC and One Oliver.
(1.) The Oliver Corporation - Indianapolis and South Bend.
(2.) McCormick-Deering - Althaus Brothers - LaRose, ILL. - "Good equipment makes a good farmer better".
(3.) McCormick-Deering - H. M. Dee Implement - Phone 89 - Worthington, Minn. - "Good equipment makes a good farmer better".
(4.) International and IH logo - A. C. Varland - Morris, Illinois.
(5.) Your International Dealer - Smith Sales & Service - Lawrenceville, Illinois
(6.) McCormick-Deering - E. M. DeBolt - Pontiac, ILL. - "Good equipment makes a good farmer better".
(7.) IHC of America - Chicago USA / McCormick-Deering Farm Machines / Power farming Equipment. Square combination walking g stick and ruler.
(8.) IHC of America with IHC logo - - Walking stick only, no ruler markings.
Choice Box 040: Lot of six Advertising Rulers - Five IHC and One Tom Thumb
(1.) Fuel Stick Measuring Stick For Any McCormick-Tractor / Callahan & Kanne - Rensselaer, Indiana - - 24" wooden gas gauge stick. Marked for: 10-20. W-30. W-40. WD-40, T-20.T-35. T-40, TD-40. O-6. Farmall 12 and 20 tractors. Good++.
(2.) "Tom Thumb - The Little Brand with the Big Value" - - 12" wooden ruler advertising paints, varnishes, soaps, auto aids, etc. Excellent
(3.) Frankfort Implement & Truck sales - Bill & Abe - Frankfort, Ind. with IH and International logos - - 12" metal ruler.
(4.) Heavy Duty International Trucks - To Save you Money - W. J. Ruebensam - Phone 27F22 - Papineau, Ill. - - 12" metal ruler/
(5.) International Harvester Credit Union - - 12" metal ruler.
(6.) Heavy Duty International Trucks - - 12" metal ruler like No. 4 above but from W. D. Orr - Gilman, ILL - Phone 80 - . Not in photo.
Choice Box 041: Lot of Six IHC Gauges
(1.) "For Better Service Use Genuine Parts (IHC No. 469975-R3 - - 7.25" mower wrench and gauge.
(2.) For Better Service Use Genuine Parts (IHC No. 458778-R1 - - 7.25" mower cutter bar gauge.
(3.) For Better Service Use Genuine Parts (IHC No. 469975-R2 - - 7.75" mower wrench and gauge.
(4.) "566375-R1 Cylinder Sheave - No. 76 H. T." with IH logo - - 5.5" thresher sheave gauge.
(5.) "562304-R! No. 140 and 141 Harvester Thresher Driver and Cylinder Sheave> - - 6.25" sheave gauge.
(6.) "Cyclo Planter Seed Drums Kind 097 Drum Ordering Code (IHC No. 113274-C! - - 6.25" red plastic. Crack and a mall piece missing from edge (not in photo)
Choice Box 042: Lot of Twelve Advertising Pencils and Pens - Five IHC Pencils, two IHC bullet pencils, two IH ballpoints, one Dodge Bros pencil, one Case 400 Tractor pencil and one Milwaukee Road Railroad pencil.
PiCs Choice Lots 40 thru 42
Choice Box 043: Lot of Six IHC G3170 Variations - Group One
(1.) Type 2
(2.) Type 1
(3.) Type 3
(4.) Type 4
(5.) Type 5
(6.) Type 6
Choice Box 044: Lot of Six IHC G3170 Variations - Group Two.
(1.) Type 7
(2.) Type 8
(3.) Type 9
(4.) Type 10
(5.) Type 11 - - 9/16" variant.
(6.) Type 11.- 5/8" variant.- Pitting.
Choice Box 045: Lot of Six IHC G3170 Variations - Group Three.
(1.) Type 12
(2.) Type 13
(3.) Type 17
(4.) Type 19
(5.) Type 20
(6.) Type 22
Choice Box 046: Lot of Six IHC G3170 Variations - Group Four
(1.) Type 23
(2.) Type 24
(3.) Type 25
(4.) Type 30
(5.) Type 37
(6.) Type 35
Choice Box 047: Lot of Six IHC G3170 Variations - Group Five
(1.) Type 31
(2.) Type 39
(3.) Type 40 - - Pitting
(4.) Type 41
(5.) Type 47 - - Owner's ID ground marks on back side
(6.) Type 46 - - Pitting.
Choice Box 048: Lot of Six IHC G3170 Variations - Group Six
(1.) Type 49
(2.) Type 54 - - Pitting.
(3.) Type 68
(4.) Type 64
(5.) Type 63
(6.) Type 18
Choice Box 049: Lot of Five IHC Combine Cylinder Wrenches and a Gang Bolt Wrench
(1.) MB-82364 - - 30.5" combine cylinder wrench.
(2.) MC-75811 with IH logo - - 30.5" combine cylinder wrench, cast one piece variation.
(3.) 486131-R12 (weak markings) - - 30.5" combine cylinder wrench.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. 590215-R1) - - 24.25 gang bolt wrench
(5.) Unmarked (IHC No. 160056-C91) - - 30" combine cylinder wrench.
Choice Box 050: Lot of Five IHC Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked (IHC No. 481544-R91) - - 33" knife bolt wrench. Original paint.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC 121279C1) - - 21.5" disk harrow wrench. Original paint.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. 517481-R91) - - 14" 15" L-socket wrench.
(4.) 66335-D with IHC logo - - 23" offset double socket wrench. Painted.
(5.) Unmarked (IHC No. ???) - - 27" lug wrench with tire tool end. Painted.
Choice Box 051: Lot of Four IHC Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked (IHC No. 30011DA ) - - 45" single ended socket draw bar wrench.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. 30011DA ) - - 45" single ended socket draw bar wrench.
(3.) Unmarked (385718-R2) - - 47.5" extension.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. 30011D) - - 49.5" starting crank and square socket for Farmall F-12 tractors.
Choice Box 052: Lot of Five IHC Wrenches
(1.) PO-13596 with IHC logo - - 23" . Pitted.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. 514585-R91 - - 25" gang wrench for harrow plow.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. 610080-R11 - - 31.25" cylinder wrench.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. M75811 - - 24" combine cylinder wrench. Welded head variant.
(5.) Unmarked (IHC No. M82366 - - 24" combine cylinder wrench. Grind marks, repaired?
Choice Box 053:
(1.) M2192 - X (with (IHC logo) - - 9" heavy cast knife section and ledger plate riveting block.
(2.) CPCL27 (Chattanooga - IHC) - - 7" cast clevis.
(3.) 2052V (with IHC logo) - - 6" wheel puller complete.
(4.) 2052V (with IHC logo) - - 6" wheel puller complete. Missing bolts and nuts.
(5.) X - M2055 (with IHC logo) - - 6". Sickle riveting tool.
(6.) MB2055 with IHC logo) - - 6.25" IHC sickle guard riveting tool.
Choice Box 054: Lot of Five IHC Wrenches
(1.) PO-13596 with IH logo - - 22.5"
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. 365331-R1) - - 20.5" wheel wrench for 330 series tractors.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. 514585-R91) - - 24.75" gang wrench for harrow plow.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. 366106-R!) - - 20.5" wheel wrench for 340 series tractors.
(5.) Unmarked (IHC No. 365331-R1?) - - 20.5"
Choice Box 055: Lot of Four IHC Wrenches
(1.) 514585-R91 - - 25.5" gang wrench for harrow plow.
(2.) MA-75811 - - 24" cylinder wrench for No. 62 combine.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. 366106-R!) - - 20.5" wheel wrench for 340 series tractors.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. 184730-C1 - - 22.75" combine cylinder wrench.
Choice Box 056: Lot of Five IHC Threshing Machine Cylinder Wrenches
(1.) 95N with IHC logo - - 23.5" cylinder tooth wrench and straightener. Painted. (R1-252 and 254)
(2.) Unmarked (IHC 11564NA) - - 24.5" cylinder tooth wrench. Painted.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. 11564NA) - - 24.5" cylinder spike wrench. Good++..
(4.) 11564N - - 26" cylinder tooth wrench with loop end. Painted.
(5.) M451D with IHC logo - - 18.5" cylinder wrench and straightener.
Choice Box 057: Lot of Six IHC Oil Can Holders and a Tool Box
(1.) A217 (McCormick - IHC) - - 5" cast oil can holder. Pitting, painted.
(2.) 229 (P&O Riding Cultivator, later IHC) - - 9.75" cast tool box and oil can holder, marked on side inside holder part variation. Good++.
(3.) Unmarked ( No. B33 - Osborne - IHC) - - 3.25" cast oil can holder. Painted.
(4.) Unmarked (No. 248 - Deering - IHC) - - 3" tin oil can holder, three prong variation. Painted.
(5.) Unmarked (No. 3210 - P&O - later IHC) - - 3.25" cast oil can holder. Painted.
(6.) Unmarked (No. H599 - McCormick - IHC ) - - 3.5" cast oil can holder. Good+.
Choice Box 058: Lot of Seven Farm Wenches
(1.) No. 276 with Mossberg logos (Waterloo Boy / Deere K2064) - - 9" Fair. (D391)
(2.) 509 (Osborne, later IHC, later E&B) - - 7.5". Good++..
(3.) No. 264 with Mossberg logos (Waterloo Boy No. K2057) - - 7.75". Some pitting. (D389)
(4.) <M-H> Z435 - - 7.75" flat steel. (R1-312)
(5.) ROCK ISLAND / R1123 - - 7.75". Slight twist. (R1-400)
(6.) X (Oliver and Ohio Rake) - - 8". Good++. (R1-361).
(7.) Unmarked (orphan) - - 6.5". Good++.
Choice Box 059: Lot of Seven Farm Wenches
(1.) 832A (David Bradley) - - 13" Spanner wrench with three open ends. Pitted. (R1-126)
(2.) A (Janesville Machine Co., Later Samson Tractor Co.) - - 12.5"
(3.) G1 (IHC, Oliver) - - 12.5" Good++
(4.) A523 / DEERE MANSUR CO. - - 6". Excellent. (D177)
(5.) F2-0005 (Oliver and Nichols & Sheppard) - - 8.75" tee socket wrench used on Hart-Carter threshing machine attachments, same as John Deere No. 31. Good++ (R2-217)
(6.) P1599 - IHC logo / B - - 12". Logo raised, number indented. Original paint?
(7.) Can't read markings (looks like Dempster C146 wretch) - - 9". Pitted. (see R1-143)
Choice Box 060: Lot of Seven Farm Wenches
(1.) K29 (La Crosse Plow Co. - La Crosse, Wisconsin) / (ruler markings) - - 14.25" Number only variant. Pitted. (R1-289)
(2.) 183 (Oliver) - - 12.75" With hammer variant. Good+ (R2-224)
(3.) INDEPENDENT SP115 (Plano, Illinois) - - 7.25". Jaw crack. (R1-247)
(4.) FORDSON 2197 M1o - - 10.75" Hub wrench Good++ (R1-180)
(5.) Unmarked (owner identified as Minneapolis-Moline?) - - 10.5" flat steel. Excellent with some original paint.
(6.) 10 (orphan) - - 6.25". Good+.
(7.) F239 (Oliver / IHC Canada) - - 9.5". Good+..
Choice Box 061: Lot of Five Assorted Wrenches.
(1.) Unmarked - - 7.5". Turn handle to adjust, similar to Boos
(2.) APPLETON FITTINGS UTILITY TOOL NO. 2000 - - 8" multi-conduct tool.
(3.) P. P. Co. / 100 (Pattee Plow Co - Monmouth, Illinois) - - 7.75".
(4.) THE DELAVAL SEPARATOR CO NEW YORK USA / 490 - - 7.25". Pitted.
(5.) KNIGHT - PAT. NOV. 15, 1910 - - 6.25" slip joint pliers combination tool: Prest-O-Lite wrench, screwdriver, cotter key puller, etc. Pat. by Frank Knight of New Haven, Conn. Pitted,
Choice Box 062: Lot of Six Assorted Wrenches.
(1.) MUSSELMAN UNIVERSAL BICYCLE WRENCH - USA - - 6" flat steel with six different wrenches including a spanner. (S1064
(2.) BONNEY VIXEN - ALLENTOWN PA / (Bonney's "B" in shield logo) - - 5" small double ended alligator wrench. Good++.
(3.) THE BAY STATE / PAT APL;D FOR - - 6" double ended ratchet wrench. Patented by Peter Lord of Worcester, Mass on Jan 15, 1901 and manufactured by the Bay State Tool Co. of Boston, Mass. and later (after 1906) by the Tudor Mfg. Co. of Boston, Mass. (S164)
(4.) H260 (Stoddard) - - 7" Good++ (R2-270)
(5.) Whitman & Barnes - - 6" 6" wood handled monkey wrench. Good+.
(6.) THE ELGIN - PAT JUNE 8, 97 - EXTRA JAW 25¢ with a star logo marked ELGIN GENIUNE IMPROVED - TRADEMARK REGISTRED JUNE 8, 1897 - JUNE 9, 1906 - MAY 20, 1916 - - 7" adjustable alligator wrench, die holder type but without the holder.
Choice Box 063: Lot of Six Assorted Wrenches.
(1.) BEMIS & CALL - 15 INCH - NO. 90 / BILLINGS MADE IN USA - - 15.5" all metal monkey wrench with threaded shaft and hex adjusting nut. Good.
(2.) W402 (Case T. M. Co., Emerson) - - 17". Good+ (few edge dings) (R1-163)
(3.) Unmarked (Deere D1083R) - - 13". Good++. (D293)
(4.) Unmarked (John Deere Model B tractor wrench B596R) - - 12". Good+. (D258)
(5.) Unmarked (IHC No. GA246) - - 9.5" piston socket wrench. Not marked variation. Good.. (R1-253)
(6.) THE GEM - - 11" all metal double jaw automotive type adjustable wrench with nut and alligator type pipe wrench jaws and a tire tool end. Light to medium pitting. (S58)
Choice Box 064: Lot of Six Assorted Wrenches.
(1.) BLEDSOE - TRADEMARK (logo) MINNEAPOLIS / PAT. PENDING - - 10.5" plier wrench with coarse notched jaws. Pat.5-22-917 by Yancy Bledsoe, Bonham, TX. Good+ (S257)
(2.) PETERSEN TOOL CO. (El Dorado , KS) / PAT. PEND. - - 9.75"Excellent.
(3.) CHATTANOOGA - 5 (later IHC) - - 9.5". Pitting. (R1-98)
(4.) KELVINATOR - 1704 / LEONARD - - 6" refrigeration ratchet
(5.) A571 (Champion Mower & Reaper Co. - later IHC, later B. F. Avery) - - 10". Pitted but scarce. (R1-96)
(6.) 295 (P & O / IHC) - - 9.25". Five open ends, offset on small end variation. Some pitting. (R1-371)
Choice Box 065: Lot of Seven Assorted Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked - - 15" Coes type monkey wrench. Fair.
(2.) THE H. D. SMITH & CO. - ORIGINAL PERFECT HANDLE TOOLS - PLANTSVILLE, CONN. USA - - 12" monkey wrench. Jaws sprung, dings.
(3.) TRIMO SIZE 12" / TRIMONT MFG. CO - ROXBURY, MASS - -12" size wood knife handled with the washer type nut guard. Good++.
(4.) THE H. D. SMITH & CO.- MADE IN PLANTSVILLE, CONN - 10 IN / PERFECT HANDLE PATENTED - - 10" screw adjust pipe wrench with wood knife type handle. Good.
(5.) PAT SEPT 97 - 26 - - - 6.75" smaller size Vandegrift patent screw adjust nut wrench, all metal type. Pitting on back side.
(6.) WORCESTER / WORCESTER (Richardson Mfg. Co. - Worcester, Mass.)- - 10". Pitting. (R1-498)
(7.) V & B (Vaughan & Bushnell Mfg. Co. - Chicago, ILL) - - 9" extra wide double ended alligator wrench.
Choice Box 066: Lot of Seven Mixed Wrenches
(1.) C (Janesville Machine Co. / Samson Tractor Co.) - - 7" Good+ (R2-256)
(2.) P. P. Co. / 100 (Pattee Plow Co - Monmouth, Illinois) - - 7.5". Painted.
(3.) R121 - - 8.75" Same shape as Iron Age cutout wrench. Pain ted.
(4.) FYLTON - 25/32 - 7/8 - - 10" forged doe-s wrench. Good++.
(5.) CORNWELL 1/2 SAE - - 13" soe. End broken off.
(6.) <M-H> SPARK PLUG WRENCH 202783M1 / MADE IN CANADA - - 10.25". Good+. (R1-312)
(7.) Unmarked - - 10.5". Looks like Wilkinson Plow Co Wrench. Severe pitting. (R1-489)
Choice Box 067: Lot of Eight Mixed Wrenches
(1.) <M-H> - - 9" doe flat steel. Painted.
(2.) G70 (Madison Plow Co. later Fuller & Johnson) - - 7.25".; Good+.
(3.) 31 (Deere, Hart-Carter, Nichols & Shepard and Oliver) - - 8.5" tee socket wrench. Numbered on right variation. Good+. (D5)
(4.) CHAMPION TOOL CO. / MEADVILLE, PA - NO. 17 - - 7,5" hammer combination farrier's tool. Good+.
(5.) MADE IN WESTERN GERMANY - - 6" all metal Stillson type pipe wrench. Good++.
(6.) Unmarked (orphan) - - 10" double hook type spanner. Good++. (no info found)
(7.) 2420A (David Bradley?) - - 9.25". Good++.
(8.) <M-H> SPARK PLUG WRENCH 202783M1 / MADE IN CANADA - - 10.25". Pitted.. (R1-312)
Choice Box 068: Lot of Eight Mixed Wrenches
(1.) DUNLAP - 3/4 - 5/8 - - 7.25" doe. Good++.
(2.) 4727 - BLACKHAWK - ASRMSTRONG - HEXITE / 5/8 - 9.16 - - 7: doe. Excellent.
(3.) BAILOR PLOW CO / ATCHISON KAN. C49 - - 9.5". Pitting, small drilled hole.
(4.) 180089 M1 (MHF) (Massey-Harris-Ferguson)/ 1/2 - 9/16 - - 5.25". doe. Excellent. (not in Rathbone)
(5.) 727 with McKAIG-Hatch logo - - 5.75" doe.
(6.) BONNEY / ZENEL - 3725R / 1/2 - 9/16 - - 5.5".
(7.) KEN-TOOL - AKRON, O. / TX9 - - 5" Budd nut wrench for truck wheels.
(8.) KEN-TOOL - 9 / TX - 1230612 - - 5" for Budd truck wheels.
Choice Box 069: Lot of Six IHC Cranks or Crank-Wrenches
(1.) G6515 (IHC) - - 8" crank for IHC 1HP gas engines. Light pitting.
(2.) 9802DA with IHC logo - - 10" crank, four prong with indented number and logo variant. Painted.
(3.) VB624 - IHC logo - - 10.75" binder crank and wrench. Rod type handle Number indented, logo raised variant. Pitted.
(4.) V624 - IHC logo - - 10" binder crank and wrench. Rod with logo, all markings raised. Painted.
(5.) V624 (IHC) - - 10" binder crank and wrench. Cast handle, number raised, no logo variation. Excellent, painted.
(6.) 344S - IHC logo - - 12" IHC manure spreader apron crank. Excellent, painted.
Choice Box 070: Lot of Five IHC Crank-Wrenches
(1.) C522 / IHC logo (Osborne - IHC - - 15" wrench and crank. All markings raised variation. Painted.
(2.) 9802DA with IHC logo / D - - 8" crank, two prong with number and logo variant. Painted.
(3.) E.435 / C - - 12.25" Deering Binder crank. Excellent.
(4.) H387 (IHC) - - 17" crank type square socket wrench. Good++.
(5.) H872 with IHC logo - - 17.5" Deering Binder crank-wrench. Painted. (R1-253)
Choice Box 071: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) U51 (IHC) - - 8.25" Number raised, no logo variation. Good++.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. 2588T) - - 8.75" screwdriver. Good+. (R1-253)
(3.) WESTCOTT - KEYSTONE MFG. CO. / AUTO 8 INCH (IHC No, 8371H) - - 8' curved handle Crescent type adjustable wrench. Open handle variation. Good.
(4.) B & C / 6 IN (IHC No. ???) - - 6" curved handle Crescent type adjustable wrench. Open handle variation. God+, not cleaned.
(5.) P. S. & W. CO. - FORGED STEEL (IHC No. ???) - - 10.25" gas pipe pliers. Good+>
(6.) Unmarked (IHC No. 1327E) - - 6.5" slip joint pliers with screwdriver end. Good++.
(7.) Unmarked (IHC No. 136386H) - - 3" pressed steel military sparkplug socket. Good++.
Choice Box 072: Lot of Six IHC Wrenches
(1.) K439 / IHC logo (IHC, earlier Osborne, later Emerson, Case T.M.) - - 7" pitman wrench Good+.
(2.) DEERING (in a recessed panel) - L / (no markings on reverse side) - - 7.5" Deering style. Repaired jaw, painted.
(3.) F239 - H (Oliver / IHC Canada) - - 9.5". No logo. Good+.
(4.) Unmarked SA2127 (IHC) - - 8.75". Painted.
(5.) P28-1/2 / D and IHC logo (Plano, later IHC) - - 6.5" doe-s wrench All makings but IHC logo indented, IHC logo is raised, Good++.
(6.) Unmarked (IHC 529959R1) - - 7.25". Gil also marked this wrench "539409R1 Strip". Excellent.
Choice Box 073: Lot of Six IHC Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked (IHC SA2128) - - 11" stamped steel. Good+.
(2.) UA51 - IHC logo / CANADA - - 8.75". Stepped jaw, all markings indented variation.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC & Oliver No. RP5414) - - 9" Painted.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC & Oliver No. RP5416) - - 12.5" Painted.
(5.) Unmarked SA2127 (IHC) - - 8.75". Painted.
(6.) P & O - CANTON, ILL. (IHC No. S4899) - - 15.5". Scarce doe flat steel. Pitted.
Choice Box 074: Lot of Six IHC Wrenches
(1.) 363021R1 with IH logo - 1-5/16 - 1-1/8 - - 18" double 12 point box end. Painted.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. 23966D) - - 21" by 1-3/8" hex socket. Good++ with traces of the original painted part number.
(3.) 3274A with IHC Logo - - 15" socket wrench with sliding handle. Painted. (R1-251)
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. 52393VA) - - 15" rim nut socket wrench. Good++.
(5.) 350370R1 - 1 - 1-1/4 (IHC) - - 14" double box end. (no logo variation) Painted.
(6.) BEMIS & CALL / BILLINGS (IHC No. not known) - - 12.5" all metal center screw adjust monkey wrench. Excellent.
Choice Box 075: Lot of Six IHC Wrenches
(1.) I. H C. G3526 - - 11.5". All marking raised. NOTE: I. H. C. not I. H. C. CO. as listed in Irp's IHC List. Some Pitting.
(2.) P & O CO - 4130 / CANTON ILL (Parlin & Orendorff Co. - Canton, ILL. / IHC) - - 8.75". Painted. (R1-370)
(3.) 950 (McCormick / IHC) - - 9.75" doe. Some pitting.
(4.) Z276 / Z786 - Z788 (IHC logo) (IHC part M446) - - 8.25" malleable adjustable nut wrench (hex nut variation). (R1-256)
(5.) Unmarked (IHC No. ???) - - 8.5" hex socket. Wrench marked on small end.
(6.) 295 (P & O IHC) - - 8". Four open ends with straight shaft variation. Painted, light pitting.
Choice Box 076: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked RP5413 (Oliver / IHC Canada) - - 7.75" stamped steel (R1-361)
(2.) Can't read number - IHC logo (look like IHC No. 9118 or 8118) - - 7" by 7.5" tee handled socket wrench. Unlisted variation: Indented number on socket and raised number on shaft ribs, IHC logo indented on socket and tee webbing. Painted..
(3.) S110 - IHC logo - - 4.5" by 6,25: tee handled socket wrench. Painted.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. ???) - - 5.75" hex socket. Good++.
(5.) 1326E -IHC logo - - 7" doe (3/4" by 7/8") Poor, sand blasted, pitted, drilled hang hole.
(6.) G3174 - IHC logo - - 6.5 hook spanner wrench used on early IHC Titan Tractors and IHC Gas Engines. All marking raised. Poor, sand blasted, pitting.
(7.) R319R IHC logo / CANADA - - 7.75". All markings indented. Painted.
Choice Box 077: Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) CHATTANOOGA CP4003 / (IHC logo) - - 8.5" with hammer head. All markings indented. Pitting, painted. (R1-98)
(2.) P890 / IHC logo - - 7.25". all markings raised. Painted. (R1-254)
(3.) 271NL / (IHC logo) - - 6" x 6.5". Tee socket wrench. Painted.
(4.) 12737D (IHC logo) - - 5.5" magneto wrench. All markings embossed. Painted.
(5.) Unmarked (IHC No. 67479C1) - - 10.5" single socket with offset handle. Good++.
(6.) 45662DA - - 12" offset double hex socket. No IH logo variant. Painted.
(7.) P1183 (IHC logo) (IHC, earlier Osborne) - - 7.5". Painted.
Choice Box 078: lot of Six IHC Wrenches
(1.) 10954CX (IHC) - - 6.75" cream separator spanner wrench. Excellent.
(2.) P & O CO / P & O CO (P & O - IHC) - - 9" flat steel. Pitting.
(3.) Unmarked (Oliver - IHC of Canada No. RP5415) - - 10.5" flat steel. Painted.
(4.) 4725D (IHC) - - 10" rare marked variation. Painted.
(5.) 7-IN-AUTO / Vlchek logo (IHC No. ???) - 7" auto type adjustable wrench. Good+, minor jaw dings.
(6.) AP331 - IHC logo - 10" auto type Australian IHC wrench. Not marked "British Made" like listed in Irps' IHC Tool List. Good++.
Choice Box 079: Lot of Six Assorted Tools: Wrenches, Fencing Pliers, Etc.
(1.) Unmarked - - 13.75" turn handle to adjust pipe wrench. Similar to Ever Grip wrench. Back of lower jaw has a crack, light pitting. (see S626)
(2.) BEMIS & CALL H & - SPRINGFIELD, MASS USA / PAT DEC 2, 1873 - - 12.5" wood handled comb. nut and pipe wrench with four ring, long adjusting sleeve. Jaw chip. (similar to S837)
(3.) ERIE TOOL WORKS - ERIE, PA USA / AUTO NO. 10 - - 11" Self adjust pipe wrench. Jaw chip, not cleaned. (S337)
(4.) Unmarked - - 10" Cronk style pliers. Edge chip.
(5.) THE BUFFALO - OSMUNDSON MFG. CO. - PAT APD FOR - PERRY, IOWA - - 10" combination fencing pliers. Patented by Gilbert M Mason of Perry, Iowa on June 9, 1908. Major dings, markings hard to read. (Smith 66)
(6.) Unmarked - - 8" gas pipe looking pliers with a wire cutter. Pitting.
Choice Box 080: Lot of Eight IHC Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked (IHC No. F153) - - 8,75". Pitted.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. 67479C1) - - 10.5" single hex socket with double offset handle. Excellent.
(3.) Marked 25462DA / JRX - - 10" single hex socket. Track tractor wrench. Excellent.
(4.) R28 (Champion, later IHC, later B. F. Avery) - - 8.75" no hang hole, no IHC logo, numbers indented variation. Pitting.
(5.) R28 (indented) with B. F. Avery cross logo (raised) (Champion, later IHC, later B. F. Avery) - - 8.75" with hang hole variation. Good+.
(6.) BLACKHAWK 4320 (IHC No. ???) - - 9.5" socket wrench. Good.
(7.) ENGINAIR TIRE PUMP, Etc (IHC NO. 365997R91 for complete pump) - - 3.5" flat steel wrench that came with the ENGINAIR Tire Pump Kit for using a tractor for an air compressor. Some surface rust.
(8.) Unmarked (IHC No. ???) - - 7" flat steel. Painted.
Choice Box 081: Lot of Five IHC Wrenches
(1.) 3274A - IHC Logo / CANADA - - 15" socket wrench with sliding handle. Painted. (R1-251)
(2.) P167 (Osborne - later IHC) - - 9.5" x 11.5". Tee socket wrench. Painted.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. 373943R!) - - 15" wrench extension handle. Painted.
(4.) 9534DA (IHC) - - 18" soe (2-13/16:) large, heavy wrench. Painted.
(5.) 9533DA - IH logo - - 18" large, heavy soe (2-5/8") wrench. 5/16" letters variation. Painted yellow. (R1-252)
Choice Box 082: Lot of Eight IHC Wrenches and Tools
(1.) 83866 with IHC logo (factory error for G3866) - - 14.5" doe-s wrench. Good++.
(2.) 196225C1 - - 7.5" combine gauge. Excellent, painted.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. 196225C1) - - 5" tee shaped gauge. Excellent, painted.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. ST53 - - 8.5" flat steel. Painted.
(5.) 131L - IHC logo - - 7.5" x 13.75. Tee socket wrench. Painted
(6.) Unmarked (IHC No. ST532- - 7" flat steel. Painted.
(7.) OSBORNE (later IHC) / P167 - - 9.5" x 11.5". Tee socket wrench. Painted.
(8.) S452 - IHC logo and a large cutout star - - 7.75" cast pedal? Good++, painted.
Choice Box 083: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked (Weber Wagon Wrench & IHC No. 8077W) - - 9.75". Wagon pin and wrench with 2-1/2" jaw opening. Painted.
(2.) DEERING (large letters) / DEERING (large Letters) - - 7.5" Deering style. Repaired jaw, painted.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. 2587J) - - 8.25" gas pliers. Some minor dings.
(4.) R197 (McCormick- / IHC) - - 8" with 13/16" by 1" openings. Pitting.
(5.) R28 (Champion, later IHC, later B. F. Avery) - - 8.75" no hang hole, no IHC logo, numbers indented variation. Good+..
(6.) Unmarked (IHC No.?) - - 8.75" flat steel doe. Painted
(7.) Unmarked (IHC No. H3769M) - - 16". Mo markings, 7/8" opening variation. Good+..
Choice Box 084: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) Marked SA2127 (IHC) - - 8.75" flat steel. Good++.
(2.) HE911 - IHC logo / CANADA - - 7". Deering style. Logo raised, rest of the markings indented. Excellent.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. ST53) - - 8.5"" flat steel. Painted.
(4.) 4725D (IHC) - - 9.5". rare marked variation. Painted.
(5.) 256 (Hoosier Drill Co., Richmond, Indiana Later American Seeding Machine Co. and IHC) - - 8" with raised numbers.
(6.) Unmarked (IHC No. ST54) - - 11" flat steel. Painted.
(7.) R172 (IHC) - - 6.5" with hammer. Number raised, no IHC logo variant. Good++, painted.
Choice Box 085: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) 1E - 2E (IHC part No, 4E) - - 9.75" open handle variation. Patted.
(2.) 1691T / CANADA -IHC logo - - 8" double socket. Listed for McCormick-Deering Threshers. All markings indented. Painted. (R1-251)
(3.) 1326E - HC logo) 3/8 - 7/16 - - 7" doe (3/4" by 7/8"). All markings raised.
(4.) 2156 with B. F. Avery cross logo (Champion later IHC later B. F. Avery ) - - 7.5". Painted. (R1-27)
(5.) N236 - IHC logo (Empire Drill / American Seeding Machine Co, later IHC) - - 6.25" double open ends with two sizes on each. With IHC logo variation). Painted. (R1-254
(6.) Unmarked (IHC 10720D) - - 8.75" with center ridge variation. Painted.
(7.) I. H. CO - 12335D / IHC logo - F - - 8" doe. Good++.
Choice Box 086: Lot of Seven IHC Tools
(1.) Unmarked (IHC No. ST54) - - 11" flat steel. Painted.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. not known) - - 9.25" flat steel doe with one square cutout. Painted.
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. SA2128) - - 11" stamped steel. Painted.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. SA2126) - - 7" stamped steel. Painted.
(5.) S110 - IHC logo - - 4.25" by 6,25: tee handled socket wrench. Painted.
(6.) Unmarked? (IHC No. K234 -D. M. Osborne & Co, Auburn, NY later IHC) - - 3.5" by 5"tee handled socket wrench. Panted.
(7.) Unmarked (IHC No. 91C) - - 4.75"tee handled cream separator screwdriver. Good++.
Choice Box 087: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches, Etc.
(1.) 37 / Vlchek logo (????) - - 11.5" doe forged wrench.
(2.) Z276 / Z786 - Z788 (IHC logo) (IHC part M446) - - 8.5" malleable adjustable nut wrench (fluted nut variation). (R1-256)
(3.) Unmarked (IHC No. not known) - - 7" auto type wrench. Good+.
(4.) Unmarked (IHC No. not known) - -5.5" thread pin and wrench. Good++.
(5.) 1907N / WP - IHC logo - - 4.25" threshing machine cylinder tooth. Excellent.
(6.) Marked only 4 - - 5" gas cock wrench.
(7.) Unmarked (IHC No. 455925R1) - - 4" clevis.
Choice Box 088: Lot of Six IHC Wrenches
(1.) H523 (McCormick, later IHC) - - 9" four opening straight variant. Pitting, painted.
(2.) Unmarked (IHC No. 2135) - - 4" flat steel double open ended wrench. Good++.
(3.) 9118 with IHC logo - - 7" by 7.5" tee handled socket wrench. Good++.
(4.) F354 C / IHC logo - - 7.75 ". Two square holes, all markings indented, logo on back variant. Painted.
(5.) D420 - D. M. O & CO. (D. M. Osborne & Co. - Auburn, NY, later IHC) - - 5". Good with weak markings as usual. (R1-363)
(6.) Unmarked (IHC No. not known?) - - 5/8" by 20" round rod. Could be handle for one of the larger IHC sockets.
Choice Box 089: Lot of Six IHC Wrenches
(1.) PG58 (Milwaukee, later IHC) - - 4.75" doe with bar variation. Very wreak markings as usual..
(2.) 2766 (Orphan?) - - 5.75" by 8,5" tee socket wrench. Weld repair.
(3.) Marked only 11 (David Bradley?) - - 8" all metal cast Vandegrift wedge adjust alligator wrench patented 1-6-1891. Bradley parts lists show this wrench in 10: size as "473A - old #11). Pitting, broken spring.
(4.) 13 - IHC logo - - 8". Some pitting, painted.
(5.) 26494D (IHC logo) - 8" flat steel soe McCormick-Deering Farmall Tractor sparkplug wrench. Good++, painted.
(6.) I. H. CO - 12335D / IHC logo - F 2 - - 8" doe. Good++.
Choice Box 090: Lot of Seven Adjustable Wrenches
(1.) "ACME" MADE IN USA - - 9" twist handle monkey wrench with screw adjuster on top side.
(2.) Weak markings - - 7.75" Whitman & Barnes Hercules loop handle monkey wrench. Pitting.
(3.) Unmarked - - 7.75" Acme twist handle type monkey wrench.
(4.) Weak markings - - 5.75" Whitman & Barnes Hercules loop handle monkey wrench with bow tie bracket
(5.) J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. - BROOKLYN-BUFFALO, U.S.A - SPECIAL FINISH / NO. 474 ADJUSTABLE SPANNER - PAT'D USA AUG, 11, 1914 - - 10", Pat issued to Clifford A. Martin of New York, NY. Owner ID as Caterpillar (see R1-86). Weak markings, handle slightly bent.
(6.) Unmarked - - 5.75" lighter and simpler version of the Acme twist handled wrench like Frederick Seymour's Feb. 27, 1883 patent. Pitted. (S364).
(7.) STANDARD (in script) - - 9.5" wedge adjust nut wrench. Good++.
Choice Box 091: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) 373942R1- IH logo - 1-1/8" - - 9" single12 point box end. Excellent, painted.
(2.) 1 07 6 - 5/8 FORD SELECT STEEL - 5/9 - - 7" oe by box end. Wrench was with Gil's IHC wrenches but I can't find it on the IHC Tool List. Excellent, plated finish.
(3.) B573 (American Seeding Machine Co, originally Superior Drill Co. - Springfield, Ohio - also on IHC Tool List) - - 8.5". Some pitting, painted. (R1-446, R1-16)
(4.) 256 - IHC logo (Hoosier Drill Co., Richmond, Indiana Later American Seeding Machine Co. and IHC) - - 7.75" with raised numbers, indented logo variation. Painted.
(5.) G6334 (IHC) - - 6" double ended piston socket. Listed for IHC Titan and IHC early gas engines. Good++, painted. (R1-253)
(6.) 950C - IHC logo - - 6.25" cream separator wrench, with keyhole variation. Good++.
(7.) 925T - IHC logo - - 9" with IHC logo variation.. Pitting, painted.
Choice Box 092: Lot of Six IHC Wrenches
(1.) F153 (Oliver and Canadian IHC) - - 8.5". Good++, painted. (R1-360)
(2.) CP4003 - IHC logo (Chattanooga / IHC) - - 8.5" with hammer head. Number indented, logo raised. Good++, painted. (R1-98)
(3.) L9 - IHC logo - - 8". Five round holes, logo raised, numbers indented variation. painted.
(4.) 940X (P & O CO / CANTON ILL (IHC) - - 5". Good+, painted. (R1-370)
(5.) 10720D (IHC) - - 8.5". Rare marked variation, no ridge. Good++, painted.
(6.) HE911 - IHC logo - - 7.5" Deering style. . All markings indented. Painted..
Choice Box 093: Lot of Seven IHC Wrenches
(1.) P28 - IHC logo / D - - 8.25". Number indented, logo raised variation. Good. v(R1-254)
(2.) Unmarked (No. 509 -Osborne, later IHC, later E&B) - - 7.75". with 5.8: square opening on large end and cotter key hook on end of small end jaw. Good+.
(3.) T3613 - IHC logo (casting error should be 3613T) - - 6.75" double open end. Good+. (not in Rathbone)
(4.) M231 (McCormick, later IHC) - - 6.5" open back, notched bar variation. Good.
(5.) G3172 - IHC logo - - 6.75". All markings are raised. Good++.
(6.) F8121 - IHC logo - - 7" double square socket wrench, stud at 90° and number and logo indented on large socket end variant. Good++.
(7.) G3866 - IHC logo - - 14.5" double open ended S-wrench variation. Excellent.
Choice Box 094: Lot of Seven Assorted Wrenches
(1.) Acme (inside a Whitman & Barnes logo) - PATENT FEB. 27, 83 - - 15" Acme twist handle adjustable nut wrench. Good+, jaws are sprung..
(2.) marked only MADE IN USA - - 10" Acme type twist handle adjustable nut wrench. Pitted,
(3.) PAT SEPT. 7, 97 - - 5.75" malleable screw adjust nut wrench with cutout slots in body. Mfg. by the Monte Wrench Co. of Shelbyville, Indiana and advertised as the "Monte Pocket Screw Wrench". Good++. (S369, C223)
(4.) MADE IN USA - 11 AUTO - - 11" auto type adjustable nut wrench. Good.
(5.) KEN TOOL - C17 - - 8" eight-way universal drain plug wrench. Excellent.
(6.) Unmarked - -5,25" bicycle wrench. Pitted.
(7.) Unmarked - -5" bicycle wrench. Not cleaned.
Choice Box 095 : lot of Six Farm Wrenches
(1.) ROCK ISLAND PLOW CO / S234 SULKIES AND GANGS - - 9", Three open ends variant. Broken jaw. (R1-401)
(2.) HH (orphan) - - 9.75". Good+.
(3.) Marked only: "O" (J. D. Tower & Sons - Mendota, Illinois) - - 8" Tee wrench without square opening variant. Some pitting. (R1-457)
(4.) LAX PLOW CO - - 9.5". Markings indented variation. Light pitting. (R1-289)
(5.) BAILOR PLOW CO / ATCHISON KAN. C49 - - 9.5". Severe pitting.
(6.) B.F. AVERY & SONS G177 / LOUISVILLE KY USA - - 10.75" Pitted. (R1-27)
Choice Box 096: Lot of Seven Farm Wrenches
(1.) WR (Ohio Cultivator) - - 8.5". Pitted. (R1-357)
(2.) Unmarked (C11 Dempster Mill Mfg. Co, - Beatrice, Neb) - - 10". Pitted.
(3.) T560 (Kentucky Drill, Hoosier Drill and IHC) - - 5" by 5.5" tee socket wrench with pry bar end. Good+ with some pitting. (R1-239, R1-255)
(4.) CHERRY-BURREL-CORPN. / 1-1/2 INCH - I.A.M.D. (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) - -11". Hammer damage on jaw edge.
(5.) M182 (Litchfield) - - 9". Pitting. (R1-299)
(6.) 3558 (orphan) - - 8" by 11" open end by open end by square socket tee wrench. Over all light pitting..
(7.) L47 (Moline) - - 7.75" Good+, weak markings. (R1-333)
Choice Box 097: Lot of Seven Crescent Brand and Crescent Type Adjustable Wrenches
(1.) 712-S PROTO - LOS ANGLES - - 10".
(2.) 712 - RIDGID / THE RIDGE TOOL CO. - ELYRIA, OHIO = = 12"
Choice Box 098: Lot of Eight Assorted Wrenches
(1.) BLACKHAWK - 49977 / PAT'S. 1927844 - RE19287 - - 10". 1/2" drive ratchet. Patented 9-26-1933 by Edward Pfauser of Milwaukee, Wisc.
(2.) THE MARVEL ADJUSTABLE SOCKET WRENCH - PATENT PENDING / THE MARVEL ACCESSORIES MFG. CO. - CLEVELAND, OHIO - - 9" odd ratchet wrench. Patent was granted to Jacob B. Rosenstein of Cleveland, Ohio on Oct. 03, 1916. Pitting.
(3.) CRAFTSMAN - BE - - 6.5". 1/4" drive reversible ratchet.
(4.) AIRCO / 110378 - - 4.75".
(5.) Unmarked - - "v" handled screwdriver. Shop made?
(6.) Unmarked - - 6.5" hex box x two square box ends.
(7.) THE BAY STATE / PAT APLD FOR - - 6" ratchet by round opening with slot.
(8.) Unmarked - - 13.5". One inch female drive open gear ratchet.
Choice Box 099: Lot of Five Acme and Hercules Twist and Loop Handle Monkey Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked - - 6" lightweight twist handle adjustable nut wrench. Good++.
(2.) Unmarked - - 6" lightweight twist handle adjustable nut wrench. Area of pitting on one side.
(3.) ACME (inside a Whitman & Barnes logo) - PATENT FEB. 27, 83 - - 5" twist handle adjustable nut wrench. Good+ with edge dings.
(4.) HERCULES (inside a Whitman & Barnes logo) - PATENT FEB. 27, 83 - - 4.25" loop handle adjustable nut wrench. Good+.
(5.) HERCULES (inside a Whitman & Barnes logo) - PATENT FEB. 27, 83 - - 4.25" loop handle adjustable nut wrench. Good++.
Choice Box 100: Lot of Four Farm Wrenches
(1.) L140 (New Idea Spreader Co. - Coldwater, Ohio) - - 8.5"
(2.) PO11 / "A" in a circle logo (McKenzie Mfg. Co. - La Crosse, Wisc for No. 5 Planter - also on IHC wrench list) - - 7.75". Three openings plus slot variation. Good++. (R1-254)
(3.) 383 (orphan) - - 7". Same wrench shape as the Huber 303 wrench.
(4.) PO11 (McKenzie Mfg. Co. - La Crosse, Wisc for No. 5 Planter - also on IHC wrench list) - - 7.75". Three openings plus slot variation. Painted. (R1-254, R2-193)
Choice Box 101: Lot of Four Misc. Wrenches
(2.) BEAR / DWB-1386 - - 13" heavy soe.
(3.) No. 383 with Mossberg logos - 1-7/16 and 1-5/8 - - 15.5".
(4.) DOWIDAT DIN 895 - 50 and 55 / DIN 895 - STANDARWD MATERIAL - - 18" DOE.
Choice Box 102: Lot of Six Farm Wrenches.
(1.) OXO (CUTOUT letters) / L234 (Noxon Brothers of Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada) - - 8" CUTOUT. Same wrench as the Noxon L234 without the two N's. Wrench mounted on the tool box that has the N's. Severely pitted. (R1-256)
(2.) PLANET JR / 2 - - 6.25" with hammer head. Good++.
(3.) P61 (Verity then Massey-Harris) - - 6.25" with sectioned open shaft. Excellent. (R2-283)
(4.) PLANET JR (CUTOUT LETTERS) ./ 2 - - 6.5" with hammer head. Good++.
(5.) PLANET JR (CUTOUT LETTERS) ./ 3 - - 6.5" with hammer head. Good+.
(6.) PLANET JR (CUTOUT LETTERS) ./ 3 - - 6.5" with hammer head. Severely pitted.
Choice Box 103: Lot of Six Farm, Etc. Wrenches
(1.) Unmarked - - 10.5" flat steel doe with one square cutout. Remnants of original paint.
(2.) 760 - I 10.25" soe.
(3.) "AUTOMATIC" / AS4 - - 8.25". Painted.
(4.) LAX PLOW CO (La Crosse Plow Co. - La Crosse, Wisc.) - - 9.25". Markings indented variation. Some pitting. (R1-289)
(5.) 5548T with Case Eagle logo (Case T. M. Co.) - - 7.75". Early Case Threshing Machine wrench. Good. (R1-81)
(6.) Unmarked - - 8.5" flat steel doe with one square cutout. Remnants of original paint.
Choice Box 104: Lot of Six Assorted Wrenches
(1.) TRI CLOVER 25H-2-1/2 / KENOSHA WISCONSIN - - 17.5" Aluminum wrench Pitted, painted.
(2.) ?? - USA - - 21" large double box end wrench. Can't read numbers, pitted, painted.
(3.) COMBINATION LOCKNUT WRENCH - MALLEABLE IRON / CHICAGO SPECIALTY MFG. CO. - 3006 - - 15" cast spud wrench. Excellent.
(4.) NYE / P935 - - 11.5" cast spud wrench.
(5.) AMERICAN PIPE TOOL CO. - - CHICAGO - - 12" cast spud wrench. Excellent.
(6.) MALLEABLE / R - - 11" cast spud wrench. Good++, rough casting.
Choice Box 105: Lot of Seven Farm Wrenches
(1.) 136 (Deere) - - 10.25". Square hole variant. Severe pitting. (G21, R1-130)
(2.) MADE IN CANAD A - 1-1/4 AND 1-1/8 - - 11" flat steel doe. light pitting.
(3.) Unmarked (probably Allis-CHALMERS No. 206417) - - 6" x 9.5" L-shaped double socket wrench. Excellent. (R1-11)
(4.) BEMENT & SONS / J183 - - 10". Pitting. (R1-49)
(5.) CHERRY-BURRELL-CORPN. / 1-1/2 INCH - I.A.M.D. (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) - -11". Good+. (R1-100)
(6.) N81 (Kingman) - - 10.75". Some pitting. (R1-284)
(7.) AIM CO 38 - - 9" oddball. Good++, poor casting on part number. (R1-2)
Choice Box 106: Lot of Five Construction (or Spud) Alignment Wrenches
(1.) KLEiN TOOLS INC. / 1-7/16 - 3213-H - - 17.25"
(2.) ARMSTRONG / 207A - 1-1/8 - Arm and hammer logo - - 16".
(3.) 907A - William's a "W" in a diamond logo - - 17"
(4.) 907 SPECIQL XT -- 15/16 - - 17".
(5.) VERONA - logo - - 14".
Choice Box 107: Lot of Five Construction (or Spud) Alignment Wrenches
(1.) WILLIAMS - 205 / 1/2 USS BOLT - 7/8 OPG - - 14.25"
(2.) 905 - 7/9 / William's a "W" in a diamond logo
(3.) WILLIAMS - 207 - - 13"
(4.) 903 - William's a "W" in a diamond logo - 11/16 - - 11.5"
(5.) WILLIAMS - 1904A - 3/4 - - 11.5"
Choice Box 108: Lot of Eight - Misc. Clean-Up Lot
(1.) GELLMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY - ROCK ISLAND, ILL. - USA - POLLY (script) / PATENTED APRIL 17, 1923 - 12 IN. NO. 121 - - 12" quick adjust nut wrench, external spring version. Good+. (S522)
(2.) CRESCENMT TOOL CO. / 8-10 CRESCENT - - 10" double ended Crescent adjustable wrench with 8" and 10" heads. Sandblasted, pitted.
(3.) HOE CORP.- POUGHKEEPSIE, NY / PATENTED FEB 21 - 1922 - 8 - - 9" self adjusting nut and pipe wrench with spring loaded jaws. Patented by Frederic Robert of Lynnbrook, Long Island, NY. Good++. (S361)
(4.) Unmarked - - 6.5" ice cream scoop.
(5.) FORDSON - 2 with Moore's "M" in a circle logo - - 6" doe Fordson Tractor tool kit wrench. Excellent.
(6.) Lot of Three: Two tool bits and a spare sliding tee wrench handle.
Choice Box 109: Lot of Six Fordson Tractor Tool Kit Wrenches
(1.) 9N17014 FORD (script inside a oval) USA and ruler markings / 17 (with a "M" in a circle logo - - 10.5". doe wrench and plow gauge. Good++.
(2.) FORDSON - Moore's "M" in a circle logo - - 6" doe Fordson Tractor tool kit wrench. Excellent.
(3.) FORDSON - THE KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY USA - 10 INCH NO 80 - - 10.25" curved handle Crescent type wrench, Fordson Tractor tool box wrench. Sandblasted.
(4.) FORDSON - THE KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY USA - 10 INCH NO 80 - - 10.25" curved handle Crescent type wrench Edge dings.
(5.) FORDSON - THE KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY USA - 10 INCH NO 80 - - 10.25" curved handle Crescent type wrench Minor jaw chip.
(6.) FORDSON - THE KEYSTONE MFG CO / BUFFALO NY USA - 10 INCH NO 80 - - 10.25" curved handle Crescent type wrench Minor pitting, edge damage.
Choice Box 110: Lot of Seven Fordson Tractor Tool Kit Wrenches
(1.) FORDSON - 1 / 2197 - Moore's "M" in a circle logo - - 10.75" Hub wrench Pitted, sandblasted. (R1-180)
(2.) F-2372 (Fordson) - 1 - Moore's in a circle logo - - 11" double hex socket wrench. Excellent
(3.) FORDSON - F-2197 - 3 - - 10.75" hubcap wrench, diamond shaped handle variation. Good++.
(4.) 9N17014 FORD (script inside a oval) USA and ruler markings / 16 (with a "M" in a circle logo - - 10.5". doe wrench and plow gauge. Good++.
(5.) FORDSON - 1 / 2197 - Moore's "M" in a circle logo - - 10.75" Hub wrench Good++ (R1-180)
(6.) FORDSON - Moore's "M" in a circle logo - - 6" doe Fordson Tractor tool kit wrench. Excellent.
(7.) 2366 (Fordson Tractor) - "T" in a triangle in a shield logo - - 10.5" socket lug wrench. Good++. (R1-180)
End of cataloged choice box lots. There may be additional unlisted lots
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Gil Irps
Glenn Ficken
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